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Prompt #1 Describe an example of your leadership experienced in which you have

positively influenced other, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over

In the beginning, I kept my ideas to myself. I was in eighth grade at Tenaya Middle

School. All until one day my friends suggested that I join leadership in high school. Honestly, at

first I was thinking to myself and also out loud, I could never do leadership, it just wasn’t for me.

Eventually, I thought about it and I joined leadership my freshman year. I wasn’t necessarily shy

but I was somewhat awkward and uncomfortable when it came to reacting with other students

and that was my main fear about joining leadership. I knew joining leadership, I would have to

face all my main fears, but I knew that would be good for myself. My first day in leadership, I

fell in love with it, my teacher was Ms. Nordman and she taught me and influenced me to be the

leader I am today. Joining leadership helped me lead others and encourage students to get more

involved with school activities and everything else. In addition, At the end of my freshman year,

I decided to run for sophomore class president. I had to write a speech and prove to everyone that

I would be a good class president. The girl I was a year ago from that day I got up in front of all

of the students and said my speech would not have done it. One year of leadership changed me

and I wasn’t afraid to interact with anyone anymore. I ended up winning and became class

president. Being class president was so much fun, I enjoyed it. I reached out to a lot of students

and got a lot of students involved that year. My junior year, I lead the homecoming class skit and

my class enjoyed it. My senior year I dropped out of leadership for personal reasons but that isn’t

stopping me from staying involved with my school and getting others involved. Without my

friend encouraging me to join leadership and Ms. Nordman, I wouldn't be the young leader I am


Prompt #2 Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you.
My favorite academic subject has always and will always be history. Since I was younger,

history had always got my attention just a little more than any other subject. Growing up, I was

always so interested in knowing about my past. I would ask my mom so many questions about

my family history. I didn’t really understand why I was so in love with knowing what happened

before my time until I started playing this history game on my mothers computer when I was

younger. I would play the game for hours and in that game, I learned all 50 presidents, I learned

the basics about WW1 and WW2, I also learned about Christopher Columbus and many more

things. I didn’t really learn much history in Middle School, so I used to go home and watch

historical movies and documentaries about things I never had the chance to learn at school. I was

so intrigued by history because I strongly believe that our World is history and without it, our

World wouldn’t be what it is now. I love learning about what happened in our world before I was

born. For example, I have always enjoyed going the extra mile to read or watch documentaries or

movies about history subjects I felt like I didn’t learn enough about in class. I enjoy learning

about why the World went to war, kings and queens in Europe, slavery, how America was

created, the list can honestly go on. History influenced me to see the World differently and

helped me notice that it wasn’t easy for people back in the days. History can sometimes repeat

itself so it is good to know what happened back in the days just incase something similar ever

happens again. In the future if I do attend a Historical Black College or University also known as

HBCU like I have been planning on doing, I plan to major in history and become a historian.

Prompt #3 Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity

or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

One significant educational opportunity that I have taken advantage of was retaking Math

3 to be prepared for college. Last year, my junior year, I took Math 3 but I struggled really badly
in the class. I was barely passing the class with a C. I felt like I wasn’t learning the right things in

the class I was in. Also, to top it off, I was not good when it came to taking math test. I was never

getting good grades on my test and I knew I wasn’t going to be prepared for Pre-Cal my senior

year. Taking that math class made me feel like I was dumb, even when I would study I still

wouldn’t get it. I got so fed up because I felt like the math teacher I had wasn’t teaching the

correct way. It was not an easy class to pass. I stopped trying with my assignments, and I would

not study anymore. I'm not really sure why I felt this way about myself only because I had never

received and lower grade than a B all my years of attending school, but I basically just gave up. I

was stressing so much in the class. I ended up finishing the class with a D and I knew that was

not going to be good enough for me to get into a college. I decided to retake Math 3 my senior

year with a different teacher. Since the year started, I feel like I have learned a lot and been on

top of my work. I can finally understand what I am learning. The teacher I have this year seems

to break it down and make it so easy. I take a lot of notes and I do lots of practice problems. I

have overcome this educational barrier by not giving up. I am working really hard in my math

class and I now have an A in the class. A promise that I have made to myself will continue to

work hard and never let myself down ever again.

Prompt #4 What is one thing that you think sets you apart from other candidates applying

to college.

One thing that I think sets me apart from other candidates applying to college is my

desire. My Desire to succeed, my desire to prosper, my desire to work for what I want. I have a

strong desire. Not a lot of students can say that have strong desire. When I have a goal, I will

work until I meet it and I will do whatever it takes to meet it. Growing up I watch my mom,

grandma, uncle and both of my fathers have such strong desires to work hard and get what they
work hard for. Having a strong desire is all I know how to do. A lot of people tend to give up on

something they really want to achieve but I personally just can't do that only because once I am

giving a task to finish, I will continue to do it until it's completed. My biggest desire right now is

to get into a Historical Black College. I will work super hard until I get into one, even if I have to

take a step back and do two years here at the JC, I will do it. I tend to sometimes over work

myself just to reach my goals and sometimes that can end up really bad or sometimes end up

really good. One reason I have such a strong desire is because of my Great-Grandparents that

both passed away in 2015. Growing up with them, they taught me to always challenge myself,

work hard, and never give up. I feel like if I keep this strong desire that I have, I will be doing

something great and making them proud up in heaven. I also have a strong desire to make my

family proud of me. I want to prove to my siblings that even though I am the baby of the family

and I have always been babied growing up, I can be independent and go out to college alone and

still succeed.

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