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Skin Cancer Detection using Multi-spectral Macropathology

Interim Presentation Summary

Skin cancer is incidence rate in Japan is increasing with and in parallel to aging population in Japan. Macropathology
images are underutilized in skin cancer pathology diagnosis. The aim of this study is to investigate whether
reconstructed reflectance and other spectral information from macropathology multi-spectral images (macroMSI)
can assist binary classification of skin tissue malignancy. We captured high resolution macroMSI of 10 skin tissue
specimens before and after formalin fixing, using a 7-channel multi-spectral camera. A pathologist identified and
labelled 115 regions of interest (ROI) on the specimens, 47 of which were labelled as malignant. For verification, we
captured the reflectance of each ROI [380-780nm, step 5nm]. Based on the identified ROI, larger ROIs were
obtained by region growing. We reconstructed spectral reflectance by adaptive Wiener estimation, evaluated by
root-mean-square error (RMSE) and projected the spectra to a lower dimension using Linear Discriminant Analysis
(LDA). We extracted texture using the Rotation Invariant Uniform Local Binary Patterns (RIU-LBP). Extracted
information was input to k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers. We compared
various classification configurations and evaluated performance by average accuracy and area under curve of
stratified 5-fold cross validation. Preliminary results revealed reflectance information can achieve good classification
performance. SVM outperformed kNN classifier, both in terms of accuracy and area under curve. LDA-projected
spectra were a superior input set. MacroMSI facilitate reflectance reconstruction with RMSE 0.0076. We will
further improve reflectance reconstruction and classification against a larger dataset and discuss reasons for
misclassification with a pathologist.

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