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5/13/2019 5 year plan - Google Docs

Five Year Plan

When I was younger, My mom always told me I would make great lawyer.

However, I would always just shrug it off and tell her that I didn’t know what I wanted to

do. As I got older, I would always talk to my dad, who was a paralegal, about the

different types of cases he would work on. Hearing about these cases really piqued my

interest. After thinking about my future this past year, I realized I really did want to

become an attorney.

This upcoming year, I will be attending Fresno State as a business major.

Business has always been of an interest of mine. I love how it gives you limitless

opportunity and I know it will help me in the future if I start a law firm. I believe Fresno

State will give me the best opportunity to succeed as it has a great business program

and I will be receiving a $20,000 business scholarship. I also prefer the living situation in

Fresno much more than other colleges. Fresno has very nice student living apartments.

I plan on living in these apartments for the duration of my four years.

After my first semester, I will get a job to help pay for the many expenses college

requires. My parents saved up a good amount of money to help cover my

undergraduate, however, I know law school is very expensive and my parents will not be

able to pay for everything. Therefore, if possible, I plan on using the connections the

Business Scholarship has to get my foot in the door of a law firm. This will not only help

make my resume for law school look better but also give me money and experience in

the field. I am excited for the opportunities that await me while working in a law firm. 1/2
5/13/2019 5 year plan - Google Docs

I look forward to the next four years of my life at Fresno State, however, I know

that I will not be able to pass law school within that time. I plan on taking the LSAT, the

Law School Admissions Test, my senior year in college. After I graduate from my four

year degree, I hope to get accepted into Davis Law School. From there I will have to

take out loans and go through law school to eventually pass the California BAR exam. I

know with hard work and perseverance, my aspirations to become an attorney will be a

reality. 2/2

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