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Which are the most horrific massacres in Indian history?

Shashank Kamath
Shashank Kamath, Konkani is my mother tongue
Answered Mar 27, 2017 � Upvoted by Tushar Sharma, lives in India (1995-present)
People spoke about Jallianwala Bagh, 1984 Sikh riots, Partition, etc� but most of
them don�t know about the Goa Inquisition.

Let me tell you about the massacre which happened over a period of 250�300

This is considered to be one of the world�s most organized and unstoppable massacre
of people and religious conversion for personal gains.

The Portuguese came into Goa in 1510 to setup trade links on Indian Mainland. It
exercised complete control over Goa within a brief span of time. They unlike the
British weren�t business-focused colonizers rather they were religious fanatics
sent from Portugal for religious-cum-trade explorations. The main reason why Brits
were successful in colonizing all over the world was because they had been given a
free-hand to its subsidiaries unlike other colonizers who were restricted by the
monarch of the state.

Coming back to the point, the people of Goa were very happy in their abode. Even
after various attacks by the Bahamani Sultans in the region, they existed peace and
harmony in the region. Those were king-to-king fights not affecting the general
public to a greater extent.

Come 1510, the people of Goa welcomed them as guests and the guests got them their
biggest nightmare. Mass religious conversion was forced upon the people. They
looted their houses, destroyed the crops, took their women into prison, killed
their sons in public, cut the eye-lashes of their parents so that they cannot sleep
and forcefully witness the murder and rape of their sons and daughters. This was
because the people resisted the religious conversion imposed by the Portuguese on

Some families had six to seven sons, out of which one got converted and other fled
to protect their religion on the Konkan Coast. This was the sacrifice the people
did to save their faith.

But after the long massacre in during the early 1500s, some newly converted
population was secretly practicing their faith. This was sensed by the Portuguese.
The King after a prosperous trade with India since 1498, ordered opening of
Catholic Churches all over Asia and Goa Inquisition became the office for its Asian
operations and the biggest victim of the same. Over a 400,000+ people were tortured
by the new office at Goa since 1560 (no official records available � Goan localites

Some of the salient rules introduced by Goa Inquisition

Forcing Alcohol in the diets of the major population along with Beef and Pork.
Killing the Konkani Language by declaring it as a language of the servants and made
Portuguese as the official language in Goa.
Forbidden defection in the open for Hindus
Only Churches to be constructed and temples plundered/or to the plundered shouldn�t
be revived
High taxes on practicing other faiths
This was a part of an organized massacre of people on a regular interval in Goa for
250 years. The results were

No script for Konkani

Churches were constructed on Hindu Temples
All religious texts were destroyed which were in Konkani
No one was allowed to read and write Konkani
Ponytails of Brahmins lost existence
The Goa Inqusition Office was closed in 1812, to finally stop the organized
massacre of people on the basis of religion.

While Google might give a different definition of massacre, but this is truly the
worst periods of Indian History. Now you might think that they did it because it
was India, but the Government of Portugal did the same thing (rather experimented)
it first in their country against Jews in early 1500s through the Inquisition

It isn�t just the massacre of people, but massacre of various other things like

After the Saraswat River dried up in North India, most of the Brahmins fled down
south to find a place for their existence.
They found their abode in Goa where they developed their food in such a way that
had highest medicinal value. Food was the cure.
Education was very robust (Delhi Historians never acknowledged it) as it was a true
blend of science, nature and religion.
People fled from their homeland just to protect their faith. The Konkan Coast has a
varied population of Konkanis who saved their faith by leaving the abode.
The entire food system was destroyed.
A language was destroyed from its roots.
Churches were constructed at the place of Hindu Temples. These temples were a home-
god/goddesses to various castes and sub-castes. Today they are just Churches with
no relevance of what existed before that.
Goa Inquisition is the largest organized massacre of people in Indian history but
not known by many Indians. British policy-based massacres like Jallianwala Bagh and
Partition of India did have an impact but not for such a long period. Famines were
a result of bad policies. Portuguese did things intentionally for their religious

You might be thinking, why did I speak so deeply about this?

Go to Goa once (not for the beaches) and visit all the temples like
SaptaKoteshwara, LakshmiRavalnath, ShantaDurga, etc� and stay in one of the Mutt
lodges. That night you won�t sleep that�s a promise. The disturbance in the
atmosphere created can never be witnessed in any part of the world. A massacre
which was well organized was not even blessed by God. God is one despite all
religions. The best example is below

This is called as the �Church without the Cross�. On my brief visit to Goa, the
driver said that this was the only Church in Goa which didn�t have a cross. On
inquiring more, he stated that previously a powerful Shiva temple existed over
which the Portuguese built a Church. But it failed to place a cross in the church
despite several attempts. God is great and never allows cruelty against its own
people. The irony is Francis Xavier was granted Sainthood for running the
Inquisition successfully in Goa.

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