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Magical and Healing Uses of

Crystals and Gemstones

Information collected by MoonShadow

This book contains a lot of information to help you learn about how to utilize crystals and gemstones. This list
includes complied information from friends, books, e-mails, lists and more.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for how you use the information, or how well that they will work for you.
Due to the nature of their collection, I am not always sure of their origin, and can not be responsible for
their accuracy or effectiveness.

Please select your topic of interest below:

Crystals and Gemstones

l Consecrating your Crystal
l Crystal Spell Correspondences
l Crystals and Luck
l Gemstones Cure And Control

Crystals and Gemstones:

Consecrating your Crystal

Once you have purchased a crystal, you may wish to consecrate it,
ready for use in ritual. A simple consecration ritual is given below,
but do feel free to modify and adapt this to your own preferences.

If you are working indoors, the altar should have some natural object
or symbol of nature on it, such as a stone (particularly a hag stone,
which represents the Earth Goddess), flowers, feathers, corn, etc. An
outdoor altar needs very little, as nature is all around you.


-Sea salt (or a suitable consecrated crystal) & water (not tap) in
small bowls
-Candle (red is good, or beeswax)
-Incense or joss (a strong purifying scent like frankincense or
sandalwood is good) and censer -Suitable oil (depicting spirit)
- Piece of silk or other bag for storage if crystal is not to be worn

These items should be set up on the altar ready. Consecration

Start by having a ritual bath, allowing yourself to dry naturally.
When you are ready ground yourself with an appropriate centering

Cast the circle in your preferred manner. Call on the elements in

turn at the appropriate quarter (starting with Air - East and moving
round clockwise through Fire - South, Water - West to Earth - North)
and ask for their blessings and energy.

Call on the Goddess and God in turn in whichever aspects you know
them best (it is preferable if possible to call on aspects which
match from the same pantheons, such as Isis and Osiris, Kali and
Shiva, etc) and ask for their blessings and energy.

If you work with other entities such as e.g. angels, power animals,
spirit guide, call on them at this point and ask for their blessings,
energy and guidance.

Pass the item through the incense smoke (if it is a large crystal you
may move the censer around it and blow smoke over it as well as you
do this), saying:
"I purify and consecrate you with the power of the element of Air."

As you do this visualize winds blowing over the crystal, removing any
impurities or unwanted energies which may have accumulated around the

Pass the crystal through a candle flame, saying:

"I purify and consecrate you with the power of the element of Fire."

As you do this visualize fire caressing the crystal around its edges,
burning away any impurities. Sprinkle the crystal with water, saying:
"I purify and consecrate you with the power of the element of Water."

As you do this visualize water flowing over and around the crystal,
washing away any impurities.

Sprinkle the crystal with salt, or touch the already consecrated

crystal to it, saying:
"I purify and consecrate you with the power of the element of Earth."

As you do this visualize the crystal being surrounded by the earth,

which absorbs any impurities. Anoint the crystal with oil, saying:

"I purify and consecrate you with the power of the element of

As you do this visualize the crystal being imbued with gold light.

Thank and say farewell to the God and Goddess, or whichever beings
you called on. Thank and say farewell to the elements (in reverse
from North anti-clockwise through to East).

Open the circle.

Write up the ritual in your diary.

You may wish to wrap crystals which are not being left on an altar in
silk, to preserve the charge on them.

The Goddess in Three Phases

Maiden -
Amber, Chalcedony, Diamond, Emerald, Jadeite, Kunzite, Moonstone,
Opal, Pearl, Quartz, Zircon.

Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Fluorite, Garnet, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli,
Malachite, Moonstone, Prase, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Rutile Quartz,
Turquoise, Zoisite.

Coral, Glass, Hagstone, Jet, Kyanite, Moonstone (Black), Nephrite,
Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz, Tourmaline.

The God in Three Phases

Amber, Aventurine, Heliotrope, Nephrite, Peridot, Staurolite,
Turquoise, Zoisite.

Citrine Quartz, Diamond, Orange Calcite, Ruby, Sapphire, Sodalite,
Spinel, Topaz.

Agate, Haematite, Magnetite, Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz. Crystal -
Attributions to the Days of the Week

Monday ||||||| Moonstone, Pearl, Quartz

Tuesday Star Sapphire, Red Coral, Ruby, Emerald, Jasper
Wednesday Star Ruby, Cat's Eye, Amethyst, Magnetite
Thursday Cat's Eye, Emerald, Sapphire, Carnelian
Friday Alexandrite, Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Cat's Eye
Saturday Labradorite, Sapphire, Turquoise, Diamond
Sunday Sunstone, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond
Crystal Spell Correspondences

Crystal colours -
Red - Lust, energy, vitality, strength, health, (Taurus), TUESDAY
Orange - Creativity, attraction, (Leo)
Yellow - Charm, confidence, (Gemini), SUNDAY
Green - Prosperity, growth, healing, luck, (Cancer), FRIDAY
Blue - Protection, peace, tranquility, (Pisces, Libra), THURSDAY
Purple - Psychic ability, wisdom, enchantment, spirituality,
(Aquarius), WEDNESDAY
Pink - Love, honour, friendship
Black - Banishing, Crone magick, mourning, loss, (Scorpio), SATURDAY
White - Purity, truth, protection, spirituality, (Aries), MONDAY
Brown - Animal magick, earth awareness, (Capricorn)
Gold - God, (Virgo)
Silver - Goddess ,(Sagittarius)

Elemental Correspondences
Air - Yellow, white, pink, pastels, lavender
Fire - Red, crimson, burgundy, orange, fuscia
Water - Blue, turquoise, indigo, aqua, grey
Earth - Green, brown, black

Other Correspondences
Beauty - Amber, Cat's Eye, Jasper, Opal, Zircon
Courage - Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Diamond, Tiger's Eye
Divination - Azurite, Flint, Hematite, Jet, Moonstone, Amethyst, Sodalite, Obsidian
Dreams - Amethyst, Charoite, Sugilite, Flourite
Friendship - Pink Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Turquoise
Grounding - Hematite, Kunzite, Obsidian, Jet, Salt, Black Tourmaline
Healing - Agate, Amber, Adventurine, Calcite, Coral, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Jade,
Longevity - Agate, Fossils, Jade, Petrified Wood
Love - Alexandrite, Amber, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Lepidolite, Pearl,
Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Rhodocrosite, Pink Tourmaline
Magickal Power - Bloodstone, Malachite, Ruby, Flourite
Meditation - Geodes, Sapphire, Sodalite
Mental Ability - Adventurine, Emerald, Zircon
Prosperity - Adventurine, Calcite, Emerald, Jade, Peridot, Staurolite, Malachite,
Green Tourmaline
Peace - Aquamarine, Lepidolite, Rhodonite, Blue Tourmaline
Physical Energy - Beryl, Selenite, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Red Zircon, Citrine
Protection - Agate, Calcite, Apache Tear, Lapis, Mica, Obsidian, Topaz, Clear quartz
Psychic Ability - Amethyst, Sodalite, Chaurolite, Lapis, Holey Stones
Sexual Energy - Carnelian, Sunstone, Citrine, Jasper
Spirituality - Lepidolite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Lapis, Moonstone
Wisdom - Sugilite, Chrysocolla, Sodalite
Enchantment - Flourite, Amethyst, Sugilite
Goddess - Moonstone, Chrysocolla
God - Citrine, Malachite, Sunstone
Crystals and Luck

The power behind Earth's minerals can be felt the minute you put a
crystal in your hands or near your physical body. Crystals are the
treasures of the earth. These stones are filled with energy to be

Each crystal, stone, gemstone is rated by its hardness, shape, size,

qualities and often have a metaphysical significance as their
personality. Some of the best crystals for luck include Tiger's Eye,
Cat's Eye, Jade, Selenite and Fairies' Cross. Crystal wands or swords
are long crystals that have grown for centuries such as quartz or
selenite. They increase psychic power. Can be used to direct most
kinds of power, energy and are used for physical combat or clearing
of negative energies.

Translucent Gold or Green Cat's Eye (often confused with qtz. Tiger's
Eye, but rarer). Usually clear, green or green/brown, nongreasy. For
acquiring more prosperity. Confidence, self-pride, healing. Amplifies
other gems Some are irradiated to turn green- trust your feeling with
each stone.

Tiger's Eye:
Chalcedony Quartz Cat's Eye. Yellow-gold. Money, Protection, Courage,
Luck Confidence, Willpower, Clear Thinking (and thus speaking),
personal power in life. Yellow/Solar Plexus Chakra. Works on Mental
plane: amplifies thinking and manifesting what you think about
(careful)! will.
Helps separate thoughts from feelings, so centered, less emotional.
Digestion, stomach, anxiety, ulcers, bones. Helps change anxiety,
fear and obsessiveness into practicality, logic.

A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has been used to work
against cancer and is known to stabilize epileptic disorders. Mental
focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old
recordkeepers of events/information. Smoothes emotions. Holding
crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher
ideas/consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down
through body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on
3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go.
Repro; spine and nerve system,emotional and athletic flexibility.
Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of
awareness. Desert Rose: rose-like flower buds.
Known to help new moms increase breast milk.

Staurolite: "Fairy Cross"

Brown/grey, crosslike extrusions. Represents four elements and
joining of spirit with earth/matter. Spirituality, compassion,
allowingness, dis-attachment; Focus centered on the Here and Now.
This beautiful and rare stone crystallizes in the form of flat and
short prismatic crystals with cruciform crossing. This mineral is a
talisman of good luck!
Historically, this stone is said to be formed from the tears of
fairies when they were brought the news of the death of Christ. This
stone is said to provide a connection between the physical, astral
and extra-terrestrial planes. It can provide an
overpowering "release" in stressful situations and provides support,
initiation and incentive in dealing with detrimental habits.

Solid to translucent. There are two varieties of Jade, Jadeite and
Nephrite. Nephrite is quite similar to Jadeite in its healing
abilities, but its colors are creamier and less translucent than
Jadeite; Nephrite is the more commonly found variety. Jade may come
in a variety of colors, green, blue, black, violet, white, yellow
and a reddish and brownish variety. Each with its own slightly
different use. Green: Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient
Chinese used also for courage,wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional
balance, stamina, love, fidelity,humility, generosity, peace,
harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune,kidney and blood
detoxification, nervous system. Androgynous. A gentle, steady

While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more
specifically to certain ailments or organs. Properties common to all
colors of Jade include its ability to mellow one's existence. Helps
one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Strengthens the
body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal
of toxins.
Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses.
It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's

Blue Jade: A peaceful and passive energy source. Helps people who
meditate to relax and gain an inner serenity. A quiet teacher of
patience and slow, steady progress. It is a wonderful stone to give
to people who feel restricted or overcome by situations beyond their

Brown Jade: A stone that connects us to the earth. A good stone to

use to help settle matters of the home or to adjust to a new

Green Jade: Most common. Very calming to the nervous system. The
color green is representative of life or growth. Helps one channel
passions in a constructive way, making expressions of love easier.

Lavender Jade: In touch with the emotions. Beneficial to people who

have been hurt by love or need to discover the gentleness within
Can help one learn restraint and subtlety in matters of emotional

Red Jade: A passionate and active stone. Caution is advised here: it

can have such a stimulating influence that the wearer becomes
agitated and feels the need to express anger. It can help you
extract those feelings and come to terms with them. Use Red Jade to
blow off steam, to release tension.

White or Cream Jade: Helps one direct their energy to its most
advantageous outlet. Helps filter out distraction and allows you to
envision the best result of a given situation. Also suggested for the

Yellow and Orange Jade: Both are similar enough to be considered

together. Both impart the gift of joy and happiness. They teach the
interconnectedness of all beings. Help organs that process food and
waste in our bodies.
Gemstones Cure And Control
of diseases through these precious and powerful gems

1. Acidity
Emerald+Yellow Sapphire+Hessonite

2. Accidents
Red Coral+White Pearl will prevent you from all the types of accident

3. Anemia, Arthritis, Bladder Problem, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Hernias, syphilis & Tuberculosis
Red Coral+Yellow Sapphire

4. Asthma
Blue Sapphire

5. Bronchitis, Common Cold, Constipation, Throat trouble

Red Coral

6. Cancer
Light Blue Sapphire+Red Coral

7. Digestive Disorder
Emerald+Yellow Sapphire

8. Ear troubles, Gall stones, Paralysis

Red Coral+Emerald

9. Eczema
White Coral+Emerald

Emerald+Moon Stone

11 Goiter
White Coral+Moon Stone

12.Gonorrhoea, Hysteria
Red Coral+Moon Stone

13.Heart Disease

14. High Blood Pressure

Emerald+Yellow & Blue Sapphire

15. Impotency
Diamond orYellow Sapphire+Red Coral

16. Insomnia
Emerald+Moon Stone+Yellow Sapphire
17. Jaundice
Red Coral+Blue Sapphire

18. Leucorderma
White Coral+Emerald

19. Menstrual Disorders


20. Mental Illness

Emerald+Moon Stone+Yellow Sapphire

21. Miscarriage, Piles & Paralysis

Emerald+Moon Stone+Yellow Sapphire

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