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. Progres s of Theoret ical Physics, Vol. 51, No. 5, May 1974

Mass Form ula for Hadr ons and

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a None t Schem e for Meso ns

Takash i FUKUDA, Tsutom u YANAGIDA* and Minoru YONEZ

Resear ch Institu te for Theore tical Physics, Hirosh ima Univer
T akehar a, Hirosh ima
*Depa rtment of Physics, Hirosh ima Univer sity, Hirosh ima

(Receive d October 29, 1973)

The hadron mass formula is discusse d in the quark-co unting
aspect. It is shown that
the "free" quark picture gives the Gell-Ma nn-Okub o formula.
A nonet mass formula for
mesons is propose d and the inverted assignm ent for 71(549) and
'7'(958) in the o- nonet is
suggeste d. Classification of existing mesons into nonets is attempte

§ l. Introd uction
The unitary symme try index associa ted with the quark-l
ine diagram has
import ant implica tion in hadron physics . One of its promin
ent feature s is that
in hadron reactio ns the quarks . inside a hadron seem to behave
indepe ndently of
each other and often simple additiv ity rules based on the
index-cQunting hypo-
thesis work well. 1> Duality argume nts in which the quark
diagram s have a
special role give interes ting mass formul ae. 2> This also sugges
ts the simplic ity
behind the hadron masses .
In advanc e of the group- theoret ical derivat ion of the unitary
symme try mass
formul a py Okubo , 3> a mass formul a for the Sakata model
was propos ed by
Sawad a and one of the presen t author s (M.Y.) .'> Althou
gh the predict ion of
the 7J8 mass was found to be the same in both formul ae as
noted by Okubo , no
further relatio n was exploit ed. Later some dynam ical argume
nts about hadron
masses were develo ped in terms of the quark model, which
shows some links
betwee n these two. DJ
The purpos e of the presen t paper is to emphas ize some
quark- countin g
aspect involve d in the S-Y model by showin g that the close
corresp ondenc e be-
tween the two formul ae is not restric ted to the meson octet.
Furthe r we sugges t
that the Gell-M ann-Ok ubo mass formul a is violate d for
the lowest lying a-
mesons . A nonet formul a is propos ed which assigns the unitary
singlet to 1J (549)
and the unitary octet to 71' (958). Classif ication of mesons into
nonets is attemp ted
in terms of the nonet formul a.

§ 2. Hadro n mass formu lae

Let us take a meson and consid er its mass. A meson is expres sed by the
Mass Formula for Hadrons and a Nonet Scheme for Mesons 1407

quarks as

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where C/ are the unitary symmetry factors. We assume that the mass (or the
square of mass) is given by4>
m(or m 2 ) = :E JC/J 2m, 1 . (2)

Here m,J is the "mass" (or squared "mass") of the state Jq,q1). The expres-
swns for baryons are obvious.
(i) The first-order symmetry-b reaking formula
For m, 1 we assume*>

to represent the idea that quarks stay like "free" inside a hadron. The param-
eters a, will be dependent on the multiplets. Charge independenc e is assumed
hereafter (ap=a,.=aN ).
(a) Mesons
We obtain the following expressions for the octet:

n=2aN, )
K=aN+a~, (4)
7Js = H2aN + 4a~) ,

which give the Gell-Mann-O kubo mass formula 8>

31')s+n=4K . (5)

(b) Baryons
We have the equally-spac ed mass formula for the decul>let baryons m which
all the quarks are symmetric,
m=a+bY. (6)

In the octet, two quarks are antisymmetr ic. We distinguish the quarks of
antisymmet ric indices by giving the prime :
N=2aN'+a N,

expressed as
I= aN' +a~' +aN,
As=i-(5aN' +a~'+ aN+2a~) ,
E=aN' +a~· +a~. l (7)

In Ref. 4) mi] contains two-body term Vt], in addition to non-correlatio n terms a•'+al

VtJ= Vo+ (/J•• +IJJl) V.

This gives, however, the linear form (3) :
at=at'+ CtVo+IJu V).
1408 T. Fuku da, T. Yana gida and M. Yone zawa

Equa tions (7) give the relati on

N+E 3As+ .S

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2 (8)
This is just the G-M -0 mass formu la for the
baryo n octet.
The relati ons abou t the elect roma gneti c mass
differ ences are obtai ned m
the same way by remo ving the condi tions aP
=an and ap' =an' :
s--E0 =.S- -.S+ +P- n,
_so= i(.S+ + .s-) ' f (octe t) (9)
n°=n ±=2 (K++ K0 ) -3'l}s
.J++ _.J+ =,J+ -.Jo= Ao-.J -=.S+ -.£0 =.£0 -.S- =8°
-E-, (decu plet) (10)
which are the Colem an-G lasho w relati ons. 6 >
Thes e resul ts indic ate that some kind of "free
" pictu re seem s to hold abou t
subst ances whic h carry the unita ry symm
etry indic es, if a unita ry multi plet
satisf ies the Gell- Mann -Oku bo-Co leman -Glas how-
type mass foum ula.
(ii) · The secon d-ord er symm etry- break ing form
We have seen how the first- order symm etry-b
reaki ng formu lae are assoc iated
with the free-q uark pictu re. Now we show
that the intro ducti on of the two-b ody
coupl ing terms gives the secon d-ord er mass
formu la.
Since the secon d-ord er symm etry-b reaki ng formu
la invol ves free param eters
more than the numb er of the indep enden t mass
es of the multi plet excep t a few
multi plets such as the decup let, it is not possi
ble to estab lish a uniqu e relati on
betw een the group -theo retica l calcu lation and
the prese nt count ing appro ach.
We, there fore, restri ct our discu ssion to the
baryo n decup let. The secon d-
order mass formu la 7>

m=a +bY +cY 2 (11)

is obtai ned by intro ducin g two-q uark coupl ing
terms m m, 1k as

This seem s at first a five-p arame ter formu la.
How ever the numb er of essen tial
param eters is three .
The param eters in Eqs. (11) and (12) are
relate d as
a= 2aN +a),+ rf3N2 + 2rf3N{3),,
b ~a,- a, +2rP. CP.- p,) - irCP.- p,)', f (13)
c=ir( {JN-{ 3),) 2 •

We can do the same for the meso n and baryo

n octet s, but due to the large
Mass Formula for Hadrons and a Nonet Scheme for Mesons 1409

number of the independent parameters, the mutual relation of two approaches is

not unique, though consistent.

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§ 3. A nonet foqnula and the o- mesons

We have discussed so far. the quark.counting aspect involved m the hadron

mass formulae in terms of the S.Y model. Now we discuss the nonet scheme
for mesons and suggest a new nonet assignment for the lowest lying o- mesons.
The singlet meson mass is given for the parametrization (3) by

which itself gives no prediction. We define the nonet 8l as the set of a singlet
and an octet consisting of the "quarks" having the same m,1. Taking account
of the change in the unitary configuration due to the singlet.octet mixing in.
teraction, we have the nonet relation for the first.order breaking case (Eq. (3))
with a;=a,:

r; + r;' ·(=R) =1 (15)

2K '

where r; and r;' are the mainly octet and singlet components in the two isosing.
lets, respectively. In particular, for the case of complete mixing the nonet
formulae are

r;'=rr' } (16)
as given by Okubo. B)
Experimental masses 9l give for R (assuming the quadratic formula) .

R-=::. 1.0 for (17)

which shows this nonet scheme to be poorly realized for the lowest.lying a-
mesons. Then comes a question whether there is a nonet structure common to
all the mesons. \Ve discuss this problem in the following.
There are some unfavourable features in the conventional nonet scheme for
o-' which require some clarification:
a) The unitary-octet assignment for r; (549) is heavily due to the first-order
symmetry-breaking mass formula. It is questionable whether this formula is
valid even in a multiplet showing so large level splitting as the o-.
{3) The masses of the singlet and the octet are not related to each other, unlike
the case of the Okubo nonet formula.
r) The level order of the singlet and the octet is just reversed between the
1410 T. Fukud a, T. Yanag ida and M. Yonez awa

o- and the (1-,2+ ).

o) The mixing angle of the o- is '""'"'23° for the linear
formu la and ~ 11 o for
the quadra tic. These values seem to be somew hat

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halfwa y compa red with l-
and 2+ which are nearly compl ete mixing .
We admit some dispar ity betwe en o- and 1- as in
the SU(6) symm etry,
but we think these four points are fundam ental to
the nonet structu re, if the
nonet struct ure exists at all.
We sh~w, using Eq. C2), that there is a certain nonet
struct ure which has
a univer sal charac ter and answe rs · thE!'Se proble ms.
,. From our definit ion of a
nonet that the conce rned meson s share the same values
of miJ, we immed iately
have the relatio n

2r;I = 'f/s + 7C (18)

withou t makin g any assum ption about m 1J.*l We
consid er that Eq. (18) is a
fundam ental nonet relatio n comm on to all the meson
Anoth er way of obtain ing this formu la is to write the
octet formu la as
ms=/CI Tr(ME Ms) +tc2 Tr(Ms{A.sMs}) +tca Tr( {MsA.s} {MsA.
s}), (19)
and to assum e the single t formu la as
mi = ICI Tr (MIM I) + tc2 Tr (MI {A.sMI}) + /Cs Tr ( {MIA.s} {MIA.s}) . (20)

K- (21)

If there is some single t-octet mixing , Eq. (18) is reduce

d to
Ir; -r;'l> i r;' -nl (22)

r; "<r;' for r; + r;' "<2n . (23)

For the o- meson s we can see that Eq. (18) is well satisfi ed with
the as-
*J If tli.e G-M-0 octet formula is valid, Eq. (15) is derived
from Eq. (18). The G-M-0 for-
mula, howeve r, corresp onds to the case of first-ord er
symme try breakin g, Eq. (3). In general we
have no predicti on about K-meso n mass without any
further assump tion about m1].
Mass Formula for Hadrons and a Nonet Scheme for Mesons 1411


1/1 = r; (549) '

} (24)

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r;s = 1j 1 (958) .
Strictly speaking, thi11 assignment does not satisfy the condition (22) (the
equality holds for the zero mixing) by an amount ~5 MeV which is within the
electromagnetic mass differences.
This inverted assignment is apparently incompatible with the Gell-Mann-Okubo
mass formula and we have to consider higher-order effects in the octet formula.*>
We have favoured the linear formula for (18). The reason is that the
linear formula gives some simple consequence about the mixing angle,
181 ~oo
181~34° (complete mixing angle 8~35°)

181~39° !·**'
and hence answers the problem (()).
There are some meson multiplets which seem to show the o--type nonet
structure. These are JPa = 1 +- and 1 ++ mesons. As the candidates for the 1 +-
set we have B (1235) and a meson in the Q-region (1240~ 1400) with two miss-
ing isosinglet partners. 10> From the SU(6) picture with orbital excitation, we
expect some parallelism between o-+ and 1 +-. If this is the case, we will have
a small mixing angle and possible violation of the G-M-0 formula.
The r++ mesons are formed by the triplet J = L quark-antiquark states, so
that the 1---type structure may be anticipated. However, the mesons A 1 (1100),
D (1285) and E (1420) give the mass relations
2D (1285). ::::::::A1 (1100) + E (1420) ,
D(1285) =;i=A1 (1100) ,
which expose the o-+.type feature.
These facts and other features of meson mass levels may be summarized
as a conjecture that the normal parity states are completely mixed, while the
abnormal parity states are zero-mixing. We have no persuasive reasoning for
this, but it will be worth-while to note the consequence of the hypothesis that
the mixing does influence only the unitary configuration, keeping the formula (2)

*l If the deviation from the G-M-0 formula implies some "coupling" between quarks, as
was discussed in the previous section, how can we understand some success of the counting hypo-
thesis for the high-energy reactions? One interpretation is that quarks may behave like free inside
the pion and the kaon, while the A and X quarks inside "1J and YJ' have coupling, since we can ex-
press mNN=2aN, mN1 =aN+ a,, m.x =2a, +r(fJN-fh) ', where aN=aN+hfJN' and a, =a• +!rfJN(2p,
-fJN). If this is the case, we may have a violation of the quark-counting hypothesis for the "1J and
YJ' processes, where A and X lines are participating in the interaction such as K-p~YJ(YJ')A, etc.
**l The G-M-0 formula gives jOJ~36' and 29' for 1- and 2+, respectively.
1412 T. Fukuda, T. Yanagida and M. Yonezawa

valid even after the mixing. This assumption restricts the singlet-octe t coupling
term (J to

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The first solution corresponds to the zero-mixing case and _the second to the
complete mixing giving r;' =n. The completely mixed nonet is also obtained
from Eq. (19) by replacing M 8 with M 9 = M 6 + M 1 • Classificatio n of mesons
based on our conjecture is given in Table I.
Here let us comment on the quadratic mass formula. One merit of this is
the possibility of retaining relations such as ( K* 2 - p2) = (K 2 - n 2) • A preference
for the quadratic form may come from the approximate linearity of the Regge
trajectories in (mass) 2 • Some people take the Lagrangian viewpoint for this,
but there is no really convincing argument for this. The loss of simplicity in
the mixing angle just discussed is the most serious demerit.*>
In the following we compare some results from the assumption (24) with
those of the usual assignment. The unitary symmetry predictions for some decay
processes involving r; (549) and r;' (958) are given in Table II. The enhance-
Table I. Classification of mesons. Here rr, K, '1/ and '1/' are the isotriplet and the isodoublet,
the unitary-octet-d ominant isosinglet and the unitary-singlet -dominant isosinglet, respective-
ly. Mesons in parentheses are not established. The figures in brackets are the predicted
values. G-M-0 yes (no) means that the G-M-0 formula is (not) valid approximately .

q-q I ya I K '11' mass formulae mixing

I angle
o-+ rr(l40) K(494) '1/(549) '11' (958) G-M-0 no,
singlet I+- B(l235) K ... (l240) [1110] (H(990)) 2'1J'='1J+rr ...... o·
2-+ A,(l640)

!++ A1 (1100) •> KA (1280---1400)b> D(1285) E(l420) G-M-0 yes,

triplet 1
J=L 2-- 4K=3'1J+rr, ---o·
F,(1540) L(1770) [1690] [1840]
K-rr-const (200MeV)
triplet 0++ 0(970) c~ CI2oo---I4oo)) (S*(lOOO)) (E(600)) G-M-0 no,
J=L-1 I-- p1 (1600)
....__35" (?)
I-- p(770) K*(892) w(784) (11(1019) G-M-0 yes,
J=L+l A.(1310) KN(1420) f(1270) .f'(1514) '1J =rr, '1/+'1J'=2K
1 ---35"
3-- g(1680) (KN(l760)) w(l675) [1845] K-rr-const (lOOMeV)
a) PredictiOn of the nonet mass formula 1s 1156 MeV.
b) Prediction of the G-M-0 mass formula is 1351 MeV.

*> Quadratic mixing gives IOI---25" which may be compared with the complete m1xmg from
duality analysis of VV~ VV and VP~ VP. As for the K**~'Y/K width, JOJ ...... 25" is better than !OJ
. . . . oo.
Mass Formula for Hadrons and a Nonet Scheme for Mesons 1413

ment factor s defined by s =<I 'Qt) /<I 'Qs) 11 > for decay processes as well as production
processes is found in Table III. In Table II and III the mixing angle @ is de-
fined in terms of the usual assignment, and I@I = 11°, 23° and goa correspond to

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the quadratic G-M-0, the linear G-M-0 and the assumption (24), respectively.
If I@I =F0° nor goa, there are two solutions, but in Tables II and III we have
given only the solutions which seem reasonable.
The fact that we are dealing with a multiplet in which the ratio of masses
of the heaviest to the lightest is /".J7 makes the implication of the prediction
Table II. Decay rates of processes involving ~ (549) and ~' (958). Here the mixing angle 8
is defined in terms of the usual assignment for ~(549) and ~'(958). The figure in
parentheses is that of the new data of rc~C549)--72r)."l

181=11" 181=23" 181=90" experiments

2+--7o-o- (MeV) (MeV)
As--7~1!" } input
As--7~ 1 1!" 0.78 0.094 0.37 <1
K**--7K~ 0.17 0.036 9.6 2.0
0---72r (keY) (keY)
n'--72r (7.7±0.9) x w-•
l?--72r } input 1.00±0.25 (old) 'J
0.302±0.067 (new) "J
l?'--72r 47(2.2) 8.9(0.28) 0.92(0.92)
1·--70-r (keY) (keY)
IJ)--7n'r } input
(1.26±0.5) X 10'
(8.9±0.1) X 10'
l?' --7pr 4.0x10' 0.16X10' 0.78X10' <5.2X10'

Table III. The enhancement factors defined by s=<ll?•>l<ll?a). Here sr<'J is determined from
n'--72r and l?--72r, s/'J from r/J--7l?r and IJ)--7n°r, SA from As--7KK and l?n", sg** from
K**--7Kn and K71, sT<'J and sT<'J from the production cross sections of ~ and ~' in n·p
and the charge exchange cross sections of n-N, KN and KN by Eqs. (16) (sT<'l) and
(20) (sT<'J) of Ref. 11). The used data are 11(7J')/11(7J)=::.0.2al, 11(~)/11(n)=::.0.2 and
11(K)/11(n)(=11(K)/11(n))=::.0.65 where 11(~), 11(~'), 11(n), 11(K). 11(K) express the differential
cross sections of n·p--7l?n, n·p--77J 1 n, n·p--7n"n, K-p--7K"n, K+n--7K"p, respectively. The
figure in parentheses is that of the new data of F(7}(549)--72r).''J

sr(2) Sx**

8=-11" 7.4 (1.8) -1.3 1.7 -10.7 0.7 2.2

f1=-23· 3.8 (1.0) -0.5 1.0 - 5.1 1.1 1.2
8=-90" 2.4 (1.3) -0.7 1.3 - 1.0 2.2 1.4
quark model 2v'2 I -1/v'2 I v'2 -2.v2 1 v'2 v'2
a) Bolotov et al. (Review by C. Michael, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on
High Energy Physics, Batavia, 1972) reported 11(~')/11(~)=0.57±0.14 from the experiment at
32.5 and 48GeV/c which gives sT<'J=L3 for 8=-90".
1414 T. Fukuda, T. Yanagida and M. Yonezawa

somewhat vague. A glance at Table II shows that I@I = 90° gives a considerably
large K**~K1J width and a small branching ratio for (r/ (g58) ~2r) I (1/' (g58) ~

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p0 r). The, experimenta l value of the latter is 0.07 ± 0.03. There exist two
different values for the width of 1J (54g) ~2r, the large old value 9 > and a small
new one. 12> The old value which requires strong singlet enhancemen t has been
a puzzle if we take the conventiona l octet assignment for 1J (54g), but with the
new data this is no longer the case. For I 6>1 =goo both ~e data may be con-
sistent though the simple quark model favours the old.
Predictions of the case I 6>1 =goo may be acceptable with qualitative agree-
ment to the simple quark model. Even if some are not good, the overall fit is
not worse than in the case I@I= 10° or 23°.
If the present data for the K**~K1J rate and the ratio T(1J' (g58) ~2r) I
T(1J' (g58) ~pr) are unaltered in future, the SU(3) symmetry is retained by as-
suming a strong mass dependence for the decay matrix elements. The analysis
of meson masses given in this paper suggests that such a strong mass dependence
may originate from the "A.-X coupling" inside the o- isosinglets. The SU(3)
symmetry will be successful without introducing any notable mass dependence
for the processes where "coupled A.X pairs" (as in the o- mesons) are not re-
sponsible for the interaction.* >
It seems to us that the inverted choice is equally possible as, or even better
than, the usual one.**> Determinati on of the 11' (g58) decay width is helpful for
establishing the correct assignment. If the inverted. assignment is true, it may
shed some light on the behaviour of o- mesons in the duality picture, the in-
consistency between the SU(3) X SU(3) breaking and G-M-0 formula, the
1J (54g) ~3n puzzle in the chiral dynamics/'> etc.

Acknowled gements
We thank Prof. S. Ogawa, Prof. S. Furuichi, Prof. Y. Sumi, Dr. M. Kawa-
saki and Mr. M. Matsuda for discussions. We are also grateful to Prof. S.
Sawada for communicat ing the experimenta l data.

1) E.M. Levin and L.L. Frankfurt, Soviet Phys. JETP Letters 2 (1965), 65.
H.J. Lipkin and F. Scheck, Phys. Rev. Letters 16 (1966), 71.
D. Ito, Soryushiron Kenkyu (mimeographe d circular in Japanese) 32 (1965), 217.

*> In this respect it is interesting to examine the relation.

5v'2 M(rc·~2r) =2v'3M(~,~2r) + v'6MC~.~2r)
which is obtained by eliminating the contributions from the AX component in the quark model.
This equation predicts F(~'(958)~2r) =3±2(10±3) keV for the old (new) data of ~(549)~2r width.
These values improve the ratio F(~ 1 (958)~2r)/F(~'(958)~pr).
**> We have, however, to note that the dip structures in the differential cross sections of ~ arid
~' production experiments suggest the conventional assignment. 18 >
Mass Formula for Hadrons and a Nonet Scheme for Mesons 1415

For the subsequent development of this idea, see M. Imachi, T. Matsuoka, K. Ninomiya
and S. Sawade, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 48 (1971), 101.
2) For example, K. Kawarabayashi, S. Kitakado and H. Yabuki, Phys. Letters 28B (1969),

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M. Ademollo, G. Veneziano and S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Letters 22 (1969), 83.
3) S. Okubo, Prog. Theor. Phys. 27 (1962), 949.
M. Gell-Mann, California Institute of Technology Synchrotron Laboratory Report CTSL-
20 (1961).
4) S. Sawada and M. Y onezawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 23 (1960), 662.
5) For the "dynamical" mass formula, see, J.J.J. Kokkedee, The Quark Model (Benjamin,
New York, 1969), p. 34.
6) S. Coleman and S.L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. Letters 6 (1961), 423; Rhys. Rev. 134 (1964),
7) S. Okubo, Phys. Letters 4 (1963), 14.
8) S. Okubo, Phys. Letters 5 (1963),. 165.
9) Particle Data Group, Rev. Mod. Phys. 45 (1973), Sl.
10) For the SU(3) classification of mesons, see the review article by N.P. Samios, M. Gold-
berg and B.T. Meadows, BNL preprint BNL 17851.
11) F.D. Gault, H.F. Jones and M.D. Scadron, Nucl. Phys. B51 (1973), 353.
12) A. Browman, J. DeWire, B. Gittelman, K. Hanson, E. Loh, A. Silverman and R. Lewis.
Cornell University Preprint CLNS 224 (1973).
13) A. D. Martin and C. Michael, Phys. Letters 37B (1971), 513. V. Barger, A. C. lrring and
A. D. Martin, Nuovo Cim. 16A (1973), 573.
14) See, for example, B.W. Lee, Chiral Dynamics (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1972).

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