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Before I met this person, I did not feel like I had an adult in my life that I could

confide in about everything. I did have good relationships with adults, such as my

family, but it wasn’t the same. I met this person at my job, she is my coworker and she

has been seeing me grow since the beginning of high school. Before I met her I would

keep a lot of things to myself because I didn’t trust anyone. I think if I wouldn’t have met

her I would be a much more angrier person because of how much I used to hold in.

My coworker ,whom this paper is referring too, is my coworker Andrea. She is a

very outgoing and honest person. She is a single mother of 5 and is one of the

strongest people I have ever met. She has gone through everything you can think of

and even to this day she does whatever it takes for her kids to be okay. She works 7

days a week, and she still manages to juggle time with her kids and go to the gym to

better herself for her. She’s also very funny and trustworthy and I think everyone should

have at least one friend in their life like her because I know for a fact she has helped me

through many tough times.

When I first began working again at my grandparents restaurant a few years ago,

Andrea was there. She learned fast and is now someone we all rely on. As I began

working, anything I needed help with, she helped me without hesitation. Whether it was

taking orders or doing the register or cleaning at night, she showed me it all so I didn’t

learn on my own. Even outside of work, if I’ve needed a ride home she willingly took me

home. If I have questions about anything, I know I can ask her and she will give me her
honest opinion. From letting me cry in her car after work to buying me a protein shake

after the gym, I can’t imagine not having a friend like her.

Although I still have problems, I feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulder when I

talk to her, just her letting me vent even if it is not a big deal. A listening hear helps a lot

instead of holding everything in. She has been a great example for me, whenever I think

of giving up I think of what she has gone through and how far she has gotten and I know

that it is possible to get through anything because she proved that. She has had a

positive effect on my life. Whenever I feel like I can’t do it anymore, I will forever

remember her because no matter what her circumstances were, she always made it

through whatever she was dealing with and she did it with 5 kids by her side. Although I

know she doesn’t hear it often ,or at all, I appreciate her very much and I am glad that I

met her.

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