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Physical Education


1. Sample Paper -01 01-14

2. Sample Paper -02 15-27

3. Sample Paper -03 28-41

4. Sample Paper -04 42-55

5. Sample Paper -05 56-67

CBSE Class–XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-01

a. Question 1 to 11 carry 1 marks each & may be answered in 10 – 20 words

b. Question 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each & may be answered in 30 – 50 words
c. Question 20 to 26 carry 5 Marks each & may be answered in 75 – 100 words

1. Find out the purpose of Sit & reach test.

2. What do you mean by back pain?
3. Define yoga.
4. What is seeding?


What is cognitive disability?

5. List the goals of nutrition during competition
6. What is menarche?


Briefly mention the benefits of Ardha Chakrasana.

7. What does AAPHERD stands for?
8. Reward and punishment should be on the sport. Comment.


What are the contraindications of vajrasana?

9. Define sports medicine.
10. What are core muscles?


What is flat foot?

11. Discuss any two physiological factors for determining speed.
12. Discuss the objectives of extramural in detail.

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Difference between sagittal plane and horizontal plane.

13. What is sports psychology?
14. Explain the role of carbohydrate in diet?


What are the causes of round shoulders?

15. What is intellectual disability?
16. Explain the prevention of sprain and strain?
17. How does angle of projection help as a factor athletes in games and sports?
18. How can you manage anxiety in sports?


Discuss physiological differences between males and males.

19. Explain PNF.
20. What do you mean by league match or round robin tournament?
21. Discuss the procedure, benefits and contraindications of Trikonasana and Ardha
22. What are the causes of round shoulders and knock knees? List five lifestyle and fashion
fads followed by women which create bad posture.


What is friction? Is it advantageous and disadvantageous in the field of games and

23. Briefly discuss about sociological aspects of sports participation.
24. Explain in detail the AAHPER Test.
25. What are the various factors affecting physiological fitness? Explain.
26. What do you mean by coordinative abilities and elaborate on the types of coordinative


What do you mean by anxiety? How can it be managed.

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CBSE Class–XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-01

1. The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility, and specifically measures the
flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. This test is important as because
tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis and lower back pain. This test was
first described by Wells and Dillon (1952) and is now widely used as a general test of
2. The pain which is felt in the back usually originates from the bones, joints, muscles and
nerves etc is called back pain. It may be in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region.
3. The term ‘Yoga’ is derived from Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to unite ‘to join’ or ‘to
4. Seeding is a privilege given to the teams so that such seeded teams will not compete in
the initial rounds.


It is a neurological disorder that creates hindrances or obstruction for an individual to

store, process and produce information. This ability can affect an individual’s ability or
capability to read, compute, speak and write.
5. The goals of nutrition during competition are to
1. stay hydrated
2. provide immediate fuel
3. boost performance
4. preserve muscle and
5. improve recovery.
6. Menarche is the first menstrual bleeding of the young girl (9-16 yrs.)


Benefits of Ardha Chakrasana:

a. It helps to make ankles, spine, thigh, chest, shoulders, spine and abdomen stronger.
b. It relieves stress and tension.
c. It improves digestion.

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d. It cures menstrual disorders.
e. It cures pain in legs.
7. AAPHERD means American Alliances for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
8. Reward and punishment is a technique of motivation which is most effective when is
given on the spot. Delay in reward or punishment decreases its relevance.


The various contraindications of Vajrasana are as follows:

a. A person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana.
b. The individuals who have any spinal column problem should not perform vajrasana.
c. The individuals who have some difficulty in movement should practice vajrasana
with a lot of acre.
9. Sports medicine is a branch of healthcare. It deals with the diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of Injuries related to participation in sports and/or exercise.
10. Core muscles: Strong abs and back are really important because they keep your posture
upright and overall form good. These muscles play a significant role in running.


Flat foot is a deformity of the feet. In this deformity, there is no arc in the foot and the
foot is completely flat, which may cause pain in the foot during running and walking.
11. The following are the factors for determining speed:
a. Muscle composition: The muscles which consist of more percentage of fast twitch
fibres contract with more speed and produce a greater speed. Different muscles of the
body have different percentage of fast twitch fibres.
b. Explosive strength: it depends on the shape, size and coordination of muscles. For
very quick and explosive movement, explosive strength is required. The related
proportion of fast twitch fibres and slow twitch fibres determines the maximum
possible speed with which the muscle can contract.
12. The main objectives of extramural programmes are as follows:
To aid in the development of self esteem, citizenship, responsibility, sportsmanship, and
skills in co-operative behavior under the controlled competition. To provide an
opportunity to take part in activities that encourages active participation, enjoyment, and

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fun without external pressure or reward. To reinforce the concept that winning is less
important than preparing to win. Losing should not be the same as failure, nor success
the same as winning.
To determine participation by interest rather than skill, not limiting activities to the gifted
or early maturing athlete. To provide opportunities for students and expose them to a
wide variety of sports, skills and activities so that the may refine interest and make
choices to suit their personal abilities and needs.
The objectives of school extramural sports include socialization and talent promotion
among the participants. Competitive sports are an integral part of the continuing training
and development of members of an institution. It provides a higher level of participation
to students.


Sagittal or Medial plane: The sagittal plane is a vertical plane passing from the rear to the
fronty, dividing the body into left and right halves. It is also known as anteroposterior
plane. Most of the sports and exercise movements that are two dimensional, such as
running, long jumping and somersault take place in this plane. Transverse or Horizontal
plane: The transverse plane divides the body into top and bottom halves. In fact, it
divides the body into upper and lower sections. This plane lies horizontally that why it is
also called horizontal plane. Movements along this plane can include an ice-skating spin
or rotation to play a tennis shot.
13. The world ‘psychology’ refers to the study of human behaviour, and sports psychology
denotes a sub category of psychology that deals with the behaviour of athletes and teams
engaged in competitive sports. Sports psychology is that branch of psychology which is
intimately connected with human behaviour on the play field; both under practice and
competitive situations, with a view to bring about qualitative improvement in
performance and maintain the same even during the stresses of competition.
14. Carbohydrate: -
1. Carbohydrate is the main fuel to the body. It supplies energy and heat to the body.
2. It helps in digestion and regulation of fat in protein metabolism.
a. It is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
b. It helps in the metabolism of fat.
c. It is highly valuable when strong muscular work is undertaken.

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Sources :-
Starches - roots, tubers & plant stem.
Sugar : It comprises 6 glucose, Maltose, Sucrose
Cellulose :- Consists fibrous substance like, fruits, vegetable cereals, banana, sugar cane,


The causes of round shoulders are:-

i. Due to poor posture while working
ii. Faulty furniture
iii. Wrong habit of sitting / standing
iv. Carrying heavy load on shoulders
v. By sleeping on one side
15. Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in
intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behavior,
which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills. Indeed, this disability is
related to the individual’s thought process, communication, money, learning, problem
solving and judgment.
16. Prevention:
a. Conditioning should be performed during the preparatory period.
b. Sports equipments must be of good quality.
c. Play courts should be smooth and clean.
d. The scientific knowledge of games should be must for preventing strain.
e. Player should discontinue during the condition of fatigue.
f. Good officiating is essential for preventing such injury.
g. Players should be careful and alert during practice, training and competition.
17. The optimum projectile angle for achieving maximum horizontal range in throwing

events is considerably less than 45o. This because an athlete can generate a greater
projection velocity at low projectile angle than at high angles. The range of projectile is
strongly dependent on projectile speed. In sports, the fact is that the projection speed of
implement decreases when you throw within the higher projection angle. Shotput has a
projectile angle from 26˚ to 42˚. Every athlete has a unique speed, angle curve that
depends on his/her stature, strength and throwing technique. The flight of discus is

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greatly affected by aerodynamic forces acting upon it. The aerodynamic forces come
from the movement of the discus through the air. When in flight, the discus is affected by
force of gravity, aerodynamic lift and aerodynamic drag. The stability of discus flight
comes from the spine of the discus. Discus has a projectile angle from 27˚ - 43˚ for
maximum range. To achieve maximum distance in javelin the athlete will have to
balance three components-speed, strength and technique. After approach – run of 13 – 17
strides the releasing angle for javelin has to take into consideration aerodynamic lift and
drag. Distance achieved in Javelin depends upon height of release, angle of release and
speed of release of Javelin. The optimum angle of release 26˚ to 40˚.
18. Anxiety can be managed by
i. Keeping cool
ii. Yogic meditation
iii. Biofeedback
iv. Following a behavior modification strategy
v. Progressive relaxation breathing technique
vi. Somatic adjustment (control of cognitive processes)
vii. Guidance from a technically trained sports psychologist


Muscular strength: The muscular strength of females is less than males. The contraction
and extension of muscles of females is less forceful whereas males have more forceful
contraction and extension of muscles.
Blood circulation: The size of heart in females is smaller in comparison to males. and
also there is less amount of blood in females than males. Generally the heart rate of
females remains more than males.
Respiratory organs: Lungs of females are smaller in comparison to males. That’s why;
females have less endurance than males. In fact, lung capacity of normal healthy female
is 10% less in comparison to male of similar shape and size.
Menstrual cycle: Females should not perform strenuous and vigorous works during
menstrual cycle whereas in males there is no such type of cycle.
19. PNF stretching is much longer stretching session when compared to the other types. It
requires a partner‘s help to utilize this technique. The use of a partner is so that there can
be a contraction and relaxation phase. This type of stretching is actually the most

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effective form of stretching, but it is also considered the most painful type of stretching,
20. League: These are also called Round robin tournament.
There are two types of league tournaments:
I. Single league tournament: In this type of tournament, every team shall play once with
every other teams. The total number of matches in a single league tournament shall

For example, if 10 teams are competing, the total number of matches to be played

shall be
II. Double league tournament: In this type of tournament, every team shall play twice
with every other team. The total number of matches shall be n (n – 1), e.g., 10 teams
are competing the total number of matches: n (n – 1) = 10 (10 – 1) = 10 (9) = 90
21. Procedure of Trikonasana: First of all stand with your legs apart. Then raise the arm
sideways up to the shoulder level. Bend the trunk sideways and raise the right hand
upward. Touch the ground with left hand behind left foot. After sometime, do the same
asana with opposite arm in the same way.
Benefits of Trikonasana:
a. It strengthens the legs, knees, arms and chest.
b. It helps in improving digestion and stimulates all body organs.
c. It increases mental and physical equilibrium.
d. It reduces stress, anxiety, back pain and sciatica.
e. It helps in increasing height.
f. It helps in reducing obesity.
g. It enhances blood circulation.
h. It is also helpful in reducing extra fat around the waistline.
Contraindications of Trikonasana:
a. If you are suffering from diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, back injury or
migraine, avoid the practice of trikonasana.
b. The individuals having cervical spondylosis should not perform this asana.
Procedure of Ardha Matsyendrasana: the left heel is kept under right thigh and the right
leg is crossed over the left thigh. After that hold the right toe with left hand and turn your
head and back to the right side. In this position move the trunk sideways. Then Perform
the same sasna in the reverse position.

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Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana:
a. It keeps gall bladder and prostate gland healthy.
b. It enhances the stretch ability of back muscles.
c. It alleviates digestive ailments.
d. It regulates the secretion of adrenaline and bile and thus is recommended in yogic
management of diabetes.
e. It is also helpful in treating sinusitis, bronchitis, constipation, menstrual disorder,
urinary tract disorder and cervical spondylitis.
Contraindications Ardha Matsyendrasana:
a. Women, who are two or three months pregnant, should avoid practicing this asana.
b. The individuals who suffer from peptic ulcers, hernia, and hypothyroidism should
practice this asana under expert guidance.
c. The individuals who have the problem of sciatica or sleep disc may benefit from
asana but they need to take great care while doing this asana.
22. The causes of round shoulders are:-
i. Due to poor posture while working
ii. Faulty furniture
iii. Wrong habit of sitting / standing
iv. Carrying heavy load on shoulders
v. By sleeping on one side
The causes of knock knee are
i. Weakness of muscles and ligaments
ii. Overweight body
iii. Lack of balanced diet
iv. Lack of vitamin-D
Five lifestyle and fashion fads causing poor posture are
i. Wearing high heeled shoes / pencil heel shoes.
ii. Wearing tight fitting clothes.
iii. Wearing low waist jeans.
iv. Putting on very wide belts.
v. Wearing boots.


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Friction is the force acting along two surfaces in contact which opposes the motion of one
body over the other It has very importance in sports. For example, when a cricket ball or
hockey ball is hit, It moves very fast in the direction of force in the ground. After
sometimes Its motion becomes less and ultimately it comes in static position.
Friction has a great significance in the field of sports. Many sports require more friction
and other need lesser friction. In some sports we can not give a better performance
without friction, For example, in athletics, the shoes are designed to increase function so
that better speed can be generated. The spikes have small nails to create the friction.
Gymnasts sometimes use lime on their palms to perform on horizontal bar, uneven bars
to increase friction. In these sports friction is necessary thus regarded as advantageous.
On the other hand, some games do not require friction. For example, the games like snow
skiing. the skins are designed to have minimum friction. In cycling, there should not be
more function between road and tyres of the cycle. Thus the tyre should be fully inflated
to reduce the force of friction If there is more friction. It will be more wastage of energy
of the cyclist Moreover, the cyclists use pointed helmets, silk body fitted costume and
bend their bodies while cycling to reduce air friction. Swimmers use goggles, cap and full
body swimsuit to reduce the force of friction caused by water In roller skating, less
friction is also needed for better performance. Thus in these games friction is regarded as
23. There are various factors, which are responsible for low sports participation of women in
society. These factors are:-
1. Family - Family is a very significant social factor, which is generally responsible for
early sports socialization. The socializing process at home for both sex is different.
Males usually get more support and encouragement to get involved in sports
activities. They are further provided with more facilities to encourage and support
participation in sports and games. However female usually are not encouraged to get
involved in sports activities.
2. School - The culture of sports is generated in schools and reputation of school is
dependent on the success of male and females as sports personalities. Lots of schools
do not have girl teams as male teams (soccer/ wrestling/boxing etc/) They do not have
proper arrangements for coaches and sports facilities for females.

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3. Culture - Cultural beliefs have great impact on the involvement of females in sports.
Many cultures still firmly believe that women’s place is in the kitchen. The
participation in the sports masculinises females are viewed negatively.
4. Attitude and prejudices - Attitude and prejudices of society play significant role in
sports participation; some females avoid certain sports for fear of being perceived
masculine. Due to such attitude and prejudices of society regarding sexuality inhibit
females to participate.
24. AAPHER Physical Fitness Test: This test consists of the following six items:
a. Pull ups : In case of girls, the pull-ups are to be started from a flexed arm hang. This
test item judges the arm and shoulder girdle strength.
b. Flexed Leg sit ups: This test is meant to judge the efficiency of abdominal and hip
flexor muscles.
c. Shuttle Run: This test item is meant for judging the speed and change of direction.
d. Standing Long Jump: For judging the explosive power of leg muscles.
e. 50 yard Dash or Sprint: For judging speed.
f. 600 yard Run: For judging endurance.
Administration of Tests: these tests can be conducted in a gymnasium or out-doors. The
only apparatus required in these tests is a horizontal bar having a diameter of
approximately 1½ inches for pull-ups and flexed arm hang for girls. However,
arrangement has to be made for the timing and recording of all scores with the help of
timers and recorders.
Item No.1—Pull ups: This item has to be done from a hanging position on the bar by
using the overhead grasp (with palms facing outwards). The arms and legs of a subject
should be fully extended. Form hanging position, the subject should raise his body with
his arms until his chin is placed over the bar. Then, he should lower his body to a full
hanging position. In doing so, the knees should not be bent and the pull should not be
jerky or snap pull. (The number of completed pull-ups is the score of the subject.)
Item No. 1 (Girls)—Flexed-arms hung: In this test item for girls, the subject is required
to hang from the bar with flexed arms and overhead grasp. She should raise her body to
a position where the chin is above the bar, the elbows are flexed and the chest is close to
the bar. The stopwatch is started as soon as a subject assumes such a hanging position
and is stopped when the subject‘s chin falls below the level of the bar. (The time recorded
in seconds for which a subject holds the hang position is her score)

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Item No. 2—Sit-ups: For this test meant for boys and girls, the subject should lie on his or
her back with knees flexed and kept not more than 12 inches from the buttocks. The
hands of the subject should be placed at the back of the neck, fingers clasped and elbows
touching the mat. From this position, the subject should raise his or her head and elbows
forward upwards till the elbows touch the knees. This constitutes one sit-up. (The
number of correctly performed sit ups in 60 seconds from the start of the first sit-up is the
score of a subject).
Item No. 3—Shuttle Run: For this test item, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of
30 feet from each other and two blocks of wood are placed behind one of the lines. The
subject has to stand behind the other line and on the signal ―Ready‖, ―Go‖ should run to
pick up one block, run back to the starting line and place the block behind the line. He
should again turn back to pick up the second block and bring it also behind the starting
line. Two such trials are given. (The better time of the two trials to the nearest 10th of a
second is the score of the subject).
Item No. 4—Standing Long Jump: In this test, a subject is required to stand behind a
take-off line, with feet apart. He takes a jump forward by extending his bent knees and
swinging the arms forward. The best jump recorded, out of the three trials given, is the
score of the subject. (The jump should be recorded in feet and inches).
Item No. 5—50 Yard Dash: Two lines are drawn at a distance of 50 yards from each
other. The subject is made to run from the start line to the finish line and his time taken is
recorded in seconds (nearest to the tenth of a second.) This indicates his score.
Item No. 6—600 Yard Run: This run can be organized on a track, on a football field or an
open area marked for this purpose. In this test item, a subject runs a distance of 600
yards. The subject takes a standing start from the start line. The subject may walk in
between. However, the objective is to cover the distance in the shortest time. When he
crosses the finish line, he is informed of his time. (The time taken to run the distance is
recorded in minutes and seconds).
25. The following are the factors that affect the physiological fitness.
i. Anatomical structure: An individual must be appropriate in body size, shape and
structure essential for the performance. Sometimes genetic impaired organs are
responsible for weakness in structure which limits individual performance.
ii. Psychological factors or stress tension: This can become a barrier to performance by
contributing tension and anxiety which affect the fitness level of a person. One must

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be mentally tough/strong and prepared to perform better.
iii. Climate: Physical fitness also gets influenced by different climatic conditions such as
summer, winter and humid.
During Summer Exercise must be done early morning.
Drink plenty of fluid.
Wear light loose fitting, comfortable clothes.
In winter dress in layers.
Stop if you experience dizziness, shivering, cramp, etc.
iv. Diet: Plays an important role in maintaining physical fitness level. Diet requirement
varies from individual to individual game wise. Therefore, while planning fitness
programme diet factor must also be given due consideration.
v. Healthy surroundings: A healthy environment at home/ school/ playfields is helpful in
proper growth and development of an individual which creates a better learning
situation. There is a need for proper working environment for participation in sports
activities, otherwise it will affect the fitness of individual.
26. Coordination is the ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly and
accurately. This may involve the senses, muscular contractions and joint movements.
Everything that we participate in requires the ability to coordinate our limbs to achieve a
successful outcome – from walking to the more complex movements of athletic events
like the pole vault.
Basic coordination abilities:

Adaptive ability enables modifications of motor activity on the basis of comparison or

anticipation of new or changing conditions during performing motor activity.
Balance ability is understood as an ability to keep body or its parts in a relatively stable
Combinatory ability is understood as an ability to simultaneously put partial movements
together into more complex movement structures.
Orientation ability is an ability to realize position of the body or its parts in space and
time. Rhythm ability enables to grasp and meteorically express rhythm which is
externally determined or contained in the motor activity itself.


Anxiety:- Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state of an individual. It is

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characterized by cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. These components
combine to create an unpleasant feeling, which is associated with uneasiness, fear of
Anxiety (also called angst or worry) is a psychological and physiological state
characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components. It is the
displeasing feeling of fear and concern. The root meaning of the word anxiety is 'to vex or
trouble'; in either presence or absence of psychological stress, anxiety can create feelings
of fear, worry, uneasiness, and dread.
Anxiety in sports is a natural reaction to threat in environment & part preparation of
fight response. It is a psychological phenomenon.
Management of Anxiety:- Anxiety can be managed through various techniques such as
i. Deep breathing
ii. Drink water
iii. Follow advice
iv. Psychological balance
v. Warming-up
vi. No criticism
vii. Focus your target
viii. Sufficient practice
ix. Self confidence
x. Encouragement

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-02

a. Question 1 to 11 carry 1 marks each & may be answered in 10 – 20 words.

b. Question 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each & may be answered in 30 – 50 words.
c. Question 20 to 26 carry 5 Marks each & may be answered in 75 – 100 words.

1. Name at least two illnesses which may occur by practicing in high temperature?
2. What do you mean by growth food?
3. What is disordered eating?
4. What do you mean by consolation tournament?


What do you mean by cognitive disability?

5. What do you mean by Protein?
6. Discuss the procedure of Pawanmuktasana.


Explain any two causes of osteoporosis.

7. What is Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness Test?
8. What do you mean by ectomorphs?


Explain the procedure of Vajrasana.

9. Which test would you suggest to measure muscular strength of an individual?
10. What do you mean by flexion?


What is standing posture?

11. What is power?
12. Distinguish between intramural and extramural programmes.

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Define Projectile and enlist the factors which affect the projectile trajectory.
13. What is Motivation?
14. Briefly explain any two food myths.


Enlist the basic movements of early childhood in a baby.

15. Discuss about cognitive disability.
16. What do you mean by active & passive flexibility?
17. Write down the benefits of circuit training.
18. Explain the procedure of Autogenic as technique for anxiety managemet.


Enlist various physiological factors determining endurance.

19. What are the aims of sports medicine?
20. Define and classify ‘Fixtures’. Draw a league fixture for 16 teams.
21. What do you mean by back pain? Discuss the procedure and benefits of Shalabhasana.
22. Define knock knee and explain its corrective measures?


Elucidate Newton’s laws of motion and their application in the field of sports.
23. Briefly discuss about sociological aspects of sports participation.
24. Explain in brief “The Harvard Step Test”.
25. Recall the adaptive effects that take place in our cardiovascular system after engaging in
exercise for a longer period.
26. Which muscles are used in jumping?


What are the types of personality and explain in detail the role of sports in personality

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-02

1. Heat strokes and heat cramps.

2. Protein which is the combination of oxygen, carbon & hydrogen, helps for proper growth
& development muscles & tissues.
3. Disordered eating refers to unhealthy weight control methods, restricted food intake, self-
induced vomiting, consumption of appetite suppressants and diet pills and use of
4. Consolation: It provides a chance to the defeated teams to play again and show their skill
/performance and win subsidiary honors. We know the fact that in the single knockout
tournament a good team may get itself eliminated by chance or by other reason it does
not have another chance to show its real worth, therefore, consolation tournament is


Cognitive disability is a neurological disorder that creates hindrances or obstruction for

an individual to store, process and produce information. This ability can affect an
individual’s ability or capability to read, compute, speak and write.
5. Proteins are the basic structures of all living cells. They are complex organic compound
which form chain of Amino-acids that contains carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. It helps to
repair or replace the worn out tissues. Protein is complex organic nitrogenous
6. Procedure of Pawanmuktasana: lie down on you back on a plain surface. Keep your feet
together and place your arms beside your body. Take a deep breath. When you exhale
bring your knees towards your chest. At the same time press your thighs on your
abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana when you breathe
normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the
pose after you rock and roll from side to side three times.

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Osteoporosis :- It is a skeletal disorder which refers as to the decreased bone material

a. Insufficient calcium in diet.
b. Amenorrhoea
c. Eating disorder
7. The Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness Test for assessing the functional fitness of older
adults describes easy to understand and effective tests to measure aerobic fitness,
strength and flexibility using minimal and inexpensive equipment. The Individual fitness
test items involve common activities such as getting up from a chair, walking, lifting,
bending and stretching.
8. Ectomorphs are usually referred to as slim persons because their muscles and limbs are
elongated. They have weak constitution of busy and face great difficulty in gaining
weight. They have flat chest and have less muscle mass.


Procedure of Vajrasana: It is a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground with your
knees, ankle and toes touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards.
Now place your palms of both hands on the knees. The upper body should be straight. At
this time, the breathing should be deep, even and slow.
9. The test I would suggest to measure muscular strength of an individual is Kraus-Weber
10. Bending parts at a joint so that the angle between them decreases and parts come closer
together (bending the lower limb at the knee).

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Standing posture of an individual is considered as the basic posture from which all his
other postures stem. It in reality is movement upon a stationary base.
11. This is the ability of the body to release maximum muscle contraction in the shortest
possible time.
12. The intramural sports means competitions within the walls or within the school, i.e.
being or occurring within the limits usually of a community, organization, or institution.
This programme offers the school community the opportunity to participate in organized
sports competition. The rules of the games/ sports are modified accordingly, if needed.
Extramural sports satisfy the need for structured sports activities between students from
various schools, organizations, or institutions. Extramural means competitions outside
walls or boundaries, as of a city or town or a university. These tournaments will be
organized on a zonal, regional, state or national basis. eg. CBSE tournaments, SGFI
tournaments etc.


Projectile: an object thrown into the space either horizontally or at acute angle under the
action of gravity is called a projectile. In the field of games and sport there are many
examples of projectiles such as putting the shot, throwing a hammer, discus and javelin
in athletics. Three factors affecting projectile trajectory or parabola are follows:
1. Angle of Projection
2. Projection height relevant to the landing surface
3. Spin
13. Motivation in sports can be said to make a difference between a mediocre career and one
which is destined for greatest. If you reach the highest level of motivation in sports, you
always considered to be in the zone. In order for an athlete to reach this point he/she has
to work extra hard. Motivation is thought to be a combination of the drive within us to
achieve our aims and the outside factors which affect it. With this in Factors associated
with motivation- Smart, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic ,Time related , Exciting, Recorded.
14. The two food myths are as follows:
a. Eggs increases cholesterol level so avoid them: There is no doubt that eggs are good
source of health. An egg provides you various nutrients. It is as per daily
requirements of cholesterol by our bodies. So, if you take one egg daily there is no

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problem of cholesterol level.
b. Drinking while eating makes you fat: The actual fact behind this misconception is that
enzymes and their digestive juices will be diluted by drinking water while eating
which slows down your digestion which may lead to excess body fat.


This period is also known as preschool age and the movements during this period are
i. Ball handling,
ii. Fine eye-hand coordination,
iii. Walking leading to running,
iv. Good control over running.
v. Climbing proficiency using ladders.
15. Cognitive Disability: It is a neurological disorder that creates hindrances or obstruction
for an individual to store, process and produce information. This ability can affect an
individual’s ability or capability to read, compute, speak and write.
The individual’s, who have this type of disability, usually have following symptoms
i. Memory disorder: An individual who has auditory problems or difficulty in
remembering something that he heard, said or saw before sometime.
ii. Hyperactivity: An individual with cognitive disability may not have attention for a
long period. He finds it difficult to stay at one place.
iii. Dyslexia: An individual with cognitive disability may exhibit dyslexia. It means he
may have difficulty in writing, reading, speaking, etc.
16. Static strength:- It is also called as isometric strength. it is the ability of muscles To
work/act against resistance. This type of strength is not seen directly. it is measured by
a dynamometer.
Passive flexibility refers to someone physically moving a part of your body for you. This
requires no effort on the part of the patient. For instance, a therapist may grasp your arm
gently and move in a circular motion.
Active flexibility exercises are for people trying to increase or maintain flexibility on
their own. They require no assistance to perform simple movements, such as arm circles
or flexing of fingers.
17. Benefits of circuit training:
1. It is the best method for beginners as it develops strength and endurance. Maximum

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functioning of muscles can be gained in a single circuit.
2. It gives relief from any kind of tension. The trainee gains good result in a short period.
It doesn't create boredom as lot variety of exercise can be included etc.
3. It is a workout routine that combines cardiovascular fitness and resistance training.
4. The initial routines were arranged in a circle, alternating between different muscle
5. Circuit training plays an integral role in the off season workouts of many professional
18. Procedure of Autogenic as technique for anxiety management: In simple terms it is
autohypnosis. It consist of a series mental exercises to bring about sensation of heaviness
in the limbs, imagination of relaxing senses; general warmth in the body and giving
suggestions to the mind that the body is relaxed. Such mental activity enables the athlete
to improve the execution and precision of the given skill or task by thinking and
imagining about it. This way athlete can organize himself in a better way. Mental
rehearsal of competitive situations certainly help in improving athlete’s emotional state
as well as his physical performance. We also call it training from within.


Aerobic capacity:-
i. oxygen intake
ii. Oxygen transport
iii. Oxygen uptake
iv. Energy reserves,
v. Lactic acid tolerance,
vi. Movement economy,
vii. Muscle composition
19. The main aims of sports medicine are as follows:
a. To provide information to athletes about injuries.
b. To provide knowledge about the causes of injuries.
c. To provide means or treatment for sports injuries and for rehabilitation of injuries.
d. To provide knowledge about the preventive measures of sports injuries.
20. Fixture: It is a competition held among various teams/players in a particular game/sport
according to a fixed schedule where the winner is decided. Fixture must have a specific

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date/time and court number.
Classification of Fixture:
i. Knockout
ii. League
iii. Combination
iv. Challenge
Example: League fixture for 16 teams.
League: Cyclic method, step/stair/case method, Tabular method
The child can use any method of league system.
Number of rounds = n – 1 = 16 – 1 = 15
Number of matches = n(n - 1)/2 = 16(16 - 1)/2 = 120 matches.
Step Method: League fixture with the help of step method.
Winner is decided on the basis of point system.
Win – 2 points
Draw – 1 point
Lose – 0 points
Team with maximum points is declared as winner.

21. The pain which is felt in the back usually originates from the bones, joints, muscles and
nerves etc is called back pain. It may be in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region.
Procedure of Shalabhasana: Lie down in prostate position. Spread the thigh backwards.
Hold your fists and extend arms. Keep your fists under the thigh and then raise your legs

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slowly as high as you can. For best results hold this position for 2 to 3 minutes and then
lower your legs slowly. Repeat the same action for 3 to 5 times.

Benefits of Shalabhasana:
a. It improves posture.
b. It stimulates the body organs.
c. It helps in relieving stress.
d. It alleviates lower back pain.
e. It helps in removing constipation.
f. It provides relief to persons who have mild sciatica and slip disc problem.
g. It strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks and back of the arms and legs.
22. If a person stand erect in standing position with his feet close together, then for a normal
posture there should be some gap between the knees. If there is no gap and the knees
touch or overlap, then it mean there is a deformity called knock knee. The main cause of
knock knees is the weakness of muscles and ligaments and also the softness of bones of
the knee region. To remove this deformity, extra care should be taken while walking. In
this postural deformity the legs are bent inward and knees strike each other while
walking or running. In this problem the knees join together while there is wide gap
between the ankles varying directly with the degree of deformity. Genu valgum,
commonly called "knock-knee", is a condition in which the knees angle in and touch one
another when the legs are straightened. Individuals with severe valgus deformities are
typically unable to touch their feet together while simultaneously straightening the legs.
The term originates from the Latin genu, "knee", and valgus which actually means bent
outwards. The main cause of knock knees is the weakness of muscles and ligaments and
also the softness of bones of the knee region. To remove this deformity, extra care should
be taken while walking. Corrective measures-Activating and developing the arches of the
feet, Waking up the inner leg muscles (adductors), and Learn how to move the inner
ankle bone inwards towards the outer ankle bone, and upwards towards the knee.

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The three laws of motion formulated by Newton are described below :

1. Law of inertia: According to this law a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in
motion will remain in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless
acted upon by an external force. There are great examples of this law in sports such
as starting in rowing, starting in sprinting, starting in throwing the hammer. Basically
if an object is in motion, it remains in motion unless something or some external force
stops it. The external force may be gravitational force, the surface of playing field or a
defensive player etc.
2. Law of acceleration: According to this law, A change in motion is directly proportional
to the force producing it and inversely proportional to its mass. If two unequal forces
are applied to objects of equal mass, the object that has greater force applied will
move faster. Conversely, if two equal forces are applied to objects of different masses,
the lighter mass will travel at a faster speed.
3. Law of reaction: According to this law ‘ For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.’ There are so many examples in sports where this law is applied.
e.g., In swimming a swimmer pushes the water backwards (action) and the water
pushes the swimmer forward (reaction) with the same force.
23. There are various factors, which are responsible for low sports participation of women in
society. These factors are:-
1. Family - Family is a very significant social factor, which is generally responsible for
early sports socialization. The socializing process at home for both sex is different.
Males usually get more support and encouragement to get involved in sports
activities. They are further provided with more facilities to encourage and support
participation in sports and games. However female usually are not encouraged to get
involved in sports activities.
2. School - The culture of sports is generated in schools and reputation of school is
dependent on the success of male and females as sports personalities. Lots of schools
do not have girl teams as male teams (soccer/ wrestling/boxing etc/) They do not have
proper arrangements for coaches and sports facilities for females.
3. Culture - Cultural beliefs have great impact on the involvement of females in sports.
Many cultures still firmly believe that women’s place is in the kitchen. The
participation in the sports masculinised females are viewed negatively.

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4. Attitude and prejudices - Attitude and prejudices of society play significant role in
sports participation, some females avoid certain sports for fear of being perceived
masculine. Due to such attitude and prejudices of society regarding sexuality inhibit
females to participate.
24. Harvard Step Test Administration
Purpose: To measure the general capacity of the heart and circulatory system for
measurement of cardio-vascular efficiency.
Age level and sex: It is designed for college man by Brouha at Harvard University
Laboratory. It is also modified to suit both sexes from Elementary school to college level.
Time Allotment: 5 minutes
Facilities and Equipment: A stop watch, 20” height bench, partners, stethoscope,
metronome, score sheet.
Procedure: Stand facing the step-up bench. On the word ‘ready go’ count your steps for 5
minutes. Count as follow: left foot up, right foot up, left foot down, right foot down.
(straightened the knees completely on top of the bench). At the end of the fifth minute
give command ‘stop’ and ask the subject to sit down. Take the pulse rate at the wrist,
exactly one minute later record the pulse rate for 30 seconds.
Exactly 30 seconds later, again take and record the pulse rate for another 30 seconds.
Again exactly 30 seconds later take the third recovery pulse rate for 30 seconds and
record. So the recovery pulse count from 1, 2, 3 to minutes after exercise is completed.
Scoring: His fitness index is calculated by

25. Adapting effects in our cardiovascular system for a longer period are:
i. Cardiac output increases: The cardiac output at maximum level of exercise it
increases considerably. This increases results mainly from the increase in maximal
stroke volume. For highly endurance trained athletes the cardiac output is 40 l/min.
or more.
ii. Increases in stroke volume: Physical exercise, especially endurance training,
increases the stroke volume. In trained athletes, who endure for long duration, the
left ventricle of heart holds more blood during relaxed state than it does in an
untrained athlete’s heart. It means more blood is available to enter the ventricle,
which ultimately increases stroke volume. It also results in decrease in heart rate at
iii. Lung volume: With endurance training lung volume and capacities increase. Vital

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capacity is also increased after long duration workouts.
iv. Tidal volume increases: The tidal volume is the amount of air inspired or expired
per breath. It also increases as a result of long hours training. In untrained individual
the tidal volume is 500 ml/breath, whereas in trained persons it increases to more
than 600-700 ml/breath.
v. Blood flow: It is a well-know fact that active muscles require more oxygen and
nutrients. To fullfil this requirement more blood must be supplied to these muscles
during exercise. The adaptive effect that takes place is that the muscle becomes better
trained and the circulatory system adapts to increase blood flow to them.
26. Following muscles are used in jumping
i. Quadriceps The quadriceps rest on the front of the thighs and they have four
components: the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and vastus
iterrmedius During a jump. you perform hip flexion and knee extension, which both
activate the quadriceps Hip flexion takes place when you move your thigh toward
your stomach, knee extension takes place when you straighten your leg. A squat is a
specific exercise that can help you gain more strength in the quads.
ii. Hamstrings The hamstrings are opposing muscles to the quadriceps and have an
opposite function. You activate your hamstrings through hip extension and knee
flexion. Hip extension takes place when you bend your knee and move your heel
toward your butt Hip extension also causes you to work the glutes. From an
anatomical standpoint, the hamstrings have three parts the biceps, femoris,
semimembranosus. All parts get activated during the lowering phase and the
explosive phase of a jump A squat works the hamstrings. but you can place more
emphasis on them by doing a lunge.
iii. Hip Flexors The hip flexors run from the lower stomach to the top of the thighs. They
consist of the psoas major and iliacus, and because of this, they are often referred to
as the iliopsoas. As the name implies. these muscles get activated when you flex your
hip, in a similar fashion to the quads Although these muscles are small, they are
important for explosive motions like sprinting a jumping. A lying leg raise is a good
exercise to strengthen the hip flexors.
iv. Calves The calve-, have two part; the gastrocnemius and soleus. The gastrocnemius
has a lateral heading medial head and it is easily seen on the back of the leg right
below the knee The soleus sits anterior, or in front of the gastrocnemius. Both parts

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function to plantar-flex the foot. This motion occurs when you jump off the ground
and point your toes downward.
Jumping rope is a good cardiovascular exercise to train these muscles because of the
repetitive hopping you do on your toes. A tuck jump is a good exercise to work your
calves because it is specific to jumping.


Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psycho physical
systems which determine his unique adjustment to his environment. Personality is not
static but a dynamic concept. It is continuously chaning and growing. Children may have
identical environment. They may have similar experiences but they react to the same
environment in different way.
Types of Personality Introverts:- Introverts are shy, self conscious quit retiring
interested in the own thoughts and feelings, inclined to worry and easily upset.
Extroverts:- Extroverts are social, open frank, outgoing, eager to do thing adaptable, not
easily worried or embarrassed and willing to work with others.
Ambiverts:- In ambiverts both the characteristics of introverts and extroverts are found.
In every person mostly both the characteristics are found through one of them may be
predominant. Sports play a very important role in personality development. They
improve the following qualities.
a. Self concept
b. Mental toughness
c. Emotional stability
d. Quick Decision
e. Planning (Points to be explained)
Sports and games play an important role in the development of human personality. They
are no less important than food and fresh water. Games and sports help to combat
anxiety, depression and stress. Sports train sportsmen to accept defeat gracefully and to
move on.

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-03

1. Question 1 to 11 carry 1 marks each & may be answered in 10 – 20 words.

2. Question 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each & may be answered in 30 – 50 words.
3. Question 20 to 26 carry 5 Marks each & may be answered in 75 – 100 words.

1. What do you mean by flexibility?

2. What do you mean by healthy weight?
3. What is Diabetes?
4. What do you mean by term planning?


Enlist various types of disorders.

5. What is rickets?
6. What is anaemia?


What is obesity?
7. What is Rockport fitness walking Test?
8. What do you mean by extroverts?


Mention any five benefits of Shalabhasana.

9. What do you mean by joint injuries?
10. What is energy?


What is sitting posture?

11. Define cardiovascular fitness?
12. Explain the staircase method of a league tournament for 7 teams.

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“Friction is a necessary evil” Justify your answer with suitable examples from sport.
13. What do you mean by mesomorphs?
14. In sports such as Boxing & Wrestling, the players tend to lose weight sharply. Explain
pitfall of dieting?


Explain the physical and physiological benefits of exercise on children.

15. Discuss any three strategies to make physical activities accessible for children with
special needs.
16. Discuss the management of contusion in brief.
17. Explain any three objectives of Intramurals.
18. Discuss the factors influencing body image and self-esteem?


What are the immediate effects of exercise on cardiovascular system?

19. What do you mean by Flexibility?
20. Explain the formation of committee for organizing sports events.
21. What do you mean by asthma? Mention the procedure and benefits of Matsyasana.
22. Briefly explain the six physical benefits of exercise to children.


Discuss the major muscles involved in running.

23. Elucidate the steps to improve participation of women in sports and games.
24. Explain Rikli & Jones Eight foot up and go test?
25. Describe physiological factors determining component of physical fitness.
26. What are the physiological and psychological benefits of warming up


Explain in detail the role of physical activities in the development of personality. Or What
is the role of sports in personality development?

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-03

1. The range of movements of joints is called flexibility

2. A healthy weight is considered to be one that is between 19-25 BMI. If the BMI is between
25-29 an adult is considered overweight and if it is above 30, the person is considered to
be obese.
3. Diabetes is such a disorder that it causes sugar to build up in our blood stream instead of
being used by the cells in the body.
4. A plan is a pre-determined course of action to achieve a specified goal. It is an intellectual
process characterized by thinking and linking before doing. It is an attempt on the part of
manager to anticipate the future in order to achieve better performance. Planning is the
primary function of the management.


The various types of disorders are:

a. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
b. Sensory processing disorder (SPD)
c. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
d. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
e. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OSD)
5. Rickets is a softening of bones in children due to deficiency of vitamin D, phosphorus or
calcium, potentially leading to fractures and deformity. Rickets is among the most
frequent childhood diseases in many developing countries. The predominant cause is a
vitamin D deficiency, but lack of adequate calcium in the diet may also lead to rickets.
6. It is a medical condition where a body does not have enough Red Blood Cells or
haemoglobin. It occurs mainly due to nutritional deficiencies. Any long term medical
condition can also lead to anaemia.


Obesity is that condition of the body in which the amount of fat increases to extreme

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7. Rockport Fitness Walking Test: This test is very good to measure Cardio-Respiratory
fitness of the individual. Thus the objective of this test is to monitor the development of
the athlete‘s maximum Cardio-Respiratory ability (VO2).
8. Extroverts gets their energy from interacting with other individuals where as introverts
get their energy from within themselves. Extroversion includes the traits of being
energetic, talkative and assertive.


Benefits of Shalabhasana:
1. It improves posture.
2. It stimulates the body organs.
3. It helps in relieving stress.
4. It alleviates lower back pain.
5. It helps in removing constipation.
9. A hard blow to a joint, a fall, a forceful throwing, lifting or hitting may cause dislocation.
Infact it is dislocation of surface of bones.
10. Energy can be defined as the capacity or ability of the body to do work. Work is always
done at the expense of energy is spent when a force does work on an object. The SI unit of
energy is joule and in and in cgs system erg.


Sitting posture- Back bone should be erect, the upper region of the back bone should be
straight against back of chair, head should in line with hip & shoulder.
11. It is the ability of an individual to strengthen the heart muscles during continuous
muscular activities in which number of muscles groups are used
12. In staircase method, fixtures are made just like a ladder or staircase This method is the
easiest method because no bye is given to any team and there is no problem of odd or
even number of teams.
total number of teams = 9

Total Matches = matches

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Friction is both helpful as well as harmful. Friction is Necessary: It reduces the efficiency
of work done. Nothing would be able to move without friction. Friction is how things
accelerate. Without friction we would not be able to walk, we would just be slipping.
Without friction we can not give better performance in sports. Examples: athletes use
spikes and footballers use studs to have appropriate friction while they run fast. A
Gymnast uses lime powder on his/her palms to perform many activities like horizontal
bar, uneven bar, Roman Rings. In Badminton, players are usually seen to rub their sole of
shoes with lime before going to the wooden court. It is done to provide better grip on the
floor so that one can move safely. Kabaddi players rub their hands with soil for a better
grip of the opponent. Friction is an evil: It is an evil because it results in energy wastage.
Due to friction we have to spend lot of energy and make your life move on. Wear and tear
happens because of friction.
13. Mesomorphs have a rectangular shaped body with athletic physiques and a balanced
body composition. They are able to increase their muscles size quickly and easily. They
have thick bones and muscles. Their chest and shoulders are broader than the waistline.
They can excel in sports which require great strength, short bursts of energy and lots of
power because they have enough strength, agility and speed.
14. Pitfalls of Dieting are as follows:
1. Intake of calories through drinking: when you want to lose weight you try to eat less

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and drink less too things like sweetened juices, sodas, coffee and ice creams etc. all
these contribute to weight gain.
2. Underestimating the calories: it is a fact that most of the persons who go on dieting
usually underestimate the number of calories they consume. So, it is essential to be
more aware about the number of calories you take in your diet.
3. Crash dieting takes the biggest toll on water reserves of our body. Loss of water
impairs (check/reduces) circulation and therefore overworks the heart and kidneys.
4. Intake of labeled foods.
5. Not performing exercises.


Physical and physiological benefits of exercise on children are

i. Regular exercise helps in controlling weight by burning excess fat. Exercise
strengthens bones by increasing their density, thus preventing them from becoming
porous and weak.
ii. Exercise enhances lung capacity and efficiency in inhalation and exhalation.
iii. Exercise changes the structure of the brain by sensory stimulation.
iv. Exercise improves the performance and efficiency of the heart.
v. Exercise boosts the energy level by delivering more oxygen and nutrients to body
vi. Exercise reduces blood sugar level by taking up more glucose from the blood for
vii. Exercise builds strong and healthy muscles.
15. The following strategies should be taken into consideration to make physical activities
accessible for the children with special needs:
a. Medical check-up: if we want to make physical activities accessible for the children
with special needs, we need to understand the type of disabilities of children and for
this purpose complete medical check-up of the children is required. Because without
complete medical check-up, the teachers of physical education cannot come to know
about the type of disability child is facing.
b. Activities based on interests: Physical activities must be based on interest, aptitudes,
abilities, previous experience and limitations of children with special needs. The
teachers of physical education should have deep knowledge of limitations, interest

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and aptitudes of children.
c. Different instructional strategies: A variety of different instructional strategies such as
verbal, visual and peer teaching should be used for performing various types of
physical activities. By this children get opportunity to learn by their own and become
16. Management of contusion:
a. Cold compression should be used immediately. Ice or cold water should not be used
for more than 40 minutes persistently.
b. The cold compression should be performed 5 to 6 times daily.
c. If there is more swelling at the sight of contusion, the anti-inflammatory medicine
should be given.
d. If the swelling persists, consult the Doctor immediately.
e. For the purpose of rehabilitation, flexibility exercises should be performed
17. The three main objectives of Intramurals are as follows:
a. Providing opportunity: These tournaments provide ample opportunities to every
student to participate in games and sports of his/her choice. As in Extra murals mass
participation is not possible but in Intra murals everyone has a chance to participate
in some or the activity.
b. Developing sportsmanship: Intramurals develop sportsmanship qualities among the
students. They show respect to the opponents and officials and remain humble in
victory and gracious in defeat.
c. Providing recreation: By participating in Intramurals students get a lot of joy,
pleasure, fun as they participate in the activities according their interests.
18. i. Media Images:- During teenage, the teenagers become more aware of celebrities and
media images. They usually start to compare themselves with media images and
ii. Family and school:- We do not develop our body image all on our own. The family,
school and other members of society can influence our self-esteem and body image.
iii. Life experience and natural ageing process: Body image and self-esteem are also
significant factors which influence the body image influence our body image and self-


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The various immediate effects of exercise on cardiovascular system are:
a. increase in heart rate
b. increase in stroke volume
c. increase in blood flow
d. increase in cardiac output
e. increase in blood pressure
19. It is ability of joint to move to maximum range. Flexibility of individual varies from joint
to joint due to many reasons like structure of joint, attachment of ligaments and tendon
of joint, surrounding muscle etc. It is of two types an Active (to do the movement without
external help and Passive (to the movement with internal help) flexibility.
20. Sports competitions are organised at various levels which include district, state, national
and international levels. Such events require careful planning and organization in order
to be successful. Planning must be executed properly for which different committees
work together.

i. Organising committee: It is headed by chairman as overall in charge of conducting the

event. All the aspects of sporting events to be conducted are administered through
this committee.
ii. Finance committee: It is responsible from all financial receipts and expenditure etc.
They should work as per budget plan. This committee makes all the payments. They
must work as per the directions given by organizing committee.

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iii. Publicity committee: The role of publicity committee is to give the sports event a wide
publicity. All the press releases, press conferences, results during the meet as well as
publicity regarding dates, venues trough media, posters and printing, etc.
iv. Technical committee: It is responsible for the technical conduct of the event. This
committee is responsible for making draws and conducting the event smoothly. The
officials are deputed well in advance. This is the most important committee that will
officiate the sports events. The competent persons are judged and appointed officials.
Compilation of results is also done.
v. Reception committee: The responsibility of reception committee is to see that special
invitees are welcomed and taken to the seats reserved for them. They plan to invite
the guests well in advance and take care of their reception. The outstation
participating teams are received and proper arrangements are done till they depart.
vi. Accommodation committee: This committee is responsible for making arrangements
for the stay of players as well as officials. The accommodation is booked well in
advance as per expected strength of participants, coaches, managers and other
vii. Transport committee: It looks after the transportation of players and officials to the
venue of sporting activity and back to their accommodation. It takes care before,
during and after the sports event. This committee must have details of arrival and
departure of participants so that everything is done on time.
viii. Refreshment committee: It is formed to provide refreshment to the participants,
officials and all those involved in the entire programme. It must be ensured that
everyone is welcomed and treated properly with suitable soft drinks. This committee
is also responsible for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the place of stay. Proper
hygienic meals should be served.
ix. Purchase committee: This is a pre meet work. The duty of purchasing of equipment
and any other item required in connection with the sporting event is assigned to this
committee. This committee shall make arrangement of laying out the field of
international standard and fulfill the required demand of the game/sport.
x. Awards or prizes committee: The prizes are bought by this committee as per the
number of expected winners. The mementos for officials are also obtained by this
committee. They are completely responsible for all the awards and prize distribution
well on time.

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Conclusion: All those involved in any type of committees shall be given the badges and
identity cards. The Meet starts with opening ceremony (March past, oath taking, etc.) and
ends with closing ceremony. Then a brief reports concerning the entire championship is
to be prepared.
21. Asthma is a disease of lungs in which the airways become blocked or narrowed causing
difficulty in breathing. The airways also swells up and produce extra mucus. It usually
triggers coughing, wheezing or whistling or shortness of breath. The coughing usually
occurs at night or early in the morning. Procedure of Matsyasana: For performing this
asana, sit in padamasana. Then lie down in supine position and make an arch behind.
Hold your toes with the fingers of your hands. Stay for some time in this position.

a. It is helpful in curing back pain, knee pain and tonsillitis.
b. It also cures the defects of eyes.
c. Skin diseases can be cured, if we practice this asana regularly.
d. This asana is helpful for the treatment of diabetes.
e. It helps in relieving tension in the neck and shoulders.
f. It improves posture.
g. It is the best asana to get relief from asthma.
h. It provides relief from respiratory disorders by encouraging deep breathing.
22. Physical and physiological benefits of exercise are: Physical fitness and wellness is
required for proper growth and development. It enables the body’s physiological systems
to function more efficiently and smoothly. The relationship of body ad the activities of
mind are subtle and complex. Skill can only function at the peak of capacity when the
body is healthy and strong, benefit are:
i. It improves the quality of life. In our daily life a physically fit person can manage the
routine work efficiently and without getting fatigued.
ii. It helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. A physically fit person is less
prone to coronary heart disease.
iii. It improves the efficiency of cardio vascular system.

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iv. It reduces the risk of obesity.
v. It help in better management of stress and tension.
vi. It helps to delay the onset of tiredness and also reduces recovery time after vigorous
vii. It delays the ageing process.
viii. It helps in quick recovery after injury or illness. Recovery from fatigue is also faster
and quicker.
ix. It helps in improvement of motor abilities. Our strength speed, flexibility, endurance
and coordination are improved to a great extent.
x. It gives better quality of work. It regulates ad improves overall body functions.
Response becomes more accurate, therefore, there is less wastage of energy.
xi. It helps in better functioning of systems, leading to good health and optimum
development of the body.
xii. It helps attain good shape, size, structure and controlled weight. We can also remove
postural deformity through it.


The major muscles involved in running are described below:

i. Glutes: these muscles stabilize your hips and legs. These muscles work with hamstring
muscles and help in hip flexors.
ii. Quads: Quads propel you forward and help straighten out the leg in front so that it
can make a good contact with the surface of ground.
iii. Calves: these muscles give you spring in your step and at the same time these muscles
act as shock absorbers.
iv. Hamstrings: As you move forward, the action switches to your hamstrings, the
muscles at the back of your thigh muscles. These muscles helps you in pulling the leg
back behind and give you strength to propel your body forward.
v. Core muscles: Strong abs and back are really important because they keep
your posture upright and overall form good. These muscles play a significant role in
vi. Biceps: biceps also play a vital role in running. Biceps maintain a bent arm and help
in swinging your arms back and forth while running.
23. The steps to improve women participation in the field of sports and games:-

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A. Motivation and inspiration to women for participation.
B. Support from family and parents.
C. To organise camp, seminar and workshops.
D. To provide knowledge and media coverage.
E. Educating women at grass route level and participation.
F. Provide better infrastructure and facilities.
G. Ensuring safety and security of women.
H. More opportunity for competition
I. Develop new techniques and environments.
J. To build physical and psychological strength.
K. Healthy and balance food.
L. Better incentives and awards.
M. Culture in domestic constrains.
N. Change in attitude and perception in village level
O. Equality and community mobilizing.
24. This test is a coordination and agility test for senior citizens.
Purpose: To assess speed, agility and balance while moving.
Equipments required: A chair with straight back ( about 44 cms high) a stopwatch, cone
marker, measuring tape, and area without hindrance.
Procedure: Keep chair next to the wall and the marker, 8 feet in front of the chair. The
participant starts completely seated, with hands resting on the knees and feet flat on the
ground. On the command ‘go’ stopwatch is started and the participant stands and walk
(on running at all) as quickly as possible to and around cone and returns to the chair to
sit down. Time is noted as he sits down on the chair. Two trials are given to the

Scoring: The best trial is recorded to the nearest 1/10th second.

25. Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness are:
i. Muscular strength: This is the maximum force or tension a muscle or a muscle group
can exert against a resistance. Physiologically the muscle will increase in strength
only if it has to increase its workload beyond what is ordinarily required of it.
ii. Power: This is the ability of the body to release maximum muscle contraction in the
shortest possible time.
iii. Speed: This is the rapidity with which one can repeat successive movements in the

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same pattern.
iv. Muscular endurance This is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform
repeated contractions against a resistance load or to sustain contraction for an
extended period time with less discomfort and more rapid recovery.
v. Agility: This is the ability of a person to change direction or body position as quickly
as possible and regain body control to proceed with another movement.
vi. Flexibility: This is a quality of the muscles, ligaments and tendons that enables the
joints of the body to move easily through a complete range of movements.

"Most people say that as you get old, you have to give up things. I think you get old
because you give up things. "Give your opinion what you think about this with the help of
physiological changes due to ageing, the saying is correct because, by giving up your
usual activities, you speed up the ageing process. In fact, the ageing process can be
slowed down by continuing your usual activities, Regular exercise keeps the human body
livelier, fitter and in better condition, thus delaying the ageing processes like Loss of
elasticity from the lungs and chest wall, reduction in muscle strength and hypertrophy,
increase in the fat content of the body, reducing flexibility.

26. Physiological and Psychological benefits of warming-up are:

i. It raises the whole body temperature, which improves physical work efficiency.
ii. It increases the stroke volume as per demand of muscles to be used in the activity.
iii. It also increases the lung ventilation, which supplies more oxygen.
iv. It enables to reduce the chances of feeling of stretch in the sides.
v. It improves reaction time.
vi. It improves muscle coordination.
vii. It improves range of motion in the joints.
viii. It Improves the concentration required for the main task.
ix. General and specific warm-up results in better skill performance.
x. Rate of contraction of muscle becomes faster. Thus the chances of injury or wear and
tear are minimised.
xi. Player get mentally ready for the game/sport to be played.

In the physiological warm-up athlete does general and specific warm-up and prepares his

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muscles for the game whereas, In psychological warm-up athlete prepares himself
mentally ready for the upcoming schedule. This allows him to concentrate better.


Physical activities and sports play an important role in the development of personality of
an individual. These activities help in shaping up the personality of an individual such as:
1. Physical appearance: One of the primary aspect of one's personality is his physical
appearance. Both boys and girls are very much concerned about how they look.
Physical activities are conducive to the growth and development of physique.
Workouts in gym are becoming a must for all the youngsters of today. So, this
develops their outer personality which creates a good impression.
2. Social interactions: Physical activities and sports provide opportunities of interaction
between athletes coming from different regions, speaking different languages,
different caste and religion. This helps an individual to develop multi-dimensional
personality. Moral Values through sports is responsible for development of sound and
ideal character, a very essential attribute of personality.
3. Analytic thinking: This mental exercise enhance the intellectual abilities of the
participants and broaden their mental horizon. It is well said that physique is of no
use if not governed by analytic thinking, analyzing and Disciplined and assertive: In
sports one learns to make sincere efforts, which reflect positively in the development
of an individual's personality. Code of discipline is fundamental learning of any
physical activity and effective participation in sports.
4. Disciplined and assertive: In sports one learns to make sincere efforts, which reflect
positively in the development of an individual's personality. Code of discipline is
fundamental learning of any physical activity and effective participation in sports.
5. Well balanced individual: Physical activities also provide recreation which go a Iong
way in producing perfectly happy, satisfied and balanced individual having pleasing
and energetic personality, having zest for Iife experiences. Physical activities and
sports are the basic needs of human beings which help in development of well
balanced personality.

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample paper-04

Question 1 to 11 carry 1 marks each & may be answered in 10 – 20 words.

Question 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each & may be answered in 30 – 50 words.
Question 20 to 26 carry 5 Marks each & may be answered in 75 – 100 words.

1. What are the measure to prevent dislocation?

2. What is Glycemic Index?
3. What is menopause?
4. Name some specific sports programmes.


“Malnutrition may cause disability”. Explain this statement.

5. Define Balanced diet.
6. Briefly state any five benefits of Bhujangasana.


Who was the first Indian woman to win a bronze medal at the Sydney Olympics?
7. What do you mean by motor fitness?
8. Explain goal setting as a techniques of motivation.


What Are the benefits of Ardha matsyendrasana?

9. What is measurement in sports?
10. What do you mean by axes?


What are postural deformities?

11. What is oxygen intake?
12. Briefly mention the objectives of intramurals?

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What do you mean by axis? Discuss various types of axes.

13. What do you mean by ectomorphs?
14. Define fat and mention its function


What are the factors affecting the motor Development of Children?

15. What are the main cause of scoliosis? Which physical activity works as a corrective
measure for this deformity?
16. Explain interval training method.
17. What do you mean by Isometric Exercises?
18. What are the symptoms of anxiety in sports?


Explain the physiological factors for determining flexibility.

19. Enlist various types of dislocations. And explain any two.
20. Explain different steps to be followed for organising a health run in your school.
21. What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder? Discuss its causes in detail.
22. Describe the causes and preventive measures of Scoliosis?


What are the major muscles that we use while we run?

23. What is anaemia and osteoporosis? Explain the causes of it?
24. Explain the procedure for conducting Kraus-Weber test for measuring minimum
muscular strength.
25. Elaborate any three physiological factors determining endurance.
26. What do you mean by plane? Discuss the types of plane.


Elucidate Sheldon’s classification of personality.

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample paper-04

1. i. An individual must build overall strength with long-term conditioning and fitness
ii. Warm-up before the start of any physical activity.
iii. One must wear protective devices during contact sports.
iv. Uneven surface should be avoided for running.
2. Glycemic Index (GI) is a scale of how much a particular type of food raises blood sugar
over a two hour period compared to pure glucose.
3. Menopause is the time when women stop having menstrual cycle, it occurs when
menstruation ceases due to hormonal changes. In other words “It is permanent, Cessation
of primary functions of the Ovaries.
4. Specific sports programmes are
a. Health run
b. Run for fun
c. Run for unity
d. Run for awareness


Malnutrition is another significant cause of disability. If a child does not get appropriate
nutrition, he may be physically weak. Even deficiency of calcium leads to malformation
of bones. Deficiency of Iodine may diminish the growth of the body.
5. Nutrition components of diet are proteins, carbohydrates, fates, vitamins and minerals.
All these nutrients constitute a balanced diet of a person. They are also called primary
components of diet.
6. Benefits of Bhujangasana:
a. It alleviates obesity.
b. It provides strength and agility.
c. It cures the disorder of urinary bladder.
d. It cures the disease of liver.
e. It improves blood circulation.

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Karnam Malleswari was the first Indian woman who won a bronze medal at the Sydney
Olympics in 2000 in the weightlifting event.
7. Motor fitness refers to the capability of an athlete to perform effectively at his particular
sport. Motor fitness can also be defined as a person’s ability to perform physical
8. Goal Setting Sportsmen should be encouraged to set few ambitious but achievable tong:
term as well as medium-term goals. e. g. If a person wants to get a good position or a
medal in Olympic Games, he should also set the goals for getting a position in Asian or
National Games.


Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana:

1. It keeps gall bladder and prostate gland healthy.
2. It enhances the stretch ability of back muscles.
3. It alleviates digestive ailments.
4. It regulates the secretion of adrenaline and bile and thus is recommended in yogic
management of diabetes.
5. It is also helpful in treating sinusitis, bronchitis, constipation, menstrual disorder,
urinary tract disorder and cervical spondylitis.
9. Measurement in Sport assists in evaluating the effectiveness of specific measurement
tools. Measurement in Sport and Exercise provides a complete analysis of the tools and
methods used in sport and exercise psychology research.
10. An axis is a straight line around which an object rotates.


Postural deformities imply not having proper alignment of body parts. An individual who
has postural deformities cannot perform his work efficiently. Some postural deformities
are Kyphosis, flat foot, knock knee etc.
11. Oxygen intake is the amount of oxygen taken by the lungs from atmosphere.
12. The objectives of intramural are
It provides mass participation.

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it provides fun, enjoyment and recreation to students.
It helps to identify the talent among one's classmates
it develops social values such as honesty, discipline, cooperation, and sympathetic
variety of opportunities provide good leadership skills.


An axis is a straight line around which an object rotates. Movements at the joints of
human musculoskeletal system are mainly rotational and take place about a line
perpendicular to the plane in which they occur. This line is known as axis of rotation.
There are following types of axes of rotation:
a. Sagittal axis: The sagittal axis passes horizontally from posterior to anterior. It is
formed by the intersection of the sagittal and transverse plane. Sagittal axis passes
from front to back.
b. Frontal axis: The frontal axis passes horizontally from left to right. It is formed by the
intersection of frontal and horizontal plane. Frontal axis passes from side to side.
c. Vertical axis: The vertical axis passes vertically from inferior to superior. It passes
straight through the top of the head down between feet. It is formed by the
intersection of sagittal and frontal plane. It is also known as longitudinal axis. It is the
longest axis.
13. Ectomorphs: Ectomorphs are usually referred to as slim persons because their muscles
and limbs are elongated. They have weak constitution of busy and face great difficulty in
gaining weight. They have flat chest and have less muscle mass. They do not have a lot of
strength but they dominate the endurance sports as their busy type is naturally suited to
perform wonderfully in endurance sports. They are best suited for games and sports like
gymnastics and long distance races.
14. Fats are important source of energy for long endurance activities. It keeps us warm and
gives protection to organs. It also helps in production of hormones, maintenance of skin
and hair. The main function of fat is to supply energy to the body. By offering energy, fats
save proteins from being used for energy and they allow proteins to perform their
function. Fats also help in building up structural material of cells and tissues.


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The factors affecting motor development of children are:
a. Nutrition :- Nutritious food promotes good motor development. Sensory motor
development is dependent upon nutrition that the child gets to a great extent.
Children get stronger and development is good if they get nutritious food.
b. Immunization:- If mother and child both are immunized at a proper time it leads to
good sensory motor development.
c. Environment:- Encouragement, love and security help the child to take risk to explore
fearlessly and to know more about environment which leads to a better sensory
development .
d. Opportunities:- Children who get more opportunities to do more activities, motor
development is better in them. Opportunities to play to gain knowledge give a better
chance of developing sensory motor activities.
15. Causes of scoliosis:
i. Heredity defects in structure.
ii. Due to any diseases or deterioration of vertebrae.
iii. One sided paralysis of spinal muscles.
iv. Short leg f one side.
v. One side flat foot.
vi. Imbalance of muscular development due to occupation or habit.
vii. Some loss of strength in all the body muscles.
Corrective measures: It is not very easy to correct this posture but individual should
practice various exercise programmes keeping in view the following points:
i. Spinal exercise of flexion, extension, rotation, sideward flexion for developing
strength in spinal extensors.
ii. Hanging oneself on horizontal bar.
iii. Trikonasana helps in developing those muscles.
iv. Guidance of qualified physician should be obtained before going for any corrective
16. INTERVAL TRAINING: This training method is considered as best method for
development of insurance. The method is based upon ―effort and recovery‖ principle.
During interval training recovery period is given to the athlete after each speedy
workout. Recovery period can be adjusted according to the efficiency of athlete. The load
can be increased by reducing the recovery period or by increasing the workout. It is of

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two types (a) slow or extensive interval training method (b) fast or intensive interval
training method.
17. ISOMETRIC EXERCISE: Isometric exercises are those exercises, which are not visible. In
fact there are no direct movements, hence they can‘t be observed. In these exercises,
work is performed but is not seen directly. In these exercises, a group of muscles carry
out tension against the other group of muscles. For example, pushing against a sturdy
wall. What do you mean by and Isotonic exercises.
18. Symptoms
i. Feeling restlessness
ii. Muscular tension
iii. Nervousness
iv. Headache
v. Increased BP
vi. Confusion


The physiological factors for determining flexibility are:

a. Muscle strength: Flexibility depends on the level of strength. Weak muscles can
become a limiting factor for achieving higher range of movement. Muscle strength is
highly trainable therefore, it can enhance flexibility.
b. Joint structure: There are several different types of joints in human body. Some of the
joints intrinsically have a greater range of motion. eg. the ball and socket joint of the
shoulder has the greatest range of motion.
c. Age and gender: flexibility decreases with the advancement of age. It can be enhanced
with the help of training. Gender also determines the flexibility as females tends to be
more flexible than males.
d. Internal environment: The internal environment of an athlete influences the
flexibility. If internal temperature increases flexibility increases; if decreases
flexibility decreases.
e. Previous injury: Injuries to connective tissues and muscles ultimately lead to reduced
19. There are following types of dislocation
a. Dislocation of lower jaw

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b. Dislocation of shoulder joint
c. Dislocation of hip joint: By putting maximum strength spontaneously may cause
dislocation of hip joint. The end of the femur is displaced from the socket.
d. Dislocation of wrist: A sportsperson who participates in a sports or game in which he
may fall, runs the risk of getting a dislocation.
20. Steps to be followed for organising hearth run in your school:
Committee will be made
No age group
Distance to be mentioned
Refreshment to all participants.
The main aim to organize health run for school children is to create awareness and
develop healthy citizens of India.
i. Circular will be displayed on students notice board.
ii. Registration will be done for the participates.
iii. Date and time is fixed and informed to all registered.
iv. On the day of health run, Chief Guest can be invited.
v. Distance to be covered for health run is 5-10 km. participants may jog/run and walk.
vi. After finishing of health run, refreshment must be distributed to all associated with
programme of health run.
vii. Proper dispersal of students.
21. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a set or group of behavioral disorders called disruptive
behavior disorders. It is called by this name because children with such disorders always
tend to disrupt those around them.
Physicians define this disorder as a pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior
directed toward authority figures. The individuals affected by this disorder usually rebel,
argue with adults, refuse to obey and are obstinate.
The various causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder are as follows:
1. Biological or Genetic factors: Children are more susceptible of developing ODD if they
have a parent with a history of ADHD or ODD.
2. Physical factors: the presence of ODD traits has been linked to the existence of
abnormal amounts of some brain chemicals. These brain chemicals, known as

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neurotransmitters, keep the brain chemicals themselves balance properly.
3. Psychological factors: Children may develop ODD if they don’t have good relation with
parents or have neglectful parents or have inability to develop social relationship.
4. Social factors: Oppositional Defiant Disorder may be due to inconsistent discipline,
divorce, poverty, chaotic environment, the family and exposure to violence.
22. Causes of scoliosis-
a. Congenital scoliosis.- Caused by a bone abnormality present at birth.
b. Neuromuscular scoliosis. A result of abnormal muscles or nerves. Frequently seen in
people with cerebral palsy or in those with various conditions that are accompanied
by, or result in, paralysis.
c. Degenerative scoliosis. This may result from traumatic (from an injury or illness)
bone collapse, previous major back surgery, or osteoporosis (thinning of the bones).
d. Idiopathic scoliosis. The most common type of scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, has no
specific identifiable cause. There are many theories, but none have been found to be
conclusive. There is, however, strong evidence that idiopathic scoliosis is inherited.
Preventive measures-
a. Avoid activities that require overexertion on only one side of the body. One common
type of scoliosis, called idiopathic scoliosis, is largely caused by muscle imbalances.
Prevent scoliosis of this type by being conscientious of certain activities:
b. Exercise the back muscles. Having strong and stable back muscles is tantamount to
scoliosis prevention, as it is the back muscles that support the spinal column and hold
it in its proper shape. Some recommended strength training exercises for the back.
c. Improve your posture. Focus on sitting up straight and walking with your head up
and your shoulders back.
d. Acquire proper vitamins and minerals. Calcium contributes to keeping bones healthy,
so eating foods like oatmeal, soybeans (preferred boiled without salt), almonds, and
even sardines will keep your bones strong and stable.


The main running muscles include the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors and
calf muscles. With that in mind, your body also relies on secondary, or assistant, muscles
to keep you going forward. The main muscles that are working the most when you run
are your quads, hip flexors, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles. Following are the four

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muscles that we use while we run.
i. Quads (Quadriceps Femoris) Quads are muscle groups of four basic muscles located
on our front thighs. They are
The rectus femoris
The vastus lateralis
The vastus medialis
The vastus intermedium.
Our quads are responsible for moving two of the joints used in running, our knee
joint and our hip joint. They work together to straighten our knees and bend our hips.
ii. Quads (Quadriceps Femoris) Our hamstrings are made up of four muscle-parts on
the back of your thighs. These are known as
The semitendinosus
The semimembranosus
The biceps femoris
(two parts long head and short head).
These four parts of our hamstrings allow us to flex our knees The semitendinosus,
semimembranosus and the long head biceps femoris work together to extend the
iii. Hip Flexors (Iliopsoas) Our hip flexors (or iliopsoas ), like our quads, is comprised of
a muscle group of two muscles
The iliacus
The psoas major
To our right, the shortest muscle, the iliacus, begins on our pelvic crest (the iliac fossa)
and stretches over to our thigh bone (femur). The larger of the muscles, the psoas
major, stretches from our T-12 spinal vertebrae to our L-5 spinal vertebrae and there
attaches to the femur These two muscles work together to help our hips flex.
iv. Calf Muscles Our calf muscles are located on the back of our leg, below our knee.
Though many anatomists see the calf muscle to be a single muscle (triceps surae).
most say that. It is a muscle group, like our quads and hip flexors.
This group consists of two main muscles,
The gastrocnemius·
The soleus
Our calf muscles will allow us to flex our knee and plantar flex our ankle Like our

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quads. our calf muscles can be strengthened by doing squats. Other good strength-
building exercises would include calf muscle raises and skipping.
23. A. Anaemia :- decrease amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. It can be
defined as a lowered ability of blood to carry oxygen to the tissues of the body.
Female athlete anemia may be caused by
a. Acute bleeding
b. Stomach ulcers
c. Gastrointestinal blood loss
d. Cancer
e. Child birth
f. Menstruation cycle
g. Surgery
h. Inadequate iron intake
i. Poor iron absorption
j. Loss of iron through sweat (Especially during long distance races).
B- Oesteoporosis :- It is a skeletal disorder which refers as to the decreased bone material
a. Insufficient calcium in diet.
b. Amenorrhoea
c. Eating disorder
d. Bad eathing habits
24. Kraus-Weber Test for muscular strength:
Test 1: Straight legs sit-ups
Purpose: To measure strength of the abdominal and psoas muscles.
Procedure: Lie down in supine positons, fingers interlocked behind neck, legs straight.
The partner holds the feet of the subject. After command subject comes up to sitting
Scoring: If without help subject reaches to sitting position, 10 marks are awarded and if
the subject is not able to lift shoulders zero marks are awarded.
Test 2: Bent legs sit-ups
Purpose: To measure strength of the abdominal muscles.
Procedure: From supine position, the subject will keep the knees bent, fingers
interlocked behind the neck. Roll up to sitting position, partner is holding the feet.

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1. If not able to lift shoulders, zero marks.
2. If reaches sitting position, 10 marks.
3. If there is distance from sitting position, it is marked between 0-10 marks.
Test 3: Leg raise (Supine position)
Purpose: To measure strength of the psoas and lower back.
Procedure: Lie down in supine on table, hands behinds the neck. Now lift the legs to 10
inches above the table and hold for 10 seconds.
Scoring: Holding for 10 seconds scores 10 points. If held for 5 seconds then 5 points and
so on.
Test 4: Leg raise (Proline position)
Purpose: To measure strength of upper back.
Procedure: Lie on prone position on table, hands to be kept under clin. A pillow is kept
under abdomen. The Partner presses the back and trunk of the subject. The subject is
advised to lift legs to 10 inches above the table and hold for 10 seconds.
Scoring: Holding the legs for 10 seconds scores 10 points. If held for 5 seconds then 5
points and so on.
Test 5: Lifting upper body (prone position)
Purpose: To measure strength of lower back.
Procedure: Lie on proline position, hands behind the neck and a pillow is kept under
abdomen. The partner presses the legs and hip of subject. Now lift upper body to 10
inches above the table and hold for 10 seconds.
Scoring: Holding the legs for 10 seconds scores 10 points. Anything less than 10 seconds
is scored accordingly.
Test 6: Toe touch from standing position
Purpose: To measure the strength of back and hamstring.
Procedure: Stand erect with bare feet. Now slowly touch the hands to feet and stay there
for 3 seconds.
Scoring: Full 10 marks are given for complete touch (3 seconds). If subject is unable to
touch by 2 inches 8 marks are awarded. The more the distance, the less the marks.
25. Aerobic capacity:-
i. oxygen intake
ii. oxygen transport

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iii. oxygen uptake
iv. Energy reserves,
v. Lactic acid tolerance,
vi. Movement economy,
vii. Muscle composition
Oxygen Uptake:- It is highest rate at which oxygen can be taken up and consumed by the
heart per minute.
Cardiac Output: - The cardiac output is simply the amount of blood pumped by the beat
per minute.
Hydration and Endurance Exercise: - Sweating is normal physiological response to
prolonged exercise, required for the dissipation of hear produced during energy
26. Plane is an imaginary, flat surface passing through the body organ or plane is the surface
on which the movement occurs.
There are following types of planes:
a. Sagittal or Medial plane: The sagittal plane is a vertical plane passing from the rear to
the frothy, dividing the body into left and right halves. It is also known as
anteroposterior plane. Most of the sports and exercise movements that are two
dimensional, such as running, long jumping and somersault take place in this plane.
b. Frontal or Coronal plane: the frontal plane is also vertical and passes from left to right
dividing the body into posterior to anterior halves. It is also known as coronal plane.
Frontal plane cuts the body into front and back. Movements along the frontal plane
can include cartwheel and star jumps.
c. Transverse or Horizontal plane: The transverse plane divides the body into top and
bottom halves. In fact, it divides the body into upper and lower sections. This plane
lies horizontally that why it is also called horizontal plane. Movements along this
plane can include an ice-skating spin or rotation to play a tennis shot.


The classification by W H Sheldon are as follows:

1. Endomorph: Endomorphs have a pear shaped and a rounded physique. They have
short arms and legs. The upper parts of arms and legs seem to be thicker than the
lower parts. They have underdeveloped muscles. They are more inclined to become

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obese. Their excessive mass hinders their ability to compete in sports. These are most
suitable for activities in which great strength is required.
2. Mesomorph: Mesomorphs have a rectangular shaped body with athletic physiques
and a balanced body composition. They are able to increase their muscles size quickly
and easily. They have thick bones and muscles. Their chest and shoulders are broader
than the waistline. They can excel in sports which require great strength, short bursts
of energy and lots of power because they have enough strength, agility and speed.
3. Ectomorphs: Ectomorphs are usually referred to as slim persons because their
muscles and limbs are elongated. They have weak constitution of busy and face great
difficulty in gaining weight. They have flat chest and have less muscle mass. They do
not have a lot of strength but they dominate the endurance sports as their busy type is
naturally suited to perform wonderfully in endurance sports. They are best suited for
games and sports like gymnastics and long distance races.

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-05

General Instructions: -

All Questions are compulsory.

Question paper consists of 26 Questions.
Question 1 to 11 carry 1 marks each & may be answered in 10 – 20 words.
Question 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each & may be answered in 30 – 50 words.
Question 20 to 26 carry 5 Marks each & may be answered in 75 – 100 words.

1. Enlist three senior citizen test.

2. What are carbohydrates?
3. Briefly mention the benefits of Shavasana.
4. What are consolation tournament?


What is physical disability?

5. Enlist two sources for Calcium and Iron separately.
6. What do you mean by menarche?


What do you mean by back pain?

7. What is the purpose of conducting chair stand test?
8. Elaborate Arrangement of Competition.


What do you mean by diabetes?

9. What is dislocation of joints?
10. Find out one factor affecting Projectile.


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Mention any two disadvantages of weight training.
11. What is Agility?
12. What are the advantages of knock-out tournaments?


What are the major muscles involved in jumping & throwing?

13. What do you mean by endomorph?
14. What are Fats? What are its types and sources?


Explain any three points on advantage/importance of correct posture?

15. What do you mean by Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
16. Write down the tips for preventing sports injuries.
17. Enlist the major muscles involved in running and explain any one.
18. What do you mean by assertive behavior?


Enumerate any five effects of exercise on muscular system.

19. What is isometric strength contraction method?
20. Draw a knock out fixture of 21 teams mentioning all the steps involved.
21. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Discuss its causes in detail.
22. Explain the factors affecting motor development of children.


Define trajectory. Describe the factors affecting the trajectory of a projectile.

23. Explain women participation in sports in India.
24. Describe the procedure for administering Rikli & Jones fitness test.
25. What is the effect of exercise on the cardiovascular system?
26. What is circuit training and find out its benefits importance.


Explain any three techniques of motivation for higher achievement in sports.

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CBSE Class XII Physical Education
Sample Paper-05

1. Three senior citizen fitness test are:

a. Chair stand test
b. Chair sit and reach test.
c. Back scratch test
2. Carbohydrates are compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Sources Fruits, milk,
vegetables, pulses, bajra, rice, cakes etc. Functions The main function of carbohydrates is
to provide energy for the body, brain and nervous system.
3. Benefits of Shavasana:
a. It controls high blood pressure.
b. It relieves mental tension.
c. It regulates blood circulation and gives relief in various aches and pains.
d. It helps to cure many cardiac problems.
e. It increases energy levels.
f. It improves concentration and memory.
4. In knock out tournament there are many chances of elimination of good teams while
playing with other good teams in preliminary rounds and it is a set back for the team.
That is why consolation tournament are organized to give one more chance to the
defeated teams. In this tournament the winner is defeated from the defeated teams.


Physical disability: it is a limitation on individual’s physical functioning, mobility,

dexterity or stamina. Other impairments such as respiratory disorders, blindness,
epilepsy and steep disorders, which limit other facets of daily living are also included in
physical disabilities. Physical disability may either be motor deficiency or sensory
5. (a) Sources of Calcium: Milk and milk products such as curd, paneer etc.
(b) Sources of Iron: Apple, pomegranate, green leafy vegetables.
6. A girl's first menstrual period is known as menarche, Menarche is a sign of growing up
and becoming a woman. Menarche usually occurs between 9 and 15 years of age.

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The pain which is felt in the back usually originates from the bones, joints, muscles and
nerves etc is called back pain. It may be in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region.
7. The purpose of conducting chair stand test is to measure lower body strength.
8. Sports persons perform better in competitions if there are elaborate arrangements of
competition. However, an inexperienced sportsperson may not be able to put up a good


Diabetes is such a disorder that it causes sugar to build up in our blood stream instead of
being used by the cells in the body.
9. A hard blow to a joint, or a fall, a forceful throwing, lifting or hitting may cause
dislocation. It is a dislocation of surface of bones.
10. The force of air resistance always decreases the velocity of an object. This mean the
horizontal component of the initial velocity will not be constant. So, the force of air
resistance is decrease the range.


The two disadvantages of weight training are:

a. Risk on injuries: there is always a risk of injuries while performing weight training
without any companion. In case you are alone and you are not able to do the required
repetitions of exercise, you may be injured.
b. Less flexibility; weight training reduces flexibility, if flexibility exercises are not done
along with weight training. If flexibility exercises are done continuously then such
disadvantage can be ignored.
11. This is the ability of a person to change direction or body position as quickly as possible
and regain body control to proceed with another movement.
12. The advantages of knock-out tournament are:-
There will be an economy of expenditure.
These are required a minimum number of officials
Standard of the game improves as every team has to perform at the highest level
to remain in the competition.

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These tournaments can be finished in less time


The leg, feet and gluteus muscle groups are used in jumping. Specific muscles which are
involved in jumping are gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps and soleus. In fact,
jumping occurs in three stages. The first stage is the preparatory stage where ankle
muscles calf muscles and soleus tense to prepare launching. The second phase is the
launch phase, where hip extensors, the hamstrings and gluteus maximus combine and
the knee extensors extend the knees to allow the body to launch into the air. In the last
stage is the landing phase where all the muscles embrace impact and allow the body to
return to a resting position. The major muscles are pectorials, major, latissimus dorsi,
anterior deltoid and teres major are involved in throwing. These muscles are
comparatively responsible for velocity during the throw. The pectorials major is the large
muscle in the chest and latissimus dorsi are the large muscles on each side of the back.
Deltoid, biceps, triceps are also involved in throwing a javelin in athletics.
13. Endomorph: Endomorphs have a pear shaped and a rounded physique. They have short
arms and legs. The upper parts of arms and legs seem to be thicker than the lower parts.
They have underdeveloped muscles. They are more inclined to become obese. Their
excessive mass hinders their ability to compete in sports. These are most suitable for
activities in which great strength is required.
14. Dietary fat is one of the nutrients that fuel the body. It gives the body 4 calories per gram,
fat is more than twice as energy dense, providing the body with 9 calories per gram.
Though fat is associated with greasy foods such as hamburgers and pizzas, it is a
necessary nutrient that has important functions within the body. There are two main
types of fat, saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are usually referred to as the
bad or unhealthy fats while unsaturated fats are referred to as the good or healthy ones
Saturated fats are found in animal products and are unhealthy because they generally
raise the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. Sources include dairy products (milk,
cheese, butter, ice cream), meats and eggs. Unsaturated fats are found mostly in vegetable
products and are healthy because they tend to lower the bad cholesterols (LDL) while
raising levels of good cholesterols (HDL). Sources include vegetable oils (olive & canola
oil), nuts, seeds and seafood (salmon, tuna, shrimp).


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a. One‘s personality can be judged,
b. Better balance, agility and overall physical performance.
c. helps in maintaining proper manner of standing, sitting walking of one‘s body.
d. it is a measure of one‘s alertness.
e. has better alignment, which translates into less injury.
f. recovers quicker from exercise or physical exertion, and feels more energetic
15. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a set or group of behavioral disorders called disruptive
behavior disorders. It is called by this name because children with such disorders always
tend to disrupt those around them. Physicians define this disorder as a pattern of
disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior directed toward authority figures. The
individuals affected by this disorder usually rebel, argue with adults, refuse to obey and
are obstinate.
16. Tips for preventing sports injuries:
a. Avoid training when you are tired.
b. Increase your consumption of carbohydrates during periods of heavy training.
c. Increase in training should be matched with increase in resting.
d. If you experience pain during training, stop training immediately.
e. Pay attention to hydration and nutrition.
f. Use appropriate training surface.
g. Equipments should be appropriate and safe to use.
h. Allow a lot of time for warm-up and cool down.
17. The major muscles involved in running are described below:
a. Glutes
b. Quads
c. Calves
d. Hamstrings
e. Core muscles
f. Biceps: biceps also play a vital role in running. Biceps maintain a bent arm and help
in swinging your arms back and forth while running.
18. Assertive behavior: Assertive behavior is different type of aggression/aggressive
behavior. This is defined as behavior that involves the use of legitimate physical or verbal
force to achieve one’s purpose. In Assertive behavior, the intention is to establish

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dominance rather than to harm the opponent.


The five effects of exercise on muscular system are :

a. Size and shape of muscle changes: Regular exercise changes the shape and size of the
muscle. Cells of the muscles are enlarged which change the shape and size of the
b. Correct body posture; regular exercise keeps the correct posture of the body by
strengthening the muscles. The postural deformities do not occur. If there is any
physical deformity, then it is removed.
c. Food storage increases: the capacity of food storage in body can be enhanced by doing
regular exercises. This stored food can be utilized immediately when required.
d. Toned muscles: regular exercise helps in keeping the muscles in toned position.
Muscles become firm and maintain a slight, a steady pull on the attachments.
e. Efficient movement of muscles: The movement of muscles becomes efficient and
smooth. The movements during different activities become attractive.
f. Change in connective tissues: the connective tissues become powerful. These tissues
can bear the stress of strenuous activity.
19. Isometric: Iso means SAME and metric means LENGTH. A contraction is said to be
isometric when tension in the muscle is developed but there is no change in the length of
the muscle. This is also called static contraction because the joint angle does not change.
For example, holding a weight at arm’s length, pushing against the wall.
So isometric exercises are those in which no movement takes place while force is exerted
against an immovable object. It develops tension only at joint concerned. There is neither
shortening nor lengthening which results in no visible muscular effort. Such types of
contractions are more useful for weight lifters, gymnasts, wrestlers, etc.
For example:
i. Holding half push-ups
ii. Flexed arm hang
iii. Pushing against the wall
20. No. of teams = 21 ,
Total No. of matches = N-1 = 21-1 = 20
No. of teams in upper half N+1/2 = 21 + 1 = 11

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No. of teams in lower half N-1/2 = 21 - 1 = 10
Total no. of byes = 32-21= 11 byes,
No. of byes in upper half = NB-1/2 = 11 - 1 = 5
No. of byes in lower half = NB + 1/2 = 11 + 1 = 6
Total rounds = 5

21. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder that affects development. Here, the word
spectrum refers to the range of symptoms and their severity. Generally, the young
children with ASD have difficulties with communication, language, social skill and
behavior. In other words, Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by social
interaction difficulties, communication challenges and a tendency to engage in repetitive
The various causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder are as follows:
a. Genetic factors: It seems to play a very significant role. The first thing is that
something happens at the time of fetal development that alters genes and secondly
child inherits problematic genes from one or both the parents.
b. Environmental factors: It is not certain that environment causes ASD. But mothers
exposed to high level of pesticides and air pollution may also be at a higher risk of
having a child with ASD.
22. The factors affecting motor development of children are:
Nutrition: Nutritious food promotes good motor development. Sensory motor
development is dependent upon nutrition that the child gets to a great extent.

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Children get stronger and development is good if they get nutritious food.
Immunisation: If mother and child both are immunised at a proper time it leads
to good sensory motor development.
Environment: Encouragement, love and security help the child to take risk to
explore fearlessly and to know more about environment which leads to a better
sensory development.
Opportunities: Children who get more opportunities to do more activities, motor
development is better in them. Opportunities to play to gain knowledge give a
better chance of developing sensory motor activities.


Trajectory is the path described by a moving object or the path followed by a projectile.
Examples are kicking a soccer ball, a throw-in cricket, throwing a hammer etc.
Factors affecting projectile trajectory are
i. Propelling Force The propelling force produces certain effects depending upon Its
point and direction of application. If the application is directly through the projectile's
centre of gravity, only linear motion results from the force. As the projecting force is
moved further from the centre of gravity, rotatory motion of the object increases at
the expense of linear motion. If the force is below the object's centre of gravity,
backspin results. Forward spin results when the force is above the centre of gravity.
When the force is off centre to the left, clockwise spin results and when it is off centre
to right, counter clockwise spin occurs.
ii. Force of Gravity As soon as contact is broken with a projected object, the force of
gravity begins to diminish the upward velocity of the object. Finally, gravity
overcomes the effects of the upward component of the projectile's motion and the
object begins to descend. The factors that determine how soon gravity will cause the
object to descend are
a. weight (mass) of the object
b. amount of force driving it upward
c. the effects of aIT resistance on the object.
iii. Effect of Air Resistance As the speed of an object increases, air resistance has a
greater retarding effect. The more surface area an object presents in the direction of
movement, the greater will be the effect of air resistance.

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23. For women’s participation in sports we have a look at ancient period. Regarding
participation in the first modern Olympic (1896 athens), there was no participation of
Women participated first time in 1900 olympics. (22 women participated in)
In 1904 six women participated.
And after 100 years in 2000 sydney olympics 4069 women had participated.
In 2008 Beijing olympics 4637 women participated.
Participation in India
In 2000 karnam Malleswari was the first woman who won bronze medal in
Sydney Olympic from India.
In 1984 performance of P.T. Usha was very good in Athletics.
In 2012 london olympics Saina Nehwal and M.C. Mary Kom got bronze medal.
In 2016, Rio Olympics, Sakshi Malik won bronze medal, P.V. Sindhu won silver medal
where as Dipa Karmakar opened new dimensions in gymnastics. Over the past several
decades the participation of women in sports in sports field has increased tremendously.
But really, it is a matter of regret for all of us to know that sports is such a field where
gender inequality in strongly evident. The general social environment has not only
inhibited women from participation in sports but has also criticise them when they
participate. Many people comment for women “Why don’t they stay in the kitchen where
they belong”?
But Now time has changed. Women are capable of changing society. Now the ideology
suggests that women are participating in every sphere of life and proving themselves
24. The test used to measure fitness of senior citizen is Rikili and Jones Senior citizen fitness
The Senior Fitness Test was developed as part of the Life Span Wellness Program of
fullerton University by Dr. Roberta Rikli and Dr. Jessie Jones. It is a simple easy-to-use
battery of test items that assess the functional fitness of older adults. The test describes
easy to understand and effective tests to measure aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility
using minimal and inexpensive equipment. The Individual fitness test items involve
common activities such as getting from a chair, waling, lifting, bending and stretching.
The tests were developed to be safe and enjoyable for older adults while still meeting
scientific standards for reliability and validity. Here is a list of the tests, with links to

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more details for each.
1. Chair Stand Test – testing lower body strength
2. Arm Curl Test – testing upper body strength.
3. Chair sit and Reach Test – lower body flexibility test
4. Back Scratch Test – upper body flexibility test
5. 8-Foot Up and Go Test – agility test
6. Walk Test (6 minutes)


Step in Place Test (2 minutes) - The walk test is used to assess aerobic fitness unless the
person uses orthopedic devices when walking or has difficulty balancing in which case
they do the step in place test.
25. The effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system are
i. Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 min. This increases
directly with increasing exercise intensity.
ii. The heart rate increases from a resting rate of 72 beats/min to 150 beats/min or even
iii. The stroke volume, meaning the amount of blood pumped into the Aorta with every
heartbeat, increases from a resting volume of 70-90 mL to 100-120 mL per beat.
iv. Exercise increases the plasma volume of blood by 12 Op:, but total blood volume may
reduce slightly.
v. Blood flow is redistributed with more blood going to the muscles, heart and skin,
while blood in the kidneys and abdomen is reduced.
vi. Blood pressure increases due to exercise because there is more blood flowing in the
blood vessels.
26. In this training method in which certain exercise of various kind are performed with or
without apparatus with given dosage. It was developed by ―Adamson and Morgan in
1957. This is considered for the development of ―strength & Endurance. Circuit training
method is a scientific method which is based on over coming various exercises at once. It
is meant for to develop strength &endurance. It is an off-season training method. It is a
form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity aerobics. It targets
strength building and muscular endurance. An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all
prescribed exercises in the program. When one circuit is complete, one begins the first

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exercise again for the next circuit.
Benefits of circuit training.
1. It is easy and interesting method.
2. It requires short duration
3. It can be performed indoor and as well as outdoor
4. It involves the all organs of body
5. It can be easily supervised by the coach.
6. It provides an interesting atmosphere.
i. It is the best method for beginners as it develops strength and endurance. Maximum
functioning of muscles can be gained in a single circuit.
ii. It gives relief from any kind of tension. The trainee gains good result in a short period.
It doesn't create boredom as lot variety of exercise can be included etc.
iii. It is a workout routine that combines cardiovascular fitness and resistance training.
iv. The initial routines were arranged in a circle, alternating between different muscle
v. Circuit training plays an integral role in the offseason workouts of many professional


Techniques of motivation our higher achievement in sports are:

i. Healthy Sports Environment A healthy sports environment plays a vital role in
motivating the sportsperson. Healthy sport environment consists of proper humidity
and temperature, smooth and clean sports fields, good quality of sports equipment
and other facilities. Positive Attitude For proper motivation, the coaches should try to
encourage positive attitude among sports persons. Players must think positively.
ii. Cash Prizes, Certificates and Trophies These are good incentives to sports persons.
Governments offer cash prizes to sport spersons who win.
iii. Goal setting technique is one of the most important techniques of motivation. If you
do not set a goal, you cannot achieve an apex position in life. A person should set
goals according to one’s capabilities on a regular basis. Coaches should not be too
rigid while setting goals for a sportsperson. There should be some flexibility in their

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