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A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a description of
the qualities that are unique to a particular product or
service and that differentiate it in a way which will
make customers purchase it rather than its rivals.
Purpose of a Business’s USP

Having a USP will dramatically improve the positioning and marketability of

your company and products by accomplishing 3 things for you:

⚫ Unique - It clearly sets you apart from your competition, positioning you the
more logical choice.

⚫ Selling - It persuades another to exchange money for a product or service.

⚫ Proposition - It is a proposal or offer suggested for acceptance.

Importance of Business’s USP

Your success is directly related to how well you

acknowledge what your customers really want AND
how diligently you apply your company’s
1. Strengths
2. Values
3. Passions
4. Vision
Questions to ask to Facilitate
Creation of a Business’s USP
• Who is your target market or buyer?
• What do they want or need?
• Why do they want it?
• How and why can you give it to them then anyone else?
Integration of USP into Marketing

Variations of your USP will be included in the ALL your

marketing materials such as in:

⚫ Advertising and sales copy headlines;

⚫ Business cards, brochures, flyers and etc;

⚫ Your phone, and sales scripts;

⚫ Letterhead, letters, & postcards;

⚫ Website & Internet marketing.

Procedures for Identifying Business’s
To create the kind of powerful USP that will cause consumers to
notice your product, prefer your product, and pay a premium
for it, three criteria are needed:
1. You must make a proposition to the consumer that says, “Buy
this product and you will get this specific benefit.”
2. The proposition must be so strong that it can move your
target audience to action.
3.The proposition must be one the competition either cannot, or
does not, offer.
Procedures for Identifying Business’s
• “You get fresh, hot pizza deliver to your door in 30
minutes or less – or it’s free”. Dominos Pizza
• “Little drops of joy”. Coca-Cola
• “Where its absoluetly, positively has to be there
overnight”. Fedex
• “The ultimate driving machine”. BMW
• “The best man can get”. Gillette
• A unique selling proposition (USP) defines your competitive
advantage Your must identify what makes you different from
your competitors and emphasize these advantages in your

• Today, a number of businesses and corporations use USPs as a

basis for their marketing campaigns.

• The proposition must be so strong that it can move the mass

millions, i.e., pull over new customers to your product

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