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Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165


Starch—composition, fine structure and architecture

Richard F. Tester*, John Karkalas, Xin Qi
Food Research Laboratories, Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA, UK
Received 16 October 2003; revised 3 December 2003; accepted 3 December 2003

Much has been written over many decades about the structure and properties of starch. As technology develops, the capacity to understand
in more depth the structure of starch granules and how this complex organisation controls functionality develops in parallel. This review puts
the current state of knowledge about starch structure in perspective and integrates aspects of starch composition, interactions, architecture
and functionality.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Starch; Composition; Amylose; Amylopectin; Architecture; Crystallinity

1. Starch structure outdated relatively quickly. However, such a

review serves as a point of reference for scientists in this
Much has been written over the last century concerning area and hopefully stimulates further research and
starch structure, properties, biosynthesis and degradation understanding.
(Banks and Greenwood, 1975; Blanshard, 1987; Buléon Starch biosynthesis is a complex process (Ball, 1995;
et al., 1998a; French, 1972, 1984; Galliard and Bowler, Buléon et al., 1998a; Denyer et al., 2001; Emes et al., 2003;
1987; Hoover, 2001; Kent and Evers, 1994; Lineback, 1984, Smith et al., 1997; Tester and Karkalas, 2002). Sucrose
1986; Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Tester and Karkalas, (derived from photosynthesis) is the starting point for
2002; Zobel and Stephen, 1996; Zobel, 1988b, 1992). The alpha-glucan deposition. In the cell cytosol the sucrose is
level of analytical sophistication used to understand the converted to uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-glucose) and
structure of starch and how this defines functional properties fructose by sucrose synthase, the UDP-glucose being
is evident from the developing literature base. Similarly, subsequently converted to glucose-1-phosphate (G-1-P) in
molecular biology tools have made it possible to explore, in the presence of pyrophosphate (PPi) by UDP-glucose
depth, the process of starch biosynthesis and to gain a more pyrophosphorylase. This is then itself converted to glu-
complete view of the orchestration of the enzymatic cose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) by phosphoglucomutase. The
processes involved. It is recognised that the pace of G-6-P is translocated across the amyloplast (the intra-cellular
development in this field makes a review regarding starch organelle responsible for starch biosynthesis in storage
tissues) membrane by specific translocators and is converted
Abbreviations: ADP, adenosine di-phosphate; AFM, atomic force to G-1-P by phosphoglucomutase. There is some evidence
microscopy; ATP, adenosine tri-phosphate; 13C CP-MAS/NMR, 13C cross that, in cereals at least, G-1-P may be (a) translocated directly
polarisation-magic angle spinning/nuclear magnetic resonance; CL, chain into the amyloplast or (b) be converted to, and translocated
length; DP, degree of polymerisation; DPn, degree of polymerisation by
number; DPw, degree of polymerisation by weight; FFA, free fatty acid;
as, adenosine diphosphate glucose (ADP-glucose) generated
G-1-P, glucose-1-phosphate; G-6-P, glucose-6-phosphate; IBC, iodine as a consequence of cytosol based adenosine diphosphate
binding capacity; h, viscosity; LPL, lysophospholipid; P, phosphorus; PPi, (ADP)-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity in the presence of
pyrophosphate; SANS, small angel neutron scattering; SAXS, small angel adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Using amyloplast located
X-ray scattering; SEM, scanning electron microscopy; SGAP, starch ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, G-1-P within the amylo-
granule associated protein; TEM, transmission electron microscopy; UDP,
uridine di-phosphate; WAXS, wide angle X-ray scattering.
plast is (also) converted to ADP-glucose and provides
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 141-331-8514; fax: þ 141-331-3208. glucose residues for amylose and amylopectin biosynthesis.
E-mail address: (R.F. Tester). Starch synthases (of which there are commonly considered to
0733-5210/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
152 R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165

be two major classes, ‘granule bound’ and ‘soluble’, with a chemically, enzymatically or physically modified to induce
number of isoforms of each) add glucose units to the non- novel characteristics. The structure of starch can be
reducing ends of amylose and amylopectin molecules. described in terms of physicochemical properties of the
Granule bound starch synthase can elongate malto-oligosac- constituent molecules, compositional variation, interactions
charides to form amylose and is considered to be responsible at the molecular level associations of molecular interactions
for the synthesis of this polymer. Soluble starch synthase is (architecture) and the macro level of the whole granule
considered to be responsible for the synthesis of unit chains itself. These elements are discussed in detail below.
of amylopectin. More recent analysis of starch synthase
families has been discussed by Ball et al. (1998) and makes
this interpretation rather simplistic, although more detailed 2. Starch composition and structure of components
discussion is beyond the scope of this review. Starch
branching enzyme creates branching in amylopectin by Starch granules are composed of two types of alpha-
linking linear chains (branches) to the growing amylopectin glucan, amylose and amylopectin, which represent approxi-
molecule. A number of mechanisms have been proposed for mately 98 –99% of the dry weight. The ratio of the two
the branching of amylopectin and readers are referred to polysaccharides varies according to the botanical origin of
appropriate publications (above) for details. the starch. The ‘waxy’ starches contain less than 15%
Starch granules are synthesised in a broad array of plant amylose, ‘normal’ 20 –35% and ‘high’ (amylo-) amylose
tissues and within many plant species. Variations in granule starches greater than about 40%. The structure of the
size (, 1 – 100 mm in diameter), shape (round, lenticular, alpha-glucans is discussed below in more detail. The
polygonal), size distribution (uni- or bi-modal), association moisture content of air-equilibrated starches ranges from
as individual (simple) or granule clusters (compound) and about 10 –12% (cereal) to about 14 –18% (some roots and
composition (a-glucan, lipid, moisture, protein and mineral tubers).
content) reflect the botanical origin (Banks and Greenwood, Cereal starches contain integral lipids in the form of
1975; Blanshard, 1987; Buléon et al., 1998a; Fredriksson lysophospholipids (LPL) and free fatty acids (FFA) which
et al., 1998; Gallant and Bouchet, 1986; Galliard and are positively correlated with the amylose fraction and the
Bowler, 1987; Kent and Evers, 1994; Lineback, 1984; LPL may account for up to , 2% of starch weight (in high
Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Swinkels, 1985; Tester and amylose cereal starches). However, the granules may also be
Karkalas, 2002; Zobel and Stephen, 1996; Table 1). contaminated with surface lipids (Morrison, 1985, 1988,
Although Nature provides a broad variation of starch 1995). The contaminants comprise triglycerides, glyco-
granule dimensions and size distributions, but selection of lipids, phospholipids and free fatty acids derived from the
plant mutants to provide a broader compositional variation amyloplast membrane and non-starch sources. These differ
and more recently, transgenic (transfer gene) technology to from integral (internal) lipids, which are composed exclu-
achieve a similar objective but in a more controlled fashion sively of the FFAs and LPL (Morrison, 1985, 1988, 1993,
(Davies et al., 2003). In addition, starches may be 1995; Morrison and Karkalas, 1990). Starches from the

Table 1
Characteristics of starch granules from different botanical sources

Starch Type Shape Distribution Size (mm)

Barley Cereal Lenticular (A-type), spherical (B-type) Bimodal 15–25, 2–5

Maize (waxy and normal) Cereal Spherical/polyhedral Unimodal 2–30
Amylomaize Cereal Irregular Unimodal 2–30
Millet Cereal Polyhedral Unimodal 4–12
Oat Cereal Polyhedral Unimodal 3–10 (single)
80 (compound)
Pea Legume Rentiform (single) Unimodal 5–10
Potato Tuber Lenticular Unimodal 5–100
Rice Cereal Polyhedral Unimodal 3–8 (single)
150 (compound)
Rye Cereal Lenticular (A-type) Bimodal 10–40
Spherical (B-type) 5–10
Sorghum Cereal Spherical Unimodal 5–20
Tapioca Root Spherical/lenticular Unimodal 5–45
Triticale Cereal Spherical Unimodal 1–30
Sago Cereal Oval Unimodal 20–40
Wheat Cereal Lenticular (A-type) Bimodal 15–35
Spherical (B-type) 2–10

Adapted from Tester and Karkalas (2002).

R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165 153

Triticeae starches contain almost exclusively LPLs and include residues of enzymes involved in starch
(-choline, -ethanolamine and -glycerol) while other cereal synthesis, especially starch synthase (Baldwin, 2001).
starches are rich in FFAs. Part of the amylose fraction within Starches also contain relatively small quantities (, 0.4%)
lipid-containing granules exists as an amylose inclusion of minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium
complex where the fatty acid chains occupy a hydrophobic and sodium) which are, with the exception of phosphorus, of
core located within the single amylose helix. The presence of little functional significance. The phosphorus is found in
these complexes in native starch granules is apparent from three major forms: phosphate monoesters, phospholipids
C cross polarisation-magic-angle spinning/nuclear mag- and inorganic phosphates (Blennow et al., 1998, 2000a,b,
netic resonance (13C CP-MAS/NMR) (Morrison et al., 2002; Kasemsuwan and Jane, 1996). Phosphate monoesters
1993a –c). The presence of this fraction is also evident are selectively bound to specific regions within the
from iodine binding studies where non-defatted amylose amylopectin molecule (Blennow et al., 1998, 2000a,b,
from cereal starches has a lower iodine binding capacity than 2002; Kasemsuwan and Jane, 1996). In the Triticeae
the corresponding lipid-extracted material. The amount of starches, the phosphorus content is very close to the
lipid-complexed amylose ranges from , 15 to . 55% of the LPL content and there is a relatively small amount of
amylose fraction in cereal starches, with oat starches being alpha-glucan phosphate monoesters (Kasemsuwan and
Jane, 1996). Other starches generally contain little phos-
especially rich in lipids and correspondingly complexed
phate, with the exception of potato starch where there is
amylose (Morrison, 1993, 1995).
essentially no lipid. Here, the phosphate monoester content
Purified starches contain , 0.6% protein. In common
may exceed 0.1% (Kasemsuwan and Jane, 1996).
with starch lipids, proteins occur on the surface (and include
More details regarding starch composition may be found
non-starch derived proteins) and regardless of origin are
elsewhere (Banks and Greenwood, 1975; Blanshard, 1987;
embedded within the matrix of granules (regardless of
Buléon et al., 1998a; Fredriksson et al., 1998; Gallant and
origin). Both the starch lipids and proteins have the potential Bouchet, 1986; Galliard and Bowler, 1987; Kent and Evers,
to moderate starch functionality (Appelqvist and Debet, 1994; Lineback, 1984; Morrison and Karkalas, 1990;
1997). Collectively, the proteins are referred to as starch Swinkels, 1985; Tester and Karkalas, 2002; Zobel and
granule associated proteins and may be associated with Stephen, 1996).
lipids on granule surfaces (Baldwin, 2001). In wheat, the
starch surface protein, friabilin, has received much attention
because of its proposed association with grain hardness 3. Amylose and amylopectin fine structure
(Greenwell and Schofield, 1986; Schofield, 1994; Oda and
Schofield, 1997; Baldwin, 2001; Morris, 2002). Integral Amylose and amylopectin (Fig. 1) have different
proteins have a higher molecular weight than surface structures and properties which have been discussed
proteins (, 50 – 150 and , 15 – 30 kDa, respectively) and reviewed by many authors (French, 1972; Banks

Fig. 1. Structure of amylose and amylopectin. Adapted from Tester and Karkalas (2002).
154 R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165

and Greenwood, 1975; Lineback, 1984, 1986; Swinkels,



1985; Gallant and Bouchet, 1986; Blanshard, 1987; Galliard


and Bowler, 1987; Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Kent and
Water chestnut

Evers, 1994; Seib, 1994; Zobel and Stephen, 1996; Buléon

160–8090 et al., 1998a; Fredriksson et al., 1998; Tester and Karkalas,
2002). Amylose is a relatively long, linear a-glucan


containing around 99% (1 ! 4)-a- and (1 ! 6)-a- linkages


and differs in size and structure depending on botanical

origin. Amylose has a molecular weight of approximately


1 £ 105 –1 £ 106 (Mua and Jackson, 1997; Buléon et al.,




1998a; Biliaderis, 1998), a degree of polymerisation (DP)



by number (DPn) of 324– 4920 with around 9 –20 branch

Sweet potato

points equivalent to 3 –11 chains per molecule (Hizukuri


et al., 1981; Hizukuri, 1993; Morrison and Karkalas, 1990;

Mua and Jackson, 1997; Takeda et al., 1987; Wang and




White, 1994; Yashushi, et al., 2002; Yoshimoto, et al.,


2000). Each chain contains approximately 200 –700 glucose

210– 12900

920– 1110

residues (Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Tester and Karka-

180– 216

250– 370
2.5– 4.3
73– 84

las, 2002) equivalent to a molecular weight of 32,400 –



113,400 (Morrison and Karkalas, 1990). Examples of

amylose structural elements are presented in Table 2.
840 –21800

Amylopectin (Fig. 1, Table 3) is a much larger molecule

than amylose with a molecular weight of 1 £ 107 –1 £ 109




(Biliaderis, 1998; Buléon et al., 1998a; Morrison and


Karkalas, 1990; Mua and Jackson, 1997) and a heavily

Nagaimo yam

branched structure built from about 95% (1 ! 4)-a- and 5%


(1 ! 6)-a- linkages. The DPn is typically within the range

9600– 15,900 but comprises three major species with DPn



13,400 – 26,500, 4400 –8400 and 700 – 2100 (Takeda et al.,


2003). In common with amylose, the molecular size, shape,


structure and polydispersity of the molecule varies with


botanical origin. Unlike amylose, however, there is great






additional variation with respect to the unit chain lengths

and branching patterns. Amylopectin unit chains are

relatively short compared to amylose molecules with a

broad distribution profile. They are typically , 18– 25 units




long on average (Hizukuri, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1993;



Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Mua and Jackson, 1997;

480 –12300

Takeda et al., 2003; Wang and White, 1994; Table 3)

although the range is extended (19 –31) if high-amylose




starches are also included (Jane et al., 1999). The individual



chains can be specifically classified in terms of their lengths


(chain lengths, CL) and consequently position within starch

Adapted from Morrison and Karkalas (1990).

granules (Hizukuri, 1985, 1986). The A and B1 chains (see

Properties of amylose from different sources




Fig. 2) are the most external (exterior) and form double



helices (and crystallites) within the native granules. Their

Iodine binding capacity (g 100 g21)

CL is typically , 12– 24 depending on genetic origin

½h at 22.5 8C in M KOH (ml g21)

(Franco et al., 2002; Hizukuri, 1985, 1993; Li et al., 2001;

Unbranched amylose (mol%)

Mua and Jackson, 1997) and starches with ‘A-type’

beta-amylolysis limit (%)

crystallinity, (most cereals, See Section 6) having shorter

chain lengths on average than ‘B-type’ starches (like
potato). With the exterior chains of amylopectin (A- and
Chain number

B1) comprising a range from CL 12 – 24 as previous

DPw (range)
DPw (mean)
DPn (mean)

P (mg g21)

mentioned, the A-type chains are typically CL 12 –16 and

Table 2

B1 CL 20 – 24 (Hizukuri, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1993).


Amylopectin molecules from high amylose starches contain

Table 3
Properties of amylopectin molecules from different botanical sources

Property Chestnut Kuzu Maize Potato Rice Sweet potato

R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165

Japonica Indica Waxy (jap.) Normal ML fraction Tapioca Water chestnut

Iodine binding capacity (g 100 g21) 0.51 0 1.25 0.39–0.87 1.62– 2.57 0.38– 0.44 0.83–1.04 0.41
[h] at 22.5 8C in M KOH (ml g21) 176 160 168 224 134– 137 150– 170 175–193 187–200
beta-amylolysis (%) 55 57 60 55 58– 59 56– 59 55–56 57–58 57 59
DPn (103) 10.2 8.2– 12.8 4.7– 5.8 12.6
CL (average) 22.5 20.4–21.1 22 22.0–23.9 19– 20 21– 22 17.5– 18.3 20.8– 22.4 21.4–22.9 21.2 22
P (total) (mg g21) 61 158 15–27 604 8–13 11– 29 117–135 120–121 44
P (gluc-6-PO4) (mg g21) 43 121 3–5 8–13 9–28 95–115 100–102 24
Component chains
B4 119 104 101 115 130
F1 140 91 136 120– 180 85– 130 77–162 210
B3 70 75 69 69 65
F2 64 51 47 41– 44 42– 44 69–70 77
B2 42 48 42 42 43
F3 43 16 18 16– 17 16– 17 44–45 46
B1 20 24 22 21 19
F4 15 15 15
A 13 16 13 12 10
A:B molar ratio 0.89 0.79 2.2 0.89 0.82

Adapted from Morrison and Karkalas (1990).

156 R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of a section of amylopectin indicating the branching pattern of unit (1 ! 4)-a-chains (A, B1 –B3) joined together by (1 ! 6)-
a- linkages (branch points). Adapted from Hizukuri (1986).

relatively high proportions of very long chains (Yoshimoto subsequently confirmed by Rao et al. (1998) showed that
et al., 2000). crystalline amylose double helices (A- and B-type poly-
With respect to the structure of amylopectin (Fig. 2), the morphs, see Section 6) with single helix pitch lengths of
A-chains of amylopectin are (1 ! 6)-a- linked by B-chains 2.1 nm (equivalent to double helical pitch of 1.05 nm) with
which in turn can be linked to other B-chains or the six glucose residues per single helix pitch. Although these
‘backbone’ of the amylopectin molecule, the single C-chain. early studies suggested that the double helices were right-
Depending on the CL and correspondingly the number of handed, parallel helices, subsequent work showed they
(radial) clusters traversed within the native granule, B- may be left-handed (Oostergetel and van Bruggen, 1993),
chains are referred to as B1 – B4 (one to four clusters). anti-parallel and left-handed (Eisenhaber and Schultz,
Typical CLs for A, B1 –B4 chains for different starches 1992), but most probably, parallel and left-handed (Imberty
(after debranching with isoamylase) are 12– 16, 20 – 24, et al., 1987, 1988a,b, 1991; Imberty and Pérez, 1988;
42 –48, 69– 75 and 101 –119, respectively (BelloPerez et al., Gidley, 1989). In contradiction to these observations,
1996; Hizukuri, 1986, 1988; Mua and Jackson, 1997; Wang certain authors have proposed that although V-type
and White, 1994). The ratio of A- to B-chains depends on amylose complexes (below) may be left-handed, the
the starch source and is typically of the order of , 1:1 to double helices (A- or B-type polymorphs) may be right-
. 2:1 on a molar basis or , 0.5:1 to . 1:1 on a weight basis handed (Veregin et al., 1987a).
(Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Tester and Karkalas, 2002). For pure malto-oligosaccharides and amylolytic enzyme
resistant starches, the minimum CL required to form double
helices is 10, although shorter chains may form helical
4. Intermediate material and phytoglycogen structures if longer chains are present (Gidley and Bulpin,
1987; Gidley et al., 1995). The relatively short exterior
According to some authors certain starches (such as high chains of cereal starch amylopectin molecules (CL 14– 20,
amylose maize, oat and pea) contain an a-glucan with an or , 20) favour the formation of A-type crystalline
intermediate molecular weight between that of amylose and polymorphs (of double helices), with the longer exterior
amylopectin (Banks and Greenwood, 1975; Baba and Arai, chains of tuber starches (CL 16– 22, or . 22) favouring the
1984; Colonna and Mercier, 1984; Paton, 1979; Wang and formation of B-type polymorphs (Cheetham and Tao,
White, 1994). However, other investigators (Tester and 1998a; Gérard et al., 2000; Gidley and Bulpin, 1987;
Karkalas, 1996) have disputed that intermediate material Gidley, 1987; Hizukuri et al., 1983; Hizukuri, 1985, 1993;
exists (especially in oats) as a discrete fraction. Certain Jane et al., 1997; Rao, 1998; Whittam et al., 1990) as
maize and rice mutants (sugary 1, su1) contain a soluble discussed below. The presence of helical structures within
alpha-glucan which is similar to animal glycogen and for starch granules (and solubilised/dispersed glucans) has been
this reason has been termed phytoglycogen for this reason extensively researched by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance
(Ball et al., 1996; Wong et al., 2003). (13C NMR) and in particular 13C cross polarisation-magic
angle spinning/nuclear magnetic resonance (13C CP-MAS/
NMR) and 13C-single pulse magic angle spinning (13C SP/
5. Interactions within starch granules MAS) which reveals the presence of, or capacity to form:

Both amylose chains and exterior chains of amylopectin (i) double helical amylopectin (Bogracheva et al., 2001;
can form double helices which may in turn associate to Cheetham and Tao, 1998b; Cooke and Gidley, 1992;
form crystalline domains. In most starches these are Gidley and Bociek, 1985; Gidley and Cooke, 1991;
confined to the amylopectin component. Early work by Jacobs et al., 1997; Marchessault et al., 1985; Morgan
Wu and Sarko (1978a,b) subsequently confirmed et al., 1995; Morrison et al., 1994; Paris et al., 1999,
R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165 157

2001; Qi et al., 2003; Tamaki et al., 1998; Tester et al., Table 4

1998, 1999, 2000; Veregin and Fyfe, 1985; Veregin Proportion of double helical material in starches of different botanical
et al., 1986, 1987a,b; Yusuph et al., 2003),
(ii) spacer regions between the helices and branching/ Native starch Amount of double Authors
structural conformations (Falk et al., 1996; Gidley, helical amylopectin (%)
1985; Gidley and Bociek, 1988a,b; Morgan et al.,
1995; Tamaki et al., 1998), Maize, amylo 38 Gidley and Bociek, 1985
Maize, amylo 38 (with possibly some Tester et al., 2000
(iii) double helical amylose/alpha-glucan (Gidley and
amylose and amylose–
Bulpin, 1987; Gidley, 1988; Gidley and Bociek, amylopectin double
1988a; Gidley, 1989; Paris et al., 1999, 2001; Shi helices)
et al., 1998; Tester et al., 2000; Veregin et al., 1987a), Maize, normal 43 Cooke and Gidley, 1992
(iv) single helical material/amorphous-amylopectin Maize, normal 42 Gidley and Bociek, 1985
Maize, normal 38 Bogracheva et al., 2001
(Bogracheva et al., 2001; Cheetham and Tao, 1998b;
Maize, waxy 48 Cooke and Gidley, 1992
Gidley and Bociek, 1985; Gidley and Bociek, 1988a; Maize, waxy 53 Gidley and Bociek, 1985
Morgan et al., 1995; Paris et al., 1999, 2001), Maize, waxy 36–50 (depending on Paris et al., 1999
(v) single helical material/amorphous-amylose conditioning)
(Bogracheva et al., 2001; Cheetham and Tao, 1998b; Maize, waxy 48 Bogracheva et al., 2001
Pea 41–48 (includes Bogracheva et al., 2001
Gidley and Bociek, 1985, 1988a; Gidley, 1988, 1989;
Morgan et al., 1995; Paris et al., 1999, 2001), Potato 40 Cooke and Gidley, 1992
(vi) amylopectin – amylose helices/co-complexes (Tester Potato 50 Gidley and Bociek, 1985
et al., 2000), Potato 64 Yusuph et al., 2003
(vii) amylose– lipid V-type inclusion complexes (Cheetham Potato 29–38 (depending on Paris et al., 1999
and Tao, 1998b; Gidley and Bociek, 1988a; Jacobs
Potato 48–55 Tester et al., 1999
et al., 1997; Morrison et al., 1993a – c; Morgan et al., Potato 48 Bogracheva et al., 2001
1995; Veregin et al., 1987a). Potato, waxy 52 Bogracheva et al., 2001
Rice 49 Gidley and Bociek, 1985
The proportions of double helices within native Rice 63 Qi et al., 2003
starch granules reported by various authors are presented Tapioca 44 Cooke and Gidley, 1992
Wheat 39 Cooke and Gidley, 1992
in Table 4. Note the variability in double helical content Wheat 46 Morrison et al., 1994
between starches of different botanical origins and within a Wheat 32 Bogracheva et al., 2001
given species. This variation may in part reflect difficulties
with respect to integrating the NMR spectra. Importantly,
not all of the amylopectin fraction in starches forms double of the presence of amylopectin. Indeed, certain authors
helices—as can been seen from Table 4. If all amylopectin propose that amylose disrupts amylopectin crystallite
were capable of forming double helices normal starches formation (Cheetham and Tao, 1998b). The formation of
would contain , 70% and waxy starches . , 95%. How- amylose lipid complexes in vitro is outside the scope of this
ever, this is simplistic since it is necessary to differentiate review and readers are referred to Snape et al., (1998).
between exterior chains that have the capacity to form
However, it is important to note that the lipid fraction within
double helices and non-helical forming regions within
starch granules is insufficient to saturate the amylose
amylopectin. In a recent paper (Qi et al., 2003) the
fraction and hence form fully saturated amylose –lipid
proportion of double helices as a fraction of the short
complexes. Hence, amylose is referred to as free-amylose
chains of amylopectin was calculated. These data show that
(FAM) or lipid complexed amylase (LAM) which may be
in fact . 80% of these chains can form double helices in rice
differentiated by iodine binding, NMR and synchrotron
Amylose does, as previously discussed, form part of most X-ray diffraction (Cheetham and Tao, 1998b; Czucha-
starches (even ‘very-waxy’ starches contain some amylose). jowska et al., 1998; Hoover, and Ratnayake, 2002; Hoover
Although amylopectin is the predominant crystalline et al., 2003; Le Bail et al., 1999; Li et al., 2001; Morrison,
component in starch (Veregin et al., 1986), where amylose 1985, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995; Morrison and
may be considered as a diluent to amylopectin (Tester and Karkalas, 1990; Morrison et al., 1993a – c, 1994; Tester
Morrison, 1990a,b, 1992) there is NMR evidence that in and Morrison, 1992; Tester and Karkalas, 1996, 2002;
high amylose starches, amylose forms double helices (and Tester et al., 2000; Yuryev et al., 1998) and these forms may
potentially crystalline arrays) (Shi et al., 1998; Tester et al., have specific locations within starch granules (Morgan et al.,
2000). 1995). It has been reported that all of the lipid in native
The tendency for amylose molecules to aggregate, starches is complexed with some of the amylose, (as
especially around DP 100 (Gidley and Bulpin, 1989; previously mentioned), where 12.5% of the complex
Pfannemüller et al., 1971), is limited in starches because represents lipid (Morrison et al., 1993c). More recent data
158 R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165

(Kiseleva et al., 2003), however, suggest that not all of the B-type polymorphic forms within maize starch granules
lipid may be complexed. accompanying a decrease in crystallinity but increase in
apparent amylose content (Cheetham and Tao, 1998a).
Interesting work has recently been done on starch
6. Double helical arrays and crystallinity extracted from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild type and
mutant variants. Starches produced by strains containing no
As discussed above, starch alpha-glucans (mostly defective starch synthases together with mutants carrying a
exterior chains of amylopectin) form double helices. faulty granule bound starch synthase (GBSS) gene exhibited
These form more or less ordered arrays where the ordered A-type diffraction patterns with a high degree of crystal-
structures are crystalline entities. The traditional view was linity (Buléon et al., 1997). Strains with a mutant defective
that cereal starches generate A-type X-ray diffraction soluble starch synthase (SSSII) gene formed B-type starch
patterns, tuber and high amylose starches, B-type, and with a low degree of crystallinity. Mutants exhibiting only
legume, root and some fruit and stem starches, C-type, SSSI expression exhibited a hybrid (A þ B or C-type)
although it is now believed that C-type starch diffraction starch. Crystallites synthesised by GBSSI induce the
patterns represent a combination of A- and B-type formation of B-type crystallites (Wattebled et al., 2002).
polymorphs (Banks and Greenwood, 1975; Sarko and Wu, Certain pea mutations favour the formation of A- or B-type
1978; French, 1984; Veregin et al., 1986; Blanshard, 1987; polymorphs (Bogracheva et al., 1995).
Gidley and Bulpin, 1987; Zobel, 1988a,b, 1992; Gernat
et al., 1990; Imberty et al., 1991; Cairns et al., 1997;
Biliaderis, 1998; Buléon et al., 1998a,b; McPherson and 7. Relative versus absolute crystallinity
Jane, 1999; Sevenou et al., 2002). The A- and B-type
polymorphic structures are represented schematically in The amount of crystallinity within starch granules has
Fig. 3. been determined by a number of authors as presented in
The double helices within the two polymorphic forms are Table 5. The table reflects variation identified by different
essentially identical with respect to helical structure groups using different samples and different techniques.
(Gidley, 1987; Imberty et al., 1991). However, the packing Readers should also note that X-ray determinations of
of these double helices within the A-type polymorphic crystallinity, although not discussed separately above,
(crystalline) structure is relatively compact with a low water include determinations of ‘absolute’ and ‘relative’ crystal-
content, whilst the B-type polymorph has a more open linity (Blanshard, 1987; Buléon et al., 1998a; Tester and
structure containing a hydrated helical core (Fig. 3). Karkalas, 2002). The former differentiates between the
Ordering of starch granules may vary from the hilum amorphous and crystalline component (integrated area) of
(centre) to the periphery (Sevenou et al., 2002). Certain pea the X-ray diffractogram. The latter relies on calculating the
mutants show different proportions of A- and B-type proportion of crystallinity within starch granules using as
polymorphs within the starch granule and serve as useful references, materials with 0 and 100% crystallinity. The
models to understand the development of the different ‘0%’ reference representing ‘fully amorphous’ material
polymorphs (Bogracheva et al., 1999; Hedley et al., 2002). (e.g. freeze-dried gelatinised material) with the ‘100%’
Indeed, the centres of pea starch granules are rich in B-type reference usually being generated by extensive acid
whilst peripheral regions are rich in A-type polymorphs hydrolysis of starch in which all the amorphous (but not
(Bogracheva et al., 1998). There is a transition from A- to crystalline) material has been eroded.

Fig. 3. A- and B-type polymorphs of amylose. Adapted from Wu and Sarko (1978b).
R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165 159

Table 5
Proportion of crystalline material in starches of different botanical origins

Native starch Technique Amount of crystalline References

amylopectin (%)

Maize X-ray diffraction Cheetham and Tao, 1998a

0% Amylose 42
28% Amylose 30
40% Amylose 22
56% Amylose 20
65% Amylose 18
84% Amylose 17
Maize X-ray diffraction 43 Cooke and Gidley, 1992
Maize, waxy 48
Potato 40
Tapioca 44
Wheat 39
Potato X-ray diffraction 26 Yusuph et al., 2003
Maize, waxy X-ray diffraction 37– 43 Paris et al., 1999
Potato 23– 53 (both dependent only
extent of conditioning)
Wheat X-ray diffraction 36 Morrison et al., 1994
Rice X-ray diffraction 47– 51 Qi et al., 2003
Oat X-ray diffraction 28– 37 Hoover et al., 2003
Lentils X-ray diffraction Hoover and Ratnayake, 2002
Black bean 17– 22
Chick pea 18
Lentil 19
Navy bean 20– 21
Smooth pea 20
Pinto bean 25– 26
Pea X-ray diffraction Bogracheva et al., 1999; Hedley et al., 2002
Wild type 20
r Mutant 19
rb Mutant 27
rug3-a Mutant 17
rug4-b Mutant 23
rug5-b Mutant 20
lam-a 22
Barley (includes fractions) X-ray diffraction 22– 27 Tang et al., 2001
Barley, normal X-ray diffraction 20– 24 Tang et al., 2002
Barley, waxy 33– 37
Maize Moisture regain 45 Nara, 1978
Potato 32
Sweet potato 42
Maize X-ray diffraction 39 Nara et al., 1978
Potato 25
Tapioca 38
Sweet potato 37
Rice 38
Wheat 36
Maize, amylo Deuterium ex 25 Morsi and Sterling, 1966
Maize, amylo X-ray diffraction 24
Potato Deuterium ex 24
Potato X-ray diffraction 28

8. Semi-crystalline structure and relationship with the direction that a light ray travels through the
growth rings substance. Furthermore, the insertion of a gypsum plate
(first order red selenite plate) in the light path of the
When viewed under the polarising microscope, native polarising microscope results in the appearance of four
starch granules show a dark birefringence cross (‘Maltese opposite-sited blue and yellow quadrants; this is a typical
cross’) which is characteristic of crystalline substances pattern of ‘spherulites’ composed of radially orientated
whose index of refraction varies depending on crystallites. The analogy originates from samples of
160 R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165

obsidian (volcanic glass), which contain embedded atoms, molecules, or group of molecules, according to the
spherical clusters of radially arranged needle-like crys- rules of crystallography, will interact with electromagnetic
tals. Spherulites are also formed in some synthetic waves of short wavelength (X-ray) to give a characteristic
organic polymers under certain conditions. diffraction pattern. This intertwining of adjacent branches
The microcrystalline nature of starch granules has been of amylopectin and the formation of helical structures was
the subject of numerous studies and a prolific list of originally proposed by French (1972) who also pro-
publications is available dating back to the early 1930s. The pounded the cluster (or racemose) hypothesis for the
subject area has been critically discussed by Banks and structure of amylopectin. This hypothesis is now widely
Greenwood (1975) and reviewed by others (Blanshard, accepted in principle and forms the basis of more
1987; Buléon et al., 1998a; French, 1972, 1984; Galliard elaborate models (below).
and Bowler, 1987; Hoover, 2001; Kent and Evers, 1994; X-ray analysis of starch granules is complemented by
Lineback, 1984, 1986; Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Tester scanning electron microscopy and by transmission electron
and Karkalas, 2002; Zobel, 1988b, 1992; Zobel and microscopy. More recently atomic force microscopy has
Stephen, 1996). Early attempts to relate crystallinity to the become an important tool for structural studies. However,
molecular composition of the starch granule focussed on the most useful information about the ordered arrangement of
disposition of amylopectin molecules, whose branches are alpha-glucan molecules is provided by X-ray diffraction
envisaged as radiating from the hilum (the centre of growth) and related techniques. These techniques have reached a
towards the periphery of the granule. A model proposed by high level of sophistication and modern instruments can
A. Meyer as early as 1895 had a characteristic ‘trichitic’ probe deeply into the starch granule and provide detailed
(hair-like) structure (French, 1972). Amylose does not information. Wide angle X-ray scattering and small angle
appear to have any significant effect on crystallinity in X-ray scattering are used in parallel to reveal the complex
normal and waxy starches (which may be virtually free of ultrastructure of the granule and quantification of crystal-
amylose) both of which display strong birefringence (Banks linity and polymorphic forms or crystalline laminates,
and Greenwood, 1975; Blanshard, 1987; Buléon et al., respectively (Tester, 1997). Small angle neutron scattering
1998a; French, 1972, 1984; Galliard and Bowler, 1987; is also used to understand architectural aspects of the starch
Hoover, 2001; Kent and Evers, 1994; Lineback, 1984, 1986; granules and complements the X-ray techniques. The use of
Morrison and Karkalas, 1990; Tester and Karkalas, 2002; these techniques for this purpose and related broader
Zobel, 1988b, 1992; Zobel and Stephen, 1996). In high understanding of starch crystallinity has been discussed
amylose starches, however, the amylose may contribute extensively (Banks and Greenwood, 1975; Biliaderis, 1998;
significantly to the crystallinity (Banks and Greenwood, Blanshard, 1987; Bogracheva et al., 1998, 1999, 2001;
1975; Tester et al., 2000) although the exact nature of the Buléon, 1998a,b; Cameron and Donald, 1992; Cairns et al.,
crystalline polymorphs may be different (Matveev et al., 1997; Cheetham and Tao, 1998a,b; Cooke and Gidley,
2001). 1992; Donald et al., 1997, 2001; Donald, 2001; French,
For amylopectin-rich starches it is understood that the 1972, 1974; Gallant and Bouchet, 1986; Galliard and
origin of crystallinity is due to the intertwining of the Bowler, 1987; Gérard et al., 2000; Gernat et al., 1990;
outer chains of amylopectin (exterior or external chains, Gidley, 1987; Hedley et al., 2002; Imberty and Perez, 1988;
representing A- and B1 type) in the form of double Imberty et al., 1987, 1988a,b, 1991; Jenkins et al., 1993;
helices. These associate together to form ordered regions McPherson and Jane, 1999; Sarko and Wu, 1978; Seib,
or ‘crystalline lamellae’ (Fig. 4, see also previous 1994; Tester and Karkalas, 2002; Waigh et al., 1996, 1999,
sections). Adjacent double helices give rise to regular 2000a; Wu and Sarko, 1978a,b; Zobel, 1988a,b, 1992; Zobel
three-dimensional geometrical patterns. Such an array of and Stephen, 1996; Table 5).

Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representation of the lamellar structure of a starch granule according to Donald et al. (1997). (A) Stacks of microcrystalline lamellae
separated by amorphous growth rings. (B) Magnified view of the amorphous and crystalline regions. (C) Double helical structures formed by adjacent chains of
amylopectin give rise to crystalline lamellae. Branching points constitute the amorphous regions.
R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165 161

Starch granules (especially potato) viewed under the with the notion that water acts as a plasticiser originally
optical microscope have a characteristic layered structure, proposed by French (1984). This relative ‘fluidity’ of the
due to the so-called ‘growth rings’ (Gallant et al., 1997; crystalline domains of starch granules has led to a ‘liquid
Smith, 1999; Baker et al., 2001; Donald, 2001; Donald et al., crystalline’ model for starch (Waigh et al., 1996) based on
2001; Ridout et al., 2002; Li et al., 2003; Pilling and Smith, data from small angle neutron scattering. This concept was
2003). This feature is the result of multiple concentric shells applied to explain the phenomenon of gelatinisation (Waigh
(or lamellae) of increasing diameter extending from the et al., 2000a).
hilum towards the surface of granules (like the layers of an A chiral side-chain liquid-crystalline polymeric model of
onion). These growth rings represent (periodical) diurnal starch was developed from data obtained by the new
deposition of starch as originally defined by French (French, technique of scanning microfocus X-ray diffraction used in
1972; Kainuma and French, 1972; Robin et al., 1974), the study of the double helix orientation and tilt of the
usually based on data generated by acid or amylase lamellae (Waigh et al., 2000b). These authors postulate a
treatment of granules. Further, studies of growth rings self-assembly mechanism for the orientation of amylopectin
have resulted in a number of developments with respect to double helices in the presence of plasticiser (water). This
the understanding of starch structure (below). Particularly orientation is disturbed on dehydration of the granule. The
relevant in this respect is the eloquent work of Donald and lamellae give rise to flat 9 nm reflections which are tilted on
co-workers that has led to the modern view of the starch average at an angle of 17.258 to the local fibre axis. A model
granule (Donald et al., 1997; Fig. 4). The early work of for helical lamellae has been proposed as being the product
French provided an internal model of starch granules where of the chiral, side-chain, liquid-crystalline structure in
there is radial growth of amylopectin with 16 clusters per amylopectin in the presence of chiral bending forces
growth ring and growth rings 120– 400 nm thick. The (Waigh et al., 1999). The use of scattering techniques in
double helices forming the subgrowth ring crystalline the study of the internal structure of starch granules and the
lamellae represent , 5 nm thick regions (repeats) inter- plasticisation and self-assembly of amylopectin double
spersed with amorphous branch regions , 2 nm long. helices in granular starch have been recently reviewed
Different crystalline polymorphs (A- and B-type) may be (Donald et al., 2001; Donald, 2001).
accommodated in this model (Fig. 4). According to the Cameron and Donald (1992) model,
The modern view regarding internal dimensions within starch granules contain relatively broad radial growth rings
starch granule is largely due to the work of Donald and her comprising semi-crystalline shells (about 140 nm thick)
collaborators (Cameron and Donald, 1992; Donald, 2001; separated by broad amorphous zones of at least the same
Donald et al., 1997, 2001; Jenkins et al., 1993; Waigh et al., thickness. In this model the semi-crystalline growth rings
1996, 1999, 2000a,b). The quantification of dimensions themselves (140 nm) contain 16 radiating clusters of
representing crystalline and amorphous lamellae, growth amylopectin exterior chains (A and B1) with the actual
rings and ‘blocklet’ type units within granules has, however, length of the registered double helices about 6.65 nm
evolved over many years. This has been reviewed in detail (equivalent to the crystalline lamellae) interspersed within
elsewhere (Tester and Karkalas, 2002) and readers are amorphous lamellae of about 2.2 nm (amylopectin (1 ! 6)-
referred to this review for more details. a-branch points) (Fig. 4).
When hydrated starch is viewed with small angle X-ray
scattering, a peak is seen at a value of q of 0.063Å21. This
peak is attributed to the alternating crystalline and 9. The complete picture with respect to starch structure
amorphous lamellae of amylopectin and is not observed in
dry starch (Cameron and Donald, 1992). The same authors The literature does not provide answers to many
concluded that wheat starch granules consist of stacks of questions regarding starch architecture (that is how the
infinite lamellae embedded in a medium of specified component parts interact to provide the three dimensional
electron density. The lamellar repeat distance was found structure). The location of amylose with respect to the
to be 8.85 nm and some 16 such lamellae form the dense amylopectin in the granule is uncertain, as is the role of lipid
material of a growth ring with a thickness of about 140 nm. in cereal starches and the origin of phosphoester formation
It is noteworthy that starch granules are far from being (especially in potato starch). Why there is a distribution of
perfect crystals. At best they consist of crystalline and granules of different sizes is a matter of much debate but
amorphous regions and the degree of crystallinity, as there is little understanding of the reasons for this variation.
discussed earlier (Table 5), is in the range 17 – 51% These questions are further complicated by lack of under-
depending on their origin and the methods used with an standing of how the biosynthetic processes define archi-
average of about 35%. Furthermore, there is an optimum tecture as opposed to simply components of starch
moisture content (about 27%) at which maximum crystal- granules—although the partition between amylose and
linity is observed, while a minimum of 8% water is amylopectin biosynthesis itself is still a mystery. These
necessary for the starch to give a diffraction pattern (Imberty challenges will undoubtedly be met in the near future. To do
and Perez, 1988). This important observation is consistent this we will need to develop more sophisticated techniques
162 R.F. Tester et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 39 (2004) 151–165

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