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5 Year Plan

In my 5 year plan, I will be attending Merced College to get my general

education. After getting my general education, I’m going to try to transfer to Fresno

State University. I’m choosing to go to Merced College first to get my general education

because I live really close to the school and it will help save money. I will also do

summer classes during my time in Merced College so that I can get done with my

education a little bit faster. I am choosing to transfer to Fresno State after getting my

general education because my mom said I can’t transfer to Stanislaus and Fresno State

is the next university that is close to Merced. I will most likely also do summer classes

at Fresno State to get my degree faster.

After high school I will still be living with my parents because I live right next to

Merced College which would be pointless for me to move out. I’m still not sure if I will

move out once I transfer to Fresno State. If I really have to I will move into one of the

dorms in Fresno State so that I can be close to my classes.

After high school I won’t be working because I want to really focus on my

education and make sure I am getting all my college work done. My parents said it will

be okay because they want me to do really good in college too. If it really comes down

to where I really need to get a job and I am still at the community college, I would find a

part time job that has flexible hours. I would work after school so that the days I don’t

go to school I can focus on my homework and study. If I need to get a job while I’m

attending Fresno State and I’m still living with my parents I would get a part-time job that
is in Merced and is on the days I don’t go to Fresno because if I work on the same days

I go to the university, it will be very stressful on me.

Since I will still be living at home, my parents said they would pay for my school

as long as I get really good grades. If I don’t get good grades, they said I will have to

pay for it. My parents said they would provide me food and the basic things I need. For

example I would need school supplies to help me get my work work done for school.

Another basic need they would provide for me is a cell phone so if I need to call them

for something or vice versa. One other basic need they would provide for me is

personal hygiene things so that I can stay clean. My parents said they will still pay for

my gym membership so that I can still go work out early in the morning.

My future career goal is to become CEO of my dad’s business. He owns a

software business called Nutstar. He sells software to nut industries. I am choosing to

pursue this career because I like being a leader and it would be really awesome to be a

leader for a business. He said in order for me to become CEO, I would have to get a

bachelor's degree in business administration and work for him for two years. I don’t see

myself becoming CEO in 5 years. I see myself working there as an employee and

training how to run a software business.

In conclusion my five year plan after high school is pretty much planned. I will

most likely be living with my parents still. I will be attending Merced College and then

transfer to Fresno State. I won’t be working, I will be focusing on my school and making

sure I get a great education. My parents said they will be paying for my school. I also

have back-up plans just in case something bad happens.

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