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Appreciation Paper

One person that has had a big effect on my life for the past four years was my

mom. She has taught me many things which are very useful in life. She has also

influenced me to do many things that will help me in the long run. My mom has also

been there for me at the worst times in my life. She has been taking really good care of

me these past four years and helping me stay on the right path.

Before my mom influenced me, I had a mean attitude most of the time. I was

really lazy and did not want to do anything when I got home. I also didn’t think about my

future before my mom influenced me. If my mom never influenced me, I would have

been a mean to a bunch of people in class. If my mom never influenced me I would

have never registered for college because I would not have been influenced to think

about a future I want because I would’ve been really lazy.

My mom’s character is very awesome. The word that best describes her

character is caring. She is caring for everyone around her, including my dad, my two

sisters and my dog. Another word that describes her character is funny because almost

everyday she always makes me laugh. These two words best describe my mom. Which

makes her character really awesome.

There are so many things my mom has done for me. One thing is that she has

taught me how to be a gentleman and how treat a girl right. Another thing she has done

for me is making sure there is food on the table for me when I get home from school

especially when I’m really hungry. Also she has made sure I have everything I need at

home, for school, and for any activities I do. Finally, the biggest thing she has done for
me was taking me everywhere I need to go and getting me there on time. Before I

started driving, she would take me to school to taekwondo practice, and to any doctor or

dentist appointments.

Right now I am on the right path my mom has influenced me to be on. My mom

will continue to influence me in the future. She will most likely influence me which CSU

I should transfer to after finishing the general education at the Merced College. My

mom’s influence may affect where I live in the far future because I want to stay

somewhat close to her. Her influence might have an affect on my major in college.

In conclusion my mom has made a big influence on my life. She has made a big

influence on everything I do and will continue to influence me in the future.

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