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Rome was created in the Iron Age as a group of huts situated on Palatine and

the other hills in the 9th century BC. The Great Roman Empire is drawing roots from
the war-and-war society. Rome by the great River Tiber, and the harbor in the center
of the city, was connected with the sea through which it was in contact with various
cultures. The founding of the Roman Empire is often taken in the year 753 BC. Cr.
Rome under the leadership of the Senate as a city and the state manages to dominate
the entire Apennines Peninsula, the Mediterranean, North Africa and parts of Asia.
The Roman republic was created after the extermination of Tarkvarius (Lucija
Tarkvinija Oholi, the last Roman king, 509 BC). The state authority takes over the
Senate, which receives two new officers annually. In dangers, a dictator can be
appointed for six months, who can make decisions for good people during his rule.
Archaeological research has confirmed that in the 8th century, Cr. on the hills along
the Tiber there were settlements. In the 6th century, Cr. these villages were ruled by
the Etruscans. The wetland at the foot of the hills was then drained and the town
square of Forum Romanum was arranged there. Thus, Rome did not originate
suddenly, but settlements on the hills gradually united. This town was later developed
into the capital of the Roman Empire, which was continually governed by the seven
kings, which was in accordance with the tradition, and the Roman Republic (from 509
BC, which was governed by the Senate) and finally the Roman Empire The one with
which he was driving). This success was dependent on military conquests,
commercial supremacy, and Greek and ethereal civilizations. Roman domination has
spread to most of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, so that the population has grown
to over one million. For nearly a thousand years, Rome was the most important
political, richest and largest city in the Western world, and this remained after the
collapse and division of the Empire even when it finally lost its status in favor of
Milan and then Ravenna and after it was prestigious and the significance surpassed
the eastern capital of Carigrad.

The Roman Republic marks the period of state organization of the Roman
state between the Roman Empire (509 BC) and the establishment of the Roman
empire on January 16, With the assignment of the Octavius title august-elevated. The
Roman republic had many factors of power-sharing that can still be found in many
state-owned organizations around the world. Of the special significance of the state
organization of the Roman republic were three principles: annuity - all functions were
only for one year, collegiality - two persons simultaneously performed one civil
service and the right to change the decree (the right of veto) - each clerk had the right
to correct or modify or restore the decree that his colleague has brought.

By the rise of early Christianity, the Roman bishop, besides religious, gained
more and more political significance, becoming the pope. Thus, Rome became the
center of the Catholic Church. After the robbing of Rome in 410, by Alaric I. and the
fall of the Roman Empire in 476, Rome was marked by the Byzantine administration
and the plundering of Germanic barbarians. In the Middle Ages, the number of
inhabitants was reduced to only 20,000, and the town grew up in groups of inhabited
buildings, which were between large areas of ruins and vegetation. Rome officially
remained part of the Byzantine Empire until 752, when the Langobards finally
destroyed the Raven Exarches, which was the center of Byzantine power in Italy. In
756 Pippin Mali gave the papacy authority over Rome and its surrounding areas, and
thus created the papal state. Rome was the capital of the Papal States until their
accession to the Kingdom of Italy in 1870. The town became the main place of
pilgrimage in the Middle Ages and the center of the conflict between the Pope and the
Holy Roman Empire, begun by Karlo Veliki and Pope Lav III. he crowned himself in
Rome on Christmas 800 as a Emperor. Apart from the short periods of independence
in the Middle Ages, Rome has for centuries retained the status of the papal capital and
the "holy city" even when the papal seat was briefly moved to Avignon (1309-1337).
Although the city had no political power, as confirmed by the destruction of Rome in
1527 by Karla V., it flourished as the center of cultural and artistic activity during the
Renaissance and Baroque, under the patronage of the papal administration.

509 BC after the end of the rule of King Takvin the Evil, the Roman Republic
was formed. After 340 BC , The Romans manage to control most of the cities in the
area of Latium. From somewhere around 280 BC Cr. after the conflict with Pirom and
victory over it, the Romans also conquer South Italy, where ancient Greeks have been
present for centuries and thus come into contact with their culture. In order to carry
out and maintain control over the conquered territory, the Romans begin to establish
their colonies and provinces. In the period between 264 BC, Cr. and 146. pr. BC, the
Romans run into wars after which the city-state of Rome becomes very powerful. The
first full war that lasted 23 years began due to the conflict of interest between Rome
and the Carthaginian trading state due to the island of Sicily. Romans are forced to
build a naval fleet and 241 BC they succeed in defeating Carthage, who capitulates,
pays war damages to Rome, and gives up Sicily, but it retains its influence in Spain,
where they set up their new colonial empire. From the heart of Italy, Rome, the
republic has gradually taken control of most southern and western Europe. 218. BC
begins the Second Punic War (218 BC - 202 BC) against Rome. After several defeats,
as with Kane (216 BC) and when Hanibal seemed to conquer Rome, the Romans still
managed to preserve their influence and win Hanibal's brother at the bike at Metaur
(207 BC) after which the weakness and power of Hanibal itself and despite the
alliance with Macedonian king Philip V. who also 214 BC begins the Roman -
Macedonian wars against the Romans, the Romans succeed in disembarking in
northern Africa and finally settled on a Zama bicycle (202 BC) against Carthage.
Carthage has lost all its territories.

In the Third Punic War (149 BC - 146. BC), the Romans disrupted themselves
to Carthage and established the province of Africa. The Romans are already 200th.
Cr. politically intervened in Greece and stood side by side of small and medium-sized
countries and thus opposed Macedonia, so even 196 BC. Cr. proclaimed Greece free.
After the full battles against Carthage, Rome occupied the Carthaginian territories in
northern Africa and Spain. Later, the great army of Julia Caesar republics also
approached Galia. The Depression of the Roman Empire and the Establishment of the
Roman Empire After the 44th Cr. Julius Caesar was killed; the civil war broke out in
Rome. Octavian, Caesar's adopted son, came out as a winner. He was the first of a
total of 165 emperors who ruled the city of his provinces until the 5th century, when
Rome attacked tribes from the edges of the Empire. The largest territorial expansion
was experienced at the time of Emperor Trajan, who devoted 114th to Armenia and
Northern Mesopotamia, and 115, he won Adiabene, Babylon and Ktezifont. The last
Roman car was shot in 476 BC, but then a second car headquartered in
Constantinople dominated the eastern region. The Eastern Roman Empire
(Byzantium) continued to exist, albeit gradually decreasing, until 1453, when the
Turks conquered Constantinople. Later, the states of the West (the Kingdom of the
King and the Holy Roman Empire) and the East (the Russian emperors) used Roman
state terminology until the modern times. When Hadrian became a car, 117. The
Romans ruled the area extending from Britain to Egypt and any is the largest
European empire in history. Leaders such as Juliet Caesar won many of the territories
including Spain, Galia, and parts of North Africa at the time when Rome was a
Republic of the Emperors. They took over even more territories, so for example,
Klaudia won the UK and the Empire attached Meuretania (Northwest Arica). Trajan
won Dancia (Romania) and parts of the Blisko Island. Hadrian realized that this
enormous empire with many different peoples was too much to rule, so he freed some
of the areas that Trajan won in the Middle East.

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