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Gablenz 2B

Video: Marine Vet Exposes Controversial Footage of War Through His Own Eyes

Miles Lagoze enlisted in the Marines as a combat cameraman. Lagoze was tasked with
producing U.S. military propaganda to be distributed to Afghans, but he kept the camera
rolling to capture the reality of daily life at war.

1.) We will watch the video twice. Try to listen very carefully to what Lagoze is saying
and try to read the subtitle if you can’t understand certain expressions or words. You
don’t have to take notes but you can if you want.

2.) Now think about the following questions: Do you agree or disagree? Why/why not?
(Give your opinion)

a.) If you were a soldier in the U.S. army, would you be willing to go to Afghanistan and
serve your county there? Why/why not?

b.) Miles Lagoze says: “I didn`t help anyone. I just perpetuated a system of senseless
violence”. What do you think of this statement? Do you think that this statement could apply
to war in general?

c.) Lagoze says: “They were kind of just letting anyone who was willing to go enlist. Some
soldiers were drug waivers, had criminal records or had psychological problems.” How do
you feel about this? Do you think it would be the same in Austria, if our soldiers had to go to

d.) Try to write summerize the video in 2-3 sentences and give your own opinion. (in total
approx. 4-5 sentences).

perpetuate: aufrecht erhalten, fortbestehen lassen
aftermath: Folgen
waiver: Erlass, Außerkraftsetzung
sanctify/glorify: glorifizieren, verherrlichen
boredom: Langeweile
negotiate: verhandeln

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