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Until today, I have been feeling so grateful because I was born in my

family. Because of them, I am able to stand here as the representative of
Polytechnic of Health Semarang Nursing Departement as a speaker or story teller.
Today I am wearing this uniform, my nursing uniform, and I am proud of them.
Because today I am gonna tell you my story which is quite relatable with my
uniform. So, my name is Made, I am from Bali. I was born in middle-class family.
I also have a big brother who is only 1 year older than me. My father is a former
teacher but now he’s a farmer and my mother is a housewife. So you can tell that
my family’s income is only from my father. But, my father especially had a vivid
dream about me and my brother that we should go to colleges. (this is great just to
have small introduction)
So the story begin here. When I was in elementary school, my father asked
me “Do you have a dream?”, and I answered “No”. At that time my father just
said “Oh yeah, okay…” He might think because I was just only eight years old, so
it’s okay to just let me. And then when I was in Junior High School my father
asked me again “What do you want to become?”, and I answered “I just want
staying at home and helping Mom, and playing games”, I remembered at that
moment my father suddenly breathed deeply and just passed by again. And this
happened again in my Senior High School days, my father asked me with his
serious-mode of facial expression, he asked me “What are you gonna do after
graduate?” and I simply answered “I dunno”. So honestly, I didn’t even think of
attending college at that time. (you can add the reason you’re behaving
unmotivated of attending college. For example: seeing most of the women in your
community not attending college somehow trigger you to be unmotivated for
studying in college, like social perception in your village affect you that women do
not have the need to study). But then my father gives me some prudent words, he
said “A woman also deserves the same rights like man. A woman also deserves
good education. I know, you will be getting married someday, and you will be
giving birth of your children. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t work. You can
be more than just a housewife. Imagine, you can contribute in your family’s
income, or maybe savings, you can make your husband life easier, you don’t have
to ask your husband money for little things such monthly shopping or whatever”.
(I guess this is okay, maybe you can add also that when it comes to marriage, both
of the sides have the responsibility to provide and support the family, and if you
have knowledge/good education you are capable of managing your family or you
have a good job you are capable to give the financial support for your children
future/or future plan) After that, I was suddenly in silent-mode. I realized that
what my father said was right. So that’s why I am feeling grateful today, If it
wasn’t my father, I would not be able to stand here, and wearing this uniform and
strongly declare myself as a nurse.
I have been feeling so much grateful, because I’ve received this
opportunity easier than other people. Because of my parents are so supportive. But
I also do realize that not all parents are supportive like mine.
For example, in my village, there’s like a civilization/or socio-cultural
interpretation which is terrifying me, so the parents in my village think that
women shouldn’t go to school or college. Women will be getting married
someday and left their family. Women will be just a housewife and staying at
home. So sending them to school would waste money. So instead, the parents
would just send only their son. And apparently, most of the parents in my village
think that way, most of my friends in village were not able attending school like
me. (this is all good points 😊)
This is unfair. I clearly declare that we need to end this inequality. (you
can say: it seems unfair when woman is considered less important when it comes
to fulfilling the need of self-actualization. Thus, it is critically important that
everyone especially woman should be treated with fair to end this inequality
aspect) Because women and men have same rights. For milleneals, you should
have strong intentions, strong desires, and willingness on yourself. That you won’t
give up upon your dream just because of this unfair civilization or belief that
woman should be deprioritized. I believe that if you have these willingness,
desires, and intentions, and if you decide to not afraid, you will see your
I have this friend I know from Senior High School. She was born in low-
class family and she has a brother. But I knew that she had potential, she had
always made good rankings at class. And she once told me that she really wanted
to continue her study to college. From her facial expression I knew that she had
this desire, the intention for not giving up upon her dream. And she really made it.
She had been really working hard and she got the scholarship to the college she’d
been dreaming. So my friend saw her opportunity. And by the time, I found that
her parents became so supportive on her study, and her parents even came at her
graduation. And it was so touching knowing that. Knowing that these little things
could change your life. Desire, intention and willingness.
I personally think that milleneals should have these desires, these
willingness on theirselves/themselves. And I also think that these things should
invest to your mind and heart since young. Primary school should take this part.
School can make program, like inviting famous/successful alumni to give speech.
Successful alumni is the perfect prototype/role model to do this. I believe that they
could give the student motivations and positive energy. And build these desires,
intentions and willingness on their mind and heart. (this is all good points 😊)
Girls and boys, women and men, are same/equal. They are our generation.
They have some potential. They deserve same opportunity to unleash their
positive potential to empower themselves int the future.

PS: suruh gua kagak ngasi ide banyak, lagi sibuk kerja jadi telat liaat. Sorry 😊

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