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© UN Photo / Eskinder Debebe

DECENT WORK AND 30 million:

jobs required
What’s the goal here? Organization (ILO), 5.6 per
cent of the global popula-
year for new
To promote inclusive and tion were unemployed as entrants to the
sustainable economic of 2017. In 2018, the total
growth, employment and number of unemployed labour market
decent work for all. people remains high -
Why? above 192 million - and it is to keep up with
harder to find decent jobs.
Poverty eradication is
only possible through How many jobs
the growth
stable and well-paid are needed? of the global
jobs. Nearly 2.2 billion 470 million jobs are
people live below the
US$1.90 poverty line.
needed globally for new working age
entrants to the labour
How many people market between 2016 population.
are unemployed? and 2030, just to keep
up with the growth of
According to the the global working age
International Labour
population. That’s around productive and delivers playing field so that all
30 million per year. a fair income, security in aspiring youth can attain
the workplace and social productive employment
So if they all got a job will protection for families, regardless of their gender,
extreme poverty end? better prospects for income level or socio-eco-
personal development nomic background.
In addition to creating
and social integration.
jobs, we also need to Governments can work
It is also important that
improve conditions for the to build dynamic, sus-
all women and men are
some 783 million women tainable, innovative and
given equal opportuni-
and men who are working, people-centred econo-
ties in the workplace.
but not earning enough to mies, promoting youth
lift themselves and their A continued lack of decent employment and wom-
families out of poverty. work opportunities, insuf- en’s economic empow-
ficient investments and erment, in particular, and
In addition, women and
under-consumption lead decent work for all.
girls must enjoy equal
to an erosion of the basic
access to equal oppor- Local authorities and
social contract underlying
tunities with men and communities can renew
democratic societies: that
boys for employment. and plan their cities and
all must share in progress.
human settlements so as
I have a job. Why does What can we do to to foster community cohe-
this matter to me? fix these issues?
sion and personal security
and to stimulate innova-
Society as a whole ben-
Providing youth the best tion and employment.
efits when more people
opportunity to transition
are being productive and To find out more
to a decent job calls for
contributing to their coun- about Goal #8 and
investing in education
try’s growth. Productive other Sustainable
and training of the high-
employment and “decent Development Goals, visit:
est possible quality, pro-
work” are key elements
viding youth with skills
to achieving fair glo- sustainabledevelopment
that match labour market
balization and poverty
demands, giving them
reduction. In addition,
access to social protection
unemployment can lead to
and basic services regard-
unrest and disrupt peace
less of their contract type,
if it is left unaddressed.
as well as levelling the

What does “decent

work” mean?
Decent work means
opportunities for every-
one to get work that is

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