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Pride Sample

For me, something that has happened recently that had me really proud of

myself, was obtaining my license. Many people my age get their license just like me. To

me, getting my license was very special because it made me feel mature. This was

important to me because up until this point, I have always been treated like a little kid.

Obtaining my license was a sign for me that I was growing up and was no longer a kid.

The process of getting the license was honestly a very boring one. First I had to go

through the class and fill out the seemingly never-ending packets. Each packet seemed

longer than the other. Because of this, I felt the desire to stop attending the classes,

since the license was not something truly desired at the moment. I finally finished the

classes and that was when I realized how much I truly wanted to finish the whole

process and get my license. I had to wait six months in order to take the DMV test, and I

made sure to make those six months count. I went through the lessons of the driving

school and honestly had good fun with it. I also had more than the required practise

since I was very eager to get better and better at driving. After the wait was over, I went

to the DMV with plenty of confidence to take the written test. I managed to pass the

written test in my first attempt, making only two mistakes. After the test, I immediately

made an appointment for the driving test. After another wait for the appointment, I took

the driving test with an unfamiliar vehicle, and I ended up regretting it as I failed the

test. I didn’t lose confidence and I took the second test with a truck I was very familiar

with, although it was more difficult to drive, which is why I didn’t use it for the fist test. In

the second test however, I did everything with the same confidence and comfort as the
first. The only difference was that I passed the second one. Being told that I passed,

and getting my license a week later was crucial to me because it meant that I was no

longer just a kid.

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