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5-Year Plan

Stress, debt, and success. The next five years look pretty dull but there’s no doubt in my

mind that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. In my opinion I believe that there’s no one alive

that hasn’t experienced stress. In between the five years I’ll be going to UC Merced and

graduating in 4 years, then I’ll hopefully be starting my first year of medical school. For the first

four years after high school i will be living at home, but when I go to Medical School I will be

living at home. For the next five years I plan to be financially stable. I plan to be closing in

achieving my goal to become a doctor. I will be proud of all of my accomplishments for the next

five years.

In the fall of 2019, as a matter of fact for the next five years I will be going to school. For

the first four years I will be attending the University of California Merced. The main reason why

I chose to go to UC Merced is because I didn’t want to be far away from home, and also UC

Merced turned out to be the cheapest college option that I had to choose from, I’d rather spend

less money on getting my undergraduate degree, and have a majority of my spending going

towards medical school. Plus since I’m going to UC Merced I’ll be living at home, so I will be

having better living condition compared to if I lived in a school dorm. For the fifth year I plan to

enroll in a medical school that is in California, the main reason that I want to go to a medical

school in California is because it will result to being a lot more cheaper than if I went out of

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During college I plan to get an entry level job in a hospital or clinic, such as a Hospital

Ward Clerk. Applying to be a part time Hospital Ward Clerk is the first step that I want to get in

order to become a doctor, the only place that I’d want to be a doctor in is in Merced because the

fact that I’ve lived here my entire life and the community has given me so much I know that it’s

time to give back to the community, amd what better way to do it than by being a doctor and

doing your best to help those in need. I can strongly say that over the five year period I will be

living in Merced.

A topic that is always correlated with college is debt. Almost nobody escapes the wrath

of college debt. For the majority of people pursuing a higher education isn’t free, and

unfortunately I’m part of that majority. I plan to pay college by earning money from what I earn

for working part time and not only that but my parents will always be right behind me, ready for

when I need them, especially if it’s a financial need. So by using the money I earn along with the

help of my parents I will be able to pay for school. The great thing is that I don’t have to worry

about food or rent since I’ll be living at home.

Traveling through the road of becoming a doctor is no easy task, it will involve stress and

a lot of sleepless nights but in the end I know that all of my pains will pay off allowing me to

pursue the goal of being one of the best doctors that Merced County has to offer. I will definitely

not be achieving this goal in a five year period I will obviously need more time because such a

difficult task will need drastic amounts of time to be finished. Overall I believe that over the next

five years I am setting myself up for success, and nothing at the moment is telling me otherwise.

My five year plan definately might consist of ripping my hair out and having the vein on my

forehead pop, but I know that when the time comes for me to step up and compete my goal it
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will be as sweet as biting into a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. I will graduate from college. I will

graduate from medical school. I will be one of the greatest doctors that has ever stepped foot in


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