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Julia Kartika 1710117220019

Advance Reading A3
Peter Pan
1. Mrs. Darling’s children told her that there is a boy named Peter visits them a few times
when they are sleeping. A few nights later, Mrs. Darling wakes up and sees Peter who
comes to visit. Peter shocked and jumped out the house. Unfortunately, Nana locks his
shadow in the room.
2. One night, Mr. and Mrs. Darling are going to a party. Peter and Tinker Bell come to the
house after that to look for Peter’s shadow. Peter’s cry wakes Wendy up. He quickly
sews the shadow to him. He asks Wendy to come with him to the Neverland. At first, she
is hesitating it, but at the end she agrees to it. Peter shows Wendy and his brothers how to
fly and then go to the Neverland.
3. They finally reach the island after a few days flying. While on Neverland, Wendy do all
the things what a mother always do to the boys there. At one night, Wendy reads the
boys story before sleep, but Peter hates it. Wendy becomes upset to him and decided to
go home with her brothers. When Wendy and the boys come out from the underground
house, the pirates already waiting for them and then take them to the pirate ship. When
he realizes it, he comes to rescue Wendy and the boys.
4. Captain Hook, the leader of the pirates, and his crew trying to make the children walk the
plank until they are fall down to the crocodile. Fortunately, Peter comes to save them. He
and the boys kill everyone until Captain Hook the only who left. Peter fight with him and
make him jump into the crocodile under them.
5. Wendy and his brothers still come back to their house. They take the boys with them too
except Peter. Wendy’s parents gladly accept and adopt them. Peter comes to visit Wendy
only two times. Wendy and the other boys grow up and have jobs.
6. When Wendy already old enough, she marries someone and has a daughter named Jane.
One day, Peter comes to Wendy’s house. He wants to take Wendy to Neverland, but she
is too big to fly, so he takes her daughter, Jane instead. When Jane has a daughter, he
comes very often for Jane’s daughter, and so on forever.

I think this so story is very entertaining. This story is very imaginative, so I think it is perfect
to tell it to the children.

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