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After viewing my transcript and attendance record i am actually shocked because

my grades and my attendance stayed the same my whole 4 years in high school they

never changed. My attendance is pretty bad i have a lot of absences and tardies, each

year i have at least 20 tardies. In the morning i be coming to school very late. The

reason why i'm always late in the morning because i hate waking up to go to school.

Every year i always tell myself that i will be going to school on time but i never keep up

with that promise i always make myself every year. My grades are the same each year i

mean they aren't failing grades but i know i can do better in school but i am just a lazy

person to do homework.These last few weeks i haven't done homework at all i’ve been

slacking off, i wouldn't even try to do my homework. I've never ever failed a class in my

life, i always do everything in the last minute. Like right now i'm failing a senior class and

i am trying with all my heart to bring that grade up so i can grade. When i looked at my

transcript i was shocked because i thought it was going to be worst because in my

freshman and sophomore year i didn't even try my best because i wouldn't care at all

about the consequences but then i see that i did actually pretty good.

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