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I’m going to be homeless and this is how I got there

I’m writing this as a partial autobiography of a major turning point in my life and a
benchmark from which to measure what the future holds for me. The document entitled
“The mother of my children is a prostitute” is a companion to this.


What the police set in motion to eliminate me as a threat to their protection of illegal
prostitution and my ex-wife greenlighted for financial gain as one of their prostitutes never
fails to make threats homeless or worse as far as I can tell. Going on the street could be
tomorrow or it could be years from now. It depends on my 84-year-old father's longevity
and whether I'm able to fend of other threats in the interim. This is going on in the United
States of America?? It can’t be. Wanna bet. My boys and I have lived this. It is irrefutable
going on. Don’t believe me. Read this and the companion document to decide for yourself

The life I once enjoyed is gone. For good. It is not coming back. There is a new life in
store for me that I’ve accepted and will deal with as best as I can. I have come to terms
with me eventually going on the street. I see no way for it to be avoided.

I would be more than happy not be me writing this and move on. Do you think I want to
be doing this? As you read this you will see I have nothing to move on too. And since my
ex-wife is at the center and is the cause of this, a good part of what I share is focused on
her. Writing about what was done to me is my journaling and a reality check because
trying to get me to doubt myself and what happen is what my ex-wife and her proxy
abusers are all about. It is a constant battle.


I've been completely isolated and my support system yanked from me. I was put out of
work and my career ended. After being in the top 5% of wage earners, at age 58 I'm
penniless, thousands in debt and unemployable. I have no friends, no family, no money,
no job, no property, no assets, no retirement, no vacations, no hobbies and no mate. I
don't even own the car I drive. I cannot provide for myself or my children. I told my ex-
wife she should be proud, she did it.

My situation is not going to improve, it is only going to get worse because those I should
be able to turn to for help (e.g. my family, police judges, etc.) are participating in
destroying me to protect my ex-wife and the illegal prostitution she got into.


Many years ago I literally told my wife she should never have got married and should
never have had children. I was right.

Many years ago I literally told my wife she was going to hand me our children to go off
and prostitute just like her mother did. I was right again.

Many years ago I literally told my wife she wasn't going to be happy until I was 6 feet
under. I was right about that too.

The police and my ex-wife have the hole dug and me in it, and my siblings and ex-wife
are chomping at the bit with shovels in hand to start piling on the dirt.


Here’s the gist of it. In June 2012 I moved my boys and my toxic wife 500 miles to Truckee
CA for a fresh start after my toxic wife had a 2-year affair with her sister's husband and to
get away from my toxic family.

By Feb. 2014 my toxic wife had entered into law enforcement protected illegal prostitution
while working in Sweet Potatoes Deli at the Resort at Squaw Creek (the “Resort”) in
Olympic Valley CA that I somehow became a threat to.

By June 2015 my now prostitute toxic wife, the corrupt police protecting her and the
prostitution and my toxic family had all joined forces to destroy me with my boys as
inconsequential collateral damage.


My ex-wife got me good. There's no recovering from this. I've accepted I’m going on the
street and am going to take it from there. My only concern now and always has been is
my boys, and what's going to happen to them. I’m literally the only person on the planet
who cares about them. For their mother to say she cares is such a bold face lie that if
anyone believes her they're naïve, in denial and under my ex-wife’s narcissistic spell.

I am earnestly preparing to go on the street because when my father dies my siblings will
be knocking at the door and filing motions in court to have my boys and I removed from
our father’s house in the blink of an eye.

I'm a single dad so am also preparing my boys to be stripped of their father, including
bringing their mother back into my boys' lives by taking her back to court to modify custody
after she tried to once and for all get rid of them and even made a covert sadistic game
out of it.

The beginning on the end started in Mar. 2014. That’s when I sent an email complaining
to my ex-wife’s supervisor at the Resort about her extreme change in behavior since she
began working in the deli, the admitted sexual encounters she was having at the Resort
and being shit faced drunk on her shift. At the same time I reported to police I suspected
my wife was prostituting at the Resort. I reported her because our boys were suffering in
the toxic environment she created, I was going to lose my job due to the extreme chaos
and endless problems she was causing and she would not stop drinking, cheating or her
emotional abuse. The response I got from the police was for them to come after and
destroy me.

I’m such an honest person and so much the opposite of calculating, it never occurred to
me the police were involved in the prostitution, nor should it have. I'm not Machiavellian
in the least. If I'm wronged I expect to reach out for help and receive it. I'm naive in a lot
of ways. I had faith my family, friends, police and judges would protect my children and
me. Being honest and reaching out has been disastrous.

It was discovering the Resort was a de facto brothel and knowing too much about the
prostitution due to my ex-wife’s big mouth during a brief reconciliation after she first
entered prostitution in late 2013/early 2014 that got me in trouble.

It could also have been “geotags” in my ex-wife’s phone that showed the location of
pictures that were taken from on my ex-wife’s phone. The locations were from one end of
Truckee to the other and into Reno NV. She had no business being at any of the
addresses, she lied and contradicted herself about them and her chest went flush and
face got bright red when I told her one of the addresses. To top it off, one of the addresses
was of a prominent Truckee resident and internationally known skier she admitted to
having sex with at the Resort and admitted to prostituting with.

With Lake Tahoe and Reno NV right next door, I’m certain the illegal prostitution doesn’t
stop at the Resort. Statements made by my ex-wife and texts between my ex-wife and
her coworker at the Resort confirm that the prostitution either extends to or emanates
from Reno.

Ironically, it is how a Truckee PD police officer and a Placer County Deputy Sheriff
responded to and handled me reporting I suspected my ex-wife was prostituting at the
Resort, and the Deputy freaking out when I told him I contacted the Resort that cinched
it for me.


Both my boys' mother and maternal grandmother abandoned their children to go off and
prostitute. They are the ultimate victims here that not a soul on this planet cares about
other than my father and me. Ignoring how the intentional cruelty inflicted on me has
emotionally, socially and economically damaged my boys for life and all they have
suffered in the process of me being destroyed is unconscionable.

My son came crying to me because he was afraid that the same thing that happen to me
(he witnessed it all so knows) was going to happen to him. There was no way I could tell
him that his life has already been ruined like mine. He has no family and will have no
father that is going to be able to help him or his brother. Their lives are going to be one of
isolation from all family and no support of any kind. and it’s all because their mother is a
prostitute and their father is the designated family scapegoat. Their mother has never
wanted anything to do with them and their father is going on the street.

If someone exists who does care about my boys I've seen neither hide nor hair of them.
Everyone's blinded by “Erase Nick!” Worst yet, my boys are used as pawns and
mechanisms to abuse me ... to protect prostitutes, including their own mother.

Our boys detaching from their mother gives her great sorrow, but also great relief. My ex-
wife has never wanted anything to do with our boys and her behavior and treatment of
them since they were toddlers, that I'm the only who knows about and has experienced,
proves she doesn't.


My ex-wife destroying me defies all explanation, but she couldn't have done it without my
scapegoating family in tow (documented, confirmed by a therapist, goes back to
childhood, continues to this day) who have been trying to get rid of me since I was a child.
I tried to shake my dangerously toxic family by moving to Truckee in June 2012 but they
reappeared in 2015 to join forces with my ex-wife and the police to help finish me off.

One complicit sister told my aunt, "Nick's in deep shit" knowing it before I did. My other
sister's the all-in zealot family leader spreading lies and starting horrific rumors to destroy
me in order to protect my ex-wife and the corrupt judge in my divorce. This sister is not a
well person. She's an also exposed raging narcissistic sociopath and natural born criminal
like my ex-wife who has precedence betraying me with my ex-wife by facilitating my ex-
wife's financial infidelity. My ex-wife and my sister hated each other until my ex-wife
possessed the means to destroy me. Now they're mirror image Facebook friends. Nice
touch. Tough to beat.

The all-in sister can’t speak to my father without telling him my ex-wife was never a
prostitute and trying to get me put on the street. She has, of course, never sat down with
me to see why I say that. As shown on the companion document to this document. it is
clear my ex-wife is a prostitute so why one earth would my own sister protect my ex-wife
and try to get me put on the street? Firs because my sister is a very dangerous narcissist
and second because I am the family scapegoat.

"An enemy of yours is a friend of mine" as my father recently told me. Another narcissist
and the parent who set me up to be the "designated scapegoat." My siblings can’t speak
to him now without bad mouthing me to try and get me kicked out of his house. I have
three narcissists in my family and my ex-wife’s narcissistic sociopath BF lurking in the
background who would prefer I rather not breath.


The LIE that my demise was self-inflicted doesn't stand up when all is brought to light. I
was cranking at work after moving to Truckee and about to go on salary, but my ex-wife
would not stop drinking, cheating and ultimately prostituting, so I had her removed from
our home for domestic violence due to the devastating effects it was having on our boys
and me.

Had my ex-wife gone into the rehab I setup when I kicked her out things would have
calmed down and so would have I. My boys and I would be enjoying my life-long dream
of living in the mountains. I would have my career back, money, friends, vacations,
hobbies and everything we are now without including me having a new mate.

My ex-wife instead hooked up with her criminal BF and reentered prostitution because
they were both in dire need of money. THAT is the reason why my boys and I are in the
salutation we’re in today.


It was having four computers in Jan. 2015 that put me out of work as the first step to
destroy me. Then all hell broke loose. There was pounding on the side of our house in
the middle of the night, break-ins, burglaries, vandalism, harassment, problems and
craziness from all directions and my wife disappeared so I could not move forward in our
divorce or leave Truckee with my boys.

I was then taken advantage of, lied about, my name smeared and rumors and half-truths
told about me. My private personal and protected medical information was shared and
everyone turned against me resulting in me being a complete basket case for the next
three years. I finally woke up to what was being done to me in Feb. 2018. By then it was
too late. The damage was done and I was setup, baited and taken advantage of to mostly
do it to myself.


With my father, sister and ex-wife are all being narcissists, me being the designate family
scapegoat, having been narcissistically abused to the precipitous by my ex-wife and due
to my personal and genetic make-up, I was the lowest of low hanging fruit. I can’t fathom
anyone in the past, present or future being as ripe for the picking as I was. The police had
to have discovered all of this when they sized me up as a target before they came after

At that time I didn't know whether I was coming or going depending upon the position of
my ex-wife's legs outside the home that particular day. I was the most vulnerable target
ever to walk planet earth. What has done to me could not have been more successful in
every aspect and on every playing field if done to anyone else.


My ex-wife vengefully took advantage of me for financial gain and, as a narcissist, in

retaliation for booting her out of our house and ending our marriage. She tried long and
hard trying to love-bomb me into letting her back, all to no avail. I refused to stay in a
marriage that in the end, she truly believed she was entitled to have sex with any man at
any time and I had to tolerate it, and in the end she even believed I had to tolerate her

That was until I threw her out on Sept. 8, 2014 after she had sex in a car parked down
the street from our home with, she says, a dreadlocked guy she just met that morning at
Starbuck’s. I have facts that point to it being with an early 20-something neighbor kid next

My ex-wife then hooked up with her enabling criminal BF who she is still with at the end
of Sept. 2014. By Oct. 9, 2014 she reenter prostitution sealing my and our children’s fate.

That means it took only three weeks for my ex-wife to move on as if her children and their
father never existed after I kicked her out, and only four weeks to set our destruction in
motion. That is a dangerous narcissist.


After discarding our boys and not seeing them since Oct. 2014, my ex-wife tried to get rid
of our children once and for all at a Sept. 2018 hearing to "reopen communication" with
our boys. She filed in a manner that guaranteed communication would not be reopened
then blamed her not getting contact our boys on me. She even turned the hearing into a
covertly abusive game.

The hearing was intended to be the last step in “sanitizing” my ex-wife by showing she
cares about our kids when she really doesn't. It was planned that after the hearing her
singles lifestyle would be set, but I am the only outsider who knows the truth.

I unintentionally foiled her plans because her filing woke me up to our boys needing to go
to her when I’m on the street, so I took my ex-wife back to court in Feb. 2019 to make
sure she had contact with our boys to avoid them going into foster care. There is
precedence for her to pawn our boys off on complete strangers to enjoy a singles life
when I’m not around.


Ignoring police involvement, the way my life turned out is not uncommon for family
scapegoats and victims of extreme narcissistic abuse such as what I have suffered at the
hands of my ex-wife for 20 years and is still going strong. Nor is it uncommon for the
narcissist to walk off into the sunset unscathed to start a new life.

With the resources and planning at my ex-wife's disposal due to her being a judicial and
law enforcement protected prostitute, my destruction was thorough and complete and
very effectively blamed on me, and the restoration of my ex-wife's reputation and her
being able to establish a new life was laid out at her feet and a breeze to achieve. She
was given and told to wear the mask of a reformed fallen angle and plays the role like no


Ironically, it is my father who saved my boys and me. I should have been on the street
four years ago except he would not succumb to the pressure that my siblings, ex-wife and
police where applying to get my father to kick me out, nor did all the craziness that
suddenly popped up result in my father and I arguing to the point of him kicking me out.
It got close. More than once, but I survived and the harassment from the police and my
siblings became too obvious so they had to back off.
My siblings shunned my father years ago because he helped my boys and me when my
ex-wife went off the first time which is what caused us to move to Truckee. "A friend of
Nick's is an enemy of mine" even applies to our own father when it comes to my siblings.
They really are bad people, really bad people, but they do present well. So does my ex-


I believe I have more than enough to prove everything I say but no one to tell it to because
no one wants to know the truth (especially my family. That would spoil their scapegoating),
so no one will listen. My ex-wife has become the victim and the star, now deserving of
everyone's empathy and compassion and protection from Nick who is now the abuser.

That is a typical of how narcissists are able to reverse roles resulting in the abuser being
the victim, and the true victims (my children and me), being revictimized and denied


My ex-wife lives a dual existence. She's a narcissistic sociopath who wears many masks.
There’s the world that her friends, family, etc. interact with her in and a ruthless hidden
underground world of crime, corruption and prostitution that, it being required I'm exposed
to this world in order for it to destroy me, I have got enough glimpses of to get a lay of the
land but not enough to figure out the inner workings which intrigue me to no end. She is
a professed very proud pathological liar capable of saying and doing literally anything and
can charm the pants off anyone (also literally) to make them believe everything she says,
including her fictionalized rendition of our history together and being a sanitized “over-
sober” good girl.

I say she’s over-sober in that when she got sober the first time in 1998 she use AA’s 12-
step program (out-patient), was working and excelling at work and getting promotions the
entire time. She was so sought after and employable the recruited would call her once a
year to place her at another job so the recruited to get another guarantee commission.
And the first time she got sober my ex-wife disclosed her alcoholism and sobriety on the
downlow as everybody does.

This time, as part of my ex-wife’s sanitization process, my she went through a one-year
in-house treatment program then lived in a sobriety house for a year and was so
distraught she couldn’t work the entire time. And when she did start working she had to
go easy with menial minimum wage jobs that she’s still when she could be making $70K
as an executive assistant which is what she did when she did and excelled at when she
got sober in 1998.

This time she’s all but advertised her alcoholism and recovery on the side of the
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and bragged all over Facebook for two years with posts of
chips and “Recovery Works” on as her cover page. This begs the question why such a
change from the last time she got sober?


The plan now is for my accusations of my ex-wife being a corruption protected prostitute
to become less and less plausible with my ex-wife’s Mother Teresa mask now on
permanent display. The companion plan is for my ex-wife, her BF and anyone who has
the opportunity (with my all-in sister often as possible joining in) to taunt me, bait me,
accuse me of drinking and taking drugs, tell me I'm mentally ill and continue to whisper it
all in my father’s ear. One of their goals is to push my buttons to keep the “Nick Show”
going that can now be too easily done due to me being under such prolonged stress.

The companion plan is needed to: (1) try to push me into an emotional breakdown or
argument with my father in hopes he'll kick me out (primary play from day one), and (2)
to keep smearing my name and tarnishing my reputation to maintain the cover story of
me being a mentally ill drug addict as the cause for my demise and to escape
responsibility doing this to my boys and me.


Me going on the street when my father dies is not the ideal outcome but will work to
eliminate me as a threat. What’s really needed and desired is for me to have a dramatic
breakdown or get kicked out of my father's house in a flaming rage. Both of those will
make my dire situation being self-inflicted much more plausible and will finally prove my
siblings and ex-wife "right" about me.

I'm very aware of this and have to be careful not to upset my father, not to get baited into
a situation that could upset him, be cognizant of my emotional and psychological well-
being and stay on top of anything that could cause problems. I slip on all fronts regularly
but am overall able to stay strong.


The truth is nothing about my ex-wife has changed. She still lies, taunts me, baits me,
pushes my buttons that she alone knows very well how to push and has been coached
to do even better. She bad mouths me and is doing everything possible to continue to
tarnish my reputation and paint me in a bad light but no one sees it because it's all done
behind the scenes.
The continuing plans to demonize me and canonize my ex-wife are in full swing and
working perfectly. My ex-wife and her BF continue to psychologically abuse me to get
Nick Show but it's covert, over the phone and/or occurs behind the closed doors of a
courtroom so no one knows what they’re doing but me.


I became a threat to my ex-wife being able to prostitute due to the financial obligations
she was going to be saddled with in our divorce, primarily child support. If the police
couldn’t get me kicked out of my father’s house, conspired fraud between the judge in my
divorce and my ex-wife was going to be needed to get my ex-wife out of those obligations.

Fraud was also going to be needed to burden my father with supporting our children to
accomplish everything because I was put out of work and made unemployable and my
ex-wife was a prostitute. The potential for all of this fraud being needed (which it was)
also made me a threat in need of eliminating.

This is the dream divorce that was promised to my ex-wife in exchange for her agreeing
to having our boys and me destroyed. She also got a fresh start in life that only a time
machine could provide and her and her BF being financially set for life. I cannot fathom a
woman doing what my ex-wife has done to her own children and their father without being
financially set for life in exchange. How she and her BF are set is anyone’s guess, but I
do know that the people my ex-wife got involved with are capable of pulling off anything.


The fraudulently achieved goal in my divorce also included my ex-wife being able to get
rid of her kids and save face doing it by blaming her not having contact on me. This was
just attempted at a hearing in Sept. 2018. She was also promised she would not have to
deal with anything else without her even showing up in court or making any filings.

To cap it off, my ex-wife took nothing when she left other than her bras, panties, some
toiletries, her snow skiing clothes and gear and a few shorts and tank tops. That’s it. She
didn’t want or need anything else, and there’s only one way for that to be possible. She
was and continues to be financially set and secure.


Because the outcome of my divorce was a conspired foregone conclusion before I set
foot in the courtroom, I unexpectedly forced the judge to commit fraud on the court for all
of this to be accomplish and got a judgment in June 2016 requiring damage control and
a change in plans.

The judgment allows me to automatically reopen formal discovery upon filing of a motion
to modify child support which I can now do until our youngest son turns 18 in 2023 only
because I got a judgment. Discovery was to be avoided (and was avoided) at all cost,
because it has the potential for exposing my ex-wife as a prostitute.

As a result, only one month after I got a judgment, in July 2016 my ex-wife got “over-
sober” by going into a two year in-house alcoholic rehab program when she got sober
in1998 using an outpatient 12-step program working full-time. This was done to bullet
proof my ex-wife such that I discovery will now get me nothing.

I will remain a threat to my ex-wife's prostitution as long as she remains in contact with
our boys. The minimal contact she has now is not going to last forever and had to be
forced on her for that exact reason. I will remain a threat to the fraud on the court
committed by the judge in my divorce forever because fraud on the court is considered
so egregious, like murder it has no statute of limitations.

The required players in all of this in order of need and responsibility:

1. My ex-wife because she is who made the decision to enter illegal prostitution and
greenlighted my and our boys’ destruction.

2. The Resort at Squaw Creek because the Resort is where the prostitution was
occurring that my ex-wife got into while working in the deli.

3. The Truckee and Moorpark Police Departments for protecting illegal prostitution
and for trying to eliminate me as a threat.

4. My ex-wife's enabling BF who was the catalyst for all of this and without whose
encouragement, facilitation, twisted emotional support and need for money she
would never have reentered prostitution and agreed to abandon her children and
destroy their father with her children as collateral damage.

5. The judge in my divorce because without her conspiring to commit fraud with my
ex-wife there would have been no dream divorce for the police to offer in exchange
for my ex-wife agreeing to letting them destroy me, nor would my ex-wife have
been able to safely prostitute.

6. My toxic scapegoating, life destroying family for protecting and enabling my ex-
wife and without whose betrayal of my children and me and complicity in my
destruction this would never have got off the ground.


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