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5 Year Plan

Thinking about my future, especially thinking about the next five year of my life, makes

me a little scared. I tend to live in the moment and not stress about what the future is going to be

like. When thinking of it though, I see beautiful things coming in the near future. I am very

blessed and know that these next five years are going to bring great experiences.

After graduating high school, I am attending Merced College. This was a hard decision

for me to make, since I do have the grades to go to a University. I had my mind set on going to a

four year because that’s what I thought meant success. I did a lot of thinking and changed my

mind. A lot of factors took place into why I planned to stay in this town. It had to do with

finances, family, and wanting to continue to play the sport I love. I am honestly just not ready to

leave and that is okay. I plan to stay here for two years and then transfer to a four year to finish

my education. I am majoring in Child Development, so I could hopefully own my own Child

Care Center one day. Either that or getting my teaching credentials so I could teach Child

Development to high schoolers.

During my time at Merced College, I want to work really bad. I am looking into working

at their Child Care Center on campus so that I could gain experience while making some money.

I feel that this will prepare me for my future career and teach me a lot about what I am getting

myself into. My mom always said that as long as I’m going to school and playing softball, I

don’t have to work. Even though she says this, I want to start making my own money and begin

my adult life already. I want to be able to help out my mom with finances as well, since I will

continue to live in her house.

Within the next five years, I wish to have my career started. I want to get it started as

soon as possible because I want to have children as young as I possibly could. With children

comes a lot of different things. The main necessity for a child is indeed money. Children are

super expensive and I am going to make sure that I am very financially stable before having any

children. Having children is what I live for and I just want it to be able to happen already. In

reality, I will probably have to wait a bit more than five years to start having children.

In the next five years I am going to achieve a lot. I know with good times comes bad

times and I am ready to take on this challenge called life. I am super excited for the next five

years and to learn everything about being an adult. I know people always wish to be an adult but

when it comes down to it, being a kid is way better. I know adulthood is going to be rough but

that is the exciting part. I am excited to see what the next 5 years have in store for me.

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