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Reading and Writing Portfolio 9

Reading a personal email asking for advice

Writing paragraphs; expressing sympathy
Getting advice and giving advice; an email (2)
Review giving advice; adjectives to
1 Read the email quickly and find the names of: describe feelings

a Sara’s ex-flatmate.
b Sara’s new flatmate.

c Her flatmate’s new boyfriend.

d Dave’s new boss.

2 Put events a–f in the correct order.

a Hilary moved in. Hi Geri, hi Matt,

1How are you? I’m so sorry I missed your birthday party on
b Sara got a promotion at work. Saturday, Geri. I had to work at the weekend. Did you get my
c 1 Sara’s ex-flatmate bought a house. present? Was the party good?
2Anyway, I need some advice. My flatmate, Suzy, bought a house
d Sara found Dave at her flat watching TV.
a couple of months ago so she moved out. I advertised the room
e Suzy moved out of the flat. and a colleague from work, Hilary, moved in. Everything was fine
for the first month – we got on really well. Then a few weeks ago,
f Hilary started going out with Dave. she started going out with another person from work – a man
called Dave.
HELP WITH WRITING 3The problem is that now he’s spending a lot of his free time at
Paragraphs our house. At the weekends, he’s here all the time! A few days
3 a Look at Sara’s email again. How many paragraphs ago I came home early because I wasn’t feeling well. And guess
who was sitting on my sofa, watching TV … yes, him! He had the
are there?
day off and he must have a key! I was very annoyed, but I didn’t
b Match a–e to paragraphs 1–5 of the email. say anything.
4Then, yesterday I got a promotion. I was really excited, but then I
a 2 the background to Sara’s problem
found out that I’m going to be Dave’s boss! This is going to make
b some good news the situation worse!
5Have you got any advice? You are both always good at these
c a request
kinds of things.
d Sara’s main problem Love,
e greeting and introduction Sara

4 Read Matt’s reply to Sara’s email. Put paragraphs A–D in the correct order.

Hi Sara,
A Anyway, before you buy somewhere you need to do something about your problem. I completely understand your situation. Poor you!
I had exactly the same problem with a flatmate’s girlfriend. I really think you should speak to Hilary and explain how you feel. You could go for a
drink with her or something – it might be a good idea if you don’t talk to her at home. Geri will give you more advice. She’s better at these things
than I am.
B Let’s start with your good news. Congratulations on your promotion! Well done! Are they going to give you more money? I hope so and
then you can buy your own flat soon. It sounds like you need to.
C Anyway, Sara, I’m sorry to hear about your problems. It must be terrible to be at home at the moment. As well as the other advice about
speaking to Hilary, how about going away for the weekend? You can come and see us. You’re always welcome! Speak soon.
D Good to hear from you! Geri’s on a course in Brighton for a few days. She might not check her email but she’ll reply when she gets back.
Matt x

HELP WITH WRITING b Write sentences expressing sympathy about these
Expressing sympathy and giving advice situations using the words in brackets and the phrases
from 5a.
5 a Look at these useful phrases. Which are used
for expressing sympathy (S) and which are used for 1 Jason lost his job last week.
giving advice (A)? I’m sorry to hear about Jason’s job. (hear)
1 S Poor you! 2 I lost my passport on holiday.
2 A I really think you should …
3 How about … ? (terrible)
4 You could … 3 I’ve got money problems at the moment.
5 I’m sorry to hear …
6 I completely understand … (understand)
7 It might be a good idea if … 4 My brother isn’t well at the moment.
8 It must be terrible …

b Look at phrases 2–8 in 5a again. What usually (hear)

comes after each phrase?
● infinitive 7 a Imagine you are Geri and you are replying to Sara’s
● infinitive with to email. Make notes on your advice for each of Sara’s
● noun problems.
● about + noun
● you Sara’s problems your advice
● verb+ing Dave spends
too much time
c Underline the phrases in 5a in Matt’s email
at her house.
to check.

6 a Rewrite these sentences giving advice using the Hilary gave Dave
words in brackets and the phrases from 5a. a key to
the house.
1 Talk to your parents.
You could talk to your parents. (could) Sara is now
Dave’s boss.
2 Get another job.

Sara has too

much work.
3 You should save some money.

(idea) b Write your email to Sara.

4 Why don’t you speak to your boss? ● Use your notes from 7a.
● Organise your email into paragraphs.
● Use phrases from 5a for expressing sympathy and
(how about) giving advice.
5 What about asking for a week off work? ● Read and check for mistakes.
● Give your email to your teacher in your next class.

Tick the things you can do in English in the
Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio, p88.


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