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History of Electricity

1. 1. About 500-400 BC Ancient Greeks discover rubbing wool and amber together would send
a shock through the person holding it.
2. 2. 18th Century Benjamin Franklin becomes one of the first to conduct experimentation with
electricity including his infamous kite experiment. Theorized the polar nature of electricity.
Benjamin Franklin
3. 3. Early 19th Century Alessandro Volta creates a rudimentary battery. Alessandro Volta
4. 4. 1810-1820 William Sturgeon and Joseph Henry discover and produce the electromagnet.
5. 5. 1830s Michael Faraday creates the first electromagnet generator and Hoppolyte Pixii
creates the first electric dynamo. Michael Faraday Pixii’s Dynamo
6. 6. 1871 Zénobe Théophile Gramme creates the first continuous-current generator.
7. 7. 1879 Charles F. Brush creates the first practical electric lighting arc.
8. 8. 1878-1888 Edison discovers the incandescent lighting system and begins to place
electrical incandescent lighting systems in more than 500 peoples homes. Thomas Alva
9. 9. 1883 Nikola Tesla has a fully developed AC induction motor. Nikola Tesla
10. 10. 1885 Nikola Tesla leaves the employment of Edison to form his own company with
Alternating Current as a business model.
11. 11. 1888 Tesla Electric Company merges with Westinghouse Electric. George Westinghouse

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