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Expecting the Best
From Allāh

By Abū Muhammad al-Maqdisī

“In accordance with how good your expectations
of and hope in Allāh are and how truthful your
reliance and trust are in Him, Allāh will not betray
your hopes in the least, as He does not betray the
hopes of those who hope and does not cause any
effort to go to waste.”
Table of Contents

Some Statements of the Salaf

Reflections on Expecting the Best from Allah

-- SSoom meennttss ooff tthhee SSaallaaff --

mee SSttaatteem

The Messenger of Allāh (  

 ) narrated from his Lord that He Said: “I am as my
slave expects Me to be.”1

Ibn Hajar (
 ) said: “Meaning, I am able to do whatever he expects I will do.”2

an-Nawawī (
 ) said: “The scholars say that expecting the best of Allāh is to expect that
He will have Mercy on him and relieve him of hardship.”3

an-Nawawī also said: “al-Qādī ‘Iyād said that this means He will Forgive him if he seeks
such, will accept his repentance if he repents, will answer him if he supplicates, and will
suffice him if he asks for something. It is also said that it refers to having hope and longing
for relief, and this is more correct.”4

Ahmad bin ‘Umar al-Qurtubī (

 ) said:

“It is said that His Saying “I am as my slave expects Me to be” means if one expects an
answer when he supplicates, his repentance to be accepted, something repugnant to be
repelled from him, his deeds to be accepted that are performed with their proper
conditions…And this is supported by his saying: “Call upon Allāh while you are certain
that you will be answered.” Likewise, it is incumbent upon the one who repents, seeks
Forgiveness, and does good deeds to exert himself in fulfilling his obligations while he is
certain that Allāh will accept his actions and Forgive his sins, as Allāh has promised that He
will accept any truthful repentance and righteous deeds. So, whoever performs such a deed
and believes and expects that Allāh will not accept it and that it will not benefit him, this is
despair from the Mercy of Allāh, and is from greatest of the major sins. Whoever dies upon
this will be delivered to that which he expected.”5

Ibn al-Qayyim (
 ) said:

1 al-Bukhārī (7405) and Muslim (2675)

2 ‘Fath al-Bārī’ (17/397)

3 ‘Sharh Sahīh Muslim’ (14/210)

4 ‘Sharh Sahīh Muslim’ (14/2)

5 ‘al-Mufhim li mā Ushkil min Talkhīs Kitāb Muslim’ (5/267)
“Most people – in fact, all of them except those protected by Allāh – assume other than the
truth, and assume the worst. Most people believe that they are deprived of their rights, have
bad luck, deserve more than what Allāh gave them, and it is as if they are saying: ‘My Lord
has wronged me and deprived me of what I deserve,’ and his soul bears witness to this while
his tongue denies it and refuses to openly state this. And whoever digs into his soul and
comes to know its ins and outs will see this in it like fire in a triggered explosion…And if
you dig into anyone’s soul, you will see that he blames fate and would rather have something
else happen to him than what actually did, and that things should be this way or that…So,
dig into your own self: are you protected from this? If you are safe from this, you have been
protected from something great. Otherwise, I do not see that you have been saved.”6

He also said:

“The more you have good expectations of your Lord and hope in Him, the more you will
rely on and trust in Him. This is why some explained true reliance and trust to be having
good expectations of Allah. In reality, having good expectations of Him leads to relying on
and trusting in Him, as it is unthinkable that one can trust in someone that he has bad
expectations of or no hope in, and Allāh Knows best.”7

He also said: “The one who hopes in Allāh should always be optimistic, cautious, and
hopeful in Allāh’s bounty, expecting the best from Him.”8

Sayyid Qutb (
 ) said:

“As for the believers whose hearts are connected to Allāh, whose souls are close to Him,
who experience His constant bounty – they do not despair of the Mercy of Allah even if
they are surrounded on all sides by disaster and severe hardship. The believer is in the mercy
of the shade of his faith, the pleasure of his connection to his Lord, and the tranquility of his
confidence in his Guardian even when he is in the throes of hardship and disaster.”

He also said:

“The believing heart assumes the best of its Lord, and always expects the best from Him. It
expects good from Him in times of ease and times of hardship, and it believes that Allāh
wants good for him in either situation. The secret of this is that his heart is connected to
Allāh, and the flow of good from Allāh is never cut off. So, whenever the heart is connected
to Him, it touches upon this fundamental reality and experiences it in a direct and sweet

Some of the Salaf said:

6 ‘Zād al-Ma’ād’ (3/235)

7 ‘Tahdhīb Madārij as-Sālikīn’ (p. 240)

8 ‘Tahdhīb Madārij as-Sālikīn’ (p. 300)

9 ‘Fī Dhilāl al-Qur’ān’ (6/3219)

“Whenever a crisis comes your way, utilize your good expectations of Allāh in order to repel
it. This will bring you closer to relief.”10

Sa’īd bin Jubayr (

 ) would supplicate: “O Allāh, I ask you to grant me true reliance on
You and good expectations of You.”11

‘Abdullāh bin Mas’ūd (

) said:

“By the One besides Who none is worthy of worship, the believer is not given anything
good better than his good expectations of Allāh, and by the One besides Who none is
worthy of worship, no servant of Allāh expects good of Him except that Allāh gives him
what he expected, since all good is in His Hand.”12

Sufyān ath-Thawrī (
 ) would say: “I do not want to be judged by my father, as my Lord
is better to me than my father.”13

‘Ammār bin Yūsuf (

 ) said: “I saw Hasan bin Sālih in a dream, and I said: “I was hoping
to meet you! What can you inform us of?” He replied: “I give you the glad tidings that I see
nothing better than to have good expectations of Allāh.””14

10 ‘al-Faraj Ba’d ash-Shiddah’ (1/154)

11 ‘Siyar A’lām an-Nubalā’’ (4/325)

12 ‘Husn adh-Dhann bi Allāh’ (p. 96)

13 ‘Husn adh-Dhann bi Allāh’ (p. 45)

14 ‘Husn adh-Dhann bi Allāh’ (p. 45)
-- R
Reefflleeccttiioonnss oonn E
Exxppeeccttiinngg tthhee B
Beesstt ffrroom
mAAllllāāhh --

A verse in the Book of Allāh caused me to stop and reflect for quite some time, and it
deserves for me to stop at it:

      ! " #
 $  %
 &'! ()&*+   ,   -
*  .  /( 01&' 234   !
{“And it is He Who sends down the rain after they have despaired, and spreads
abroad His Mercy. And He is the Guardian, the Praiseworthy.”}15

So, in my mind, I imagined how the people would panic over their families, livestock, and
land due to the severe drought occurring in the midst of the oppressive, scorching heat.
They had hope in Allāh and turned to supplication until they had no hope left, and were sure
that they would perish.

Suddenly, the rain surprises them as it falls freely and vastly from the sky into the valleys of
the Earth as a sign of the Mercy of Allāh, so that the land would come back to live along
with these lives and souls after they had lost all hope!

And how beautiful is it that the verse is capped with the Names of Allāh, al-Walī (the
Guardian) al-Hamīd (the Praiseworthy), as He is the sole Guardian of His slaves, who is
sufficient for them and has Himself taken on their affairs at all times! Because of this, He
alone is deserving of praise at all times...

Every guardian other than Him forgets, makes mistakes, falls short, or is heedless...

As for al-Walī al-Hamīd, my Lord does not forget or make mistakes. Glory be to Him, He
does not become tired or sleep. He is the Living, the Self-sustaining. Therefore, everyone
who takes Him as a guardian will find Him - without a doubt - the best Guardian and
Assister. He spreads His Mercy to His allies all the time and everywhere, even in the most
uncomfortable of places and the most pressing of times...

And my imagination continues with the caravan of the righteous of the past traversing
through time...

So, I remember Ibrāhīm, the intimate friend of Allāh, as he is surrounded by his people from
all sides, accusing him of smashing their gods and using this to frighten him. So, he answers
them with the firmness of one who expects the best of his Lord and Guardian, with more
firmness than a mountain:

;B  C 4D?( 0$ E F ! GH C 0$ ;%' <*: 4=> "  <* (? %
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15 ash-Shūrā; 28
{“Do you dispute with me concerning Allāh while He has guided me, and I fear not
those whom you associate with Allāh in worship? Nothing can happen to me except
when my Lord Wills something. My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge all things.
Will you not then remember? And how should I fear those whom you associate in
worship with Allāh while you fear not that you have joined in worship with Allāh
things for which He has not sent down to you any authority. So, which of the two
groups is more deserving of security? If you only knew.”}16

Which of the two groups is more deserving of security and assuming the best of his guardian
- he whose guardian is the Controller of the Heavens and Earth, having in His Hand the
entire Universe? Or he whose guardians dispute and are divided partners who cannot harm
or benefit themselves or others? The answer comes loud and clear:

<* !#T   !   RQ   T * U
 HV*! :( B 6 (  T8W>  X6 '  *!  & S  '34
{“It is those who believe and do not mix their belief with wrongdoing (polytheism).
For them, there is security, and they are the guided.”}17

So, security and tranquility, which are from the results of expecting the best of Allāh, are all
from the fruits of Tawhīd.

And I then imagine his people while they are carrying him in their arms and throwing him
into the middle of the fire, and he does nothing with his firm heart and confidence in his
Guardian except to say “Allāh is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of my affairs.”

I then think of his blessed wife, who he left with their child in a valley without vegetation
without even turning to look back while she was calling him: "O Ibrāhīm! O Ibrāhīm! Who
did you leave us with in this place?" She then realizes after her amazement at his continuing
to walk away without turning back to look at her, and she says: "Did Allāh command you to
do this?" He replied: "Yes." So, she replied, with the best expectation of her Guardian:
"Therefore, He will not abandon us."

So, may Allāh bless such a husband and wife!

And I remember in this noble caravan Nūh in the depths of time as he stands alone facing
his people, challenging them while he is alone and strange. However, the one who reflects
on his words comes to know the strength of his confidence in his Guardian and his good
expectation regarding His assistance:

" 56 \*6, 7* " 56

 '] 2^? 3 ! *O (L 6* J  X?* <* *? <> [  +* ' "   O*  /* *+ Y > Z
B 8 *X8  T  6* J D( !
< ! & =* ! *>  a+  `( bG c(  L(  6* J  ?(   :*  L( ' =* `(  ?( ;*? C !  ?(   :* , 9 *7* _
 6 4? 
{“And recite to them the news of Nūh, when he said to his people: “O my people, if
my stay and my reminding you of the signs of Allāh is hard on you, I put my trust in

16 al-An'ām; 80-81
17 al-An'am; 82
Allāh. So, devise your plot, you and your partners, and let not your plot be in doubt
for you. Then, pass your sentence on me and give me no respite.””}18

After him, Hūd faced the most powerful tyrants on Earth, whom Allāh had described as
possessing power. He stood in their faces and said with confidence:

< ! & =* `( I,9 8!L7* " 8!e  * <* (? %
  0 ;d 2 08:* !T C ! " 56  T C :( 08>
B O#
B h
 \*6J 0$ 4<> T#h
 & 3f A S   4=> bB Se   (L0$ ! 0$ " 56 \*6J _
 6 4?  08>*
{“I call Allāh to witness and bear you witness that I am free from that which you
ascribe as partners in worship with Him. So, plot against me, all of you, and give me
no respite. I put my trust in Allāh, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving
creature except that He has grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the Straight

And I think of the noble group of youths who expected the best of their Guardian and
opposed those they were close to and far from in order to please Him. So, they left the
closest of people to them in order to flee to their Guardian and away from polytheism and
sin, and in order to please Him, they exchanged their comfortable lives for a small cave. So,
Allāh expanded it for them out of the Mercy that he poured forth on them:

GO7*  0 (?  :*  0 (L* i 0T '! "#j$ 0 (L$  L( *  %

 &' K
 T L*  \*> !! 7*
{“...Seek refuge in the cave, and your Lord will open a way for you from His Mercy
and will make for your affair easy for you.”}20

And I reflect on His Saying: {“...will open a way for you from His Mercy...”}, and I
come to know that Allāh's Mercy is so vast that just some of it - an amount known to Allāh -
was enough to make that cave, this prison, or this cell into a garden from the gardens of

And I go back in my memory to the first verse, and I remember how Allāh had spread His
Mercy to His slaves living in vast land by sending down rain after they had lost all hope, and
how He descended His Mercy upon the youths in the harsh, tiny, dark cave, turning it into a
vast space. So, I glorify and venerate my Guardian.

Indeed, this is how al-Walī al-Hamīd deals with His allies who have the utmost confidence
and best expectations of Him, harbor no negative thoughts of Him, believe in His promises
and guarantees, and calm their hearts from panicking such that they are tranquil and trusting
in Him.

Therefore, Allāh Says, as is in the Hadīth Qudsī reported by al-Bukhārī and Muslim: “I am as
my slave expects Me to be, and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he
18 Yūnus; 71

19 Hūd; 54-56
20 al-Kahf; 16
remembers Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself. And if he remembers
Me in a group, I make mention of him in a group better than it. And if he comes near
to Me by a handspan, I come near to him by an armspan. And if he comes near to
Me by an armspan, I come near to him by the span of an outstretched arm. If he
comes to Me walking, I come to him running.”21 So, reflect on how Merciful and Just
our Guardian is:”I am as My slave expects Me to be.”

So, whoever expects something bad from his Guardian or that he will abandon him, he will
be stricken with anxiety and abandonment as a punishment from Allāh by His Justice. And
whoever expects the best from his Guardian and knows that He is the best guardian and
helper, and glorifies Him above being like any of the other various guardians who abandon
their followers and ignore or misguide them - each of them is a terrible guardian and helper -
whoever places his Guardian above these deficiencies and venerates Him and expects the
best from Him and relies on Him as He should be relied on, He will in such a case be
sufficient for that person:

" X

  T 7* " 46\*6J D 4? #' !
{“And whosoever puts his trust in Allāh, He will suffice him.”}22

In accordance with how good your expectations of and hope in Allāh are and how truthful
your reliance and trust are in Him, Allāh will not betray your hopes in the least, as He does
not betray the hopes of those who hope and does not cause any effort to go to waste.

This is why Khadījah said to the Messenger of Allāh (  

 ) when he returned from
the cave of Hirā’ frightened after his first meeting with the Angel: “By Allāh, Allāh will never
abandon you. You fulfill the ties of kinship, carry the responsibilities of the poor, honor the
guest, and you help those in need.” So, she swore that Allāh would never forsake him out of
her good expectation of Allāh in His Justice with His righteous servants.

And Allāh confirmed this concept in His Book:

<* !7 *L [  O*  4=> " 56 Z

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{“Certainly no one despairs of Allāh’s Mercy except the people who disbelieve.”}23

So, it is upon the believer to free himself from the way of the disbelievers and expect the
best from Allāh in the affairs of this life and the next, even though the verse is apparently
referring to the issues of this life, as Allāh Said in regards to the affairs of the Hereafter:

21 al-Bukhārī (7405) and Muslim (2675)

22 at-Talāq; 3
23 Yūsuf; 87
  " 8> I,9 l
 83m   P . ' " 46 4<> " 46 b 
 $  ()&O  *  T
 P( 8*: \*6J (7 F :*  '34 2
 e XJ ' D +(
 $ (P. 
{“Say: ‘O my slaves who have transgressed against themselves! Do not despair of the
Mercy of Allāh. Indeed, Allāh Forgives all sins. Truly, He is Forgiving, Merciful.’”}24

So, this is, as the scholars say, the most hope-inspiring verse in the Book of Allāh due to the
fact that it includes the greatest glad tiding, as He ascribed His servants to Himself out of
honor for them and increase in their glad tidings. So, He is their Praiseworthy Guardian who
will not forsake them if they expect the best of Him and stick to Him and place all their
hopes at His door, and follow this up by not despairing of His Mercy. He then showed them
in the clearest terms that He Forgives all sins of those who turn to Him.

So, what a great glad tiding to cool the eyes of the monotheists and relax the hearts of the
believers who expect the best from their Lord and Guardian, who are truthful in their hope
in Him, who have removed the cloak of despair and bad expectation of the One for Who no
sin is too great and is not stingy with His Forgiveness and Mercy for His servants who turn
to Him and rely on Him!

This is why Allāh Said immediately after this:

/* 1 8(:  

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 *3,   L(  ' <*: D X +*  " * 6 F :*!  L( 0$ \*> X8:*!
(L0$ 0 (L *>
{“And turn in repentance and in obedience with true faith to your Lord and submit
to Him before the torment comes upon you, and you will not be helped, and follow
the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord…”}25

So, expecting the best of Allah on one’s deathbed is to be certain in His promise to the
believers and to have confidence in his Guardian that He will not forsake him or waste his
efforts in the days past, as the Prophet (  
 ) said: “None of you should die
except that he expects the best from Allāh.”26 Expecting the best of Allāh during your
life is just as the verses describe: turning to and relying on Him, and to flee unto His
Pleasure with your good deeds, and to distance yourself from the path of those who have
low expectations of their Lord and disobeyed Him as a result.

This is the difference between relying on your hopes in Allāh (the way of those who disobey
Him) and expecting the best from Allāh (the way of the believers). Relying on hope occurs
when one is lazy, follows his desires, and avoids the path of truthfulness, effort, repentance,
turning to Allāh, and doing good deeds – all the while having hope in Allāh.

24 az-Zumar; 53

25 az-Zumar; 54-55
26 Muslim (2877)
As for the praiseworthy form of expecting the best and the legislated manner of having
hope, this is when one actually makes an effort while having good reliance on Allāh.

The first is like the case of one who wishes he had some land that he would plant some
seeds in and harvest without moving a finger or doing anything on his part, or one who
wishes to have children without getting married and having relations. The second is like the
case of one who plows the land and plants seeds and harvests it, and hopes for a good and
beneficial harvest. This is why the people of knowledge are agreed that hope and good
expectation is not valid without some action, and we have already mentioned the words of
the Mother of the Believers (
) that show her intelligence and experience, such that
she emphasized that Allāh will never cause the good deeds of anyone to go to waste.

So, in order for your good expectations of Allāh to be a vehicle to push you to your Beloved
and to ease the journey for the traveler to the Hereafter, you must complement it with
actions, and the righteous people have mentioned countless times the need to have good
expectations of Allāh, and all of their statements point to this condition. So, Ibn Abī ad-
Dunyā related in his book ‘Husn adh-Dhann bi Allāh’ with his chain from ‘Alī bin Bakkār that
he was asked about having good expectations of Allāh, and he said: “It is that you are not
gathered with the sinners in one place,” and he meant that you do not enter Hell, the abode
of ruin. This necessitates that you are not gathered with them in this world doing the same
evil action or traversing the same deviated methodology as they are, or that you are both in a
place of sin and indecency. So, whoever separates himself from the enemies of Allāh in this
world and breaks himself off from them and declares them his enemies and saves himself
from their ways, he can then expect the best from his Guardian that he will be saved from
their destination and punishment, separated from them in the Hereafter just as he was
separated from them in this world.

Otherwise, Allāh has promised those who oppose this principle and accompany such people
in their falsehood:

I,9  &T 9 7  '7 *L! o

 O 7 &  E  9 " 56 4<>
{“…Surely, Allāh will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell.”}27

And Sulaymān bin al-Hakam bin ‘Awānah said that a man supplicated at ‘Arafāt, saying: “Do
not punish us in the Fire after You have caused Tawhīd to reside in our hearts,” and he then
wept. He also said: “You can do whatever You want with your Mercy,” and he then wept
and said: “If you do not have Mercy on us, it is due to our sins. Do not gather us with the
wrongdoers, as we have declared enmity to them for Your sake.”28

So, whoever opposes and is an enemy to the people of falsehood and their ways in this
world can then meet Allāh expecting the best from Him.

27 an-Nisā’; 140
28 Ibn Rajab’s ‘at-Takhwīf min an-Nār’ (p. 264)
In the same book,29 Hakīm bin Jābir said that Ibrāhīm (  
 ) said: “O Allāh, do not
join between those who joined partners in worship with You and those who did not,”
meaning such that they have the same destination and punishment.

Also in the same book,30 Abī Nu’aym reports with his chain that ‘Awn bin ‘Abdullāh said:
“Allāh will not save us from evil only to return us to it,” and he recited:

T& 0 (?3* O* 8*7* $ &  0 pB  P

 *PC \ 6* J  #&(?!
{“…and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and he saved you from it.”}31

…and Allāh will not join between the members of both parties in Hell,

 '  " 56 -
( , X ' =*  T 8':*  T 9 " 56 
 + :*!
{“And they swear by Allāh their strongest oaths that Allāh will not raise up those who

…and we are swearing our strongest oaths that Allāh will raise up those who die.”

So, rush forth to an oath of allegiance with your Guardian that guarantees that you will not
fear any deception, stinginess, or betrayal so long as you remain faithful, true, turn to Allāh,
follow the path of the believers, and avoid the path of the wrongdoers.

<* (6#O '! <* (6#O 7* " 56 D XF 7 <* (6*O' b* &s
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 & q     r#C  " 56 4<>
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 X #F *7 " 56   w  T ,  \*7! :*   ! < SO( ! D tu ! p $ # 7 vO
 "  6* J IJ !
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 Y* ! " 
{“Verily, Allāh has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for the
price that Paradise will be theirs. They fight in Allāh's cause. So, they kill and are
killed. It is a promise in truth which is binding on Him in the Torah, Gospel, and the
Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than Allāh? So, rejoice in the bargain which
you have concluded. That is the supreme success.”}33

Written by Abū Muhammad al-Madqisī, as-Salt Prison, on the night Allāh rescued Mūsā
from his enemy (10th of Muharram), 1419 years after the migration of the Messenger of
Allāh (  

29 p. 264

30 p. 265
31 Āl ‘Imrān; 103

32 an-Nahl; 38
33 at-Tawbah; 111
O Allāh! We expect the best from You, as You will save us just as You saved Your Prophet!

O Allāh! So, save us by Your Mercy from the hardships of this world and the next…āmīn!

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