Speaken Laura

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There was once a boy named Jack who lived with his mother in England.

They were pretty poor. They lived out of the milk Milky White, the cow, produced. But one day it
stopped giving milk so the mother told Jack to go to the market to sell the cow along the way.

An old man said “I’ll buy you this cow and I’ll give you these magic beans for the Sow will grow a
stem that reaches to the sky” Jack accepted and left.

When he got home his mother asked him "how much money did you give the cow for?" And he

"An old man gave me these beans for the cow”. The mother, very Furious, pushed the beans away
and sent Jack to sleep.

The next day the mother sent Jack again for the cow but when he left he saw a very high stem up to
the sky. He decided to climb it and finally found a castle. He knocked the door and somebody
opened it.

It was a female giant who invited him to pass. She told him after a while to hide because her
husband was going to arrive soon. When the husband arrived at the house, he noticed the smell of
an English Boy but his wife told him that there was no one but them.

The giant fell asleep so Jack decided to steal a golden eggs laying hen. Back home, when he showed
the hen to his mother, she told to go back and steal something else.

Jack returned and stole a harp with the ability of singing. When the giant woke up and realized about
the theft, he went after Jack. In the middle of the prosecution, Jack’s mother cut the stem causing
the giant’s death.

The end.

I liked that the wife of the giant helped Jack, showing kindness to the boy.

Also I liked that jack accepted the deal with the man who bought him the cow

I did not like the giant's death because of Jack stealing things from his house, taking advantage of
these giants and then becoming unjustly rich.

I didn’t like the giant killed Jack's dad.

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Domingo 451 34

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