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Halloween Pumpkin

©Made by Baúl de Malinka

List of Supplies:
 Orange felt for body, black felt for hat, green for leaves
 Orange and black scraps for the belt and buckle
 2 safety eyes – 7 mm
 Polyfil
 Embroidery threads
 Glue


** Please read through all instructions before starting to make your own
felt toy**
1. Start by cutting pattern pieces and lay 2. Place pumpkin’s tail onto the back body
each piece onto your chosen felts. and make a few back stitches or use a
Carefully cut out each piece. glue

3. Position eyes in place and make two tiny 5. Glue a belt and then two buckles onto
holes with the tip of a very sharp pair of the hat as shown.
scissors. Insert safety eyes and 6. Place hat front onto hat back, wrong
connectors at back. sides together and pin. Sew all around
4. Embroider mouth with black floss using with blanket stitch, leaving the bottom
straight stitches. open.
7. Make pumpkin’s stripes using brown 8. Place body front onto body back, lining
floss and back stitches. up the edges carefully.
9. Put leaves inside and starting at the
bottom, blanket stitch all the way
around, leaving an opening for stuffing.
** Use brown embroidery thread to make
the pumpkin more lively.
10. Stuff firmly and blanket stitch closed.

I hope you’ll be inspired to make one or more of it.

If you have any questions please contact me at or etsy conversation

option. Thank you.

Made by Baúl de Malinka

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