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Nearly 15 years on since the passing of the the Master of the Devon and Somerset Stag hounds, looming over occasions from his time as a hunt saboteur. “If you claim you haven’t of Campaigns at the League, tighter restrictions are the only way
Hunting Act, stags are still being culled, his loyal rural followers at their most recent meet on Easter Saturday. seen the stag and your hounds have, then the death can be considered to ensure that current hunting regulatory issues can be properly
meaning the war between pro and anti Technically, he’s right. The Hunting Act has never been an outright ban as an “accident” which for some reason isn’t prohibited”. addressed.
lobbyists lives on. Sam Hodgson investigates on hunting and exemptions in the law allow hunting with hounds to Marc works closely with Dorset’s officers to assist with convictions “The law needs to be strengthened because hunting is continuing
how and why the sport continues... continue. In the instance of stag hunting, this refers to the “research under the act. He admits that there is little more that enforcement as it did before the law changed”. He says. “The research and
and observation” exemption, a loophole permitting the use of two officers can do to prevent these hunts from continuing to operate observation exemption is being completely misused by the hunting

espite on-going protests by 400,000 of the UK’s rural hounds above ground to flush an animal out of cover in the name of against the law. community and a lot of hunts say that they’re going out to do
community, The Hunting Act passed through Parliament in scientific research. “The police are literally doing all they can”. He explains. “The research, but there’s never any research published. Not a single drop.”
2004. A piece of legislation arduously fought for over half As a result of this, the prosecution rate for official hound hunts is exemptions allow the use of hounds to continue, so officers are “The main change we would like to see is the adaptation of a
a century, the act would restrict the use of hounds in hunting wild exceedingly low, accounting for around 6% of all 532 prosecutions really limited with what they can and can’t do. The law really needs to ‘recklessness’ clause. At the moment the earnest is on us to prove

mammals. The act has since been largely successful in deterring illicit under the Hunting Act since 2005. Despite this figure, the anti- improve in order to enforce it”. that these people are deliberately hunting. This clause would mean
blood-sport, but has faced criticism by pro-hunt lobbyists and anti- hunting lobby persist that government-recognised hunts are rife This view is common within the anti-hunting community, with a there is no way to throw your hands up and claim that it was an
hunt activists alike, with huntsmen continuing to indulge in their sport with illicit tactics and illegal behaviour. Co-founder of Dorset Against number of groups setting up petitions to strengthen the law after accident or ‘research’ anymore.”
without prosecution. It has been over a decade since, and the UK Bloodsports, Marc Jordan, believes that legislation is being consistently a cancelled “free vote” by Teresa May’s Conservative government Naturally, the hunting fraternity offers a different perspective. Not
remains unsatisfied. With stags still routinely being hunted for sport exploited. threatened the act last year. The League Against Cruel Sports is one least because the sport is bred into their bones across generations,
by packs across the country, the act remains engulfed in controversy. “They’re absolutely still breaking the law, there’s no doubt about of the many organisations battling to strengthen the law, campaigning but because of their pride in playing a bit role in a long-standing
“This hunt will be operating completely within the law” exclaims it.” Argues Marc, who has seen the exemptions used on countless for an outright ban on hunting with hounds. For Nick Weston, Head British tradition. The Devon & Somerset Staghounds ride as though

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l 2 million wild deer in Britain.

l 74,000 deer related traffic incidents with an average of 20 human

deaths per year (RSPCA).

l £4.3m in grazing damage to crops per year. (Defra).

l £4.5m in damage to commercial woodland and forestry per year.

(Forestry Comission).

they are not bound by such restrictions, with their steadfast

countryside followers travelling for miles to catch a glimpse of the
chase. And for one thing, the hunt remains massively popular, with
some 250,000 people involved in Boxing Day hunts in 2018.
Yet it would seem things are not so divided between both
parties. Frustration ensues across the hunting fraternity despite the
continuation of the sport, with the pro-hunt lobby seeking a complete
refresh of a law that many claim restricts the ability to control deer
“If the deer are not managed their numbers will population to a healthy rate.
grow out of proportion which would mean a threat to TAKING CONTROL
drivers, agricultural damage and forestry damage”. The amount of deer in Britain has nearly doubled since 1999,
with an estimated population of two million inhabiting the British The red deer is one of six deer species living in the British
countryside and rural areas. This growing population not only countryside. Growing up to 137cm, they are Britain’s biggest land
provokes the risk of agricultural damage but also poses a threat to mammal.
drivers, with a current UK average of 20 deaths per year from deer-
related collisions.
“It is an absolute necessity that deer are managed” argues Charles “The act should never have been about just hunting with dogs.
Smith-Jones, conservationist expert and author of “Practical Deer There is no science that says that hunting with dogs is inherently
Management”. “We have no natural predators. If the deer are not cruel.” He explains. “Only by using hounds can we properly weed out
managed their numbers will grow out of proportion which would the weak and sick. That’s the way nature works.You’re actually using a
mean a threat to drivers, agricultural damage and forestry damage by natural process, replicating a canine predator, to get the best result in
feeding in greater numbers which in turn would pose a great risk to situations where animals have to be managed”.
the natural survival of other species.” Despite a reported 88% of the nation against stag-hunting, the

But does this generally account for a lifting of the restrictions on hunting act lingers like a bad taste for many, with the rural community
the use of hounds? If you ask Jim Barrington, pro-hunt lobbyist and calling the legislation “nonsense”. The act leaves an imbalance. One of
animal welfare consultant at the Countryside Alliance, the answer is incomplete justice to both animal welfare and to British rural heritage.
yes. 20 years ago, Jim was the director for The League Against Cruel In the current political climate, both parties agree it is unlikely we will
Sports but had a change of heart after realising the damage caused by see any change soon. Nevertheless, the restricted hunt rages on. For
the growing deer population. He believes the act should be lifted. now.

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