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Poole’s Class Rules

In this classroom we will be REAL with one another.

R: Respectful
 Talk respectfully and one at a time
 Use our words to help one another
 Let someone know when we are uncomfortable with something class related
 Be accepting of encouraging view points
 Collaborate effectively with anyone in the class
 Have expectations of one another and look to meet those expectations
 Understand that we all come from different places in life and we must accept our
E: Encouraging
 Let people know when they do well
 Give each other constructive criticism, and be able to accept critiques
 Help each other out when we need help
 Recognize the growth we make both as a class and individually
 Create an environment where anyone can step out of their comfort zone
A: Achievers
 We will set goals for ourselves
 When we complete a goal or find a goal to not be reasonable within our time frame we
will adjust our goals accordingly
 We will celebrate the achievement of our goals
 We will reflect upon our goals and use their levels or success to determine how to
progress forward
L: Learning
 We will ask questions when we are confused
 Have our work prepared for class and be prepared to participate in activities
 Turn our work in on time
 Discuss the material at hand with one another
 Debate complex and controversial ideas effectively and civilly

When we are REAL with one another we create an environment where everyone accepts one
another, grows individually and collectively, and can learn effectively, No matter who they are,
where they come from, or where they may be headed.
Consequences and Policies of Mr. Poole’s Classroom

 Failing to follow the class policies set forth with be met with the following actions:
o Verbal warning
o Private conversation with Mr. Poole about what may be causing the behavior
o Being moved to a different work environment
o Lunch detention
o Office referral/guidance referral
o After school detention
o Removal from class/suspension
 All disciplinary action will be followed with a phone call to parents, and in some cases
with a mandatory meeting with parents and students to outline the issue and come up
with a plan to resolve the issue together.
 Discipline will never be blindly administered. We will always seek to solve the issue
internally (within our class) before involving parents or administration.
 I value every student’s education equally, and will do everything in my power to ensure
that every student receives the best education they can be provided

Late/Missing work
 Work will be accepted until the end of the school day for 100% credit, UNLESS it is
necessary for the completion of in class activities, in which case no credit can be given
 Late work will be accepted the next SCHOOL DAY (not class period) for 75% credit
 Late work turned in by the next meeting of our class will be accepted for 50% credit
 Any work turned in after the following class meeting will not be accepted

Tardy to Class
 Do not be late to my class without good reason, we begin learning right as the bell rings
and need the full class period in order to cover all of the material for the day
 We will adhere to the school’s late/absence policy

Final Remarks
 As my student you have my unyielding respect and care and I hope to receive the same
form you. Please never hesitate to ask questions and always feel free to alert me of any
concerns you may have. I know that life happens and that extenuating circumstances
can arise without warning, but please try to give me as much notice of these as possible
so we can work around them

While in Mr. Poole’s class not everyone’s journey will be the same, but we will all reach the
same destination of learning together in a respectful and loving community.

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