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Roadmap for the FANBOYS - Creating relationships between sentences since FOREVER (and

that’s a LONG LONG TIME)

For And Nor But Or Yet So


For shows an effect followed by a cause.

Example: He became very sick, for he had eaten several Big Macs.

The EFFECT is He became very sick. The CAUSE is he had eaten several Big Macs.

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And adds two positive sentences together.

Example: Superman is a superhero, and Batman is too,


Nor adds two negative sentences.

Example: Unhealthy people do not like fruit,nor do they like vegetables.

People do NOT like fruit is negative because of NOT. Nor do they like vegetables is also
negative because of NOR. A PARAPHRASE of Nor do they like vegetables would be “They do
NOT like vegetables too.”

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But contrasts one sentence with another,

Example: Herbie is happy, but Sally is sad.

Happy and sad are OPPOSITES.


Or gives choices.

Example: You can play video games all day, or you can get good grades.

The choices are You can play video games all day. OR You can get good grades.

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The first choice is DEFINITELY SLE #2

Yet contrasts one sentence with another, usually suggesting that something DOES NOT MAKE

Example: Herbie wants good grades, yet he plays video games all day.

Again if Herbie wants good grades, then playing video games all day DOES NOT MAKE
SENSE, unless the games involve PARAPHRASING!!!


So shows a cause followed by an effect.

Example: Herbie got in trouble for throwing an airplane, so he had to sit in detention.

The EFFECT is sitting in detention. The cause is throwing the airplane, definitely NOT SLE #2!!!

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