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Reflective Summary

Learning Journal
 In this activity, I have learned

Part 1 : Review texts to Observe

1) To analyse the contextual differences and similarities between a number of review
texts in regard to the social functions, by showing the evidence from the texts
(expressions, sentences, paragraphs, etc.) in fluent and lexicogrammatically accurate
spoken and written English.
2) To analyse the contextual differences and similarities between a number of review
texts in regard to the text structures, by showing the evidence from the texts
(expressions, sentences, paragraphs, etc.) in fluent and lexicogrammatically accurate
spoken and written English.
3) To analyse the contextual differences and similarities between a number review
texts in regard to the lexicogrammatical features, by showing the evidence from the
texts (expressions, sentences, paragraphs, etc.) in fluent and lexicogrammatically
accurate spoken and written English.
Part 2 : Review texts to Produce
1. To read a number of review texts meaningfully and fluently,
2. To write a number of review texts for contextually appropriate social functions, in
contextually appropriate text structures and lexicogrammatical features.

 The key features of review text include

1) Review

Review text is an appreciation or an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, book, novel, etc.

2) The Social function of review text is to appreciate or to critic a book, movie, shows, and
3) The generic structure of review text:

Orientation/Introduction: Background of the text

Evaluation: concluding statement, opinion, recommendation.

Interpretative recount: summary

Evaluative summation: The last opinion

4) Language features of review text:

Focus on specific participants, using adjective, complex clauses, using metaphore.

 What I like most about this activity is analyze the social fungtion, generic structure, and language
features of a review.
 What I need to improve/learn more is write a review

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