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More than 12 years ago, I never thought I would stand in front

of this crowd to deliver my message; I never thought I would be

this blessed to receive my college diploma and hear the people
cheer while I walk down the aisle to the rhythm of our
graduation march.

Like any ordinary girl who belongs to the brood of 8 children, I

had to help my parents tug some loose strings and make both
ends meet. However, unlike other ordinary girls, I had to lift
heavy pails full of fish to earn my allowance for the week. I had
to wash other people’s clothes, cook other people’s meals and
stay under other people’s roof just to climb my way through
the ladder of learning and achieve a much higher level of

I know most of you are working students like me; and I know,
just like me, you feel that the life you lead right before this very
moment was never ordinary. When other college students just
need to ask their parents for their monthly tuition and
allowances, we, the working students, need to earn every single
centavo ourselves to pay not only our fees and tuitions, but
also every necessity our survival demands us to have. And, after
the hard day’s labor, despite our obvious exhaustion, we still
had to attend our classes at night and meet the requirements
our professors demanded us to do. Indeed, the battle we chose
to fight for the past four years was never an easy battle - it was
a fight that bared our very souls and exposed each of our every
possible weakness, a fight that discouraged the weakest of
hearts and yet, encouraged those who aim for a much higher

Nevertheless, it was a battle we never fought alone. We have

our parents, close friends and loved ones who supported us
emotionally. Some of us have spouses who gave their endless
patience and understanding, despite the fact that we could
never be there for them as expected because of our classes
and, of course, our hectic work schedule. Our dear parents,
friends, and loved ones, thank you so much for being always
there for us, for making things less complicated and more
convenient , for encouraging us to still go on even after all
those falls and bumps, for cheering us, no matter what, to
continue reaching for our dreams.

Our dear professors, we, the graduating class, are extremely

grateful for the selfless service, discipline and kind words you
gave us.

Ma’am Josephine Trinidad, thank you for your inspiring and

motivating words. I still remember how you encouraged us
young mothers when you said that having children is never a
hindrance to one’s story of success. Your words of wisdom still
pull a string in my heart even to this very day. It made me
realize that every mistake we committed in the past can, in
fact, be turned into a blessing and an inspiration to move
forward and keep chasing our dreams.

Ma’am Rosemarie Delos Santos, thank you for reminding us to

continually keep our feet firmly planted on the ground. Indeed,
to learn is to be humble first. Before you can be a good leader,
you need to be a good follower; and to be a good teacher, it is
necessary to be a good student first.

Ma’am Neria Gambe, to be totally honest, your words hit a

nerve when you tried correcting us during our pre-
demonstration. But now, after some self-searching, it dawned
to me that those “choice” words are words coming from a
loving and concerned mother who only wants to polish her
children and bring perfection in everything her children do. I
now realized that your only goal is to make a good teacher out
of each one of us. For that, we are forever grateful. Thank you
for the correcting us when we did not even realize we needed
your “choice words” so badly.

To our other professors, kindly accept our gratitude. I may not

be able to mention each one of you in this short speech, but
rest assure, your efforts will never be in vain. They will serve as
our stepping-stones in our journey to success.
To my classmates, the graduating class, congratulations!
Although this is not yet our ultimate dream - in fact, this just
the first step – I know that within a year or two I know each one
of us will be able to reach it. Itaga nyo sa bato, hindi lalampas
ang isang taon, magiging licensed teacher din ta. With that,
mabuhay tayong lahat and again congratulations!

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