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Learning Design for: Bullying and Cyber-bullying

Topic: Spyridoula Rokkou
Total learning time: 120
Number of students: 20
Description: The group is led by activities where children try to understand (cyber)bullying,
identify the profile of a bully, a bully-victim, a witness and a bystander,
identify different types of (cyber) bullying,
recognize the impact of bullying on students and
develop strategies to prevent and combat bullying at your school

The aims of the version is for access to education and learng , learns to investgates the ways
that bulling and cyber-bullying take place in our lives, discuss our own experiences , join a
plan and investigate the ways how we can face it up.
Encourage understanding of how a person feels when being bullied;
To teach not to tolerate inappropriate behavior;
to react appropriately to bullying in the near environment.

Find out/discover (Knowledge): the importance of talking about bullying
Investigate (Application): the impact of bullying and cyberbullying and how to analyze
difficult situations .
Students mast evaluate other people and the situations they are involved in
Produce (Application): optimal learning environments, meaning environments that promote
physical and emotional safety for all students, but also respond with effective forms of
intervention when students or adults engage in disrespectful or hurtful behaviour.

Teaching-Learning activities
Find out what is (cyber)- bulling!
What, when and where?
Read Watch Listen 20 minutes 20 students Tutor is available
Teacher shows the Anti-bullying film to the class and processes the story together with the
children and discuss about that.
Sometimes those closest to you are furthest away, many children and teens keep quiet
about what they are going through and it's times like these that can be most dangerous. A
moment can mean the difference.

Investigate 20 minutes 20 students Tutor is available

Watch the video about cyber- bullying and discuss about that.Understand what is
cyberbullying!Children are being exposed to demeaning text messages, embarrassing
photos and snide opinion polls, to name but a few. The children can identify different types
of (cyber) bullying
and the profile of a bully, a bully-victim, a witness and a bystander with the help of the
Cyberbullying, the digital version of bullying, is not only about some nasty comments that
the kids are getting online.


Discuss 20 minutes 20 students Tutor is available
Talk about your own experiences in school and discuss. Did you see anytime a bully in

Produce 15 minutes 20 students Tutor is available

Students write down a recollection of an experience they had or they had witnessed in the
past. They do it anonymously and they give their notes to their teacher. They have to write
their own experiences and their feelings if they were the bully or the bully-victim or the
witness of the incident

Investigate 20 minutes 20 students Tutor is available

Αfter writing the reports with experience, the teachers read the experiences in the class in
front of all and discuss about the emotions of a bully, a bully-victim, or a witness and
sensitizing the children. So they can all together recognize the impact of bullying and cyber
bulling on students after their experiences. For the students being bullied, the most obvious
and immediate effect is reducing student’s participation and enjoyment of school. Feeling
unsafe or being unable to focus on learning at school may lead victims to stay away from
school to avoid being bullied. Cyberbullying can be just as or even more hurtful for students
as bullying does not only happen at school, but it feels like being bullied 24 hours a day. The
victim may never feel safe or protected from the bully – not at school or at home.

Searching information!
Collaborate 20 minutes 4 students Tutor is available
Students are divided to 4 (four) teams. Each team must search ways to deal with bullying
(oral, physical or cyber- bullying). The research should take place in the school library. The
students can use the given guides or find themselves some of their own.

Produce 20 minutes 4 students Tutor is available

Each team organizes the notes kept during the research, in order to form a guidance on anti-
bullying practices

How we should react if we see a bullying incident?

Have Clear Policies About Bullying and Explain Your Policy to Your Students!
Discuss 20 minutes 4 students Tutor is available
After the library and their notes the 4 (four) groups of students discuss in the class what
they found about how could someone react in the situations mentioned by their teacher.
Each team suggests a way of reaction and then all together decide if it is an appropriate one.
The teacher coordinates the discussion.

Collaborate 20 minutes 20 students Tutor is available

All the students collaborate in one group in order to make a poster for anti-bullying and

School and parents time to learn about bullying and cyberbullying!

Read Watch Listen 120 minutes 20 students Tutor is available
All the students of school and parents watch the video for bullying and cyberbullying . All
the student of the class and the teacher present the conclusions of their work to a school
meeting where they all discuss about (cyber)bullying, the profile of a bully, a bully-victim, a
witness and a bystander,about the different types of (cyber) bullying and the impact of
bullying on students.

Investigate 20 minutes 20 students Tutor is available

Don’t blame kids not matter what, listen, support, act smartly, don’t retaliate, don’t reply
messages, keep proof, communicate about school life, spend regular time with them (allow
room for communication)

Practice 20 minutes 20 students Tutor is available

Evidence now shows that bullying is not a problem of individuals, but a systematic problem
that occurs because of what happens in the wider social environment.
.Effective learning environment:
Setting your anti-bullying school policy: giving direction and guidance to the whole school
community in preventing and tackling any type of bullying behaviour is a first step towards
ensuring safety at your setting.
Training: making sure that students, school staff and parents are aware of this policy and are
frequently updated on new risks and challenges related to the topic is required.
Ensuring a safe and secure school network: using a filtering/monitoring tool allow educators
to be aware of what sites students visit when using school-issued devices and Internet
services, and ensure access is used for educational-purposes only.
Create an inclusive classroom climate: the class syllabus should recognize the need for
accommodations and the course content should consider that the perspectives of diverse
groups are being represented.
Setting ground rules for class discussions: create an inclusive atmosphere and signal that
you are open to the ideas of your students, that’s a key to their engagement in learning.
Violation of rules: consider the violation of rules as a teaching opportunity for all. Don’t
ignore it, stay calm and model the behaviour you would like students to use.
Frequent audit of the school’s safety measures: the process of monitoring, reviewing and
evaluating the school’s safety standards should happen systematically to ensure that the last
version of the agreed policy covers all the needs of the school.

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