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Pull cards From the Air 1 Psychic Card Trick 22

Torn & Restored Card 4 Fours & Threes 23

Elevator Card Stunt 7 Card Sleights 24
Card Divining Magic 8 Jokers To Aces !!! 27
Your'e The Magician !! 9 Super Ink Fusion 28
Card Forces 10 Matching Sisters Trick 29
Blind Folded Deck 13 World's Simplest Trick 30
Meet Your Match 14 Look No Hands !! 31
Magic Spelling Trick 15 Magic In A Glass 32
Three Amigos 16 Bottoms Up 34
Mathomatic 17 Cool Card Kick Trick 35
Magic Spelling 18 Counter Strike 36
Impromptu Card Trick 37
Telekinetic Card Bending 19 Ace Shake 38
Abracadabra 21 Cool Card Prediction 39

Appear to pull cards from thin air with this easy to set up guide to one of the classic and most
enjoyable basic moves of card magic. Do not be fooled by the simplicity of this easy card sleight. It

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is very visual and can be a real reputation maker.This move is timeless and you will be able to
perform an impressive card production easily and confidently, after following this easy sleight of
hand guide.


Amazing audience reaction because even though it's clear your hand is empty, you appear to grab
card after card from behind their ears, under tables, even from thin air!

You Will Need :

Pack Of Cards

Practice, practice, practice.

How To Do The Trick :

A small stack of cards should be held in the palm of the hand in

palm position . Choose an amount of cards that you feel
comfortable holding. It is not necessary to hold a lot of cards ( try
and work out how many you plan to produce and count them out
before the trick )

Grip the edge of the pack with your fingers and use your thumb to
peel of the top card.

Continue using your thumb to move the card up to the audiences

view, held beween the thumb and fore finger.

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At the same time as you are pivoting up the card, the hand should
be lunged forward slightly as if the card has been grabbed from
thin air

Continue to produce cards from the air in this manner, throwing

down each card to the audience before producing the next card as
if by magic. Practice this trick in front of a mirror to see it from an
audience eye view and get to get the best angle for the trick to be

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Effect: A card ( which can even be a signed card ) is ripped into four pieces. The spectator puts a
finger on the pieces and the pieces seem to magically restore themselves back into a whole card. !!!

Preparation: Before doing the trick, rip off one fourth of a playing card of the same colour of suit as
the one that you will be appearing to tear.
Start the trick with the card facing in front of you and fold it into fourths, creasing the card and then
unravelling it.
Explain to your audience that doing this makes it easier to tear the card evenly.


Hold the card in front of you, facing the audience, the extra torn card piece should be pressed by your
thumb onto the side of the card that is facing you. Rip down the upper middle of the card stopping at the
centre. Now fold down the upper right corner and slide out the corner you ripped of earlier as the piece
that was ripped of.

( This should look like you have ripped of the corner from the card - the audience cannot see that
the real corner is still attached to the card and folded out of their view .)

Now put the torn piece behind the card again, being held in position with your thumb.

Fold what is now the lower right corner behind the card. As you are bending this piece back, slide the
extra piece into view again, pretend to rip it off. Place it behind the card and fold the card in half again.

( really it is still together )

Pretend to rip it in half again, but just slide the loose piece off the pile convincingly to look like it has
ripped. Place the piece behind the card which is now folded up.

Now even though the card is not ripped, you can fan the pieces to make it look like three or four pieces.
Ask a spectator to place their fingers on the " torn " pieces. As you set the pieces on the table, steal the
loose piece with your thumb and hide it in your hand by using a finger palm move.

Misdirect and place the loose piece in your pocket. Now ask the spectator to examine the card and they
will find that it is in one piece.

Take a bow, as the audience look completely baffled.

Step By Step Photos

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1) Rip extra piece off other card.

2) Fold card into fourths.

3) Hold extra piece in place with thumb.

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4)Present "torn" piece to audience.

5) Fold second half of card.

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By Luke Howard


The top card of the deck is turned face up to the audience.

The card is once again turned face down and removed from the deck.

The magician now places this card into the middle of the deck and then squares the deck

The magician clicks his fingers and the card returns immediately to the top of the deck.


You will need a deck of cards .


This trick uses the principle of the double lift

When showing the top card actually perform a double lift and show the card that was really second from
the top of the pack.

Then remove the actual top card and place it into the middle of the deck.

The already shown card is still on the top of the deck and can be revealed in any way that the magician

Make sure that the double lift is clean and bend the cards slightly to ensure that they stay together as

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In this clever trick, the magician appears to be able to tell the colour of every card with a magic diviner.

Effect: A pack of cards is thoroughly shuffled. The pack can even be given to the spectator to shuffle, if
they desire. Once the pack has been thoroughly shuffled, the cards are then spread face down on the
table. The magician is then able to point to any card and tell which colour of suit it belongs to i.e red or

Method: Before beginning this trick, you first separate all the red suited cards from the black suited
ones. Put the red and black suited cards into two separate blocks.
Take the red suited block of cards and while holding the pack, face up, bend the cards up so that they
form a slight arch. Then put them down and pick up the black suited pack.

Holding the black suited pack face down, bend the cards up towards you forming a slight arch. The two
separate blocks of cards can then be put back together. The pack is now ready to be shuffled. After
shuffling, spread the pack face down on the table and you can secretly tell the red and black cards
apart as they have slight bends in them. i.e the red cards curl down slightly and the black cards curl
up slightly. This will not usually be noticed by your audience. You can then proceed to identify the
colour of each face down card.

Performance: Although this is a simple trick, it can be very entertaining and impressive with a little bit
of patter and imagination from the magician. You can pretend to have a " magic divining rod " for
instance and even continue to blah!, blah!, blah!, e.t.c. about the origin of the magic divining rod / card.

All you then need to do is hold a wand or even another playing card over the face down pack and make
it vibrate slightly as it passes over your desired card.
And there you have it, with a little bit of patter, you have transformed an otherwise run of the mill card
trick into an entertaining feat of magic. See the magic tips and hints page for other performance tips.

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1) Bend red and black piles up and down. 2) Small arch can be seen when packs are brought back

Stunning Card Effect Performed Completely By The Spectator

Effect: The magician asks the spectator whether he knows any card tricks. Whatever the
spectator answers, the magician says "Well, heres a great trick, only YOU'RE going to
perform it."

The spectator is handed a deck of cards and asked to hold them with the cards facing the
magician, the backs towards himself. The magician picks a card, which the spectator
removes and places on the table, never looking at it.

value of the selected card while the other reveals the suit.

Performance: This trick is actually not too difficult, but the effect is astonishing because the
magician never actually handles the deck. The only real skills necessary are good verbal
communications and misdirection.

After the spectator shuffles the deck, have him fan them in front of his face with the backs of
the cards towards himself. Tell him to start fanning at the top of the deck and continue to the
bottom. Meanwhile, you watch for the card that has the same value as the top card and the
same suit as the card second from top

Note: If these two cards have the same value or the same suit, the trick won't work. In this
case, ask the spectator whether he cut the cards. When he says no, tell him to cut the deck
and start over again.
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When you find that particular card, touch it and have him pull it out and place it on the table
face down. Then tell him to think of a number and to count that many of into a neat pile on
the table. (This puts the two pointer cards on the bottom of the pile.)

Have him discard the rest of the cards in his hands, pick up the pile on the table, and deal the
cards alternately into two piles. (The two pointer cards are now on top of each of the new
piles.) Remember that the last card he deals will show the value (ace, 2, 3, etc) of the
selected card while the next-to-last card (the top one on the other pile) will show the suit.

Explain to the spectator that if he has been concentrating on the card on the table, he will
have subconsciously picked two cards that will respectively reveal the value and suit of the
card that you the magician have randomly selected. Flip the three cards to reveal that this is

Easy card forces that when mastered will allow you to perform lots of amazing card tricks

To force a card is to ask the spectator to choose any card and make them pick the card you want him to
pick. This way, you can create your own tricks. Just before performing, select a card to force. Then,
force that card, and let the spectator shuffle the deck. Ask them to cut the deck in half and keep on doing
things that will make your audience think that is imposible for you to tell which card was chosen. After a
while you can reveal their card and accept the applause.

Elimination Force

1. To do this force, select the card to force and

place it on top of the face down deck. Tell
your audience that you will extract six
cards at random. Extract the top card and
five more cards. You must always
remember which one is your peeked card.
Please note that the card to be forced has
been turned face up in the photos to make
explanation easier. This card would be face
down during the actual performance.

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Now, display the six cards in two rows of three
cards each. For this example, the selected
card will be the third one of the top row.

3. Ask the spectator to select a row. If the spectator

selects the top row, say -"ok, we'll keep this
one...". If the spectator selects the bottom
one, say -"ok, we'll take this one out". The
idea is to keep the row with our peeked

4. Now, ask the spectator to select any two cards.

There are three possibilities. If the
spectator selects the first row, say - "let me
remove these two cards and you take the
remaining one". If the spectator selects the
last two, remove the first one, leaving the
second and the third, and repeat the
process. If he selects the first and the last,
remove the second one and repeat the

Stop Force

1. This force, looks even better, because you

actually ask the spectator to tell you to stop
any place on the deck and HE selects the
card at the stop point. Start by cutting the
deck and placing the card to be forced at
the top of the bottom portion of the deck.

2. Now, you'll be doing a very useful move named

the little finger break . This move consists in
leaving your little finger over the peeked
card, so you can easily cut to it.

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3. Now, riffle the deck and ask your spectator to
tell you to stop in any place.

4. When the spectator calls stop, you'll stop at the

break . (requires practice)

5. Give the spectator the card he selected.

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In this clever trick, the magician correctly names a hidden card.

You Need: A deck of cards, a handkerchief

Effect: The card magician puts a deck of cards under a handkerchief. The spectator cuts the deck. The
magician then pulls the bottom part of the deck out and names the top card without looking at it.

What You Do: Before you perform the card trick, look at the top card. When you put the deck of cards
under the handkerchief ((face down), turn the deck around under the handkerchief (face up). Then have
the spectator cut the deck. Turn the part of the deck of cards that you are holding over, then take it out,
name the card and the trick is done.

In this clever trick, freely selected cards, magically find their mate.

Effect: Two cards are freely (yes, freely) selected and inserted face up in the deck in two different
places. Magician runs through the deck and drops the face-up selected card and the face-down card next
to it, on the table.When the face-down cards are turned face up, they are seen to be the mates of the
selected cards in color and value.

Set-up: Put deck in “Best Friends” order. See below.

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Performance: Spread the deck and have a card selected. Cut all cards above selected cardto the bottom.
Have card removed and replaced on the top of the deck, faceup. Undercut half the deck and peek at the
bottom card. If it is a mate tothe selected card, remember that the selected card is a before card. If it is
not a mate, the selected card is an after card. Drop the cards in your righthand on top of the face up card.
Repeat this 2 or 3 times; if you do it moretimes than that, it can be hard to remember what cards are
what. Now runthrough the deck. When you hit an after card, drop it and the card after iton the table.
When you hit a before card, drop it and the card before it onthe table. Flip over the cards, and they
match. Be sure to explain the mateconcept before you flip over the cards.

Features: Cards cut as often as you like

Cards are freely chosen, no forces of any kind
Does not work on Rainbow Deck principle

Best Friends Order The deck is simply set up in pairs by value and color. Put the two red kings
together, the two black twos, the two red jacks, etc. You can cut this deck all you want. The Best Friends
effect wont be affected if a pair are separated, one on top and one on bottom. With another cut the order
will right itself.

Secret sequence of playing cards to enable every card in the deck to be located by spelling the name of
the card. Amazing and convincing powerful free magic for use by card magicians.

This first sequence of cards will allow you to conjure up the card of your choice from any suit in the
deck. In the example below, the spades have been set up in order for the magic spell trick to be
performed with success. (You could use any of the other suits set up in the same sequence).

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Set the cards in the above order so that the queen of spades is on the top of the pile when you hold them
face down for dealing. You then spell A-C-E , placing one card underneath the pile for each letter of the
card except for the last letter which is turned up to reveal the card you spelt.

Should you wish to successfully spell the whole deck of playing cards, then the pack should be set up
in the following order.

You then spell A-C-E out loud, putting the A and C underneath the deck. You then turn the next ( E )
card face up to reveal the ace. You then continue on in this way until you have spelt the whole deck.

By Cindy Campbell

Preparation: Remove the four Jacks from the pack and place one Jack face down on
the top of the pack.

Method: Start the trick by presenting three Jacks and make up a storyabout them being
three best buddies and how they couldnt stand being apart.
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Continue to rant on on how one day the three amigos were lost in the desert and the best way
to seek help was to go in different directions. The first one to get help was to come and get
the others, so off they went in their different directions.

Get the spectator to place one Jack on top of the pack, one Jack anywhere in the middle and
the last Jack on the bottom of the pack.

Confirm with the spectator that he is happy that the Jacks are well seperated, then get him to
cut the pack ensuring that the bottom half of the pack is put on top of the other half.

(This will bring the top and bottom Jack together with the previously placed Jack)

The cards are then turned face up from the top off the pack eventually turning over three
Jacks together near the center to the spectators amazement.

Conclude your story that in the end the friends were good to their word and all lived happy
ever after.

This is a good self working card trick I find very useful when a spectator makes it impossible
for you to do a trick. I call the trick, Mathomatic.

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Method: Ask a person to choose a card. tell him to remember it's numerical value (Ace =
one, Jack- = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13) Also to remember the suit of the card.

Tell them to double the value of the card .

Then tell them to add three to the total.

Then tell them to multiply the complete total by five .

This done ask them to concentrate on the suit.

If the card is a diamond they must add one.

If the card is a club they must add two.

If the card is a heart they must add three .

If the card is a spade they must add four.

They must then tell you the final total.

From this total, you immediately know the chosen card .

The Secret: Is to mentally subtract 15 from the given total. You will have a number of two
figures, possibly three

The last figure gives you the suit (diamonds 1, clubs 2, hearts 3, spades 4.) while the first
figure gives you the suit.

Example: Jack of clubs

11 doubled is 22, add 3--25, multiply by 5--125. add for clubs--makes 127. You are told that

Subtract 15 mentally. Result 112. Last figure (2) means clubs, first figure(11) means Jack.

A very clever self working trick secret which is guaranteed to baffle your audience
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Effect: The magician shuffles the deck and takes the top thirteen cards. Holding the cards
face down, he proceeds to spell the first card name, Ace. "A C E," and for each letter, he puts
one card under the packet of thirteen cards. He then flips over the next card (the fourth,) and
it is an Ace. He repeats this process for each card number, Ace through King. At the end, he
has all thirteen cards face up on the table, in sequential order.

Preparation: First, take out 13 cards from a deck, the cards do not have to be the same
suit, but you need the thirteen cards from Ace to King. After you have them out, place them
in this order, begin by placing the three face-up on the table. On top of that, place the eight.
Then, place the Seven, Ace, Queen, Six, Four, Two, Jack, King, Ten, Nine, and last of all
Five. And then put these on top of the deck face down.

Performance: The trick almost works itself. To start, pretend to shuffle the cards,
leaving the top thirteen untouched. You can do some false shuffles, or you can do real
shuffles but keep the top 13 cards on top. After you shuffle, you can fan through the deck,
and show every card, for the pre-arranged 13 cards don't look like they are arranged at all.
Remove the top thirteen cards as a group and arrange them like a fan, so that your audience
can see their faces. Square up the cards, and hold them face down.

When you spell out each card, do it as follows: let's say you're spelling the word . Spell A,
remove the top card and place it on the bottom. Then spell C, and remove the top card and
place that on the bottom. Next spell E, remove this top card and place it on the bottom. Flip
the new top card and show that it's an Ace, and place it on the table.

Continue in this manner until all the cards are face up on the table. (You spell the cards in
order: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K) Your audience may realize that the cards must
have been set up beforehand, but this only adds to the mystery and you can treat it as a
puzzle for them to try to figure out to add to the mystery, don't use cards all of the same suit.
A mixed group of suits makes it seem less like a "stacked" deck.

A convincing illusion where a card is seen to bend through your telekinetic powers

You Will Need:

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 A pack of playing cards ( cheap cards sometimes work best)
 Glass of water
 To practice your acting skills


This is a great impromptu trick that can be performed at a moments notice and requires the minimum of
props .

While in a group of friends enjoying some refreshments, casually rub some water on the back of your
hand. Then get your friends attention and announce that you are going to cause a card to bend, solely by
using your telekinetic powers. ( This is where a fair bit of acting and blah! blah! comes in handy to add
entertainment value to the stunt.)

Take a playing card and place it on the back of your hand ( the one that has secret ely had water rubbed
on it )

Gently press the card, flat onto your hand which should be held horizontally.

Next, remove the other hand and appear to be concentrating intensely and focusing your psychic powers
on the card. The card will be seen to bend without any interaction or anything touching it. This looks
amazing and you can claim it has been bent by your telekinetic energy.

This trick is enhanced greatly by your performance and patter. The card will bend automatically as it
absorbs some of the water, hence cheap cards are normally more porous as they are normally less
laminated. The bend in the card can be increased by picking up the card lengthwise and carefully
squeezing it gently which makes the trick more convincing.

Apply water to back of hand. Press card onto back of hand.

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Squeeze ends to emphasise bend.

This is a great self working card trick

Performance: Take 21 cards and deal them out into three columns by dealing seven
cards in each column. Deal three cards across for the first row, then another card on top of
each for the next row, and so on until you have seven rows of cards in three columns for a
total of 21 cards. Make sure you deal out each of the rows so you can still see the cards
behind it.( See picture below)
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Now have someone think of any card in one of the columns, and then tell you which
column the card is in. Pick up one of the other columns, then the column he chose, and then
the last column, so that the column with the chosen card is between the other two.
Deal them out again the same as before, and have your volunteer tell you which column
the card is now in. Again, pick up the cards so that the column he pointed to is between the
other two.
Repeat the process of dealing out the cards, having him tell you which column his card is
now in, and picking up the cards so that the column with his card is between the other two
columns. You have now done this three times, and it's time to find his card!
Hold the cards face down in your hand, as if you were going to deal them out again, but
instead ask your volunteer if he has ever heard of the magic word ABRACADABRA. Say
that not many people know it, but ABRACADABRA is a magic word for finding things,
and that you'll show him what you mean.
Spell the word ABRACADABRA, and for each letter deal one of the cards face down on
the table. When you reach the last "A", pause, and then turn over that card. It will be the
chosen card! As long as you spell ABRACADABRA right, this trick will work everytime!

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The Magic Effect:

This magic trick with cards is set up as follows. 12 cards are placed face up on the table ( using
any red and black cards from the deck ) in the same pattern you see in the diagram below here.
You, the magician, tell someone to secretly pick any BLACK card. After telling them to make
several secret random moves, you are able to tell them which card they have moved to.

The Magic Secret:

Tell your audience member to pick any black card. Tell them to next move UP or DOWN to the
nearest RED card. Next, tell them to move LEFT or RIGHT to the nearest BLACK card. Next, tell
them to move DIAGONALLY To the Nearest RED card. Finally, tell them to move UP or DOWN
to the nearest BLACK card. If you follow these directions carefully, your audience member will
always end up on the MIDDLE CARD ON THE BOTTOM ROW.

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An entertaining magic trick that always works out for the magician

Effect: The spectator takes a card and puts it face up on the table. Then the magician deals the rest of the
cards into piles of the cards value the spectator just picked. When the top card of each pile is turned over
they all match.

The Trick:: Put the fours on the top of the pack and on top of these put the threes.

Deal the top eight cards face down on the table in a row and ask a spectator to pick any card.Push the
selected card forward, still face down.

Pick up the remaining cards from left to right, tucking each card picked up below the previous one, and
place the seven cards on top of the deck. No matter which card remains on the table the order from the
top of the deck is several threes, then several fours.

Start dealing cards from the top of the deck face down on to the table in one pile. When you have dealt
at least seven cards ask one of the spectators to shout stop whenever they wish. Stop dealing when the
spectator says and put the cards left in your hand to one side.

Now say that you will deal the cards into a number of piles according to the value of the selected card. If
the card is a three, deal the cards into three face down piles. If the card is a four, then deal four piles.
When you turn over the top card of each pile it is shown to be a three, quite a coincidence!

Should the selected card be a four you simply deal the cards into four heaps. The four top cards will be
the four threes.

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Double Lift

Hold the deck in the left hand as shown in ( fig:1). The fingers of the right hand, hold the top edge of the
deck lightly and the thumb of the right hand, rests at the bottom left corner. Tilt the deck so you can look
down and see the cards under the thumb.

The right thumb then lifts the edges of the top cards allowing all but two cards to fall back onto the deck
as shown in ( Fig:2 ) . The right thumb now presses forward on these two cards so they press lightly
against the right fingers and the thumb and fingers can lift the two cards free of the rest of the deck as in
( Fig:3 )

If the right thumb and fingers squeeze the two cards lightly, maintaining a slight bend, the two will stick
together as if they were only one card. There are many ways of doing a double lift and it is one of the
most useful and commonly used card sleights. Practice until you get it perfect.

Fig:1 Fig:2 Fig:3

Palming a Card

Have your card to be palmed, on the top of the deck.The deck should be held as shown in Fig:1. With
your other free hand, bring your palm face down over the deck of cards, cradling them and giving the
impression that you are squaring up the deck. Keeping fingers and thumb of your free hand closely
together, gently squeeze the top card so that its top edge is leaning against the first joint of your fingers
and the bottom corner is wedged against the fleshy base of your thumb. Fig:2

Keeping fingers and thumb close together, maintain a slight bend on the card and subtly remove your
hand away from the spectators view. Fig:3

As long as the palm of the hand is not visible to the spectator, it will look completely natural and
unsuspicious due to the fact it is not in an obvious gripping position or closed fist. Click Here For A
Video Demo

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Fig:1 Fig:2 Fig:3

Forcing a Card

Cross Cut Force : ( This is a simple method of forcing a card although there are many other ways of
forcing a card )

Give the pack of cards a shuffle and catch a glimpse of the bottom card.( Fig:1 )
Ask the spectator to cut the pack in two and to place the half that they have cut, face down on the table. (
Fig:2 )
Take the other half of the pack and place it on top of their half at a 90 degree angle to form a cross.
( Fig:3 )

Fig:1 Fig:2 Fig:3

Use a little patter or make a funny comment to distract the spectator from the set up of the cards.
Now ask them to pick up the top half of the cards, look at the bottom one of that pile and and memorize
this as their chosen card.They can then replace the two half packs together and shuffle the cards.

The card they have actually memorized is the one that you glimpsed at before on the bottom of the
pack while shuffling. They should believe that the have freely cut the cards at this point whereas the
truth is that the card has been "forced " upon them.

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Pinky Break

The pack is held in the dealing position. It is a good idea to slightly bevel the pack towards the outer
fingers. This creates a slight edge and makes it easier for the pinky to feel and count down through the
cards, the pinky tip is pressed slightly into the pack creating a small break in the cards above and below
the pinky tip. The opposite end of the pack (nearest to spectator) should be held slightly higher than the
end nearest you to disguise the break. Also at the end of the pack nearest the spectator, the edge of the
top card should be firmly pressed onto the next card down with your thumb to hide the break. If the
selected card is to be presented to audience, flip the cards above the pinky break over as shown in figure
3, using the thumb to help the move. The selected card should then fall face up on top of the deck.

Maintain the pinky break and repeat the flip to return the cards to their original position. Click Here For
A Video Demo

1) Slightly bevel pack , obtain break. 2) Flip pack with other forefinger 3) Allow cards to fall
face up on deck.

Riffle Shuffle

The deck is divided into two packets, the ends put together, the cards being bent upwards and released in
such a way that they become interlaced. To keep a card or a small number of cards on the top of the
pack, you have simply to release it or them from the right hand portion of cards, last of all. If the bottom
cards are to be kept in position then they are allowed to fall from the left hand in the first movement of
the shuffle.

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This magic effect it one of the most simple that I have seen but the reaction that you get from it is
superb, A working knowlege of the Elmsley Count ( video tutorial at base of this page) is required for
the trick.


Amazing audience reaction as four jokers amazingly transform into four aces, right in front of the

You Will Need :

To make the gimmick you will need 2 matching jokers, glue, the 4 aces and some double sided tape,
First take which ever ace you want and glue it back to back with one of the jokers so that you make a
double sided card with the ace on one side and a joker on the other, and then place a small square of
double sided tape (note that it has to be clear double sided tape) on the center of the other joker, the busy
design hides it and that’s the gimmick made

How To Do The Trick :

Set up: start by having your three normal aces in dealing position in what ever hand that you feel
comfortable with, Then place the double sided card on top “ACE side facing down”.When you have
done this the joker of the double sided card will be face up!!! Then place the “sticky” joker on top of all
that face up, That’s the set up complete.

Performance: Say to the spectator that you have four jokers, and continue to show them “this is where
you do the elmsley count to make them believe that you have four jokers. When you have finished doing
this count the sticky card should end up on top. You now continue and lift of the top joker and say “this
guy is the leader of the pack, whatever he does, the rest will do” and turn him over on top of the bundle
and give it that magic shake “ (""when you give it a little shake you are really pressing the middle of the
top card so that the tape sticks to the next card ”) Now fan them out and they will see that all the cards
are now face down, then say “ the real amazing thing about this is that I keep losing jokers when doing
this trick and I have way to many aces " and turn them over one by one revealing all the aces to the
amazement of your audience.

Elmsley Count Video Tutorial

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Stunning Card Effect Where The Signatures On Two Cards Jump Onto the Same Card

Effect: Two spectators each select and sign a card. One signature is signed on the face of a card and
the other signature is placed on the back of the other card. Both cards are then placed face down on
the table.

Then the spectator that signed the back of his card, holds it between his hands while the
other spectator waves his card over his hands and when he looks, he sees that his signature
has vanished from his card and when the other spectator looks at his card which he is
holding between his hands, the other spectators signature has appeared on the face of this
card. So both signatures appear on one card.??????

Preparation: You will need a deck of cards and a duplicate card from another deck of the
same brand.

Performance:: Put the duplicate card on top of the deck, followed by the other card i.e (6-
clubs on top of the 6-clubs.)

Have a spectator pick any card and then force ( using your favourite force) another card on
him. (For this routine we will say the 6-clubs is the force card.) Replace the cards as follows
from the top down: forced, selected, duplicate.

Double lift to show the freely selected card and have him sign the face. Turn both cards face
down and place the top card (not the signed card) on the table.

Double lift again to show the duplicate card. Then turn the double lift cards back down and
have him sign the back, then place that card on the table.

Then place the card with the signature on the back, into the hands of the spectator that signed
it originally.

Then, the other spectator picks up his card signed on the face and waves it over the card the
other spectator is holding.

Now when he turns his card over, his signature has vanished from the face of the card.

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Then, when the other spectator looks at his card, his signature is still on the back but when
he turns it over, the other spectators signature has appeared on the face of his card.

Note:: When you place the card in the spectators hand its a good idea to have him cover the
card with his other hand. This stops the face being seen and makes the trick seem more

Effect: The two black queens find the two red queens by being put into the deck where the spectator
freely wants to place them.

The Trick: Start by putting one red queen on top of the face down deck and the other red queen at the
bottom both face down.

Next, give the two black queens to a spectator. Start dealing cards off the top of the deck, laying them in
a face down pile on the table, until the spectator tells you to stop.

Have the spectator put the first black queen, face up, onto the pile on the table (these are the cards you
have just counted face down) Then drop the remainder of the deck in your hand face down onto the
black queen (so the only card facing up is the black queen)

Next, repeat the process above, having the spectator put in the other black queen, face up, and drop the
remainder of the deck on top of the other black queen, again face down. Have the spectator cut the deck,
and complete the cut.

Now announce that without any help from you the spectator was able to find the black queens sisters.
Simply go to the face up black queens, take them out, and the cards immediately above each will of
course be the red queens.

NOTES: You can very easily put the two red queens in place while you find the black ones right under
their noses. As long as you don't make a big deal out of it no one will suspect a thing.

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Don't Be Fooled By This Trick's Simplicity, It Really Works !!!

Effect: You take out a deck of cards and ask the spectator to shuffle it thoroughly. You then ask him to
name any two cards (just the name of the card, without the suit). After the spectator names two cards,
you put your hand on the deck of cards, and concentrate hard on it. After a minute or so, you ask the
spectator to turn over the deck of cards and fan through it. Astonishingly, the cards that he names are
right next to each other.

You Need: A deck of cards .

Nothing! You really don't do anything! If I have to say, the only thing you have to do for this
trick is to act like you are really concentrating very hard on the cards when you put your
hand on them. That's all! This trick simply works! All by itself! This trick works by

When the spectator names two cards (remember to tell him not to name the suit), let's say
Ace and Ten, he is really naming four cards of each kind since the suit is not specified. The
theory is that out of those eight cards (Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, Ace of
Diamonds, Ten of Spades, Ten of Hearts, Ten of Clubs, Ten of Diamonds), at least one of the
Aces in the deck will be next to one of the Tens. Don't believe this? Try it out! About 10% of
the time, there may be a card between the Ace and the Ten. If that happens, simply tell the
spectator that you are not concentrating hard enough. When you repeat the trick, it will work.
You can never find a trick that's easier than this one!

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Note: This trick can be done to the same spectator a few times, but if you do it too many
times, they will eventually figure it out. So, don't overdo this one!

Effect: The spectator chooses a card. After a series of shuffles the spectator spells a magic word and
finds his card. But the magician never touches the cards from the start of the trick to the end.

The Trick: Hand a full deck of cards to a volunteer to shuffle. (Make sure it's a FULL deck.) Ask the
volunteer to deal the deck into two piles. Have them choose one of the piles and remember the bottom
card. Tell the volunteer to look at it but not to show you. Ask them to place the pile containing the
bottom card on top of the other pile. Then ask the volunteer to deal the deck into four piles from left to

Pick up each pile and ask the volunteer if their card is in that pile. As you ask, reassemble the deck,
making sure the pile with their card goes on the very top. Give the deck to the volunteer and have them
deal the cards, one at a time face down on the table, spelling out the word "PRESTO". Have them turn
the next card over. This is their chosen card!

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Trick Courtesy of Brian Reaves

Original Author Unknown

The magician takes a long-stemmed glass and announces that he's going to perform a card trick. The
amazing thing about this card trick is that he wont be able to touch the cards, because they'll be
inside the glass the whole time!

Placing the pack, face out in the glass, the magician states that he's going to find all four aces using
special " Locator Cards ". He reaches into the glass and pulls out a red number card ( we'll use the Ten of
Hearts for the example ) and puts it in front of the rest of the cards in the deck so that the ten of hearts is
the card the spectator now sees looking at them through the glass.

The magician then states that he will let that red 10 find a red ace . Holding the glass by the stem, the
magician passes a cloth napkin over the glass, quickly. When the napkin has completed it's quick pass,
the red 10 has been replaced by a red ace ! The magician then takes the red ace and puts it in back of the
deck and passes the napkin again.

This time, the red 10 is replaced by the other red ace ! Now the magician gets a black number card (say,
6 of spades) for the " Locator " and puts it in front of the red 10. A quick napkin pass, and there's a black

The magician takes the ace and puts it in back of the deck. Another pass, and there's the last black ace!
Now pull out the pack and put it back in the case, smiling as you take your bow. All of this magic occurs
in the glass, so there's apparently no way that you could've manipulated the cards! People will fall down
at your feet and worship your incredible abilities


A slight amount of preparation work is required, but this is worth it. First, find a wine or any other long-
stemmed glass that will allow you to set at least half a deck of cards in it.

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There can be no design on the glass or stem!!! Next, take the two red aces and glue them back to back.
Make sure you make them look as much like one card as possible!

Do the same with the two black aces. Now get two identical number cards - one black and one red -
from an identical deck. Glue one red and one black back to back. Don't do this with the other ones.
Finally, get a cloth napkin that is big enough and dark enough to completely cover the glass.

With this prep, you're set!

Set up the deck like this: The black 6 card face up on top of the face-down deck. Now, set the double-
sided black ace on top of it. Now place the double-sided " red 10 /black 6" card with the red 10 face-up.
Next, comes the double-sided red aces. And finally, the last red 10 FACE DOWN on the face-down

The rest is showmanship. Place the deck in the glass with the bottom card facing your spectator.
Announce that you're going to do the trick using a red locator card . Pull the red 10 off the top of the
deck and put it on the bottom, facing the spectator. You should now be looking at a red ace . Holding the
glass by the stem, you pass the napkin over the glass and spin it around so that the ace is now facing the

It helps if you hold the glass with you fingers rigid and the stem in the first bend of your finger. When
you spin the glass, your thumb does the work and your fingers look pretty much the same. Now take the
ace and put it on top of the deck.

You should now be looking at the other red ace . Perform the pass/spin again, and your spectator sees the
other red ace . Now say that you need a black locator card. Take the red/black card off the top with the 6
facing. When you get to the black aces, if you stick the Ace of Spades on top so that it's the first ace
you'll show, you can ask the spectator to name a black ace. Nine out of ten times, they'll say the Ace of

You then make it appear for them. If they happen to mention the Ace of Clubs, just say "So that leaves
the Ace of Spades," and make it appear.

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Effect: A pack of cards is fanned out in front of a spectator. The magician runs his fingers around the
card fan and the spectator is asked to tell him when to stop his fingers on a card. This card is shown to
the audience, replaced in the pack and the pack handed back to the spectator to shuffle. The magician
then reveals the card which was chosen.

Method: Ask a spectator to shuffle the cards. When he/she hands them back to you note the bottom card
. That is going to be their card.

Start by fanning the cards out. Run your finger across them and ask the spectator when to stop. When
he/she says to stop, put your thumb on that point of the deck.

While your thumb is on that point, use your other fingers to slowly work the bottom card under your
thumb. As you pull the cards off the top of the deck with your thumb, slide the bottom card under the
other cards and pull them off the deck and show the spectator his/ her card. This is where you take over.
Since you already know the card you can have the spectator cut, shuffle, e.t.c.
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Good routine to try out:

Start flipping the cards from the top of the deck over onto the table. When you flip their card over,
continue flipping for another few cards, then say, "I'll bet you that the next card I flip over will be
yours!" They'll think you messed up because their card is already flipped over on the table. When they
say, "you're on!", reach over and flip their card, which is already face down on the table. They'll be

With nothing more than kicking a deck of cards you can tell which is the chosen card.

Materials Needed:

1 Standard Card Deck

A good pinch of salt secretly stored in your pocket


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Have a shuffled deck of cards placed on the floor. Have a person look through the deck and choose a
card. Have him/her place his card on top of the deck. Now have them cut the deck into five piles.
(Remember that their chosen card is on the top of the first pile.)

Now, by pointing to the piles have them put the deck back together in a different order.

The trick is that as you are pointing at the card piles, instructing the audience member to put them back
together, you take a pinch of salt and drop it on top of the chosen card as you point to it)

Then, lightly kick the deck of cards with your right foot, slide into the cards to make them glide to the

Examine the deck. The place in the deck with the most distance between one card and the next is the
chosen card.

Notes: Practice this trick before performing to get a feel for how hard to kick the cards, and how to "see"
the chosen card.

Method: : Shuffle a pack of cards well. Holding the pack face down, turn over the top card
and place it face up on the table. Think of it as a pile. Starting with its face value, deal face
up on top of it as many more cards as needed to reach 10.

For instance if it's a 3, deal seven cards on top of it; if it's a 5, deal five cards. Face cards
count as 10, so no more cards are needed. An ace counts as 1 and needs nine more cards.
Continue making piles as above, keeping them separate, until you have used up all the cards
in the deck. If there are not enough cards to complete a final pile, keep that incomplete
column in your hand. Now choose at random, any three piles that contain at least four cards
each and turn these piles face down. Gather all the remaining cards in any order and add
them to the cards (if any) in your hand.

Pick any two of the three face-down piles on the table, and turn up the top card on each of
those two piles. Add their values together. Remove this number of cards from those in your
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hand, and then remove an additional 19 cards. Count the remaining cards in your hand. Now
turn up the top card of the third pile. Its value will equal the number of cards in your hand.

By Alvie

This card trick is reasonably easy

Effect :

A Card is selected by a spectator and placed back on top of the pack.

The pack of cards is then cut several times and handed back to the magician.
A pile of cards suddenly fall off the pack leaving the magician holding the spectators card.

Method :

When the card is selected the card on the bottom of the pack is crimped by the magicians pinky.

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The spectators card is then placed on the top of the pack and the pack is cut.

This now means that the spectators card is underneath the crimped card.

The pack of cards can be passed around the room to be cut several times and the spectators card will
always be under the crimped card.

The pack is then handed back to the magician who quietly puts his thumb under the crimped card,
appearing to be clumsy and allows the cards above his thumb to fall on the floor. The card under his
thumb will be the spectators.

The magician can also allow the rest of the cards to fall leaving only the spectators card in his hand.

This card trick looks amazing because the audience has seen that the magician has not had a lot of
contact with the pack and the whole routine has been totally impromptu.

This trick was performed in David Blaines second special where he made the spectator sign a card, the
card was put back in the pack and was made to appear from between two aces.

This page will show you how to do a great version of David Blaines card trick.

Secret: Give the spectator, the two red aces and tell them to hold them.

Fan out the deck and tell the spectator to touch a card.

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Square the deck up leaving their card stuck out to be signed and shown.

Now you secretly put the card into " palm position " when you square up the deck so you can easily
palm the card when you want to.

It must stick out of the lower corner of the pack meeting your inner thumb .

Let them sign the card and then hand them the deck, secretly palming their card.

After they are convinced that the card is well lost in the deck, ask for the two aces and sandwich the face
down palmed card between the aces, showing only the aces face up.

Tell them to hold the deck openly and start to shake the aces directly over the pack, tell them to watch
their card rise from the deck into the two aces, shake a little more loosely and watch as to their
amazement, their signed card appears from between the aces .

Effect: The spectator is shown a fanned out set of cards and asked to pick one & concentrate on
that card. The chosen card is not revealed by the spectator. The magician appears to read the
spectators mind and pulls out or even tears up the spectators secretly chosen card.

Preparation: For this trick you'll need two sets of cards, each with five cards. (The cards should be
five different cards, but should resemble each other (for instance, if you had a Jack of spades in
one, use a Jack of clubs in the other). ie SET ONE : JC,KS,KH,QS,JD. and SET TWO: JS,KC,

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Method: Hide the second set of five cards, but keep them somewhere close, so that you can secretly
switch them with the other set of five cards. Now, fan out the five cards. Tell the spectator to
remember and concentrate on one of the cards. Now, as you collect the cards, you'll need to switch
between the two sets. Now spread out the second set of cards on the table, face down.

Use some play acting and appear to be concentrating deeply as if reading the spectator's thoughts.
Place a finger on one of the spread ot cards and slide it out from the rest of the cards. The
finishing move is up to you, either

1) Turn over the remaining four cards to show that the spectator's card has been removed.

2) Tear the card that you removed into small pieces, making sure that the spectator does not see
the face up side of the torn card.

A simple trick but with a powerful finish. This trick is only as good as the performance and patter
that you can use to make it entertaining.

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