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My topic for today is about Climate Change.

We have this so-called RISKS OF SPECIES

EXTINCTION DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE. Accordingly, climate change is considered as
a stressor that contribute tp the extinction of species. Climate scienstists note that about 20 to
30% of the plant and animal species are at risk of extinction if temperatures projected to occur by
the end of the twenty-first century will happen. The projected rate of species extinction are
estimated to be ten times greater than the observed globar average rates at present.

Another is IMPACTS ON WATER SUPPLY AND QUALITY. Accordingly, Semiarld and arid
like the Mediterranean region, Soithern African regions, and the northeastearn Brazil are highly
vulnerable to the impacts of climate change as far as the supply of water is concerned. Next is
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON AGRICULTURE. It is said that the changes in
temperature, amount of carbon dioxide, and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather
could have significant impacts on crop yields. Warmer temperatures can allow crops to grow
faster in warmer conditions. However, for some crops like grains, faster growth can reduce to
amount of time that seeds need to grow mature. Extreme temperature and precipitation due to
drought can hinder the growing crops. Extreme events particularly droughts can destroy crops
and decrease yields.

Impacts on Livestock

Heat waves caused by climate change threaten the livestock sector as well. Heat stress affects
animals both directly and indirectly because it can increase the vulnerability of animals to
decrease and reduce their fertility milk production. Drought can also affect animal pasture and
freed supplies. Areas that experience longer and more intense droughts have lesser amount of
fodder available to gazing livestock.


Climate change can endanger the health of people.

• Sustained rise in temperatures can lead to frequent and severe heat stress.

•The reduction in air quality that complements heat wave can cause breathing problems
and respiratory diseases.

•Climate change can affect the supply of agricultural products and disrupt the balance of
the food systems which can all lead to a higher rate of malnutrition brought about by the
lack of food supply.

•Climate changes can cause the spread of infectious diseases.

•Mosquito-related diseases such as malaria may increase in areas that are affected by
higher levels of precipitation.

•People who live in low-income countries are vulnerable to disaster due to climate change.
These vulnerable groups include the urban poor, aged people, young children, traditional
societies, subsistence farmer, and coastal people.

In other words, climate change could affect the life of many living organisms. That's all.

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