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Running head: ALL ABOUT ME 1

All About Me

Athabasca University (ENGL 255, #1)

Migrant Workers

Labor migration has become a way of life for many Filipino families. A typical

household has at least one Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) who regularly sends money back

home to cover the daily expenses of his or her family. At first, leaving loved ones behind to work

in a strange land was scary and intimidating. Migrant workers had to learn to understand

unfamiliar language, adapt to different weather, and eat new food. Likewise, the OFWs’ children

longed for their parent’s presence and guidance. However, the availability of social media, video

call, chat, and text makes it easier for migrant workers and their families to keep in touch so they

will not feel lonely. Eventually, the migrant workers’ job responsibilities as a domestic worker,

nurse, seafarer or food server have increased; and their spouses are busy in taking care of their

children. That will be their living arrangement until the OFWs come home for a brief vacation or

after their work contract expired. Many Philippine government programs encourage its people to

find a job overseas due to the high unemployment rate of the country. Therefore, most OFWs

would return to their work abroad because of their earnings when converted into peso; it amounts

to a comfortable income in the Philippines that could put several children through private school.

Finally, the cycle of labor migration will continue when the children of the OFWs finished their

studies and decided the only way to help their family is to work abroad.

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