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J. Agric. Food Chem.

2011, 59, 777–784 777


Chemistry behind Vegetarianism

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Zhejiang University, 268 Kaixuan Road,
Hangzhou, China 310029

This review summarizes the effect of a habitual vegetarian diet on clinical complications in relation
to chemistry and biochemistry. Omnivores have a significantly higher cluster of cardiovascular risk
factors compared with vegetarians, including increased body mass index, waist to hip ratio, blood
pressure, plasma total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol and LDL-C levels, serum lipoprotein(a) con-
centration, plasma factor VII activity, ratios of TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C and TAG/HDL-C, and serum
ferritin levels. Compared with omnivores, vegetarians, especially vegans, have lower serum vitamin B12
concentration and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels in the tissue membrane phospholipids,
which are associated with increased collagen and ADP stimulated ex vivo whole blood platelet aggrega-
tion, plasma 11-dehydrothromboxane B2, and homocysteine levels and decreased plasma HDL-C. This
may be associated with an increased thrombotic and atherosclerotic risk. It is suggested that vegetarians,
especially vegans, should increase their dietary n-3 PUFA and vitamin B12 intakes.

KEYWORDS: Vegetarian; vitamin B12; n-3 PUFA; homocysteine; platelet aggregability

INTRODUCTION Strict vegans and Su vegetarians also avoid products that may
Human beings originated in South Africa and then migrated to use animal ingredients not included in their labels or which use
different parts of the world approximately a hundred thousand animal products in their manufacturing, for example, cheeses that
years ago. In the course of human evolution, six major genetic use animal rennet (enzymes from animal stomach lining), gelatin
clusters have been formed: Africa, Europe, Middle East, Central/ (from animal skin, bones, and connective tissue), some sugars
South Asia, East Asia and Oceania, and America (1). Human that are whitened with bone char (e.g., cane sugar, but not beet
beings are very similar in term of our genomes; however, there are sugar), and alcohol clarified with gelatin or crushed shellfish and
significant differences physically and physiologically, such as sturgeon (3).
body weight, height, eye/hair color, skin color, response to drug Some individuals claim themselves to be semivegetarian.
treatments, dietary intake, and environmental factors. These However, it is debated by most vegetarian groups because semi-
differences are caused mainly by environmental factors, of which vegetarian diets include fish and other seafood, and poultry
diet is the largest. An unanswered question has always been the sometimes, whereas it is stated that vegetarians must exclude all
difference between omnivores and vegetarians who are descen- animal flesh.
dants of omnivores and vegetarians, respectively, who have both In general, compared with an omnivorous diet, vegetarian diets
come from the same ancestor in terms of phenotypic variation are rich in fiber, magnesium, Fe3þ, folic acid, vitamins C and E,
and biochemistry? Unfortunately, there are no data available on n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), phytochemicals, and
phenotypic variation between omnivores and vegetarians. In this antioxidants but low in total fat, saturated fatty acid (SFA),
review, I will use available evidence to review the biochemistry cholesterol, sodium, zinc, Fe2þ, vitamins A, B12, and D, and
behind vegetarianism. especially n-3 PUFA (Table 2). Low intake of total fat, SFA, and
sodium and increased intake of fiber, phytochemicals, and anti-
VEGETARIANS AND THEIR DIETS oxidants in vegetarians is associated with decreased blood pres-
Vegetarians state that their diet must exclude all animal flesh. sure and body mass index (BMI). These factors are known to
There are different varieties of vegetarianism, which exclude or reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, there
include various foods (2) (Table 1). Raw veganism includes only is concern over whether vegetarians, and particularly vegans,
fresh and uncooked fruit, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Fruitarian- have an adequate intake of several important nutrients, particu-
ism permits only fruit, nuts, seeds, and other plant matter that can larly Fe, Zn, vitamin B12, and n-3 PUFA.
be gathered without harming the plant. Su vegetarianism (such
as Buddhism in China) excludes all animal products as well as
vegetables in the Allium family such as onion, spring onion, garlic, Iron, zinc, and vitamin B12 are currently the micronutrients
scallions, and leeks (3). of greatest concern when considering the nutritional value of
vegetarian diets.
*Phone þ86-571-86971024; fax þ86-571-86971024; e-mail duoli@ Iron. Iron is an essential trace element for blood formation. Most iron in the human body is found in hemoglobin and

© 2011 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/04/2011

778 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 59, No. 3, 2011 Li
Table 1. Dietary Composition of Main Types of Vegetarianism Table 2. Chemical Characteristics of Vegetarian Diet
meat fish egg dairy honey Allium family rich in chemicals low in chemicals

√ √ fiber vitamin A
√ √ √ vitamin C vitamin B12
√ √ √ √ vitamin E vitamin D
ovo-lactovegetarian   folic acid zinc
raw veganb       magnesium iron
Su vegetarianc       n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid sodium
fruitariand       carbohydrate cholesterol
a phytochemicals saturated fatty acids
Excludes all animal flesh and animal products, milk, honey, eggs. May also n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid
exclude any products tested on animals, also any clothing from animals. b Includes
only fresh and uncooked fruit, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, excludes vegetables in
the Allium family. Vegetables can be cooked only up to a certain temperature. by high-phytate foods such as sorghum, peanuts, cowpeas, unlea-
Includes only fruit, nuts, seeds, and other plant matter that can be gathered without vened bread, and unprocessed soybean protein concentrates (16).
harming the plant. d Excludes all animal products as well as vegetables in the Allium family.
Some food preparation techniques, such as leavening bread, soaking
and sprouting beans, grains, and seeds, could reduce binding of zinc
myoglobin or occurs as part of enzymes in the energy-yielding
by phytate and increase zinc bioavailability (17, 18).
pathway. Iron deficiency is the most common mineral nutritional
Because there is low zinc bioavailability in vegetarian diets,
deficiency globally, although vegetarians are not more likely to be vegetarians have lower status compared with omnivores. How-
iron-deficient than omnivores.
ever, intake of zinc density is not significantly different between
Studies reported that vegetarians have iron intakes that are
vegetarians and omnivores (19-21). There is currently no agree-
significantly higher than (4, 5) or similar to (6-8) those of ment on the best method to assess zinc status. Despite serum or
omnivores in different populations. However, vegetarians have
plasma, hair, and salivary Zn levels being used to assess Zn status,
a significantly lower serum ferritin concentration than omnivores.
all have shortcomings (22). No significant difference has been
Serum ferritin levels did not correlate with dietary iron intake seen between vegetarians and omnivores on serum/plasma zinc
(5,7,9). Ferritin is a storage form of body iron. A small amount of concentrations (21, 23).
ferritin circulates in plasma, mostly as iron-free apoferritin.
Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential for new cell synthesis,
Circulating ferritin is in equilibrium with tissue iron stores and, blood formation, maintenance of the nervous system, etc. Of the
under most circumstances, the concentration of serum ferritin vitamins, B12 is the only one containing a mineral (cobalt); it also
accurately reflects the levels of iron in the tissues. A low serum
known as the red vitamin. Seafood, animal meats, eggs, and liver
ferritin concentration is usually diagnostic of iron deficiency.
are good sources for vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is not found in
Vegetarians, unlike omnivores, obtain most of their iron from
plant foods; however, seaweed may contain vitamin B12 ana-
cereals, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, and bakery pro-
logues, which can be counted on as reliable sources of active
ducts, which are nonheme iron sources. Most nonheme iron from
vitamin B12. Ovo-lactovegetarians may get vitamin B12 from eggs
vegetarian diets is in the ferric (Fe3þ) state, which is soluble at the
and dairy products. Vegans could get some vitamin B12 from
acidic pH of the stomach but becomes insoluble at the more
seaweed, plants, and edible fungi (such as mushrooms) on farms
alkaline pH of the duodenum. Gastric acid converts Fe3þ to the
Fe2þ form when body iron stores are low and by the concomitant or in the wild, which may be contaminated from bacteria in the
ingestion of some dietary components such as ascorbic acid, soil (24). Evidence suggests that vegetarians, especially vegans,
sugars, and amino acids that form iron chelates to increase iron who do not take vitamin B12 supplements often have abnormally
absorption (10). Moreover, bioavailability and absorption of low serum concentrations of vitamin B12. Fortunately, human
nonheme iron may be inhibited by certain dietary constituents beings require only tiny amounts of vitamin B12. Because the
that are abundant in some vegetarian diets, such as oxalates in human body conserves B12 and reuses it without destroying the
vegetables and phytates in cereals and legumes (11,12), tannins in compound, and it can be synthesized by intestinal bacteria,
tea and coffee (13), and possibly soy protein (14). Heme iron clinical evidence of vitamin B12 deficiency is uncommon.
comes mainly from seafood and meat, especially red meat, when it Vegetarians have a lower vitamin B12 status compared with
is released from the surrounding polypeptide chain. Heme is omnivores. Serum vitamin B12 concentration decreased progres-
absorbed intact by the mucosal cell, where the porphyrin ring is sively from the high-meat-eaters group (n = 18, >280 g of meat/
split and iron is liberated. It is absorbed more efficiently than day) to the moderate-meat-eaters group (n = 60, <280 g of meat/
nonheme iron and is minimally affected by dietary factors, which day) to ovo-lactovegetarians (n = 43) to vegans (n = 18) (p <
probably explains the lower iron status of vegetarians compared 0.05) (20). Serum vitamin B12 concentration was significantly
with omnivores. correlated with plasma homocysteine (p < 0.05) in the study
Zinc. Zn is an essential trace mineral that is a constituent of subjects from Australia (25, 26). Similar results have also been
more than 50 different enzymes involved in most metabolic found in Britain (27) and in China (28). Chinese vegetarian
pathways and is important for protein metabolism, cell growth parents and their preschool children had similar serum vitamin
and repair, and immune function (15). B12 and homocysteine concentrations; however, serum vitamin
Zinc is found in a wide range of foods, including protein foods B12 was not correlated with plasma homocysteine in the parents,
and plant foods such as legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. their children, or pooled parents and children (29).
Zn from animal sources is more bioavailable than Zn from Vitamin D. Vitamin D is rare in vegetarian diets; however, it
plant foods. Protein, insoluble fiber, phytate, and some minerals, does not seem that ovo-lactovegetarians or vegans are more likely
for example, Fe, Ca, and P, can reduce Zn absorption. The to be deficient than omnivores because human beings can synthe-
inhibiting effect of phytate on Zn absorption has been quanti- size it. The body’s cholesterol can be converted into vitamin D
fied by the phytate/zinc molar ratio. Low zinc bioavailability diets by ultraviolet irradiation from the sun. Fifteen minutes of skin
(15% absorption) were listed as high in unrefined cereal grains, with exposure a day during peak hours should be enough for fair-
phytate/zinc ratios of >15, and the majority of energy was supplied skinned individuals, but those who have darker skin, are older,
Review J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 59, No. 3, 2011 779

Figure 1. Metabolic pathway of 18:3n-3 to 22:6n-3. CE, chain elongation; CE, chain shortening reaction.

or who live at more northern latitudes might not get enough significantly higher after guinea pigs were fed a diet containing
exposure, especially in the winter (10). 10% black currant seed oil for 40 days compared with the diet
containing 10% walnut oil (18:3n-3 containing) (32). A similar
MACRONUTRIENTS STATUS OF VEGETARIANS result has also been found in rats (33). Dietary sources of stearidonic
There is no difference in carbohydrate sources between vege- acid (black currant seed oil, alpine currant seed oil, and oil from
tarian and omnivorous diets. Despite the protein sources being Echium species) might be a viable source of LC n-3 PUFA, parti-
different between the two groups, dietary protein cannot be incor- cularly for vegetarian groups. Because the formation of 22:6n-3
porated into human tissues. When we eat proteins from plant or from 22:5n-3 also requires a Δ6 desaturase, it is likely that none of
animal sources, the body must first alter them by breaking them the intermediate n-3 PUFA (18:3-22:5) will be as effective a
down via denaturation and hydrolysis into amino acids; only then source of tissue of 22:6n-3 compared with dietary 22:6n-3 (on a
can it rearrange them into specific human body proteins. A gram for gram basis). In addition, 18:2n-6, a precursor of 20:4n-6,
balanced vegetarian diet could provide sufficient protein to meet the major dietary PUFA, is a competitive inhibitor of the metab-
physiological needs. However, this is not the case when it comes olism of 18:3n-3 to 18:4n-3 (30). Furthermore, diets rich in 18:2n-6
to fat and fatty acids. decrease the expression of the hepatic Δ6 desaturase compared
Fat and Fatty Acids Intake and Status of Vegetarians. The with fat-free diets, which presumably also reduces the possibility of
predominant PUFA in the Western diet is linoleic acid (18:2n-6), conversion of 18:3n-3 to 18:4n-3 and 24:5n-3 to 24:6n-3 (34).
which is commonly found in vegetable seed oils. This is the parent Is there a decreased n-3 PUFA status in vegetarian popula-
fatty acid of the n-6 series PUFA, which can be converted in vivo tions? Is there any association between n-3 PUFA status and
to C20 and C22 n-6 long chain (LC) PUFA. R-Linolenic acid clinical complications? These questions are further explored in the
(18:3n-3) is less abundant than 18:2n-6; however, it is also present following sections.
in vegetable oils and is the precursor of C20 and C22 n-3 LC n-3 PUFA Status in Vegetarians. One hundred and thirty-nine
PUFA. Omnivores can obtain their C20 and C22 n-3 LC PUFA healthy male subjects aged 20-55 years participated in an obser-
either from dietary 18:3n-3 or directly from the consumption of vational study. According to subjects’ habitual dietary intake
fish, eggs, or animal products. Ovo-lactovegetarians can gain a (based on the semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire
limited amount of C20 and C22 n-3 LC PUFA from milk, dairy (FFQ)), they were divided into four groups, vegan, ovo-lactove-
products, and eggs. In contrast, vegans must rely totally on getarian, moderate meat eater, and high meat eater. The proportion
endogenous synthesis from 18:3n-3 by desaturation and elonga- of total n-3 PUFA, 20:5 n-3, 22:5 n-3, and 22:6 n-3 and n-3 to n-6
tion (Figure 1). Because animals can convert 18:3n-3 to C20 and ratio were significantly lower and the 20:4n-6 to 22:5n-3 ratio was
C22 n-3 LC PUFA, and plants cannot, there are no C20 and C22 significantly higher in both the ovo-lactovegetarian and the vegan
n-3 LC PUFA in plant-based vegan diets. Conversion of 18:3n-3 to groups than in both the high- and moderate-meat-eater groups in
20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 has relatively poor efficiency because a sub- the plasma PL. The proportions of 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, 22:6n-3, and
stantial proportion of the 18:3n-3 is diverted to β-oxidation (30). total n-3 PUFA and ratio of n-3 to n-6 were significantly lower in the
A major rate-limiting step in 18:3n-3 conversion to 20:5n-3 and vegan group than in the ovo-lactovegetarian and high- and mod-
other LC n-3 PUFA is considered to be the first Δ6 desaturation. erate-meat-eater groups in the platelet PL (35). In another cross-
This is demonstrated effectively by consideration of data from sectional study, 50 free-living healthy female vegetarians and 24 sex-
studies where 18:4n-3 is fed, which is the product of the Δ6 and age-matched omnivores participated in the study. Compared
desaturation of 18:3n-3. The 20:5n-3 level of red blood cell with the omnivores, the vegetarians had significantly lower con-
membrane phospholipid (PL) was significantly increased from centrations of 20:3n-6, 20:4n-6, 22:5n-6, 20:5n-3, 22:6n-3, total n-6,
0.8 to 1.1% when 32 stroke patients consumed a black currant and n-3 PUFA and ratio of n-3/n-6 PUFA in serum PL (36).
seed oil (rich in stearidonic acid 18:4n-3 and γ-linolenic acid) A cross-sectional study from the United Kingdom involved
supplemented diet (7.5% black currant seed oil, 50% soybean oil, 659 male subjects, of which 196 were omnivores, 231 vegetar-
and 42.5% medium-chain triacylglycerols (TAG)) for 3 weeks iansm, and 232 vegans. The proportions of 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-6 in
compared with a 100% soybean oil diet and a 50% soybean oil þ plasma were significantly lower in the vegetarians and vegans than
50% medium-chain TAG diet (31). In another study, the 20:5n-3 in the omnivores (p < 0.001), whereas 22:5n-3 was signifi-
levels of TAG, cholesteryl ester, and PL of guinea pig liver were cantly lower in the vegans than in the meat eaters (p < 0.05).
780 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 59, No. 3, 2011 Li

Figure 2. Relationship between thrombosis and metabolites of 20:4n-3 and 20:5n-5.

Proportions of 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, and 22:6n-6 in plasma were platelet aggregability, suggests what should be an increased
not significantly associated with the duration of time since thrombosis tendency in vegans, and in the case of the platelet
the subjects became vegetarian or vegan, which ranged from <1 aggregation is associated with low dietary intake of n-3 PUFA.
to >20 years (37). Most acute clinical cases of cardiovascular disease are caused
A recent observational study from Austria involved 98 adult by the formation of a thrombus, with platelet aggregation being
subjects, of which 23 were omnivores, 25 vegetarians, 37 vegans, the initial step in these events (42). Increased platelet aggregability
and 13 semiomnivores. Erythrocyte proportions of 20:5n-3, is significantly associated with CHD mortality (43). Fisher et al.
C22:5n-3, C22:6n-3, and total n-3 fatty acids in sphingo- and (44) reported that there was no significant difference between the
phospholipids (SPL), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidyl- vegetarians and the omnivores on ex vivo collagen-, arachidonic
serine (PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was significantly acids (AA)-, ADP-, and epinephrine-stimulated platelet aggrega-
lower in vegan and vegetarian groups compared with omnivores tion. However, Fisher et al. (44) used different methodology from
and semiomnivores (38). that used by Li et al. (35); they used the traditional optical method
Is there any association between decreased n-3 PUFA status for platelet aggregation test (using plasma), and they also adjusted
and clinical complication in vegetarians? the platelet count. It has been reported that dilution of platelet-
rich plasma can cause changes in platelet responsiveness (43).
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN n-3 PUFA STATUS AND PLATE- In an intervention study, ADP, epinephrin, collagen and ara-
LET FUNCTION IN VEGETARIANS chidonic acid induced platelet aggregation in both maximum
Collagen- and adenosine-50 -diphosphate (ADP)-stimulated ex percentage or slope were significantly reduced after 10 vegetarians
vivo whole blood platelet aggregation were significantly higher in were supplemented with 700 mg/day of each 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3
both vegetarian and vegan groups than in both high- and for 8 weeks. Both 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 were significantly incor-
moderate-meat-eater groups. The vegan group had a significantly porated into plasma lipids (45).
higher mean platelet volume (MPV) than the high- and moderate- Platelet aggregation is initiated by thromboxane A2 (TXA2), a
meat-eater and ovo-lactovegetarian groups (35). Increased MPV potent platelet aggregation agent and vascular contractor, pro-
in vegans suggests the presence of larger, activated platelets. duced from 20:4n-6 in the platelet membrane (46, 47). 20:5n-3 is
Evidence from case control studies has indicated that an increased released from phospholipids of the platelet membrane and acts as a
MPV is an independent risk factor for acute myocardial infarction “false” substrate to compete with 20:4n-6 for access to cyclooxy-
(MI) (39) and for acute and/or nonacute cerebral ischemia (40). genase and produces an alternative form of thromboxane (TXA3),
Large platelets, in such cases, have been shown to have increased which is relatively inactive in promoting platelet aggregation and
reactivity. When platelets become activated, they change from vasoconstriction (48). This situation can lead to a reduced TXA2
their normal resting disk-like structure to assume a spherical production and thus a lower thrombosis tendency (49, 50). A
shape and their volume increases substantially, leading to the vegetarian diet with a high n-6 to n-3 PUFA ratio can cause a high
potential for thrombus formation. In a multiple linear regression tissue n-6 to n-3 PUFA ratio, that is, and increased 20:4n-6 to
analysis, after controlling for potential confounding factors such 20:5n-3 ratio, which may promote production of TXA2, leading to
as dietary group, age, exercise, body mass index, and dietary PUFA increased platelet aggregability (35) (Figures 2 and 3).
and saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate, and fiber intake, the
MPV was still strongly negatively correlated with platelet PL 20: PLASMA HOMOCYSTEINE CONCENTRATIONS IN VEGE-
3n-6 (p = 0.003) and 22:5n-3 (p =0.001). The data suggest that TARIANS
22:5n-3 and 20:3n-6 may play a role in the structural function of the It has been suggested that an increased plasma homocysteine
platelet membrane (41). This, in conjunction with the increased (Hcy) level is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular

Figure 3. Biosynthetic pathways of 20:4n-6- and 20:5n-3-derived eicosanoids. The binding of a stimulant (e.g., a glucocorticosteroid) to a membrane receptor results in the activation of phospholipase A2, which cleaves
20:4n-6 and 20:5n-3 from membrane phosphatidylcholine. After they are released from membrane phospholipids, free 20:4n-6 and 20:5n-3 can be metabolized by various enzyme systems to form a range of biologically
active eicosanoids. The eicosanoids from 20:5n-3 are generally less potent than the 20:4n-6-derived metabolites that compete with 20:5n-3 for the enzymes. The nature of the products formed depends on the tissue.
Abbreviations: PG, prostaglandin; TXA, thromboxane; LT, leukotrienes; LX, lipoxin; HPETE, hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid; HPEPE, hydroperoxyeicosapentaenoic acid; HEPE, hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid.
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782 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 59, No. 3, 2011 Li

Figure 4. Speculated effect of n-3 PUFA on homocysteine metabolic pathway. Abbreviations: ATP, adenosine triphosphate; 5,10-CH3-THF, 5,10-methyl-
enetetrahydrofolate; 5-CH3-THF, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; BHMT, betainehomocysteine methyltransferase; CBS, cystathionine β-synthase; CSE, cystathio-
nine γ-lyase; MAT, methionine adenosyl transferase; MS, methionine synthetase; MTHFR, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate reductase; SAHH, S-adenosylhomo-
cysteine hydrolases; SH, serine hydroxymethyl transferase; DR, dihydrofolate reductase; SAM, S-adenosylmethione; SAH, S-adenosylhomocysteine; THF,
tetrahydrofolate; DHF, dihydrofolate; dTMP, 20 -deoxythymidine-50 -monophosphate; dUMP, 20 -deoxyuridine-50 -monophosphate; Pi, orthophosphate; PPi,

diseases (51-53). Hcy is an intermediate metabolite in the with adrenic acid (22:4n-6) (r = 0.188, p = 0.018) and negative
metabolism of methionine to cysteine. The normal metabolism correlation with 22:6n-3 (r=-0.277, p=0.001) and the ratio of n-3/
of Hcy involves two pathways: remethylation and transsulfura- n-6 (r = -0. 231, p = 0.003) in sex-, age- and BMI-controlled
tion. Remethylation of Hcy to methionine requires vitamin B12 partial correlation analysis (58). Erythrocyte 22:6n-3 levels were
(methylcobalamin form) as a coenzyme for Hcy methyltransfer- significantly negatively correlated with plasma Hcy levels in 49 pre-
ase (methionine synthetase) and N5-methyltetrahydrofolate as eclamptic subjects (59) (p < 0.01).
a methyl donor. The transsulfuration pathway of Hcy to cysteine Plasma Hcy was significantly decreased in 150 patients with
requires vitamin B6 as a coenzyme for both cystathionine acute myocardial infarction after 1 year of n-3 PUFA treatment
β-synthase (converts Hcy to cystathionine) and cystathionine (containing 850-882 mg of 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3) (p < 0.05) (60),
lyase (converts cystathionine to cysteine). A lack of dietary in 81 type 2 diabetic patients after n-3 PUFA supplements (3 g/
vitamin B12 and/or folic acid or vitamin B6 results in elevation day) for 2 months (61), and in 24 diabetic dyslipidemia patients
of plasma Hcy (54) (Figure 4). after 3 months of n-3 PUFA supplementation (3.6 g/day, contain-
Vegans and ovo-lactovegetarians had significantly higher ing 57.4% of 20:5n-3 and 28.7% of 22:6n-3) with a statin-fibrate
mean plasma Hcy levels than omnivores, and plasma Hcy con- combination (p < 0.01) (62). This may be another beneficial
centration was significantly negatively correlated with serum/ effect of n-3 PUFA.
plasma vitamin B12 concentration (25, 28, 55, 56). Plasma Hcy The mechanism of the n-3 PUFA decrease of plasma Hcy has
concentration was significantly negatively correlated with plasma been explained by the effect of n-3 PUFA on enzyme activity and
phospholipid concentration of PUFA 20:5n-3 (r = -0.226, p = gene expression involved in Hcy metabolism. Methionine adenosyl-
0.009), 22:5n-3 (r = -0.182, p = 0.036), 22:6n-3 (r = -0.286, transferase (MAT) activity was significantly increased and
p=0.001), and total n-3 (r=-0.270, p=0.002) and the ratio n-3/ cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE) activity was also increased, but
n-6 PUFA (r = -0.265, p = 0.002) and significantly positively statistically insignificant, and mRNA expression of MAT and CSE
correlated with 20:4n-6 (r = 0.180, p = 0.037). In the partial were significantly up-regulated when Sprague-Dawley rats were
correlation analysis, after controlling for serum vitamin B12 and fed tuna oil (containing 55% of 22:6n-3) for 8 weeks compared
folate concentrations, plasma Hcy was significantly negatively with olive oil (63). The resultant increase in S-adenosylmeth-
correlated with plasma phospholipid concentration of 22:6n-3 ionine (SAM) synthesis by MAT would have also stimulated
(r=-0.205, p=0.019) and total n-3 (r=-0.182, p=0.038) and the S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) production, with the consequential
ratio n-3/n-6 PUFA (r=-0.174, p=0.048) (57). We have also increased methyl transfer to various products. SAM serves primarily
found a similar result in middle-aged and geriatric hyperlipidemia as a universal methyl donor to a variety of acceptors (64). SAM,
patients (50 males, 31 females) and 65 healthy subjects (43 males, as a cosubstrate, can react with a large variety of nucleophilic
22 females). Plasma Hcy demonstrated significant positive correlation acceptors by various methyltransferases. Proteins, nucleic acids,
Review J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 59, No. 3, 2011 783
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