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Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624

Live donor liver transplantation

Elizabeth A. Pomfret*, James J. Pomposelli, Roger L. Jenkins
Department of Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Lahey Clinic Medical Center, 41 Mall Road, Burlington, MA 01805, USA

1. Historical perspectives patients required retransplantation and more than a quarter

had biliary complications [8]. More recently, in situ SLT has
Live donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is an outgrowth provided patient and graft survival similar to that seen in
of a series of surgical innovations in segmental liver trans- whole liver cadaveric transplantation [9±11].
plantation driven initially by the need for pediatric cadave-
ric livers. The unique segmental anatomy of the liver allows
it to be separated into independent anatomic units able to 2. LDLT: pediatric experience
retain normal function. Reduced-sized liver transplantation
(RLT) was ®rst reported in 1984 by Bismuth, and involves The introduction of LDLT was a natural extension of
ex vivo resection of an adult cadaveric liver in order to RLT and SLT, however, it provoked serious ethical debate.
create an appropriate sized liver graft for an infant or In 1988, Raia in Brazil reported the ®rst LDLT, establishing
small child [1]. Introduced as a surgical solution for decreas- the technical feasibility of this procedure, yet both pediatric
ing the pediatric liver transplant waiting list mortality, RLT recipients died of complications [12]. Strong and colleagues
uses organs from donors much larger than the recipient, but subsequently reported the ®rst successful pediatric LDLT
does not increase the total number of livers available for using a left lobe graft from the child's mother [13]. Broelsch
transplantation. This is because the reduced-sized portion et al. reported the ®rst successful series of LDLT with an
is not used and discarded. overall graft survival of 75% and patient survival of 85%
Initially, RLT was criticized because it disadvantaged [14]. Furthermore, this group was the ®rst to report a
adult patients awaiting liver transplantation and was thought prospective ethical analysis of this radical surgical innova-
to be associated with inferior results. The allegations regard- tion prior to performing their ®rst LDLT [15]. Since then, it
ing inferior graft and patient survival were proven wrong is estimated that nearly 1500 LDLT have been performed in
[2±4], and several proponents of this technique actually children worldwide with results equivalent, and in some
reported a lower incidence of vascular complications since cases, superior, to those reported with conventional pedia-
the caliber of the hepatic artery was larger than that seen in a tric cadaveric liver transplantation [16,17]. The combina-
pediatric donor [5]. Since this technique resulted in discard- tion of SLT and LDLT has signi®cantly reduced the
ing the remaining portion of liver, it clearly had a negative pediatric waiting list mortality [16,17].
impact on the adult population awaiting liver transplanta- Some centers have proposed the implementation of
tion, and for that reason, is rarely used today. routine in situ or ex situ splitting of all suitable cadaveric
In 1988, Pichlmayr in Germany and Bismuth in France livers as a means to eliminate the need for living donation in
simultaneously performed split liver transplantation (SLT), the pediatric population [10]. Recently a modi®cation of the
an ex vivo splitting of a cadaveric liver allowing transplan- in situ split liver technique has resulted in the successful
tation to a pediatric recipient and one adult [6,7]. Unlike transplantation of two adults [18]. Both adult recipients
RLT, SLT resulted in an increased number of organs in the were operated on simultaneously while the donor procure-
donor pool with each cadaveric liver giving rise to two ment was underway in an adjacent operating room, resulting
functioning allografts. The initial results of SLT reported in cold ischemic times of less than 2 h for both recipients.
by Broelsch et al. [8] had a high rate of graft failure with The requirement for three experienced teams of anesthesiol-
a survival rate of only 67% in children and 20% in adults ogists and surgeons, increased duration of donor procure-
receiving a split liver transplants. In addition, 35% of ment and appropriate sized recipients limits the widespread
application of this technique; however, it does offer an alter-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-781-744-2500; fax: 11-781-744-5743. native to live donation and expansion of the adult donor
E-mail address: (E.A. Pomfret). pool.
0168-8278/01/$20.00 q 2001 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0168-827 8(01)00031-9
614 E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624

3. Rationale for live donor adult liver transplantation limited by the inability to accurately determine the minimal
(LDALT) amount of liver tissue that can safely be removed from a
healthy donor, while providing an adequate amount of liver
Currently, there are more than 17 000 patients awaiting for the recipient. Multiple calculations have been derived in
liver transplantation in the United States. It is argued that an attempt to estimate adequate graft size, yet an exact
this number is arti®cially low since all patients who might formulation resulting in minimal donor morbidity and
bene®t from a liver transplant, if organ availability were excellent recipient survival has not been elucidated [34].
unlimited, are not necessarily listed for transplantation. Although successful hepatic resection in excess of 70% of
The reasons for not being listed include other comorbidities, the total liver volume is well described in non-cirrhotic
belief by the medical team that the patient would not survive patients, a partial liver allograft may not provide suf®cient
the transplant, persistent alcohol use, social and psycholo- volume [35]. Warm ischemia, preservation and reperfusion
gical circumstances negatively impacting the patient's injury, and the possibility of acute cellular rejection can all
candidacy as a potential liver transplant recipient. signi®cantly reduce the viability of a partial liver graft.
In 1998, 4540 liver transplants were performed in the Several liver transplant centers have examined the impact
United States, with 72 of these being live donor liver trans- of graft size on overall graft and patient survival [36±38].
plants (51 pediatric LDLT and 21 adult LDLT) [19]. Over the Graft size is generally reported as either graft to recipient
past decade, the number of people awaiting liver transplant body weight ratio (GRWR) [36], or as a percentage of the
has increased more than 15-fold, while the number of cada- calculated standard liver volume (SLV) [39,40]. A linear
veric donors has increased only three-fold [19]. Conse- correlation exists between the two, and both are considered
quently, the waiting list mortality has increased by 628% an acceptable means of expressing the estimated graft
during this time period [19]. Since many patients are removed volume [36]. Kyoto reported the largest single series of
from the waiting list prior to the patient's imminent death, this 276 patients undergoing elective LDLT and demonstrated
number is also an underestimate of the true number of patients that small-for-size grafts (de®ned as either ,1% GRWR or
who die while waiting for a suitable organ. ,40% of recipient SLV) have signi®cantly lower graft
The organ shortage problem is further exacerbated by the survival than those grafts .1%. Furthermore, early
reality that over four million people are currently infected synthetic and metabolic graft dysfunction and prolonged
with hepatitis C in the United States alone. It is estimated cholestasis commonly seen in small-for-size grafts make
that 20% of these people will progress to cirrhosis and 15% these patients prone to complications, such as sepsis and
(n ˆ 600 000) will require liver transplantation [20]. Even if hemorrhage [36,37].
only half of these people were acceptable candidates for Recent reports suggest that graft function is in¯uenced
liver transplantation, it would take more than 67 years to not only by graft size, but also by recipient pretransplant
transplant this group of patients alone, with the current disease severity. Recipients with normal liver function and a
number of available cadaveric donors. hepatocellular carcinoma as the indication for liver trans-
The expansion of LDLT to the adult population began in plantation tolerated GRWR as low as 0.6%, while recipients
countries where the availability of cadaveric donors was with end stage cirrhosis and portal hypertension required a
scarce, and in some cases, totally unavailable [21±23]. minimum GRWR of 0.80% to ensure 70% graft survival.
The law for cadaveric organ retrieval was instituted in Liver grafts as small as 0.47% GRWR have been used
1998 in Japan, however, the lack of societal acceptance of successfully in the setting of inborn errors of metabolism
organ retrieval from brain dead donors results in live dona- not associated with cirrhosis; however, these anecdotal
tion being the main source of grafts for patients awaiting cases should not be used as the safety standard for adequate
transplantation in Japan and much of Asia [24]. liver graft volume [24].
The obvious advantage of LDALT is the ability to elec- Surgeons at the Shinshu University in Japan initiated the
tively transplant patients when medically indicated and ®rst successful LDALT procedure in 1993, using a left lobe
avoid the serious decompensation or death that occurs graft for a patient suffering from primary biliary cirrhosis
while patients are waiting for cadaveric transplantation. In [41,42]. In a subsequent report of 13 adults receiving left
addition, the occurrence of primary graft non-function is lobe grafts, including ®ve patients with a graft weight of
rare since donor quality and cold ischemic times are more ,40% SLV, the same investigators demonstrated an overall
favorable with LDLT [8,23,25±27]. The undisputed disad- 85% graft survival rate [23]. It is important to note that the
vantage is the risk of serious complications or death in the majority of the patients included in this study suffered from
otherwise healthy donor undergoing a partial liver resection familial amyloid polyneuropathy or other metabolic liver
and general anesthesia [28±33]. disease where the recipient had normal liver function.
Excessive portal ¯ow secondary to portal hypertension is
thought to result in a signi®cant degree of diffuse sinusoidal
4. Live donor adult liver transplantation: graft size injury responsible for the primary graft dysfunction seen in
small-for-size liver grafts [22,43]. In addition, small-for-
The application of LDLT to the adult population has been size grafts have been associated with signi®cantly more
E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624 615

early graft dysfunction, characterized by prolonged choles- Concerns related to donor safety have limited the use of
tasis, signi®cant ascites and histological features of ische- extended right lobe liver grafts; however, many centers have
mia. Disappointing results uniformly experienced with now demonstrated excellent results using right lobe grafts
LDALT using left lobe liver grafts for adult recipients for LDALT [44,48,50]. Until recently, LDALT has been
with portal hypertension, coagulopathy, hyperbilirubinemia con®ned to countries in which cadaveric donation is either
and other organ dysfunction prompted the expansion of limited or prohibited [25,38,51,52]. As the donor organ
using extended left lobe grafts that include the caudate shortage has become increasingly more severe throughout
lobe, right lobe grafts, and even, extended right lobe grafts Europe and the United States, more centers have embarked
[22,27,37,38,44±48]. on LDALT using right lobes (Fig. 1). At the May 2000
The University of Hong Kong Medical Center introduced meeting of the American Society of Transplantation, it
the utilization of extended right lobe liver grafts in LDALT was reported that more than 30 centers in the United States
in 1996 in an attempt to overcome inadequate graft volume have performed 275 LDALT procedures and 15 centers in
and positional problems encountered with the smaller left Europe have performed nearly 100 LDALT (Dr Christoph
lobe grafts [22]. Although graft and recipient outcomes of Broelsch, Essen, Germany, personal communication).
86% were signi®cantly better than those seen with left lobe
grafts, the number of complications reported in the donors,
5. Donor and recipient selection
including infection, prolonged cholestasis, bile leak and late
biliary stricture was considered unacceptable. After making
Donor safety must be the primary focus of all discussions
several technical modi®cations, they have recently
concerning LDLT and primum non nocere (`®rst do no
published a series of 22 patients undergoing LDALT
harm') must be the dictum followed by the donor selection
using an extended right hepatic graft with excellent results
committee at all times. Although donor safety does not
and low donor morbidity [49]. The authors advise leaving
appear to be directly related to the extent of the liver resec-
the donor with a residual liver volume of at least 30% of the
tion performed, most transplant physicians would agree that
total liver volume and using grafts that contain minimal
the selection criteria for right lobe donors should be more
fatty change (,15% fat).
stringent with respect to donor age, liver function and stea-
tosis [24]. There are selection criteria that apply to both the
donor and recipient that should be addressed separately
[53]. It is the combination of the favorable and unfavorable
characteristics of both that determines whether or not the
`pair' is suitable for consideration for LDALT.
Prior to a donor beginning evaluation as a live liver
donor, the transplant team must decide whether the recipient
is a candidate to undergo this procedure. All recipients being
considered for LDALT should meet the minimal listing
criteria for cadaveric liver transplantation. LDALT has
been successfully performed in both elective and urgent
cases, however, the disappointing results observed in
those patients with chronic cirrhotic liver disease and
acute decompensation (UNOS Status 2A) has prompted
debate as to whether LDALT should be offered to this subset
of patients [54±56]. In addition, those potential recipients
with multiple comorbid medical conditions or extensive
previous upper abdominal surgery may not be suitable
The donor evaluation team should be a completely sepa-
rate entity from the physicians involved in the care of the
recipient. The donor team acts as an independent advocate
for the potential donor in order to ensure that his or her best
interests are served in the process of determining donor
suitability from a medical, surgical and psychological stand-
point. The donor evaluation protocol utilized by our group is
outlined in Fig. 2A±C.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of donor right hepatectomy and graft 5.1. Phase I (Fig. 2A)
implantation. Simultaneous procedures utilizing two operative teams
minimizes graft ischemic time and improves outcome. Voluntary, unsolicited contact by the donor to the trans-
616 E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624

Fig. 2. (A±C) Donor evaluation occurs in three phases. (A) Phase I: donors undergo preliminary screening with blood typing and liver function tests.
(B) Phase II: includes volumetric CT scan and complete medical and psychosocial evaluation. (C) Phase III: acceptable donors undergo celiac
arteriogram and the recipient is reassessed to ensure that they are medically suitable for transplant.
E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624 617

Fig. 3. (A±D) Volumetric CT scan with three-dimensional renderings provides excellent preoperative images to plan resection planes and to anticipate
vascular anomalies. (A) Shows right lobe liver volume calculated after virtual resection plane. Right and inferior right hepatic veins in orange and
middle and left hepatic veins in pink. Some variations in donor hepatic vein (B) and portal vein (C) anatomy are shown. (D) Arterial anatomy is
con®rmed with celiac angiography.

plant team initiates the evaluation process. A brief telephone lar anatomy prior to the medical evaluation of the donor
interview conducted by a transplant coordinator obtains (Fig. 3A±D). The potential recipient also undergoes CT
donor demographic data and documents the relationship of imaging to evaluate the liver for the presence of tumor
the donor and recipient. The potential donor is then sent a and portal vein patency. Donors with an estimated right
packet of information including a description of the evalua- lobe liver volume to recipient body weight ratio
tion process, surgical procedure, and a letter to present to (GWBWR) of .0.8% are referred for complete medical
their primary care physician requesting screening liver func- and psychosocial evaluation.
tion tests and blood type veri®cation. All potential donors In circumstances where the initial patient interview
with compatible blood type and normal screening liver func- reveals signi®cant risk factors for human immunode®ciency
tion test results meet with a transplant surgeon to discuss the virus (HIV) or viral hepatitis (i.e. history of drug depen-
details of the surgery, postoperative care, complications and dency, signi®cant body piercing or tattoos), then the CT
reported outcomes associated with the LDALT. scan is postponed until the serological testing has taken
5.2. Phase II (Fig. 2B) The internal medicine physician and psychiatrist evaluat-
ing potential donors are completely independent of the
Since anatomic considerations are often the most transplant team and have no prior knowledge of the reci-
common reason for donor rejection, our policy has been to pient's condition or interests. Laboratory tests including
perform a helical abdominal CT scan with three-dimen- complete blood count, liver and renal biochemistry values,
sional renderings for morphology, liver volume and vascu- thyroid function tests, coagulation pro®le, alpha fetoprotein
618 E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624

and serological studies for hepatitis A, B, C and cytomega- evaluation. Prior to surgery, 1±2 units of autologous blood is
lovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and HIV are collected from each donor. Informed consent is obtained for
performed as part of the medical evaluation. Chest X-ray, both donor and recipient operations approximately 1 week
EKG and Doppler ultrasound of the liver are also obtained. prior to surgery. The entire evaluation process usually takes
Additional studies deemed necessary by the examining a month to complete; however, the process can be signi®-
physician are obtained on a selective basis (i.e. pulmonary cantly accelerated depending on the needs of the donor/
function studies, cardiac stress test, colonoscopy, mammo- recipient pair.
graphy, etc.) depending upon the individual donor.
A multidisciplinary screening committee composed of
representatives from internal medicine, transplant surgery, 6. Intraoperative donor evaluation
anesthesia, blood bank, nursing, social work, psychiatry and
ethics meet weekly to review each potential donor's candi- Despite the extensive preoperative donor evaluation,
dacy. No exception is made in the donor selection protocol further evaluation at the time of living liver donation has
to accommodate the needs or interests of the recipient. been associated with termination of the donor hepatectomy.
Facilitated work-up can be accomplished in a few days in Aborted donor hepatectomy occurred approximately 3% of
urgent situations. The screening committee reviews all data the time as reported at the May 2000 meeting of the Amer-
to determine the suitability of the `donor/recipient pair' as ican Society of Transplantation. Reasons of steatosis, aber-
candidates for LDALT. The decision of the committee is rent vascular anatomy and the presence of unexpected
discussed with the donor ®rst, so that those potential donors conditions that preclude donation resulted in the donor
who may have changed their minds during the evaluation operation being terminated.
period have the opportunity to abort the donation process. Anatomic variations in the biliary tree are seen in up to
Decisions of donors to abort the donation process are kept 40% of all liver donors [59]. Intraoperative cholangiogra-
con®dential and are ascribed to medical or anatomic phy, preoperative magnetic resonance cholangiography
constraints to preserve the relationship between the donor (MRC), CT and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancrea-
and recipient. This type of excuse allows the donor to be tography (ERCP) have all been used to assess the anatomy
`rejected' without being ostracized by the recipient's family of the biliary tract in an attempt to prevent inadvertent
and friends, and avoids creating potential problems for the ligation of signi®cant branches draining the donor remnant
donor in terms of future health or life insurance bene®ts. liver or the graft. Operative cholangiography via cystic
duct cannulation is often performed to evaluate the bile
5.3. Phase III (Fig. 2C) duct anatomy. Division of the right hepatic duct can be
performed safely in the donor without intraoperative
The recipient is re-evaluated by the transplant hepatolo- cholangiography at the level of the hilar plate; however,
gist to insure that the patient has not become `too sick' for the cholangiogram may guide the location of transection to
LDALT while the donor evaluation has progressed. Doppler optimize the chance of having a single bile duct for anasto-
ultrasound is performed to insure recipient portal vein mosis in the recipient.
patency. The ®nal test performed is donor splanchnic arter- Intraoperative ultrasound in conjunction with preopera-
iography to con®rm anatomy and to clearly identify the tive imaging is essential for identifying the course of the
origin of the vessel supplying segment IV. Branches derived middle hepatic vein so that it can be preserved with the
from the right hepatic artery, which cross Cantle's line to donor liver remnant. In the case of extended right donor
supply the left lobe of the liver, are identi®ed 15±30% of the hepatectomy, identi®cation of the course of the middle
time [57,58]. Segment IV receives the principal supply of hepatic vein is critical to guide the extent of resection, as
these branches and aggressive surgical dissection with the middle hepatic vein will be included with the livergraft.
disruption of these vessels is thought to contribute to the Temporary in¯ow occlusion allows the surgeon to deter-
5% incidence of donor bile leaks that has been observed in mine the line of demarcation for a right lobe resection, but
LDALT [57]. Hepatic and portal vein anatomy is carefully is unable to map the direction of the middle hepatic vein or
evaluated using three-dimensional CT imaging. With re®ne- the large crossing branches draining the anterior segments
ment of the images obtained with CT angiography, it is of the right lobe. Intraoperative ultrasound allows identi®-
likely that celiac arteriography will be unnecessary in cation of these structures so that the course of the parench-
most potential donors. Several groups routinely use vascular ymal transection might be altered to preserve important
MRI to assess the hepatic arterial anatomy. Preoperative vascular landmarks and minimize blood loss. The identi®-
liver biopsy is performed in donors exhibiting mildly cation of signi®cant (.0.5 cm) accessory inferior hepatic
elevated liver enzyme levels, evidence of fatty liver by heli- veins identi®ed by CT scan is con®rmed with intraopera-
cal CT and those persons with positive hepatitis B serolo- tive ultrasound. Accessory right inferior hepatic veins
gical studies (surface and/or core hepatitis B antibody measuring .5 mm in diameter should be preserved during
positive and surface antigen negative). People with positive the right lobe procurement for later anastomosis to the
hepatitis C serological results are not considered for donor recipient inferior vena cava (Fig. 4A,B).
E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624 619

of our program to perform selective liver biopsies in those

potential donors exhibiting mildly elevated liver enzyme
levels, evidence of fatty liver by helical CT and persons
with positive hepatitis B serological studies (surface and/
or core hepatitis B antibody positive and surface antigen
negative). We do not consider any potential donor with
positive hepatitis C serological results.
A recent review of the US experience with LDALT
presented at the May 2000 meeting of the American
Society of Transplant Surgeons reported a 4% biliary
complication rate in the donors requiring either surgical
intervention (2/12), ERCP (3/12) or percutaneous catheter
drainage of a postoperative biloma. Reexploration was
required in two additional patients for portal vein throm-
bosis and small bowel obstruction, respectively. Seven
donors (3%) had the donor hepatectomy aborted for unsus-
pected granulomatous disease (one), steatosis (two), prohi-
bitive anatomy (two), cardiac dysfunction (one) and
intraoperative hemorrhage (one). Additional complications
reported in the donor population include: neuropraxia,
phlebitis, pressure sores, pleural effusion, pneumonia,
pulmonary embolus, deep venous thrombosis, prolonged
ileus and incisional hernia.
A total of four deaths have been known to occur world-
wide in approximately 2000 live liver donors to date. The
®rst donor death, a fatal pulmonary embolus, occurred in an
adult-to-child LDLT and was reported in the literature in
detail [64]. The second death, anaphylaxis secondary to a
medication, was also in a left lateral segment donor. Two
deaths have occurred in right lobe donors to adult recipients.
Fig. 4. (A,B) CT rendering and intraoperative picture of right and
These were discussed publicly by a member of each trans-
inferior right hepatic vein branches. Inferior right hepatic vein plant team and were reported to be multifactorial in nature
branches requiring reimplantation ( . 5 mm) are observed in the with sepsis playing a prominent role (`Controversies in
majority of donors. Transplantation' Conference: Breckenridge, Colorado;
March 2000 and the XVIII International Congress of the
Transplantation Society: Rome, Italy; August 2000).
7. Complications and technical considerations Although these four deaths have been accidental or related
to technical failure, they underscore the reality that living
7.1. Donor morbidity and mortality donation is associated with a small, but real possibility of
mortality in the healthy donor.
Although the morbidity for right lobe liver donation is A recent review of 747 hepatectomies demonstrated a 1%
generally considered to be low [48,60], many believe that mortality rate associated with patients undergoing elective
the `true' complication rate is underestimated [61]. A donor major liver resection with normal livers (n ˆ 478) [65]. For
right hepatic lobectomy induces transient, but signi®cant this reason, our program limits the range of donor selection
hyperbilirubinemia, even when blood loss and the operative to those individuals who share either a genetic or `signi®-
time are kept to a minimum, and there is no vascular occlu- cant emotional' relationship with the recipient. Other
sion employed during the parenchymal transection [62]. An programs have accepted `Good Samaritan' donors without
accurate estimate of preoperative right and left lobe liver any untoward events in the donor, yet most centers agree
volume with correction for the degree of steatosis is critical that the issue of the `Good Samaritan' liver donation should
to the safety of the donor [49]. Prolonged cholestasis and be approached with caution and that the ethics of this type of
infection are more prevalent in donors left with less than donation require further examination. Education of the
30% of their original liver volume, and those donors known donor's family members regarding the potential risk of
to have more than 15% fatty change in the liver [49,50]. living donation should occur early on in the donor evalua-
Routine preoperative percutaneous liver biopsy to establish tion period. The donor should be encouraged to have family
microvesicular and macrovesicular fat content has been members or signi®cant others involved in the evaluation and
suggested by some authors [63,80]. It has been the practice consent process.
620 E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624

8. Recipient complications and technical considerations inferior hepatic vein (present in 40±60% of livers) primarily
drain the right lobe of the liver (Fig. 4).
The complication rate for the recipients of right lobe Reconstruction of segmental (segments I, V, and VIII)
grafts is higher than that for recipients of cadaveric whole and accessory hepatic veins in the recipient is an area of
livers, although the survival is comparable [22,66,67]. Bili- controversy [45,71]. Generally, those accessory right infer-
ary complications are more prevalent in LDALT, and range ior hepatic veins measuring .5 mm in diameter are
between 15 and 30% [50]. Multiple hepatic ducts and preserved untransected during the right lobe procurement
damage to the delicate peribiliary arterial supply is specu- and anastomosed to the side of the inferior vena cava of
lated to account for the increased incidence of biliary
complications reported in right lobe grafts. Division of the
right hepatic duct at the hilum can result in a right anterior
and right posterior duct, and occasionally, more than two
ducts requiring anastomosis [24,68]. The optimal surgical
management of multiple bile ducts in the adult recipient has
not been established. Enteric biliary drainage using a chole-
dochojejunostomy is universally employed in the pediatric
population and often the only means of managing multiple
small-caliber bile ducts encountered in LDALT. Several
centers have performed duct-to-duct anastomosis in the
adult recipients of right lobe liver grafts; however, the
outcome is limited [24,44].
Adequate graft venous out¯ow is an area of controversy
and debate. Inadequate venous out¯ow and congestion can
result in varying degrees of graft dysfunction, including
rapid progressive liver failure with graft loss [22,69,70].
Particular attention must be paid to the anatomy of the
middle hepatic vein since it typically drains both the medial
segment of the left lobe of the liver (segment IV) and the
anterior segments of the right lobe (segments V and VIII).
The right hepatic vein, and commonly, an accessory right

Fig. 5. An example of a donor rejected for unsafe anatomy. Lack of a

dominant hepatic vein draining the right lobe of the liver would neces-
sitate resecting the middle hepatic vein with the liver graft, leaving the
donor with a small residual volume (essentially the left lateral Fig. 6. CT image (A) and portal vein cast (B) of a donor exhibiting
segment). separate anterior and posterior branches of the right portal vein.
E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624 621

the recipient after completion of the right hepatic vein 10. Impact of LDALT on existing technologies
anastomosis) [24].
Major venous obstruction resulting in a recipient death Living donor liver transplantation is a life saving surgical
was the rationale for the group in Hong Kong to endorse the innovation that has been shown to be relatively safe and
use of extended right hepatic grafts with reconstruction of ef®cacious. Until recently, LDALT has been con®ned to
both the right and middle hepatic veins. Although some countries in which cadaveric donation is either limited or
advocate reconstruction of the draining segmental (V and prohibited. As the organ shortage has become increasingly
VIII) venous branches to prevent congestion of the anterior more severe throughout Europe and the United States, more
segments of the right hepatic graft, we have routinely centers have embarked on LDALT using right lobe grafts.
ligated and transected these branches without consequence. While it is too soon to predict the ultimate impact of
The absence of a dominant right hepatic vein is considered a LDALT, proponents suggest that up to 40% of all liver
contraindication to right lobe donation (Fig. 5) [72]. recipients (adults and children) may eventually be served
Innovative techniques for portal vein reconstruction have by this procedure [80]. This is a ®gure comparable with that
been successful in dealing with the size mismatch seen with living donor kidney transplantation [81].
commonly encountered between adult live donors to pedia- Although LDALT is not expected to supplant any of the
tric recipients [25,73,74]. The presence of separate anterior other liver transplant modalities, it has helped to essentially
and posterior branches of the right portal vein in the donor eliminate the pediatric liver transplant waiting list.
graft pose a challenging problem that is perhaps best All of the advantages of living donor liver transplantation
avoided if there is a possibility of another potential donor have to be tempered by the risk of injury or death to a
(Fig. 6). Techniques of using interposition grafts for either healthy donor. The only bene®t to the donor is the psycho-
portal vein or hepatic artery reconstruction are associated logical bene®t of helping to save a loved one. Living donors
with a signi®cant increase in vascular complications. Micro- have expressed extreme satisfaction when allowed to parti-
vascular surgery for the reconstruction of the hepatic artery cipate in saving a life and take comfort in knowing that they
has been credited with signi®cantly reducing the incidence have done everything to help a friend or family member.
of hepatic artery thrombosis in living donor liver transplan- This has been true, even when the outcome of the transplant
tation [75,76]. has been unsuccessful [82].
Given the potential risk of harm to the donor, such proce-
dures should be limited to centers with demonstrated excel-
9. Liver regeneration lence in complicated hepatobiliary surgery and established
liver transplant programs [83]. Our team had performed over
Rapid liver regeneration begins immediately after living 1000 liver resection procedures and over 600 cadaveric trans-
liver donation and transplantation in both the donor and plants prior to initiating an LDALT program. Critical analy-
recipient [77,78]. Three phases of liver regeneration after sis of the surgical outcome would suggest that the reported
massive hepatic resection describe an early phase of rapid morbidity rates are characteristically underestimated [84]. A
regeneration occurring in the ®rst 2 weeks postoperatively stepwise protocol for assessing donor candidacy, along with
which is associated with vascular engorgement. The second appropriate institutional support, including ethical review
phase takes place 1±2 months postoperatively, and is char- boards, dedicated anesthesiology, radiology, internal medi-
acterized by a decrease in liver volume that is thought to be cine, psychiatry, nursing and social work departments all aid
associated with the normalization of the vascular engorge- in minimizing donor risk and maximizing safety.
ment and resolution of tissue edema. In the ®nal phase, there Tempered enthusiasm must be maintained in the setting
is a slow increase in volume until the liver volume reaches a where many centers are considering initiating LDALT
constant level. Liver regeneration has been reported to halt programs due to the apparent high success and low donor
after the liver achieves 75±95% of its original liver volume. morbidity rates suggested by others. Since the process of
The liver regeneration observed in both our donors and LDALT is still in evolution, it is prudent to establish standard
recipients is consistent with these ®ndings. A recent guidelines for donor±recipient pairing, donor evaluation and
prospective analysis of liver regeneration in donors and surgical technique before applying this technology widely.
recipients after right lobe LDALT reports a 100% increase Three ethical principals of therapeutic innovation were
in volume within 7 days of surgery for both donor and eloquently outlined by Dr Francis D. Moore in 1988 when
recipient [79]. Preservation of the artery and portal vein the initial debates regarding LDLT were ®rst being
branches supplying segment IV is thought to be the critical addressed [85]. The ®rst principle establishes the scienti®c
factor responsible for the dramatic regeneration observed. In background on which the procedure is based. Secondly, the
addition, it has been the practice of our group and others to skill, experience or `®eld-strength` of the team doing the
begin total parenteral nutrition in the immediate postopera- procedure should be evident. Finally, the ethical climate
tive period for all of the donors in order to meet protein and of the institution must adequately support the endeavor.
caloric requirements and to correct metabolic and acid±base The scienti®c background and ethical case for LDALT
disturbances [49]. have been established [15,49]. Results rivaling or exceeding
622 E.A. Pomfret et al. / Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001) 613±624

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