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Name:__________________________ Date:____________ Class: ________

Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs.

work out get up put on take off
clear up wake up tuck into
check in break down set off hang on
splash out calm down put back finish off

1. Please ______________________(to stop being angry), you must

investigate the truth of the matter before throwing temper at others.
2. My father’s car ________________________(suddenly cease to
function) at the roadside when we were heading to school.
3. I ________________________(stopped sleeping ) early to do my
revision this morning.
4. I will _________________________(leave the house) early to reach the
destination so that I will not be late.
5. Please ___________________________(remove) your shoes before
coming in.
6. Andrew ___________________________(does physical exercises) every
day to keep his muscles strong.
7. When we reached the airport, we went to
_________________________(arrive and register) at the counter
before boarding the plane.
8. Please ___________ the book _______________(place at the previous
position) on the shelves after you have used it.
9. Yee Xiang ________________________ (wears) a sweater as the
weather is cold.
10. __________________________(Wait), let me finish my words.
11. The famished boys have _____________ the food
____________________ (completely), there isn’t any food left on the
12.Marcus ________________________ (eat food heartily) the bacon and
eggs for his breakfast.
13.Edmond helps to _______________________(tidy up) the rubbish on
the beach after the wedding dinner.
14.Yi Hung ________________________(spent) a lot of money on a new
mobile phone.
15. Carlson ______________________ (stops sleeping and gets out of bed)
at 10.00am every day during the school holidays.
-Prepared by Mr Soh, 2019-

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