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Discuss human relationship with animals

1. In what ways can pets help their owners?

- I think would be very useful to people when they keep pet. for Example: the dogs were
trained to guard human settlements, while cats were enlisted to protect food stocks from
mouse. On the other hand , pets are also a friend of human, many suggested that playing
with pets in about 1 hour each day will help you look younger than 5 years old.

2. Do you think there exist real friendships between humans and animals like dogs
and cats?

yes... nowaday , people have tendency to treat pets as they were people. These animals
can hear and understand the wish of their owner, they were together and shared
everything like food or bed, these animals help reduce stress by the their lovely. Even
those who see them as an important member of the family.

3. Many foreigners detest Vietnamese people's practice of eating dog meat since
dogs are believed to be a loyal animal in western culture. Do you think we should
stop doing this?

- I think we should stop eating dogs meat.the first , Some people they consider dogs as
their pets and close friends because dogs are wise and close to human beings. We should
not eat them.beside, eating dog meat will left a bad impression on tourists and expats.

CARD 3 :

Discuss the art of story-telling or public speaking

1. Do you know any famous story teller or public speaker? Give some details
about them.
- Yes , I know some famous public speakers , In Viet Nam , i know lê thẩm
dương, trần đăng khoa , and brian tracy in canada ,or les brown is american ...
My biggest idol are les brown, According to his motivational speeches, he was
declared "educable mentally retarded" while in grade school. Yet, he learned how
to reach his full potential with the encouragement of his mother
- In 2011, he was attached to the speaker work. His speeches always touched the
hearts of listeners, giving them the message of determination, perseverance and
"doing anything to succeed
2. In your opinion, what are the strategies to follow in order to be a good story
-What are the strategies to follow in order to be a good story teller such as
Practice daily even when the presentation is considered good
Understanding the listener, always listen to their feedback
Choose a presentation topic that fits the trend
3. Fear of public speaking or giving presentation is quite common among
students.Can you give suggestions on how to overcome this fear?

- To overcome the Fear of public speaking or giving presentation

First, write your presentation first.The next, practice speaking many times in front of a
mirror or with friends, then shoot your rehearsal video, and Prepare necessary props or
equipment. I believe it will help you to be very confident


Discuss the use of technology among students

1.Technology is known to be of great help to students when it comes to studying.

Can you take examples of how you use technology to better your learning?

- I use the internet to exchange exercises through groups chat on facebook, and using the
internet helps me find information when I can't answer it, I can also forge train on online
websites and use microshop applications like powerpoint, violet app to help the
presentation achieved score high

2. However, addiction to technology gadgets is also common among students. What

are the possible consequences of overusing technology?

- Technology is a double-edged sword, if used incorrectly, there will be many bad


First, Affects sleep and you eyes.Secondly, Affecting attention ability.And next, Affect
memory ability.Depends on the Internet to remember everything

I have witnessed many students who have dropped out of school or been fired for online
game addiction.

3.In your opinion, what should students do to lessen the amount of time they spend
using technology?
Follow me, to reduce the time to use technology, we should:

- Remind yourself to reduce using smatphone, we will have more time with some family
and friends.

- Turn off your phone when you start sitting at your desk

- Plan just use technology for 2 hours a day


Discuss the importance of art in our lives.

1. What are the functions of art in our life?

- Art that spreads emotions makes people love life more and it make life becomes more
colorful, it has many functions; but mainly cognitive function; evaluate; Creative and
functional Art education supports and promotes the formation and emergence of creative
behavior… There is also a communication and entertainment function ...

2. Among those, what is the most important ?

- In particular, the educational function is more important than the entertainment

function, because it will help people to create many ideas, recognize the humanity, what
is beautiful is good in life, then they will live more benevolent with everything

3. People say that investment on art projects and artists is a waste of time and
resources because it brings nothing to humanities. What do you think?

- I think it's not all wasted, it will be culturally valuable if it stops at a reasonable level.
Have you heard about the construction of a theater with a budget of 1500 billion VN

- I think it's a waste, because we can spend that money on the sponsorship fund, many
people die from hunger, because of sickness every second, sco luxury investment is not


Discuss your personal growth and career ambitions?

1. During your years of growing up, what is the biggest change happening to
- In my adult years, the biggest change for me was changing university and living
away from home. I chose to live in the dorm to pursue my dream.

2. What is your dream career in the future and what have you done to make it come

- 2a. In the future, I would like to become a teacher. Teaching seems like the perfect
match for me because I enjoy working with children and teaching them new skills. Also,
my old teachers have played an important role in my life and I hope to do the same for
my students in the future.

2b . now, I’m trying my best to complete the program in university .I determined to try to
learn well the cultural and technical skills for this job .

I also participated in English language centers to gain more experience and better
communication, I often practiced teaching and video recording to learn from each lesson.

3.Many youngsters only aim to have a stable career and settle down for the rest of
their lives. Do you think this fixed mindset is good or should be changed?

- A fixed mindset is when people believe that their traits are just a given, they don’t
believe their talent or intelligence can change. We can change jobs to experience more
and choose the job that best suits ourselves.I thinks qualities and traits can develop
through new challenge and effort. And they can grow even more


Discuss tourists irresponsible behaviors when visiting a place?

1. In what ways can a tourist do harm to a destination he/she visits?

-in many situations visitor have been accidentally ruin destination.

Example: Tourists litter indiscriminately, which can lose the beauty of the tourist
destination, and worse, animals may eat garbage that they emit and die.

-Tourists speak loudly, affecting the quietness of the place to visit

-Visitors of selfile accidentally ruin the exhibited things

-And they recorded the mark on the statues, that would make those relics ugly

1. What are the causes of these irresponsible behaviors ?

- I think the reason for this irresponsibility is that tourists are not conscious and perhaps
they think that there is no prohibition. Another reason can be that trashcan be too far
away from visitors and they are lazy to go far.

3. In your opinion, what should local council do to stop these behaviors and protect
the status of the tourist attraction?

- In my opinion, the local government should introduce laws to prohibit, and punish other
travelers who make mistakes, should build beautiful camouflage trash, which can both
help the tourist scene become It is better and tourists will consciously leave the garbage
in the right place. As a student, I will volunteer to propagate the protection of the
country's tourist area.


Discuss relationship between children and parents.

A: You look unhappy, what's wrong with you?

B: I'm angry with my parents

C: For what?

A: because of dissent, Do you think generation gap exists in your family?

1. Do you think generation gap exists in your family? Give several examples

-yes…There are many generations gap in my family and I am always compared to my

parents when they are my age such as dress style, way of talking, phone usage,..

-In my family, my father always conceived that girls must dress discreetly, but I think
the concept is discreet and cool it's completely different and my father doesn't agree
with me on this matter.

-And sometimes I get scolded by my mother for using the phone too much, my
mother said: "What do you do all the time you touch your phone?". But I feel the
phone is an indispensable device in modern life today, it is a part of my work.

-Or sometimes I talk to my friend in the language of young people and my parents
hate it.

2. In your opinion, what are the consequences of these differences?

-I think these differences in opinion lead to misunderstandings in the family and
parents will have difficulty in educating their children

3.Can you suggest several ways to resolve and balance these differences?

- In order to there is no conflict, we should think of simply a difference, not a right or


- parents can look and learn from the younger generation instead of imposing or
comparing children. As for young people who live in a hurry, they need to take the
time to understand their parents' thoughts as well as their parents.


Discuss your survival story and survival skills.

1. Have you ever been put in a situation when you were in great danger or even
at risk of losing your life?

- I had a dangerous situation when I came home from work at 11p.m. I'm walking, I
feel someone follow me. I looked back to see a man behind me. He is a bandit. He
blocked the road and told me to give the phone and money. I was so scared and
ran into everyone's house nearby. I asked them to call my mom to pick me up. It
was the most feared situation I have ever experienced

2. What are the lessons you take away from these situations?

- Through that dangerous situation, I do not go home after working a lone. After
finishing work, I often go home with a colleague or my mother picks me up. and
since then I have brought a pepper spray to protect myself

3. Do you think students should be trained survival skills from a young age?
What kind of survival skills are the most fundamental and important to teach

- In my opinion, students should be trained survival skills from a young age.

Students should be taught behaviour skills and Self- defence traning. These skill
helps to protect themselves when there are no parents there and give children
confidence when faced with dangerous situations

Discuss the impacts of technology on employment.

1. It is predicted that several jobs will be taken away by robots. In your opinion,
what are possibly these jobs?
- The trend of replacing people with robots is happening in many countries around
the world, it has caused many jobs to disappear in the past time
- In Vietnam, the jobs will gradually disappear in the near future can be cashiers,
workers in production lines ...

2. What are the things “humans can do, but robots can’t”?
- I think The workers in the fields of research, creativity, health, nursing are difficult
to be replaced by robots.

3. As students, how should you prepare your career when much work is now
taken over by machines? (Ways to stay ahead of machines)
- I think we should constantly learning, constantly progressing, proactively instead
of waiting because the development of machines is following closely behind.


Discuss your idol and idolization among youngsters

1. Do you have any idol or someone you really look up to?

- The person I really admire is Mr. Nick Vujicic. Do you know him?

2 What are the reasons why you admire them?

- Because Nick Vujicic was born without both hands and feet. But he still tried to
overcome fate by the energy to live with a smile always on his lips. He became an
inspiration to people all over the world by giving speeches about his life story.
- Through his stories, I have learned a lot about living energy

3 Many idols in showbiz set a bad example for youngsters through their
improper behaviors in public or illegal actions. Do you think that youngsters
should stop idolizing people working in entertainment industry?
- Idolatization phenomenon leads to acts of losing self to be able to assimilate with
idols. For example, imagine your favorite idol or idol life depends on you. In
addition, the expression of excessive idolatry may be related to illegal acts, so we
should stop idolizing people working in entertainment industry.

CARD 10:

Discuss economic development and the problems it created?

1. Thanks to economic development, we are now living much better lives than
our parents in the past. Can you take examples of this?
- To day, with economic development we have a more comfortable life than in the
past. The development of industries help people have job and a stable economy.
For example, my sister is a worker. If she work hard, only 2 to 3 months she can
buy a motobike. Modern equipment makes life more comfortable and convienient.

2. Together with economic development is the rise of environmental pollution

and resource depletion. What are the causes of these problems?
- The cause is from transportation industrial factories emit harmful gases in the
atmosphere, which cause air pollution. Industrial efluent are also dischanged into
water dobies causing water pollution. They do not trest waste according to
regulations. Moreover some factories exploit illegal resource, which leads to out
of resource.

3. What should human do to tackle these issues?

- I think we can contribute to conserve our planet by turn off unnecessary lights,
using public transport, using less petrol and electricity or saving water, recycling

CARD 12:

Discuss voluntourism and its controversy.

1. What is voluntourism? Can you take examples of different voluntourism

experiences youngsters can try?
4. volunteering is taking responsibility to perform something that is useful for society,
not mandatory and not intended to benefit yourself.
5. Young people can do a lot of volunteer work like helping the poor, cleaning up the
environment, or give blood to save people

2. Is it right that people have to pay fee to be a volunteer in a voluntourism

6. Yes, in order to maintain volunteering, volunteers must have a small fund to pay
for travel, food and expenses.

3. There is a belief that disadvantaged people will not benefit from volunteers
and volunteers should donate their money instead. What do you think?
7. in my opinion, it is a wrong view, disadvantaged people need the help of
volunteers, and volunteers should not take their money after helping them

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