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How would you work with the topic of obesity with your pupils?

You have one ADHT

and a late arriver. Moreover you need to involve the parents and work it with
cooperative learning.

1. Introduction

As we can quote from Jane Goodall: “You cannot get through a single day without having
an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to
decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Our class is a tiny world where the
different teachers and the pupils live together. Thus, as teachers, we should give our best
in every class and educate our students to respect others, react to the different stimuli in
society and try to reach their own happiness, following César Bona’s principles. Moreover,
as English teachers, we should not forget about working the Communicative Competence
every day in addition to the already mentioned values.

2. Laws

This practical case is based on the law. In the first place we are going to mention it at
European level: the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of 2001,
which regulates the levels of English all along Europe.

In the second place we are going to mention the national laws, that is the three organic
laws which are still current: Organic Law of Education (LODE) 8/1985 passed 3 rd July, and
the Organic Law of Education (LOE) 2/2006 passed on 3 rd May modified in LOMCE 8/2013
passed on december the 9th.

In the third place we are going to mention the autonomous community laws of Castilla y
León: Decree 26/2016, 21st June, by which it is established the curriculum and it is
regulated the implantation, evaluation and development of Primary Education in the
community of Castilla y León (BOCyL n.º 142/2017, 25 th July). Moreover at Castilla y León
level we also base this practical case in the Special Needs current Order: Order
EDU/1152/2010, 3rd August by which it is regulated the educative answer to the students
with specific educative need in the second stage of infant education, Primary education,
Compulsory Secondary Education, baccalaurate and Special Education teaching in the
educational institutions of Community of Castilla y León.

3. Contextualisation

The school we are teaching at is a unitary school. A unitary school is a type of educational
center where we can have students from preschooling to the primary education in the
same class. They are usually located in rural areas. In this school in particular there is one
class with 2 students in preeschooling, 3 students in the 1 st year of Primary Education, 2
students in the 4th year of Primary Education and 1 student in the 5 th year of Primary
The village where we are teaching at has got 800 inhabitants and it is located 18
kilometers away of a city around 145.000 inhabitants. In the village we can find several
coffees, a library and next to it a playpen for the children, a fronton and green space areas
all around this village. In the surroundings to the village we can find several factories,
gardens and paths that communicate this village with other ones.

Most of our kid parents work in this surrounding factories. Others work in agriculture,
stockbreeding and in the bars as waiters and weitresses. There is also a great majority
which work in the nearest towns. The majority of the parents get involved with their
children although the subject they least get involved with is English.

Another aspect we need to take into account is that most of the families have access to
internet but others go to the library, which is provided with free wifi for all the village
inhabitants, when ever they need to.

4. Contents, objectives and key competences.

The contents we are going to set for this two initial sessions are the following:

• Basic description of the city, each curse according to each level: for example with
the 2 kids in preeschooling and the 3 kids in the 1 st year of primary Education we
will base on the colours and geometrics, although for these primary students we will
ask them to use more complex grammar structures. In relation to the students of 4 th
and 5th year we will focus on proper descriptions in both oral and written texts.
• Directions: In the preeschooling and 1 st year we will focus on the basics: “to the left,
to the right...” whereas in the rest of our pupils of primary education we will add
more complex vocabulary such as “in front of, opposite to...” making them aware of
the basic uses of prepositions.

The objectives will be the same for all our students:

• Learn basic vocabulary in relation with the town.

• Understand in simple way how do we move around town.
• Give instructions about how to move around a town or a village.
• Know how to use the Present Simple to give directions.

The key competences that will be used in these two sessions are:

• Learning to learn.
• Social and civic competences.
• Linguistic competences.

5. Methodolgy
In relation with the methodology, first of all we need to take into account the number of
hours we need to teach in each curse. Basing on the law of Castilla y León which
regulates the curriculum, in preschooling English is teached 1h per week divided into two
periods of 30 minutes each. Whereas in the Primary Education 2 hours are teached in the
1st grade, 2,5 hours in the 2nd and 3rd grades and finally 3 hours in the 4th, 5th and 6th year.

We are going to teach 3 days per week to this class. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we
teach all the students but on Fridays we just teach to the 4 th and 5th year.

We do not have to forget that these students are all together in the same class. So we will
adapt the contents and the objectives to each period. We are going to divide it as it

• We are going to work on the communicative competence on Tuesdays and

Thursdays the first 30 minutes, when the students are still all together. Therefore we
will mainly practice the skills of listening and speaking with the use of games,
flashcards and audiovisual resources.
• We are going to deal with a wide variety and different kinds of activities which
include the 4 skills but mainly the skills of reading and writing. This will be done
during the 2nd half an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays, where we are just going to
be with the 1st, 4th and 5th years.
• We are going to work mainly with grammar using the 4 skills on Fridays where we
are going to have our students of 4th and 5th year.

When talking about methodology we should always take into account errors. Errors are
essential when learning a new language. The way we correct them will influence our
students in one way or another, some in a positive way but others in a negative way. That
is why we will try to correct the most important ones, except when working grammar
accuracy with our 4th and 5th grade students. Another way of correcting is by
peercorrection, in which students are the ones who correct each other. This is a way not
only to learn from other mistakes but to realize about their own ones and learn from it.

Moroever as it mentioned in the Decree 26/2016, 21 st June, by which it is established the

curriculum and it is regulated the implantation, evaluation and development of Primary
Education in the community of Castilla y León (BOCyL n.º 142/2017, 25 th July), we must
always speak English to our students at any moment. Thus, linking this issue with the last
paragraph we will correct errors in pronunciation by pronouncing them properly or by
hearing native speakers on an Internet video or in the Word Reference dictionary saying it.

Another important aspect in the classroom are routines, in our English class we are going
to stablish basic everyday routines such as saying “Hello! How are you?”, writing the date
and writting how is the weather like at the begining of the class and say “Goodbye!” at the
end of it.
As we have mentioned before all the activities will be adapted to our students levels and
necessities. For that we will take into account scafolding, going step by step and
increasing the level whenever our students feel ready.

As we do not have any textbook help the materials are all going to be our own.

6. Sessions

The first session is going to be teached on a Thursday. As we mentioned before this they
we are teaching all our students together. Thus, in the first half an hour we are going to
work on the Communicative Competence. The first activity is a game where our older
students (4th and 5th grade) read a set of instructions, which they offer a visual dictionary
to help them understand. Then, they will have to lead the jounger students through the
school saying aloud the directions all the time. While our students are reading the
instructions, we will be marching around the class with the jounger students drilling
diretions and making them repeat after us. In the second half an hour our students of 1st
grade will remind the rest of the students which directions they took around the school for
them to write them down. After having finish writing the directions, each of the students of
4th and 5th year read them aloud for one of the pupils of 1st grade for them to draw those
directions down. At the end of the class the drawings and directions will be compared.

In the second session where we just have students of 4th and 5th year we will work on the
Present Simple to give directions. The first activity is a listening about a girl who has
traveled to a city. She’s describing her plans, the means of transportation and how is she
going to the theatre by giving directions. The second activity is a follow-up activity of the
listening in which while listening to the recording again the students need to complete a
chart (words-picture) enumerating the order in which the actions appear. The third activity
is a reading where they have to answer short questions. After that the anwsers are read
aloud, so we can correct mistakes and finish explaining the Present Simple. Finally, the
last one is an speaking activity about a given topic by the pupils.

7. Attention to diversity

We will attend to diversity basing on the ORDER EDU/1152/2010, 3rd August. This order
takes into account 4 types of diversity in the class. And so, we will give individualized
attention in function of the educative necesities of our pupils, no matther whether they are
personal, intelectual, social or emotional.

8. Evaluation

The evaluation will be performed through observation, taking into account both
participation and attitude. As we are developing this two sessions in a unitary school each
evaluation of each student will be different. Thus, we will base on what the BOCyL n117,
20th June of 2014 has set to assess each curse. That is the evaluation criteria and the
learning standars will be different.
9. Conclusion

In this practical case we have developed the two first sessions for a unitary school where
we have got two prescholing students and 6 students of different levels in the primary
education. For doing so, we have taken into account the educational laws, the time we
need to teach ech year, some possible adaptations and the atention to diversity.

10. Bibliography.

• Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of 2001

• Organic Law of Education (LODE) 8/1985 passed 3rd july
• Organic Law of Education (LOE) 2/2006 passed on 3rd May modified in LOMCE
8/2013 passed on december the 9th.
• Decree 26/2016, 21st June, by which it is established the curriculum and it is
regulated the implantation, evaluation and development of Primary Education in the
community of Castilla y León (BOCyL n.º 142/2017, 25 th July).
• Order EDU/1152/2010, 3rd August by which it is regulated the educative answer to
the students with specific educative need in the second stage of infant education,
Primary education, Compulsory Secondary Education, baccalaurate and Special
Education teaching in the educational institutions of Community of Castilla y León.

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