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TEACHER: Tomas Mancilla Vente STUDENT: Vivian Campo ID 51323


Conjugate the verbs in parentheses in the passive voice.

Pay close attention to the time expressions to provide clues on tense usage.

1. Our house WAS PAINTED brown and black last week.

2. The project IT WILL BE COMPLETED next week by our outstanding

marketing department.

3. The plans for the new contract THEY ARE DRAWING right now.

4. More than 30,000 new computers ARE MANUFACTURED every day at

our plant in China.

5. The children HAVE BEEN TAUGHT by Ms Anderson since last year.

6. The piece WAS WRITTEN by Mozart when he was only six years old.

7. My hair IS CUT by Julie every month.

8. The portrait WILL BE PAINTED by a famous painter, but I'm not sure


9. The cruise ship was BAPTIZED by Queen Elizabeth in 1987.

10. My paper IS DELIVERED every morning by a teenager on his bike.

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