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Solo Rulebook
ErisEra SOLO uses the same components as the normal version and
adds two new ones:

The Chaos Cards

The Lord Nox board

In the SOLO mode of ErisEra you will be fighting against the doings of the
secret Order of Chaos and one of its leaders - Lord Nox. They seek to further
unbalance the other Grand Orders, pit them against each other and ultimately
destroy them from within to emerge as the new rulers of our city. They follow a
‘divide et impera’ strategy where by using intrigue, manupulation, bribery and
scheming they are able to raise the unrest within the Grand Orders and thus
pushing them to continue the very conflict which consumes them.

To illustrate this the game uses Chaos Cards as pictured above. Their
ability comes into play in phase 2 - INVEST (SPEND) of a round where when
you construct a building of a certain color (pictured on the card), they will
manupulate and seed discord within a Grand Order of another color, thus
briging that Order’s Harmony Index tracker down by 1 position.

In ErisEra SOLO you only construct in the common town.

In ErisEra SOLO there are no VPs.

The aim of the game is to succeed in bringing back harmony between the
Grand Orders and successfully maintaining the fragile truce and equilibrium
between them, in spite of the Chaos Order’s and Lord Nox best efforts. You do
this by constructing in the common
town as in the usual gameplay. Like in the normal gameplay the common town
is considered to have 10 building slots. So the victory condition for SOLO
ErisEra is:

Construct all 10 buildings in the common town before any of the

Grand Order’s Harmony Index trackers drops below ‘1’ on the scale.


5 6

The set-up for ErisEra SOLO proceeds just as the set-up for the usual game,
albeit with some differences. Here is the process:

1. Set up the five resources on the game table, separating them into 5 piles
depending on the type; they are Wood, Iron, Silver, Gold and Exotics. In the
image above they are placed each within their on bag, with one piece of
each resource in front of the bag to mark it.
2. Place the central game board on the game table, with the resources to one
side of if. Of the 4 sides of the game board one will be occupied with the
resources and building cards decks (like in the image above), ony with the
player’s personal board for his meeples and resources, one for Lord Nox,
the Chaos Cards and their actions and one should be left free (like in the
image above) so that you will build the common town beside it.
3. Place the 4 Harmony Index trackers representing the unrest within the 4
Grand Orders on the position marked ‘5’ of the scale.
4. Separate the building cards into 5 decks, according to color - green, yellow,
blue, red, white and shuffle each deck individually. Then place each deck with
the bottom of the card covering the placeholder space on the central game
board, as shown in the image above.

5. Set up your player board. Take from the box a player board with your
preffered color, take 6 Steward Meeples of that color and set 2 beside the
board. They are your starting active Steward Meeples. The other 4 are in
reserve and you will be able to activate them within phase 2 of each round, by
constructing the buildings of the common town.

6. Finally take out Lord Nox’s board and place it on the table. Take the Chaos
Cards from the box and shuffle them into a face down deck, placing the deck
beside Lord Nox’s board. At the start of each round you will draw 1 card and
place if face up un his board - this will determine his actions this round.

Set-up is now complete. You can start playing. Good Luck! :)


The game is played very similarly to the normal one. The gameplay
progresses in rounds, which have the same 3 phase structure. The only
difference is for phase 1 and phase 2. Here are the 3 phases, with the
differences highlighted.


At the beginning of each phase , draw 1 Chaos Card and place it on Lord
Nox’s player board. This will indicate which Grand Orders will suffer from his
influence this round and decrease their Harmony Index tracker as you
construct in the common town. If the pile next to Lord Nox’s board is finished
simply reshuffle all the used Chaos Cards into a new stack, place it face-down
beside his board, and draw a new card from there. You will use your Steward
Meeples to activate either action spaces on the central board or the different
buildings in the common town. Then immediately perform the according action
and immediately gain the benefits of said action. Once a SM is placed upon a
specific location it cannot be moved from there until the end of the round.
Whenyou have finished placing all your SM the game progresses to the next
phase. You are the only one placing SM in the Solo mode, Lord Nox does not
take any actions like this.
You can now spend the resources in your ‘warehouse’ (depicted on your
player board) to construct various buildings by paying the cost displayed on
each building card to the supply. You will only construct in the common town,
thus helping with the reconstruction efforts going on your city and trying to
harmonize the Grand Orders and bring peace among them to avoid the restart
of another civil war. Buildings constructed in the common town give certain
bonuses and effects - these are described on the specific building card and
include gaining resources or VPs. Since there are no VPs in the Solo Mode,
constructing buildings which have as their ability gaining VPs will not offer you
a new action usable starting next round, but they will still count towards the
progress to peace of the associated Grand Order.When you can not or do not
wish to construct any more you will pass and the game will progress to the
next round.
In this phase Lord Nox will come into play. Each time you construct
a building you must also check the active Chaos Card displayed on his
board. Each Chaos Card has this simple annatomy:


The construct conditions depict two flags, with a green ‘+’ sign on
the left side of the cards. They represent a condition which activate the
destabilizing effect of his manipulations and intrigue. Thus each time
you will construct a building associated with one of the two flags
depicted on the left (here Red or Green) a destabilizing effect will happen
on the Harmony trackers of the colors depicted on the right (here yellow
and blue) which will decrease their position by 1. So, in the example
above, each time you will construct a Red building this round, the yellow
Harmony tracker will move one position to the left. Simillarly with
constructing Green buildings and moving the Blue tracker.
The condition still applies to unique buildings. If you construct the
Harbour for example, which is connected to the Red and Blue orders,
you will first increase the Harmony tracker’s position for the Red and
Blue but then, because of Lord Nox’s manipulations you must decrease
the Blue position by 1 since you constructed a building associated with
Red. So in the case of unique buildings simply check with the active
Chaos Cards for both the flags which are associated with it.
If at any time during this phase the 10th building is constructed in the
common town, the game ends immediately and you win because you
succeeded and restoring a much more stable peace between the Grand
Orders thus thwarting the Chaos Order’s and Lord Nox’s efforts.


At this point you will first retrieve your SM from the spots upon which they
were placed this round. After this the 4 trackers of the Grand Orders each
move to the left with one position, losing 1 point on the value scale of the
Harmony Index tracker. If at this point any tracker falls below ‘1’ then you
have immediately lost the game as Lord Nox and the Chaos Order have
succeeded in plunging our city into civil war again. This time though the
Grand Orders are so frail they will surely destroy each other and the
Chaos Order will arise from the conflict as the new rulers. Fun times
ahead… :(
If no tracker fell below ‘1’ then the game progresses to a new round, starting
with phase 1, ACCUMULATE, as described above.
In conclusion…

In essence, on each round, a new Chaos Card is drawn and it will describe
the destabilizing effects of Lord Nox’s intrigues. So be careful, when you
construct, if you build a building associated with one of the conditions depicted
on his card, another Grand Order’s tracker will suffer a penalty and decrease
it’s position on the Harmony Index scale. Thus, apart from the usual decrease
of positions in phase 3 of each round, Lord Nox introduces a new challenge to
players forcing them to either accept and deal with a penalty or to avoid
constructing for a specific Grand Order, thus leaving it to fall further behind
thant he other Orders on the Harmony Index.

At first the gameplay above may prove to be a bit to tough for you. In this
case you can try the 2 settings below which are easier, to prepare you for the
EASY - You will start with 4 active SM instead of 2 and the common town
has only 7 building spots, so if you manage to construct 7 buildings before any
tracker falls bellow ’1’ you’ve won!
MEDIUM - You will start with the usual 2 active SM and the common town
has only 8 building spots insted of 10. If you manage to construct 8 buildings
before any tracker falls bellow ’1’ you’ve won!

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