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In the "Summary and Reflection" report for interview, include:

1. The name of the individual you interviewed and her/his position/title

2. The date and location of the meeting

3. A summary of the information gathered from the interview

4. Your reflective thoughts regarding the interview

Name: Tonya Golden, administrative assistance

Location: C.F.HOLIDAY elementary school

Date: Wednesday 12/17/2014

1. Could you please tell us a little about yourself and anything that you feel is important for us to
know about you as an administrative assistance?

Her name : Tonya Golden . she is 50 years old she worked 25 years in professional sector as an
admindtrative assisstance. She worked in this `school district for 12 years.

2. Why did you apply for this position?

Because I loved my role as assistant I can be close to everybody in the school. Also, I connect with
students more than a principal who have a lot of meeting outside the school. Moreover, the most
important thing that I like it in my position that I worked with very nice principal who valued my input.

3. How can you describe the relationship between everyone inside the school?

We are a collaborative team, from classroom teachers to learning coach, school support coordinator and
assistant principal – everyone has insight, experiences and ideas that make our school a stronger school
organization. We have a lot in common. We can think alike.

4. what is the most important attributes of an Assistant Principal?

Being a self-starter and following through in your work are, in my opinion, the most important attributes
of an Assistant Principal.

5. What is the difficulties of your position?

Dealing with Parent is the hardest thing because we have student from different culture, religion, and
language. They do not agree with some roles because they do not understand our roles, such as the
attendance and how much it is important for student achievement.

6. What is your role in the school?

Assistant principals are overloaded with responsibilities. I have to keep the school environment
organized. For example, dealing with building maintenance, counting textbooks, and coordinating bus
transportation arrivals and departures.

7. What is your plan to develop your school?

Consideration about attendance, academic growth, parent involvement, community relation.

8. What are the traits of an effective principal?

Good decision maker ,Fair ,Love children

Be able to be patient with parents

Well organized

9. What is the most rewarding about your job?

Kids . I have student come to me and hug me just because I give them kind word or smile.

10. What are your greatest issues/concerns, such as Finances? Student issues? Staff/personnel
issues? Public relations? Parents? Family/Community time?

Funding of public school.

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