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The average human has around 4.5 to 5.

5 liters of warm blood pumping and circulating inside of

the body. Do you know how much blood that is? The average temperature for July in Virginia

Beach is 26 degrees, celsius that is. Do you know what that feels like? The average American

male height is 1.77 meters. How tall is that really? Although some Americans might have the

capacity and knowledge to comprehend the true value of these numbers and units, most

probably do not. We are programmed to think in solely American units, isolated from the rest of

the world. In order to be in accordance with the globe and speak one universal language with

mankind, America needs to fully convert to the metric system of measurement.

The metric system, also known as the International System (S.I.) of units, is used by all

countries with the exception of three: Burma, Liberia, and the United States. The S.I. system is

simple. Length and liquid measurements are based off of ten, and temperature measurements

are far simpler and compared to the U.S. temperature unit of degrees Fahrenheit. I won’t even

mention the seemingly random and disordered length and liquid measurement system of

the U.S. Although the United States does use components of the S.I. system ( sodas are sold in

2 liter bottles, certain running races are measured in kilometers), they primarily use the U.S.

customary system, and children are taught that growing up. They shouldn’t. They should be

taught the metric system, and all productions and measurements should be in terms of S.I. units

of measurement.

Any person entering the scientific field coming from America will need to adapt to the

different units of measurement, and the easiest way to avoid this need for adaptation is to

convert to the metric system as soon as possible. I, myself, completed a research project, and it

was initially difficult to wrap my mind around the differences in temperature measurements; I Commented [1]: add point: the metric system is
simpler and easier to remember/ comprehend
didn’t know what 25℃ felt like, which was important knowledge for my project. The rest of the

world speaks a different language; S.I. stands for International System! We are not a part of that

international system, and are lagging behind the rest of the world. The U.S. Customary system

limits us from collaboration with other countries; another, intermediate step is required to
convert our units to the global units. Why not just eliminate that unnecessary step? Upper

level American science and math classes typically use metric units anyway. Physics units are in

meters, the standard S.I. unit of length. Why then, do we learn the U.S. customary units of

length, and claim to be different, if we end up using metric system measurements in our

own schools? If we want to be global leaders, we need to think in global units.

Proponents of fully converting to the metric system argue that it will be too difficult and

expensive; companies will have to spend a lot of money changing their labelling, road signs

must be changed to read kilometers instead of miles, vehicle production would altar, and more.

While these changes are necessary and might require some actual effort (gasp), we are fully

capable of completing the changes. We have been through far harder times as a country, so

confidence lies in our ability to make these changes. Proponents also argue that the mere

confusion of Americans will be too grand. That lack of hope in America's intelligence is

unnecessary. The quicker we switch over, the less confused people will be as time goes on.

Some say that us using a completely different measurement system conveys us as a world

leader, as opposed to a follower. This logic isn’t even true. As mentioned earlier, some aspects

of American life do use metric units of measurements (soda, races, some rulers are double

sided), so we are essentially being “followers” in that light. Even if we didn’t use any metric units

of measurement, we should not be considered leaders, as we convert to metric measurements

when we collaborate with the rest of the world, so we end up being followers in the long run.

There is essentially no point in remaining in the outdated U.S. Customary system that is

more complex and different than the rest of the world. Prolonging the conversion to the much

superior metric system will only prolong the confusion, money needed, and hassle associated

with it. We claim to raise global leaders, yet we teach them a rather limited system of

measurement. The world grows on scientific research and advancement, and in order for

Americans to investigate and grow with the rest of the world, we need to speak their language.

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