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Name: Jordy Almonte Date:12/13/18

Ms. Sico & Ms. Wilkerson Class:6-603

DBQ Argument Essay

Were the innovations of the Neolithic Revolution good for society?

Over 200,000 years ago early humans lived as nomads, moving from place to place

looking for food. That was until they started innovating, coming up with new ideas that changed

their whole life. One of these innovations was the discovery of agriculture, this means that they

learned how to produce their own food. Furthermore, the innovation of agriculture led us to

domesticate animals for human use. Overall the innovations of the Neolithic Revolution where

good for society.

These innovations took place during 10,000 BC in the Neolithic Revolution these are

the innovations that benefited the way of life of early humans and consequently our everyday

life. Agriculture is the biggest innovation of the Neolithic people which also led to the

domestication of animals. In Document 1 it states “The biggest change during the Neolithic

revolution was the shift from hunting animals and gathering producing food by

systematic agriculture. The ability to acquire food on a regular basis gave humans greater control

over their environment and enabled them to give up their nomadic ways of life and live in settled

communities”This supports that the innovations of the Neolithic people gave them the ability to

acquire food on a regular basis.

The discovery of agriculture also led us domesticate animals In Document 5 the image

shows how the domestication of animals benefited us for different uses. This image shows how

we used cows. The image shows that Early Humans used cows for milk meat and skin and other

animals for similar uses. This shows that domesticating animals helped humans survive and take

care of the agriculture. The innovations of agriculture also led to us live in settled communities.

The image in document 4 is also another example of how the people of Banpo lived close

together. It also shows how they built storage pits to save their food and trenches in effort to

defend the village. This shows that living in communities also helped for defense. Overall living

close together has given the Neolithic people great benefits.

Some researchers say that living close together also had major disadvantages. In

document 2 it states “living close together exposed humans to new diseases like Smallpox, flu,

measles, chickenpox, malaria, Tuberculosis and rabies. While living in closer communities

generated epidemics for the first time in human history, it was a small price to pay for the benefit

of living in community. In document 3 it states “A large central space suggests an area for pubic,

religious, or political activity” this supports that if we didn't live in communities there wouldn't

be public, religious, political systems that our government are made of and that we rely on every

day. Living in community also created the need of specialized worker to optimize the quality of

life in the community. This allowed members of the community to choose a profession of their

liking. Because of these advancements there are now police officers keeping our families safe,

Doctors and other occupations necessary for the welfare of a society.

Overall, The innovations of the Neolithic revolution where good for society. From

moving place to place looking for a food source. To domesticating animals for human use.

thanks to the innovations and ingenuity of the Neolithic we now live in settled communities,

have different types, religions, and political systems. We also have different occupations like the

ones mentioned above, people who are police officers keeping our families safe and doctors

saving lives every day. These innovations help our society run smoothly.

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