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Growth Trajectory Reflection

After four years in high school, I’ve seen growth within myself. I went from being disengaged in
classrooms, to being involved. I would never like to share out loud because I felt uncomfortable, maybe
it was because I wasn’t with people I knew or maybe because of the new learning environment. I started
becoming more comfortable with my peers because of my english teacher. Ms. Pinto would assign us to
write poems, and then share them out loud. I became comfortable with speaking in front of others and
started my to new relationships. Now, as a senior I can say that I am more involved and engaged. I can
now share out loud in front of my friends, and I have courage to ask my teachers questions when
needed to. Being involved is a trait that will help me in my future. Being involved in the classroom can
help me get the most out of the education that I am receiving. Being engage will surely help me build
stronger bonds and relationships.

Freshmen year I wasn’t having any kinds a struggle with my classes. Most of the things being
taught was review from middle school, so content was new, but most was something I had already seen
before. Because classes came so easy to me I didn’t need to study really hard, but as I started taking
harder math classes like geometry and precalculus, I encountered quite a bit of struggle. Harder math
classes required me to study with a little more effort. Now, I can say that I have good studying skills.
Whenever I struggle with government or AP stats I go to tutoring and ask questions and try to
understand the material being taught. Learning good studying skills will help me with college because
this will help me when I struggle with any topic or class.

Because freshmen year came so easy for me, I had good grades, but I was really lazy. I know that
I could’ve done better if I would’ve put more effort into getting perfect scores on assignments and test. I
realized that when I took my psat that it was important for me to know all the material being taught and
for me to learn the information. I had to really capture what I was learning. I know and understand that
trying really hard when it comes to taking that extra mile to understand the content being taught is
really important. This will help me in the future because understanding when you are not putting in your
full potential, is the first step to getting better at something and being able to grow.

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