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42. K^NX
; 29.


^ 33. PASCAL

^ 35. LOCKE
^ '36. SWIFT
^ STERNE 50.




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MORTIMER J. ADLER, Associate Editor

Editorial Consultants: A. F. B. CLARK, F. L. LUCAS, WABTER MURDOCH.
WALLACE BROCKWAY, Executive Editor





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DANTE, 1265

DANTE ALIGHIERI was born in Florence about seems to have been influential in the move to
the middle of May, 1265. The city, then under lessen factionalism by banishing from Florence
its first democratic constitution, was sharply the rival leaders, including among the Blacks
divided between the Papal party of the Guelphs his wife's relative, Corso Donati, and among
and the Imperial party of the Ghibellines. the Whites his "first friend," the poet, Guido
Dante's family were adherents of the Guelph Cavalcanti. Despite the opposition of Dante
faction, and when Dante was only a few and the White leaders to Papal interference in
months old, the Guelphs obtained decisive vic- Florentine affairs, Pope Boniface VIII in 1301
tory at the Battle of Benevento. Although of invited Charles of Valois, brother of King
noble ancestry, the Alighieri family was Philip of France, to enter Florence to settle the
neither wealthy nor particularly prominent. differences between the two factions. Actually
It seems probable that Dante received his he assisted the Blacks to seize power, and more
early education at the Franciscan school of than six hundred Whites were condemned to

Santa Croce. He evidently owed much to the exile. In 1302 Dante, with four others of the

influence of Brunetto Latini, the philosopher White party, was charged with corruption in
and scholar who figured largely in the coun- office. He was condemned to pay a fine of five
cils of the Florentine commune. Before twenty, thousand within three days or lose his
he began writing poetry and became associated property, exiled for two years, and denied the
with the Italian poets of the "sweet new style," right ever again to hold public office. Three
who exalted their love and their ladies in phil- months later, upon his refusal to pay the fine,
osophical verse. Dante's "lady," whom he cel- Dante was condemned to be burned alive if
ebrated with singular devotion, was a certain he should come within the power of the re-

Beatrice. According to Boccaccio's life of public.

Dante, she was Beatrice Portinari, daughter of "After was the pleasure of the citizens of

a Florentine citizen, who married a wealthy the most beautifuland most famous daughter
banker, and died when she was but twenty- of Rome, Florence, to chase me forth from her
four. Dante first sang of Beatrice in the Vita sweet bosom," Dante writes of his exile in the
Nuova (1292), a sequence of poems with prose Convivio, "I have gone through almost every
comment in which he recounts the story of his region to which this tongue of ours extends,
love, of the first meeting when they were both showing against my will the wound of for-
nine years of age, the exchange of greetings tune." It is recorded that Dante attended a
which passed between them on May Day, meeting at San Godenzo, where an alliance was
1283, and of Beatrice's death in 1290. formed between the Whites in exile and the
Upon turning thirty, Dante became actively Ghibellines, but he does not seem to have been
involved in Florentine politics. The constitu- present in 1304 when the combined forces were
tion of the city was based upon the guilds, and defeated at Lastra. Perhaps he had already
Dante, upon his enrolment in the guild of separated himself from the "evil and foolish
physicians and apothecaries, which also in- company" of his fellow-exiles, "formed a party
cluded book dealers, became eligible for office. by himself," and found his "first refuge and
He participated in the deliberations of the hostelry" at the court of the Delia Scalas in
councils, served on a special embassy, and in Verona. Probably during the following years
1300 was elected one of the six priors that gov- he spent time at Bologna and later at Padua,
erned the city. The former struggle between where Giotto is said to have entertained him.
the Guelphs and Ghibellines had appeared in Toward the end of 1306 he was the guest of
new form in the conflict between the Whites the Malaspinas in Lunigiana and acted as their
and the Blacks. As one of the priors, Dante ambassador in making peace with the Bishop
of Luni. Sometime after this date he may have The city of Florence in 1311 and again in 1315
visited Parisand attended the university there. renewed his condemnation.

During the early years of his exile Dante ap- After Henry's death, Dante passed the rest
pears to have studied in those subjects which of hislife under the protection of various lords

gained him the title of philosopher and theo- of Lombardy, Tuscany, and the Romagna. Ac-

logian as well as poet. In the Convivio, prob- cording to one tradition, he retired for a time
to the monastery of Santa Croce di Fonte Avel-
ably written between 1305 and 1308, he tells
how, after the death of Beatrice, he turned to lana in the Appenines, where he worked on
Cicero's De Amicitia and the Consolatio Phil- the Divine Comedy, which may have been

osophiae of Boethius, which awoke in him the planned as early as 1292. He was almost cer-
love of philosophy. To sing its praises he be- tainly for a time at the court of Can Grande
gan his Convivio, which he intended to be a del la Scala, to whom
he dedicated the Para-
kind of treasury of universal knowledge in the diso. In 1315 Florence issued a general recall
form of poems connected by lengthy prose of exiles. Dante refused to pay the required
commentaries. At the same time he worked fine and brand of oblation," feel-
to "bear the

upon the De Vulgari Eloquentia, a Latin trea- ing that such a return would derogate from his
tise in which he defended the use of Italian as fame and honor. To the end of his life he ap-
a literary language. pears to have hoped that his Comedy would
The election of Henry of Luxemburg as em- finally open the gates of the city to him.
peror in 1308 stirred Dante's political hopes. The last few years of the poet's life were

When Henry entered Italy in 1310 at the head spent at Ravenna, under the patronage of
of an army, Dante in an epistle to the princes Guido da Polenta, a nephew of Francesca da
and people of Italy hailed the coming of a de- Rimini. Dante's daughter, Beatrice, was a nun
liverer. At Milan he paid personal homage to in that city, and one of his sons held a benefice

Henry as his sovereign. When Florence, in al- there; his wife seems to have resided in Flor-
liance with King Robert of Naples, prepared ence throughout his exile. Dante was gready
to resist the emperor, Dante in a second epistle esteemed at Ravenna and enjoyed a congenial
denounced them for their obstinacy and proph- circle of friends. Here he completed the Divine
esied their doom. In a third epistle he up- Comedy and wrote two eclogues in Latin
braided the Emperor himself for his delay and which indicate that a certain contentment sur-
urged him on against Florence. It was prob- rounded his closing days. Returning from a
ably during this period that he wrote his De diplomatic mission to Venice on behalf of his
Monarchia, an intellectual defense of the em- patron, he caught a fever and died September
peror as the sovereign of the temporal order. 14, 1321. He was buried at Ravenna before the
The death of Henry in 1313, after a year or so door of the principal church, with the highest
of ineffectual righting, brought an end to the honors, and "in the habit of a poet and a great
political aspirations of Dante and his party. philosopher."

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE v CANTO XI: The Sixth Circle. Tomb of Pope

Anastasius. Discourse of Virgil on the divi-
sions of the lower Hell
CANTO XII: The Seventh Circle, that of the
CANTO I:Dante, astray in a wood, reaches the foot Violent, round: those who do violence
of a hill which he begins to ascend; he is hin- to others. The Minotaur. The Centaurs.
dered by three beasts; he turns back and is met Chiron. Nessus. The River of boiling blood,
by Virgil, who proposes to guide him into the and the sinners in it 16
eternal world I
CANTO XIII: The Seventh Circle, second round:
CANTO II: Dante, doubtful of his own powers, is those who have done violence to themselves and
discouraged at the outset. Virgil cheers him by to their goods. The Wood of Self-murderers.
telling him that he has been sent to his aid by
a The Harpies. Pier delle Vigne. Lano of
blessed Spirit from Heaven, who revealed her- Siena and others 17
self as Beatrice. Dante casts off fear, and the CANTO XIV: The Seventh Circle, third round:
poets proceed 2
those who have done violence to God. The
CANTO III: The gate of Hell. Virgil leads Dante Burning Sand. Capaneus. Figure of the Old
in. The punishment of those who had lived Man in Crete. The rivers of Hell 19
without infamy and without praise. Acheron, CANTO XV: The Seventh Circle, third round: those
and the sinners on its bank. Charon. Earth- who have done violence to Nature. Brunetto
quake. Dante swoons 4 Latini. Prophecies of misfortune to Dante 21
CANTO IV: The further side of Acheron. Virgil CANTO XVI: The Seventh Circle, third round:
leads Dante into Limbo, the First Circle of those who have done violence to Nature.
Hell, containing the spirits of those who lived Guido Guerra, Tegghiaio Aldobrandi and
virtuously but without faith in Christ. Greet- Jacopo Rusticucci. The roar of Phlegethon as
ing of Virgil by his fellow poets. They en- it pours downward. The cord thrown into the
ter a castle, where are the shades of ancient
worthies. After seeing them Virgil and Dante
CANTO XVII: The Seventh Circle, third round:
depart 5
those who have done violence to Art. Geryon.
CANTO V: The Second Circle, that of Carnal The Usurers. Descent to the Eighth Circle 23
Sinners. Minos. Shades renowned of old.
CANTO XVIII: The Eighth Circle: that of the
Francesca da Rimini 7
fraudulent; pouch: pandars and seducers.
CANTO VI: The Third Circle, that of the Glut- Venedico Cacciammico. Jason. Second
tonous. Cerberus. Ciacco 8 false flatterers. Alessio Interminei.
CANTO VII: The Fourth that of the Thais 25
Avaricious and the Prodigal. Pluto. Fortune. CANTO XIX: The Eighth Circle: third pouch:
The Styx. simonists. Pope Nicholas III 26
The Fifth Circle, that of the Wrathful 9 CANTO XX: The Eighth Circle: fourth pouch:
CANTO VIII: The Fifth Circle. Phlegyas and his diviners, soothsayers, and magicians. Amphi-
boat. Passage of the Styx. Filippo Argenti. araus. Tiresias. Aruns. Manto. Eurypylus.
The City of Dis. The demons refuse entrance Michael Scott. Asdente 28
to the poets 10
CANTO XXI: The Eighth Circle: fifth pouch: bar-
CANTO IX: The City of Dis. Erichtho. The rators. A magistrate of Lucca. The Male-
Three Furies. The Heavenly Messenger. branche. Parley with them 30
The Sixth Circle: that of the Heretics 12
CANTO XXII: The Eighth Circle: fifth pouch: bar-
CANTO X: The Sixth Circle. Farinata degli rators. Ciampolo of Navarre. Fra Gomita.
Uberti. Cavalcante Cavalcanti. Frederick II 13 Michel Zanche. Fray of the Malebranche 31
CANTO XXIII: The Eighth Circle. Escape from and his song. Cato hurries the souls to the
the fifth pouch. The sixth pouch: hypocrites, in mountain 54
cloaks of gilded lead. Jovial Friars. Caiaphas.
Annas. Frate Catalano
CANTO III:Ante-Purgatory. Souls of those who
33 have died in contumacy of the Church.
CANTO XXIV: The Eighth Circle. The poets Manfred 55
climb from the sixth pouch. Seventh pouch,
CANTO IV: Ante-Purgatory. Ascent to a shelf of
filled with serpents, by which thieves are tor-
the mountain. The negligent, who postponed
mented. Vanni Fucci. Prophecy of calamity
repentance to the last hour. Belacqua 57
to Dante 34
CANTO XXV: The Eighth Circle: seventh pouch: CANTO V: Ante-Purgatory. Spirits who had de-
layed repentance, and met with death by vio-
fraudulent thieves. Cacus. Agnello Brunel-
leschi and others lence, but died repentant. Jacopo del Cassero.
Buonconte da Montefeltro. Pia de' Tolomei 59
CANTO XXVI: The Eighth Circle: eighth pouch:
fraudulent counsellors. Ulysses and Diomed 38
CANTO VI: Ante-Purgatory. More spirits who
had deferred repentance till they were over-
CANTO XXVII: The Eighth Circle: eighth pouch: taken by a violent death. Efficacy of prayer.
fraudulent counsellors. Guido da Monte- Sordello. to Italy 60
feltro 39
CANTO VII:Virgil makes himself known to
CANTO XXVIII: The Eighth Circle: ninth pouch:
Sordello. Sordello leads the Poets to the Val-
sowers of discord and schism. Mahomet and
ley of the Princes who had been negligent of
Ali. Fra Dolcino. Pier da Medicina. Curio. salvation. He points them out by name 62
Mosca. Bertran de Born 41
CANTO VIII: Valley of the Princes. Two Guard-
CANTO XXIX: The Eighth Circle: ninth pouch.
ian Angels. Nino Visconti. The Serpent.
Geri del Bello. Tenth pouch: falsifiers of all
Corrado Malaspina 64
sorts. Alchemists, Griffolino of Arezzo.
Capocchio 43 CANTO IX: Slumber and Dream of Dante. The
CANTO XXX: The Eighth Circle: tenth pouch: Eagle. Lucia. The Gate of Purgatory. The
Angelic Gatekeeper. Seven P's inscribed on
false personators, false moneyers, and the false
Dante's Forehead. Entrance to the First
in words. Myrrha. Gianni Schicchi. Master
Adam. Sinon of Troy 44
Ledge 65

CANTO XXXI: The Eighth Circle. Giants. Nim- CANTO X: Purgatory proper. First Ledge: the
rod. Ephialtes. Antaeus sets the Poets down Proud. Examples of Humility sculptured on
in the Ninth Circle the rock 67
CANTO XXXII: The Ninth Circle: that of traitors; CANTO XI: First Ledge: the Proud. Prayer.
first ring: Caina. Counts of Mangona. Cami- Omberto Aldobrandeschi. Oderisi d* Agubbio.
cion de' Pazzi. Second ring: Antenora. Bocca Provenzan Salvani 68
degli Abati. Buoso da Duera. Count Ugo-
CANTO XII. First Ledge: the Proud. Instances
lino 47 of the punishment of Pride graven on the
CANTO XXXIII: The Ninth Circle: second ring: pavement. Meeting with an Angel who re-
Antenora. Count Ugolino. Third ring: moves one of the P's. Ascent to the Second
Ptolomea. Frate Alberigo. Branca d' Oria 49 Ledge 70
CANTO XXXIV: The Ninth Circle: fourth ring: CANTO XIII: Second Ledge: the Envious. Ex-
Judecca. Lucifer. Judas, Brutus and Cassius. amples of Love. The Shades in haircloth, and
Centre of the Universe. Passage from Hell. with sealed eyes. Sapia of Siena 71
Ascent to the surface of the Southern Hemis-
CANTO XIV: Second Ledge: the Envious. Guido
phere 51
del Duca. Rinieri de' Calboli. Instances of
the punishment of Envy 73
PURGATORY CANTO XV: Second Ledge: the Envious. An
CANTO I: The new theme. Invocation to the Angel removes the second P from Dante's fore-
Muses. Dawn of Easter on the shore of Purga- head. Discourse concerning the Sharing of
tory. The Four Stars. Cato. The cleansing Good. Ascent to the Third Ledge: the Wrath-
of Dante's face from the stains of Hell 53 ful. Vision of Examples of Forbearance 75
CANTO II: Sunrise. The Poets on the shore. CANTO XVI: Third Ledge: the Wrathful. Marco
Coming of a boat, guided by an angel, bearing Lombardo. His discourse on Free Will, and
souls to Purgatory. Their landing. Casella the corruption of the World 76
CANTO XVII: Third Ledge: the Wrathful. Issue a little stream.
Discourse with her concerning
from the Smoke. Vision of Instances of the the nature of the place
punishment of Anger. Ascent to the Fourth CANTO XXIX: The Earthly Paradise. Mystic
Ledge, where Sloth is purged. Second Night- Procession or Triumph of the Church 97
fall in Purgatory. Virgil explains how Love
is the root alike of Virtue and of Sin 78 CANTO XXX: The Earthly Paradise, Beatrice
appears. Departure of Virgil. Reproof of
CANTO XVIII: Fourth Ledge: the Slothful. Dis-
Dante by Beatrice 99
course of Virgil on Love and Free Will.
CANTO XXXI: The Earthly
Throng of Spirits running in haste to redeem Paradise. Reproach-
of Beatrice, and confession of
Examples of Zeal. The Abbot of discourse
their Sin. ful

San Zeno. Instances of the punishment of Dante. Passage of Lethe. Appeal of the Vir-
Sloth. Dante falls asleep 79 tues to Beatrice. Her Unveiling 100

CANTO XIX: Fourth Ledge. Dante dreams of the CANTO XXXII: The Earthly Paradise. Return of
Siren. The Angel of the Pass. Ascent to the the Triumphal procession. The Chariot bound
Fifth Ledge: The Avaricious.
to the Mystic Tree. Sleep of Dante. His wak-
Pope Adrian
V 81 ing to find the Triumph departed. Transfor-
mation of the Chariot. The Harlot and the
CANTO XX: Fifth Ledge: the Avaricious. The Giant 102
Spirits celebrate examples of Poverty and
CANTO XXXIII: The Earthly Paradise. Prophecy
Bounty. HughCapet. His discourse on his
of Beatrice concerning one who shall restore the
descendants. Instances of the punishment of
Avarice. Trembling of the Mountain 83 Empire. Her discourse with Dante. The
river Eunoe. Dante drinks of it, and is fit to
CANTO XXI: Fifth Ledge. The shade of Statius. ascend to Heaven 104
Cause of the trembling of the Mountain.
Statius does honor to Virgil 85 PARADISE
CANTO XXII: Ascent to the Sixth Ledge. Dis- CANTO I: Proem.
Invocation. Beatrice, and
course of Statius and Virgil. Entrance to the Dante transhumanized, ascend through the
Ledge: the Gluttonous. The Mystic Tree. Sphere of Fire toward the Moon. Beatrice ex-
Examples of Temperance 86 plains the cause of their ascent 106

CANTO XXIII: Sixth Ledge: the Gluttonous. CANTO Proem. Ascent to the Moon. The

Forese Donati. Nella. Rebuke of the women cause of Spots on the Moon. Influence of the
of Florence 88 Heavens 107

CANTO XXIV: Sixth Ledge: the Gluttonous. CANTO III: The Heaven of the Moon.
Forese Donati. Piccarda Donati. Bonagiunta whose vows had been broken. Piccarda Donati.
of Lucca. Pope Martin IV. Ubaldin dalla The Empress Constance 109
Pila. Bonifazio. Messer Marchese. Prophecy
CANTO IV: Doubts of Dante, respecting the justice
of Bonagiunta concerning Gentucca, and of of Heaven and the abode of the blessed, solved
Forese concerning Corso de' Donati. Second
by Beatrice. Question of Dante as to the pos-
Mystic Tree. Instances of the punishment of sibility of reparation for broken vows no
gluttony. The Angel of the Pass 89
CANTO V: The sanctity of vows, and the serious-
CANTO XXV: Ascent to the Seventh Ledge. Dis-
ness with which they are to be made or
course of Statius on generation, the infusion Ascent to the Heaven of Mercury.
of the Soul into the body, and the corporeal
The shade of Justinian 112
semblance of Souls after death. The Seventh
Ledge: the Lustful. The mode of their Purifi- CANTO VI: Justinian tells of his own life. The
cation. Examples of Chastity 91 story of the Roman Eagle. Spirits in the
planet Mercury. Romeo 113
CANTO XXVI: Seventh Ledge: the Lustful. Sin-
ners in the fire, going in opposite directions. CANTO VII: Discourse of Beatrice. The Fall of
Instances of the punishment of Lust. Guido Man. The scheme of his Redemption 115
Guinicelli. Arnaut Daniel 93 CANTO Ascent to the Heaven of Venus.
CANTO XXVII: Seventh Ledge: the Lustful. Pas- Spirits of Lovers. Charles Martel. His dis-
sage through the Flames. Stairway in the rock. course on the order and the varieties in mortal
Night upon the stairs. Dream of Dante. things 1 16

Morning. Ascent to the Earthly Paradise. CANTO IX: The Conversation of

planet Venus.
Last words of Virgil 94 Dante with Cunizza da Romano. With Folco
CANTO XXVIII: The Earthly Paradise. The For- of Marseilles. Rahab. Avarice of the Papal
est. A Lady gathering flowers on the bank of Court 118
CANTO X: Ascent to the Sun. Spirits of the wise, CANTO XXI: Ascent to the Heaven of Saturn.
and the learned in theology. St. Thomas Spirits of those who had
given themselves to
Aquinas. He names to Dante those who sur- devout contemplation. The Golden Stairway,
round him 120 St. Peter Damian. Predestination. The
of modern Prelates. Dante alarmed by a cry
CANTO XI: The Vanity of worldly desires. St.
of the spirits 138
Thomas Aquinas undertakes to solve two doubts
perplexing Dante. He narrates the life of St. CANTO XXII: Beatrice reassures Dante. St.
Francis of Assisi 122 Benedict appears. He tells of the founding of
his Order, and of the falling away of its
CANTO XII: Second circle of the spirits of wise
brethren. Beatrice and Dante ascend to the
religious men, doctors of the Church and
Starry Heaven. The constellation of the
teachers. St. Bonaventura narrates the life of
who Twins. Sight of the Earth 139
St.Dominic, and tells the names of those
form the circle with him 123 CANTO XXIII: The Triumph of Christ 141
CANTO XIII: St. Thomas Aquinas
speaks again, CANTO XXIV: St. Peter examines Dante concern-
and explains the relation of the wisdom of ing Faith, and approves his answer 142
Solomon to that of Adam and of Christ, and
CANTO XXV: James examines Dante concern-
declares the vanity of human judgment 125
ing Hope. St. John appears, with a brightness
CANTO XIV: At the prayer of Beatrice, Solomon so dazzling as to deprive Dante, for the time,
tells of the glorified body of the blessed after of sight 144
the Last Judgement. Ascent to the Heaven of
CANTO XXVI: St. John examines Dante concern-
Mars. Spirits of the Soldiery of Christ in the
ing Love. Dante's sight restored. Adam ap-
form of a Cross with the figure of Christ there-
pears, and answers questions put to him by
on. Hymn of the Spirits 126
Dante 145
CANTO XV: Dante is welcomed by his ancestor,
CANTO XXVII: Denunciation by St. Peter of his
Cacciaguida. Cacciaguida tells of his family,
degenerate successors. Dante gazes upon the
and of the simple life of Florence in the old
Earth. Ascent of Beatrice and Dante to the
days 128
Crystalline Heaven. Its nature. Beatrice re-
CANTO XVI: The boast of blood. Cacciaguida bukes the covetousness of mortals 147
continues his discourse concerning the old and
CANTO XXVIII: The Heavenly Hierarchy 148
the new Florence 130
CANTO XXIX: Discourse of Beatrice concerning
CANTO XVII: Dante questions Cacciaguida as to the creation and nature of the Angels. She
his fortunes. Cacciaguida replies, foretelling
the exile of Dante, and the renown of his reproves the presumption* and foolishness of
Poem preachers 150
CANTO XXX: Ascent to the Empyrean. The
CANTO XVIII: The Spirits in the Cross of Mars.
River of Light. The celestial Rose. The seat
Ascent to the I leaven of Jupiter. Words shaped
of Henry VII. The last words of Beatrice 151
in light upon the planet by the Spirits.
Denunciation of the avarice of the Popes 133 CANTO XXXI The Rose of Paradise.
: St. Bernard.

CANTO XIX: The voice of the Eagle. It speaks of

Prayer to Beatrice. The glory of the Blessed

die mysteries of Divine justice; of the necessity Virgin 153

of Faith for salvation; of the sins of certain CANTO XXXII: St. Bernard describes the order of
kings 135 the Rose, and points out many of the Saints.
The children in Paradise. The angelic festival.
CANTO XX: The song of the Just. Princes who
The patricians of the Court of Heaven 154
have loved righteousness, in the eye of the
Eagle. Spirits, once Pagans, in bliss. Faith CANTO XXXIII: Prayer to the Virgin. The
and Salvation. Predestination 136 Beatific Vision. The Ultimate Salvation 156


stars thatwere with him when the Love Divine
CANTO I first set motion those beautiful things; 6 so
I. MIDWAY upon the journey of our life I found that the hour of the time and the sweet season

myself in a dark wood, where the right way were occasion to me of good hope concerning
was lost. Ah! how hard a thing it is to tell what that wild beast with the dappled skin; but not
this wild and rough and difficult wood was, so that the sight which appeared to me of a
which in thought renews my fear! So bitter is lion did not give me
appeared to be
fear. He
it that death is little more. But in order to treat coming against me, with head high and his
of the good that I found in it, I will tell of the with ravening hunger, so that it appeared that
other things that I saw there. the air was affrighted at him; and a she-wolf,
10. I cannot well report how I entered it, so which in her leanness seemed laden with all
full was I of slumber at that moment when I cravings, and ere now had made many folk to
abandoned the true way. But after I had reached live forlorn, she brought on me so much
the foot of a hill, where that valley ended which heaviness, with the fear that came from sight
had pierced my heart with fear, I looked up- of her, that I lost hope of the height. And
ward, and saw its shoulders clothed already such as is he who gains willingly, and the
with the rays of the planet which leads man time arrives which makes him lose, so that
aright along every path. Then was the fear a in all his thoughts he laments and is sad,
little quieted which had lasted in the lake of such did the beast without peace make me,
my heart through the night that I had passed so which, coming on against me, was pushing
piteously. And even as one who with spent me back, little by little, thither where the Sun
breath, issued forth from the sea upon the shore, is silent.

turns to the perilous water and gazes, so did my 6 1 While

. I was falling back to the low place,
mind, which still was flying, turn back to look one who appeared faint-voiced through long
again upon the pass which never left person silence presented himself before my eyes. When
alive. I saw him in the great desert, "Have pity on
28. After I had rested a little my weary body, me!" I "whatso thou be, whether
cried to him,
I again took my way along the desert slope,* shade or real man." He answered me: "Not
so that the firm foot was always the lower. And man; man once I was, and my parents were
lo!almost at the beginning of the steep a she- Lombards, and both Mantuans by country. I
leopard, light and very nimble, which was was born sub Julio, though late, and I lived at
covered with a spotted coat. And she did not Rome under the good Augustus, at the time of
withdraw from before my face, nay, hindered the false and lying gods. I was a poet, and sang
so my road that I often turned to go back. 6
It was a common belief, which existed from early

37. The time was the beginning of the morn- Christian times, that die spring was the season of the
and the Sun was mounting up with those Creation. By the Julian calendar, March 25 was the
date of the vernal equinox, and to it was assigned
The action of the poem begins on the night before the Annunciation and the Crucifixion. March 25 was
Good Friday of the year 1300; cf. Canto xxi. 112-114. thus what may be called the ideal Good Friday. But in
Dante was thirty-five years old. The dark wood is the the year 1300 the actual Good Friday fell on April 8.
forest of the world of sense. This is the date which Dante, following the calendar of
The hill is the type of the true course of life. the Church, adopted for that of his journey.
8 7
According to the Ptolemaic system, the sun was a The lion is the type of pride.
planet. The wolf is the type of avarice. Cf Jeremiah, 5. 6. .

*Cf. Matthew, 7. 14. These three beasts correspond with the triple division
The leopard is the type of the temptations of the of sins into those of incontinence, of violence, and of
flesh. fraud (see Canto xi).
of that just son of Anchises who came from wouldst then ascend, there shall be a soul*
Troy, after proud Ilion had been burned. But more worthy than I for that. With her I will
leave thee at
thou,why dost thou return to such great annoy? my departure; for that Emperor
Why dost thou not ascend the delectable moun- who reigns thereabove wills not, because I was
tain is the source and cause of all joy?"
which rebellious' to His law, that
through me any
"Art thou then that Virgil and that fount
one should come into His city. In all parts He
which pours forth so broad a stream of speech?" governs and there He is His
reigns: there city
replied I with bashful front to him: "O honor and His lofty seat. O happy the man whom
and light of the other poets! may the long study thereto He elects!" And I to him: "Poet, I be-
avail me and the great love, which have made seech thee by that God whom thou didst not
me search thy volume! Thou art my master know, in order that I may escape this ill and
and my author; thou alone art he from whom worse, that thou lead me thither where thou
I took the fair style that has done me honor. now hast said, so that I may see the gate of St.
Behold the beast because of which I turned; Peter, and those whom thou reportest so af-

help me against her, famous sage, for she makes


my veins and pulses tremble." 136. Then he moved on, and I held behind
behoves thee to hold another course,"
91. "It
he replied, when he saw me weeping, "if thou CANTO II
wouldst escape from savage place; for this
this i. THE
day was going, and the dusky air was
beast, because of which thou criest out, lets not taking the living things that are on earth from
any one pass along her way, but so hinders him their fatigues, and I alone was
preparing to
that she kills him; and she has a nature so sustain the war alike of the journey and of the
malign and evil that she never sates her greedy woe, which my memory that errs not shall re-
will, and after food has more hunger than be- trace.

7. O Muses, O lofty genius, now assist me!

fore. Many are the animals with which she

wives, and there shall be more yet, until the O memory that didst inscribe that which I saw,
hound shall come that will make her die of here shall thy nobility appear!
grief. He on land or pelf, but
shall not feed 10. 1 began: "Poet, who guidest me, consider
wisdom and love and valor, and his birthplace my power, if it be sufficient, before thou trust
shall be between Feltro and Feltro. Of that me to the deep pass. Thou sayest that the par- 8

low Italy shall he be the salvation, for which ent of Silvius while still
corruptible went to
the virgin Camilla died, and Euryalus, Turnus the immortal world and was there in the body;
and Nisus of their wounds. He shall hunt her and truly if the Adversary of every ill was
through every town till he shall have put her courteous to him, it seems not unmeet to the
back again in Hell, there whence envy first man of understanding, thinking on the high
sent her forth. effect that should proceed from him, and on
112. "Wherefore I think and deem it for thy the
who and the what; for in the empyrean
best that thou follow me, and I will be thy heaven he was chosen for father of revered
guide, and will lead thee hence through the Rome and of her empire; both which (would
eternal place where thou shalt hear the despair- one say truth) were ordained for the holy place
ing shrieks, shalt see the ancient spirits woeful where the successor of the greater Peter has his
who each proclaim the second death.' And seat.Through this going, whereof thou givest
then thou shalt see those who are contented in him vaunt, he learned things which were the
the because they hope to come, whenever cause of his victory and of the
papal mantle.
may be, to the blessed folk; to whom if thou 10
Afterward the Chosen Vessel went thither to
1 6
Aeneas. Cf. Aeneid, i. 544. Beatrice.
Camilla and Turnus died for Italy fighting against Sce Canto iv. 36.
the Trojans; Euryalus and Nisus died on the Trojan See Purgatory, Canto ix. 127.
side (Aeneid). See Aeneid. vi.
*Cf. Revelation, 20. 10. 14; 21. 8; St. Augustine, God was thus gracious to him as the Father of the
City of God, xiii. 8.
Roman people (the "who"), and founder of the Ro-
That is, contented in the purifying pains of Purga- man Empire (the "what").
tory, by which they are made fit for Paradise. St. Paul. Cf. Acts, 9. 15, and II Corinthians, 12, 1-4.
bring thence comfort to that faith which ready done, were slow to me. There
is the is no need
beginning of the way of salvation. But I, why
for thee further to open to me thy will; but tell

go I thither? or who concedes it? I am not me the reason why tHou dost not beware
Aeneas, I am not Paul; neither I nor others of descending down here into this centre,
believe me worthy of this; wherefore if I yield from the ample place whither thou bur nest
myself to go, I fear lest the going may be mad. to return.'
Thou art wise, thou understandest better than 85. 'Since thou wishest to know so inward-
I speak." ly, Iwill tell thee briefly,' she replied to me,

37. And as is he who unwills what he willed, 'wherefore I fear not to come here within. One
and by reason of new thoughts changes his need be afraid only of those things that have
purpose, so that he withdraws wholly from power to do one harm, of others not, for they
what he had begun, such I became on that dark are not fearful. I am made by God, thanks be
hillside: because in my thought I abandoned to Him, such that your misery touches me not,
the enterprise which had been so hasty in its nor does the flame of this burning assail me. A
beginning. gentle Lady is in heaven who feels compassion
43. "If I have rightly understood thy speech," for this hindrance whereto I send thee, so that

replied that shade of the magnanimous one, she breaks stern judgment there above. She
"thy soul is hurt by cowardice, which often- summoned Lucia in her request, and said,
times encumbers a man so that it turns him "Thy faithful one now has need of thee,
back from honorable enterprise, as false seeing and commend him to thee." Lucia, the foe

does a beast when it shies. In order that thou of every cruel one, moved and came to the
loose thee from this fear I will tell thee why I place where I was, seated with the ancient
came, and what I heard at the first moment Rachel.'
that I grieved for thee. I was among those who 103. 'She said, "Beatrice, true praise of God,
are suspended, and a Lady blessed and beauti- why dost thou not succor him who so loved
ful called me, such that I besought her to com- thee that for thee he came
forth from the vulgar
mand. Her eyes were more shining than the throng? Dost thou not hear the pity of his
star, and she began to say to me sweet and clear, plaint? Dost thou not see the death that com-
with angelic voice, in her speech: bats him on the stream where the sea has no
" "
58. 'O courteous Mantuan soul! of whom vaunt ? Never were persons in the world swift
the fame yet lasts in the world, and shall last so to do their good, or to fly their harm, as I, after

long as motion continues, my friend, and not of these words were uttered, came down here
fortune, is so hindered on his road upon the des- from my blessed seat, putting my trust in thy
ert hillside that he has turned for fear, and I am upright speech, which honors thee and them
afraid, through that which I have heard of who have heard it.'
him in heaven, lest he be already so astray that 115. "After she had said this to me, weeping
I may have risen late to his succor. Now do she turned her lucent eyes, whereby she made
thou move, and with thy ornate speech and with me more quick to come. And
came to theeI

whatever is needful for his deliverance, assist thus as she willed. I withdrew thee from before
him so that I may be consoled thereby. I am that wild beast which took from thee the short
Beatrice who make thee go. I come from a place way on the beautiful mountain. What is it
whither I desire to return. Love moved me, that then? Why, why dost thou hold back? why
makes me speak. When I shall be before my dost thou harbor such cowardice in thy heart?
Lord, I will often praise thee to Him.' why hast thou not daring and assurance, since
75. "Then she was silent, and thereon I be- 1
The Virgin Mary, never spoken of by name in Hell.

gan: *O Lady of Virtue! through whom alone

As an allegorical figure she is the symbol, as her

the human race excels all contained within that

name indicates, of illuminating Grace.
1 Rachel was adopted by the Church as the type of
heaven which has the smallest circle, thy com- the contemplative life, in which the soul devotes itself
mand so pleases me that to obey were it al- to the consideration of the things of God and so has
a foretaste of the felicity of heaven. Beatrice, the type
The heaven of the moon, the innermost of the nine of instruction in the divine mysteries, is therefore rightly
revolving heavens, the nearest to the earth. at Rachel's side.
three such blessed Ladies care for thee in the said: "Master, what is that which I hear? and
court of Heaven, and my speech pledges thee what folk is it that seems so overcome with its
such good ? woe?"
127. As and closed by the
the flowerets, bent 34. And he to me: "The wretched souls of
chill of night, when them
the sun brightens those who lived without infamy and without
erect themselves all open on their stem, so I praise maintain this miserable mode. They are
became with my drooping courage, and such mingled with that caitiff choir of the angels,
good daring ran my heart that I began like
to who were not rebels, nor were faithful to God,
a person enfreed: "O compassionate she who but were for themselves. The heavens chased
succored me, and courteous thou who didst them out in order to be not less beautiful, nor
speedily obey the true words that she
addressed does the deep Hell receive them, for the damned
to thee! Thou by thy words hast so disposed my would have some boast of them."
heart with desire of going, that I have returned 43. And I: "Master, what is so grievous to

to my first intent. Now go, for one sole will is them, that makes them lament so bitterly?"
in us both: thou leader, thou lord, and thou 45. He answered: "I will tell thee very
master." briefly. These have not hope of death; and
141. Thus I him; and when he moved
said to their blind life
is so debased, that they are en-

on, I entered along the deep and savage road. vious of every other lot. Fame of them the
world permits not to be; mercy and justice dis-
CANTO III dain them. Let us not speak of them, but do
i. "THROUGH me way into the woeful
is the thou look and pass on."
city; through me is the way into the eternal 52. And I, who was gazing, saw a banner,
woe; through me is the way among the lost peo- which, whirling, ran so swiftly that it seemed

ple. Justice moved my lofty maker: the divine to me disdainful of any pause, and behind it
Power, the supreme Wisdom and the primal came so long a train of folk, that I should never
Love made me. Before me were no things have believed death had undone so many. After
created, save eternal, and I eternal last. jLeave I had recognized some among them, I saw and
every hope, ye who enter!" knew the shade of him who made, through
10. These words of obscure color I saw writ- cowardice, the great refusal. At once I under-
ten at the top of a gate; whereat I: "Master, stood and was certain, that this was the sect
their meaning is dire to me." of the caitiffs displeasing to God and to his

13. And he to me, like a person well advised: enemies. These wretches, who never were alive,
"Here it behoves to leave every fear; it behoves were naked, and much stung by gad-flies
that all cowardice should here be dead. We and by wasps that were there; these streaked
have come to the place where I have told thee their faces with blood, which, mingled with
that thou shalt see the woeful people, who have was gathered
tears, at their feet by loathsome
good of the understanding."
lost the worms.
19. And when
he had put his hand on mine 70. And when I
gave myself to looking on-
with a cheerful look, wherefrom I took cour- ward, I saw people on the bank of a great
age, he brought me within to the secret things. river; wherefore I said: "Master, now grant to
Here sighs, laments, and deep wailings were me that I may know who
these are, and what

resounding through the starless air; wherefore rule makes them appear so ready to pass over,
at first I thereat. Strange tongues, horri-
wept as I discern through the faint light." And he to
ble utterances, words of woe, accents of anger, me: "The things will be clear to thee, when
voices high and faint, and sounds of hands with we shall stay our steps on the sad shore of
them, were making a tumult which whirls al- Acheron." Then with eyes ashamed and down-
ways in that air forever dark, like the sand cast, fearing lest my speech might be trouble-
when the whirlwind breathes. some to him, far as to the river I refrained from

31. And I, who had my head girt with horror, speaking.

*Cf. Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I, Q 45,
Probably Pope Celestine V, who, after having held
A 6; Part I, Q 39, A 8. the papacy for five months in 1294, abdicated.
82. And behold! coming toward us in a boat,
and old man, white with ancient hair, crying:
"Woe to you, wicked souls! hope not ever to i. A HEAVY thunder broke the deep sleep in
see the Heavens! I come to carry you to the my head, so that I started up like a person who
other bank, into the eternal darkness, into heat is waked by force, and, risen erect, I moved my
and into frost. And thou who art there, living rested eye round about, and looked fixedly to
soul, depart from these that are dead." But distinguish the place where I was. True it is,
when he saw did not depart, he said:
that I that I found myself on the brink of the woeful

"By another way, by other ports thou shalt valley of the abyss which collects a thunder of
infinite wailings. It was so dark,
come to the shore, not here, for passage; a deep, and

lighter bark must carry thee." cloudy, that, though I fixed my sight on the
94. And my Leader to him: "Charon, vex depth, I did not discern anything there.
not thyself; thus willed there where is
it is 13. "Now let us descend here below into the
which is willed; and ask no
for that blind world," began the Poet all deadly pale,
more." Thereon were quiet the fleecy jaws of "I will be first, and thou shalt be second."

the ferryman of the livid marsh, who round 16. And I, who had observed his color, said:

about his eyes had wheels of flame. "How shall come, if thou fearest, who art

roo. But those souls, who were weary and wont to be the comfort to my doubting?" And
naked, changed color and gnashed their teeth, he to me: "The anguish of the folk who are
soon as they heard his cruel words. They blas- here below paints on my face that pity which
thou takest for Let us go on, for the long
phemed God and their parents, the human race,

the place, the time and the seed of their sowing way urges us."
and of their birth. Then, all of them bitterly 23. Thus he placed himself, and thus he

weeping, drew together to the evil bank, which made me enter into the that girds
first circle

awaits every man who fears not God. Charon the abyss. Here, as one listened, there was no

the demon, with eyes of glowing coal, beckon- lamentation but that of sighs which made the
eternal air to tremble; this came of the woe
ing to them, collects them all; he beats with his
oar whoever lingers. without torments felt by the crowds, which
112. As in autumn the
leaves depart one after were many and great, of infants and of women
the other, until the bough sees all its spoils up- and of men.
on the earth, in like wise the evil seed of Adam 31. The good Master to me: "Thou dost not
throw themselves from that shore one by one, ask what spirits are these that thou seest. Now
at signals, as the bird at his recall. Thus they go I would have thee know, before thou goest
over the dusky wave, and before they have farther, that these did not sin; and though they

landed on the farther side, already on this a have merits it suffices not, because they did not

new throng is assembled. have baptism, which is part of the faith that
said the courteous Master, thou behevest; and if they were before Chris-
121. "My son,"
"those who die in the wrath of come tianity, they did not duly worship God: and of
God, all
such as these am I myself. For such defects,
together here from every land; and they are
and not for other guilt, are we lost, and only so
eager to pass over the stream, for the divine
far harmed that without hope we live in desire."
justice spurs them so that fear is turned
to de-

sire. A good soul never passes this way; and 43. Great woe seized me at my heart when I

therefore if Charon fret at thee, well mayest heard him, because people of much
I knew that
thou now know what his speech signifies." worth were suspended in that limbo.
46. "Tell me, my Master, tell me, Lord," I
130. This ended, the gloomy plain trembled
so mightily, that the memory of the terror even began, with wish to be assured of that faith
now bathes me with sweat. The tearful land which vanquishes every error, "did ever any-
that flashed a crimson light one who afterwards was blessed go forth from
gave forth a
here, either by his own or by another's merit?"
which vanquished all sensation in me, and I
fell as a man whom slumber seizes. 51. And he, who understood my covert

*C. Aeneid, vi. 298^., 3268. 'Limbo (Lat. limbus, edge, hem, border).
speech, answered: "I was new
in this state when speech there wnere i was.
Isaw a Mighty One come hither crowned with 1 06. We came to the foot of a noble castle,

sign of victory. He drew out hence the shade

seven times circled by high walls,' defended
of the first parent, of Abel his son, and that of round about by a fair streamlet. This we passed
Noah, of Moses the law-giver and obedient, as if hard ground; through seven gates* I en-
Abraham the patriarch, and David the King, tered with these sages; we came to a meadow of
Israel with his father and with his offspring, fresh verdure. People were there with slow and
and with Rachel, for whom he did so much, grave eyes, of great authority in their looks;
and many others; and He made them blessed: they spoke seldom, and with soft voices. There-
and I would have thee know that before these, on we withdrew ourselves upon one side, into
human spirits were not saved." an open, luminous, and high place, so that they
64. We ceased not going on because he spoke,
all could be seen. There before me upon the

but all the while were passing through the green enamel were shown to me the great
wood, the wood, I mean, of crowded spirits; spirits, whom for having seen I inwardly exalt
nor yet had our way been long from the place myself.
of my slumber, when I saw a fire, which over- saw Electra with many companions,
1 2 1. 1

came a hemisphere of darkness. We were still among whom

recognized Hector and Aeneas,
a little distant from it, yet not so far but that I Ca:sar in armor, with his gerfalcon eyes; I saw
could in part discern that honorable folk pos- Camilla and Penthesilea, on the other side I
sessed that place. saw the King Latinus, who was sitting with
"O thou who honorest both science and
73. Lavinia his daughter. I saw that Brutus who
art, who are these, who have such honor that it drove out Tarquin; Lucretia, Julia, Marcia,
separates them from the manner of the others?" and Cornelia; and alone, apart, I saw the Sala-
And he to me: "The honorable renown of them din. When I raised my brows a little more, I

which sounds above in thy life wins grace in saw the Master of those who know,* seated
heaven which thus advances them." amid the philosophic family; all regard him,
all do him honor. Here I saw Socrates and
79. At this a voice was heard by me: "Honor
the loftiest Poet! his shade returns which had Plato, who in front of the others stand nearest

departed." When the voice had stopped and to him; Democritus, who ascribes the world
was quiet, I saw four great shades coming to to chance;Diogenes, Anaxagoras, and Thales,
us; they had a semblance neither sad nor glad. Empedocles, Heraclitus, and Zeno; and I saw
85. The good Master began to say: "Look at the good collector of the qualities, Dioscorides,
him with sword in hand who comes before
that I mean; and I saw Orpheus, Tully, and Linus,
the three, even as lord; he is Homer, the sover- and moral Seneca, Euclid the geometer, and
eign poet; the next who comes is Horace, the Ptolemy, Hippocrates, Avicenna, and Galen,
satirist; Ovid is the third, and the last is Lucan. and Averrhoes, who made the great comment.
Since each shares with me the name which the I cannot report of all in full, because the long
single voice sounded, they do me honor, and
The castle is the symbol of the abode of Philosophy,
in that do well." or human wisdom unenlightened by revelation; its
seven high walls may perhaps signify the four moral
94. Thus I saw assembled the fair school of and three intellectual virtues prudence, temperance,
that Lord of the loftiest song who soars above fortitude, and justice; understanding, knowledge, and
wisdom, all which could be attained by the virtuous
the others like an eagle. After they had dis-
heathen. Cf. Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I-II,
coursed somewhat together, they turned to me Q65, A2.
with sign of salutation; and my Master smiled 'The seven gates may typify the seven liberal arts
of the trwium and the quadrivium, by which names
thereat. And far more of honor yet they did me, the courses of instruction in them were known in the
for they made me of their band, so that I was schools of the Middle Ages. The trivium included
the sixth amid so much wisdom. Thus we went grammar, logic, and rhetoric; the quadrivium, music,
arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy.
on speaking things concern-
as far as the light, 4
ing which silence is becoming, even as was Dioscorides, a physician in Cilicia, of the first cen-
tury A. D., wrote, in his treatise De materia mcdica, of
Thc fire may be the symbol of the partial light the qualities of plants.
afforded by philosophy to the virtuous heathen. "On Aristotle.
theme so drives me that many times the speech neither of repose, nor of less pain.
comes short of the fact. 46. And as the cranes go singing their lays,

148. The company of six is reduced to two. making in air a long line of themselves, so I
By another way the wise guide leads me out saw come, uttering wails, shades borne along
from the quiet into the air that trembles, and I by the aforesaid strife. Wherefore I said: "Mas-
come into a region where is nothing that can ter, who are these folk whom the black air so

give light. castigates?"

"The first of those of whom thou wishest
CANTO V tohave knowledge," said he to me then, "was
i. THUS I descended from the first circle down empress of many tongues. She was so aban-
into the second, which girdles less space, and doned to the vice of luxury that lust she made
so much more woe goads to wailing.
that it licit in her law, to take away the blame into
There stands Minos horribly, and snarls; he which she had been brought. She is Semiramis,
examines the transgressions at the entrance; he of whom it is read that she succeeded, Ninus

judges, and he sends according as he entwines

and had been which
his wife; she held the land
himself. I mean, that when the ill born soul the Sultan rules. That other is she who, for
comes there before him, it confesses itself love, slew herself, and broke faith to the ashes

wholly, and that discerner of the sins sees what

of Sichaeus; next is
Cleopatra, the luxurious.
place of Hell is for it; he girds himself with his
See Helen, for whom so long a time of ill re-
tail so many times as the grades he wills that volved; and see the great Achilles, who fought
itbe sent down. Always many of them stand to the end with love. See Paris, Tristan and
before him; they go, in turn, each to the judg- more than a thousand shades whom love had
ment; they speak and hear, and then are whirled parted from our life he showed me, and, point-
below. ing to them, named to me.
1 6. "O
thou that comest to the woeful inn," 70. After I had heard my Teacher name the
said Minos to me, when he saw me, leaving dames of eld and the cavaliers, pity overcame
the act of so great an office, "beware how thou me, and I was well nigh bewildered. I began:
enterest, and to whom thou trustest thyself; "Poet, willingly would I speak with those two
let not the amplitude of the entrance deceive that go together, and seem to be so light upon
thee." And my Leader to him: "Wherefore the wind." And he to me: "Thou shalt see
dost thou too cry out? Hinder not his fated when they are nearer to us, and do thou then
going; thus is it willed there where is power pray them by that love which leads them, and
for that which is willed; and ask no more." they will come." Soon as the wind sways them
25. Now the notes of woe begin to make toward us, I lifted my voice: "O wearied souls,
themselves heard by me; now I am come where come speak with us, if Another* deny it not."

much had come 82. As doves, called by desire, with wings

wailing smites me. I into a

place mute of all light, that bellows as the sea open and steady, come through the air borne
does in a tempest, if it be combated by contrary by their will to their sweet nest, these issued
winds. The infernal hurricane which never from the troop where Dido is, coming to us
rests carries along the spirits with its rapine; through the malign air, so strong was the com-

whirling and smiting it molests them. When passionate cry.

88. "O living creature, gracious and benign,
they arrive before its rush, here are the shrieks,
the complaint, and the lamentation; here they that goest through the black air visiting us who
understood that stained the world blood-red, if the King of the
blaspheme the divine power. I

to such torment are condemned the carnal sin- universe were a friend we would pray Him for
ners who subject the reason to the appetite. And thy peace, since thou hast pity on our perverse
as their wings bear along the starlings in the 3
cold season in a large and full troop, so did that 8
These two are Francesca da Rimini, daughter of
blast the evil spirits; hither, thither, down, up the lord of Ravenna, and her lover, Paolo, the brother
of her husband, the son of the lord of Rimini.
it carries them; no hope ever comforts them, 4
The name of God is never spoken by the spirits in
Cf. Wisdom of Solomon, n. 16. Hell.
ill. Of what it pleases thee to hear, and what I see around me new torments and new tor-

to speak, we will hear and we will speak to mented souls wherever I move, and wherever
is hushed for us. I turn, and wherever I gaze.
you, while the wind, as now,
The where I was born sits upon the sea-
city 7. 1 am in the third circle, that of the eternal,
shore, where the Po, with his followers, de- accursed, cold, and heavy rain: its rule and
scends to have peace. Love, which quickly lays quality are never new. Coarse hail, and dark
hold on gentle heart, seized this one for the fair water, and snow pour down through the tene-
person that was taken from me, and the mode brous air; the earth which receives them stinks.
still hurts me. Love, which absolves no loved Cerberus, a cruel and strange beast, with three
one from loving, seized me for the pleasing of throats barks dogwise above the people that are
him so strongly that, as thou seest, it does not here submerged. He has red eyes, a greasy and
even now abandon me. Love brought us to one black beard, and a big belly, and paws armed
death. Cain awaits him who quenched our with nails: he claws the spirits, bites, and rends
life."These words were borne to us from them. them. The rain makes them howl like dogs; of
109. Soon as I had heard those injured souls I one of their sides they make a screen for the
bowed my face, and held it down so long until other; the wretched profane ones often turn
the Poet said tome: "What art thou thinking?" themselves.
When began: "Alas! how many 22. When Cerberus, the great worm, ob-
I replied, I
sweet thoughts, how great desire, led these un- served us, he opened his mouths, and showed
to the woeful pass." Then I turned me again to his fangs to us; not a limb had he that he held
still. And
them, and spoke, and began: "Francesca, thy my Leader opened wide his hands,
torments make me sad and piteous to weeping. took some earth, and with full fists threw it
But tell me, at the time of the sweet sighs, by into his ravenous gullets. As is the dog that
what and how did love concede to thee to baying craves, and becomes quiet when he bites
know thy dubious desires?" And she to me: his food, and is intent and struggles only to de-
"There is no greater woe than the remember- vour such became those filthy faces of the

ing in misery the happy time, and that thy demon Cerberus, who so thunders at the souls
Teacher knows. But if thou hast so great desire that they would fain be deaf.
to know the first root of our love, I will do like 34. We were passing over the shades whom
one who weeps and tells. the heavy rain subdues, and were setting our
127. "We were reading one day, for delight, feet upon their vain show which seems a body.

of Lancelot, how love constrained him. were We They all of them were lying on the ground, ex-
alone and without any suspicion. Many times cept one which raised itself to sit, soon as it
that reading urged our eyes, and took the color saw us passing in front. "O thou who art led
from our faces, but only one point was it that through this Hell," it said to me, "recognize me,
overcame us. When we read of the longed-for if thou canst; thou wast made before I was un-

smile being kissed by such a lover, this one, made." And I to it: "The anguish which thou
who never shall be divided from me, kissed my hast, perchance withdraws thee from my mem-
mouth all trembling. Gallehaut was the book, ory, so that it seems not that I ever saw thee.
and he who wrote it. That
day we read no far- But tell me who thou art, that art set in a place
ther in it." so woeful, and with such a punishment, that if

139. While the one spirit said this, the other any other be greater, none is so displeasing."
was so weeping that through pity I swooned as 49. And he to me: "Thy city which is so full
if I had been dying, and fell as a dead body falls. of envy that already the sack runs over, held
me in it, in the bright life. You, citizens, called
CANTO VI me Ciacco;
for the pernicious fault of gluttony,
I. AT the return of mind, which had
my as thou seest, I am broken by the rain: and I,
closed itself before the pity of these two kins- wretched soul, am not alone, for all these cn-
folk, that wholly confounded me with sadness,
Cf. Philippians, 3.19.
1 *
In the Romance, it was Gallehaut that prevailed on Ciacco, an abbreviation of Jacopo, seems, in popular
Guenever to give a kiss to Lancelot. speech, to have been the term for hog.
dure like punishment for like fault": and he 100. Thus we passed
along with slow steps
spoke not a word more. I answered him: through the foul mixture of the shades and of
"Ciacco, thy distress so weighs upon me, that it the rain, touching a little on the future
invites me to weeping; but tell me, if thou wherefore I said: "Master, these torments will
knowest, to what will come the citizens of they increase after the great Sentence, or be
the divided city; if any one in it is just; and tell less, or will they be just as burning?" And he
me the cause why such great discord has as- to me: "Return to thy science, which declares

sailed it." that in proportion the thing is more

perfect the
64. And he to me: "After long contention more it feels the good, and so the pain. Though
they will come to blood, and the sylvan party this accursed folk never can attain to true per-
will chase out the other with much injury. Then fection, it
expects thereafter to be more than
afterwards within three suns it behoves that now."
this shall fall, and the other surmount by means 112. We took a circling course along that
of the force of a certain one who just now is road, speaking far more than I repeat; and carne
It will hold high its front to the point where the descent is. Here we
tacking. long time,
keeping the other under heavy weights, how- found Pluto, the great enemy.
ever it may lament and be shamed thereat.
There are two just men, but they are not CANTO VII
heeded there; Pride, Envy, and Avarice are the i.
"Pape Satan, pape Satan aleppe" began

three sparks that have inflamed their hearts." Pluto with his clucking voice. And that gentle
Here he made ending of the grievous sound. Sage, who knew everything, said to comfort
77. And I to him: "I would that thou instruct me: "Let not thy fear hurt thee; for, whatever
me further, and that of more speech thou make power he have, he shall not take from thee the
a gift to me. Farinata and Tegghiaio who descent of this rock." Then he turned to that
were so worthy, Jacopo Rusticucci, Arrigo, and swollen lip and said: "Be silent, accursed wolf!*
Mosca, and the others who set their minds on consume thyself inwardly with thine own rage:
well-doing, tell me where they are, and make not without cause is this going to the depth; it
me to know of them, for great desire urges me is willed on
high, there where Michael wrought
to learn if Heaven sweeten them, or Hell en- the vengeance for the proud rape." As sails
venom them." swollen by the wind fall in a heap when the
85. And he: "They are among the blacker mast snaps, so fell to earth the cruel wild-beast,
souls: different sin weighs them down toward 1 6. Thus we descended into the fourth hol-
the bottom; if thou descend so
thou maystfar, low, taking more of the woeful bank which in-
see them. But when thou shalt be in the sweet sacks the evil of the whole universe. Ah, justice
world I pray thee that thou bring me to the of God who heaps up so many new travails and

memory of others: more I say not to thee, and penalties asI saw? And
why does our guilt so
more I answer thee not." Thereon he twisted ruin us? As does the wave, yonder upon Cha-
his straight eyes awry, looked at me a little, rybdis, which is broken on that which it en-
and then bent his head, and fell with it level
counters, so needs must here the people coun-
with the other blind. terdance.
94. And the Leader said tome: "He rousesup 25. Here I saw many more people than else-
no more on this side the sound of the angelic where, both on the one side and the other, with
trump. When the hostile Power shall come, great howls rolling weights by force of chest.
each one will find again his dismal tomb, will
They struck against each other, and then there
resume his flesh and his shape, will hear that each wheeled round, rolling back, crying:
which through eternity reverberates." "Why boldest thou?" and "Why flingest thou
This prophecy relates to the dissensions of the
Whites and the Blacks by which Florence was rent.
away?" Thus they turned through the dark
circle on either hand to the opposite point, still
The "sylvan party" was that of the Whites, who were
mainly Ghibellmes. By the "one who just now is tack- crying out at each other their opprobrious
ing" Dante probably refers to Pope Boniface VIII. In
the overthrow of the Whites Dante's own fortunes were *Thc teaching of Aristotle; sec Ethics, x. 4.
involved. Cf. Hell, i.
49, and Purgatory, xx. 10,
measure; then each wheeled round, when he judgment, which is hidden like the snake in
had come through his half circle to the other the grass. Your wisdom has no withstanding of

her: she foresees, judges, and pursues her

36. And I, who had my heart as it were reign, as theirs the other gods. Her permuta-
pierced through, said: "My Master, now de- tions have no truce; necessity compels her to
clare to me what folk this is, and if all these be swift, so often comes he who obtains a turn.
tonsured ones on our left were clerks." This is she who is so set upon the cross, even by
40. And he to me: "Each and all of these those who ought to give her praise, giving her
were so asquint in mind in the first life that blame amiss and ill report. But she is blessed
they made no spending in it with due measure. and hears this not: with the other Primal Crea-
Clearlyenough their voice bays it forth, when tures glad she turns her sphere, and blessed she
they come to the two points of the circle where rejoices. Now let us descend at once to greater
the contrary fault divides them. These were woe: already every star is sinking that was ris-

clerks who have no hairy covering on their ing when I set out, and too long stay is forbid-
heads, and Popes and Cardinals, in whom ava- den."
rice practices its excess." 100. We crossed the circle to the other bank,

49. And I: "Master,among such as these I above a fount that bubbles up and pours out
ought surely to recognize some who were pol- through a trench which proceeds from it. The
luted with these evils." water was far darker than perse; and we, in
52. And he to me: "Thou harborest a vain company with the dusky waves, entered down
thought; the undiscerning life that made them through a strange way. This dismal little stream,
foul now makes them dim to all discernment. when it has descended to the foot of the malign
Forever will they come to the two buttings; gray slopes, makes a marsh that is named
from the sepulchre with closed
these will rise Styx. And I, who was standing intent to gaze,
fist,and these with shorn hair. Ill-giving and saw muddy people in that swamp, all naked
ill-keeping have taken from them the beautiful and with look of hurt. They were smiting each
world, and set them to this scuffle; what that is, other, not with hand only, but with the head,
I adorn not words for it. Now, son, thou canst with the chest, and with the feet, mangling
see the brief jest of the goods that are com- one another piecemeal with their teeth.
mitted to Fortune, for which the human race 115. The good Master said: "Son, now thou
struggle with each other; for all the gold that seest the souls of those whom anger overcame;
isbeneath the moon, or that ever was, could and also I will that thou believe for certain that
not of these weary souls make a single one re- under the water are folk who sigh, and make
pose." this water bubble at the surface, as thine eye
67. "Master," said I to him, "now tell me fur- tells thee wherever it turns. Fixed in the slime,
ther, this Fortune, on which thou touchest to they say: 'Sullen were we in the sweet air that
me, what is it, which has the goods of the world is
gladdened by the Sun, bearing within our-
so in its clutches?" selves the sluggish fume; now we are sullen in

70. And he to me: "O foolish creatures, how the black mire/ This hymn they gurgle in their
great is that ignorance which harms you! I throats, for they cannot speak with entire
would have thee now receive my opinion con- words."
cerning her. He whose wisdom transcends all, 127. Thus we circled a great arc of the foul
made the heavens, and gave them their guides, fen, between the dry bank and the slough, with
so that every part shines on every part, distrib- eyes turned on those who guzzle the mire. We
uting equally the light. In like wise for the came at length to the foot of a tower.
splendors of the world, He ordained a general
ministress and guide, who should from time to CANTO VIII
time transfer the vain goods from race to race, 1. 1 SAY, continuing, that, long before we were
and from one blood to another, beyond the re- at the foot of the high tower, our eyes went
sistance of human wit. Wherefore one race ward to its top by reason of two flamelets that
rules, and another languishes, pursuant to her we saw set there, while another was giving sig-

nal back from so far oflfthat the eye could 52. And I: "Master, I should much like to see
hardly catch it. And I turned me to the Sea of him soused in this broth before we depart from
allwisdom; I said: "This one, what says it? the lake." And he to me: "Before the shore
and what answers that other fire? and who are lets itself be seen by thee thou shalt be satisfied;
they that made it?" And he to me: "Upon the it is
fitting that thou enjoy such a desire." lit- A
turbid waves already thou mayst discern that tle after this I saw such rending of him by the
which is expected, if the fume of the marsh muddy folk that I still praise God therefor, and
hide it not from thee." thank Him for it. All cried: "At Filippo Ar-
13. Bowstring never urged arrow from itself genti!" and the raging Florentine spirit turned
that ran so swift a course through the air, as a upon himself with his teeth. Here we left him;
which at that instant I saw coming
little vessel so that I tell no more of him.

through the water toward us, under the guid- 65. But on my ears a wailing smote, whereat
ance of a single boatman, who cried out: "Now forward intent I unbar my eye. And the good
art thou arrived, fell soul?" Master said: "Now, son, the city draws near
1 2
i9."Phlegyas, Phlegyas,this time thou criest that is named Dis, with its heavy citizens, with
out in vain," said my Lord, "thou shalt not its great throng." And I: "Master, already in
have us longer than only while crossing the the valley therewithin I clearly discern its

slough." As one who listens to some great de- mosques vermilion, as if they were issuing
ception that has been practiced on him, and from fire." And he said to me: "The eternal
then repines thereat, such became Phlegyas in fire thatblazes there within displays them red
his gathered anger. as thou seest in this nether Hell."

25. My Leader descended into the bark and 76. We at last arrived within the deep ditches
then he made me enter after him, and only which encompass that disconsolate city. The
when I was in did it seem laden. Soon as my walls seemed to me to be of iron. Not without
Leader and I were in the boat, the antique first making a great circuit did we come to a

prow goes its way, cutting more of the water place where the boatman loudly shouted to us:
than it is wont with others. "Get ye out, here is the entrance."
31. While we were running through the 82. Upon the gates I saw more than a thou-
dead channel, one full of mud set himself be- sand of those rained down from heaven who
fore me, and said: "Who art thou that com- angrily were saying: "Who is this, that with-
est before thine hour?" And I to him: "If I out death goes through the realm of the dead
come, I do not stay; but who art thou that art folk?" And my wise Master made a sign of
become so foul?" He answered: "Thou seest wishing to speak secretly with them. Then
that I am one who laments." And I to him, they shut in a little their great scorn, and said:
"With lamenting and with sorrow, accursed "Come thou him be gone who so
alone, and let

spirit, do thou remain, for I know thee, though boldly entered on this realm. Alone let him re-
thou be all filthy." Then he stretched to the turn on the mad path: let him try if he can; for
boat both his hands, whereat the wary Master thou, who hast escorted him through so dark
thrust him back, saying: "Away there, with a region, shalt remain here."
the other dogs!" 94. Think, Reader, if I was discomforted at

43. Then he clasped my neck with his arms, the sound of the accursed words, for I did not
kissed my face, and said: "Indignant soul, believe ever to return hither.
blessed be she who bore thee! That was an ar- 97. "O my dear Leader, who more than
rogant person in the world; no goodness is seven times hast restored to me security, and
there that adorns his memory; so is his shade drawn me from deep peril that stood confront-
furious here. How many now up there are held ing me, leave me not," said I, "thus undone;
great kings who shall lie here like swine in and, if the passing farther onward be denied
mire, leaving of themselves horrible dispraises!" us, let us together quickly retrace our steps."
that Lord who had led me thither said to
Phlegyas, a king of the Lapithae, enraged with And
Apollo for the violation of his daughter, set fire, in his me: "Fear not, for no one can take from us our
impious wrath, to the temple, at Delphi, of the god, *
who slew him with his arrows. Cf. Aencid, vi. 127.
passage, by Such an one is it given to us. But me: "Seldom it happens that any one of us
here await me, and comfort thy dejected spirit makes the journey on which I am going. It is
and feed on good hope, for I will not leave thee true that another time I was down here, con-
in the nether world." jured by that cruel Erichtho who was wont to
call back shades into their bodies. Short while
109. So the sweet Father goes away, and here
abandons me, and I remain in suspense; and had my flesh been bare of me, when she made
yes and no contend within my head.
I could me enter within that wall, in order to draw
not hear what he proffered to them, but he had thence a spirit of the circle of Judas. That is the
not staid there with them long, when vying lowest place, and the darkest, and the farthest
with each other they ran back within. These from the Heaven which encircles all. I know
our adversaries closed the gates on the breast of the road well; therefore assure thyself. This

my Lord, who remained without, and turned marsh which breathes out the great stench
back to me with slow steps. He had his eyes girds round the woeful city wherein now we
upon the ground, and his brows were shorn of cannot enter without anger."
all hardihood, and he was saying with sighs: 34. And more he said, but I have it not in
"Who has denied to me the houses of woe?" mind, because my eye had wholly attracted me
121. And he said to me: "Because I am toward the high tower with the ruddy summit,
wroth, be not thou dismayed, for I shall win where in an instant were uprisen suddenly
the contest, whoever circle round within for three infernal Furies, stained with blood, who
the defence. This their insolence is not new, had the limbs of women and their action, and
for of old they used it at a less secret gate, were with greenest hydras. They had for
1 6
which found without a bolt. Above it
still is hair serpents and cerastes, wherewith

thou didst see the dead inscription; and al- their savage brows were bound.

ready, on this side of it, is descending the steep, 43. And he, who well recognized the hand-

passing without escort through the circles, One maids of the queen of the eternal lamentation,
such that by him the city shall be opened to us." said to me: "Behold the fell Erinnyes; this is

Megaera on the left side, she who wails on the

CANTO IX right is Alecto, Tisiphone is in the middle":
i. THAT which cowardice painted out-
color and therewith he was silent.

wardly on me when I saw my Guide turn back, 49. With her nails each was tearing her
repressed more speedily his own new color. breast; they were beating themselves with their
He stopped attentive, like a man that listens, hands, and crying out so loud that I pressed
for the eye could not lead him far through the through dread. "Let Medusa
close to the Poet
black air, and through the deii^e fog. come, so we will make him of stone," they all

7. "Yet be for us to win the fight,"

it shall said,looking downward; "ill was it we avenged

began he, "unless Such an one offered her- not on Theseus his assault."
self to us. Oh how long it is to me till Another 55. "Turn thee round backwards, and keep
arrive here!" thy sight closed, for if the Gorgon show her-
saw well how he covered up the begin-
10. 1 self, and thou shouldst see her, no return up-

ning with the rest that came after, which were ward would there ever be." Thus said the
words different from the first; but nevertheless

his speech gave me fear, because I drew his Erichtho, a sorceress of Thessaly, at the desire of
Sextus, the son of Pompey, on the night before the
broken phrase perchance to a worse meaning battle of Pharsalia, conjured up one of his dead soldiers
than it held. to foretell its issue.
Horned snakes. See Paradise Lost, x. 525.
"Into this depth of the dismal shell does
1 6. a
any one ever descend from the first grade who
Theseus, failing to rescue Proserpine, was kept in
has for penalty only hope cut off?" the lower world till delivered by Hercules, in defiance
of the power of Hades.
19. This question I
put, and he answered 8
Medusa, who should turn Dante to stone, that is,
A like resistance had been offered to Christ on his should harden his heart to the influences of die Divine
descent to Hell. grace, may be the type of the sin of desperatio, despair
Beatrice. of the mercy of God. See Aquinas, Stimtna Theologica,
'Sec Hell, iv. 41. Part IMI, 20, A 3.
Master, and he himself turned me, and trusted send my eye round about, and I see on every
not to my hands but with his own he also hand a great plain full of woe and of cruel tor-
blinded me. ment.
61. ye who have sound understandings, re- 112. As at Aries, where the Rhone stagnates,
gard the doctrine that is hidden under the veil as at Pola, near the Quarnaro which shuts Italy
of the strange verses ! in and bathes her borders, the sepulchres make
64. And already across the turbid waves was all the place uneven; so did they here on every

coming a crash of a sound full of terror, at side, save that the manner was more bitter
which both the shores trembled. Not otherwise here; for among the tombs flames were scat-
it was than of a wind, impetuous by reason of tered, by which they were so wholly heated
the opposing heats, which strikes the forest, that no art requires iron more so. All their lids
and without any stay shatters the branches, were lifted; and such dire laments were issuing
beats down and carries them away; forward, forth from them as truly seemed of wretches
laden with dust, it goes superb, and makes the and of sufferers.
wild beasts and the shepherds fly. 124. And I: "Master, who are these folk

73. My eyes he loosed, and said, "Now direct that, buried within those coffers, make them-
the nerve of sight across that ancient scum, selves heard with their woeful sighs?" And he
there yonder where that fume is most bitter." to me: "Here are the heresiarchs with their fol-
76. As the frogs before the hostile snake all lowers of every sect, and the tombs are much
vanish through the water, till each huddles on more laden than thou thinkest. Like with like
the ground, I saw more than a thousand de- is buried here, and the monuments are more

stroyed souls flying thus before One, who on and less hot."
foot was passing over the Styx with soles un- 132. And after he had turned to the right
wet. From he was removing that thick
his face hand, we passed between the torments and the
air, waving hand oft before him, and
his left high battlements.
only with that trouble he seemed weary. Well
I perceived that he was a messenger from CANTO X
Heaven, and I turned me to the Master, and i. along a solitary path between the wall
he made sign that I should stand quiet and of the city and the torments, my Master goes
bow down to him. Ah, how full of disdain he on, and I behind his shoulders.
seemed to me! He came to the gate and with 4. "O virtue supreme," I began, "that through
a little rod he opened it, for it had no resistance. the impious circles dost turn me according to
9i."O outcasts from Heaven! folk despised," thy pleasure, speak to me and satisfy my de-
began he upon the horrible threshold, "whence sires. The folk that are lying in the sepulchres,

is overweening harbored in you? Where-

this might they be seen? all the lids are now lifted,
fore do ye kick against that Will from which and no one keeps guard."
its end can never be cut short, and which many 10. And he to me: "All will be locked in

a time has increased your woe? What avails it when they shall return here from Jehoshaphat
to butt against the fates ? Your Cerberus, if ye with the bodies which they have left on earth.*
remember well, still bears his chin and his Upon this side Epicurus with all his followers,
throat peeled therefor." Then he turned back who make the soul mortal with the body, have
over the filthy road, and said no word to us, their burial place. Therefore as to the request

but wore the semblance of a man whom other that thou makest of me, thou shalt soon be
care constrains and stings, than that of him satisfied here within; and also as to the desire

who is before him. of which thou art silent to me." And I: "Good

104. Then we moved our feet toward the Leader, I hold not my heart hidden from thee
city, secure after his holy
words. We entered except in order to speak little; and not only
there within without any strife: and I, who now hast thou disposed me to this."
had desire to observe the condition which such 22. "O Tuscan, who goest thy way alive
a stronghold locks in, soon as I was within, through the city of fire, speaking thus mod-
*Scc Aeneid, vi. 395-6. *Cf. Joel, 3. 2, 12.
it please thee to stop in this place. made before answering, he fell again supine,
Thy mode of speech makes manifest that thou and appeared no more outside.
art native of that noble fatherland to which 73. But that other magnanimous one, at

perchance was too molestful." Suddenly this

I whose instance I had stayed, changed not as-

sound issued from one of the coffers, wherefore pect, nor moved his neck, nor bent his side.

in fear I drew a little nearer to my Leader. And "And if, "he said, continuing his first discourse,
he said to me: "Turn thee: what art thou do- "they have ill learned that art, it torments me
ing? See there Farinata who has risen erect; more than this bed. But the face of the Lady
all from the girdle upwards wilt thou see who rules here will not be rekindled fifty
him." times ere thou shalt know how much that art
34. 1 had already fixed my face on his, and he weighs. And, so mayest thou return to the
was straightening himself up with breast and sweet world, tell me wherefore is that people
front as though he had Hell in great scorn. so pitiless against party in its every law?"
And the bold and ready hands of my Leader 85. him: "The rout and the
Thereon I to

pushed me among
the sepulchres to him, say- great carnage which colored the Arbia red
ing: "Let thy words be clear." cause such prayer to be made in our temple."

40. When I was at the foot of his tomb, he After he had, sighing, shaken his head, "In
looked at me a little, and then, as though dis- that I was not alone," he said, "nor surely with-

dainful, asked me, "Who were thy ancestors?" out cause would I have moved with the others;
I, who was desirous to obey, concealed it not but I was alone there, where it was agreed by
from him, but disclosed it all to him; whereon every one to destroy Florence, he who defended
he raised up his brows a little, then said: "They her with open face."
were fiercely adverse to me and to my fore- 94. "Ah! so may your seed ever have repose,"
fathers and to my party, so that at two times I I
prayed to him, "loose for me that knot, which
scattered them." "If they were driven out, they has here entangled my judgment. It seems, if
returned from every side," replied I to him, Ihear rightly, that ye see in advance that which
"both the one and the other time, but yours time is bringing with it, and as to the present
have not learned well that art." have another way." "We see," he said, "like
52. Then there arose to sight alongside of him who has bad light, the things that are far
this one, a shade uncovered far as to the chin: from us, so much the supreme Ruler still shines
I think that it had risen on its knees. It looked on us; when they draw near, or are, our intelli-
round about me, as if it had desire to see if an- gence is wholly vain, and, if another report not
other were with me, but when its expectancy to us, we know nothing of your human state;
was quite spent, weeping it said: "If through wherefore thou canst comprehend that our
this blind prison thou goest by reason of lofti- knowledge will be utterly dead from that mo-
ness of genius, where is my son? and
why is he ment when the gate of the future shall be
not with thee?" And I to him: "I come not of closed."

myself; he who waits yonder is leading me as

109. Then, compunctious for my fault, I
through here, whom perchance your Guido said: "Now, then, you will tell to that fallen
had in disdain." one that his son is still conjoined with the liv-
His words and the mode of the punish-
64. ing, and if just now was dumb to answer,

ment had already read to me the name of this make him know that was so because I was

one; wherefore my answer was so full. already thinking in the error which you have
67. Suddenly straightening up, he cried: solved for me."*
"How didst thou say, 'he had'? lives he not 115. And now my Master was recalling me,
still? does not the sweet light strike his eyes?" wherefore more hastily I prayed the spirit that
When he became aware of some delay that I he would tell me who was with him. He said
1 8
Farinata degli Uberti was the head of the Ghibelline Proserpine, identified with Hecate, and hence with
party in Tuscany for many years, about the middle of the Moon.
the thirteenth century. Guido Cavalcanti died in August, 1300; his death
Guido Cavalcanti, Dante's first friend, was charged was an event too near at hand at the time of Dante's
with the same sin of unbelief as his father. journey to be known to his father.
to me: "Here I lie with more than a thousand; because fraud is an evil peculiar to man, it
here within is the second Frederick and the more God; and therefore the fraud-
Cardinal, and of the others I am silent." ulent are the lower, and woe assails them more.
121. Thereon he hid himself; and I turned 28. "The first circle is wholly of the violent:

my steps toward the ancient Poet, reflecting on but because violence is done to three persons,
that speech which seemed hostile to me. He it is divided and constructed in three rounds.
moved on, and then, thus going, he said to me: To God, to one's self, to one's neighbor may
"Why thou so disturbed?" And I satisfied
art violence be done; I say to them and to their be-
him as to his question. "Let thy memory pre- longings, as thou shalt hear with plain dis-
serve that which thou hast heard against thy- course. By violence, death and grievous wounds

self," that Sage bade me, "and now give heed are inflicted on one's neighbor; and on his sub-
here and he raised his finger: "When thou stance ruins, burnings, and harmful extortions.
shalt be in presence of the sweet radiance of Wherefore the first round torments homicides,
her whose beautiful eye sees everything, from and every one who smites wrongfully, all de-
her thou shalt learn the journey of thy life." spoilers and plunderers, in various troops.
Then to the left he turned his step. 40. "Man may lay violent hands upon him-
134. Wethe wall, and went toward the
left self and on his goods; and, therefore, in the

middle by a path that strikes into a valley second round it behoves that he repent without
which even up there was making its stench dis- avail who deprives himself of your world,
pleasing. gambles away and dissipates his property, and
laments there where he ought to be joyous.
CANTO XI 46. "Violence may be done to the Deity, by
i. UPON the edge of a high bank which great denying and blaspheming Him in the heart,
rocks broken in a circle made, we came above and by contemning nature and His bounty:
a more cruel pen. And here, because of the hor- and therefore the smallest round seals with its
which the deep abyss
rible excess of the stench signet both Sodom and Cahors, and him who,
throws out, we drew aside behind the lid of a contemning God, speaks from his heart.

great tomb, whereon I saw an inscription 52. "The fraud, by which every conscience
which said: "I hold Pope Anastasius, whom is stung, man may practice on one that confides
Photinus drew from the right way." in him, or on one that has no stock of confi-
10. "It behoves that our descent be slow, so dence. This latter mode seems to destroy only
that the sense may first accustom itself a little the bond of love which nature makes; where-
and then it will be of no
to the dismal blast, fore in the second circle nest hypocrisy, flat-

concern." Thus the Master, and I said to him: teries, and he who bewitches, falsity, robbery,
"Some compensation do thou find that the and simony, panders, barrators, and such like

time pass not lost." And he: "Behold, I am filth.

thinking of that. My son, within these rocks," 61. "By the other mode that love is forgot-
he began then to say, "are three lesser circles ten which nature makes and that which is
from grade to grade, like those which thou art thereafter added, whereby special confidence

leaving. All are full of accursed spirits; but, in

is created. Hence, where
in the smallest circle,

order that hereafter the sight alone may suffice is the point of the universe, upon which Dis
thee, hear how and wherefore they are in sits, whoso betrays is consumed forever."
bonds. 67. And I:
"Master, full clearly thy discourse
22. "Of every wickedness that acquires hate proceeds, and full well divides this pit, and
in heaven injury the end, and every such end
is the people that possess it; but, tell me, they of
afflicts others either by force or by fraud. But the fat marsh, and they whom the wind drives,

and they whom the rain beats, and they who
Frederick II, Emperor from 1212 to 1250.
*Ottaviano degli Ubaldini, a fierce Ghibelline. encounter with such rough tongues, why are
8 *
A confused tradition charged Pope Anastasius II The first circle below, the seventh in the order of
(496-498), with having been led by Photinus of Thes- Hell.
salonica into heretical opinions concerning the divinity 'Cahors, a town in southern France, noted in the
of Christ Middle Ages for the usurious practice of its inhabitants.

they not punished within the ruddy city

if 4. As is that downfall which, on this side of

God be wroth with them? and if he be not so, Trent, struck the Adige on its flank, either by
why are they in such plight?" earthquake or through failure of support, for
And he said to me: "Why does thy wit so
from the top of the mountain, whence it start-
wander beyond its wont? or thy mind, where ed, to the plain, the cliff has so tumbled down
it gazing? Dost thou not remember those
else is that it might afford some path to one that were
words with which thy Ethics treats in full of above such was the descent of that ravine:
the three dispositions that Heaven abides not; and on the edge of the broken chasm was out-
incontinence, wickedness, and mad bestiality, stretched the infamy of Crete, that was con-
and how incontinence less offends God, and ceived in the false cow. And when he saw us
incurs less blame? If thou consider well this he bit himself even as one whom wrath rends
doctrine, and bring to mind who are those that inwardly. My Sage cried out toward him: "Per-
up above suffer punishment outside, thou wilt chance thou believest that here is the Duke of
see clearly why they are divided from these fel- Athens, who up in the world gave thce thy
ons, and why less wroth the divine vengeance death? Get thee gone, beast, for this one does
hammers them." not come instructed by thy sister, but he goes
91. "O Sun that healest every troubled vision, to behold your punishments."
thou dost content me so, when thou solvest, 22. As is that bull which breaks his halter at

that doubt, not less than knowledge, pleases the instant he has just received his mortal

me; yet turn thee a little back," said I, "to stroke, and cannot go, but plunges this way
where thou sayest that usury offends the Di- and that, I saw the Minotaur do the like.

vine Goodness, and loose the knot." 26. And he watchful cried: "Run to the pass;

97. "Philosophy," he said to me, "points out while he is in a rage it is well that thou de-
to him who understands it, not only in one scend." So we took our way down over the
part alone, how Nature takes her course from discharge of those stones, which often moved
the Divine Intellect and from Its art. And if under my feet because of the novel burden.
thou note thy Physics well thou wjlt find, was going along thinking, and he said:
31. 1

after not pages, that your art follows her

many "Thou thinking perhaps on this rum which

so far as it can, as the disciple does the master, is guarded

by that bestial wrath which I just
so that your art is as it were grandchild of now quelled. Now I would have thee know
God. From these two, thou bring to mind if that the other time when I descended here be-
Genesis at beginning, it behoves mankind
its low into the nether hell, this clifl had not yet
to gain their life and to advance. But because fallen. But in truth, discern aright, a little
if I

the usurer holds another way, he contemns ere He came, who levied the great spoil on Dis
Nature in herself, and in her follower, since from the uppermost circle, on all sides the

upon other thing he sets his hope. But follow deep foul valley trembled" so that I thought
me now, for to go on pleases me; for the Fishes the universe felt love whereby, as some believe,
are quivering on the horizon, and the Wain the world has oft-times been converted into
5 9
liesquite over Caurus, and far onwards is the chaos: and, at that moment, this ancient rock
descent of the steep." here and elsewhere made such downfall. But
fix thine eyes below, for the river of blood is
CANTO XII near, in which everyone who does harm by
i. THE place where we came to descend the violence to others is
bank was alpine, and, because also of what was 49. Oh blind cupidity, both guilty and mad,
there, such that every eye would be shy of it. which so spurs us in the short life, and then, in
'Of Dis. Cf. Canterbury Tales, "The Knight's Tale," 860-62.
*Cf. Aristotle, Ethics, vii. i. Sec Canto iv. 52-63, supra.
8 8
Cf. Aristotle, Physics, ii. 2. Cf. Matthew, 27. 51.
4 9
Cf. Genesis, 3. 19. It was the doctrine of Empedocles that Love and
"The sign of the Fishes precedes that of the Ram, Hate were powers to whose
conflicting influences the
and, as the Sun was in the latter sign, the time indicated actual condition of the sensible world is due.
is about 4, or from 4 to 5 A. M. Caurus, the northwest "See Paradise, xv. 3; xxvii. 121; De Monarchia, i.

wind, here stands for that quarter of the heavens. u, 70.

the eternal, steeps us so ill! the boiled were uttering loud shrieks. I saw
52. I saw a broad ditch, according as my folk under it up to the brow, and the
Guide had said, bent in an arc, as that which Centaur said: "These are tyrants who laid hold
embraces all the plain. And between the foot of on blood and plunder. Here they bewail their
the bank and it, Centaurs were running in a merciless misdeeds: here is Alexander, and
file, armed with arrows, as they were wont in cruel Dionysius who made Sicily have woeful
the world togo to the chase. Seeing us descend- years. And that forehead which has such black
ing, each stopped, and from the troop three hair is Azzolino, and that other who is blond
detached themselves, with bows and darts first is
Opizzo of Este, who of a truth was slain by
selected. And one cried from afar: "To what his stepson up there in the world."
torment are ye coming, ye who descend the 113. Then I turned me
and he to the Poet,

slope? Tell it from there; if not, I draw the said: "Let him now and I sec-
be first for thee,
bow." My Master said: "We will make answer ond." A little further on the Centaur stopped
unto Chiron near by there: to thy hurt was thy above a folk who far as the throat seemed to
will ever thus hasty." come out from that boiling stream. He showed
67. Then he touched me, and said: "That is to us at one side a solitary shade, and said: "He

Nessus, who died for the beautiful Dejanira, cleft, in the bosom of God, the heart that still
and himself wrought vengeance for himself; is honored on the Thames." Then I saw
and that one in the middle, who is gazing on who were holding their heads, and even all
his own the great Chiron who nur-
breast, is their chests, out of the stream; and of these I
tured Achilles; that other is Pholus, who was recognized many. Thus more and more that
so full of wrath. Round about the ditch they go blood sank down, until it cooked only the feet:

by thousands, shooting with their arrows what- and here was our passage of the foss.
ever soul lifts itself from the blood more than 127. "As on this hand, thou seest that the
its crime has allotted to it." boiling stream continually diminishes," said
76. We drew near to those fleet wild beasts. the Centaur, "so I would have thee believe that
Chiron took a shaft, and with the notch put on this other it lowers its bed more and more,

him beard back upon his jaws. When he had until it comes round again to where it behoves
thus uncovered his great mouth he said to his that tyranny should groan. The divine justice

companions: "Are ye aware that the one be- here goads that Attila who was a scourge on
hind moves what he touches? thus are not earth,and Pyrrhus and Sextus; and forever
wont to do the feet of the dead." And my good milks the tears which with the boiling it un-
Leader, who was now at his breast, where the locks from Rinier of Corneto and from Rinier
two natures are conjoined, replied: "He is in- Pazzo, who made such warfare upon the high-
deed alive, and thus alone it behoves me to ways."
show him the dark valley: necessity leads him 139. Then he turned back and repassed the
and not delight. One who withdrew from sing- ford.

ing hallelujah committed unto me this new

duty; he is no robber, nor I a fraudulent soul.
But, by that Power through which I move my i.NESSUS had not yet reached the yonder
steps along so savage a road, give to us one of bank when we set forward through a wood
thine, to whom
we may keep close, who may which was marked by no path. Not green
show us where the ford is, and may carry this 1
Azzolino (or Ezzelino) III da Romano, son-in-law
one on his back, who is not a spirit that can go of the Emperor Frederick II, and his vicar in northern
through the air." 8
Opizzo II of Este, Marquis of Ferrara. See Canto
97. Chiron turned upon his right breast, and xviii.
56, supra; Purgatory, v. 77.
said to Nessus: "Turn, and guide them thus, In 1271, Prince Henry, son of Richard, Earl of
Cornwall, was stabbed, during Mass, in the church of
and if another troop encounter you, make it
St. Sylvester at Viterbo, by Guy of Montfort, to avenge
the death of his father, Simon, Earl of Leicester. Henry's
give way."
heart was placed in a golden cup, on a column, at the
100. We moved on with the trusty escort
head of London Bridge.
along the edge of the crimson boiling, in which
Two noted highway robbers.
leaves were there, but of a dusky color, not wast, so that, by way of some amends, he may
smooth boughs but gnarled and tangled, not refresh thy fame in the world above, whereto it
fruits but thorns with poison. Those savage is allowed him to return."

wild-beasts that hold in hate the tilled places 55. And the trunk: 5 "Thou dost so allure me
between Cecina and Corneto have no thickets with sweet speech, that I cannot be silent, and
so rough or so dense. may it not burden you, that I am enticed to talk
10. Here the foul Harpies make their nests, a little. I am he who held both the keys of the
who chased the Trojans from the Strophades heart of Frederick, and who turned them, lock-
with dismal announcement of future calamity. ing and unlocking so softly, that from his se-
They have broad wings, and human necks and cretsI
kept almost every one. Fidelity so great
faces, feet with claws, and the great belly feath-
I bore to the glorious office, that I lost my sleep
ered. They make lament on the strange trees. and my pulse thereby. The harlot, that never
1 6. And the good Master began to say to me: from the abode of Caesar turned her strumpet
"Before thou enterest farther, know that thou eyes, the common death and vice of courts,
art in the Second Round, and wilt be, till thou inflamed all minds against me, and they, in-
shalt come to the horrible sand. Therefore look flamed, did so inflame Augustus that my glad
well around, and so shalt thou see things that honors turned to dismal sorrows. My mind,
would take credence from my speech." through scornful disgust, thinking to escape
22. 1 heard wailings uttered on every side, and scorn by death, made me unjust toward my just
I saw no one who made them, wherefore, all be- self. By the strange roots of this tree I swear to
wildered, I
stopped. I believe that he believed you, that I never broke faith to my lord who
that I believed that all these voices issued from was so one of you re-
worthy of honor. And if

amid those trunks from people who because of turns to the world, let him comfort my memory
us had hidden themselves. Therefore said the which yet lies prostrate from the blow that envy
Master: "If thou break off any twig from one gave it."

of these plants, the thoughts thou hast will all 79. He paused a little, and then, "Since he is

be cut short." silent," said the Poet to me, "lose not the hour,

31. Then I stretched my hand a little forward but, if more please thee, speak and enquire of
and plucked a little branch from a great thorn- him." Whereon I to him: "Do thou ask him
bush, and its trunk cried out: "Why dost thou further of what thou thinkest may satisfy me,
break me?" When it had become dark with for I cannot, such great pity fills my heart."
blood it began again to cry: "Why dost thou 85. Therefore he began again: "So may this
tear me? hast thou not any spirit of pity? Men man do for thee freely that which thy speech
we were, and now we are become stocks; truly prays for, spirit incarcerate, may it please thee
we been tell us how the soul is bound within these
thy hand ought to be more pitiful had yet to
souls of serpents." knots, and tell us, if thou canst, if from such
40. As from a green log that is burning at limbs any soul is ever loosed."
one of its ends, and drips from the other, and 91. Then the trunk puffed strongly, and soon
with the air that is escaping, so from that
hisses the wind was changed into this voice: "Briefly
broken twig came out words and blood to- shall ye be answered. When the ferocious soul

gether; whereon I let the tip fall, and stood like departs from the body wherefrom itself has
a man who is afraid. torn itself, Minos sends it to the seventh gulf.
he had been able to believe before,"
46. "If It falls into the wood, and no part is chosen
replied my Sage, "O injured soul, what he has for it, but where fortune flings it there
sprouts it

seen only in my verse,* he would not have like a grain of spelt; it rises in a sapling and to
stretched out his hand on thee; but the incredi- a wild plant: the Harpies, feeding then upon its
ble thing made me prompt him to an act which leaves, give pain, and to the pain a window.
weighs on me myself. But tell him who thou Like the others we shall go for our spoils, but
Respectively a river and a town in Tuscany.
'See Acncid, iii. 210-257. The spirit who speaks is Pier dclle Vigne, the pri-
Of the Seventh Circle. vate secretary and confidential minister of Frederick II.
See Acncid, iii. 198. Cf. Canto x. no, supra.
not, however, that any one may revest himself have done the work in vain. I made a gibbet
with them, for it is not just for one to have that for myself of my own house."
of which he deprives himself. Hither shall we

drag them, and through the melancholy wood

shall our bodies be suspended, each on the i. BECAUSE the love of my native place con-
thorn-tree of its molested shade." strained me, I gathered up the scattered twigs
109. Wewere still attentive to the trunk, be- and gave them back to him who was already
lieving that it might wish to say more to us, faint-voiced.
when we were surprised by an uproar, like one 4. Thence we came to the confine, where the
who perceives the wild boar and the chase com- second round is divided from the third, and
ing toward his post, and hears the beasts and where a horrible mode of justice is seen.
the crash of the branches. And behold, two on To make the new things clearly manifest,
the left hand, naked and scratched, flying so I
say that we had reached a plain which rejects
hard that they broke through every barrier of every plant from its bed. The woeful wood is
the wood. The one in front was shouting: a garland round about it, even as the dismal
"Haste now! haste thee, Death!" and the other, Here, on the very edge, we stayed
foss to that.
who seemed to himself too slow: "Lano, thy our steps. The floor was an arid and dense
legs were not so nimble at the jousts of the sand, not made in other fashion than that

Toppo"; and since perhaps his breath was which of old was trodden by the feet of Cato."
failing, of himself and of a bush he made a 1 6.
vengeance of God, how much shouldst
group. Behind them the wood was full of black thou be feared by every one who reads that
bitches, ravenous and running like greyhounds which was manifest to my eyes!
thathad been slipped from the leash. On him 19. I saw many flocks of naked souls, that
who had squatted they set their teeth and tore were all weeping very miserably, and divers
him piecemeal, then carried off those woeful law seemed imposed upon them. Some folk
limbs. were lying supine on the ground, some were
130. My Guide then took me by the hand, seated all crouched up, and others were going
and led me to the bush, which was weeping in about continually. Those who were going a-
vain through its bleeding fractures. "O Jacomo round were the more numerous, and those the
of Sant' Andrea," it was saying, "what has it less so who were lying down under the torment,

vantaged thee to make of me a screen? What but they had their tongues more loosed by the
blame have I for thy wicked life?" When the pain.
Master had stopped above it, he said: "Who 28. Over all the sand, with a slow falling,
wast thou, who through so many wounds blow- were raining down dilated flakes of fire, as of
est forth with blood a woeful speech?" snow on alps without a wind. As the flames
139. And he to us: "O souls that are arrived which Alexander in those hot parts of India saw
to see the shameful ravage that has thus dis- falling upon his host, unbroken to the ground,
joined my twigs from me, collect them at the wherefore he took care to trample the soil by
foot of the wretched bush. I was of the city his troops, because the vapor was better extin-
which for the Baptist changed her first patron; guished while it was single; so was descending
wherefore he will always make her sorrowful the eternal heat whereby the sand was kindled,
with his art. And were it not that at the passage like tinder beneath the steel, for doubling of
of the Arno some semblance of him still re- the dole. The dance of the wretched hands was
mains, those citizens who afterwards rebuilt it ever without repose, now there, now here,shak-

upon the ashes that were left by Attila would 4

Under these words lies a satirical reference to the
Lano was slain in flight at the defeat of the Sienese devotion of the Florentines to money-making. Dante
by the Aretines, near the Pieve del Toppo. He and means, says Benvenuto da Imola, "that after Florence
Jacomo were notorious spendthrifts. gave up Mars, that is, fortitude and valor in arms, and
The first patron of Florence was Mars; a fragment began to worship the Baptist alone, that is, the florin,
of a statue of whom stood till 1333 at the head of the on which is the figure of the Baptist, they met with
Ponte Vccchio. See Paradise, xvi. 145-147. misfortune in their wars."
'Totila, not Attila, besieged Florence, and, accord- 'On his march across the Libyan desert.
ing to false popular tradition, burned it. Cf. Canto xi. 49-51, supra.
ing off from them the fresh burning. threshold is denied to no one, nothing has been

43. I began: "Master, thou that overcomest discerned by thine eyes so notable as is the pres-
everything, except the obdurate demons, who ent stream which deadens all the flamelets
at the entrance of the gate came out against us, above These words were of
my Leader,
who is that great one that seems not to heed wherefore prayed him, that he would bestow

the fire, and lies despiteful and twisted, so that on me the food of which he had bestowed on
the rain seems not to ripen him?" me the desire.

49. And that same one who was aware that 94. "In mid sea lies a wasted land," said he
I was asking my Leader about him, cried out: then, "which is named Crete, under whose
"Such as I was alive, such am I dead. Though king the world of old was chaste. A mountain
Jove weary out his smith, from whom in wrath is there which of old was
glad with water and
he took the sharp thunderbolt wherewith on with leaves, which is called Ida; now it is des-
my last day I was smitten, or though he weary 2
ert, like a thing outworn. Rhea chose it of 0Wl
out the others, turn by turn, in Mongibello at for the trusty cradle of her little son, and, the
the black forge, crying, 'Good Vulcan, help, better to conceal him when he wailed, caused
help!'even as he did at the fight of Phlegra/ cries to be made there. Within the mountain a
and hurl on me with all his might, he should great old man stands upright, who holds his
not have thereby glad vengeance." shoulders turned towards Damietta, and gazes
61. Then my Leader spoke with force so at Rome as if his mirror. His head is formed of
I had never heard him so vehement: fine gold, and his arms and breast are pure sil-
great, that
"O Capaneus, in that thy pride is not extinct, ver; then far as to the fork he is of brass; from
art thou the more punished; no torment save there downward he is all of chosen iron, save
thine own rage would be a pain adequate to that his right foot is of baked earth, and he

thy fury." stands erect on that more than on the other.

67. Then he turned round to me with better Every part except the gold is cleft with a fissure
look, saying:"That wasoneof the Seven Kings that drips tears, which, collected,
perforate that
who besieged Thebes, and he held, and it seems cavern. Their course is from rock to rock into
that he holds God in disdain, and it seems that this valley; they form Acheron,
Styx, and Phle-
he little prizes Him; but as I said to him, his gethon; then their way is down through this
own despites are very due adornments for his narrow channel till, where there is no more de-
breast. Now
come behind me, and take heed scending, they form Cocytus, and what that
still not to set
thy feet upon the scorched sand, pool is, thou shalt see; therefore here it is not
but keep them always close to the wood." told."

76. In silence we came to where a little brook,

121. And I to him: "If the
present stream
the redness of which still makes me shudder, flows down thus from our world,
why does it
gushes forth from the wood. As from the Buli- appear to us only at this border?"
came a rivulet issues, which then the sinful 5
vSee Canto xv. 3, in ft a.
women share so that went down To
prevent Saturn from hearing the cries of the
among them,
across the sand. Its bedand both its sloping
infant Jupiter, whom, had he known him to be alive,
he would have sought to devour, order to avert the m
banks were made of stone, and the margins on fulfillment of the prophecy that he would be dethroned

the side, wherefore by one of his children.

I perceived that the cross- 7
This image is taken directly from the dream of
ing was there. Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel, 2. 31-33). It is the type of
85. "Among all else that I have shown to the historic life of man, with its back to the
past, its
face toward Rome the centre of the actual world.
thee, since we entered through the gate whose Its

1 upper parts of metal represent the Golden, Silver,

Capaneus, one of the seven kings who besieged Bronze, and Iron ages, according to the fancy of the
Thebes. He, having mounted the walls, defied Jupiter, The two
poets. legs are generally interpreted as the
who slew him with a thunderbolt. symbols of the Empire and the Church; the right leg,
Etna. on which the image rests the most, being the
1 type of
The battle between the gods and the giants, in the the Church. Its foot of baked
earth; possibly may refer
vale of Phlegra, in Thessaly. to the element of weakness in the
hot spring near Viterbo, frequented as a bath,
papacy from the
earthly character of the Popes. The tears of the sinful
the use of a portion of which was assigned to "sinful and suffering generations of man form the rivers of
women." Hell.

124. he to me: "Thou knowest that the

And face, I answered: "Are you here, Ser Bru-

place is circular, and though thou art come far, netto?" And he: "O my son, let it not displease
always to the left in descending toward the thee if Brunette Latini turns back a with little

bottom, thou hast not yet turned through the and

thee, lets the train go on." him:
I said to
whole circle; wherefore if a new thing appears "With all my power I pray this of you, and if
to us, ought not to bring wonder to thy face."
it you will that I sit down with you I will do so,
And if it please him there, for I
130. I again: "Master, where are Phle- go with him." "O
gethon and Lethe found, for of the one thou son," said he, "whoever of this herd stops for
art silent, and the other thou sayest is formed an instant, lies afterwards a hundred years
by this rain?" without fanning himself when the fire smites
thou pleasest
133. "In all thy questions truly him; therefore go onward: I will come at thy
me," he answered, "but the boiling of the red skirts, and then I will rejoin my band which
water should well solve one that thou askest. goes lamenting its eternal penalties."
Lethe thou shalt see, but outside of this ditch, 43. 1 dared not descend from the road to go
there where the souls go to lave themselves, level with him, but I held my head bowed like

when the fault repented of has been removed." one who goes reverently. He began: "What
Then he said, "Now it is time to quit the wood; fortune or destiny leads thee down here before
take heed that thoucome behind me; the mar- thy last day? and who is this that shows the
gins which are not burning afford way, and road ?
above them every vapor is extinguished." 49. "There above, in the bright life," I an-
swered him, "I went astray in a valley, before
CANTO XV my time was full. Only yesterday morning I
i. Now one of the hard margins bears us on, turned my back on it: this one appeared to me
and the fume of the brook overshadows so that as I was returning to it, and he is leading me
it saves the water and the banks from the fire. homeward again along this path."
As the Flemings, between Wissant and Bruges, 55. And he to me: "If thou follow thy star,

fearing the flood that rushes to ward them, make thou canst not miss the glorious port, if, in the
the bulwark whereby the sea may be routed; discerned aright: and if I had not so
fair life, I

and Paduans along the Brenta, in order

as the untimely died, seeing heaven so benignant to
to defend their towns and their castles, ere Chi- thee, I would have given thee cheer in thy work.
arentana feel the heat in such like were But that ungrateful malignant people which
these made, though neither so high nor so thick descended from Fiesole of old, and still smacks
had the master, whoever he was, made them. of the mountain and the rock, will make itself

13. We were now so remote from the wood

hostile to thee because of thy good deeds; and
that I could not have seen where it was though it is right, for
among the bitter sorb-trees it
I had turned backward, when we encountered befits not the sweet fig to bear fruit. Old report
a troop of souls which was coming alongside in the world calls them blind;
an avaricious,
it is

the bank, and each of them was looking at us, envious, and proud folk; from their customs
as a man is wont to look at another at evening take heed that thou cleanse thyself. Thy for-
under the new moon; and they so sharpened tune reserves such honor for thee that the one
their brows toward us as the old tailor does on party and the other shall have hunger for thee:
the needle's eye. but far from the goat shall be the grass. Let the
22. Thus eyed by that company, I was recog- Fiesolan beasts make litter of themselves, and
nized by one who took me by the hem, and let them not touch the plant, if any spring yet

cried out: "What a marvel!" And when he upon their dungheap, in which the holy seed
stretched out his arm to me, I fixed my eyes on may revive of those Romans who remained
his baked aspect so that
his scorched visage did there when it became the nest of so much wick-
not prevent the recognition of him by in- my edness."

telligence; and bending down own to his my 79. "If my entreaty were all fulfilled," replied
1 3
Cf. Aeneid, vi. 556. Brunette Latini, one of the most learned and able
The mountain regions north of the Brenta. Florentines of the thirteenth century.
I to him, "you would not yet be placed in ban- the green cloth, and of these he seemed the one
ishment from human nature; for in my mind that wins, and not he that loses.
is fixed, and now fills my heart, the dear, good,

paternal image of you, when in the

world hour CANTO XVI
by hour you taught me how man makes him- 1. 1 WAS now in a placewhere the resounding
self eternal; and how much I hold it in grati- of the water which was falling into the next
tude, it behoves that while I live should be dis- circle was heard, like that hum which the bee-
cerned in That which you tell of hives make, when three shades together sepa-
my speech.
course and reserve it with other rated themselves, as they ran, from a troop that
my 1
I write,
text to be glossed by a Lady, who will know was passing under the rain of the bitter tor-
how, if I attain to her. Thus much would I have ment. They came toward us, and each cried
manifest to you, that I, provided my conscience out: "Stop thou, who by thy garb seemest to
chide me not, for Fortune, as she wills, am us to be one from our wicked city!'*

ready. Such earnest is not strange unto my ears;

10. Ah
me! what wounds I saw upon their
therefore let Fortune turn her wheel as pleases limbs, recent and old, burnt in by the flames;
her, and the churl his mattock." it
grieves me still for them but to remember it.
97. My Master thereupon turned backward 13. My Teacher gave heed to their cries; he
his right, and looked at me; then said: "He turned his face toward me, and: "Now wait,"
listens well who notes it." he said; "to these one should be courteous, and
100. Not the less for this do I go on speaking were it not for the fire which the nature of the
with Ser Brunette, and I ask, who are his most place shoots forth, I should say that haste better
noted and most eminent companions. And he befitted thee than them."

to me: "To know of some is good, of the others As we stopped, they began again the old
it will be laudable for us to be silent, for the verse, and when they had reached us they all
time would be short for so much speech. In three made a wheel of themselves. As cham-

brief, know that all were clerks, and great men pions, naked and oiled, are wont to do, watch-
of letters and of great fame, defiled in the ing for their grip and their vantage, before they
world by one same sin. Priscian goes along exchange blows and thrusts, thus, wheeling,
with that disconsolate crowd, and Francesco each directed his face on me, so that his neck
d* Accorso; and thou couldst also have seen was making continuous journey in contrary di-
there, hadst thou had hankering for such scurf, rection to his feet.
him who was translated by the Servant of Serv- 28. "And if the wretchedness of this soft
ants from the Arno to the Bacchiglione, where place bring us and our prayers into contempt,"
he left his ill-strained nerves. Of more would began one, "and our darkened and scorched
I tell, but my going on and
my speech cannot aspect, let our fame incline thy mind to tell us
be longer, for yonder a new smoke rising
I see who thou art, th&t so securely rubbest thy liv-
from the sand. Folk come with whom I must ing feet through Hell. He whose tracks thou
not be. Let my Treasure, in which I still am seest me trample, although he go naked and
living, be commended to thee, and more I ask stripped of skin, was of greater degree than thou
not." thinkest. He was grandson of the good Gual-
121. Then he turned back, and seemed of drada; his name was Guido Guerra, and in his
those who run across the plain at Verona for life he did much with wisdom and with the

sword. The other who treads the sand behind


Sec supra, Canto vi.
6^fi ; x. 8off. me is Tegghiaio Aldobrandi, whose reputation
Pmcian, the famous grammarian of the sixth cen-
should be cherished in the world above. And
tury; Francesco, a jurist of much repute in his time,
who taught at Oxford and at Bologna, and died in I, who am set with them on the cross, was

Jacopo Rusticucci, and surely

Andrea de*
my savage wife
Mozzi, bishop of Florence, because of
his scandalous life was translated by Nicholas III to the The wonted burden of their lamentation. See xiv.
less conspicuous bishopric of Vicenza, through which 20, supra.
citv the Bacchiglione runs. He died in 1296. Cf. supra, Canto vi. 79, 80. Tegghiaio and Guido
That is, U
Uvres dou Trcsor, Brunette's chief liter- Guerra were illustrious Florentines of the thirteenth
ary work. century. The good Gualdrada was the daughter of
more than aught else injures me." above, before it sinks down into its low bed,
46. If had been sheltered from the fire I
I and at Forli has lost that name reverberates
should have cast myself below among them, and in falling from the alp with a
single leap there
I believe that the Teacher would have permitted above San Benedetto, where ought to be shelter
it; but because I should have been burnt and for a thousand; thus, down from a
baked, fear overcame my good will which bank, we found that dark water resounding, so
made me greedy to embrace them. that in short while it would have hurt the ears.

52. Then I began: "Not contempt, but grief, 06. I had a cord girt around me, and with

did your condition fix within me, such that it Ihad once thought to take the leopard of the
slowly will it be all divested, soon as this my Lord painted skin. After I had loosed it wholly from
said tome words by which I bethought me that me, as my Leader had commanded me, I
such folk as ye are were coming. I am of your reached it to him gathered up and coiled.
city; and I have always rehearsed
and heard Whereon he turned toward the right, and threw
with affection your deeds and honored names. it, somewhat far from the edge, down into

I am leaving the gall, and going for sweet fruits that deep gulf. "And surely," said I to
promised to me by my veracious Leader; but "it must be that some
novelty respond to the
far as to the centre I needs must first descend." novel signal which the Master so follows with
"So may thy soul long direct thy limbs,"
64. his eye."

replied he then, "and so may thy fame shine 1 1 8. Ah! how cautious ought men to be near
after thee, say if courtesy and valor abide in those who see not only the deed, but with their
our city as of wont, or if they have quite gone wisdom look within the thoughts! He said to
forth from For Guglielmo Borsiere, who
it? me: "That which I await will soon come up,
is in torment with us but short while, and is and what thy thought is dreaming must soon
going yonder with our companions, afflicts us discover itself to thy sight."
greatly with his words." 124. A
man ought always to close his lips so
73. "The new people and the sudden gains far as he can to that truth which has the
have engendered pride and excess, Florence, in of falsehood, because without fault it causes

thee, so that already thou weepest therefor." shame; but here I cannot be silent, and Reader,
Thus cried with uplifted face, and the three, I swear to thee, by the notes of this
who understood this for answer, looked one at so they not be void of lasting grace that
the other, as one looks at truth. I saw through
that thick and dark air a shape

79. "If other times it costs thee so little," re- marvelous to every steadfast heart come swim-
plied they all, "to satisfy others, happy thou if ming upwards, like as he returns who goes
thus thou speakest at thy pleasure. Wherefore, down sometimes to loose an anchor that grap-
if thou escapest from these dark places, and re- ples either a rock or aught else which is hidden
turnest to see again the beautiful stars, when in the sea, who stretches upward, and draws in
it shall rejoice thee to say, 'I have been/ mind his feet.

thou tell of us to the people." Then they broke

the wheel, and in flying their swift legs seemed CANTO XVII
wings. i. "BEHOLD the wild beast with the pointed
88. An amen could not have been said so tail, that passes mountains, and breaks walls

quickly as they had disappeared: wherefore it and weapons; behold him that infects all the
seemed well to my Master to depart. I followed world." Thus began my Leader to speak to
him, and we had gone little way before the me; and he beckoned to him that he should
sound of the water was so near to us, that had come to shore near the end of the marbles we
we spoken we had scarce been heard. As that had walked on. And that loathsome image of
river which first from Monte Viso holds its
The leopard of Canto i. 32. The cord symbolises
own course toward the east, on the left flank of the ascetic vows or whatsoever else on which Dante had
the Apennine, which is called Acquacheta up formerly relied to capture and subdue the beast.
Dante makes Gcryon the type and image of Fraud,
Mcsscr Bellincione Bcrti, referred to in Cantos xv. and thus allegorizing the triple form (Acncid, vi. 289; viii,
xvi. of Paradise. 292).
fraud came onward, and landed his head and which had a certain color and a certain device,
his bust, but did not draw up his tail on the and therewith it seems their eye is fed. And as
bank. His face was the face of a just man (so I come gazing
among them, I saw upon a yel-
benignant the skin it had outwardly), and all low purse azure which had the face and bear-
his trunk was of a serpent; he had two paws, ing of a lion. Then as the current of my look
hairy to the armpits; his back and his breast proceeded, I saw another, red as blood, display
and both his sides were painted with nooses a goose whiter than butter.

and rings. Tartars or Turks never made cloth 64. And one, who had his little white sack
with more colors of groundwork and pattern, marked with an azure and gravid sow, said to
nor were such webs laid on the loom by me: "What art thou doing in this ditch? Now
Arachne. get thee gone: and since thou art still alive,
19. As sometimes boats lie on the shore, and know that my neighbor, Vitaliano, will sit here
are partly in water and partly on the ground, at my left side. With these Florentines am I,

and as yonder, amongthe gluttonous Germans, a Paduan; often they stun my ears, shouting:
the beaver settles himself to make his war, so 'Let the sovereign cavalier come who will
lay that worst of beasts upon the edge of stone bring the pouch with the three beaks.' Then
which closes in the sand. In the void all his he twisted his mouth, and thrust out his tongue,
tailwas quivering, twistingupwards its venom- like an ox that licks its nose. And I, fearing lest

ous fork, which in guise of a scorpion armed longer stay might vex him who had admon-
the point. ished me to stay but little, turned back from
28. The Leader said: "Now needs must our these weary souls.
way bend a little toward that wicked beast 79. I who had already
found my Leader,
which is couching yonder." Therefore we de- mounted upon the croup of the fierce animal,
scended on the right hand side and took ten and he said to me: "Now be thou strong and
steps upon the verge in order completely to courageous; henceforth the descent is by such
avoid the sand and the flamelets. And when stairs; mount thou in front, for I wish to be
we had come to him, I see, a little farther on, between, so that the tail cannot do harm."
people sitting upon the sand near to the empty 85. As is he who has the shivering fit of the
space. quartan so near that his nails are already pale,
37. Here the Master said to me: "In order and he is all of a tremble only looking at the
that thou mayst carry away quite full experi- shade, such I became at these uttered words:
ence of this round, now go and see their condi- but his exhortations wrought shame in me,
tion. Let thy talk there be brief; until thou re- which in presence of a good lord makes a serv-
turnest I will speak with this beast, that it
may ant strong.
concede to us its strong shoulders." 91.1 seated myself on those huge shoulders.
43.Thus, further up along the extreme head "So do," I wished to say, but the voice came
of that seventh circle, all alone I went where the not as I thought, "that thou embrace me."
sad people were sitting. Their woe was burst- But he who other time had succored me, in
ing forth through their eyes; now here, now other chance, soon as I mounted, clasped me
there they made help with their hands, some- and sustained me with his arms; and he said:
times against the vapors, and sometimes against "Geryon, move on now; let thy circles be wide,
the hot soil. Not otherwise do the dogs in sum- and thy descending slow; consider the novel
mer, now with muzzle, now with paws, when burden that thou hast."
they are bitten either by fleas, or flies, or gad- loo. As the little vessel goes from its place,
flies. When I set my eyes on the face of certain backward, backward, so he thence withdrew;
of those on whom the grievous fire falls, I did 8
The blazon of their arms, by which Dante learns
not recognize one of them; but I perceived that who they are, ignobly borne upon the ourse.
The armorial bearings of the Gianfighazzi, a Guelf
from the neck of each was hanging a pouch,
family of Florence; the next were those of the Ubriachi,
Ghibellines, also of Florence.
1 5
With his tail in the water to attract his prey, as was The arms of the Scrovigni of Padua.
believed. "Giovanni Buiamonte of Florence, another notori-
Sec Canto xi. 94-111, supra. ous usurer.
and when he himself quite at play, he
felt ten valleys. Such a figure as where, for
turned his tail to where his breast had been, of the walls, very
many moats encircle castles,
and moved it stretched out like an eel, and with the place where they are presents, such image
his paws gathered the air to himself. Greater did these make here. And as in such
fear I do not think there was when Phaethon holds from their thresholds to the outer bank
abandoned the reins, whereby heaven, as is still are little bridges, so from the base of the clif?

apparent, was scorched; nor when the wretched ran crags which traversed the embankments
Icarus felt his loins unfeathering by the melted and the moats far as the pit which cuts them off
wax, his father crying to him: "111 way thou and collects them.
holdest," than mine was, when I saw that I In this place we found ourselves, shaken
was in the air on every side, and saw every off from the back of Geryon; and the Poet held
sight vanished, except that of the beast. It goes to the left, and I moved on behind. On the

along swimming slowly, slowly, wheels and right hand I saw new woe, new torments, and
descends, but I perceive it not, save for the new scourgers, with which the first pouch was
wind upon my face, and from below. replete. At its bottom were the sinners naked;
1 1 8. 1 heard now on the right hand the gulf on this side the middle they came facing us;*
making beneath us a horrible din; wherefore I on the further side along with us, but with
stretch out my head, with eyes down-
my greater steps. As the Romans, because of the
ward. Then I became more terrified at the
preci- great host in the year of the Jubilee, have

pice, because I saw fires and heard laments; taken means for the passage of the
people over
whereat trembling, all the closer cling. And
I, the Bridge, so that on one side all have their
I saw then, for I had not seen them before, the front toward the Castle, and go to Saint
descending and the circling, by the great evils and on the other rim toward the Mount. 6
which were drawing near on divers sides. Along the gloomy rock, on this side and
127. As the falcon which has been long on on I saw horned demons with
that, great whips,
wing, that, without sight of lure or bird, makes who were beating them cruelly from behind.
the falconer say: "Ah me, thou stoopest!" de- Ah, how they made them lift their heels at the
scends weary, whence it started swiftly, through first blows! truly not one waited for the second,
a hundred circles, and alights disdainful and or the third.
sullen far from its master; so Geryon set us at 40. While I was going on, my eyes were en-
the bottom, at the very foot of the rough hewn countered by one, and I said straightway thus:
rock, and, disburdened of our persons, van- "Ere now for sight of him I have not fasted";
ished as arrow from the bowstring. wherefore to shape him out I stayed my feet,
and the sweet Leader stopped with me, and
CANTO XVIII assented tomy going somewhat back. And that
I. THERE a place in Hell called Malebolge,*
is scourged one thought to conceal himself by
all of stone and of the color of iron, as is the lowering his face, but it availed him little, for
circular wall that environs it.
Right in the mid- I said: "Thou that easiest thine eye upon the
dle of this yawns a very wide and
malign field ground, if the features that thou bearest are not
deep pit, the structure of which I will tell of false,art Venedico Caccianimico; but what
in its place. That belt, therefore, which remains brings thee to such stinging Salse?"*
between the pit and the foot of the high hard 52. And he to me: "Unwillingly I tell it, but
bank is circular, and it has its bed divided into thy plain speech compels me, which makes me
remember the old world. I was he who brought
In the Milky Way.
* 8
In the Eighth Circle the sinners are punished who In their long circling course round the bolgia, the
belong to the first of the two classes of the fraudulent panders, going in opposite direction to the poets, came
(see Canto xi. 52-66), that is, those who practised de- facing them; on the further side the seducers were
ceit upon persons who had no ground for special con- taking the contrary course.
fidence in them. Its bed, which slopes gradually from The first year of Jubilee: 1300.
the wall that environs it to the central pit of Hell, is The Bridge and Castle of Sant' Angelo; the
occupied by ten deep concentric valleys, called bolge. "Mount" is the Capitoline Hill.
Bolgia signifies, literally, a budget, or pouch; and Male- Salse, the name of a ravine near Bologna, into
bolge, evil pouches. which the bodies of criminals were thrown.
the beautiful Ghisola to do the will of the were encrusted with a mould by the breath
Marquis, however the shameful tale may be re- from below which sticks on them, and was
ported. And not the only Bolognese do I weep making quarrel with the eyes and with the
here; nay, this place is so full of them, that so nose. The bottom is so hollowed out that no place

many tongues are not now taught between suffices us for seeing it, without mounting to

Savena and the Reno to say sipa? and if of this the crown of the arch where the crag rises high-
thou wishest assurance or testimony, bring to est. Hither we came, and thence I saw down in

mind our avaricious breasts." As he spoke thus the ditch people plunged in a filth that seemed
a demon struck him with his thong and said: to have come from human privies.
"Begone, pander, here are no women for coin- 115. And while I am searching down there
ing." with saw one with his head so foul
my eye, I

67. 1 rejoined my Escort; then with few steps with ordure that it was not apparent whether
we came to where from the bank.
a crag jutted he were layman or clerk. He shouted to me:
We ascended it easily enough, and turning to "Why art thou so greedy to look more at me
the right upon its ridge, from those eternal en- than at the other filthy ones?" And I to him:
circling walls we departed. "Because, if I remember rightly, ere now I
73. When we were there where it
opens be- have seen thee with dry hair, and thou art
low to give passage to the scourged, the Leader Alessio Interim nei of Lucca; therefore I
said: "Wait, and let the sight strike on thee of thee more than all the rest." And he then, beat-
these others born to ill, of whom thou hast not ing his pate: "Down here the flatteries where-
yet seen the face, because they have gone along with I never had my tongue
cloyed have sub-
together with us." merged me."
79. From the old bridge we looked at the 127. Hereupon my Leader said tome: "Mind
train that was coming toward us on the other thou push thy look a little further forwards so
side, and which the scourge in like manner that thou mayest quite reach with thine eyes
drives on. The good Master, without my ask- the face of that dirty and disheveled wench,

ing, said to me: "Look at that great one who is who is scratching herself there with her
coming, and seems not to shed a tear for pain. nails, and now is crouching down and now
What royal aspect he still retains! He is Jason, standing on foot. She is Thais the harlot, who
who by courage and by wit despoiled the Col- answered her paramour when he said: 'Have I
chians of their ram. He passed by the isle of great thanks from thee?' 'Nay, marvelous/
Lemnos, after the bold pitiless women had And herewith let our sight be satisfied."

given all their males to death. There with to-

kens and with ornate words he deceived Hyp- CANTO XIX
sipyle, the maiden, who first had deceived all i. O SIMON MAGUS/ O wretched followers, be-
the others. There he left her big with child, cause ye, rapacious, do prostitute for gold and
and lonely; such guilt condemns him to such silver the things of God which ought to be the

torment; and also for Medea is vengeance brides of righteousness, now it behoves for you

wrought. With him goes whoever in such wise the trumpet sound, since ye are in the third
deceives. And let this suffice to know of the first pouch.
valley, and of those that it holds in its fangs." 7. We
were now at the next tomb, having

100. We were now where the narrow path mounted on that part of the crag which hangs
intersectswith the second embankment, and plumb just over the middle of the ditch. O
makes of that abutments for another arch. From Supreme Wisdom, how great is the art which
there we heard people whining in the next Thou dost display in heaven, on earth, and in
pouch, and puffing with their muzzles, and the evil world and how justly does Thy
! Power
beating themselves with their palms. The banks apportion!
His own the Marquis was one of the Esti of 13. Upon the sides and upon the bottom, I
Ferrara. Vcnedico was a man of note, and for a time saw the livid stone full of holes allof one size,
podcsib of Pistoia.
Bologna lies between the Savena and the Reno; See Acts, 8. 9-24.
is the Bolognese provincialism for sta. 4
sipa The next bolgia.
and each was circular. They seemed me not to 58. Such I became as those who, through not
less wide nor larger than those that in my comprehending that which is replied to them,
beautiful Saint John are made for place of the stand as if mocked, and know not what to an-

baptizers; one of which, not many years ago, swer.

I broke for the sake of one who was stifling in 6i.Then Virgil said: "Tell him I
it: and let this men.
be the seal to undeceive all am not he, I am not he that thou thinkest."
22. Forth from the mouth of each were pro- And I answered as was enjoined on me; where-
truding the feet of a sinner, and his legs up to at the spirit writhed violently both his feet;
the calf, and the rest was within. Both the soles then, sighing and with tearful voice, he said to
of all of them were on fire, because of which me: "What then dost thou want of me? If to
their joints were twitching so hard that they know who I am concern thee so much that
would have snapped ropes and withes. As the thou hast therefore come down the bank, know

flaming of things oiled is wont to move only that I was vested with the Great Mantle: and
on the outer surface, so was it there from the verily Iwas a son of the She-Bear, so eager to
heels to the toes. advance the cubs, that up there I put wealth,
31. "Who is he, Master, who torments him- and here myself, into the purse. Beneath my
self, twitching more than the others his con- head are the others that preceded me in sim-
sorts," said I, "and whom a ruddier flame is ony, dragged down flattened through the fis-

sucking?" And he to me: "If thou wilt that I sures of the rock. Down there shall I in my
carry thee down there by the bank which is
turn sink, when he shall come whom I believed
the more sloping, from him thou shalt know that thou wast, then when I put my sudden
of himself and of his wrongs." And I: "What- question; but already the time is longer that I

ever pleases thee is to my liking: thou art Lord, have cooked my feet, and that I have been thus
and knowest that I part me not from thy will, upside down, than he will stay planted with
and thou knowest that which is unspoken." his feet red; for after him will come from west-

40. Then we went upon the fourth embank- ward, a shepherd without law," of uglier deed,
ment, turned, and descended on the left hand, such as befits to cover him and me. A new
down to the bottom pierced with holes, and Jason will he be, of whom it is read in Macca-
narrow. The good Master set me not yet down bees; and as to that one his king was compli-
from his haunch, till he brought me to the ant, so to this one he who rules France shall
cleft of him who was thus lamenting with his be."

shanks. 88. know not if here I was too foolhardy


46. "O wretched soul, whoso thou art, that that answered him only in this strain: "Pray

keepest upside down, planted like a stake," I now tell me, how much treasure did our Lord
began to say, "say a word, if thou canst." I was require of Saint Peter before he placed the keys
who in his keeping ? Surely he asked nothing save:
standing like the friar confesses the per-

fidious assassin, who, after he is fixed, recalls

'Follow thou me.' Nor did Peter or the others

him, in order to delay his death. take gold or silver of Matthias, when he was
chosen by lot to the place which the guilty soul
52. And he cried out: "Art thou already
standing there? Art thou already standing had lost. Therefore stay thou, for thou art

there, Boniface? By several years the writing through the deceit that he was charged with practising
lied to me. Art thou so quickly sated with that
on Celestine V in order to obtain the papacy.
The papal mantle. Cf. Canto n. 27, supra.
having, for which thou didst not fear to seize
Nicholas was of the Orsini family, whose cogni-
zance was a she-bear, orsa.
by guile the beautiful Lady, and then to do 6
Bertrand de Goth, a Gascon, was elected Pope in
her outrage?"
1305 and died in 1314, little more than ten years after
"My beautiful Saint John" is the Baptistery of the death of Boniface. In 1309 Clement transferred the
Florence. papal see to Avignon; this was a deed "without law,"
This is Nicholas III, Pope from 1277 to 1280, and he was beside noted for cupidity, simony, and
"the first Pope, or one of the first," says Villani, "in licentiousness. Cf. Paradise, xxx. 142-148.
whose court simony was openly practiced." He takes See II Maccabees, 4. Clement was "compliant" to
Dante to be Boniface VIII, but Boniface was not to die Philip IV.
till 1303. See Matthew, 16. 19, and John, 21. 19-22.
*The Church, which Boniface had seized by guile, See Acts, i. 15-26.
rightly punished,
and guard well the ill-gotten eth canto of the first lay, which is of the sub-

money that made thee bold against Charles. merged.

And were it not that reverence for the supreme 4. 1 was now wholly in position to look into
keys which thou heldest in the glad life even
the uncovered depth which was bathed with
now forbids it to me, I would use still heavier tears of anguish, and I saw folk come, silent

words; for your avarice afflicts the world, and weeping, along the great circular valley, at
the pace which the litanies make in this world.
trampling down the good and exalting the
bad. Ye shepherds the Evangelist had in mind, As my sight descended lower on them, each
when she that sitteth upon the waters was seen appeared marvelously distorted between the
chin and the beginning of the chest; for their
by him to fornicate with kings: she that was
born with the seven heads, and from the ten face was turned toward their reins, and they
horns had argument, so long as virtue pleased must needs go backwards, because looking for-
her spouse. Ye have made you a god of gold ward was taken from them. Perhaps indeed
and silver: and what else is there between by force of palsy some one has been thus com-
you and the idolaters save that they worship pletely twisted, but I never saw it, nor do I
one, and ye a hundred
? Ah Constantine! of believe it can be.
how much was mother, not thy conversion,
ill 19. So may God let thee, Reader, gather fruit
but that dowry which the first rich Father took from thy reading, now think for thyself how
from thee!" I could
keep my face dry, when close at hand I
118. And, while I was singing these notes to saw our image so contorted that the weeping
him, whether anger or conscience stung him, of the eyes bathed the buttocks along the cleft.
he was kicking hard with both his feet. I be- Truly I wept, leaning on one of the rocks of
lieve, indeed, that it pleased my Leader, with the hard crag, so that my Guide said to me:
so contented look did he all the while give "Art thou even yet among the other fools ?
heed to the sound of the true words uttered. Here pity lives when it is quite dead. Who is
Thereupon with both his arms he took me, more criminal than he who brings passion to
and when he had me wholly on his breast, re- the Divine Judgment
?5 Lift up thy head, lift

mounted along the way whereby he had de- up, and see him for whom
the earth opened
scended. Nor did he tire of holding me clasped before the eyes of the Thebans, whereat they
to him, till he had thus borne me up to the all shouted: 'Whither art thou rushing, Am-
phiaraus Why dost thou leave the war?' And
top of the arch which is the passage from the
fourth to the fifth embankment. Here he gent- he stopped not from falling headlong down far

ly laid down his burden, gently because of the as Minos, who lays hold on every one. Look,
rugged and steep crag, which would be diffi-
how he has made a breast of his shoulders!
cult pass for goats. Thence another great valley Because he wished to see too far before him,
was discovered to me. he looks behind and goes a backward path.
"Behold Tiresias, who changed sem-
CANTO XX blance, when from male he became female,
i. OF a new punishment it behoves me to transforming all his members; and afterwards
make verses, and give material to the twenti- he was obliged to strike again with his rod the

Cf. Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part III, Suppl.
Charles of Anjou. The Pope was charged with Q 94, A 3, citing Psalms, 58. 10. Virgil has not rebuked
having; been bribed to favor the conspiracy to expel the Dante for feeling compassion for individual sinners
French from Sicily, which came to a head, more than suffering the penalty of sin (see Cantos v, 72, 93, 117;
a year after his death, in the Sicilian Vespers, in xv. 79; xvi. 52), but he rebukes him here for shedding
March, 1282. tears at the mere
sight of the punishment, which,
Cf. Revelation, 17. The woman here stands for being the evidence of the justice of God, ought not to
the Church; her seven heads may be interpreted as the awaken pity.
Seven Sacraments, and her ten horns as the Command- Amphiaraus, one of the seven kings who besieged
ments; her spouse is the Pope. Thebes, an augur and prophet.
*Cf. Hosea, 8. 4. The story as told by Ovid is that when Teresias
The reference is to the so-called Donation of Con- struck the two serpents with his staff he was trans-
stantine, the authenticity of which was generally be- formed to a woman, and that seven years later, when
lieved in till, about 1450, its forgery was conclusively he saw them again, he struck them with his staff and
exposed. became a man again.

two entwined serpents, ere he could regain his

dead bones, and for her, who first had chosen
masculine plumage. He who has his back to the place, they called it Mantua, without other
this one's belly isAruns, who on the moun- augury. Formerly its people were more thick
tains of Luni (where grubs the man of Carrara within it, before the stupidity of Casalodi hac
who dwells below) had a cave for his abode been tricked by Pinamonte/ Therefore I in
among white marbles, whence for looking at struct thee that if thou ever hearest that m)

the stars and the sea his view was not cut off. city had other origin, no falsehood may de

52. "And she who with her loose tresses fraud the truth."
covers her breasts, which thou dost not see, and 100. And I: "Master, thy discourses are sc

has on that side all her hairy skin, was Manto," certain tome, and so lay hold on my faith, thai
who roamed through many lands, then settled the others would be to me as spent coals. Bui
there wherewas born; whereof it pleases me
I tell me
of the people who are going onward, ij
that thou listen a little to me. After her father thou seest any one of them worthy of note; foi
had departed from life, and the city of Bac-
only to that does my mind revert."
chus had become enslaved, she wandered long 1 06. Then he me: "That one, whc
said to
while through the world. Up in fair Italy, at stretches his beard from his cheek over hi;
foot of the alp which shuts in Germany above dusky shoulders, was an augur when Greece

Tyrol, lies a lake which is called Benaco. By

was so emptied of males that they scarcely re
a thousand founts, I think, and more, between mained for the cradles, and with Calchas h(
Garda and Val Camonica, Apennino is bathed gave the moment for cutting the first cable al

by the water which settles in that lake. A place Aulis. Eurypylus was
name, and thus mj
is in the middle there, where the Trentine Pas- lofty Tragedy sings him in some place; wel
tor and he of Brescia and the Veronese might thou knowcst this, who knowest the whole oi
he took that road. it. That other who is so
each give his blessing if spare in the flanks wa;

Peschiera, a fairand strong fortress, to front Michael Scot, who verily knew the game o 1
the Brescians and Bergamasques, sits where magical deceptions. Behold Guido Bonatti,
the shore round about is lowest. There that behold Asdente," who now would wish he hac
which in the bosom of Benaco cannot stay attended to his leather and his thread, but ttx
must needs all pour forth, and it becomes a late repents. Behold the wretched women whc
river down through green pastures. Soon as left the needle, the spool, and the spindle, an<
the water gathers head to run, it is no longer became fortune-tellers; they wrought spell
called Benaco, but Mincio, far as Governo, with herbs and with image.
where it falls into the Po. It has no long course 124. "But come on now, for already Caii
before it finds a flat, on which it
spreads, and with his thorns holds the confines of both th
makes a marsh, and is apt at times in summer hemispheres, and touches the wave below Se
to be noisome. ville; and already yesternight was the mooi

82. "Passing that way, the savage virgin saw round; well shouldst thou remember it, for i
land in the middle of the fen, without culture did thee no harm sometimes in the dee]
and bare of inhabitants. There, to avoid all hu- wood." Thus he spoke to me, and we went 01

man fellowship, she stayed with her servants

the while.

to practice her arts, and lived, and left there

The Count of Casalodi, being lord of Mantu
her body empty. Afterward the men who were
about 1270, gave ear to the treacherous counsels c
scattered round about gathered to that place, Messer Pinamonte de' Buonaccorsi, and after expellin
which was strong because of the fen which it many of the nobles was himself driven from the cit 1

with great slaughter and dispersion of the chief fan

had on all sides. They built the city over those ilies that had remained.
1 8
An Etruscan soothsayer. Cf. Aeneid, ii. 114-115.
The daughter of Tiresias, and herself a prophetess. "A famous Scotch wizard; died about 1250.
Cf. Aeneid, v. 199. A famous astrologer of Forli, in the thirteen)
'Thebes. century.
Now the Lago di Garda. A
shoemaker of Parma, noted for his soothsayin
'Not the chain of the Apennines, but said to be The Man in the Moon, who, according to tl
the proper name of a special mountain in this locality. Italian version of the old popular legend, was CaL
point in the lake where the three dioceses meet. condemned to carry forever a bundle of thorns.
mastiff loosed was in such haste to follow a
CANTO XXI thief.

i. THUS from bridge to bridge we went, talk- 46. That one sank under, and rose again

ing of other things, which my Comedy cares1

doubled up, but the demons that had cover of
not to sing, and were holding the summit, the bridge cried out: "Here the Holy Face" has
when we stopped to see the next cleft of Male- no swims otherwise than in the
place; here one
if thou dost not want our
bolge and the next vain lamentations; and I Serchio; therefore,
saw it wonderfully dark. grapples, make no show above the pitch."
7. As in the Arsenal of the Venetians, in win- Then they pricked him with more than a hun-
ter, the sticky pitch for paying their unsound dred prongs, and said: "Here thou must dance
vessels is boiling, because they cannot sail the under cover, so that, if thou canst, thou mayst
sea,and, instead thereof, one builds him a new swindle secretly." Not otherwise do the cooks
bark, and one caulks the ribs of that which has make their scullions plunge the meat with
made many a voyage; one hammers at the their hooks into the middle of the cauldron, so
prow, and one at the stern; another makes that it
may not float.
oars, and another cordage; and one
twists 58. The good Master said to me: "In order
patches the foresail and the mainsail so, not that it be not apparent that thou art here,

by fire, but by divine art, a thick pitch was boil- squat down behind a jag, that thou mayst have

ing there below, which belimed the bank on some screen for thyself, and at any offence that
every side. I saw it, but saw not in it aught but may be done to me be not afraid, for I have
the bubbles which the boiling raised, and all of knowledge of these things, because once before
it swelling up and again settling down com- I was in such a
pressed. 64. Then he passed on beyond the head of
22. While I was gazing down there fixedly, the bridge, and when he arrived upon the

Leader, saying: "Beware! beware!" drew sixth bank, he had need to have a steadfast
me to himself from the place where I was front. With that fury and with that storm with

standing. Then I turned as one who is in haste which dogs run out upon the poor wretch
to see that from which it behoves him to fly, who, where he stops, suddenly asks alms, they
and whom a sudden fear dismays, and who for came forth from under the little bridge, and
seeing delays not to depart, and I saw behind turned against him all their grapples. But he
us a black devil come running up along the cried out: "Let no one of you be savage; before

crag. Ah! how fell he was in aspect, and how your hook take hold of me, let one of you
bitter he seemed to me in act, with his wings come forward that he may hear me, and then
open, and light upon his feet! His shoulder, take counsel as to grappling me." All cried
which was sharp and high, was laden by a sin- out: "Let Malacoda go"; whereon, while the
ner with both haunches, the sinews of whose rest stood still, one moved and came to him,

feet he held clutched. saying: "What does this profit him?"


37. "O Malebranche

of our bridge," he said, 79. "Thinkest thou, Malacoda, to see me
"lo here, one of the Ancients of Saint Zita! come here," said my Master, "safe hitherto
put him under, for I am returning for still oth- from all your hindrances, except by Divine

ers to that city, which Ihave furnished well Will and propitious fate? Let me go on, for in
with them; every man there is a barrator, Heaven it is willed that I show to another this

except Bonturo: there, for money, out of wild road." Then was his arrogance so fallen
Nay is made Ay." Down he hurled him and that he let the hook drop at his feet, and said to
turned back along the hard crag, and never the others: "Now he may not be struck."
88. And my Leader to me: "O thou that sit-
The crown of the arch of the craggy bridge across
test asquat among the splinters of the bridge,
the fifth bolgia.
Malebranche: "Evil-claws."
of the Anziani, the chief magistrates of Lucca, "The Santo Volto, an image of Christ upon the
whose special protectress was Santa Zita. cross, still venerated at Lucca.
4 *
Ironical; Bonturo was the chief barrator of them The river that runs not far from Lucca.
all. Malacoda: "Evil-tail."
return now me." Wherefore I
securely to he to me: "I would not have thce afraid; let
moved and came swiftly to him; and the devils them grin on at their will, for
they are doing
all pressed forward, so that I feared they would it at the boiled sufferers."
not keep compact. And thus I once saw the 136. the left bank they took a turn,
foot-soldiers afraid, who were coming out but each had pressed his tongue with his
from Caprona under pledge, seeing them- teeth toward their leader as a
signal, and he
selves so many enemies. I drew close
among had made a trumpet of his rump.
with whole body to my Leader's side, and
did not turn my eyes from their look, which CANTO XXII
was not good. They were lowering their forks, I.I HAVE seen ere now horsemen moving
and one was saying to the other: "Wilt thou camp, and beginning an assault, and making
that I touch him on the rump?" and they were their muster, and sometimes
retiring for their
answering: "Yes, see that thou nick it for escape; I have seen
foragers over your land, O
him." But that demon who was holding Aretines, and I have seen the starting of raids,
the onset of tournaments, and the running of
speech with my Leader turned round with all
haste and said: "Quiet, quiet, Scarmiglione!" jousts,now with trumpets, and now with bells,
1 06. Then he said to us: "Further advance with drums, and with signals from strong-

along this crag is not possible, because the sixth holds, and with native things and foreign
arch lies all shattered at the bottom. And if it but never to so strange a pipe did I see horse-
be your pleasure to go forward, go on
still men or footmen set forth, or ship by sign of
land or star.
along this ridge; near by is another crag that
affords a way. Yesterday, five hours later than 13. We were going along with the ten de-

this, completed one thousand two hundred

mons. Ah, the fell company! but in the church
and sixty-six years since the way was broken with the saints, and in the tavern with the glut-
am tons. My attention was only on the pitch in or-
here. 1 sending thitherward some of these
of mine, to see if any one is airing himself; go der to see every condition of the pouch, and of
the people that were burning in it.
ye with them, for they will not be wicked.
Come forward, Alichino and Calcabrina," he 19. Like dolphins, when by the arching of
their back, they give a sign to the sailors to
began to say, "and thou, Cagnazzo; and Bar-
bariccia, do thou guide the ten. Let Libicocco take heed for the safety of their vessel, so, now
and then, to alleviate his pain, one of the sin-
go also, and Draghignazzo, tusked Ciriatto,
and Graffiacane, and Farfarello, and mad Ru- ners would show his back and hide it in less

bicante.* Search round about the boiling pitch; time than it lightens. And as at the edge of the
let these be safe far as the next crag, which all water of a ditch the frogs lie with only their
unbroken goes over these dens." muzzle out, so that they conceal their feet and
the rest of their bulk, so on every side were the
127. "O me! Master, what is this that I see?"
said I; "pray, if thou knowest the way, let us sinners; but as Barbariccia approached so did
go alone without escort, for as for myself I they draw back beneath the boiling. I saw, and

crave it not. If thou art as wary as thou art still heart shudders at
my it, one waiting, just

wont, does thou not see that they grin, and as happens that one frog stays and another

with their brows threaten harm to us?" And jumps. And Graffiacane, who was nearest over
*In August, 1289, the town of Caprona, on the against him, hooked him by his pitchy locks,
Arno, surrendered to the Florentine troops, with whom
and drew him up so that he seemed to me an
Dante was serving. otter. (I knew now the name of every one of
By the earthquake at the death of the Saviour, who, had so noted them when they were
it was believed, was thirty-four years old at his cruci- them; I

fixion. chosen, and afterwards, when they called each

of the names of these demons have as plain
Some had listened "O
other, Rubicante, see
a significance as Malacoda; for example, Cagnazzo for
thou thy claws upon his back so thou flay
Cagnaccio, "wretched dog"; Barbariccia, "crisp beard";
Graffiacane, "scratch dog"; while others suggest a him," shouted all the accursed ones together.
their composition or their sound, as Alt"
meaning by
43. And I: "My Master, contrive, if thou
chino, "bent wing"; Rubicante, "rubicund"; Scar-
miglione, "dishevelled," and so on. canst, to find out who is the luckless one come
into the hands of his adversaries." My Leader tired in talking of Sardinia. O me! see ye that

drew up to his side, and asked him whence he other who is grinning: I would say more, but I
fear lest he
was, and he replied: "I was born in the king- is making ready to scratch my
dom of Navarre; my mother placed me in serv- itch." And the Grand Provost, turning to Far-
ice of a lord, for she had borne me to a ribald, farello, who was rolling his eyes as if to strike,

destroyer of himself and of his

substance. Af- said: "Get away there, wicked bird!"
terward I was of the household of the good 97. "If ye wish to see or to hear Tuscans or

King Thibault; there I set myself to practice Lombards," thereon began again the fright-
barratry, for which I pay reckoning
in this ened one, "I will make some of them come;
heat." but let the Malebranche stand a little with-

55. And Ciriatto, from whose mouth pro- drawn, so that they may not be afraid of their
truded on either side a tusk, as of a boar, made vengeance, and I, sitting in this very place, for
him feel how one of them rips. Among evil one that I am, will make seven of them come,
cats had the mouse come; but Barbariccia when I shall whistle, as is our wont to do
clasped him in his arms, and said: "Stand of?, whenever one of us sets himself outside." Cag-
while I clutch him," and turned his face to my nazzo at this speech raised his muzzle, shak-
Master. "Ask further," said he, "if thou de- ing his head, and said: "Hear the cunning
sirest to know more from him, before another trick he has devised for casting himself be-

one undo him." low!" Whereon he who had snares in great

64. The Leader: "Then, tell now of the oth- plenty answered: "Too cunning am I when I
er sinners; knowest thou any one under the procure for my own companions greater sor-
pitch who is Italian?" And he: "I parted a row." Alichino held not in, and, in opposition
short while since from one who there beyond to the others, said to him: "If thou plunge, I
was a neighbor; would that with him I still will not come after thee at a gallop, but I will
were so covered that I should not fear claw or beat wings above the pitch; let the ridge
hook." And Libicocco said: "We have borne be and let the bank be a screen, to see if

too much," and seized his arm with his grap- thou alone availest more than we."
ple so that, tearing, he carried of? a sinew of it. 1 1 8. O thou that readest, thou shalt hear a
Draghignazzo, he too wished to give him a new sport! Each turned his eyes to the other
grip down at his legs, whereat their decurion side, he first who had been most averse to do-
turned round about with evil look. ing this. The Navarrese chose his time well,
76. When they were a little quieted, my planted his feet firmly on the ground, and in
Leader, without delay, asked him who was an instant leaped, and from their purpose freed
gazing at his wound: "Who was he from
still himself. At
each of them was stung with
whom thou sayst thou madest ill parting to he most who was the cause of the
his fault, but
come to shore?" And he replied: "It was Friar loss; wherefore he started and cried out:
Gomita, he of Gallura, vessel of every fraud, "Thou art caught." But it availed little, for
who held the enemies of his lord in hand, and wings could not outstrip fear. The one went
dealt so with them that each of them praises under, and the other, flying, turned his breast
him for it.
Money he took, and let them upward. Not otherwise the wild duck on a
smoothly of?, so he says; and in his other of- sudden dives under when the falcon comes
fices besides he was no little barrator, but sov- near, and he returns up vexed and baffled. Cal-
ereign. With him frequents Don Michael Zan- cabrina, angry at the flout, flying kept behind
che of Logodoro, and their tongues never feel him, charmed that the sinner should escape,
1 that he might have a scuffle; and when the
Probably Thibault II, King of Navarre and brother-
in-law of Saint Louis. barrator had disappeared he at once turned his
Gallura, one of the four divisions of Sardinia, called
claws upon his companion, and grappled with
judicatures, made by the Pisans, after their conquest of
the island. Also see Purgatory, viii. 53. Friar Gomita him above the ditch. But the other was indeed
was hanged for his frauds. a full-grown sparrowhawk for clawing him
'Logodoro, another of the judicatures of Sardinia.
Zanche was murdered about 1290, by his son-in-law well,and both of them fell into the middle of
Branca d' Oria; see Canto xxxiii. 134-147, infra. the boiling pool. The heat was a sudden un-
grappler; but yet there was no rising from it, My Leader on a sudden took me, as a mother
they had their wings so beglued. Barbariccia, who is wakened by the noise, and sees the kin-
in distress with the others of his troop, made dled flames close to her, who takes her son and
four of them fly to the other side with all their flies, and, having more care of him than of her-
forks,and very swiftly, on this side and that, self, stays not so long as only to put on a shift:

they descended to their posts, and stretched

and down from the ridge of the hard bank, he
their hooks toward the belimed ones, who gave himself supine to the sloping rock that
were already cooked within the crust: and we closes one of the sides of the next pouch. Nev-

left them thus embroiled. er ran water so swiftly through a duct, to turn
the wheel of a land-mill, when it approaches
CANTO XXIII nearest to the paddles, as my Master over that
i.SILENT, alone, and without company, we border, bearing me along upon his breast as
were going on, one before, the other behind, as his son and not as a companion. Hardly had
Minor Friars go along the way. My thought his feet reached the bed of the depth below,
was turned by the present brawl upon the fable when they were on the ridge right over us; but
of Aesop, in which he told of the frog and the here there was no fear, for the high Provi-
mouse; for now and this instant are not more dence that willed to set them as ministers of
alike than the one is to the other, if beginning the fifth ditch deprived them all of power of
and end be rightly coupled by the attentive departing thence.
mind. And as one thought bursts out from 58. There below we found a painted people
another, so then from that was born another who were going round with very slow steps,
which made my first fear double. I was think- weeping, and in their semblance weary and
ing in this wise: These through us have been subdued. They had cloaks, with hoods low-
put to scorn, and with such harm and trick as ered before their eyes, fashioned of the cut
I believe must vex them greatly; if anger be which is made for the monks in Cologne. Out-
added to ill-will, they will come after us more wardly they are gilded, so that it dazzles, but
merciless than the dog to the hare which he within all lead, and so heavy that those Fred-
snaps up. erick used to have put on were of straw.* O
Already I was feeling my hair all bris-
19. mantle wearisome for eternity!
tling with fear, and was backwards intent, 68. We turned, still ever to the left hand,
when I said: "Master, if thou dost not speedily along with them, intent on their sad plaint.
conceal thyself and me, I am afraid of the But because of the weight, that tired folk were
Malebranche; we have them already after us; coming so slowly that we had fresh company
Iso imagine them that already feel them."
I at every movement of the haunch. Wherefore
And he: "If I were of leaded glass, I should I to my Leader: "Contrive to find some one
not draw to me
thine outward image more who may be known by deed or name, and

quickly than I receive thine inward. Even now while thus going move thine eyes around."
came thy thoughts among mine, with like ac- And one who heard the Tuscan speech cried
tion and like look, so that of both I made one out behind us: "Stay your feet, ye who run
sole counsel. If it be that the right bank lies so thus through the dusky air; perchance thou
that we can descend into the next pouch, we shalt have from me that which thou askest."
shall escapefrom the imagined chase." Whereon my Leader turned and said: "Wait,
34. He had not yet finished reporting this and then proceed according to his pace." I
counsel, when I saw them coming with wings stopped, and saw two show, by their look,
spread, not very far off, with will to take us. great haste of mind to be with me, but their
load and the narrow way retarded them.
This fable, not among those now ascribed to
85. When they had come up, awhile, with
Aesop, but included in a collection which went under
his name, has it that the frog deceitfully induced the eye askance, they gazed at me without speak-
mouse, attached by a string to his leg, to trust himself ing a word; then they turned to one another,
to the water. The mouse was drowned, and a kite,
seeing the body floating on the surface, seized it, and Emperor Frederick II caused leaden cloaks to be
with it the frog still tied to it, and swallowed both. put on criminals, who were then burned to death.
and said one to the other: "This one seems 124. Then I saw Virgil marvel over him that
alive by the action of his throat; and if they are was outstretched in a cross so vilely in the eter-
dead, by what privilege do they go uncovered nal exile. Afterwards he addressed this speech

by the heavy stole?" Then they said to me: to the Friar: "May it not displease you, if it be
"O Tuscan, who to the college of the wretch- allowed you, to tell us if any opening lies on
ed hypocrites art come, hold it not in disdain the right hand, whereby we two can go out
to tell who thou art." And I to them: "I was hence without constraining any of the Black
born and grew up on the fair river of Arno, at Angels to come to deliver us from this deep."
the great town, and I am in the body that I He answered then: "Nearer than thou hopest
have always had. But who are ye, from whom is a rock that starts from the
great encircling
such woe distils, as I see, down along your wall and spans the savage valleys, save that

cheeks? and what penalty is it that so glitters at this one broken, and does not cover it.
it is

on you?" Ye will be able to mount up over the ruin that

100. And
one of them replied to me: "The lies against the side, and heaps up at the bot-
orange hooks are of lead so thick that the tom." My Leader stood a little while with
weights thus make their scales to creak. Jovial bowed head, then said: "111 did he who hooks
Friars were we, and Bolognese; I named Cat- the sinners yonder report the matter." And the
alano and he Loderingo, and together taken Friar: "Of old at Bologna I used to hear tell

by thy city, as one man alone is usually chosen, of vices enough of the devil, among which I

in order to preserve its peace: and we were heard that he is a liar, and the father of false-
such as still is
apparent round about the Gar- hood."
dingo." 145. Then my Leader went on, with great
109. 1 began: "O Friars, your ills" but steps, disturbed a little with anger in his look;
more I said not, for there struck my eye one whereon I departed from the burdened ones,

crucified upon the ground with three stakes. following the prints of the beloved feet.
When he saw me he writhed all over, blowing
into his beard with sighs: and the Friar Cata- CANTO XXIV
lano, who observed it, said to me: "That trans- i.IN THAT part of the young year when the sun
fixed one, whom thou lookest at, counseled the tempers his locks beneath Aquarius, and now
Pharisees that it was expedient to put one man the nights are passing to the south, when the
to torture for the people. Traverse and naked hoar frost copies on the ground the image of
is he on the path, as thou seest, and he first her white sister, but the temper of her pen
must needs feel how much whoever passes lasts little while, the rustic, whose provision
weighs. And in like fashion his father-in-law fails, gets up and looks, and sees the plain all
is stretched in this ditch, and the others of that white, whereat he smites his thigh, returns in-
Council which for the Jews was seed of ill." doors, and grumbles to and fro, like the poor
Brothers of the Military and Conventual Order of wretch who knows not what to do; then goes
Santa Maria, established in 1261, with knightly vows out again and picks up hope, seeing the world
and high intent. From the laxity of their rules and
to have changed face in short while, and takes
their free life the nickname of "Jovial Friars" was
given to them. his crook and drives forth his sheep to pasture.
After the battle of Montaperti, the Ghibellines held Thus my Master made me dismayed, when I
the upper hand in Florence for more than five years.
The defeat and death of Manfred early in 1266 shook saw his brow so disturbed, and thus speedily
their power and revived the hopes of the Guclfs. As a arrived the plaster for the hurt. For when we
compromise, the Florentine Commune elected a po~ came to the ruined bridge, the Leader turned
desth from each party; the Guelf was Catalono de'
to me with that sweet look which I first saw
Malavolti, the Ghibelline, Loderingo degli Andalo
both from Bologna. They were believed to have joined at the foot of the mount. After taking some
hands for their own gain, and to have favored the re-
counsel with himself, looking first well at the
viving Guelfs. The houses of the Ubcrti, a powerful
Ghibelline family, were burned; these lay in the re- ruin, he opened his arms, and laid hold of me.
gion of the city called the Gardingo, close to the And as one who acts and considers, and seems
Palazzo Vccchio.
Caiaphas. See John, n. 50. always to provide in advance, so, lifting me up
Annas; John, 18. 13, 14, 24. toward the top of a great rock, he was taking
note of another splinter, saying: "Grapple next where it is
joined with the eighth bank, and
on that, but try first if it be such that it can then the pouch was apparent to me. And I saw
support thee." within it a terrible crowd of serpents, and of
31. It was no way for one clothed in a cloak, such strange kind that the memory still cur-
for we with difficulty, he light and I pushed dles my blood. Let Libya with her sand vaunt

up, could mount from jag to jag. And had it herself no more; for though she bring forth
not been that on that, precinct the bank was chelydri, jaculi, and phareae, and cenchri with
shorter than on the other side, I do not know amphisboena, she never, with all Ethiopia, nor
about him, but should have been completely
I with the land that lies on the Red Sea, showed
either so many or so malignant plagues.
vanquished. But because all Malebolge slopes
toward the opening of the lowest well, the site 91. Amid this cruel and most dismal swarm
of each valley imports that one side is higher were running people naked and terrified,
than the other. We
came, however, at length, without hope of hole or heliotrope/ They had
to the point where the last stone is broken off. their hands tied behind with serpents, which

The breath was so milked from my lungs fixed their tail and their head through the
when I was up that I could no farther, nay, loins, and were twisted up in front.
sat me down on first arrival. 97. And lo! at one, who was near our bank,
46. "Henceforth it behoves thee thus to put darted a serpent that transfixed him there
off sloth," said the Master, "for, sitting upon where the neck is knotted to the shoulders.
down or under quilts, one comes not to fame, Nor O nor I was ever so quickly written as he

without which he who consumes his life leaves took and burnt, and needs must become all

such vestige of himself on earth as smoke in ashes as he fell; and when he was thus de-
air, or the foam on water: and therefore rise stroyed on the ground, the dust drew together
up, conquer thy panting with the soul that of itself, and in an instant into that same one
wins every battle, if it be not weighed down by returned. Thus by the great sages it is affirmed
its heavy body. A longer stairway needs must that the Phoenix dies, and then is born again
be ascended: it is not enough to have depart- when she draws nigh to her five-hundredth
ed from these; if thou understandest me, now year. In her life she feeds not on herb or grain,
act so that it avail thee." Then I rose up, show- but only on tears of incense and amomum;
ing myself better furnished with breath than and nard and myrrh are her last winding-
I felt, and said: "Go on, for I am strong and sheet.
resolute." 112. And as he who falls, and knows not
6i.Up along the crag we took the way, how by force of a demon that drags him to
which was rugged, narrow, and difficult, and ground, or of other obstruction that binds a
far steeper than the one before. I was going man when he rises and gazes around him,
all bewildered by the great anguish that he
along speaking in order not to seem exhausted,
when a voice, ill suited for forming words, has suffered, and as he looks, sighs; such was
came out from the next ditch. I know not that sinner after he had risen. Oh power of
what it said, though I was already upon the God! how severe it is, that showers down such
back of the arch which crosses here; but he blows for vengeance!
who was speaking seemed moved to anger. I i2i. My Leader then asked him who he
had turned downwards, but my living eyes was; whereon he answered: "I rained down
could not go to the bottom, through the dark- from Tuscany short time ago into this fell
ness: wherefore I said: "Master, see that thou gullet. Bestial life,and not human, pleased
get to the next girth, and let us descend the me, like a mule that I was. 1 am Vanni Fucci,
wall, for as from this place I hear and do not beast, and Pistoia was my fitting den." And I
understand, so I look down and shape out to my Leader: "Tell him not to slip away, and

nothing." "Other reply," he said, "I give thee 1

Cf. Paradise Lost, x. 540.
not than the doing, for the becoming request A precious stone, of green color, spotted with red,
supposed to make its wearer invisible.
ought to be followed by the deed in silence." That
is, a bastard; one of the Lazzari, a noble

79. We descended the bridge at its head, family of Pistoia. In 1293, he with two companions
ask what sin thrust him down here, for I have clinching itself so in front that he could not
seenhim a man of blood and of rages." And give a shake with them. Ah Pistoia! Pistoia!
the sinner who heard did not dissemble, but why dost thou not decree to make ashes of
directed toward me his mind and his face, and thyself, so that thou last no longer, since in

painted himself with dismal shame. evil-doing thou dost surpass thine own seed?
133. Then he said: "It grieves
me more, that Through all the dark circles of Hell I saw no
thou hast caught me in the misery where thou spirit so arrogant toward God, not even that
seest me, than when I was taken from the oth- one who fell down from the walls at Thebes.

er life. I cannot refuse that which thou askest. He away, and spoke not a word more.

I am
put so far down because I was the thief 17. And
I saw a Centaur full of rage come

in the sacristy with the fair adornments, and crying out: "Where is he, where is the obdu-
it was once falsely ascribed to another. But in rate one?" I do not believe Maremma has so

order that thou enjoy not this sight, if ever many snakes as he had upon his croup up to
thou shalt be forth of these dark places, open where our semblance begins. On his shoul-
thine ears to my announcement, and hear: ders, behind the nape, a dragon with open
Pistoia first strips herself of Blacks, then Flor- wings was lying upon him, which sets on fire
ence renovates her people and her fashions. whomsoever it encounters. My Master said:
Mars draws from Val di Magra which
a vapor "This is Cacus, who beneath the rock of
is wrapt and with impetuous
in turbid clouds, Mount Aventine often made a lake of blood.
and bitter storm there shall be fighting on the He goes not on one road with his brothers,
Pescian plain, whence it shall suddenly rend because of the fraudulent theft he committed
the mist, so that every White shall be smitten of the great herd that he had in his neighbor-

by it. And this I have said in order that it may hood; for which his crooked deeds ceased un-

grieve thee." der the club of Hercules, who perhaps dealt

him a hundred blows with it, and he felt not
CANTO XXV ten of them."

i. AT the end of his words the thief raised his 34. While he was thus speaking, and that
hands with both the figs, crying, "Take that, one had run by, lo! three spirits came below
God! for at Thee I square them." From that us, of whom neither I nor my Leader was

time forth the serpents were my friends, for aware till when they cried out: "Who are ye?"
then one coiled about his neck, as if it said: "I by which our story was stopped, and we then
will not have thee say more"; and another gave heed only to them. I did not know them,
about his arms and bound him up anew,
but it happened, as it usually happens by some
chance, that one had occasion to name an-
broke into the sacristy of San Zeno, at Pistoia. They other, saying: "Where can Cianfa have
carried off what silver and jewels they could lay
hands on. At length, when an innocent man was stayed?" Wherefore I, in order that my Leader
about to be punished for the crime, Fucci revealed might be attentive, put my finger upward
the name of the receiver of the plunder, who was from my chin to my nose.
hanged, while he himself escaped punishment.
These verses may be partially explained as fol- 46. If, Reader, thou art now slow to credit
lows: In May, 1301, Pistoia expelled the Blacks; many thatwhich I shall tell, it will be no marvel, for
of them were received in Florence, and, in November, I who saw it hardly admit it to
the Florentine Blacks, thus reinforced, drove the
myself. As I
Priors of the White party from office, chose new Priors was holding my eyebrows raised upon them,
of their own party, and in the following January suc- lo! a serpent with six feet darts in front of one,
ceeded in driving from the city the great body of the
and takes hold all over him. With its middle
Whites, of whom Dante was one. The "vapor" from
Val di Magra was Moroello Malaspina, captain of the feet it
clasped his paunch, and with its fore
forces of the Blacks; for years there were "turbid
clouds" of confusion, and much desultory fighting, According to tradition, the first settlers of Pistoia
the Whites suffering defeat after defeat. The Pescian were the remnants of Catiline's forces after his defeat
plain probably denotes a district near Pistoia, and death, 62 B.C.
A coarse gesture of contemptuous defiance, made B
Capaneus; see Canto xiv. 46-72, supra.
by thrusting out the fist with the thumb between the The desolate and unwholesome district of Tuscany
fore and middle finger. bordering the sea.
See Canto xxiv. 94, supra. *C. Aeneid, viii. 1936*.
feet took his arms, then struck its teeth in one transmute two natures front to front, so that
and the other cheek; its hind feet it spread both the forms were prompt to exchange their
out upon his thighs, and put its tail between matter. They responded to one another in such
them, and stretched it up behind along the wise, that the serpent cleft his tail into a fork,
reins. Ivy was never so bearded to a tree, as the and the wounded one drew his feet together.
horrible beast entwined its own through the The legs and the thighs along with them so
other's limbs. Then
they stuck together as if stuck together, that in short while the
they had been of hot wax, and mingled their made no mark that was apparent. The cleft
color; neither the one nor the other seemed tail was taking on the shape that the other was
now that which it had been; even as in ad- losing, and its skin was becoming soft, and
vance of the flame, a dark color proceeds up that of the other hard. I saw the arms entering

along the paper which is not yet black, and the through the armpits, and the two feet of the
white dies away. The other two were looking beast, which were short, lengthening out in
on, and each cried: "O me! Agnel, how thou proportion as the arms were shortening. Then
changest! See, now thou art neither two nor the hinder feet, twisted together, became the
one!" member that man conceals, and the wretch
70. Now were the two heads become one, from his had two stretched forth.
when there appeared to us two countenances 1 1 8. While the smoke veils the one and the

mixed in one face wherein the two were lost. other with a new color, and generates hair on
The two arms were made of four strips; the the one part, and strips it from the other, the
thighs with the legs, the belly and the chest one rose up, and the other fell down, not how-
became members that were never seen before. ever turning aside their pitiless lights, beneath
Every original aspect was there canceled; two which each was changing his muzzle. He who
and none the perverted image appeared, and was erect drew his in toward the temples, and,
such it went away with slow step. from the too much material that came in there,
79. As the lizard under the great scourge of the ears issued on the smooth cheeks; that
the dog-days, changing from hedge to hedge, which did not run back and was retained, of
seems a lightning-flash, if it cross the way, so its
superfluity made a nose for the face, and
seemed, coming toward the bellies of the two thickened the lips so much as was needful. He
others, a little fiery serpent, livid, and black as that was lying down drives his muzzle for-
a pepper corn. And it transfixed in one of them ward, and draws backward his ears into his
that part whereat our nourishment is first tak- head, as the snail does its horns. And his
en, then fell down stretched out before him. tongue, which before was united and fit for
The transfixed one gazed at it, but said noth- speech, cleaves itself, and the forked one of the
ing; nay, with feet fixed, he began to yawn, other closes up; and the smoke stops. The soul
just as if sleep or fever had assailed him. He that had become a brute fled hissing along the
looked at the serpent, and that at him; one valley, and the other, speaking, sputters behind
through the wound, the other through its it. Then he turned on him his new shoulders,
mouth, were smoking fiercely, and the smoke and said to the third, "I want that Buoso
commingled. should run, as I have done, on his belly along
94. Let Lucan henceforth be where silent, this path."
he tells and of Nasi-
of the wretched Sabellus 142. saw the seventh ballast change
Thus I
dius, and let him wait to hear that which now and transmute, and here let the novelty be my
is related. Let Ovid be silent concerning Cad-
excuse, if my pen straggle a little. And al-
mus and Arethusa, for if, poetizing, he con- thoughmy eyes were somewhat confused, and
verts him into a serpent and her into a foun- my mind bewildered, those could not flee away
tain, I grudge it not to him; for never did he so covertly but that I clearly distinguished
Sabellus, bitten by a
serpent in the Libyan
little Puccio Sciancato: and he it was who alone, of
desert, melts away "like snow under a hot South the three companions that came first, was not
wind," and Nasidius, stung by a snake of another
kind, swells until he bursts his armor.
See Metamorphoses, iv. 575ff, and v. 507(1. *The sinners in the seventh bolgia.

changed; the other was he whom thou, Ga- one shows its theft, and every flame steals

away a sinner.
ville, weepest.
43. I was standing on the bridge, risen up
CANTO XXVI to look, so that, if I had not taken hold of a

i. REJOICE, Florence, since thou art so great rock, I should have fallen below without being
that thou beatest thy wings over sea and land, pushed. And my Leader, who saw me thus
and thy name spread through Hell! Among
is intent, said:"Within these fires are the spir-
the thieves found five such, thy citizens,
I its; each
swathed by that wherewith he is

whereat shame comes to me, and thou dost not burnt." "My Master," I replied, "through hear-
mount unto great honor thereby. But, if near ing thee am I more certain, but already I
the morning one dreams of the truth, thou xieemed that it was so, and already I wished to
shalt feel within short time what Prato, as say to thee: Who is in that fire which comes
well as others, craves for thee. And if already so divided at its top that it seems to rise from
it were, it would not be too soon. So were it! the pyre on which Eteocles was put with his
since surely it must be; for it will weigh the brother? He answered me: "There within
more on me as the more I age. Ulysses and Diomed are tormented, and thus
13. We departed thence, and, up along the they go together in their punishment, as in
stairswhich the bourns had before made for And within their flame they groan
their wrath.

our descent, my Leader remounted and drew for the ambush of the horse which made the
me. And pursuing the solitary way among the gate whence the noble seed of the Romans is-
sued forth; within it they lament the artifice
fragments and the rocks of the craggy bridge,
the foot sped not without the hand. I sorrowed whereby the dead Deidamia still mourns for
then, and now I sorrow again when I direct Achilles, and there they bear the penalty for

my mind to what I saw; and I curb my genius the Palladium."

more than I am wont, that it
may not run un- 64. "If they have power to speak within
those sparks," said I, "Master, much I pray
less virtue guide it; so that if a good star, or
better thing, have given me the good, I may thee, and repray, that my prayer avail a thou-
not grudge it to myself. sand, that thou make not to me denial of
As many as the fireflies which, in the
25. waiting till the horned flame come hither: thou
season when he that brightens the world keeps seest that with desire I bend me toward it."
his face least hidden from us, the rustic, who And he to me: "Thy prayer is
worthy of much
is resting on the hillside what time the fly praise, and therefore I accept it; but mind that

yields to the gnat, sees down in the valley, thy tongue restrain itself. Leave speech to me,
for I have conceived that which thou wishest;
perhaps there where he makes his vintage and
ploughs with so many flames all the eighth for, because they were Greeks, they would

pitwas gleaming, as I perceived so soon as I perhaps be disdainful of thy words."

was there where the bottom became apparent. 76. When the flame had come there where
And as he who was avenged by the bears saw it seemed to my Leader time and place, I heard
it in this form: "O
the chariot of Elijah at its departure, when the him speak to ye, who are
horses rose erect to heaven, for he could not two within one fire, if I deserved of you while
so follow it with his eyes as to see aught save 5
Aeschylus, The Seven Against Thebes, and
the flame alone, like a little cloud, mounting The Phoenician Maidens. Such was the
upward, thus each of those flames was mov- mutual hate of Eteocles and Polyniccs that, when
their bodies were burned on the same funeral pile,
ing through the gulley of the ditch, for not the flames divided in two.
It was through the stratagem of the wooden horse
Francesco Guercio de' Cavalcanti, slain by men that Troy was destroyed, and Aeneas was compelled
of the village of Gaville, in Valdarno, which mourns to lead forth his followers, the seed of the Romans.
for the cruel vengeance taken for his death. Deidamia was the mother of a son by Achilles, and
The three who had come first were the three Flor- when by the craft of Ulysses, accompanied by Diomed,
entine thieves, Agnello, Buoso, and Puccio. Achilles was discovered and persuaded to go to Troy,
Tuscan town ten miles from Florence. she slew herself. The Palladium, the image of Athena,
The projections of the rocky wall. on which the safety of Troy depended, was stolen by
Elisha. II Kings, 2. 9-24. the two heroes. Aeneid, ii. 163-170.
I lived, if I deserved of you much or little, low that it from the ocean floor.
rose not forth
when in the world I wrote my lofty verses, The light beneath the moon had been five
move not, but let one of you tell, whither, be- times rekindled and as many quenched, since
ing lost, he went away to die." The greater we had entered on the passage of the deep,
horn of the ancient flame began to wag, mur- when there appeared to us a mountain dark in

muring, even as a flame that the wind wearies. the distance, and it seemed to me so high as I
Then waving its tip to and fro, as if it were the had never seen one. We
rejoiced, and soon it
tongue that spoke, it cast forth a voice, and turned to lamentation, for from the new land
said: a whirlwind rose and struck the fore part of
90. "When I departed from Circe, who had the vessel. Three times it made her whirl with

detained me more than a year there near to all the waters, the fourth it made her stern lift

Gaeta, before Aeneas had so named it, neither up and the prow go down, as pleased Another,
fondness for my son, nor piety for my old till the sea had closed over us."
father, nor the due love which should have
made Penelope glad, could overcome within
me the ardor had to become experi-
which I i. THE
flame was already erect and quiet, by
enced of the world, and of the vices of men, reason of not speaking more, and already was
and of their virtue. But I put forth on the deep, going from us, with the permission of the

open sea, with one vessel only, and with that sweet poet, when another, which was coming
little company by which I had not been de- behind it, made us turn our eyes to its tip, by
serted. I saw one shore and the other as far as a confused sound that was issuing forth from
Spain, as far as Morocco and the island of Sar- it. As
the Sicilian bull/ which bellowed first

dinia, and the others which that sea bathes with the plaint of him (and that was right)
round about. I and my companions were old who had shaped it with his tools, was wont to
and slow when we came to that narrow strait bellow with the voice of the sufferer, so that,
where Hercules set up his bounds, to the end although it was of brass, yet it appeared trans-
that manshould not put out beyond. On the fixed with the pain, so, through not at first

right hand I left Seville, on the other I had al- having way or outlet from the fire, the discon-
ready left Ceuta. words were converted into its language.
112. *O brothers/ I said, 'who through a But when they had taken their course up
hundred thousand perils have reached the through the point, giving to it in their passage
West, to this so brief vigil of your senses which that vibration which the tongue had given, we
remains wish not to deny the experience, fol- heard say: "O thou, to whom I direct my
lowing the sun, of the world that has no peo- voice, and who just now wast speaking Lom-
ple. Consider your origin; ye were not made bard/ saying: 'Now go thy way, no more I
to live as brutes, but to pursue virtue and urge thee:' although I may have arrived per-

knowledge/ haps somewhat late, let it not irk thee to stop

121. "With this little speech I made my com- to speak with me; behold, it irks not me, and

panions so keen for the voyage that hardly I am burning. If thou art but now fallen into

afterwards could I have held them back. And this blind world from that sweet Italian land
turning qur stern to the morning, with our whence I bring all my sin, tell me if the Ro-
oars we made wings for the mad flight, always magnoles have peace or war; for I was of the

gaining on the left hand side. The night saw mountains there, between Urbino and the

now all the stars of the other pole, and ours so chain from which Tiber is unlocked."
a 8
See Aeneid, vii. 1-4. Cf. Paradise, xxvi. 139; Purgatory, lii. 15.
8 4
In Dante's scheme of the Earth the southern hem- The brazen bull of Phalaris, tyrant of Agrigentum,
isphere was a vast expanse of water, in which the made to hold criminals to be burned within it. Perillus,
only land was the Mountain of Purgatory (Canto its was the first to suffer.
xxxiv. 122-126), the antipodes of Jerusalem (Purga- See Canto i. 68, supra.
tory, iv. 68-71). The course of Ulysses and his com- The people of the Romagna. See Purgatory, xiv. 92.
panions after passing through the Pillars of Hercules The spirit who speaks is that of the Ghibelline
was to the southwest, until they came in sight of the count, Guido da Montefeltro, the ablest and most
Mountain. Sec Purgatory, i. 132. famous warrior of his time in Italy.
3i. I was still downward attent and leaning return alive from this depth, I answer thee
over, when my Leader touched me on the side, without fear of infamy.
is an Italian." And I, 67. "I was a man of arms, and then was a
saying, "Speak thou, this I
who answer ready, without
already had my cordelier, trusting, thus girt, to make amends;

delay began to speak: "O soul, that art hidden and surely trust had come full but for the
my 7
down there, thy Romagna is not, and never Great Priest, whom ill befall! who set me
was, without war in the hearts of her tyrants, back into my and how and where-
first sins;

but no open war have I left there now. Raven- fore, I will that thou hear from me. While I
na is as it has been for many years; the eagle was that shape of bone and flesh which my
of Polenta is brooding there, so that he covers mother gave me, my works were not leonine,
Cervia with his wings. The city that made but of the fox. All wily practices and covert
some while ago the long struggle, and of the ways I knew, and I so plied their art that the
French a bloody heap, finds itself again be- sound went forth to the end of the earth.
neath the green paws. And the old mastitf When I saw me arrived at that part of my age
and the new of Verrucchio, who made the ill where every one ought to strike the sails and
disposal of Montagna, make an auger of their coil up the ropes, what before was pleasing to

teeth there where they are wont. The young me then was irksome to me, and I yielded me
lion of the white lair, who changes side from repentant and confessed. Ah wretched, alas!
summer to winter, rules the cities of Lamone and it would have availed.
and of Santerno. And she whose flank the 85. "The Prince of the new Pharisees hav-
Savio bathes lives between tyranny and a free ing war near the Lateran, and not with
state, even as she sits between the plain and Saracens nor with Jews, for every enemy of his
the mountain. Now I pray thee that thou tell was Christian, and not one of them had been
us who thou art; be not harder than another to conquer Acre, or a trafficker in the land of
has been, so may thy name hold front in the the Soldan, regarded in himself neither his
world." supreme office, nor his Holy Orders, nor in me
58. After the fire had roared for a while ac- that cord which was wont to make those girt
cording to fashion, the sharp point moved
its with it more lean; but as Constantine besought
to and fro, and then gave forth this breath: "If Sylvester within Soracte to cure his leprosy,
Ibelieved that my reply were to a person who so this one besought me as master to cure the
should ever return to the world, this flame fever of his pride. He asked counsel of me,
would stand without more quiverings; but in- and kept silence, because his words seemed

asmuch as, if I hear truth, never did any one drunken. And then he said to me: 'Let not thy
heart mistrust; from this time forward I ab-
Guido da Polenta had been lord of Ravenna since solve thee, and do thou teach me to act so that
1275. His shield bore an eagle. Cervia is a small
coastal town near Ravenna.
I may throw Palestrina to the ground. I can
Forll, where in 1282 Guido da Montefeltro had
lock and unlock Heaven, as thou knowest;
defeated, with great slaughter, a troop, largely of wherefor the keys are two, which my prede-
French soldiers, sent against him by Pope Martin 10

IV. was now ruled by the Ordelaffi, whose shield

cessor held not dear.' Then his weighty argu-
bore on its upper half a green demi-lion on a gold ln 1296 Guido, past seventy years old, entered
field. the Franciscan Order, girding himself with its cord.
Verrucchio was a castle near Rimini, which had 'Boniface VIII.
long been in possession of the Malatesta family. "The With Colonna family, whose stronghold was
old mastiff and the new" were Malatesta de' Malatesti Palestrina, from the Lateran hill. In 1297
and his son Malatestino, lords of Rimini. In 1296 they Boniface proclaimed a crusade against them; Palestrina
had treacherously overpowered and murdered Mon- was surrendered to him on false promises, and then
tagna de' Parcitati, the head of the Ghibellines in demolished.
Rimini. It was for this service that Constantine was sup-
This is Maghinardo de' Pagani da Susinana, who posed to have made Pope Sylvester I "the first rich
bore on his shield a blue lion on a white field. He Father" (Canto xix. 117) by the famous "Donation"
was a Ghibcllme in Romagna, and a Guelf with the conveying to the Pope the sovereignty over Italy and
Florentines, says Villani. "Lamone" is Faenza, near the whole Western Empire. Sylvester, to escape from
the river of Lamone, and "Santerno" is Imola, by Constantine's previous persecution of the Christians,
which the Santerno runs. had taken refuge on Mount Soracte.
6 10
The city of Cesena. Cf. Canto iii. 59-60, supra.
ments pushed me to where silence seemed to and the others whose bones are still heaped up
me the worst, and I said: 'Father, since thou at Ceperano, where every Apulian was false,

dost wash me of that sin wherein I now must and there by Tagliacozzo/ where the old Alar-
fall, long promise with short keeping will do conquered without arms and one should
make thee triumph on the High Seat/ show his limb pierced through, and one his
112. "Francis came for me afterwards, when lopped off, it would be nothing to equal the
I was dead, but one of the black Cherubim hideous mode of the ninth pouch.
said to him: 'Bear him not away; do me not 22. Truly a cask by losing mid-board or
wrong; he must come down among my drud- stave is not so split open, as one I saw who

ges because he gave the fraudulent counsel, was cleft from the chin to where the wind is
since which till now I have been at his hair; broken; his entrails were hanging between his
for he who does not repent cannot be absolved, legs, his pluck was visible, and the dismal sack
nor can repentance and will exist together, be- which makes ordure of what is swallowed.
cause of the contradiction which does not al- While I fix myself all on seeing him, he
low it.' O me woeful how I shuddered when
1 looked at me, and with his hands opened his
he took me, saying to me: 'Perhaps thou didst breast, saying: "Now see how I rend myself;
not think that I was a logician.' He bore me to see how mangled is Mahomet. In front of me
Minos; and he twisted his tail eight times goes Ali weeping, cleft in the face from chin
round his hard back, and, after he had bitten to forelock; and all the others whom thou seest
it from great rage, he said 'This is one of the
: here were, when living, sowers of scandal and
sinners of the thievish fire': wherefore here, of schism, and therefore are they so cleft. A
where thou seest, I am lost, and going thus devil is here behind that fashions us so cruelly,
robed I am afflicted." When he had thus com- putting again to the edge of the sword each of
pleted his speech the flame, sorrowing, de- this throng when we have circled the doleful
parted, twisting and flapping its sharp horn. road; because the wounds are closed up before
133. We passed onward, I and my Leader, one passes again before him. But who art thou
over the crag, far as to the next arch that cov- that artmusing on the crag, perhaps to delay
ers the ditch in which the fee is paid by those going to the punishment that has been ad-
who acquire their load by sundering. judged on thine own accusations?"
46. "Death has not reached him yet," re-
CANTO XXVIII plied Master, "nor does guilt lead him to
i. WHO, even with words unfettered, could torment him; but, in order to give him full ex-
ever tell in full,though many times narrating, perience, it behoves me, who am dead, to lead
of the blood wounds that I now
and of the him down here through Hell, from circle to
saw? Every tongue assuredly would come circle; and this is true, as that I speak to thee."
short,by reason of our speech and our mem- More than a hundred there were who, when
ory which have small capacity to comprise so they heard him, stopped in the ditch to look at
much. me, forgetting the torment in their wonder.
7. If all the people were again assembled, 55. "Now say then to Fra Dolcino, thou
that of old upon the storm-tossed land of who perhaps wilt shortly see the sun, if he wish
Apulia lamented for their blood shed by the
8 "There was no battle at Ceperano, but the defence
Trojans, and in the long war thatmade such of the bridge there over the Garigliano was treacher-
vast spoil of the rings, as Livy writes, who ously abandoned, leaving the way open for Charles
does not with those who, by re- of Anjou to advance to Benevento, where in 1266, the
err; together
8 great battle was fought which ended in the defeat and
sisting Robert Guiscard, felt the pain of blows, death of Manfred, king of Sicily. At this battle many
See Canto v. 11-12. of the Apulian barons proved traitors.
8 T
See Canto xi. 56. Here, in 1268, Conradm, the nephew of Manfred,
Cf. Canto xxvi. 60. was defeated and taken prisoner by Charles of Anjou.
The spoils three bushels and a half of rings of The victory was won, not by arms, but by a stratagem
the battle of Cannae, in the Second Punic War, which devised by Count Erard (Alardo) de Vale"ry.
lasted more than fifteen years. "Cousin and son-in-law of Mahomet, and himself
The Norman conqueror and Duke of Apulia. He the head of a schism.
died in 1085. *A heretic and reformer, who for two years main-
not speedily to follow me hither, so to arm opened the mouth of him, crying: "This is he,
himself with provisions that stress of snow and he does not speak; this one, being ban-
may not bring the victory to the Novarese, ished stifled the doubt in Caesar, affirming that
which to gain otherwise would not be easy." the man prepared always suffered harm from
Mahomet said to me this word, after he had delay." Oh, how aghast, with his tongue cut
lifted one foot to go on, then to depart he off in his throat, seemed to me Curio, who
stretched it on the ground. had been so bold to speak !

64. Another who had his throat pierced and 103. And one who had both hands lopped
his nose cut off close under his brows, and had off, lifting the stumps through the murky air
but one ear only, having stopped to gaze, for so that the blood made his face foul, cried out:

wonder, with the others, before the others "Thou shalt bear inmind Mosca, too, who
opened his gullet, which outwardly was all 'Thing done has a head/ which was
said, alas!

crimson, and said: "O thou whom guilt does the seed of ill for the Tuscan people." And I
not condemn, and whom I saw above in the added for him: "And death to thine own
land of Italy, if exceeding resemblance deceive race." Whereat he, accumulating woe on woe,

me not, if ever thou return to see the sweet went away like a person sorrowful and mad.

plain which slopes from Vercelli to Marcabo, 112. But I remained to look at the crowd,
remember Pier da Medicina, and make known and saw a thing which, without more proof, I
to the two best men of Fano, to Messer Guido should be afraid only to tell, were it not that
and likewise to Angiolello, that, if our fore- conscience reassures me, the good companion

sight here is not vain, they will be thrown out which emboldens man under the hauberk of
of their vessel and sunk near La Cattolica," feeling itself pure. I saw truly, and I seem to
through the treachery of a fell tyrant. Between see it still, a trunk without a head going along,
the islands of Cyprus and Majorca Neptune even as the others of the dismal herd were
never saw so great a crime, not of the pirates, going. And it was holding its cut-off head by
nor of the Argolic people. That traitor who the hair, dangling it in hand like a lantern,
sees only with one eye, and holds the city* and that was gazing on us, and saying: "O
from sight of which one who is here with me me!"
would wish he had fasted, will make them 127.Of itself it was making a lamp for it-
come to parley with him; then will deal so that self; and they were two in one, and one in two;

against the wind of Focara they will not need how it can be He knows who so ordains.
vow or prayer." When he was right at foot of the bridge, he
91. And I to him: "Show to me and declare, lifted his arm high with the whole head, in
ifthou wishest that I carry up news of thee, order to bring its words near to us, which
who is he of the bitter sight?" Then he put his were: "Now see the dire punishment, thou
hand on the jaw of one of his companions, and that, breathing, goest seeing the dead: see if

any other be great as this! And that thou

tained himself in Lombardy against the forces of the mayst carry news of me, know that I am Ber-
Pope. Finally, being reduced by famine in time of tran de Born, he that gave to the young king
snow, in 1307, he was taken captive and burnt at
1 8
From the foot of the Alps to the Adriatic. Marcabo Curio the Tribune, banished from Rome, fled to
was a stronghold near the mouths of the Po. Caesar delaying at the Rubicon, and urged him to
Medicina is a town between Bologna and Imola. cross.
Piero was a fosterer of discord among the lords of In 1215 one of the Buondelmonti, plighted to a
the cities of the Romagna. maiden of the Amidei family, broke faith, and en-
Guido del Cassero and Angiolello da Cagnano, gaged himself to one of the Donati. The relatives of
treacherously drowned by order of the one-eyed Mala- the girl took counsel how to avenge the
testino (Cf. Canto xxvii. 46). affront,and Mosca de' Lamberti gave the ill advice to
small town on the Adriatic between Rimini kill young Buondelmonte, with the words: "Thing
and Pesaro. done has a head": it cannot be undone it shows its
Cf. Aeneid, ii. 78. head. The murder was the beginning of long woe to
Rimini. Florence, and of the division of her people into Guelfs
A high foreland near La Cattolica, dreaded by and Ghibellines.
mariners because of the dangerous squalls which often The famous troubadour who incited young Prince
swept down from it. Henry to rebel against his father, Henry II of England.
the encouragements. I made father and son
ill 37. Thus we spoke as far as the first placeon
rebels to each other. Ahithophel did not more the crag which shows the next valley, if more
with Absalom and with David by his wicked light were there, quite to the bottom. When
goadings. Because I divided persons thus unit- we were above the last cloister of Malebolge,

ed, I carry my brain, alas! divided from its so that lay brothers could appear to our

source which is in this trunk. Thus the retri- sight, divers lamentations pierced me, which
bution is observed in me." had their arrows barbed with woe; wherefore
I covered my ears with my hands.
CANTO XXIX Such suffering as there would be if, be-
i. THE many people and the divers wounds tween July and September, the sick from the
had so inebriatedmy eyes that they were fain hospitals of Valdichiana and of Maremma and
to stay for weeping; but Virgil said to me: of Sardinia were all in one ditch together,
"What art thou still watching? why does thy such was there here; and such stench came
gaze still rest down there among the dismal forth therefrom, as is wont to come from gan-
mutilated shades? Thou hast not done so at grened limbs. We descended upon the last
the other pits; consider, if thou thinkest to bank of the long crag, ever to the left hand,
count them, that the valley circles two and and then my sight became livelier down to-
twenty miles; and already the moon is beneath ward the bottom, where the ministress of the
our feet; the time is little now that is conceded High Lord infallible Justice punishes the
to us, and other things are to be seen than falsifiers whom she registers here.
these thou seest." "If thou hadst," replied I not believe it was a greater sorrow

thereupon, "given heed to the reason why I to see the whole people in Aegina sick, when
was looking, perhaps thou wouldst have per- the air was so full of harm that the animals,
mitted me yet to stay." even to the little worm, all fell dead, and after-

Meanwhile my Leader was going on,

16. wards the ancient people, according as the
and I was going behind him, now making my poets hold for sure, were restored from seed
reply, and adding: "Within that hollow where of ants, then it was to see the spirits
I was now holding my eyes so fixedly, I believe ing in different heaps through that dark valley.
that a spirit of my own blood is weeping for One was lying on the belly, and one on the
the guilt which costs so dear down there." shoulders of another, and one, on all fours,
Then said the Master: "Let not thy thought was shifting himself along the dismal path.
henceforth be broken upon him; attend to oth- Step by step we went without speech, looking
er things, and let him stay there; for I saw him at and listening to the sick, who could not lift

at the foot of the little bridge, pointing thee their persons.

out, and threatening fiercely with his finger, 73. 1 saw two seated leaning on each other,
and heard him called Geri del Bello. Thou
I aspan is leaned against pan to warm, spotted
wert then so wholly occupied with him who from head to foot with scabs; and never did I
of old held Hautefort that thou didst not look see currycomb plied by stable-boy for whom
that way; so he went off." his lord is
waiting, or by one who stays awake
31. "O my Leader," said I, "that his violent unwillingly, as each was
incessantly plying the
death has not yet been avenged for him by any bite of his nails himself, because of the
one who is a partner in the shame made him great rage of his itching which has no other
indignant; wherefore, as I deem, he went on relief. And the nails were
dragging down the
without speaking to me, and thereby he has scab, as a knife does the scales of bream, or of
made me the more pitiful for him." other fish that has them larger still.

1 85. "O thou, that art dismailing thyself with

It was early in the afternoon.
A first cousin of Dante's father. He was a harmful thy fingers," began my Leader unto one of
and quarrelsome person, who, having sown discord them, "and who sometimes makest pincers of
among the Sacchetti, was slain by one of them. After them, tell me if any Italian is among those who
thirty years his death was avenged by his nephews,
by the killing of one of the Sacchetti.
* 4
Bertran de Born was lord of Hautefort. All haunts of malarial fever.
arc here within, so may thy nails suffice thee lect, if I descry thee aright, how I was a good
eternally work." "Italians are we
for this ape of nature."
whom here thou seest so spoiled, both of us,"
replied one weeping, "but who are
thou that
askest of us?" And the Leader said: "I am one
that descends with this living man down from i . AT the time when Juno was wroth because
ledge to ledge, and I intend to show Hell to of Semele against the Theban blood, as she
him." Then their mutual support was broken; showed more than once, Athamas became so
and each turned trembling to me, with others insane, that seeing his wife come laden on
who heard him by rebound. The good Master either hand with her two sons, he cried out:

drew quite close to me, saying: "Say to them "Spread we the nets, so that I may take the
what thou wilt"; and I began, since he wished lioness and the young lions at the pass," and
it:"So may memory of you in the first world then he stretched out his pitiless talons, seiz-
not steal away from the minds of men, but ing the one who was named Learchus, and
under many suns, tell me who ye
live whirled him and dashed him on a rock; and
may it

are, and of what folk; let not your unseemly she drowned herself with her other burden.

and loathsome punishment fright you from And when Fortune turned downward the
disclosing yourselves unto me."
loftiness of the Trojans which dared all, so

109. "I was of Arezzo," replied one of them, that together with his kingdom the king was
"and Albero of Siena had me put in the fire; undone, Hecuba, sad, wretched, and captive,
but that for which I died does not bring me after she saw Polyxena dead, and descried her
here. It is true that I said to him, speaking in Polydorus on the seastrand, she the doleful,
jest, that I knew how to raise myself through frantic, barked like a dog, to such degree had
the air in flight, and he, who had lively desire grief distraught her mind.
and little wit, wished that I should show him 21. But neither furies of Thebes nor of Troy
the art, and only because I did not make him were ever seen in any one so cruel, not in goad-

Daedalus, caused me to be burned by one who ing beasts much less human limbs, as those I

had him for son; but to the last pouch of the saw in two pale and naked shades who were
ten, Minos, to whom it is not allowed to err, running, biting, in the way that a boar does
condemned me by reason of the alchemy that when he is let out from the
sty. One came at
I practiced in the world." Capocchio, and struck his tusks in the nape of
121. And I said to the Poet: "Now was ever his neck, so that dragging him it made his

people so vain as the Sienese ? surely not so the belly scratch along the solid bottom. And the
French by much." Aretine, who remained trembling, said to me:
124. Whereon the other leprous one, who "That mad sprite is Gianni Schicchi, and he
heard me, replied to my words: "Excepting goes rabid dressing others thus." "Oh!" said I
Stricca,who knew how to make moderate to him, "so may the other not fix its teeth on

spendings; and Niccolo, who first invented the thee, let it not be weariness to thee to who

costly use of the clove, in the garden where it is before it breaks away from here." And he
such seed takes root; and excepting the brigade to me: "That is the ancient soul of infamous
in which Caccia of Asciano squandered his Myrrha, who became loving of her father be-
vineyard and his great wood, and Abbagliato yond rightful love. She came thus to sinning
showed his wit. But that thou mayst know with him by falsifying herself in another's
who thus seconds thee against the Sienese, form, even as the other, who goes off there,
sharpen thine eye toward me so that my face ventured, in order to gain the lady of the stud,
may answer well to thee, so wilt thou see that to simulate in his own person Buoso Donati,
I am the shade of Capocchio, who falsified the
metals by alchemy; and thou shouldst recol- Athamas, King of Orchomenos, near Thebes, had
two children by the sister of Semele, Ino. Both he
The Bishop of Siena, under whose ecclesiastical and Ino had incurred the resentment of Juno.
jurisdiction GrifTolino of Arezzo fell as a dealer in "See Euripides, Hecuba.
the black art. See Canto xxix. lopff., supra.
and giving to the due a family; they induced me to strike the florins
making a 1
will will

form." which had three carats of base-metal."

46. And after the two rabid ones, upon 91. And I to him: "Who are the two poor
whom I had kept my eye, had passed on, I wretches that are smoking like wet hands in
turned it to look at the others of the evil born. winter, lying close to thy confines on the
I saw one shaped in fashion of a lute, had he right?" "Here I found them," he answered,
only had his groin cut short at the part where "when I rained down into this trough, and
man is forked. The heavy dropsy which, with they have not since given a turn, and I do not
its ill-digested humor, so unmates the members believe they will give one to all eternity. One
that the face does not correspond with the is the false woman who
accused Joseph, the

belly, was making him hold his lips open, other is the false Sinon the Greek, from Troy:
the hectic does, who 'or thirst turns one toward because of their sharp fever they throw out
his chin, and the other upward. such great reek."
58. "Oh ye, who are without any punish- 100. And one of them, who took it ill per-

ment, and I know not why, in this dismal haps to be named so darkly, with his fist struck
world," said he to us, "behold and consider the him on his stiff paunch; it sounded as if it

misery of Master Adam. Living, I had enough were a drum; and Master Adam struck him
of what I wished, and now, alas! I long for a on the face with his arm which did not seem
drop of water. The little brooks that from the lesshard, saying to him: "Though moving be
green hills of the Casentin run down into the taken from me because of my limbs which are
Arno, making their channels cool and soft, heavy, I have an arm free for such need."
stand ever before me, and not in vain; for their Whereon he replied: "When thou wast going
image dries me up far more than the malady to the fire thou hadst it not thus ready; but so

whereby I
strip my face of flesh. The rigid and more thou hadst it when thou wast coin-

justice that scourges me draws occasion from ing." And he of the dropsy: "Thou saycst true
the place where I sinned to set my sighs the of this, but thou wast not so true a witness
more in flight. There is Romena, where I fal- there where thou wast questioned of the truth
sified the coin stamped with the Baptist, for at Troy." "If I said false, thou didst falsify the
which on earth body burnt. But if I
I left
my coin," said Sinon, "and I am
here for a single
could see here the miserable soul of Guido, or sin, and thou for more than any other demon."
of Alessandro, or of their brother, I would "Remember, perjurer, the horse," answered he
not give the sight for Fonte Branda. One of who had the purled up paunch, "and be it ill
them is here within already, if the raging for thee that all the world knows it." "And
shades who go around speak true; but what for thee be ill the thirst wherewith thy tongue
does it avail me who have my limbs bound? If cracks," said the Greek, "and the putrid water
I were only still so light that in a hundred that makes thy belly thus a hedge before thine
years I could go one inch, I should already have eyes." Then the coiner: "Thy mouth gapes
set out along the path, seeking for him among thus for its own harm as it is wont, for if I
this disfigured folk, although it circles round have thirst, and humor stuffs me, thou hast
eleven miles, and has not here less than a half the burning, and the head that pains thee, and
mile across. Because of them I am among such to lick the mirror of Narcissus thou wouldst
Buoso Donati had died without making a will,
not wantmany words of invitation."
whereupon his son suborned Gianni Schicchi, one of was wholly fixed in listening to them,
130. 1
the Cavalcanti family, to personate the dead man in
when the Master said to me: "Now only look!
bed, and to dictate a will in his favor. This Gianni
did, inserting, however, several clauses with bequests
for it wants but little that I quarrel with thee."
to himself, among which was that of a favorite mare When I heard him speak to me with
anger, I
or she-mule of Buoso's, reputed the best in Tuscany.
A little village near the border of the Casentino turned me toward him with such shame that
bears the name of La Consuma, perpetuating the fact even yet it circles through my memory. And as
that here, in 1281, Master Adam was burnt alive by is he who dreams of his harm, and, dreaming,
the Florentines, jealous for the purity of their florin.
Counts of Romena.
4 8
A spring in Romena. Sec Aeneid, ii. 57ff.
desires to dream, so that he longs for that thickens the air conceals, so, as I pierced the
which is, as if it were not, such I became, not gross and dark air, as we drew nearer and

being able to speak; for I desired to excuse my- nearer to the brink, error fled from me and
and all the while I' was excusing myself,
fear grew upon me. For as above its circular
and never thought that I was doing it. "Less enclosure Montereggione crowns itself with
shame washes away a greater fault than thine towers, so with half their bodies the horrible
has been," said the Master; "therefore disbur- giants, whom Jove still threatens from heaven
den thyself of all sadness, and make reckoning when he thunders, betowered the bank which
that I am always at thy side, if again it happen surrounds the pit.
that fortune find theewhere people may be in 46. And already I discerned the face of one
a similar wrangle; for the wish to hear this is of them, his shoulders, and his breast, and
a base wish." great part of his belly, and down along his
sides both his arms. Nature, surely, when she
CANTO XXXI leftthe art of such like living beings, did ex-
i. ONE and the same tongue first stung me, so ceeding well to take such executioners from
that tinged both my cheeks, and then sup-
it Mars: and though she repent not of elephants
plied the medicine to me. Thus do I hear that and of whales, he who looks subtly holds her
the lance of Achilles and of his father was therein more just and more discreet; for where
wont to be cause first of a sad and then of a the faculty of the mind is added to evil will

good gift.
and to power, the human race can make no
7. We turned our backs to the wretched val- defense against it. His face seemed to me long

ley, up over the bank that girds it round, cross- and huge as the pinecone of St. Peter's at
ing without any speech. Here it was less than Rome, and his other bones were in proportion
night and less than day, so that my sight went with it; so that the bank, which was an apron
little forward; but I heard a loud horn sound- from his middle downward, showed of him
ing, so that it would have made every thunder fully so much above, that three Frieslanders
faint, and this directed my eyes, following its would have made ill vaunt to reach to his
course counter to it, wholly to one place. hair: for I saw of him thirty great spans down
1 6. After the dolorous rout when Charle- from the place where one buckles his cloak.
magne lost the holy gest, Roland sounded not 67. "Rafel mai amech zabi almi" the fierce
to terribly. Short while I carried my head mouth, to which sweeter psalms were not be-
turned thitherward, when it seemed to me began to cry. And my Leader toward
that saw many high towers; whereon I:
I him: "Foolish soul! Keep to thy horn, and
"Master, say, what city is this?" And he to me: with that vent thyself, when anger or other
"Because thou dost cross through the darkness passion touches thee; seek at thy neck, and
from too far off, it happens that then thou dost thou wilt find the cord that holds it tied, O
err in thy imagining. Thou wilt see well, if soul confused! and see lying athwart thy

thou drawest nigh there, how much the sense great breast." Then he said to me: "He accuses
isdeceived at a distance; therefore spur thyself himself; this is Nimrod, because of whose evil

on somewhat more." Then he took me tender- thought one language only is not used in the
lyby the hand, and said: "Before we go further world. Let us leave him alone, and not speak
forward, in order that the fact may seem less in vain; for such is every language to him, as
strange to thee, know that these are not tow- his to others which isknown to no one."
ers, but giants, and they are in the pit round 82. Then turning to the left, we made a
about the bank, from the navel downward, one longer journey, and at a crossbow-shot we
and all of them." found the next, far more fierce and larger.
34. As when the mist is dissipating, the look Who had been the master to bind him I can-
little by little shapes out what the vapor that not but he had his right arm shackled

C. behind, and the other in front, by a chain
Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI, v. i. 160. So, too,
Chaucer, in The Squire's Tale, 10552-4.
1 8
At Ronccsvalles. The castle of Montereggione is not far from Siena.
which held him from the neck downward,
As the Carisenda
seems to the view, beneath
so that upon his uncovered part it was wound its leaning side, when a cloud is
going over it
as far as the fifth coil. "This proud one wished so that the tower hangs counter to it, thus
to make trial of his power against the supreme seemed Antaeus to me who was watching to
see him stoop; and it was a moment when I
Jove," said my Leader, "wherefore he has such

requital. Ephialtes is his name, and he made

could have wished to go by another road. But
his great endeavors when the giants caused lightly in the depth that swallows Lucifer with
fear to theGods: the arms which he plied he Judas he set us down; nor, thus stooping, did
moves nevermore." he there make stay, but like the mast of a ship
97. And I to him: "If it may be, I would he raised himself.
that my eyes might have experience of the
measureless Briareus." Whereon he answered: CANTO XXXII
"Hard by here thou shalt see Antaeus, who i. IF had rhymes both harsh and raucous,

speaks, and is unfettered, who will set us at

such as would befit the dismal hole on which
the bottom of all sin. He whom thou wishest all the other rocks thrust, I would
press out
to see is much farther on, and is bound and more fully the juice of my conception; but
fashioned like this one, save that he seems since I have them not, not without fear I bring
more ferocious in his look." myself to speak; for to describe the bottom of
1 Never was earthquake so mighty that
06. the whole universe is no enterprise to take up
itshook a tower as violently as Ephialtes was in jest, nor for a tongue that cries mamma and

quick to shake himself. Then more than ever papa. But may those Dames aid my verse,
did I fear death; and for it there had been no who aided Amphion to enclose Thebes, so that
need of more than the fright, if I had not seen the speech may not be diverse from the fact.
his bonds. 13. O ye, beyond all others, miscreated rab-
112. We then proceeded further forward, ble, that are in the place whereof to speak is

and came to Antaeus, who stood full five ells, hard, better had ye there been sheep or goats!
"O 1 6. When we were down in the dark
besides his head, above the rock. thou that, pit be-
in the fateful valley which made Scipio the neath the feet of the giant, far lower, and I was
heir of glory, when Hannibal with his follow- still
gazing at the high wall, I heard say to me:
ers turned his back, didst once bring a thou- "Take heed how thou steppest; go so that thou
sand lions for booty, and who hadst thou been trample not with thy soles the heads of thy
wretched weary brothers." Whereat I turned,
at thehigh war of thy brothers, it seems that
some still believe that the sons of the Earth and saw before me, and under my feet, a lake
would have conquered, set us below (and dis- which by reason of frost had semblance of
dain not to do so) where the cold locks up glass and not of water.

Cocytus. Make us not go to Tityus, nor to 25. The Danube in Austria never made in

this man
can give of that which is winter so thick a veil for its current, nor the
longed for here; therefore stoop, and twist not
Don yonder under the cold sky, as there was
if Tambernich' had fallen on it, or
thy muzzle. He can yet restore fame to thee in
here: for
the world; for he is living, and still expects Pietrapana, it would not have given a creak
Grace does not untimely call him The shorter but more inclined of the two famous
long life, if
leaning towers at Bologna.
to itself." 4
The Muses, who so endowed the lyre of Amphion
130. Thus said the Master: and he in haste that its sound charmed the rocks to move from Mount
Cithaeron and build themselves up for the walls of
stretched out those hands, of which Hercules
once felt the mighty grip, and took my Leader. "The lake of ice has four concentric rings: the first
when he felt himself taken up, said to
is Caina, where traitors to their kindred suffer pen-

alty; the second is Antenora, for traitors to their

me: "Come hither, so that I may take thee":
country; the third is Ptolomea, for traitors to their
then he did so that he and I were one bundle. guests; the fourth is Judccca, for the worst of all sin-
ners, traitors to their benefactors.
*See Odyssey, xi. 306-317. 'A mountain, the identity of which has not been
Because he took no part in the war of his brethren settled.
against the gods. One of the Tuscan Apennines.
even at the edge. And as the frog lies to croak mayst not put me to more speech, know that I
with muzzle out of the water, what time the was Camicion de' Pazzi, and I await Carlino
peasant woman often dreams of gleaning, so, to exculpate me."
livid up to where shame appears, were the 70. Then I saw a thousand faces made cur-
woeful shades within the ice, setting their rish by the cold: whence a shudder comes to

teeth to the note of the stork. Every one held me, and will always come, at frozen pools.
his face turned downward: from the mouth 73. And while we were going toward the
the cold and from the eyes the sad heart pro- centre to which all gravity collects, and I was
vides testimony of itself among them. trembling in the eternal chill, whether it was
40. When I had looked round awhile, I will, or destiny, or fortune I know not, but,
turned to my feet, and saw two so close that walking among the heads, I struck my foot
they had the hair of their heads mixed togeth- hard in the face of one. Wailing he railed at
er. "Tell me, ye who thus press tight your me: "Why dost thou kick me? If thou dost
breasts," said I, "who are ye?" And they bent not come to increase the vengeance of Mont'
their necks, and after they had raised their Aperti, why dost thou molest me?" And I:

faces to me, their eyes, which before were "My Master, now wait here for me, so that by
moist only within, gushed up through the lids, means of this one I may free me from a doubt,
and the frost bound the tears between them, then thou shah make as much haste for me as
and locked them up again; clamp never girt thou wilt."
board to board so strongly: and thereupon 85. The Leader stopped; and I said to that

they, like two he-goats, butted one another, shade who was still
such anger overcame them. "Who art thou that thus chidest another?"

52. And one who had lost both his ears by

"Now who art thou, that goes through the
the cold, with his face still downward, said to Antenora," he answered, "smiting the cheeks
me: "Why dost thou so mirror thyself on us? of others, so that if thou wert alive, it would
If thou wouldst know who are these two, the be too much?" "I am alive, and it may be dear
valley whence the Bisenzio descends belonged to thee," was my reply, "if thou demandest
to their father Albert, and to them. They is- fame, that I set thy name among my other
sued from one body; and thou mayst search notes." And he to me: "For the contrary have
all Caina, and thou wilt not find shade more I desire; take thyself hence, and give me no
worthy to be fixed in ice; not he whose breast more trouble, for ill thou knowest to flatter on
and shadow were broken by one self-same this swamp." Then I took him by the hair of
2 3
blow by the hand of Arthur; not Focaccia; the nape, and said: "It shall needs be that thou
not this one who so encumbers me with his name thyself, or that not a hair remain upon
head that I see no further, and who was named thee here." Whereon he to me, "Though thou
Sassol Mascheroni; if thou art a Tuscan, thou strip me of hair, I will not tell thee who I am,
now knowest well who he was. And that thou nor show it to thee, though thou fall a thou-
sand times upon my head."
Counts Napolcone and Alessandro dcgh Alberti;
one was a Ghibellmc, the other a Guelf. They quar- 103.1 had already twisted his hair in my
relled over their inheritance, and each seeking treach-
erously to kill the other, they were both slain. The "Camicion de' Pazzi is reported to have betrayed
Bisenzio is a little stream which falls into the Arno and killed his kinsman Ubertino. Carlino was also
some ten miles west of Florence. a Pazzi. In 1302 the castle of Piantravigne was held
Sir Mordred, the usurping treacherous son of King by a body of the recently exiled Whites of Florence,
Arthur. At Dover they met in arms, and Arthur smote with them Carlino. The castle was besieged by the
Mordred with such a thrust of his spear that, on its Blacks, and Carlino for a bribe opened its gates to
withdrawal, a ray of light passed through the wound. them.
'Focaccia de' Cancellieri of Pistoia. Enraged by a Dante suspects that the shade is that of Bocca
trifling ofTense committed by a boy, his cousin, he degh Abati, the Florentine traitor, who, at the battle
cut off the boy's hand, and then treacherously killed of Montaperti, in 1260, cut off the hand of the stand-
the boy's father. From this crime sprang the feud ard-bearer so that the standard fell, and the Guelfs
of the Blacks and the Whites, which, after raging of Florence, disheartened, were routed with frightful
in Pistoia, was introduced into Florence. slaughter. See Canto x. 85-93.
4 7
Sassol Mascheroni murdered his nephew for an The second division of the ninth circle named
inheritance. after the Trojan who was said to have betrayed Troy.
hand, and had pulled out more than one tuft,
he barking, with his eyes kept close down, CANTO XXXIII
when another cried out: "What ails thee, Boc- i. FROM his savage repast that sinner raised
ca? Is it not enough for thee to make a noise his mouth, wiping it with the hair of the head
with thy jaws, but thou must bark too? What that he had spoiled behind: then he began:
devil is at thee?" "Now," said I, "I do not "Thou wishest that I should renew a desper-
want thee to speak, accursed traitor, for to thy ate grief which oppresses
my heart already
shame will I carry true news of thee." "Be- only in thinking, ere I speak of it. But, if my
gone," he answered, "and tell what thou wilt; words are to be seed that may bear fruit of in-
but be not silent, if thou go forth from here for the traitor whom I
famy gnaw, thou shalt
within, about him who now had his tongue so see me speak and weep together. I know not
ready. He is lamenting here the silver of the who thou art, nor by what mode thou art come
French: saw, thou canst say, him of Duera,
I down here, but Florentine thou scemcst to me
there where the sinners stand cold. Shouldst truly when I hear thee. Thou hast to know
thou be asked who else was there, thou hast that I was Count Ugolino and this one the
2 7
at thy side him of the Beccheria whose gorge
Archbishop Ruggieri. Now I will tell thee
Florence cut. Gianni de' Soldanier
I think is
why I am such a neighbor. That, by the effect
farther on with Ganelon, and Tribaldello of his evil thoughts, I, trusting to him, was
who opened Faenza when it was sleeping." taken and then put to death, there is no need
124. We had now departed from him, when to tell; but what thou canst not have heard,
I saw two frozen in one hole, so that the head that is, how cruel my death was, thou shalt
of one was a hood for the other. And as bread hear, andshalt know if he has wronged me.
is devoured for hunger, so the upper one set 22. "A narrow slit in the mew, which from
his teeth upon the other where the brain joins me has the Hunger, and in which oth-
title of
with the nape. Not otherwise Tydeus gnawed ers must had already shown me
yet be shut up,
for despite the temples of Menalippus, than through its opening many moons, when I had
this one was doing to the skull and the other the bad dream which rent for me the veil of

parts. "O thou that by so bestial a sign show- the future.

est hatred against him whom thou are eating, "This one appeared to me master and lord,
tell me the wherefore," said I, "with this com- chasing the wolf and his whelps upon the
pact, that if thou with reason complainest of mountain because of which the Pisans can-
him, I, knowing who ye are, and his sin, may not sec Lucca. With lean, eager, and trained
yet make thee quits with him in the world hounds, he had put before him at the front
above, if that with which I speak be not dried Gualandi with Sismondi and with Lanfran-
chi. After short course, the father and his sons
seemed to me weary, and it seemed to me I
Buoso da Duera, commanding part of the Ghi-
belhne forces in Lombardy opposed to the troops of saw their flanks ripped by the sharp fangs.
Charles of Anjou, on their way to conquer the king- 37. "When I awoke before the morrow, I
dom of Naples, in 1265, was believed to have been
bribed to let them pass unmolested. Ugolino della Gherardesca, Count of Donoratico,
Tesauro de' Beccheria, Abbot of Vallombrosa, was for many years the most powerful citizen of Pisa.
beheaded by the Florentines in 1258, because of his In 1285, he permitted his ambitious grandson, Nino
treacherous dealings with the exiled Ghibellines. dei Visconti, the "noble Judge Nino" (Purgatory, vih.
A Ghibelline of Florence who plotted against his 53), to share in the rule of the city. Discord soon broke
own party. out between them; each had his partisans, and the,
Ganelon caused the destruction of Charlemagne's Guelf party was rent by this division. The Ghibellines
rear guard at Roncesvalles, where Roland and Oliver saw their opportunity. Their chief, Archbishop Rug-
perished. Cf. Chaucer, The Nun's Priest's Talc, gieri degli Ubaldini, pretending friendship with Ugor
4417-8. lino, joined forces with him to expel his grandson.
avenge a grudge against some of the Ghibel- The strength of the Guelfs being thus weakened, the
lines of Bologna, who, being expelled, had found ref- Archbishop turned against the Count. After a great
uge in Faenza, in 1280, Tribaldello treacherously fight in the streets, the Count and two of his sons and
opened the gates to their enemies, who, entering, mas- two of his grandsons were taken prisoners. They were
sacred many of them. shut up in the tower of the Gualandi alia Sette Vic,
Cf. Aeschylus, The Seven Against Thebes, and there were starved to death.
Three of the chief Ghibelline families of Pisa.
heard my sons,who were with me, wailing in repute of having betrayed thee in thy strong-
their sleep, and asking for bread. Truly thou holds, thou oughtest not to have set his sons
art cruel if already thou dost not grieve, at on such a cross. Their young age, thou mod-
thought of that which my heart was forebod- ern Thebes, made Uguccione and II
ing: and if thou dost not weep, at what art innocent, and the other two that my song
thou wont to weep? They were now awake, names above.
and the hour was drawing near at which food 9 1. We passed onward to where the ice
used to be brought to us, because of his dream roughly enswathes another folk, not turned
each one was apprehensive. And I heard the downward, but all reversed. The very weep-
door below of the horrible tower being nailed ing allows not weeping there, and the grief,
up; whereat looked on the faces of my sons
I which finds a barrier on the eyes, turns inward
without saying a word. I did not weep, I was to increase the anguish; for the first tears form
so turned to stone within. They were weeping; a block, and like a visor of crystal fill all the
and my poor little Anselm said, 'Thou lookest cup beneath the eyebrow.
so, father, what ails thee?' 100. And although, as in a callus, all feeling,

52. "I shed no tear for that; nor did I an- because of the cold, had ceased to abide in my
swer all that day, nor the night after, until the face,it now seemed to me I felt some wind,

next sun came forth upon the world. a When wherefore I: "My Master, who moves this?
little ray made its way into the woeful prison, Is not every vapor quenched here below?"

and Idiscerned by their four faces my own Whereon he to me, "Speedily shalt thou be
very aspect, I bit both my hands for woe; and where thine eye, beholding the cause that rains
they, thinking I did it through desire of eat- down the blast, shall make answer to thee of

ing, of a sudden raised themselves up, and this."

said: 'Father, will be far less pain to us if
it 109. And one of the wretches of the cold
thou eat of us; thou didst clothe us with this crust cried out to us: "O souls so cruel that the
wretched flesh, and do thou strip it off.' I last station has been given to you, lift from my

quieted me
then, not to make them more sad :
eyes the hard veils, so that, before the weeping
that day and the next we all stayed dumb. Ah, recongeal, I may vent a little the woe which
thou hard earth! why didst thou not open? swells my heart." Wherefore I to him: "If
After we had come to the fourth day, Gaddo thou wishest that I succor thee, tell me who
threw himself stretched out at my feet, saying: thou art, and if I relieve thee not, may I have
'My father, why dost thou not help me ? Here '

to go to the bottom of the ice." He replied

he died: and, even as thou seest me, I saw the then: "I am Friar Alberigo; I am he of the
three fall one by one between the fifth day and fruits of the bad garden, who here get back a
the sixth; then I betook me, already blind, to date for a fig." "Oh!" said I to him, "art thou
groping over each, and for two days I called then dead already?"
them after they were dead: then fasting was 122. he to me, "How my body may
more powerful than woe." world above I have no knowledge.
fare in the
76. When he had said this, with his eyes Such vantage hath this Ptolomea that often-
twisted, he seized again the wretched skull times the soul falls down here before Atropos
with his teeth, that were strong as a dog's up-
on the bone. Alberigo de' Manfredi of Faenza, one of the Jovial
Pisa! reproach of the people of the
Friars (Canto xxiii. 103). Having received a blow
79. from his younger brother Manfred, he pretended to
fair country where the si doth sound, since thy
forgive it, and invited him and his son to a feast.
neighbors are slow to punish thee, let Toward the end of the meal he gave a preconcerted
3 signal by calling out: "Bring the fruit," upon which
and Gorgona move and make a hedge for his emissaries rushed in and killed the two guests.
Arno at its mouth, so that it may drown every *Am paid with overplus for my sin; a fig is the
cheapest of Tuscan fruits; the imported date is more
person in thee; for even if Count Ugolino had
1 8
Italy, whose language Dante calls il volgare di si, The third ring of ice, named for that Ptolemy,
the common tongue in which si is the word for yes Captain of Jericho, who, having invited them to a
i. 10). banquet, treacherously slew his father-in-law, the high-
Two little islands near the mouth of the Arno, priest S'mon and his two sons. I Maccabees, 16.
on whose banks Pisa lies. 11-16.)
has given motion to it. And that thou mayst thisone with his head, and that with his soles
the more willingly scrape the glassy tears from uppermost; another, like a bow, bends his face
my face, know that soon as the soul betrays, to his feet.

as I did, its body is taken from

by a demon, it 1 6. When we had gone so far forward that
who thereafter governs it until its time be all it
pleased my Master to show me the creature
revolved. It falls headlong into such cistern as which had the fair semblance, he took himself
this, and perhaps the body of the shade that is from before me and made me stop, saying:
wintering here behind me still appears above. "Lo Dis! and lo the place where it is needful
Thou shouldst know him if thou comest down that thou arm thyself with fortitude!" How
but now; he is Ser Branca d' Oria, and many frozen and faint then became, ask it not,

years have passed since he was thus shut up." Reader, for I do not write it, because all speech
"I believe," said I to him, "that thou art de- would be little. I did not die, and did not re-
ceiving me; for Branca d' Oria is not yet dead, main alive: think now for thyself, if thou hast
and he eats, and drinks, and sleeps, and puts a grain of wit, what I became, deprived of one
on clothes." "In the ditch of the Malebranche and the other.
above," he said, "there where the sticky pitch 28. The emperor of the woeful realm issued
boiling, Michel Zanche had not yet arrived, forth from the ice from the middle of his
when this one left a devil in his stead in his breast; and I compare better with a giant, than
own body, and in that of one of his next kin, the giants do with his arms. See now how
who committed the treachery together with great must be that whole which is conformed
him. But now stretch hither thy hand; open to such a part. If he was as fair as he now is

my eyes for me." And I did not open them for 4

foul, and lifted up his brows against his Mak-
him, and to be churlish to him was courtesy. er, well should all tribulation proceed from

151. Ah Genoese! men strange to all moral- him. Oh how great a marvel it seemed to me,
ity and full of all corruption, why are ye not when I saw three faces on his head! one in
scattered from the world? For with the worst front, and that was crimson; the others were

spirit of Romagna I found one of you, such two, which were adjoined to this above the
that for his deeds he is already in soul bathed very middle of each shoulder, and they were
in Cocytus, and in body he appears still alive joined up to the place of the crest; and the
on earth. right seemed between white and yellow, the
CANTO XXXIV left was such in appearance as those who come
"Vexilla rcgis prodeunt intern* toward us;
i. from there whence the Nile descends. Beneath
therefore look forward," said my Master; "see each came forth two great wings, of size be-
if thou discern him." As when a thick fog fitting so great a bird; sails of the sea I never
breathes, or when our hemisphere darkens to saw such. They had no feathers, but their
a mill which the wind is turning seems fashion was of a bat; and he was flapping them
from afar, such a structure it seemed to me so that three winds were proceeding from him,

that I then saw. whereby Cocytus was all congealed. With six
8. Then, because of the wind, I drew me be- eyes he was weeping, and over three chins
were trickling the tears and bloody drivel. At
hind my Leader; for no other shelter was
there. I was now (and with fear I put it into each mouth he was crushing a sinner with his

verse), there where the shades were wholly teeth, in manner of a heckle, so that he thus

covered, and showed through like a straw in was making three of them woeful. To the one
in front the biting was nothing to the clawing,
glass. Some are lying down; some are upright,
*Cf. Psalms, 55. 15. Also see Canto xi. 52-63, supra. whereby sometimes his back remained all
A member of the famous Genoese house of Doria; stripped of the skin.
murderer, about 1290, of his father-in-law, Michel 61. "That soul up there which has the great-
Zanche, Governor of Logodoro, in Sardinia.
* T
See Canto xxii. 88. The
three faces exhibit the devilish counterpart
See Aquinas. Sutnma Theologica, Part III, Suppl., of the attributes of the three persons of the Godhead,
Q 94, A2. Impotence, Ignorance, and Hate (Cf. Canto iii. 5, 6);
Friar Alberigo. Hate scarlet with rage, Ignorance black with its own
"The banners of the King of Hell advance": darkness, Impotence pale yellow with jealousy and
Vexilla regis prodeunt are the first words of a hymn. envy.
est punishment," said the Master, "is Judas out of error. Where is the ice? and this one,

Iscariot, who has his head within, and plies how he fixed thus upside down? and how

his legs outside. Of the other two who have in such short while has the sun made transit
their heads downwards, he who hangs from from evening to morning?"
the black muzzle is Brutus; see how he writhes 1 06. And he to me: "Thou
imaginest that
and says not a word; and the other is Cassius, thou still art on the other side of the centre,
who seems so large-limbed. But the night is where I laid hold on the hair of the wicked
rising again; and now we must depart, for we Worm that pierces the world. On that side
have seen the whole." thou wast so long as I descended; when I
70. As was his pleasure, I clasped his neck, turned, thou didst pass the point to which
and he took advantage of time and place, and from every part all weighty things are drawn;
when the wings were wide opened he caught and thou art now arrived beneath the hemi-
hold on the shaggy flanks; down from shag to sphere which is opposite to that which the
shag he then descended between the matted great dry land covers, and beneath whose ze-
hair and the frozen crusts. When we were nith the Man was slain who was born and lived
where the thigh turns just on the thick of the without sin: thou hast thy feet upon a little

haunch, my Leader, with effort and stress of circle which forms the other face of the Judec-
breath, turned his head to where he had had ca. Here it is morning when it is evening there;
his shanks, and grappled to the hair like one and this one who made a ladder for us with
who mounts, so that I believed we were re- his hair is still fixed even as he was before. On

turning again to hell. this side he fell down from heaven, and the
"Cling fast hold," said the Master, pant- earth, which before was spread out on this side,
ing like one weary, "for by such stairs must we through fear of him made of the sea a veil,

depart from so great evil." Then he came and came to our hemisphere; and perhaps to
fly from him that land which appears on this
forth through the cleft of a rock, and placed
me upon its edge to sit; then stretched toward side left here this vacant space and ran back
me his cautious step. upward."
88. 1 raised my
eyes, and thought to see Lu- 127. A place is there below, stretching as far
cifer as I had left I saw him
him, and from Beelzebub as his tomb which
holding extends, is

his legs upward; and if I then became per- not known by but by the sound of a
plexed, let the dull folk suppose it, who see not rivulet which descends here along the hollow
what that point is which I had passed. of a rock that it has gnawed with its winding
94. "Rise up on foot," said the Master; "the and gently sloping course. My Leader and I
way is long and the road is difficult,2
and al- entered by that hidden road, to return into the
ready the sun returns to mid-tierce." bright world; and without care to have any
97. Tt was no hallway of a palace where we repose, we mounted up, he first and I second,
were, but a natural dungeon which had a bad so far that through a round opening I saw
floor, and lack of light. "Before I tear myself some of the beautiful things which Heaven
from the Abyss," said I when I had risen up, bears, and thence we issued forth again to see
"my Master, talk a little with me to draw me the stars.
after sunrise. Mid-tierce consequently at the
centre of the universe; when Virgil had turned
The is about half-past seven o'clock.

upon haunch of Lucifer, the passage had been

the 'Dante's conception appears to be, that at the Cre-
made from one hemisphere of the earth the inhab- ation the southern hemisphere of the Earth was occu-
ited and known hemisphere to the other where no pied by the dry land, while the northern was a hemi-
living men dwell, and where the only land is the sphere of waters, and that, at the fall of Lucifer on the
Mountain of Purgatory. In changing one hemisphere southern hemisphere, the land recoiled in horror to the
for the other there is a change of time of twelve hours, northern, forcing the waters of the latter to fill the
from about sunset to about sunrise. A second Saturday place which it At the same moment the
left void.
morning begins for the poets, and they pass nearly which Lucifer was hurled
interior of the globe into
as long a time as they have been in Hell, that is, fled from him, and rising, amid the waters of the
twenty-four hours, in traversing the long and hard southern hemisphere, formed the solitary Mount of
way that leads to the surface of the hemisphere into Purgatory.
which they have just entered. *The streamlet of sin from Purgatory which finds
"Tierce is the name given to the first three hours its way back to Satan.

breast. The rays of the four holy stars so

CANTO I adorned his face with light, that I saw him, as
i. To run over better waters the little vessel of though the sun had been in front.

my genius now hoists her sails, as she leaves 40. "Who

are ye that, counter to the blind
behind her a sea so cruel; and I will sing of stream, have fled from the eternal prison?"
that second realm where the human spirit is said he, moving those venerable plumes. "Who

purified, and becomes worthy to ascend to has guided you? Or who was a lamp to you,
heaven. issuing forth from the deep night which ever
7. But here let dead poesy rise again, O holy makes the infernal valley black? Are the laws

Muses, since I am yours, and here let Calliope of the abyss thus broken? or is a new design
somewhat mount up, accompanying my song changed in heaven that, being damned, ye
with that sound of which the wretched Picae come to my rocks?"
felt the stroke such that they despaired of par- 49. My Leader then took hold of me, and
don. with words, and with hands, and with signs,
A sweet color of oriental sapphire, which controlled to reverence my knees and brow.
was gathering in the serene aspect of the mid Then he answered him: "Of myself I came
sky, pure even to the first circle, renewed de- not; a Lady descended from Heaven, by reason
light to eyes, soon as I issued forth from
my of whose prayers I succored this man with my
the dead air which had afflicted my eyes and company. But since it is thy will that more of

my breast. The fair planet which incites to our condition be unfolded to thee, how it truly
love was making all the Orient to smile, veil- is, mine cannot be that this be denied to thee.

ing the Fishes that were in her train. I turned This man has not yet seen his last evening,
me to the right hand, and gave heed to the but through his folly was so near thereto that
other pole, and saw four stars, never seen save there was very little time to turn. Even as I

by the people. The heavens appeared to

first have was sent to him to rescue him, and
said, I

rejoice in their flamelets. widowed northern O there was no other way than this, along which
I have set myself. I have shown to him all the
region, since thou art deprived of beholding
these! guilty people; and now I intend to show him
28. When I had withdrawn from regarding those spirits that purge themselves under thy

them, turning me a little to the other pole, ward. How I have brought him, it would be
there whence the Wain had already disap- long to tell thee; from on high descends power
peared, I saw close to me an old man alone, in which aids me to lead him to see thee and to

aspect worthy of so much reverence that no hear thee. Now may it please thee to look
son owes more to his father. He wore his graciously
upon his coming. He goes seeking
beard long and mingled with white hair, like liberty, which is so dear, as he knows who for
his locks, of which a double list fell upon his it renounces life.

nine daughters of Pieros of Emathia, who, "This thou knowest; for death for its
contending in song with the Muses, were for their sake was not bitter to thee in Utica, where
presumption changed to magpies.
The horizon. thou didst leave the vesture which on the great
"Purgatory is in the southern hemisphere, and day shall be so bright. The eternal edicts are
"the other" is the South pole. The four stars are the
not violated by us, for this one is alive, and
symbols of the cardinal virtues Prudence, Temper-
ance, Fortitude and Justice. Romans, 8. 21. See the last words of
Cf. Virgil to
Cato. Cf. Aeneid, viii. 670. Dante, at the end of Canto xxvii.

Minos does not bind me; but I am of the circle then he wholly uncovered on me that color
where are the chaste eyes of thy Marcia, who which hell had concealed.
in her look still prays thee, O
holy breast, that 130. We came, then, to the desert shore
for thine own thou hold her. For her love, which never saw man navigate its waters who
then, incline thyself to us; allow us to go on afterwards had experience of return. Here he

through thy seven realms: I will report this girt me, even as pleased the other. O marvel!
grace from thee to her, if thou deignest to be that such as he culled the humble plant, such it
mentioned there below." instantly sprang up again there whence he had
85. "Marcia so pleased my eyes while I was plucked it.

on earth," said he then, "that whatsoever grace

she wished from me, I did; now that she
dwells on the other side of the evil stream, she i. THE sun had now reached the horizon
can move me no more, by that law which was whose meridian circle covers Jerusalem with

made when thence I issued forth. But if a Lady itshighest point; and the night which circles
of Heaven move and direct thee, as thou say- opposite to him was issuing forth from the
est, no need of flatteries; it may well
there is Ganges with the Scales which fall from her
suffice thee thatthou ask me for her sake. Go hand when she exceeds; so that where I was
then, and see thou gird this one with a smooth the white and red cheeks of the beautiful Au-
rush, and that thou wash his face so that thou rora were becoming orange through too much
cleanse it from all stain, for it were not befit- age.
ting to go with eye dimmed by any cloud be- 10. We
were still alongside the sea, like folk
fore the first minister that is of those of Para- who are thinking of their road, who go in
dise. This little island, round about at its very heart and in body linger; and lo! as, at ap-
base, down there yonder where the wave beats proach of the morning, Mars glows ruddy
it, bears rushes upon its soft ooze. No plant of through the dense vapors, down in the west
other kind, that puts forth leaf or grows hard, above the ocean floor, such appeared to me,
can there have life, because it yields not to the so may I
again behold it! a light along the
shocks. Thereafter let not your return be this sea coming no flight equals its
so swiftly that

way; the Sun, which now is rising, will show motion. From which when I had a little with-
you how to take the mountain by easier as- drawn my eye to ask my Leader, again I saw
it, brighter become and larger. Then on each

109. On this he disappeared, and I rose up, side of it appeared to me a something, I knew
without speaking, and drew me quite close to not what, white, and beneath, little by little,

my Leader, and bent my eyes on him. He be- another came forth from it.
gan: "Son, follow my steps; let us turn back, My Master still said not a word, until the
for from here this plain slopes to its low white things appeared as wings; then,

bounds." when he clearly recognized the pilot, he cried

115. The dawn was vanquishing the matin out: "Mind, mind thou bend thy knees: Lo!
hour, which was flying before it, so that from the Angel of God: fold thy hands: henceforth
afar I discerned the trembling of the sea. We shalt thou see such officials. See how he scorns
went along over the solitary plain like a man human instruments, so that he wills not oar,
who turns to the road which he has lost, and, or other sail than hisown wings, between such
till he findseems to himself to go in vain.
it, distant shores. See, how he holds them straight
When we were where the dew contends with toward heaven, stirring the air with his eternal
the sun, and, through being in a place where feathers, which are not changed like mortal
there is shade, is little dispersed, my Master hair."

softly placed both his hands outspread upon

'Purgatory and Jerusalem are antipodal, and the
the grass; whereon I, who was aware of his Ganges or India was arbitrarily assumed to be their
intent, stretched toward him my tearful cheeks: common horizon, the Western horizon to the one, the
Eastern to the other. The night is here taken as the
The seven circles of Purgatory. point of the heavens opposite the sun, and the sun
Acheron. being in Aries, the night is in Libra.
37. Then, as the Bird Divine came more and it I love thee; therefore I
stay; but wherefore
more toward us, the brighter he appeared; so art thou going?"
that my eye endured him not near by, but I "My Casella, in order to return another
bent it down: and he came on to the shore with time to this place where I am, do I make this
a little vessel, swift and light, so that the water journey," said I, "but from thee how has so
swallowed naught of it. At the stern stood the much time been taken?"
Celestial Pilot, such that he seemed inscribed And he to me: "No wrong has been done
among the blest; and more than a hundred me if he who takes both when and whom it

spirits sat within. "In exitu Israel de Egypto" pleases him has many times denied to me this
they all were singing together with one voice, passage; for of a just will his own is made. For
with whatso of that psalm is after written. Then three months, indeed, he has taken with all
he made them the sign of the Holy Cross; peace whoso has wished to enter. Wherefore I,
whereon they all threw themselves upon the who had now turned to the seashore where the
strand; and he went away swift as he had water of Tiber becomes salt, was benignantly
come. received by him. To that outlet has he now di-

52. The crowd which remained there seemed rected his wing, because always those assem-

strange to the place, gazing round about, ble there who towards Acheron do not de-
like onewho makes essay of new things. The scend."

Sun, who with his bright arrows had chased 1 06. And I: "If a new law take not from
the Capricorn from mid-heaven, was shooting thee memory or practice of the song of love
forth the day on every side, when the new peo- which was wont to quiet all my longings, may

ple raised their brows toward us, saying to us: itplease thee therewith somewhat to comfort
"If ye know, show us the way to go to the my soul, which coming hither with its body is
mountain." And Virgil answered: "Ye per- so wearied."

haps believe that we are experienced of this 112. "Love which in my mind discourses

place, but we are pilgrims, even as ye are. We with me,"* he then began so sweetly, that the
came just now, a little while before you, by an- sweetness still within me sounds. My Master,
other way, which was so rough and difficult and I, and that folk who were with him, ap-
that the ascent henceforth will seem play to peared so content as if naught else could touch
us." the mind of any.

67. The souls, who by my breathing had be- 1 1 8. We were all fast and attentive to his
come aware that I was still alive, marvelling, notes; and lo! the venerable old man crying:
became deadly pale. And
news the as to hear "What is this, ye laggard spirits ? What negli-
folk press to a messenger who bears an olive gence, what stay is this? Run to the mountain
branch, and no one shows himself shy of to strip of? the slough which lets not God be

crowding, so all of those fortunate souls fas- manifest to you."

tened themselves on my countenance, as if for- 124. As, when picking up grain or tares, the

getting to go to make themselves fair. doves assembled at their feeding, quiet, with-
76. 1 saw one of them drawing forward to out display of their wonted pride, if aught ap-
embrace me with so great affection, that it pear of which they are afraid, suddenly let the
moved me to do the like. O shades, empty save food alone, because they are assailed by a great-
in aspect! Three times I clasped my hands be- I saw that fresh
er care, so troop leave the song,
hind it, and as often returned with them unto and go towards the hillside, like one that goes,
my breast. With wonder, I believe, I painted but knows not where he may come out: nor
me; whereat the shade smiled and drew back, was our departure less speedy.
and I, following it, pressed forward. Gently it
said, that I should pause; then I knew who it

was, and I
prayed would stay to speak
it that it i. ALTHOUGH the sudden flight had scattered
with me a little. It replied to me: "Even as I them over the plain, turned to the mount
loved thee in the mortal body, so loosed from whereto reason spurs us, I drew up close to my
* *
"When Israel went out of Egypt." Psalms, 114. The first verse of a canzone by Dante,
trustycompanion. And how should I have run who goe
Master, staying his step, "so that one
without him? Who would have led me up without wing may ascend?"
over the mountain? He seemed to me of his 55. And while he was holding his face ben
own self remorseful. O conscience, upright and down, and was questioning his mind about thi
stainless, how bitter a sting to thee is little road, and I was looking up round about th<

fault! rock, a company of souls appeared to me 01

10. When his feet left the haste which mars the left hand, who were moving their feet to

the dignity of every act, my mind, which at wards us, and seemed not doing so, so slowb
first had been restrained, let loose its attention, were they coming. "Lift," said I, "Master
asthough eager, and I set my face against the thine eyes; behold on this side those who wil
hill which rises highest towards heaven from give us counsel, if of thyself thou canst no
the sea. The sun, which behind was flaming have it." He looked at them, and with a re
ruddy, was broken in front of me by the figure lieved air replied: "Let us go thither, for the]
which the staying of its rays upon me formed. come slowly, and do thou confirm thy hope
When I saw the ground darkened only in sweet son."
front of me, I turned me to one side with fear 67. That people was still as far I meai
of having been abandoned: and my Comfort, after a thousand steps of ours as a gooc

turning wholly round to me, began to say: thrower would with his hand, when the]

24. "Why dost thou still distrust? Dost thou all pressed up hard masses of the higl
to the

not believe me with thee, and that I guide bank, and stood still and close, as one wh<
thee? It is already evening there where the goes in doubt stops to look. "O ye who hav<
body is buried within which I cast a shadow; made good ends, O spirits already elect," Vir
Naples holds it, and from Brundusium it was gilbegan, "by that peace which, I believe, i:
taken: if in front of me there is no shadow awaited by you all, tell us, where the mountair
now, marvel not more than at the heavens, of lies so that the going up is possible; for to lose
which the one obstructs not the other's radi- time is most displeasing to him who know;
ance. The Power, which wills not that how it most."
acts be revealed to us, disposes bodies like this 79. As the sheep come from the fold b]
to suffer torments both of heat and cold. Mad ones, and twos, and and the other;
is he who hopes that our reason can traverse stand timid, holding eye and muzzle to th<
the infinite way which One Substance in Three ground; and what the first does the others alsc
Persons holds. Be content, O
human race, with do, huddling themselves to it if it stop, sill)
the quia* for if ye had been able to see every- and quiet, and wherefore know not; so I ther
thing, there had been no need for Mary to bear saw the head of that fortunate flock moving tc
child: and ye have seen desiring fruitlessly approach, modest in countenance and digni
men such that their desire would have been fied in gait.

quieted, which is given them eternally for a 88. When those in front saw the light bro
grief. I speak of Aristotle and of Plato, and of ken on the ground at my right side, so that th<
many others." And here he bowed his front, shadow was cast by me on the rock, the)
and said no more, and remained disturbed. stopped, and drew somewhat back; and all the
46. We had come, meanwhile, to the foot of rest who were coming behind did the like, noi
the mountain; here we found the clifT so steep knowing why. "Without your asking, I con
that the legs would there be nimble in vain. fess to you that this is a human body which ye
Between Lerici and Turbia the most deserted, see, whereby the light of the sun on the grounc
the most secluded path is a stairway easy and is cleft. Marvel not, but believe that not with-

open, compared with that. "Now who knows out power which comes from heaven does he
on which hand the hillside slopes," said my seek to surmount this wall." Thus the Master;

1 4
The nine concentric heavens are transparent. They stopped, surprised, at seeing Virgil anc
That is, be content to know that the thing is. Dante advancing to the left, against the rule in Purga-
Lerici and Turbia are at the two ends of the
tory, where the course is always to the right, symbol
Riviera. izing progress in good.
and that worthy people said:
"Turn, proceed See if hereafter thou canst make me glad, re-
before us, then"; with the backs of their hands vealing to my good Constance how thou hast
making sign. And one of them began: "Who- seen me, and also this prohibition; for here
ever thou art, turn thy face as thou thus goest means of those on earth much may be gained." 4
on; consider whether in the world thou didst
ever see me?" I turned me toward him, and CANTO IV
looked at him fixedly: blond was he, and beau- i . WHEN
by reason of delights, or of pains
tiful, and of gentle aspect, but a blow had di- which any capacity of ours may experience,
vided one of his eyebrows. the soul iswholly engaged by it, to any other
109. When
had humbly disclaimed having
I faculty it seems no further to give heed: and
ever seen him, he said: "Now look!" and this is counter to the error which believes that
showed me a wound high upon his breast. one soul above another is kindled within us.
Then he said, smiling; "I grand-am Manfred, And therefore, when a thing is heard or seen
son of the Empress Constance: wherefore I which may hold the soul intently turned to it,

pray thee, that when thou returnest, thou go the time goes by, and the man perceives it not:
to beautiful daughter, mother of the hon-
my for one faculty is that which listens, and anoth-
or of Sicily and of Aragon, and tell to her the er which keeps the soul entire; the lat-
is that
truth if aught else be told. After I had my body were bound, and the former is loose.
ter is as it

broken by two mortal stabs, I rendered myself, 13. Of this I had true experience, hearing

weeping, to Him who pardons willingly. My that spirit and wondering: for full fifty de-
sins were horrible, but the Infinite Goodness grees had the sun ascended, and I was not
has such wide arms that it takes whatever aware of it, when we came where those souls
turns to the Pastor of Cosenza, who was
it. If with one accord cried out to us: "Here is what
set on the hunt of me by Clement, had then you ask."
rightly read this page in God, the bones of my 19. The man of the farm, when the grape is

body would still be at the head of the bridge growing dark, often hedges up a larger open-
near Benevento, under the protection of the ing with a forkful of his thorns, than was the
heavy cairn. Now the rain bathes them, and passage from which my Leader and I behind
the wind moves them forth from the kingdom, him ascended alone, when the troop departed
hard by the Verde, whither he transported from us. One goes to Sanleo, and descends to
them with extinguished light. Noli, one mounts up Bismantova to its sum-
133. By their malediction one is not so lost mit, with only feet; but here it behoves that
that the Eternal Love cannot return, while one fly, I mean with the swift wings and with
hope has speck of green. True is it, that whoso the feathers of great desire, behind that guide
dies in contumacy of Holy Church, though he who gave me hope and made a light for me.
repent him at the end, needs must stay outside, We ascended through the cleft rock, and on
upon this bank, thirtyfold the whole time that each side the wall pressed close on us, and
he has been in his presumption, if such decree the ground beneath required both feet and
become not shortened through good prayers. hands.
The natural son of the Emperor Frederick II, and 34. When we were upon the upper edge of
king of Sicily. Urban IV and Clement IV offered the the high bank, on the open hillside: "My Mas-
throne of Sicily to Charles of Anjou, the brother of
St. Louis. Charles, crowned king of Sicily at Rome, ter," said I, "what way shall we take?" And
routed Manfred at Benevento. Manfred himself was he to me: "Let no step of thine fall back, al-
slain in the battle.
Constance, who married Peter III of Aragon. She
ways win up behind me on the mountain, till
had three sons, Alphonso, James, and Frederick. Al- some sage guide appear for us."
phonso succeeded his father in Aragon, and James in 40. The summit was so high that it sur-
Sicily, but after the death of Alphonso, in 1291, James
became king of Aragon, and Frederick king of Sicily. passed the sight; and the mountain-side far
8 4
The archbishop of Cosenza, at command of Clem- Cf. Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part III, Suppl.,
ent IV, took Manfred's body from its grave near Bene- Q 663, A 2.
vento, and threw it unburied on the bank of the Cf. Ibid., Part I, Q 76, A 3.
Verde (now the Garighano), separating the states of It was now about nine A.M.
the Church from the kingdom of Naples. All these are places difficult of access.
steeper than a line from the mid quadrant
to him; therefore when it shall seem to thee so
the centre. I was weary, when I began: "O pleasant, that the going up will be easy to thee
sweet Father, turn and regard how I remain as going down the current in a vessel, then wilt
alone if thou stay not." "My son," said he, "far thou be at the end of this path; there mayst
as here drag thyself on," pointing out to me a thou expect repose from toil: more I answer
ledge a above, which on that side circles
little not, and this I know for true."
all His words so spurred me, that I
the hill. 97. Andhe ended his words, a voice near
forced myself on, scrambling after him, until by sounded: "Perchance before then thou wilt
the belt was beneath my feet. There we both be constrained to sit." At the sound of it each
sat down, turning toward the east, whence we of us turned, and we saw at the left a great
had ascended, for to look back is wont to en- stone, ofwhich neither he nor I had taken note
courage a man. I first turned my eyes to the before. Thither we drew; and there were per-
low shores, then I raised them to the sun, and sons who were reposing in the shadow behind
wondered that we were struck by it on the left. the rock, as one through indolence sets himself
The Poet well perceived that I was all bewil- to repose. And one of them, who seemed to me
dered at the chariot of the light, where it was weary, was seated, and was clasping his

entering between us and Aquilo. knees, holding his face down low between
61. Wherefore he to me: "If Castor and Pol- them. "O sweet my Lord," said I, "look at
lux were in company with that mirror which him, who shows himself more indolent than if
sheds its light up and down, thou wouldst see sloth were his sister." Then that one turned to
the zodiac revolving ruddy still closer to the us and gave heed, moving his look only up
Bears, if it went not out of its old road. How along his thigh, and said: "Now go thou up,
this can be, if thou wishest to be able to con- for thou art valiant." I recognized then who he

ceive, with collected thought imagine Zion was, and that effort which was still quickening
and this mountain to stand upon the earth so my breath a little, did not hinder my going to
that both have one sole horizon and different him, and after I had reached him, he scarcely
hemispheres; then thou wilt see, if thy intelli- raised his head, saying: "Hast thou clearly seen

gence right clearly heed, how the road which how the sun drives his chariot over thy left
Phaethon, to his harm, knew not how to drive, shoulder?"
nust needs pass this mountain on the one side, 1 2 1. His lazy acts and his short words
and that on the other." moved my lips a little to a smile; then I began:
76. "Surely, my Master," said I, "I never saw "Belacqua, henceforth I grieve not for thee,
so clearly as I now discern, there where my but tell me why thou art seated here? dost
wit seemed deficient, that the mid-circle of the thou await a guide, or has only thy wonted
mpernal motion, which in a certain art is mood recaptured thee?" And he: "Brother,
:alled Equator, and which always remains be- what going up ? For the bird of God
avails the
ween the sun and the winter, is distant, for the that sits at the gate would not let me go to the
'eason that thou tellest, as far from here to- torments. It behoves that heaven first circle
ward the north, as the Hebrews saw it toward around me outside the gate, as long as it did in
:he warm region. But, if itplease thee, will- life, because I delayed my good sighs until the
ngly would I know how far we have to go, for end; unless, before then, the prayer assist me
he hill rises higher than eyes are able."
my which rises from a heart that lives in grace:
\nd he to me: "This mountain is such, that what avails the other, which is not heard in
:ver at the beginning below it is hard, and the heaven ?
nore one goes up, behold! the less it troubles 136. And already the Poet was mounting up
1 before me, and was saying: "Come on now:
Dante, toward the east, was bewildered
his face
it seeing the sun on his left hand. Aquilo, the north
thou seest that the meridian is touched by the
is put for the north.
sun, and on the shore the night now covers
the sun were in the sign of the Gemini
If Castor
nd Pollux (which is nearer the constellations of the
Morocco with her foot."
Jears than Aries, in which the sun now is) it would Belacqua was a Florentine, a maker of citherns
nake the zodiac ruddy still farther to the north. and other musical instruments.
way to be glad, a little stay thy step. Look if
CANTO V thou hast ever seen any one of us, so that thou
i.I HAD now parted from those shades, and mayst carry news of him to earth. Pray, why
was following the footsteps of my Leader, dost thou go on? Pray, why dost thou not stop?
when behind me one, pointing his finger, cried We all of old were slain
by violence, and sin-
out: "Look how the ray seems not to shine on ners up to the last hour; then light from Heav-
the left hand of that lower one, and he seems en made us mindful, so that both penitent and
to bear himself as if alive." I turned my eyes pardoning we issued forth from life at peace
at the sound of these words, and I saw them with God, who fills our hearts with the desire
watching, for marvel, only me, only me, and of seeing Him." And I: "Although I
gaze up-
the light which was broken. on your recognize no one; but if aught
faces, I
10. "Why is thy mind so caught," said the that I can do be pleasing to you, spirits well-
Master, "that thou slackenest thy going? What born, speak ye, and I will do it by that peace

matters to thee that which is whispered here? which makes me, following the feet of such a
Come on after me, and let the people talk. guide, seek it from world to world."
Stand like a firm tower that never wags its top 64. And one began: "Each of us trusts in thy
for blowing of the winds: for always the man good service, without thy swearing it, provid-
in whom thought on thought wells up removes ed that want of power cut not off the will;
from himself his mark, because one weakens wherefore I, who speak alone before the others,
the force of the other." What could I answer, pray thee, ever thou see that land which lies

save: "I come"? overspread somewhat

I said it,
between Romagna and the land of Charles,*
with the color, which, at times, makes a man that thou be courteous to me with thy prayers

worthy of pardon. in Fano, so that supplication may be well made

22. And
therewhile, across upon the moun- inmy behalf, that I may be able to purge away
tain-side, a little in front of us, were coming my grave offenses. Of that place was I; but the
people, singing "Miserere," verse by verse. deep wounds, wherefrom issued the blood in
When they observed that I gave no place for which I had my seat, were dealt me in the

passage of the rays through my body, they bosom where I thought

of the Antenori, there

changed their song into a long and hoarse to be most he of Este had it done, who
"Oh!" and two of them, in form of messen- held me in wrath far beyond what justice

gers, ran to meet us, and asked of us: "Make willed. But if, when I was overtaken at Oriaco,
us acquainted with your condition." And my had fled toward La Mira, 1 should still be yon-
Master: "Ye can go back, and report to those der where men breathe. I ran to the marsh, and
who sent you, that the body of this one is true the reeds and the mire hampered me so that I
flesh. If, as I suppose, they stopped because of fell,and there I saw a lake made by my veins
seeing his shadow, enough is answered them: upon the ground."
let them do him honor and it
may profit 85. Then said another: "Ah! so may that de-
them." sire be fulfilled which draws thee to the
37. Never did I see enkindled vapors at early mountain, with good piety do thou help mine.
I was of Montefeltro, and am Buonconte."
night so swiftly cleave the clear sky, or the
clouds of August at set of sun, that these did a
The March of Ancona, between the Romagna and
not return up in less time; and, arrived there, the kingdom of Naples, then held by Charles II, King
of Naples and Count of Anjou. The speaker is Jacopo
they with the others wheeled round toward us,
del Cassero, of the leading Guclf family in Fano. On
like a troop that runswithout curb. his way to become Podestl of Milan, in 1298, he was
43. "These folk that press to us are many, assassinated by the minions of Azzo VIII of Este,
and they come to pray thee," said the Poet; whose enmity he had incurred.
*Cf. Leviticus, 17. 14.
"yet do thou still go on, and in going listen."
That is, in the territory of the Paduans, whose
"O soul," they came crying, "that with those city was reputed to have been founded by Antenor.
La Mira is a village on the bank of one of the
limbs with which thou wast born art on thy
canals of the Brenta between Padua and Venice.
Thc shooting stars in a clear sky, or the light- Oriaco is not far from it.
ning in the clouds of August. "Son of Count Guido da Montefeltro; cf. Hell,
Joan, or any other, has no care for me,
where- me along its banks, and along its bottom, then
fore I go among these with downcast front." with its spoil it covered and girt me."
And I to him: "What violence, or what chance 130. "Pray, when thou shalt have returned
caused thee to stray so far from Campaldino, unto the world, and rested from the long jour-
that thy burial place was never known?" ney," the third spirit followed on the second,
1 6
"Oh!" replied he, "at foot of the
Cascntino "remember me, who am Pia. Siena made me,
crosses a stream, named the Archiano, which Maremma unmade me; he knows it, who, be-
fore wedding, had enringed me with his gem."
rises in Apennine above the Hermitage/
Where name becomes vain I arrived,

pierced in the throat, flying on foot, and

bloodying the plain. Here I lost my sight, and I
i. WHEN the game of hazard is broken up, he
ended my speech with the name of Mary, and who remains sorrowful, repeating the

here I fell, and my flesh remained alone. I will throws, and, saddened, learns; with the other
tell the truth, and do thou repeat it among the all the folk go along; one goes before, and one

living. The Angel of God took me, and

he of plucks him from behind, and one at his side

Hell cried out, *O thou from Heaven, why dost brings himself to mind: he does not stop, and
listens to one and the other; the man to whom
thou rob me? Thou bearest away for thyself
the eternal part of him for one little tear which he reaches forth his hand presses on him no
takes him from me; but of the rest I will make longer, and thus from the throng he defends
other disposal.' himself. Such was I in that dense crowd, turn-

109. "Thou knowest well how in the air that ing my face to them this way and that; and,
moist vapor is collected which turns to water promising, I loosed myself from it.
soon as it rises where the cold condenses it. He 13. Here was the Aretine, whofrom the

joined that evil will, which seeks only evil, fierce arms of Ghin Tacco had his death;

with intelligence, and moved the mist and the and the other who was drowned when
4 8
wind by the power that his nature gave. running Here Federigo No-
in pursuit.

Then, when the day was spent, he covered the vello was praying with hands outstretched,
valley with cloud, from Pratomagno to the
and he of Pisa, who made the good Mar-
zucco show himself strong. I saw Count
great chain, and made the sky above so dense
that the pregnant air was turned to water. The 6
Pia is reported to have been put to death in her
rain fell, and what of it the earth did not en- husband's stronghold in the Tuscan Maremma.
dure came to the gullies, and as it gathered in The Aretine was Messer Benincasa da Laterina, a
learned judge, who had condemned to death for their
great streams it rushed so swiftly towards the crimes two relatives of Ghin di Tacco, the most fa-
royal river that nothing held it back. The ro- mous highwayman of the day, whose headquarters
bust Archiano found frozen body near its between Siena and Rome. Some time
after, Messer
my lay
Benincasa sitting as papal auditor in Rome, Ghino
mouth, and pushed it into the Arno, and
made his way to the tribunal, slew Benincasa, and
loosed on my breast the cross which I made of escaped unharmed.
Another Aretine, of the Tarlati family. While pur-
myself when the pain overcame me. It rolled
suing or pursued by his enemies, his horse carried
him into the Arno, where he was drowned.
xxvii. Joan was his wife. He was the captain of the Federigo, son of the Count Guido Novello, o
Aretines at the battle of Campaldino (1289), where whom nothing is known but that he was slain in 1291,
he was slain. near Bibbiena.
1 10
The Casentino is a "district in Tuscany comprising Bcnvenuto says: "I have heard from the good
the upper valley of the Arno, and the slopes of the Boccaccio, whom I trust more than the others, that
Etruscan Apennines." Marzucco was a good man of the city of Pisa, who
The monastery of Camaldoli, founded by St. had become a Franciscan friar, whose son was be-
Romualdo of Ravenna, in 1012, the earliest house of headed by order of Count Ugolino, the tyrant, who
the Order of Reformed Benedictines which derives its commanded that his body should remain unburied.
name from this locality. At a late hour his father humbly approached the

Cf. Hell, xxvii. 112-120. Count, and like a stranger unconcerned in the matter,
Cf. Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I, Q no, and without tears or other sign of grief, he said,
A^. 'Surely, my lord, it would be proper and to your honor
Pratomagno is the mountain ridge which forms that that poor slain man should be buried, and not left
the western boundary of the Cascntino; "the great cruelly as food for dogs.' Then the Count, recognizing
chain" is the main ridge of the Apennines. him, said, astonished, 'Go, for thy patience overcomes

Orso; and the soul divided from its body by us; it will point out to us the
speediest way."
spite and by envy, as it said, and
not for fault 6 1. We came to it. O
Lombard soul, how
committed, Pierre de la Brosse, I mean; and lofty and disdainful didst thou hold thyself;
here let the Lady of Brabant have foresight, and in the movement of thine eyes grave and
while she is on earth, so that for this she be slow! It said not anything to us, but let us
not of the worse flock. on, only eyeing us inmanner of a lion when he
25. When I from each and all those
was free is
couching. drew near to it, pray-
shades who prayed only that someone else ing that it would show to us the best ascent;
should pray, so that their becoming holy may and it made no answer to his request, but of
be speeded, I began: "It seems to me, O Light our country and life enquired of us.
of mine, that thou deniest expressly, in a cer- 71. And the sweet Leader began: "Mantua"
tain text, that orison can bend decree of Heav- and the shade, all in itself recluse, rose to-

en, and thesefolk pray only for this, shall ward him from the place where first it was,
then their hope be vain? or is thy saying not saying: "O Mantuan, I am Sordello of thy
3 4

rightly clear to me?" city." And they embraced each other.

34. And he to me: "My writing is
plain, and 76. Ah, servile Italy! hostel of grief! ship

the hope of these is not fallacious, if it be well without pilot in great tempest; not lady of

regarded with sound mind; for top of judg- provinces, but a brothel! that noble soul was
ment vails not itself because a fire of love may, so ready, only at the sweet name of his native
in one instant, fulfil that which he who is here town, to give glad welcome here unto his fel-
installed must satisfy. And
there where I af- low-citizen; and now
in thee thy living men
firmed this proposition, defect was not exist not without war, and of those one whom
amended by a prayer, because the prayer was wall and one moat shut
one gnaws the oth- in
er. Search, wretched one, around its shores,
disjoined from God. However, in regard to thy
matter of doubt so deep decide thou not, unless seaboard, and then look within thy bosom, if
she tell it thee, who shall be a light between the any part in thee enjoys peace! What avails it

truth and the understanding. I know not if that for thee Justinian readjusted thy bridle, if
thou understandest; I speak of Beatrice; thou the saddle be empty? Without this, the shame
shalt see her above, smiling and happy, upon would be less. Ah folk, that oughtest to be de-
the summit of this mountain." vout and let Caesar sit in the saddle, if thou
49. And I: "My Lord, let us go on with rightly understandest what God notes for thee!
greater speed, for now I am not weary as a Look how fell this wild beast has become,
while ago; and see how the hill now casts its through not being corrected by the spurs, since
shadow." "We will go forward with this day," thou didst put thy hand upon the rein.
he answered, "as much farther as is now pos- 97. O
German Albert, who abandonest her
sible for us; but the fact is otherwise than thou that has become untamed and savage, and

supposest. Before thou canst be there-above oughtest to bestride her saddle-bows, may a
thou wilt see him return, who is now hid- just judgment from the stars fall upon thy
den by the hill-side so that thou dost not blood, and may it be so strange and manifest
make his rays to break. But see there a soul that thy successor may have fear thereat! For

which, stationed all alone, is looking toward thou and thy father, held back up there by
greed, have suffered the garden of the empire
my obduracy,' and immediately Marzucco went and
buried his son." Sordello, who
lived in the thirteenth century, left
Count Orso, the son of Count Napoleone degli his native land and gave up
his native tongue to live
Alberti, was murdered by his cousin, the son of Count and write as a troubadour in Provence.
Alessandro. Cf. Hell, xxxii. 55-60. Albert of Hapsburg, son of the Emperor Rudolph,
Pierre de la Brosse was chamberlain and confidant was elected King of the Romans in 1298, but, like his
of Philip the Bold of France. He lost the king's favor father, never went to Italy to be crowned. He was
and was hanged. It was believed that he had incurred murdered by his nephew, John the Parricide, in 1308,
the hatred of Mary of Brabant, Philip's second wife. at Konigsfelden. The successor of Albert was Henry
As she lived till 1321, Dante's warning may have VII of Luxemburg, who came to Italy in 1311 and
reached her ears. was crowned at Rome in 1312. His death in 1313
*Cf. Acneid, vi. 376. ended Dante's hopes.
to become desert. Come thou to see the Mon- not find repose upon the feathers, but with her
tecchi and Cappelletti, the Monaldi and Filip- tossing seeks to ease her pain.

peschi, thou man without care, those already

wretched, and these in dread. Come, cruel one, CANTO VII
come, and see the distress of thy nobility, and i. AFTER
the becoming and glad salutations
cure their hurts; and thou shalt see Santafiora had been repeated three and four times, Sor-
how safe it is. dello drew back and said: "Who are you?"
Come to see thy Rome, that weeps, wid-
112. "Before the souls worthy to ascend to God
owed and alone, and cries day and night: "My were turned to this mountain, my bones had
Caesar, wherefore dost thou not keep me com- been buried by Octavian; I am Virgil, and for
pany?" Come to see how the people love one no other sin did I lose heaven, but for not hav-
another; and, if no pity for us move thee, come ing faith"; thus then replied my Leader.
to be shamed for thine own renown And if it 10. As he who suddenly sees a
thing before

be lawful for me, O

Supreme Jove, who wast him whereat he marvels, and does and does
on earth crucified for us, are Thy just eyes not believe, saying: "It is, it is not," such
turned aside elsewhere? Or is it preparation, seemed that shade, and then he bent down his
which in the abyss of Thy counsel Thou art brow, and humbly returned toward him, and
making, for some good utterly cut of? from our embraced him where the inferior lays hold.
perception? For the cities of Italy are all full of 1 6. "O glory of the Latins," said he, "through
tyrants, and every churl that comes playing the whom our language showed what it could do,

partisan becomes a Marcellus. eternal honor of the place wherefrom I was,

127. My
Florence! surely thou mayst be con- what merit or what grace shows thee to me?
tent with this digression, which does not touch I am
If worthy to hear thy words, tell me if
thee, thanks to thy people that takes such heed. thou comest from Hell, and from what clois-
Many have justice at heart, but shoot slowly, ter." "Through all the circles of the realm of

through not coming to the bow without delib- woe," replied he to him, "am I come hither;
eration; but thy people has it on the edge of its the power of Heaven moved me, and with it I
lips. Many reject the common
burden, but thy come. Not by doing, but by not doing have I
people eagerly responds without being called, lost the sight of the
high Sun which thou desir-
and cries, "I load myself." make thee Now est, and which by me was known too late.

glad, for thou hast truly wherefore: thou rich, There is a place below not sad with torments
thou at peace, thou wise! If I speak the truth, but with darkness only, where the lamenta-
the fact does not hide it. Athens and Lacedae- tions sound not as wailings, but are
sighs; there
mon, that made the ancient laws and were so 1 abide with the little innocents bitten by the
civilized, made
in regard to living well but teeth of death before they were
exempt from
litde sign, compared with thee that makest human sin; there I abide with those whom the
such fine-spun provisions, that what thou spin- three holy virtues did not invest, but who with-
nest in October reaches not to mid-November. out vice knew the others, and followed all of
How often in the time that thou rememberest them." But if thou knowest and canst, give us
hast thou changed law, money, and
office, cus- some direction whereby we may come more
tom, and renewed thy members; And if thou speedily to where Purgatory has its right be-
mind thee well and see the light, thou wilt see ginning."
thyself resembling that sick woman, who can- 40. He replied: "A fixed place is not assigned
for us; it is permitted me to
ine Montecchi were Ghibellines of Verona, the go upward and
were Guelphs of Cremona, the Monaldi around; so far as I can go, I
Cappelletti join myself to thee
were Guelphs of Perugia, and the Filippeschi were
as guide. But see how already the day declines,
Ghibellines of Orvieto.
The Counts of Santafiora were once the most and to go up by night is not possible; therefore
powerful Ghibelline nobles in the Sienese territory. it is well to think of some fair
Now their territories were full of lawlessness and sojourn. There
misery. Cf. Hell iv. 63.
'The Consul M. Claudius Marcellus was a bitter B
Cf. Purgatory, xxi. 130.
opponent of Caesar. Cf. Hell, iv; description of Limbo.
are souls yonder to the right, apart; if thou con- 85. "Before the now diminished sun sink to
sentest to me I will lead thee to them, and not his nest," began the Mantuan who had turned
without delight will they be known to thee." us thither, "do not desire that I guide you
"How is this?" was the answer, "would he among these. From this bank ye will better dis-
who might wish to ascend by night be pre- cern the acts and countenances of each and all,
vented by another, or could he not ascend be- than when received among them on the level
cause he had not the power?" below. He who sits highest and has the sem-

52. And the good Sordello drew his finger blance of having neglected that which he
on the ground, saying: "See, only this line thou should have done, and who moves not his
couldsc not pass after the sun is gone; not, how- mouth to the others' songs, was Rudolph the

ever, that aught else than the nocturnal dark- Emperor, who might have healed the wounds
ness would give hindrance to going up; that that have slain Italy, so that too late is she

hampers the will with impotence. One might,

called back to life by another. The next, who to

indeed, in the darkness turn downward, and appearance is comforting him, ruled the land
walk the hillside wandering around, while the where the water rises which the Moldau bears
horizon holds the day shut up." Thereon my to the Elbe, and the Elbe to the sea. His name

Lord, as if wondering, said: "Lead us, then, was Ottocar, and in his swaddling-clothes he
there where thou sayest one may have delight was better far than bearded Wenceslaus, his
son, whom luxury and idleness feed.
while waiting."

64. A short distance had we gone from that 103. And that small-nosed one, who seems
place, perceived that the mountain was
when I close in counsel with him who has so benign
hollowed out in like fashion as the valleys hol- an died in flight and
aspect, disflowering the
low them here on earth. "Yonder," said that lily; look there, how he beats his breast: see the
next one who, sighing, has made with his hand
shade, "will we go, where the hillside makes a
a bed for his cheek. Father
lap of itself, and there will we await the new
and father-in-law

day." Now steep, now was a winding

are they of the Pest of France;
they know his
that led us to a side of the dale, where its vicious and foul life, and thence comes the
border more than half dies away. Gold and grief which so pierces them. He who looks so

fine silver, and cochineal and pure white, In- large-limbed, and who accords in singing
dian wood bright and clear blue, fresh emer- with him of the masculine nose, wore
girt the
ald at the instant it is split, would each be van- cord of every worth, and if the youth that is sit-

quished in color by the herbage and by the ting behind him had remained after him as
flowers set within that valley, as by its greater king, truly the worth had gone from vessel to
the less vanquished. Nature had not only
Rudolph of Hapsburg, first Emperor of the House
painted there, but of sweetness of a thousand of Austria, born in 1218, crowned Emperor at Aachen
odors she made there one unknown and blend- in 1273, died in 1291.
ed fragrance. Ottocar, King of Bohemia and Duke of Austria,
was slain in battle against Rudolph in 1278.
82. Here I saw souls who, because of the 4
Cf. Paradise, v. 125.
valley, were not visible from without, seated This is Philip III, the Bold, of France. Having in-
the green and the flowers, singing vaded Catalonia, in a war with Peter III of Aragon,
upon upon he was driven back, and died, on his disastrous
1 re-
Salve Regina. treat in 1285.
1 6
The beginning of an antiphon recited, during cer- Henry of Navarre, whose daughter Joan married
tain seasons of the year, at compline, the last service of Philip IV of France.
the day, after sunset. The whole antiphon is as follows, Philip IV of France. Cf. Hell, xix. 87; Purgatory,
and appropriateness to the condition of these sin-
its xx. 91; xxxii. 152; xxxiii. 45; Paradise, xix. 118.
ners is manifest: "Hail, Queen, mother of mercy! our "Peter III of Aragon, the husband of Constance,
life, our joy, our hope, hail! To thee we, exiled sons daughter of Manfred (see Canto iii. 115, 143). In
of Eve, do cry; to thee we sigh, groaning and weeping 1282, when the French were driven out of Sicily,
in this valley of tears. Come then, our Advocate, turn Pedro was made king of Sicily.
thy pitying eyes upon us, and show to us, after our 'Charles of Anjou, king, by conquest, of Naples
exile, Jesus, the blessed fruit of thy womb. clement, O and Sicily. See Canto xx. 67-69.
O pitiful, O
sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us, holy This youth is Alfonso, son of Peter III, who suc-
Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the ceeded his father as king of Aragon, but died, twenty
promises of Christ." years old, in 1291.
vessel, which cannot be said of the other heirs: mouth and with such sweet notes that it made

James and Frederick hold the realms; the bet- me from my own mind. And then
issue forth

ter heritage no one possesses. the others sweetly and devoutly accompanied it
121. Rarely does human goodness rise through all the hymn to the end, having their
through the branches, and this He wills who eyes on the supernal wheels. Here, reader,
gives it, in order that it may be claimed from sharpen well thine eyes to the truth, for surely
Him. To the large-nosed one also my words the veil is now indeed so thin that passing

apply not less than to the other, Peter, who is through within is
singing with him; wherefore Apulia and Pro- 22. 1 saw that army of the gentle-born silent-
vence are now grieving. The plant is as inferior ly thereafter gazing upward, as if in expecta-
to its seed, as, more than Beatrice and Marga- tion, pallid and humble; and I saw two angels,

ret, Constance still boasts of her husband. See issuing from on high and descending, with
the King of the simple life sitting there alone, two flaming swords truncated and deprived of
Henry of England; he in his branches has a their points. Green as leaflets just now born
better issue. That one who lowest among was their raiment, which, beaten and blown by
them is seated on the ground, looking upward, their green pinions, they trailed behind. One
is William the Marquis, for whom Alessan- came to his station a little above us, and the
dria and her war make Montferrat and Cana- other descended on the opposite bank, so that
vese mourn." the people were contained between them. I
clearly discerned in them their blond heads,
CANTO VIII but on their faces the eye was dazzled, as a fac-
i. IT was now the hour that turns back desire ulty which is confounded by excess. "Both
in those that sail the sea, and softens their come from the bosom of Mary," said Sordello,

hearts, the day when they have said to their "for guard of the valley, because of the serpent
sweet friends farewell, and which pierces the which will straightway come." Whereat I, who
new pilgrim with love, if he hear from afar a knew not by what path, turned me round, and,
bell that seems to deplore the dying day all chilled, drew close to the
trusty shoulders.
when I began to render hearing vain, and to 43. And Sordello again: "Now let us go
look at one of the souls, who, uprisen, besought down among the great shades, and we will
attention with its hand. It joined and raised speak to them; well-pleasing will it be to them
both its palms, fixing itseyes toward the east, to see you."Only three steps I think that I de-
as if it said to God, "For aught else I care not." scended and I was below; and I saw one who

Te lucis ante so devoutly issued from his was gazing only at me as if he wished to recog-
nize me. It was already the time when the air
*The kingdoms of Aragon and Sicily; both James was darkening, but not so that between his
and Frederick, the two surviving sons of Peter III,
were living when Dante thus wrote of them. (See eyes and mine it did not reveal that which it
Canto Hi. 116.) The "better heritage" was their locked up before. Towards me he made, and
I made towards him. Noble
Judge Nino, how
father's virtue.
*Cf. Chaucer, Wife of Bath's Tale, 6707-12.
Apulia and Provence were grieving under the
much it pleased me when I saw that thou wast
rule of Charles II, the degenerate son of Charles of not among the damned! No fair salutation was
Anjou. silent between us; then he asked: "How long is
*Thatis, possibly, Charles himself, the husband
it since thou earnest to the foot of the mountain
firstof Beatrice of Provence and then of Margaret of
Nevers, was inferior to Peter, the husband of Con- across the far waters?"
of England (died 1272), father of Ed- 58. "Oh," said I to him, "from within the
Henry III
ward I.
dismal places I came this morning, and I am in
William, Marquis of Montferrat and Canavese. the
In a war with the Guelfs, who had risen in revolt in
although in going thus I may gain
first life,

the other." And when my answer was heard,

1290, he was taken captive at Alessandria, and for
years, till his death, was kept in an iron cage. Sordello and he drew themselves back, like
The opening words of a hymn sung at compline,
the last service of the day: "Before the close of light, Nino (Ugohno) de' Visconti of Pisa was the
we pray thce, O Creator, that through thy clemency, grandson of Count Ugolino. He had held the judica-
thou be our watch and guard." ture of Gallura, in Sardinia (see Hell, xxii. 81).
folk suddenly bewildered. The one turned to 109.The shade which had drawn close to
Virgil, and the other to
one who was seated the Judge when he exclaimed, through all that

"Up, Corrado, come to see what

there, crying: assault had not for a moment loosed its
God through grace has willed." Then, turning from me. "So may the lantern which is
to me: "By that singular gratitude thou owest thee on high find in thine own free will so
unto Him who so hides His own first where- much wax needed as far as to the enam-
as is

fore that there is no ford to it, when thou shalt elled summit," it began, "if thou knowest true
be beyond the wide waves, say to my Joan that news of Valdimacra or of the neighboring re-
she cry for me there where answer is made to gion, tell it to me, for there I once was
great. I
the innocent. I do not think her mother loves was called Corrado Malaspina; I am not the
me longer, since she changed her
white wim- elder, but from him I am descended; to mine

ples, which she, wretched, needs must even own I bore the love which is here refined."
now long for.Through her one may under- "Oh," said I to him, "through your lands I
stand easily enough how long in woman the have never been, but where does man dwell in
love endures,
fire of if the eye or the touch does all
Europe that they are not renowned? The
not often rekindle it. The viper which leads fame that honors your house proclaims its
afield the Milanese will not make for her so lords, proclaims its district, so that he knows of
fair a sepulture as the cock of Gallura would them who never was there. And I swear to
have done." Thus he said, marked in his aspect you, so may I go on high, that your honored
with the stamp of that righteous zeal which race does not despoil itself of the praise of the

glows with due measure in the heart. purse and of the sword. Custom and nature so
85. My greedy eyes were going only to the privilege though the guilty head turn
it that
the world awry, alone it goes
sky, only there where the stars are slowest, even straight and
as a wheel nearest the axle. And my Leader: scorns the evil way."

"Son, at what art thou gazing up there?" And 133. And he: "Now go, for the sun shall not
I to him: "At those three torches with which return to rest seven times in the bed which the
the pole on this side is all aflame." And he to Ram covers and bestrides with all four feet, be-
me: "The four bright stars which thou sawest fore this courteous opinion will be nailed in the
this morning are low on the other side, and middle of thy head with greater nails than the
these are risen where those were." speech of another, if course of judgment be not

94. As he was speaking, lo! Sordello drew

him to himself, saying: "See there our adver-
sary!" and pointed his finger that he should
look thither. At that part where the little i. THE concubine of old Tithonus was now
has no barrier was a snake, perhaps such as gleaming white on the balcony of the east,
forth from the arms of her sweet friend; her
gave to Eve the bitter food. Through the grass
and the flowers came the evil streak, forehea-d was bright with gems set in the
turning shape
now and again its head to its back, licking like of the cold animal that strikes people with its
a beast that sleeks itself. I did not see, and tail.And in the place where we were the night
therefore cannot tell, how the celestial falcons had taken two of the steps with which she as-
moved, but I saw well both one and the other cends, and the third was already bending its
in motion. Hearing the air cleft by their green wings downward, when I, who had somewhat
of Adam with me, overcome by sleep, reclined
wings the serpent fled, and the angels wheeled
upward to their posts with equal flight.
1 6
Corrado, of the Guelf family of the Malaspina, The valley of the Magra, in the Lunigiana.
lords of the Lunigiana, a district between Genoa and The elder Corrado Malaspina was the husband of
Pisa. Constance, King Manfred's sister. The second Corrado
Beatrice d' Este, who, in 1300, married, secondly, was his grandson.
Galeazzo de' Visconti of Milan. Probably Rome as the seat of a corrupt papacy.
8 8
The viper was the cognizance of the Visconti, the By "the concubine of old Tithonus," Dante seems
lords of Milan; the cock that of the Judicature of to intend the lunar Aurora, in distinction to the
Gallura. proper wife of Tithonus, Aurora, who precedes the
Cf Canto
. i. 23. rising Sun.
upon the grass, there where all five of us were the place down yonder is adorned, came a lady,
and said: 'I am Lucia; let me take this one
already seated.
13. At the hour near the morning when the who is sleeping; thus will I assist him along his

swallow begins her sad lays, perhaps in

little way/ Sordello remained, and the other noble

memory of her former woes, and when our forms: she took thee up, and as the day grew

mind, more a wanderer from the flesh and less bright, she came upward, and I along her foot-

captive to the thought, is in its visions almost prints.Here she laid thee down: and first her
divine, in dream I seemed to see an eagle with beautiful eyesshowed me that open entrance;
feathers of gold poised in the sky, with wings then she and slumber went away together."

spread, and intent to stoop. And I seemed to be 64. Like a man who in perplexity is reas-
there own
where his people were abandoned sured, and who changes his fear into confi-

by Ganymede, when he was rapt to the su- dence after the truth is disclosed to him, so did

preme consistory. In myself

thought perhapsI I
change; and when my Leader saw me free
this bird strikes only here through wont, and from disquiet, up along the cliff he moved on,
perhaps from other place disdains to carry any- and I behind, toward the height.
one upward in its feet. Then it seemed to me 70. Reader, thou seest well how I exalt my
that, having wheeled a little, it descended ter- theme, and therefore marvel not if I support it
rible as a thunderbolt, and snatched me up- with more art.
73. We drew near to it, and reached a place
wards far as the fire. There it seemed that it
and I burned, and the imagined fire so such that there, where at first there seemed to
scorched that of necessity my sleep was broken. me to be a rift, like a cleft which divides a wall,
34. Not otherwise Achilles shook himself
I saw a gate, and three steps beneath for going
turning around his awakened eyes, and not to it, of divers colors, and a gatekeeper who as
knowing where he was, when his mother stole yet said not a word. And
opened my eye as I
him away, sleeping in her arms, from Chiron upon him more and more, saw him sitting on I

to Scyros, whence afterwards the

thither the upper step, such in his face that I endured
6 8
Greeks withdrew him than I started, as from it not. And he had in his hand a naked sword,

my face sleep fled away; and I became pale, as which so reflected the rays toward us that I of-
does a man who, frightened, turns to ice. At ten raised my sight in vain. "Tell it from there,

my side was my Comforter alone, and the sun what would ye?" he began to say: "Where is the
was now more than two hours high, and my guide ? Beware lest the coming up be harmful
face was turned toward the sea. to you." "A lady from heaven versed in these

46. "Have no fear," said my Lord; "be reas- things," replied my Master to him, "only just
sured, for we are at a good point; restrain not, now said to us: 'Go thither, here is the gate/ "
but put forth thy strength. Thou art now
all "And may she speed your steps in good," be-
arrived at Purgatory; see there the cliff that gan again the courteous gatekeeper, "come for-

closes round; see the entrance there where it

it ward then unto our stairs."
appears divided. Short while ago, in the dawn 94. Thither we came to the first great stair;
that precedes the day, when thy soul was sleep- it was of white marble so polished and smooth
ing within thee upon the flowers wherewith
that I mirrored
myself in it as I appear. The
The to the story of Procne and Philo-
allusion is
second, of deeper hue than perse, was of a
mela, transformed the one into a swallow, the other rough and scorched stone, cracked lengthwise
into a nightingale. and athwart. The third, which uppermost lies
'Cf. Hell, xxvi. 7.
On Mount Ida. massy, seemed to me of porphyry as flaming
The sphere of fire by which, according to me- red as blood that spurts forth from a vein. Ur>
diaevalcosmography, the sphere of the air was sur-
rounded. Cf. Hell ii.
'Statius tells how Thetis, to prevent Achilles from Summa
See Aquinas, Thcologica, Part I-II, Q 113,
going to the siege of Troy, bore him, sleeping, away A 6, 8.
from his instructor, the centaur Chiron, and carried Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part HI. Suppl.,
him to the Island of Scyros, where, though concealed 8, A i.
in women's garments, Ulysses and Diomed discovered Summa
Cf. Aquinas, Theologica, Part III, Q 89,
him. A 2.
on Angel of God held both his feet, sit-
this the cause it makes the crooked way seem straight,
ting upon the threshold, which seemed to me I heard byits
resounding that it was closed
stone of adamant. Up over the three steps my again. And, if I had turned my eyes to it, what
Leader drew me with good will, saying: "Beg excuse would have been befitting for the fault?

humbly that he undo the lock." Devoutly I 7. We were ascending through a cloven
threw myself at the holy feet; I besought for rock, which was moving to one side and to the
mercy's sake that he would open for me; but other, even as the wave which retreats and ap-
first upon my breast I struck three times. Seven proaches. "Here must be used a little art," be-
P's he inscribed upon my forehead with the gan my Leader, "in keeping close, now on this

point of his sword, and: "See that thou wash hand, now on that, to the side which recedes."
these wounds when thou art within," he said. And this made our steps so scant that the wan-
Ashes or earth dug out dry would be of
115. ing disk of the moon had regained its bed to
one color with his vestment, and from beneath go to rest, before we were out from that needle's
that he drew two keys. One was of gold and eye. But when we were free and open above,
the other was of silver: first with the white and where the mountain gathers itself back, I
then with the yellow he so did to the gate, that weary, and both uncertain of our way, we
I was content. "Whenever one of these keys stopped upon a level more solitary than roads
fails so that it turns not rightly in the lock," through deserts. From its edge, where it bor-
said he to us, "this narrow entrance does not ders the void, to the foot of the high bank

open. The one is more precious; but the other which ever rises, a human body three times
requires exceeding much of art and wit before told would measure; and as far as my eye could

unlocks, because it is that which disentangles

it stretch its wings, now on the left and now on
the knot.From Peter I hold them; and he told the right side, such did this cornice seem to me.
me to err rather in opening than in keeping Our feet had not yet moved upon it, when I
shut, if but the people prostrate themselves at perceived the circling bank, which, being per-
my feet." Then he pushed the valve of the pendicular, allowed no ascent, to be of white
sacred gate, saying: "Enter, but I give you marble and adorned with such carvings, that
warning 3 that whoso looks backward returns not only Polycletus, but Nature herself would
outside." And when the pivots of that sacred have been shamed there.
portal, which are of metal, sonorous and 34. The Angel who came to earth with the
strong, were turned within their hinges, Tar- announcement of the peace, many years wept
peia roared not so loud nor showed herself so for, which opened Heaven from its long inter-

harsh, when the good Metellus was taken from dict, appeared before us, carved here so truly in
her, whereby she afterwards remained lean. a sweet attitude, that he did not seem an image

139. 1 turned away attentive to the first tone, that is silent. One would have sworn that he
and it seemed to me I heard "TV Deum lauda- was saying "Ave"; for she was imaged there
mus" in a voice mingled with the sweet sound. who turned the key to open the exalted love.
That which I heard gave me just such an im- And on her action she had these words im-
pression as we are wont to receive when people pressed, Ecce ancilla Dei!* as exactly as a shape
stand singing with an organ, and the words is sealed in wax.

now are, now are not heard. 46. "Keep not thy mind only on one place,"
said the sweet Master, who had me on that side
CANTO X where people have their heart. Whereupon I
I. WHEN we were within the threshold of the moved my eyes and saw, beyond Mary, upon
gate, which the evil love of souls disuses, be- that side where he was who was moving me,
The another story imposed upon the rock; where-
first symbol of contrition; the
stair is the
second the symbol of confession; the third is the
is fore I passed Virgil, and drew near so that it
symbol of the satisfaction rendered by deeds of love,
the works of penitence. might be set before my eyes. There in the very
The P's stand for peccati, the Italian word for sins. marble were carved the cart and the oxen draw-
*Cf. Aquinas, Summa Thcologica, Part III, Q 84,
A 10 ; Luke, 9. 62.
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord!" Luke, i. 38.
ing the holy ark, by reason of which men fear were intent on gazing, were not slow in turn-

an office not given in charge. In front ap- ing toward him in order to see novelties,
whereof they are fain.
peared people; and all of them, divided

seven choirs, of two of my senses made the one 1 06. 1 would not, indeed, Reader, that thou

be diverted from thy good purpose, through

say: "No," the other: "Yes, they are singing."
In like manner, by the smoke of the incense hearing how God wills that the debt be paid.
that was imaged there, my eyes and nose were Heed not the form of the suffering; think on
made in Yes and No discordant. There, pre- what follows; think that, at the worst, beyond

dancing, girt up, was the Great Judgment it cannot go!

ceding the blessed vessel,
the humble Psalmist, and more and less than 112.began: "Master, that which I see mov-

king was he on that occasion. Opposite, por- ing toward us does not seem to me to be per-
trayed at a window of a great palace, Michal sons, but what I know not, I am so at loss in
was looking on, even as a lady scornful and looking." And he to me: "The heavy condition
troubled. of their torment bows them to earth, so that

70. 1 moved my
from the place where I
feet my own eyes at first had contention with it.
was standing, from near at an-
in order to look But look fixedly there, and disentangle with
other story which, beyond Michal, was gleam- thy sight that which is coming beneath those
ing white to me. Here was storied the high stones; already thou canst discern how each is

glory of the Roman prince, whose worth in-


cited Gregory to his great victory:

speak of
121 O proud Christians, wretched and weary,

Trajan the emperor; and a poor widow was at who, diseased in vision of the mind, have con-
his bridle in attitude of weeping and of grief. fidence in backward steps, are ye not aware
Round about him it seemed trampled and that we are worms born to form the angelic

thronged with knights, and above him the butterfly, which flies unto judgment without

eagles in the gold were moving in appearance

defence? Wherefore does your mind float up
in the wind. The wretched woman among all aloft, since ye are as it were defective insects,
these seemed to be saying: "Lord, do me venge- even as a worm in which formation fails?
ance for my who is slain,
son whereat I am 130. As to support ceiling or roof, by way of
broken-hearted." And he to answer her: "Now corbel, a figure is sometimes seen joining its
wait till I return"; and she: "My Lord" like knees to its breast, which out of the unreal
one in whom grief is urgent "if thou return gives birth to a real distress in him who sees it,
not?" And he: "He who shall be where I am thus fashioned did I see these, when I gave
will do it for thee." And she: "What will the good heed. True it is, that they were more or
less bowed down,
good deed of another be to thee, if thou art un- according as they had more
mindful of thine own?" Whereon he: "Now or less upon their backs; and he who had most

comfort thee; for it behoves that I

discharge patience in his looks, weeping, appeared to
say: "I can no more."
my duty ere go; justice so wills, and pity

holds me back." He who never beheld a new

thing produced that visible speech, novel to us,
because it is not found on earth. i. "O OUR
Father, who art in
Heaven, not cir-
97. While I was delighting myself with look- cumscribed, but for the greater love which
Thou hast to the first works on high, praised
ing at the images of such great humilities, and
for their Maker's sake dear to see: "Behold,"
be Thy name and Thy power by every crea-
murmured the Poet, "on this side ture, as it is meet to render thanks to Thy
many peo-
but they make few sweet effluence. May the peace of Thy King-
ple, steps; they will put us
on the way to the lofty stairs." which
dom come unto us, for if it come not, we can-
My eyes
not unto it of ourselves, with all our striving.
See II Samuel, 6. 4-7. As Thine angels, singing Hosanna, make sac-
'See II
rifice to Thee of their will, so
may men make
Samuel, 6. 12-16.
*It was believed that Pope Gregory the Great in-
terceded for Trajan, praying that he might be de- of theirs, Give us this day the daily manna,
livered from Hell. See Paradise, xx.
106-117. without which, in this rough desert, he back-
ward goes, who toils most to go on.
And as we to such extreme that died therefor, as the

forgive to each the wrong that we have Sienese and every child in Campagn-
suf- know,
fered, even do Thou, benignant, forgive, and atico knows it. I am Omberto: and not only to
regard not our desert, Our virtue, which is
me pride does harm, for all my kinsfolk has it

easily overcome, put not to proof with the old dragged with it into calamity; and here must
adversary, but deliver from him who so assails I bear this load for it till God be satisfied,
it. This dear Lord, is, indeed, not
last prayer, here, among the dead, since I did it not among
made for ourselves, for it is not needful, but the living."
for those who have remained behind us." 73. Listening, I bent down my
face; and one
Thus praying good speed for themselves of them, not he who was speaking, twisted
and were all going under their
us, those shades himself under the weight that hampers him,
which one sometimes dreams,
load, like that of and saw me, and recognized me, and called
unequally distressed, round and round and out, keeping his eyes with effort fixed on me,

weary, along the first cornice, purging away

who was going along all stooping with them.*
the sullies of the world. If good is always asked "Oh," said I to him, "art thou not Oderisi, the
for us there, what can be said and done here honor of Gubbio, and the honor of that art
forthem by those who have a good root to which in Paris is called illuminating?" "Broth-
Truly we ought to aid them to
their will? er," said he, "more smiling are the leaves that
wash away the marks which they bore hence, Franco of Bologna pencils; the honor is now all
so that pure and light they may issue forth un- his, and mine in part. Truly I should not have
to the starry wheels. been so courteous while I lived, because of the
37. "Ah! so may justice and pity disburden great desire of excelling whereon my heart was
be able to move the intent. Of such pride the fee is
you speedily, that ye may paid here; and
wing which may lift you according to your de- I should not
yet be here, were it not that, still
sire, show on which hand is the shortest path having power to sin, I turned me unto God.
toward the stairway; and, if there be more 9i."O vainglory of human powers! how
than one passage, point out to us that which short while lasts the green upon the
top, if it
least steeply slopes; for this one who comes be not followed by dull ages. Cimabue thought
with me, because of the burden of the flesh of to hold the field in painting, and now Giotto
Adam wherewith he is clothed, is chary, a- has the cry, so that the fame of him is obscured.

gainst his will, of

mounting up." In like manner the one Guido has taken from
was not manifest from whom came
46. It the other the glory of our tongue; and he per-
the words which they returned to these that he haps is born who shall drive both one and the
whom I was following had spoken, but it was other from the nest. Worldly renown is naught
said: "Come with us to the right hand along but a breath of wind, which now comes this
the bank, and ye will find the pass possible for way and now comes that, and changes name
a living person to ascend. And were I not because changes quarter. What more repute

hindered by the stone which tames my proud shalt thou have, if thou strippest thy flesh from

neck, so that I needs must carry my face low, thee when it is old, than if thou hadst died be-
I would look at that one who
and is still alive pap and thy rattle, ere
fore thou hadst left thy
has not been named, to see if I know him, and a thousand years have passed? which is a
to make him pitiful of this burden. I was an shorter space compared to the eternal than a

Italian, and the son of a great Tuscan; Gug- movement of the eyelid to the circle which is
lielmo Aldobrandesco was my father: I know slowest turned in Heaven.
not if his name was ever with you. The an- 109. "With him who takes so little of the
cient blood and the gallant deeds of my ances- road in front of me, all Tuscany resounded,
tors made me so arrogant that, not thinking on and now is scarce a whisper of him in Siena,
the common mother, I held every man in scorn whereof he was lord when the Florentine rage
Cf. Canto xxvi. 130-132. *Sce Canto xiii. 136-138.
*Sec Canto vi. in. The speaker was murdered, The first Guido is Guido Guinicelli; sec Canto
in his own stronghold of Campagnatico, in 1259. xxvi. 97-99. The other, Guido Cavalcanti.
was destroyed, which at that time was proud, well for thee, in order to cheer the way, to look
as now it is prostitute. Your reputation is as upon the bed of thy footsteps." As above the
the color of grass,which comes and goes, and may be memory of them,
buried, so that there
he discolors itwhom it came up fresh
through theirtombs on the ground bear engraved what
from the earth." And I to him: "Thy true they were before whence often is weeping for
speech fills my heart with good humility, and them there, through the pricking of remem-
thou abatest a great swelling in me: but who brance, which only to the pious gives the spur
is he of whom thou now wert speaking?" so I saw figured there, but of better sem-

"That," he answered, "is Provenzan Salvani; blance in respect of the workmanship, all that
and he is here, because he was presumptuous for pathway juts out from the mountain.
in bringing all Siena to his hands. He has gone 25. 1 saw, on one side, him who was created
thus and he goes without repose ever since more noble than any other creature, falling
he died: such coin does every one pay in satis- down as lightning from heaven. 4

faction, who is too daring on earth." 28. 1 saw Briareus, on the other side, trans-

127. And I: "If that spirit who awaits the fixed by the celestial bolt, lying heavy upon the
verge of life ere he repent abides there below, earth in mortal chill.
and, if good prayer do not assist him, ascends 31.1 saw Thymbraeous, I saw Pallas and
not hither, until as long a time pass as he lived, Mars, still armed, around their father, gazing
how has this coming been granted unto him?" at the scattered limbs of the giants.

"When he was living in greatest boast," said 34. 1 saw Nimrod at the foot of his great toil,
he, "laying aside all shame, he freely stationed as if bewildered,and looking round upon the
himself in the Campo of Siena, and there, to people that had been proud with him in Shi-
deliver his friend from the punishment he was nar.

enduring in the prison of Charles, brought 37. O Niobe! with what grieving eyes did I
himself to tremble in every vein. More I will see thee portrayed upon the road between thy
not say, and I know that I speak darkly; but seven and seven children slain!
litde time will pass, before thy neighbors will 40.0 Saul! how on thine own sword didst
so act that thou shalt be able to gloss it. This thou here appear dead on Gilboa, which there-
deed removed those limits for him." after felt not rain or dew !

43. O
foolish Arachne, so did I see thee, al-

CANTO XII ready half spider, wretched on the shreds of

I. WITH even pace, like oxen that go yoked, I the work which to thy harm by thee was
went on with that burdened soul so long as the made!
sweet Pedagogue allowed it; but when he said: 46.0 Rehoboam! here thine image seems
"Leave him, and pass on, for here it is well for not now to threaten, but a chariot bears it away

every one to urge his bark, both with the sail full of terror before anyone pursues it.

and with the oars, as much as he can," I strait- 49. The hard pavement showed also how
ened up my body again, as is
required for costly to his mother Alcmaeon made the ill-
walking, although my thoughts remained both fated ornament appear.
It showed how his sons threw themselves
stooping and abased. 52.
10. 1 had moved on, and was following will-
ingly the steps of my Master, and both were Lucifer. See Luke, 10. 18.
"See Hell, xxxi. 98.
now showing how light we were, when he said
"Apollo, so called from his temple at Thymbra,
to me: "Turn thine eyes downward; it will be not far from Troy. See Virgil, Georgics, iv. 323.
*In 1260, at Montaperti. See I Samuel, 31. 4; II Samuel, i. 21.
*A chief supporter of the Ghibelline cause in Tus- "Changed to a spider by Athena, whom she had
cany. Defeated and taken prisoner at the battle of challenged to a trial of skill at the loom.
Colic, in 1269, he was beheaded. See I Kings, 12. 1 8.
*The chief public square. Provenzano's friend is Amphiaraus, the soothsayer, foreseeing his own
said to have been condemned to death, and his ran- death if he went to the Theban war, hid himself. His
som fixed at ten thousand florins. Provenzano, not wife, Eriphyle, bribed by a golden necklace, betrayed
being able to pay this sum from his own means, took his hiding-place and was killed by her son Alcmacon,
his station in the Campo and begged of the passers-by. for thus bringing about his father's death.
upon Sennacherib within the1 temple, and how, 97- He led us to where the rock was
he dead, they left him there. here he struck his wings across
my forehead,
55. It showed the ruin and the cruel butch- then promised me secure progress.

ery that Tomyris wrought, when she said to 100. As on the right hand, to ascend the
Cyrus, "For blood thou hast thirsted, and with mountain, where the church sits which above
2 9
blood I fill thee." Rubaconte dominates the well-guided city,
58. It showed how the Assyrians fled in rout the bold flight of the ascent broken by the is

after Holofernes was killed, and also the rem- stairs, which were made in an age when the
nants of the victim. record and the stave were secure, so
jhe bank
6i.I saw Troy in ashes, and in caverns: O which falls here very steeply from the next
Ilion,how cast down and abject did the image round is made easier; but on this side and that
which is there discerned show thee! the high rock grazes. As we turned our
64. What Master has there been of pencil or persons thither, voices sang Beati pauperes
of style that could draw the shadows and the spiritu in such wise that speech could not tell
lines which there would make every subtile it.Ah, how different are these passes from
genius wonder? Dead seemed the dead, and those of Hell! for here one enters with
the living alive. He who saw the truth saw not and there below with fierce lamentations.
better than I all that I trod on, while I went 115. Already we were mounting up over the
bent down. Now be ye proud, and go your holy stairs,and it seemed to me I was far more
way with haughty look, ye sons of Eve, and light than I had seemed before upon the plain.
bend not down your face so that ye may see Whereon I: "Master, say, what heavy thing
your evil path ! has been lifted from me, so that almost no

73. More of the mountain had now been cir- fatigue is felt
by me as I go on ?" He answered:
cled by us, and of the sun's course far more "When the P's which, almost extinct, still re-

spent, than mind, not disengaged, was a-

my main on thy forehead shall be, as one is, quite
ware, when he, who always went attentive in erased, thy feet will be so conquered by good-
advance, began: "Lift up thy head; there is no will that not only will
they not feel fatigue, but
it will be
longer time for going thus abstracted. See yon- delight to them to be urged upward."
der an Angel, who is making ready to come Then I did like those who are
going with
toward us: see how the sixth hand-maiden is something on their head unknown to them,

returning from the service of the day. With unless the signs of others make them suspect;
reverence adorn thine acts and thy face so that wherefore the hand assists to ascertain, and
it may please him to direct us seeks and finds, and performs that office which
upward. Think
that this day never dawns again." cannot be accomplished by the sight; and with
85. 1 was well used to his admonition never
the fingers of my right hand outspread, I
to lose time, so that on that theme he could found six only of those letters which he of the
not speak to me obscurely. keys had incised upon my temples: looking at
88. The beautiful creature came toward us, which my Leader smiled.
clothed in white, and in his face such as seems
the tremulous morning star. His arms he
opened, and then he opened his wings; he
said: "Come: here at hand are the
steps, and
i. WE were at the top of the stairway, where
easily henceforth does one ascend. Very few the mountain, ascent of which
one from frees
:ome to these tidings. O human race, born to ill, is for the second time cut back. There a cor-

fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost nice binds the hill round about, in like man-
thou so fall?" T
Sec Canto ix. 112-114.
1 *
See II
Kings, 19. 37. The hill of San Miniato, above the city of Florence.
'See Herodotus, i. 214. 'The upper bridge at Florence across the Arno,
See Judith, 14. 18; 15. 2. named after Rubaconte da Mandello, who laid the
Cf. Canto iv. 7-12. first stone of it in 1237.
'The sixth hour of the day is coming to its end. See Aquinas, Sumtna Thcohgica, Part n-n, Q
See Canto iii. 78. 162, A 7.
ner as the first, except that its arc curves more day a man so hard that he would not be
quickly. No figure is there, nor mark which is pierced with compassion at that which I then
bare and thus saw. For when I had approached so near to
apparent; thus the bank appears
appears the path, with but the
livid color of the them that their actions came surely to me, tears

stone. were drawn from my eyes by heavy grief.

10. "If to enquire one waits here for people," They seemed to me covered with coarse hair-
said the Poet, "I fear that perhaps our choice cloth, and one was supporting the other with
will have too much delay." Then he set his his shoulder, and all were supported by the

eyes fixedly on the sun, made

of his right side bank. Thus the blind, who lack subsistence,
the centre for his movement, and turned the wait at pardons to beg for what they need, and
left part of himself. "O sweet light, with con- one bows head upon another, so that pity

fidence in which I enter on the new road, do may moved in others, not only by
quickly be
thou lead us on it," he said, "as there is need the sound of their words, but by the sight
for leading here within. Thou warmest the which implores no less. And as the sun profits
world, thou shinest upon it; if other reason not the blind, so to the shades, in that place of

prompt not to the contrary, thy rays ought ever which I was
just now speaking, the light of
to be guides." Heaven wills not to make largess of itself; for
22. As far as here on earth is reckoned for a an iron wire pierces the eyelids of all; even as is
mile, so far had we now gone on from there, in done to a wild
hawk, because it stays not quiet.
short time because of ready will. And toward 73. It seemed to me I was going outrage in
us were heard flying, not however seen, spirits going on, seeing others, not being seen myself,
uttering courteous invitations to the table of
wherefore I turned me to my sage counsellor.
love. The first voice which passed flying, said Well did he know what the dumb wished to
loudly: Vinum non habent* and went on say, and therefore waited not my asking, but
behind us reiterating it. And before it had be- said: "Speak, and be brief and to the point."

come quite inaudible through distance, an- 79. Virgil was coming with me on that side
other passed by, crying: "I am Orestes," and of the cornice from which one may fall, be-
also did not stay. cause it is encircled by no rim. On the other

34. "O Father," said I, "what voices are

side of me were the devout shades, who
these?" and even as I was asking, lo! the third, through the horrible suture were so pressing
saying: "Love them from whom ye have had out their tears that they bathed their cheeks. I

evil." And
the good Master: "This circle turned me to them, and : "O folk," I began,
scourges the sin of envy, and therefore the "assured of seeing the Light on high which
lashes of the scourge are drawn from love. The your desire has alone in its care, may grace
curb must be of the contrary sound; I believe, speedily dissolve the scum from off your con-
science so that the stream of memory may flow
according to my judgment, that thou wilt hear 4
it, before thou arrivest at the pass of pardon. down through it clear, tell me, for it will be

But fix thine eyes intently through the air, and gracious and dear to me, if there be a soul here
thou wilt see in front of us people sitting, and among you that is Italian, and perhaps it will
each seated against the cliff." Then more
is be good for him if I learn it." "O my brother,
than before I opened my eyes; I looked in front each of us is a citizen of one true city, but thou
of me, and saw shades with cloaks in color not meanest one who lived in Italy while a pil-
different from the stone. And when we were grim."
a little further forward, I heard cry: "Mary, 97. It seemed to me answer
I heard this for

pray for us!" and a cry on Michael, and Peter, somewhat farther was stand-
on than where I

and all the Saints. ing; wherefore I made myself heard still more
52. 1 do not believe there goes on earth to- that way. Among the others I saw a shade that

1 8
"They have no wine." See John, 2. 3. On occasion of special indulgences the beggars
'The words of Pylades, before Acgisthus, when gather at the door of churches.
contending with Orestes to be put to death in his See Ephesians, 2. 19.
stead. "See Hebrews, 13. 14.
was expectant in look; and, if anyone should thee my mortal feet." "Oh, this is so strange a
wish to ask: How?
was lifting up its chin
it thing to hear," she replied, "that it is a great
in the manner of a blind man. "Spirit," said I, sign that God loves thee; therefore assist me
"that art subduing thyself in order to ascend, sometimes with thy prayer. And I beseech
if thou art that one which answered me, make thee, by that which thou most desirest, that, if
thyself known to me either by place or by ever thou tread the earth of
Tuscany, thou re-
name." store me
good fame among my kindred.
1 06. "I was of Siena," it answered, "and Thou them among that vain people 4
wilt see
with these others I cleanse here my guilty life, which hopes in Talamone, and will there lose
weeping to Him that He vouchsafe Himself to more hope, than in finding the Diana;' but the
us. Sapient I was not, although I was called admirals will there lose even more."

Sapia, and I was far more glad of others' harm

than of my own good fortune. And that thou CANTO XIV
mayst not believe that I deceive thee, hear i. "WHO is this that circles our mountain ere
whether I was foolish as I tell thee. When the death have given him flight, and opens and
arch of years was already descending, my
my shuts his eyes at his own will?" "I know not
fellow-citizens were joined in battle near to who he is, but I know that he is not alone. Do
Colle with their adversaries, and I
prayed to thou, who art nearer to him, ask him; and
God for that which He willed. They were sweetly, so that he may speak, accost him."
routed there, and turned into the bitter passes Thus two spirits, leaning one to the other, dis-
and I, seeing the pursuit, experienced
of flight; coursed of me there on the right hand, then
a joy unmatched by any other; so much that I turned their faces up to speak to me; and one
turned upward my audacious face, crying out of them said: "O soul, that still fixed in thy
to God: 'Henceforth no more I fear thee'; as body going on toward heaven, for charity

the blackbird does because of a little fair console us, and tell us whence thou comest,
weather. At the very end of my life I desired and who thou art; for thou makest us so great-
peace with God; and even yet my debt would ly marvel at this thy grace, as needs must a
not have been lessened by penitence, had it not thing that never was before." And I: "Through
been that Pier Pettinagno, who out of charity mid-Tuscany there wanders a little stream,
was me, held me in memory in his
sorry for that has source on Falterona, and a hun-

holy prayers. But who art thou that goest ask- dred miles of course does not suffice it. From
ing of our conditions, and earnest thine eyes thereupon bring this body. To tell you who I

loosed as I think, and breathing dost speak?" am would be to speak in vain, for my name as

133. "My eyes," said I, "will yet be taken yet makes no great sound." "If I rightly pene-
from me here; but for a short time, for small is trate thy meaning with my understanding,"

the offence committed through their being then replied to me he who had spoken first,
turned with envy. Far greater is the fear, with "thou speakest of the Arno."
which my soul is in suspense, of the torment 25. And the other said to him: "Why did he
below, and the load down there already weighs conceal the of that river, even as a man
upon me." And she to me: "Who then hath does of horrible things?" And the shade of
led thee up here among us, if thou thinkest to whom this was asked, delivered itself thus: "I
return below?" And I: "This one who is with
Cf. Hell, xxix. 122.
me, and says not a word: and I am alive;
who 5
little Tuscan port on which the Sienesc wasted
and therefore ask of me, spirit elect, if thou and money in the vain hope that, by strengthening

wouldst that on earth I should yet move for and enlarging it, they could rival the Pisans and
Genoese, at sea.
lady said to have been of the Bigozzi family, A subterranean stream supposed to flow beneath
who held a stronghold about four miles from Colic, the city.
in the territory of Siena. These words are spoken by Guido del Duca and
'This was the battle in 1269, in which the Floren- answered by Rinieri da Calboli; both of them men
tines routed the Sienese Ghibellines. Sec Canto xi. of note in the Romagna during the thirteenth century.
121-123. Guido was a Ghibclline, Rinieri a Guelf.
* *
A poor comb-dealer of Siena. One of the highest of the Tuscan Apennines.
know not, but truly it is fit that the name of so I saw the other soul, that was staying turned
such a valley perish, for from
source (where its to hear, become disturbed and sad, when it had
the rugged mountain chain, from which Pelo- gathered to itself the words.
rus is cut off, is so teeming that in few places 73. The speech of the one and the look of the
does it
pass beyond that mark), far as there other made me wishful to know their names,
where it renders itself to restore that which and I made request for it, mixed with prayers.
heaven sucks up from the sea, whence the riv- Wherefore the spirit which had first spoken to
ers have what flows in them, virtue is driven me began again: "Thou wishest that I conde-
away as an enemy by all men, even as a ser- scend to do for thee that which thou wilt not

pent, either through ill-fortune of the place,

or do for me; but since God wills that such great
through evil habit that incites them. Where- grace of His shine through in thee, I will not
fore the inhabitants of the wretched valley be chary to thee; therefore know that I am
have so changed their nature that it seems as Guido del Duca. My blood was so inflamed

though Circe had them in her feeding. Among with envy that, had I seen a man becoming
foul hogs, more fit for acorns than for other joyful, thou wouldst have seen me overspread
food made for human use, it first directs its with hue of spite. Of my own sowing sijch

poor path. Then, coming down, it finds curs, straw I reap. O human race, why dost thou set
more snarling than their power warrants, and thy heart there where exclusion of a compan-
from them disdainfully it twists its muzzle. It ion is needful?

goes on falling, and the more it swells so much 88. "This one is Rinier; this is the
glory and
the more does the accursed and ill-fated ditch the honor of the house of Calboli, where no
find the dogs becoming wolves. Descending one since has made himself heir of his worth.
then through many hollow depths, it finds the And between the Po and the mountain, and
6 7
foxes so full of fraud, that they fear not wit the sea and the Reno, not his race only has be-
which may entrap them. Nor will I cease to come stripped of the good requisite for truth
speak because another may hear me: and well and for delight; for within these boundaries
itwill be for this man if hereafter he mind the land is full of poisonous stocks, so that

him of that which a spirit of truth discloses

to slowly would they now die out through culti-
me. vation.Where is the good Lizio, and Arrigo
58. "I grandson, who becomes a
see thy Mainardi, Pier Traversaro, and Guido di Car-
hunter of those wolves upon the bank of the pigna? O men of Romagna turned to bas-
fierce stream, and terrifies them all. He sells tards! When in Bologna will a Fabbro take
their flesh, it
being yet alive; then he slaughters root again? When in Faenza a Bernardin di
them like aged cattle; many of life, himself of Fosco, the noble scion of a little plant? Marvel
honor he deprives. Bloody he comes forth from not, Tuscan, if I weep, when I remember, with
the dismal wood; he leaves it such, that from Guido da Prata, Ugolin d' Azzo who lived
now for a thousand years it is not rewooded in with Federico Tignoso and his company,
its primal state." the house of Traversara, and the Anastagi,

67. As at the announcement of grievous ills, (both the one race and the other are without
the face of him who listens is disturbed, from heir), the ladies and the cavaliers, the toils and
what quarter soever the peril may assail him, the repose for which love and courtesy inspired

us, there where hearts have become so wicked.

The chain of the Apennines from which Pelorus,
the northeastern headland of Sicily, seems cut off O Brettinoro, why dost thou not make away
nowhere more teems with waters than on Monte
with thyself, since thy family has gone, and
Falterona, where the Tiber, as well as the Arno, has
source. many people, in order not to become guilty?
The people of the Casentino, the upper valley of
the Arno. That is, in all Romagna.
'Of Arezzo. "These and others named afterwards were well-
Of Florence. born, honorable, and courteous men in Romagna in
'Of Pisa. the thirteenth century.
'Fulcicri da Calboli, grandson of Rinieri, to whom Brettinoro is a small town near Forll. It was the
Guido del Duca is speaking, was made podesta of birthplace of Guido del Duca, and the family to which
Florence in 1302. he refers was, perhaps, his own.
Bagnacaval does well that it gets no more sons; sun. Itwas vespers there, and here midnight;
and Castrocaro does ill, and Conio worse that and the rays were striking us full in the face,
it still troubles itself to beget such counts. The because the mountain had been so circled by us
Pagani will do well after their demon shall be that we were now going straight toward the

gone from them, yet not so that a pure testi- sunset,when I felt my forehead weighed down
mony can ever remain to them. O Ugolin de' by the splendor far more than at first, and the
Fantolin, thy name is secure, since no longer is things not known were a wonder to me:
one to be expected who can make it dark by his wherefore I lifted my hands toward the top of

degeneracy. But go thy way, Tuscan, now; my brows, and made for myself the visor
for now it pleases me far more
weep than to to which lessens the excess of what is seen.
much has our discourse wrung my 1 6. As when from
speak, so water, or from a mirror,
mind." the ray leaps to the opposite quarter,
127. We knew that those dear souls heard us up in like manner to that in which it descends,
go on; therefore by their silence they made us and at equal distance departs as much from the
confident of the road. After we had become fall of the stone as experiment and art show;
alone as we proceeded, a voice, that seemed so it seemed to me that I was struck by light
like lightning when it cleaves the air, came reflected there in front of me, wherefore my
counter to us, saying: "Everyone that findeth sight was swift to fly. "What is that, sweet Fa-
me shall slay me," and fled like thunder ther, from which I cannot screen my sight so
which rolls away, if suddenly the cloud is much that it "and which
may avail me," said I,

rent. Soon as our hearing had a truce from seems to be moving toward us?" "Marvel not
it, lo! now another with so great a crash if the
family of Heaven still dazzle thee," he
that it resembled a thunder-clap which fol- replied to me; "it is a messenger that comes to
lows fast: "I am Agiauros who became a invite one to ascend. Soon will it be that to see
stone." these things will not be grievous to thee, but

140. And
then to press close to the Poet, I will be to thee a delight as great as nature has
took a step backward and not forward. The air fitted thee to feel."

was now quiet on every side, and he said to me: 34. When we had reached the blessed Angel,
"That was the hard curb which ought to hold with a glad voice he said "Enter ye from here

a man within his bound; but ye take the bait, on a stairway far less steep than the others."
so that the hook of the old adversary draws you 37. We
were mounting, already departed
to him, and therefore little avails bridle or lure. thence,and "Beati misencordes"* was sung
Heaven calls you, and revolves around you, behind us, and: "Rejoice thou that over-
displaying to you its eternal beauties, and your comest."

eye looks only on the ground; wherefore He 40. My Master and I, we two alone, were go-
who discerns all things scourges you." ing on upward, and I was thinking, as we

went, to win profit from his words; and I ad-

dressed me to him, enquiring thus: "What did
CANTO XV the spirit from Romagna mean, in speaking of
i. As much as, between the beginning of the 'exclusion* and a 'companion'?" Wherefore he
day and the close of the third hour, appears of to me: "Of his own greatest fault he knows the
the sphere which is ever sporting in manner of harm, and therefore it is not to be wondered at
a child, so much of his course toward the eve- if he rebuke it, in order that there may be less

ning appeared to be now remaining for the lamenting for it. Because your desires are di-
Bagnacaval lo, Castrocaro, and Conio are three rected there, where, through companionship, a
towns in
Romagna. share is lessened, envy moves the bellows for
The Pagani were lords of Faenza and Imola; the
demon was Maghinardo. Cf. Hell, xxvii. 49-51. your sighs. But if the love of the highest sphere
*Both the sons of Ugolino de' Fantolin had died turned your desire upward, that fear would
without offspring. The Fantolini were of Faenza. not be in your breast; for the more there are
The words of Cain. Genesis, 4. 14.
The daughter of Cecrops, changed to stone be- who there say 'Ours/ so much the more of
cause of envy of her sister. "Blessed arc the merciful."
1 06. Then I saw
good doth each possess, and the more of char- people inflamed with fire of

ity burns
in that cloister." wrath, killing a youth with stones, loudly cry-
58. "I am more empty of satisfaction," said I, ing to each other only: "Slay, slay." And I saw
"than if I had at first been silent, and more of him bowed toward the ground by death,
How can it be that which now was weighing on him, but in such
doubt I gather in my mind.
a good distributed can make more possessors great strife he ever made of his eyes gates for
richer with itself, than be possessed by
if it heaven, praying to the high Lord, with that as-
few?" And he to me: "Because thou fastenest pect which unlocks pity, that He would par-
mind only on earthly things, thou gather-
don his persecutors.
est darkness from the very light. That infinite 115. When my mind returned outwardly to
and ineffable Good which is on high, runs to the things which outside of it are true, I recog-
love even as a sunbeam comes, to a lucid body. nized my not false errors. My Leader, who
So much it itself as it finds of ardor; so could see me act like a man who looses himself
that how far soever charity extends, over it from slumber, said : "What ails thee, that thou
does the Eternal Valor spread. And the more canst not support thyself? but art come more

the people who set their hearts on high the than half a league veiling thine eyes, and with
more there are for loving well, and the more thy legs tangled like one whom wine or slum-
love there is, and like a mirror one reflects to ber bends.""O my sweet Father, if thou hark-
the other. And if my discourse appease not thy enest tome I will tell thee," said I, "what ap-
hunger, thou shah see Beatrice, and she will peared to me when my legs were thus taken
from me." And he: "If thou hadst a hundred
fully take from thee this and every other long-
ing. Strive only that soon may be extinct, as are
masks upon thy face, thy thoughts, howsoever
the two already, the five wounds which are small, would not be hidden from me. That
closed which thou hast seen was in order that thou
up by being painful."
82. As I was wishing to say: "Thou dost sat- excuse not thyself from opening thy heart to

me," I saw that I had arrived on the next the waters of peace which are poured forth
made me from the eternal fountain. I did not ask: 'What
round, so that my eager eyes silent.

There it seemed to me I was of a sudden rapt ails thee?' for the reason that he does who
in an ecstatic vision, and saw many persons in looks only with the eye which has no seeing
a temple, and a lady at the entrance, with the when the body lies inanimate; but I asked, in

sweet mien of a mother, saying: "My son, why order to give vigor to thy foot; thus it behoves
hast thou thus dealt with us? Behold, thy fa- to spur the sluggards, slow to use their wake-

ther and I have sought thee, sorrowing." And fulness when it returns."
as here she was silent, that which first ap- 139. We
were going on through the vesper
peared, disappeared. time, forward intent so far as the eyes could

94. Then appeared to me another, with those reach against the late and shining rays; and, lo!
waters down along her cheeks which grief dis- little by a smoke came toward us, dark as

tils when it is born of great despite toward night; nor was there place to shelter ourselves
others, and she was saying: "If thou art lord of from it. This took from us our eyes and the
the city about whose name was such great pure air.

strife among the gods, and whence every sci-

ence sparkles forth, avenge thyself on those CANTO XVI

audacious arms, which have embraced our i. GLOOMof hell, or of night deprived of every

daughter, O Pisistratus." And the lord ap- planet, under a poor sky, darkened by clouds
as much as it can be, never made so thick a veil
peared to me, benign and mild, to answer her,
with temperate look: "What shall we do to him to my sight, or of so rough a tissue to my feel-

who desires ill for us, if he who loves us is by ing, as that smoke which covered us there; for
us condemned?" it suffered not
my eye to stay open: wherefore
my sage and trusty Escort drew to my side and
Sec Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I-II, Q 26,
A 3. Cf. Milton, Paradise Lost, v. 73. "Sec Acts, 7. 55-60.
offered me his shoulder. Even as a blind man which I
couple it. The world is indeed as utter-
goes behind his guide, in order not to stray, ly deserted by every virtue as thou declarest to
and not to butt against anything that may hurt me, and big and covered with iniquity; but

or perhaps kill him, I went along, through the I pray that thou point out to me the cause, so
bitter and foul my Leader, who
air, listening to that I
may see it, and that I may show it to oth-
was saying only: "Take care that thou be not ers; for one sets it in the heavens, and one here
parted from me." below."
1 6. 1 heard voices, and each
appeared to be 64. A deep sigh which grief wrung into "Ay
praying for peace and for mercy to the Lamb me!" he first sent forth, and then he began:
of God that taketh sins away. Only "Agnus "Brother, the world is and thou truly
Dei" were their exordiums: one word there comest from it. Ye who are living refer every
was in all, and one measure; so that there cause upward to the heavens only, as though
seemed entire concord among them. "Are they moved all things with them of necessity.
these spirits, Master, that I hear?" said I. And If this were so, free will would be destroyed in

he to me: "Thou apprehendest truly; and they you, and there would be no justice in having
go loosening the knot of anger." joy for good, and grief for evil. The heavens
25. "Now who thou that cleavest our
art initiate your movements, I do not say all of

smoke, and speakest of us even as if thou didst them; but, supposing that I said it, light for
still divide the time
by calends?" Thus was it good and for evil is given to you, and free will,
spoken by a single voice: whereon my Master which, though it endure fatigue in the first
said: "Reply, and ask if by this way one goes battleswith the heavens, afterwards, if it be
And "O creature, that art cleansing thy- well nurtured, overcomes everything. To a
up." I,

self, unto Him

in order to return beautiful greater force, and to a better nature, ye, free,
who made thee, a marvel shalt thou hear if are subject, and that creates the mind in you,
thou accompaniest me." "I will follow thee, for which the heavens have not in their charge.

so far as permitted me," it replied, "and if

is Therefore the present world go astray, the

the smoke allows not seeing, in its stead hear- cause is in you, in you it is to be sought; and

ing shall keep us joined." Then

began: I of this I will now be a true informant for
"With that swathing band which death un- thee.

binds I go upward, and I came hither through 85. "Forth from the hand of Him who de-

the infernal anguish; and since God has so en- lights in it ere it exists, like to a little maid
closed me in His grace that He wills that I who, weeping and smiling, wantons childishly,
should see His court by a mode wholly out of issues the simple little soul, which knows noth-

modern usage, conceal not from me who thou ing, save that, proceeding from a glad Maker,
wast before thy death, but tell it to me, and tell it turns
willingly to that which allures it. At
me if I am going rightly to the pass; and let thy first it tastes the savor of trivial good; by this it

words be our was a Lombard, and

escorts." "I is deceived and runs after it, if guide or bridle

was called Marco; I had knowledge of the bend not its love. Hence it was needful to im-
world, and I loved that virtue, toward which pose law as a bridle; needful to have a king

everyone has now unbent his bow: for mount-

who should discern at least the tower of the
true city. The laws exist, but who set hand to
ing upward thou art going rightly." Thus he
replied, and added: "I pray thee that thou pray
them? Not one: because the shepherd who is
forme when thou shalt be above." in advance can chew the cud, but has not his
And I to him: "I pledge thee my faith to hoofs divided: wherefore the people, who see
do that which thou askest of me; but I am their guide aim only at that good for which
"they are greedy, feed upon that, and seek
bursting inwardly with a doubt, if I free not
further. Well canst thou see that the evil guid-
myself of it; at first it was single; and now it is
made double by thy opinion which makes cer- ance is the cause which has made the world

tain to me, here and elsewhere, that with guilty, and not that nature is corrupt in you.
Leviticus, n. 3-8. Also Cf. Aquinas, Summa
^'Lamb of God." Theologica, Part MI, Q 102, A 6.
Rome, which made the world good, was wont Ibecame apparent to him." So he turned, and
to havetwo Suns, which made visible both one would not hear me more.
road and the other, that of the world and that
of God. One has extinguished the other; and CANTO XVII
the sword is joined to the crozier; and the two i. RECALL
mind, Reader, if ever on the alps
a cloud closed round thee, through which thou
together must perforce go ill, because, being
couldst not see otherwise than the mole
joined, one fears not the other. If thou

estme not, consider the fruit, for every plant is through its skin, how, when the humid and
known by its seed. dense vapors begin to dissipate, the orb of the
and the sun enters feebly through them; and thy im-
115. "In the land which the Adige
Po water, virtue and courtesy were wont to be agination will be swift in coming to see, how at
found before Frederick had his quarrel; now first I saw again the sun, which was already at

it may be securely traversed by anyone who, its

setting. Thus matching mine to the trusty
out of shame, would avoid speaking with the steps of my Master, I issued forth from such a

good, or drawing near them. Three old men

cloud to the rays already dead on the low
are indeed still there, in whom the antique age shores.

rebukes the new, and it seems late to them ere 13. O faculty of imagination, that dost some-
God remove them Corrado da
to a better life; times so steal us from outward things that a
Palazzo, and the good Gherardo, and Guido man heeds it not, although around him a thou-
da Castel, who is better named, in fashion of sand trumpets are sounding, who moves thee if
the French, the simple Lombard.
the sense afford thee naught? light, A which is

127. "Say thou henceforth, that the Church

formed in the heavens, moves thee by itself, or
of Rome, through confounding in itself two by a will which guides it downward.
modes of rule, falls in the mire, and defiles it- 19. In my imagination appeared the vestige
self and its burden." of the pitilessness of her who changed her

130. "O my Marco," said I, "thou reasonest form into the bird that most delights in sing-
well; and now I discern why the sons of Levi ing. And here was mind so shut up with-
were excluded from the heritage; but what in itself that from without came nothing which

Gherardo is that, who, thou sayest, remains for then might be received by it. Then there rained

sample of the extinct folk, in reproach of this down within my raised fantasy, one cruci-
barbarous age?" "Either thy speech deceives fied, despiteful and fierce in his look, and thus

me, or it is making trial of me," he replied to was he dying. Around him were the great
me, "in that, speaking Tuscan to me, it seems Ahasuerus, Esther, his wife, and the just Mor-
that thou knowest naught of the good Ghe- decai, who was so blameless in word and deed.
rardo. By other added name I do not know him, And as this image burst of itself, in manner of
unless I should take it from
daughter Gaia. his a bubble for which the water fails, under
May God be with you! for farther I come not which it was formed, there rose in my vision a
with you. Behold the brightness which rays al- maiden, weeping bitterly, and she was saying:
ready whitening through the smoke; and I
"O queen, wherefore through anger hast thou
must needs depart the Angel is there before willed to be naught? Thou hast slain thyself
1 in order not to lose Lavinia; now thou hast lost
Before Frederick II had his quarrel with Gregory
ix that is, before Emperor and Pope had failed in their
me: I am she that grieves, mother, at thy de-
respective duties to each other. struction, before that of another."
Of Brescia, and in his day of high repute for hon-
orable character
As sleep is broken, when of a sudden the
Gherardo da Camino, "noble in his life, and whose new light strikes the closed eyes, and, broken,
memory will always be noble," says Dante in the quivers before it wholly dies, so
Convito, iv. 14, 123. Gherardo was a noble soldier of
imagining my
Treviso and its ruler for many years. Procne or Philomela, according to one or the other
It is related that Guido da Castello, who lived at version of the myth, was changed into the nightingale
Reggio, generously supplied the French men-at-arms, after her anger had led her to take vengeance on
returning poor from Italy, with all they needed: Tereus.
horses, arms, or money. See Esther, 8.
6 8
See Deuteronomy, 10. 8-9. See Aeneid, xii. 595-607.
fell down, soon as a light, greater by far than While love is directed on the primal goods,
that to which we are accustomed, struck my and with due measure on the secondary, it
face. I was turning to see where I was, when a cannot be the cause of ill-delight. But when it
voice said: "Here is the ascent": and this with- is bent to evil, or runs to
good with more zeal,
drew me from every other object of attention, or with less, than it
ought, against the Creator
and made my will so eager to behold who it his own creature is working. Hence thou canst
was that was speaking, that it never rests till it comprehend that love is of necessity the seed
is face to face. But, as before the sun which in you of every virtue, and of every action
weighs down our sight, and by excess veils its that deserves punishment.
own 106. "Now since love can never turn
shape, so here my power failed. "This is a its sight
divine spirit who directs us, without our ask- from the welfare of its subject, all things are
ing, on the way to go up, and with his own secure from hatred of themselves; and since no

light conceals himself. He so deals with us as a being can be conceived of as divided from the
man does with himself; for he who waits for First and standing by itself, from hating Him

every affection cut off. It follows, thus

asking and sees the need, malignly sets himself is if,

already to denial. Now let us accord our feet to rightly judge, that the evil
distinguishing, I

such an invitation; let us press forward to as- which is loved is that of one's neighbor; and

cend before it
grow dark, for after, it would in three modes this love has its birth in your
not be possible until the day returns." clay. There is he who hopes to excel through
the abasement of his neighbor, and only on
64. Thus said my Leader; and I and he
turned our steps to a stairway; and, soon as I thisaccount longs that from his greatness he
was on the first step, I felt near me a motion as may be brought low. There is he who fears loss
of power, favor, honor, and fame, because an-
if of a wing, and a fanning
onmy face, and I
heard say: "Beati pacifia, who are without other surmounts; whereat he is so saddened
evil anger." that he loves the contrary. And there is he who

70. Already were the last sunbeams, on

seems so resentful for injury that he becomes
which the night follows, so lifted above us, that greedy of vengeance, and such a one must
the stars were appearing on many sides. "O needs coin harm for others. This triform love

my strength, why dost thou so melt away?" I is

wept for down below.
said to myself, for I felt the power of legs my 125. "Now I would that thou hear of the
put in truce. We
were now where the stair no other that which runs to the good in faulty
farther ascended, and we were stayed fast, even measure. Every one confusedly conceives of a
as a ship that arrives at the shore: and I lis- good in which the mind may be at rest, and
tened for a while, if I might hear anything in desires it; wherefore everyone strives to attain
the new Then turned to to it. If the love be slack that draws you to look
circle. I my Master,
and said:sweet Father, say what offence
"My on this, or to acquire it, this cornice, after just

ispurged here in the circle where we are: if repentance, torments you for it. Another good
our feet be stopped, let not thy discourse be there is, which does not make man happy; it is
not happiness, it is not the
stayed." And he to me: "The love of good, good essence, the
defective in its duty, is here restored; here is fruitand root of every good. The love which
But that thou
plied again the ill-slackened oar.
abandons itself too much to this is wept for
mayst more clearly understand, turn thy
still above us in three circles; but how it is reck-
mind to me, and thou shalt gather some good oned tripartite, of this I am silent, in order
fruit from our delay. that thou seek it out for thyself."

91. "Neither Creator nor creature," he be-

gan, "my son, was ever without love, either CANTO XVIII
natural, or of the mind, and
thou knowest. this
The natural is always without error; but the i. THE lofty Teacher had put an end to his dis-

other may err either through an evil object, or course, and was looking attentive on my face
through little, or through too much vigor.
to see if I appeared content; and I, whom a
"Blessed are the peacemakers." fresh thirst was already goading, was silent
outwardly and was saying within: "Perhaps operation, nor does it show itself save by its ef-
the too much questioning I make annoys fect, as by green leaves the life in a plant.

him." But that true Father, who perceived the Therefore, man does not know whence the in-
timid wish which did not disclose itself, by telligence of the first cognitions comes, nor
speaking gave me boldness to speak. Whereup- whence the affection for the first objects of de-
on I: "Master, my sight is so vivified in thy sire, which exist in you even as zeal in the bee

discern clearly all that thy dis- for making honey; and this first will admits
light, that I
course imports or describes: therefore I pray not desert of praise or blame. Now in order
thee, sweet Father dear, that thou expound to that to this every other may be gathered, the
me the love to which thou referrest every good virtue that counsels is innate in you, and ought
deed and contrary." "Direct," he said, "to-
its to hold the threshold of assent. This is the prin-
ward me the keen eyes of the understanding, ciple wherefrom the reckoning of desert in you
and the error of the blind who make them- is derived,
according as it gathers in and win-
selves leaders will be manifest to thee. nows good and evil loves. Those who in rea-
19. "The mind, which is created apt to love, soning went to the foundation, took note of
ismobile unto everything that pleases, so soon wherefore they bequeathed
this innate liberty,

as by pleasure it is roused to action. Your fac- morals to the world. If we assume, then, that

ulty of apprehension draws an image from a every love which is kindled within you arises
real existence, and displays it within you, so of necessity, in you exists the power to restrain
that it makes the mind turn to it; and if, thus it.This noble faculty Beatrice understands as
turned, the mind incline toward it, that incli- free will, and therefore see that thou have it

nation is love; it is nature which is bound anew in mind, if she take to speaking of it with
1 6
in you by pleasure. Then, as the fire moves up- thee."
ward by virtue of its form, which is born to 76. The moon, almost at midnight slow,
ascend thither where it most abides in its own shaped like a bucket that is all ablaze, was
matter, so the captive mind enters into long- making the stars appear fewer to us, and was
ing, which is a spiritual motion, and never running counter to the heavens along those
rests until the thing beloved makes it rejoice. paths which the sun inflames, when a man at
Now it
may be apparent to thee how far the Rome sees it at its setting between Sardinia and
truth is hidden from the people who aver that Corsica; and that noble shade, for whom Pie-

every love in itself a laudable thing, because,

is tola is more famed than the Mantuan city,

perchance, its subject-matter always appears to had laid down the burden of my loading: so
be good; but not every seal is good although that I, who had harvested his open and plain
the wax be good." discourse upon my questions, remained like a
40. "Thy words, and my wit following man, who, drowsy, wanders. But this drowsi-
them," replied I to him, "have revealed love to ness was taken from me suddenly by folk,

me; but that has made me more big with who, behind our backs, had now come round
doubt. For if love be offered to us from with- to us. And such a fury and a throng as Isme-

out, and if the soul go not with other foot, it nus and Asopus saw of old along their banks
is not her own merit ifshe go strait or crook- at night if but the Thebans were in need of
ed." And he to me: "So much as reason sees Bacchus, such curves its way
along that circle,
here can beyond that await still for
I tell thee; according to what I saw, of those coming on
Beatrice; for it is a work of faith. Every sub- whom good will and right love are riding.
stantial form that is distinct from matter, or They were soon upon us; because all that great
that is united with it, has a specific virtue col- crowd was moving at a run; and two in front,
lected in itself which is not perceived unless in weeping, were crying out: "Mary ran with
For the doctrine in this canto, see Aquinas, Summa B
Cf. Canto xvii. 91-97.
Theologica, Part I, 76, A i. Q *See Paradise, v. 19-24.
13, A i.
*Ibtd., Part III, Q The modern name of Andes, the birthplace of
*lbid., Part III, Suppl., Q 98, A i; Cf. Part I, Q 19, Virgil.
A Q; Q 82, A 2; Part HI, 27, A i. Q The rivers Ismenus and Asopus ran not far from
*lbid., Part I, Q 3, A 5; Q 76, A 4. Thebes, the birthplace of Bacchus.
haste unto the mountain"; and: "Caesar, to
subdue Ilerda, thrust at Marseilles, and then
ran on to Spain." "Swift, swift, that time be i. AT when the heat of day, van-
the hour
not lost by little love," the others were crying quished by the Earth or sometimes by Saturn,
as they followed, "so that zeal in well-doing can no longer warm the coldness of the moon,

may make grace green again." when the geomancers see in the east, before
1 06. "O
people, in whom keen now dawn, their Greater Fortune rising along
fervor the
a path which short while stays dark for it,
perhaps redeems negligence and delay, shown 8
there came to me in dream a woman stammer-
by you through lukewarmness in well-doing,
this one who is alive (and surely I do not lie ing, with eyes asquint, and crooked on her feet,
to you) wishes to go up, if but the sun may with hands lopped off, and pallid in her color.
shine again for us; therefore tell us where is I gazed at her; and as the sun comforts the

the opening near at hand." These words were cold limbs which the night benumbs, so did

of my Leader; and one of those spirits said: my look make her tongue nimble, and then in
"Come thou behind short while set her wholly straight, and so col-
us, and thou wilt find the
We are so full of will to move on that we ored her wan face as love requires. Then, when
cannot thou hold our thus she had her speech unloosed, she began
stay; therefore pardon, if

was Abbot of San to sing, so that with difficulty should I have

duty for churlishness. I
Zeno at Verona, under the empire of the good turned my attention from her. "I am," she
Barbarossa, of whom Milan, still grieving, sang, "Iam the sweet Siren, who bewitch the
talks. And one there is who has one foot al- mariners in mid sea, so full am I of pleasant-
ness to hear. turned Ulysses from his wan-
ready in the grave, who soon shall lament on

account of that monastery, and will be sorry dering way by my song; and whoso customs
himself with me seldom departs, so wholly do
for having had power over it; because in place
of true shepherd he has put his son, ill in
I satisfy him."
his whole body and worse in mind, and who 25. Not yet was her mouth closed, when at

was evil-born." I know not if he said more, or my side a Lady appeared, holy and ready to

ifhe were silent, so far beyond us had he al- put her to confusion. "O Virgil, O Virgil, who
is this?" she sternly said; and he came with his
ready run on; but this I heard, and to retain it
pleased me. eyes fixed only on that modest one. She took
And he who was need hold of the other, and in front she opened her,
130. at every my suc-

cor, said: thec this way; see two of them

"Turn rending her garments, and showed me her
belly; this waked me with the stench that is-
coming, giving a bite to sloth." In rear of all
sued from it. I turned my eyes to the good
they were saying: "The people for whom the
sea was opened were dead before the Jordan Master: "At least three calls have I
beheld his inheritors";' and: "They who en- thee," he and come on; let us find
said; "arise

dured not the toil even to the end with the the gate through which thou mayst enter."

son of Anchises, offered themselves to a life 37. 1 rose up, and all the circles of the sacred
without glory.'" mountain were already full of the high day,
Then when
those shades were so far and we went on with the new sun at our backs.
parted from us that they could no more be Following him, I was bearing my forehead like
one who has it laden with thought, and who
seen, a new thought set itself within me, from
which many others and diverse were born; and makes of himself a half arch of a bridge, when
I so rambled from one to another that, with
I heard: "Come ye! here is the passage," spok-
the wandering, I closed my eyes, and trans- en in a mode soft and benign, such as is not
muted my meditation into dream. 5
Geomancy is divination by an arrangement of
points on the ground, or of pebbles, in certain figures
See Luke, i. 39. which have special names. One of them, in this form,
Alberto della Scala, lord of Verona; he died in : : , was called the Greater Fortune. The stars
1301. See Leviticus, 21. 16-23. forming the figure of the Greater Fortune would
See Numbers, 14. 23-33; Joshua, 5. 6. be in the east about two hours before sunrise,
4 6
See Aeneid, v. 700-778. C. Hell, xxvi. 7.
heard in mortal region. With open wings,
this tures that without which one can not turn to
which seemed as of a swan, he who had thus God, suspend a little for me thy greater care.
spoken to us turned us upward, between two Tell me who thou wast; and why ye have your
walls of the hard rock. Then he moved his backs turned upward; and if thou wouldst

pinions, and fanned us, affirming qui lugent

have me obtain aught for thee there whence I

to be blessed, for they shall have their souls alive set forth."
mistress of consolation. 97. And he to me: "Why heaven turns to
52. thee that thou gazest only on
"What ails itself our backs thou shalt know; but first,

the ground?" my Guide began to say to me, scias quod ego fui successor Petri* Between
both of us having mounted up a little from the Sestri and Chiaveri descends a beautiful

Angel. And I: "With such mistrust a recent stream, and of its name the title of my race
vision makes me go, which bends me to itself makes its boast. One month and little more I
so that I cannot withdraw me from the proved how the great mantle weighs on him
thought of it." "Hast thou seen," said he, "that who guards it from the mire, so that all the
ancient sorceress, who above us henceforth is other burdens seem a feather. My conversion,
alone lamented? Hast thou seen how from her alas! was tardy; but when I became the Roman
man is unbound? Let it suffice thee, and strike Shepherd, then I discovered how false is life.

thy heels on the ground; turn upward thine

I saw that there the heart was not at rest; nor
eyes to the lure which the eternal King whirls
was it possible to rise higher in that life;
with the great circles." wherefore the love of this was kindled in me.

64. Even as the falcon that first looks at his Up to that time I had been a wretched soul and
feet,then turns at the cry, and stretches for- parted from God, wholly avaricious; now, as
ward, through desire of the food that draws thou seest, I am punished for it here. That
him thither; such I became, and such, so far as which avarice does is displayed here in the
the rock is cleft to afford a way to him who purgation of these converted souls, and the
goes up, did go on to where the circling is
I Mountain has no more bitter penalty. Even as
our eye, fixed upon earthly things, was not lift-
begun. When I had come forth on the fifth
round, I saw people upon it who were weep- ed on high, so justice here has sunk it to earth.

ing, lying on the earth all turned downwards.

As avarice quenched our love for every good,
Adhaesit pavimento am ma mca"* I heard whereby our working was lost, so justice here
them saying with such deep sighs that the holds us close, bound and captive in feet and
words were hardly understood. "O elect of hands; and, so long as it shall be the pleasure
God, whose sufferings both justice and hope of the just Lord, so long shall we stay immov-
make less hard, direct us toward the high as- able and outstretched."
cents." "If ye come secure from the lying 127.1 had knelt down and was about to
down, and wish to find the way most speedily, speak; but as I began, and he became aware,
let your right hands be always outermost." only by listening, of my reverence: "What
Thus the Poet prayed, and thus was answer cause," said he, "has bent thee thus down-
made to us from a little in advance of us; ward?" And him: "Because of your dig-
I to

wherefore I, in his speaking, marked the one nity my conscience stung me for standing."
who was hidden; and then I turned my eyes "Straighten thy legs, lift thee up, brother," he
to my Lord: whereon he granted me, with replied; "err not, I am fellow servant of One

cheerful sign, that which my look of desire Power with thee and with the rest. If ever
was asking. thou hast understood that holy gospel sound
88. Then, when I could do with myself ac- which says neque nubent, thou mayst well
"Know that was of Peter." The
cording to my pleasure, I drew me above that
I a successor
speaker is Adrian V
(Ottobono de' Fieschi), who
creature, whose words had first made me note died in 1276, having been Pope for thirty-eight days.
him, saying: "Spirit, in whom weeping ma-
Little towns on the Genoese coast.
The Lavagna; the Fieschi were Counts of La-
They that mourn. vagna.
Cf. Canto xiv. 148-150. See Revelation, 19. 10.
* 8
"My soul clcaveth unto the dust." Psalms, 119. 25. "They neither marry." Matthew, 22. 30.
see why speak thus. Now go thy way; I wish
I made damsels in order to lead their
to the

not that thou tarry longer; for thy stay hinders youth to honor. "O soul that speakest so much
my weeping, with which I mature that which good," said I, "tell me who thou wast, and
thou hast said. A niece I have on earth who is why thou alone dost renew these worthy prais-
named Alagia, good in herself, if only our es? Thy words will not be without meed, if I

house her not wicked by example; and

make return to complete the short
journey of that
she alone remains to me yonder." life which is
flying to its end."
40. And he: "I will tell thee, not for com-
CANTO XX fort that I
expect from yonder, but be-
i. AGAINST a better will the will fights ill: cause so great grace shines in thee ere thou art
wherefore against my own pleasure, in order dead. I was the root of the evil plant which
to please him, I drew from the water the overshadows all the Christian land, so that

sponge not full. good seldom plucked from it. But if

fruit is

4.1 moved on; and my Leader moved on Douai, Lille, Ghent, and Bruges had power,
through the spaces vacant only alongside of there would soon be vengeance on it; and I
the rock, as upon a wall one goes close to the implore it from him who judges all things.
battlements; for, on the other side, the folk, Yonder I was called Hugh Capet: of me are
who through their eyes are pouring out drop born the Philips and the Louises, by whom of
the world, late France has been ruled. I was the son of a
by drop the evil that possesses all

approach too near the edge. butcher of Paris.When the ancient kings had
10. Accursed be thou, old she- wolf, that alldied out, save one, betaken to gray vest-
more than all the other beasts hast prey, be- ments, I found the bridle of the government of
cause of thy hungry hollow without end! O the realm fast in my hands, and so much pow-
Heaven! by whose revolution it seems that er of newacquest, and such fullness of friends,
some believe conditions here below are trans- that to the widowed crown the head of my son

muted, when will he come through whom she was promoted, from whom the consecrated
shall depart? bones of these began.
1 6. We were going on with slow and scanty 61. "So long as the great
dowry of Provence

steps, and I attentive to the shades whom I took not shame away from my race, it was lit-
heard piteously lamenting and bewailing; and tleworth, but still it did not ill. Then it be-
by chance I heard: "Sweet Mary," cried out in gan its rapine with force and with falsehood;
front of us in the lament, just as a woman does and, after, for amends, it took Ponthieu and
who is in travail; and in continuance: "So poor Normandy and Gascony; Charles came to
wast thou as may be seen by that inn where Italy, and, for amends, made a victim of Con-
8 9
thou didst lay down thy holy burden." Fol- radin, and then pushed Thomas back to

lowing this I heard: "O good Fabricius, thou

heaven, for amends. A time I see, not long aft-
didst wish rather for virtue with poverty, than er this day, which draws another Charles
to possess great riches with vice." These words 5
The spirit which is speaking is that of Hugh Capet,
were so pleasing to me that I drew myself far- whose descendants in 1300 were ruling France, Spain,
ther on, to have acquaintance with that spirit and Naples.
'Philip the Fair gained possession of Flanders by
from whom they seemed to come. It was forceand fraud, in 1299; but in 1302 the French
speaking now of the largess that Nicholas were driven out of the country, after the signal
defeat at Courtrai.
Alagia was the wife of the Marquis Morocllo 8
See Paradise, vi. 133-135.
Malaspina (Canto viii. 118-132). The grandson of Frederick II, who, striving to
49-54, loi-iu.
Cf. Hell,
\. wrest Naples and Sicily, his hereditary possessions,
Caius Fabricius, the famous poor and incorruptible from the hands of Charles of Anjou, was defeated
Roman consul, who rejected the bribes of the Sam- and taken prisoner by him in 1267, and put to death
282 B. c. by 9 him in 1268.
Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, knowing that, be-
St. Charles was believed to have had St. Thomas
cause of their poverty, three maidens were exposed Aquinas poisoned, on his journey from Naples to
to the risk of leading lives of dishonor, threw secretly, the Council of Lyons, in 1274.
at night, into the window of their house, money Charles of Valois, brother of Philip the Fair, sent
enough to provide each with a dowry. by Boniface VIII, in 1301, to Florence as peace-maker.
forth from France to make both himself and to stinghim here. Then we accuse Sapphira
his the better known. Unarmed he goes out with her husband; we praise the kicks that
thence alone, but with the lance with which Heliodorus received/ and in infamy Polym-

Judas jousted; and that he thrusts so that he nestor who circles the whole
slew Polydorus
makes the paunch of Florence burst. Thereby mountain. Finally our cry here is: 'Crassus,
he will gain not land, but sin and shame so tell us, for thou knowest, what is the taste of
much the heavier for himself, as he the lighter gold?' Sometimes one speaks loud, and an-
reckons such harm. The other, who once other low, according to the affection which
went forth a prisoner from his ship, I see sell- spurs us to speak now at a greater, and now
at a less pace. Therefore in the good which by
ing his daughter, and bargaining over her, as
do the corsairs with other female slaves. O day is discoursed of here, I was not alone just
Avarice, what more canst thou do with us, now, but here near by no other person was
since thou hast so drawn my race unto thyself raising his voice."
that it cares not for its own flesh? In order 124. We had already departed from him,
that the ill to that already done may
come and and were striving to master the road so far as
seem the less, I see the Fleur-de-lis entering was permitted to our power, when I felt the

Alagna, and in his Vicar Christ made captive. mountain tremble, like a thing that is falling;
I see him mocked a second time; I see the whereupon a chill seized me, such as is wont
to seize him who is going to death. Surely
vinegar and the gall renewed, and, between

living thieves, Him

put to death. I see the Delos was not shaken so violently, before La-
new Pilate so cruel that this does not sate tona made her nest therein, to give birth to

him, but, without decretal, he bears his covet- the two eyes of heaven. Then from all sides
the Temple. O my Lord, when
ous sails into such a cry began that the Master drew towards
shall Ibe glad in seeing the vengeance which, me, saying: "Distrust not, while I guide thee."
hidden in Thy secret, makes Thine anger Gloria in excelsis Deo, all were saying, by
sweet? what I comprehended from near at hand
97. "That which Iwas saying of that only where the cry could be understood. We stood,
bride of the Holy Spirit, and which made thee motionless and in suspense, like the shepherds
turn toward me for some gloss, is the response who first heard that song, until the trembling
to our prayers so long as the day lasts, but
all ceased, and the song was ended. Then we re-
when the night comes, we take up instead sumed our holy journey, looking at the shades
thereof a contrary sound. Then we rehearse that were lying on the ground, returned al-
Pygmalion,' whom his gluttonous longing for ready to their wonted plaint. No ignorance
gold made a traitor and a thief and a parricide; ever with so great a war made me desirous of
and the misery of the avaricious Midas, which knowing if my memory err not in this
followed on his greedy demand, at which one as that which I seemed then to have in my
needs must always laugh. Then of the foolish
See Joshua, 7.
Achan each bethinks himself, how he stole the 8
Acts, 5. i-n.
spoils, so that the anger of Joshua seems still "See II Maccabees, 3. 25.
Priam had entrusted Polydorus, his youngest son,
II, son of Charles of Anjou. In 1284, he
Charles to Polymnestor, King of Thrace, who, when the
was captured, off Naples, by Ruggieri di Loria, the fortunes of Troy declined, slew Polydorus, that he
Admiral of Peter III of Aragon. According to common might take possession of the treasure sent with him.
report, he sold his young daughter in marriage to Cf. Hell, xxx. 1 8.
the old Azzo, Marquis of Este. "Marcus Licinius Crassus, triumvir (60 B.C.), the
This refers to the seizure of Boniface VIII at richest and most avaricious of men. Having been de-
Anagni, in 1303, by Guillaume de Nogaret and Sci- feated by the Parthians, he was slain, and their king
arra Colonna, the emissaries of Philip the Fair. is said to have poured molten gold down his throat,
Boniface died about a month after being made with the words: "Thou hast thirsted for gold, now
captive. The "living thieves" were Nogaret and Sci- drink it."
arra Colonna. Delos was a floating island until Jupiter fixed
Philip the Fair. it that it might serve for the
birthplace of Apollo and
The suppression of the Order of the Temple in Diana.
1312. "Glory to God in the highest."
Sec Acneid, i. 353-54. Cf. Wisdom of Solomon, 14. 22.
thought: nor, for our haste, did I dare to ask, place is free from every alteration; that which
nor of myself could I discern anything there: from heaven receives into itself, and

so I went on timid and thoughtful. naught else, can be the cause of this: because
neither rain, nor hail, nor snow, nor dew, nor
CANTO XXI frost, falls higher up than the little
i. THE
natural thirst, which is never satisfied of the three short steps; clouds, thick or thin,
save with the water whereof the poor woman appear not; nor lightning, nor the daughter of
of Samaria besought the grace, was torment- Thaumas who yonder often changes her quar-

ing me, and haste was goading me along the ter; dry vapor does not rise farther up than to
encumbered way behind my Leader, and I was the highest of the three steps of which I spoke,
grieving at the just vengeance: and lo! as Luke
whereon the vicar of Peter has his feet. It trem-
writes for us that Christ, now risen forth from bles perhaps lower down, little or much; but
the sepulchral cave, appeared to the two who up here it never trembled because of wind
were on the way, a shade appeared to us; and that is hidden, I know not how, in the earth.

it was coming behind us who were looking at It trembles here when some soul feels itself
the crowd that lay at our feet: nor were we pure, so that it rises, or moves to ascend; and
aware of it, so it
spoke first, saying, "My such a cry seconds it. Of the purity the will

give you peace!" We turned

may God
brothers, alone gives proof, which surprises the soul

suddenly, and Virgil gave back to it the wholly free to change its company, and re-
it with
salutation which corresponds thereto; then he joices willing. It wills from the first
began: "In the assembly of the blest, may the indeed, but the desire, which, contrary to
righteous court, which relegates me into eter- the will, Divine lustice sets to the torment, as
nal exile, place thee in peace." "How," said it, it had been to the sin, allows it not." And I
and meanwhile we went on steadily, "if ye who have lain in his woe five hundred years
are shades that God deigns not on high, who and more, only just now felt a free volition
has guided you so far along his stairs?" And for a better seat. Because of this didst thou feel

my Teacher: "If thou regard the marks which the earthquake, and hear the pious spirits
this one bears, and which the Angel traces, upon the Mountain reader praise to that Lord,
thou wilt clearly see that he is to reign with the who, may He speed them upward soon!"
good. But, because she who spins day and 73. Thus he said to us, and since one enjoys
night had not for him yet drawn the distaff drinking in proportion as the thirst is
great, I
off, which Clotho loads for each one and com- could not say how much
me good. he did
pacts, his soul, which is thy sister and mine, 76. And the sage Leader: "Now I see the net

coming upwards, could not come alone, be- which snares you here, and how it is un-
cause it sees not after our fashion. Wherefore meshed; and why it trembles here; and for
I was drawn from out the ample throat of Hell what ye Now may it please
rejoice together.
to show him, and I shall show him so far on thee that may know who thou wast, and may

it be disclosed to me in
as him.
my teaching can lead thy words why for so
"But tell us, if thou knowest, why just
34. many centuries thou hast lain here?" "At the
now the mountain gave such shocks, and why time when the good Titus, with the aid of the
all seemed to cry with one voice, even down Most High King, avenged the wounds where-
to its moist feet." Thus asking he shot for me from issued the blood sold by Judas, I was
through the needle's eye of my desire, so that famous enough on earth with the name which
lasts longest, and honors most," replied that
only with the hope my thirst became less
craving. spirit, "but not as yet with faith. So sweet was

40. The shade began: "The sacred rule of the 4

Iris,the rainbow.
mountain can feel nothing which is without 5
Sec Aristotle, Meteorology, ii. 8.
due order, or which is beyond its wont. This See Aquinas, Sumtna Theologica, Part III, Suppl.,
Q 72, A 2.
1 1
Cf . Aristotle, Metaphysics, i. i .
980*22. Titus besieged and destroyed Jerusalem in A. D.
Cf. John, 4. 13-15. 70. Statius was born between A. D. 60 and 65, and
Lachesis. probably died about the end of the first century.

the spirit of my voice, that me of Toulouse

Rome drew to itself, where I earned the right
i. ALREADY was the
to adorn my temples with myrtle. Statius the Angel left behind us the
people still name me yonder: I sang of Thebes, Angel who had turned us to the sixth round,
and then of the great Achilles, but I fell on having erased a stroke from my face; and he
the way with my second load. Seed of my ar- had said to us that those who have their de-
dor were the sparks that warmed me of the sire set on justice are Beati, and his words

divine flame whereby more than a thousand completed this with sitlunt, without the rest.*

have been kindled; I speak of the Aeneid, And I, more light than
through the other pass-
which was mother to me, and was nurse to me es, was so going on, that without any fatigue
in poesy: without it I balanced not the weight I was following upward the swift spirits, when
of a drachm; and to have lived yonder, when Virgil began: "Love kindled by virtue always
would agree to one sun more
I kindles another, provided that its flame appear
Virgil lived,
than I owe
my issue from ban."
for outwardly; wherefore from the hour when
103. These words turned Virgil to me with Juvenal descended among us in the limbo of
a look which, silent, said: "Be silent": but the Hell, and made known to me thy affection,
power that wills cannot do everything; for my own good will toward thee has been such

smiles and tears are such followers on the pas- that more never bound one to an unseen per-

sion from which each springs, that in the most son; so that these stairs will now seem short
truthful they least follow the will. I only to me. But tell me and as a friend pardon me,
smiled, like a man who makes a sign; whereat if too
great confidence let loose my rein, and as
the shade became silent, and looked at me in a friend henceforth talk with me how could
the eyes where the expression is most fixed. avarice find a place within thy breast, amid
And it said: "So mayst thou bring to a good wisdom so great as that wherewith through
end so great a labor, why did thy face just now thy diligence thou wast filled?"
display tome a flash of a smile?" 25. These words made Statius at first incline
115. Now am I caught on one side and the a little to a smile; then he replied: "Every

other; one bids me be silent, the other con-

word of thine is to me a dear token of love.

jures me to speak: wherefore I sigh, and am Truly often things are apparent which give
understood by my Master, and: "Have no fear false material for suspicion, because the true
to speak," he said to me, "but speak, and tell reasons are hidden. Thy question assures me
him what he asks so earnestly." Whereon I: that thy belief, perhaps because of that
it is

circle where I was, that I was avaricious in the

"Perhaps thou marvellest, ancient spirit, at the
smileI gave; but I would have more wonder other life; know then that avarice was too far
seize thee. This one, who guides myeyes on
removed from me, and this want of measure

high, that Virgil from

is whom thou didst de- thousands of courses of the moon have pun-
rive the strength to sing of men and of the ished. And had it not been that I set
right my
gods. If thou didst believe other cause for my care, when
understood the passage where

smile, leave it as not being true, and believe it thou dost exclaim, as if indignant with human
was those words which thou saidst of him." nature, *O accursed hunger of gold, through
Already he was stooping to embrace the feet
what dost thou not impel the appetite of mor-
4 5

of my Teacher, but he said to him: "Brother, tals?' I, rolling, should dismal jousts.
feel the

do it not, for thou art a shade, and thou seest Then I

perceived that the hands could spread
a shade." And he rising: "Now canst thou 2
is, the Angel had not recited all the words

of the Beatitude, which are as follows in the Vulgate:

comprehend the sum of the love that warms
Beati qui esuriunt ct sifiunt justttiam: quoniam ipsi
me to thee, when I
forget our emptiness, treat- saturabuntur. He had omitted esuriunt and said only,,

ing the shades as if a solid thing." "Blessed are they which do thirst after righteous-
In a famous passage of his Seventh Satire, 81-87,
was actually born at Naples. In Dante's
Statius Juvenal speaks of Statius with high praise.
time, there was a confusion between him and a rhet- See Aeneid, iii. 56-57.
orician of Toulouse of the same name. See Hell, vii. 25-35.
their wings too much in spending; and I re- ism: and this lukewarmncss made me circle

pented as well of that as of my other sins. How round the fourth circle, longer than to the
shall rise with cropped hair through fourth century.
ignorance, which during life and in the last 94. "Thou, therefore, that didst lift for me
hours prevents repentance for this sin! And the covering that was hiding from me such
know, that the fault which rebuts any sin with great good as I say, tell me, while we have re-
direct opposition, together with it dries up its mainder of ascent, where is our ancient Ter-
verdure here. Wherefore if for
my purgation I ence, Caecilius, Plautus, and Varro, if thou
have been among that people who lament their knowcst it; tell me if they are damned, and in
avarice, by reason of its contrary this has be- what region?" "They, and Persius, and I, and
fallen me." many others," replied my Leader, "are with
55. "Now when thou wast singing the cruel that Greek whom the Muses suckled more
twofold affliction of Jocasta," said
strife of the than ever any other, in the first girdle of the

the Singer of the Bucolic songs, "it does not blind prison. Often we discourse of the moun-

appear by that which Clio touches with thee tain' that has our nurses
always with itself.
there, that the Faith, without which good Euripides is there with us, and Antiphon,
works do not suffice, had as yet made thee Simonides, Agathon, and many other Greeks
faithful. If this be so, what Sun, or what can- who of old adorned their brows with laurel.

dles, did so disperse thy darkness that thou There of thine own people are seen
didst thereafter set thy sails behind the Fisher- Deiphile and Argia, and Ismene sad as she
man?" lived. There she is seen who showed Lan-

64. Andhe to him, "Thou first didst direct gia; there is the daughter of Tiresias and
me on the way toward Parnassus to drink in Thetis, and Deidamia with her sisters.""

its grots, and then, on the way to God, thou 1 1

5. Now
both the poets became silent, in-
didst enlighten me. Thou didst like him, who tent afreshon looking around, free from the
ascent and from the walls; and four of the
goes by night,' and carries the light behind
him, and profits not himself, but makes the handmaids of the day were now remaining
persons following him wise, when thou saidst, behind, and the fifth was at the pole, directing
'The world renewed; Justice returns, and
is still upward its
blazing horn, when my Lead-
the primeval time of man, and a new progeny er: "I think that it behoves us to turn our
descends from heaven.' thee I be- shoulders to the outer edge, circling the Mount
came a through thee a Christian. But in
as we are wont to do." Thus usage was there
order that thou mayst better see that which I our guide, and we took the
way with less
doubt because of the assent of that
outline, I will stretch my hand to color it. Al- worthy
ready was the whole world teeming with the

true belief, sown by the messengers of the eter- 1

27. They were going on
in front, and I
nal realm; and thy words just mentioned were solitary behind, and I was listening to their
so in harmony with the new preachers, that I speech which was giving me understanding
for poesy. But soon the
adopted the practice of visiting them. Then pleasant converse was
they came to seem to me so holy, that, when interrupted by a tree which we found in the
Domitian persecuted them, their lamentations 4
were not without my tears. And so long as I The Muses.
"The sisters Antigone and Ismene, daughters of
remained in yonder world, I succored them;
Oedipus and Jocasta; Deiphile and Argia, also sisters,
and their upright customs made me scorn all daughters of Adrastus, King of Argos.
other sects. And before I had led the Greeks Hypsipylc, who showed the fountain Langia to
Adrastus and the other kings, when their soldiers
to the rivers of Thebes in my verse, I received were perishing with thirst. See Hell, xviii. 92-95, and
baptism; but through fear I was a secret Chris- Purgatory, xxvi. 94-96.
But for Manto, the only daughter of Tiresias,
tian, for a long while making show of pagan-
mentioned by Statius. See Hell, xx. 55.
See Hell, vii. 57. 'Deidamia, the daughter of Lycomedcs, king of
See Hell, xxvi. 52-54. Scyros, and beloved by Achilles while he was in hid-
See Virgil, Eclogues, iv. 5-7. ing there. See Hell, xxvi. 62.
mid road, with apples sweet and good to smell. do not think that Erisichthon* was so dried up
And as a fir-tree tapers upward from branch to utter rind by hunger, when he had most

to branch, so downward did that, I think in fear of it. I said to myself in thought: "Behold
the people who lost Jerusalem, when Mary
order that no one may go up. On
upon the side
which our way was closed, a limpid water was struck her beak into her son." The sockets of
rock and spreading itself their eyes seemed rings without gems. Whoso
falling from the high
over the foliage above. The two poets ap- in the face of men reads OMO, would surely

proached the tree, and a voice from within

the there have recognized the M. would be- Who
leaves cried: "Of this food ye shall have lieve that the scent of an apple, and that of a

dearth." Then
it said: "Mary thought more, water, begetting a longing, could so control,
how the

wedding should be honorable and if he knew not how ?

complete, than of her own mouth,
which an- 37. 1 was still
wondering what so famished
swers now for you; and the ancient Roman them, the cause of their meagreness and of
women were content with water for their their wretched scurf not yet being manifest,
drink; and Daniel despised food and gained and lo! from the depth of its head, a shade
wisdom. The primal age was beautiful as turned his eyes on me, and looked fixedly, then
and cried out loudly: "What grace to me is this!"
gold; with hunger it made acorns savory,
with thirst every streamlet nectar. Honey and Never should I have recognized him by his
locusts were the viands which nourished the face; but in his voice was manifest to me that

Baptist in the desert, wherefore he is in glory, which his aspect had annulled in itself. This

and so great as by the Gospel is revealed to spark rekindled in me all knowledge of the my
altered visage, and I recognized the face of
you.'* 7
CANTO XXIII 49. "Ah, strive not with the dry scab that
i. WHILE I was fixing my eyes upon the green discolors skin," he prayed, "nor with
my my
leafage, just as he who wastes his life following lack of flesh, but tell me the truth about thy-
the little bird is wont to do, my more than self; and who are those two souls, who yonder
Father said to me: "Son, come on now, for make an escort for thee: stay not thou from
the time that is assigned to us must be more speaking to me." "Thy face," replied I to him,
usefully apportioned." I turned my eyes, and "which once I wept for dead, now gives me
no less quickly my step after the Sages, who no less a grief for weeping seeing it so dis-
were speaking so that they made the going of figured; therefore, tell me, for God's sake,
no cost to me; and lo! a lament and song were what so despoils you; make me not speak
heard: "Labia mea, Domine,'* in such fash- while I ammarvelling, for ill can he speak
ion that it gave birth to delight and pain. who is full of other wish." And he to me: "By

"O sweet Father, what is that which I hear?" the eternal counsel a virtue falls into the water
I began, and he: "Shades which go, perhaps and upon the plant, now left behind, whereby
loosing the knot of their debt." I
grow so lean. All this folk who sing weep-
1 6. Even
do pilgrims rapt in thought,
as ing, because of following their appetite beyond
who, overtaking on the road unknown folk, measure, are here in hunger and in thirst mak-
turn themselves to them, and stay not; so be- ing themselves holy again. The odor which
hind us, moving more quickly, coming up and issues from the fruit and from the spray which
passing by, a crowd of souls, silent and devout, is spread over the verdure, kindles in us de-
was gazing at us. Each was dark and hollow sire to eat and drink. And not once only, as
in the eyes, pallid in the face, and so wasted we circle this floor, is our pain renewed; I
that the skin took its shape from the bones. I pain, and ought to say solace, for that will
See Canto xiii. 29.
See Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part II-II, Q 'Punished for sacrilege by Ceres with insatiable
140, A 4. hunger, so that at last he turned his teeth upon him-
'See Daniel, i. 8-17. self.
4 T
See Matthew, u. u; Luke, 7. 28. Brother of Corso Donati, and related to Dante's
*"O Lord, open thou my lips." Psalms, 51. 15. wife, Gemma de' Donati.
leads us to the tree, which led Christ with joy turned me
the other day, when the sister of
to say: 'Eli,' when with his blood he deliv- him," and I pointed to the sun, "there showed
herself round. Through the deep
ered us." night, from
76. And I to him: "Forese, from that day on
the truly dead, he has led me, with this real
which thou didst change world to a better life, fleshwhich follows him. Thence his encourage-
up to this time, five years have not rolled ments have drawn me upward, ascending and
round. If the power of sinning further had circling the mountain that sets you straight
ended in thee, before the hour supervened of whom the world made crooked. He says that
the good sorrow which re-weds us to God, he will bear me company so long till I shall be
how hast thou come up hither? I thought to there where Beatrice will be; there it behoves
find thee still down there below, where time that I remain without him. Virgil is this one
is made
good by time." Whereon he to me: who says thus to me," and I pointed to him,
"My Nella with her bursting tears has brought "and this other is that shade for whom just now
me thus speedily to drink of the sweet worm- your realm, which from itself releases him,
wood of these torments. With her devout pray- shook every slope."
ers and with sighs has she drawn me from the
hill-side where one waits, and has delivered
me from the other circles. So much the more CANTO XXIV
dear and more precious to God is my poor i.SPEECH made not the going, nor did the go-
widow, whom I loved so well, as she is the ing make that more slow; but, talking, we
more solitary in good conduct; for the Bar- went on apace, even as a ship urged by a good
wind. And the shades, that seemed things
bagia of Sardinia is far more modest in

women than the Barbagia where I left her. O doubly dead, through the pits of their eyes
sweet brother, what wouldst thou that I say? drew in wonder at me, perceiving that I was
A future time is already in my sight, to which alive.

this hour will not be very old, when from the 7. And I, continuing my talk, said: "He goes
brazen- up for the sake of another perchance more
pulpit it shall be interdicted to the
faced dames of Florence to go about display- slowly than he would do. But, tell me, if thou

ing the bosom with the paps. What barbarian, knowest, where is Piccarda; tell me if I see
what Saracen women were there ever for any person to be noted among this folk that so
whom either spiritual or other discipline was gazes at me." "My sister, who, between fair
needed to make them go covered? But if the and good, was I know not which the most,

shameless ones were assured of that which the triumphs already rejoicing in her crown on
swift heaven preparing for them, already
is high Olympus." So he said first, and then:
would they have their mouths open for howl- "Here it is not forbidden to name each one,
since our semblance is so milked away by the
ing. For if my foresight here does not deceive
me, they will be sad before he who is now diet. This," and he pointed with his finger, "is
consoled with the lullaby shall have bearded Bonagiunta, Bonagiunta of Lucca; and that
cheeks. face beyond him, more pricked through than
"Ah now no the others, had the Holy Church in his arms;'
ii2. brother, longer conceal
from me; thou seest that not he was from Tours; and by fasting he purges
thyself only I,

but these people are gazing there where

all the eels of Bolsena, and the Vernaccia wine."

thou dost veil the sun." Whereon I to him: Many others he named to me, one by one, and
"If thou bring back to mind what thou wast at their naming all appeared content; so that
with me, and what I was with thee, the pres- for this Isaw not one dark mien. I saw, using
ent remembrance will even now be grievous. their teeth through hunger on emptiness,

From that life he who goes in front of me 4

Forese's sister. See Paradise, iii.
Bonagiunta Urbiciani, a poet of Lucca who lived
Sec Matthew, 27. 46. and wrote in the last half of the thirteenth century.
"See Canto iv. 130-132. 'Martin IV, native of Tours, Pope from 1281 to
A mountainous district in Sardinia, inhabited by 1285. He is said to have died from a surfeit at
people of barbarous customs. Orvieto.
Ubaldin dalla and Boniface/ who shep-
Pila, walks, until the panting of his chest be abated,
saw so Forese let the holy flock pass on and came
herded people with his crook. I
Messer Marchese, who once had leisure for along behind with me, saying: "When shall it
drinking at Forli with less thirst, and even so be that I see thee again?" "I know not," I re-
was such that he felt not sated. plied to him, "how long I may live; but truly
34. But as one does who looks,
and then my return will not be so speedy, that I shall
makes more account of one than of another, not in desire be sooner at the shore; because
so did I of him to Lucca, who seemed most the place where I was set to live, strips itself
to wish acquaintance with me. He was mur- more of good from day to day, and seems or-

muring, and I heard something like "Gen- dained to dismal ruin." "Now go," said he,
tucca" from there where he felt the chastise- "for I see him who is most toblame for this
ment of the justice which so strips them. "O dragged at the tail of a beast, toward the valley*
soul," said I, "who seemest so desirous to speak where never is there exculpation. The beast at
with me, do so that I can understand thee, every step goes faster, with ever increasing
and satisfy both thyself and me by thy speech." speed, till it strikes him, and leaves his
"A woman is born, and wears not yet the veil," vilely undone. Those wheels have not far to
he began, "who will make my city pleasant to turn," and he raised his eyes to heaven, "ere

thee, however men may blame it. Thou shalt

that will be clear to thee which my speech may
go on with this prevision: if from my mur-
not further declare. Now do thou stay behind,
hast conceived error, the true for time so precious in this kingdom, that
muring thou is I

things will hereafter clear it up for thee. But

lose too much coming thus at even pace with
tell me, if I here see him, who drew forth the thee."

new rhymes, beginning: 'Ladies who have in- 94. As a cavalier sometimes sets forth at a
telligence of Love'?" gallop from a troop which is riding, and goes
52. And I to him: "I am one who, when to win the honor of the first encounter, so with

Love inspires me, notes, and in that mode longer strides did he depart from us; and I re-

which he dictates within, I go uttering." "O mained on the way with only those two who
brother, now I see," said he, "the knot which were such great marshals of the world.
8 4
held back the Notary, and Guittone, and me 100. And when he had passed on so far be-

short of the sweet new style which I hear. I fore us that my eyes became such followers of

see clearly how your pens go on close follow- him as my mind was of his words, there ap-
ing the dictator, which surely was not the case peared to me the laden and living branches of
with ours. And he who most sets himself to another apple-tree, and not far distant, be-
look farther sees nothing more between one cause only then had I turned thitherward. I

style and the other." And, as if contented, he

saw people beneath raising their hands and

was silent. crying, I know not what, toward the leaves,

the birds that winter along the Nile like eager and fond little children who
64. pray,
sometimes make a troop in the air, then fly in and he to whom they pray does not answer,
greater haste, and go in file, so all the folk that but, to make their longing the more keen,

were there, light both through leanness and holds aloft their desire, and conceals it not.

through will, turning away their faces, quick- Then they departed as if undeceived: and
ened again their pace. upon thiswe came to the great tree which re-
70. And as the man who weary of run-
is jects so many prayers and tears. "Pass ye far-

ning lets his companions go on, and then ther onward, without drawing near; the tree
Bonifazio de' Fieschi, Archbishop of Ravenna from which was eaten of by Eve is higher up, and
1274 to 1294.
* 6
The first verse of the first canzone of The New Corso de' Donati, the leader of the Black Guclphs.
Life. On October 6, 1308, he was compelled to fly from
The Sicilian poet, Jacopo da Lentino. Florence. Near the city he was thrown from his horse
*Guittone d' Arezzo, commonly called Fra Guit- and dragged along, till he was overtaken and killed
tone, as one of the order of the Frati Gaudenti, men- by his pursuers.
tioned in Hell, xxiii. 103. Also see Canto xxvi. 124. "The woful valley of the abyss." Sec Hell, iv. 8.
He died probably in 1293. See Canto xxxii. 38!?.
this plant was raised from it." Thus said I ever may appear to him, does not stop, if the
know not who among the branches; wherefore goad of necessity prick him, but goes on his
Virgil and Statius and I, drawing close togeth- way, so did we enter through the gap, one be-

er,proceeded onward along the side that rises. fore the other,
taking the stairway which by
"Bethink ye," the voice was saying, "of the its narrowness unpairs the climbers.
accursed ones, formed in the clouds, who, 10. And as the stork that lifts its wing

when glutted, strove against Theseus with through will to and dares not abandon the

their double breasts; and of the Hebrews, who, nest, and lets it
drop, so was I, with will to
at showed themselves weak/
the drinking, ask kindled and quenched,
coming as far as
wherefore Gideon had them not for compan- to the motion that he makes who
proposes to
ions, when he went down the hills toward speak. Nor, though our going was swift, did
Midian." my sweet Father forbear, but he said: "Dis-
127. Thus keeping close to that one of the charge the bow of speech which up to the iron
two margins, we passed by, hearing of sins of thou hast drawn." Then I opened my mouth

gluttony followed, indeed, by miserable gains. confidently, and began: "How can one become
Then going at large along the lonely road, full lean, where the need of nourishment is not
a thousand steps and more had carried us on- felt?" "If thou wouldst call to mind," he said,
ward, each of us in meditation without a "how Meleager was consumed by the consum-
word. "Why go ye thus in thought, ye three ing of a brand, this would not be so difficult to
alone?" said a sudden voice; whereat I started, thee; and if thou wouldst think, how at your
asdo terrified and timid beasts. I lifted up my quivering your image quivers within the mir-
head to see who it
might be, and never were ror, that which seems hard would seem easy to

glass or metals in a furnace seen so shining

thee. But in order that thou mayst be inwardly
and ruddy, as one I saw who said: "If it please at ease in respect to
thy wish, lo, here is Statius,
you to mount upward, here there is need to and on him, and pray that he be now the
I call

turn; this way he goes who would go for healer of thy wounds."

peace." His aspect had taken my sight from 31. "If I

explain to him the eternal view," re-

me, wherefore I turned to go behind my teach- plied Statius, "where thou art present, let it ex-
ers, like one whogoes according as he hears. cuse me that to thee I cannot make denial."

145. And as the breeze of May, a herald of 34. Then he began, "If, son, thy mind re-
the dawn, stirsand smells sweet, all impreg- gards and receives my words, they will be for
nate with the herbage and with the flowers, thee a light unto the 'How,' which thou ask-

such a wind I felt strike upon the middle of est.Perfect blood, which is never drunk up by

my forehead, and I clearly felt the motion of the thirsty veins, but remains like the food
the plumage, which made me perceive the which thou removest from the table, takes in
odor of ambrosia. And I heard say: "Blessed the heart a virtue informative of all the human
are they so whom much grace illumines, that members, as being that which goes
the love of taste kindles not too great desire the veins to become them.
Digested still fur-
in their breasts, hungering always so much ther, it descends to the part whereof it is more
as is
right." becoming to be silent than to speak; and from

there, afterwards, it drops upon another's

CANTO XXV blood in the natural vessel. There one and the
i. IT was the hour in which the ascent allowed other meet together; the one ordained to be
no delay; for the Sun had left the meridian passive, and the other to be active because of
circle to the Bull, and the Night to the Scor- the perfect place wherefrom it is
pressed out;

pion; wherefore as does the man who, what- and, conjoined with the former, the latter be-
gins to operate, first by coagulating, and then
The centaurs, said to have been born of Ixion
and a phantom cloud. Thev fought with Theseus at it quickens that to which it
gives consistency
the marriage feast of Pcinthous.
See Judges, 7. 4-7.
for its own material. The active virtue having
See Matthew, 5. 6. Also Cf. Canto xxii. 5-6. "Sec Aquinas, Sum ma Thcologica, Part I, QQ 118,
The hour indicated is about 2 p. m. 119.
become a soul, like that of a plant (in so far that has stopped virtually imprints upon it.
different that this is on the way, and that al- And then like the flamelet which follows the

ready arrived), then so works, that now fire whithersoever so does new
it it its
moves and feels, as a sea-fungus does; and then form follow the spirit. Since thereafter it has its
proceeds to organize the powers of
which it
aspect from this, it is called a shade; and thence
is the germ. Now, son, the virtue is
displayed, it
organizes every sense even to the sight;
now it is diffused, which issues from the heart thence we speak, and thence we laugh, thence
of the begetter, where nature is intent on all we make the tears and the sighs, which thou
the members. mayst have heard on the mountain. According
61. "But how from an animal it becomes a as our desires and our other affections impress
rational being, thou as yet seest not; this is us, the is shaped; and this is the cause of
such a point that once it made one wiser than that at which thou wonderest."
thou to err, so that in his teaching he separated 109. And now we had come to the last cir-
from the soul the potential intellect, because he cuit, and had turned to the right hand, and
saw no organ assumed by it. Open thy breast were intent upon another care. Here the bank
to the truth which is coming, and know that, shoots forth flame, and the ledge breathes a
so soon as the articulation of the brain is per- blast upward which drives it back, and se-
fect in the embryo, the Primal Motor turns to questers a path from it. Wherefore it was need-
it with joy over such art of nature, and ful to go one by one along the open side; and

breathes into it a new spirit replete with virtue, on the one hand I was afraid of the fire, and on
which draws into its own substance that which the other I was afraid of falling of!. My Leader
it finds active there, and becomes one single said, "Along this place, one must keep tight
soul which lives and and circles on itself.
feels the rein upon the eyes, because for little one
And that thou mayst the less wonder at my might go astray."
words, consider the warmth of the sun which, i2i."Summae Deus dementiae !* I then
combining with the juice that flows from the
heard being sung, in the bosom of the great
vine, becomes wine. burning, which made me care not less to turn.
79. "And when Lachesis has no more thread, And I saw spiritsgoing through the flame;
this soul is loosed from the flesh, and virtually wherefore I looked at them and at my own
bears away with itself both the human and the steps, apportioning to each my sight from mo-
divine; the other faculties them mute, all of ment to moment. After the end that is made
but memory, understanding, and will far more to that hymn, they loudly cried: "Virum non
acute in action than before. Without a stop, it cognosce" ; then began again the hymn with
falls of itself, marvellously, to one of the low voice; this finished, they cried anew: "To
banks. Here it first knows its own roads. Soon the wood Diana kept herself, and drove there-
as the place there circumscribes it, the forma- from Helice, who had tasted the poison of
tive virtue rays out around it, in like shape and Venus." Then they returned to their singing;
size, as in the living members. And as the air then they cried aloud wives and husbands who
when it is full of rain becomes adorned with were chaste, as virtue and marriage enjoin up-
divers colors, by reason of the rays of another on us. And I believe this mode suffices them for
which are reflected in it, so here the neighbor- all the time that the fire burns them. With
ing air shapes itself in that form which the soul such cure it is needful, and with such diet, that

the last wound of all should be closed up.
See Aquinas, Summa Thcologica, Part I, Q 118,
A i; Aristotle, Generation oj Animals, ii. 3.
The "one wiser than thou" is generally understood "God of clemency supreme," the beginning of a
to refer to Averroes, whose error was in his exposition hymn, sung at Matins on Saturday, containing a
of Aristotle's doctrine as set forth in On the Soul, prayer for purity.
iii. 4-5. "I know not a man." See Luke, i. 34.
'See Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I, Q 76, Or Callisto, a nymph attendant on Diana. She
A 4. bore ason to Jupiter, and, having been changed
Of Acheron (see Hell, iii. 78), or of Tiber (see into a bear by Juno, she was by Jove transferred with
Purgatory, ii. 100-105), according as the soul is her child to the heavens, where they are seen as
damned or saved. the Great and Little Bear.
first chants,' andwhich most befits
to the cry
CANTO XXVI them. And those same who had prayed me
i. WHILE we were thus going on along the drew near to me as before, intent in their looks
edge, one before the other, the good Master to listen.
was often saying: "Take heed! let it avail that 52. 1, who twice had seen their desire, be-

I warn thee." The

which now, with his
sun, gan: "O souls, secure of having, whenever it
radiance, was changing all the west from azure may be, a state of peace, my limbs have not re-
to a white aspect, was striking me on the right mained yonder, either unripe nor mature, but
shoulder; and with my shadow I was making are here with me, with their blood, and with
the flame appear more ruddy, and only to that their joints. go hence upward in order to be

indication I saw many shades, as they went on, no longer A Lady is on high who wins

giving heed. This was the occasion which gave grace for us/ whereby I bring my mortal body
them a beginning to speak of me, and they be- through your world. But so may your greatest
gan to say: "He does not seem a fictitious wish soon become satisfied, in such wise that
body"; then certain of them came toward me, that heaven may harbor you which is full of
so far as they could do so, always with regard love, and most amply spreads, tell me, in or-
not to come out where they would not be der that I
may yet rule the paper for it, who
burned. are ye,and who are that crowd which go their
1 6. "O thou, who way behind your backs."
goest behind the others,
not from being slower, but perhaps from rever- 67. Not otherwise is the astonished mountain-
ence, reply to me, who am burning in thirst eer confused, and gazing round is dumb, when
and fire: nor by me only is thy reply needed, rough and rustic he enters the town, than each
for all these have a greater thirst for it than shade became in its appearance; but, after they
Indian or Ethiop for cold water. Tell us how it were unburdened of their astonishment, which
is that thou makest of in high hearts is quickly abated: "Blessed
thyself a wall to the sun,
as thou hadst not yet entered within the net
if thou," began again the one who first had ques-
of death." Thus spoke one of them to me; and tioned me, "who, in order the better to die,
Ishould at once have made myself known, if dost ship experience of our regions. The
Ihad not given attention to another new thing who do not come with us offended in that for
which then appeared; for along the middle of which once Caesar inhis triumph heard 'Queen'

the burning road were coming people with shouted out against him; therefore they go ofl
their faces opposite to these, which held me en- crying 'Sodom,' upbraiding themselves, as thou
gaged to look at them. There I see, on either hast heard,and they help the burning by their
side, each shade making haste and one kissing shame. Our sin was hermaphrodite; but be-
the other, without stopping, content with a cause, following our appetite like beasts, we
brief greeting. Thus within their brown troop did not observe human law, when we part
one ant touches muzzle with another, per- from them we recite, in opprobrium of our-
chance to spy out their way and their fortune. selves, the name of her who bestialized herself

37. Soon as they end the friendly salutation, in the beast-shaped planks. Now thou knowest
before the step runs onward by, each
first our deeds, and of what we were guilty; if, per-
strives to outcry the other; the new-come folk: chance, thou wishest to know by name who we
"Sodom and Gomorrah," and the other: "Into are, there is not time to tell, and I should not
the cow enters Pasiphae, that the bull may run know. I will indeed make thee short of wish
to her lust." Then like
which should fly
cranes, about myself; I am Guido Guinicelli; and I

part to the Riphaean mountains, and part to-

am purging myself already, because I
truly re-
ward the sands, these shunning the frost and pented before my last hour."
those the sun, the one folk goes, the other See Canto xxv. 121.
comes on, and, weeping, they return to their See Hell, ii. 94-96.
The Empyrean, the seat of Paradise.
Mountains vaguely placed by the early geogra- "The most illustrious of the Italian poets before
phers in the far north. Dante; the date of his death is uncertain, but he
'The deserts of Libya. was living in 1274. See Canto xi. 97.
94. Such as in the frenzy of Lycurgus
her the bottom. I moved forward a little to him
two sons became at seeing again their mother, who had been pointed out to me, and said, that
such I became, but I rise not so far, when I for his name my desire was preparing a gra-
hear name himself the father of me, and of the cious place. He
readily began to say: "Your
others my betters who ever used sweet and gra- courteous request so pleases me that I cannot,
cious rhymes of love; and without hearing or nor do I wish to hide me from you. I am Ar-
speaking, full of thought, I went on, gazing a naut, who weep and go singing; contrite I see
long time upon him; nor, for the fire, did I my past folly, and glad I see before me the joy
draw nearer to him. I
hope for. Now I
pray you, by that Power
103. When I was fed with looking, I offered which guides you to the summit of this stair-
myself wholly ready for his service, with the way, at due time be mindful of my pain.""
affirmation which makes another believe. And Then he hid himself in the fire which refines
he to me: "By what I hear, thou leavest such them.
impression on me, and so clear, that Lethe can-
not take it away nor make it dim. But, if thy
words just now swore truth, tell me what is the i. As when he darts forth his first rays there
reason thou displayest in speech and look
why where his Maker shed His blood (Ebro falling
that thou dost hold me dear?" And I to him, under the lofty Scales, and the waves in the
"The sweet ditties of yours, which, so long as Ganges scorched by noon) so the sun was
themodern use shall endure, will still make now standing; and thus the day was depart-
dear their ink." ing, when the glad Angel of God appeared to
115. "O brother," said he, "this one whom us. Outside the flame he was standing on the

point out to thee with my finger," and he bank, and was singing: Beati mundo corde?

pointed to a spirit in advance, "was a better in a voice far more living than ours. Then:

smith of his mother tongue. In verses of love "No one goes farther, ye holy souls, if first the
and proses of romances he surpassed all; and fire
sting not: enter into it, and to the song be-
let the foolish talk who think that he of Li- yond be ye not deaf," he said to us, as we drew

moges him; to rumor more than to the

excels near to him: whereat I became such, when I
truth they turn their faces, and thus establish heard him, as is he who is
put in the pit. I
their opinion, before art or reason is listened to stretched forward above my clasped hands,
by them. Thus did many of old concerning looking at the fire, and vividly imagining hu-

Guittone,* from cry to cry giving the prize man had once seen burnt.
bodies I

only to him, until the truth prevailed with 19. My good Escorts turned toward me, and
more persons. Now if thou hast such ample Virgil said to me: "My son, here may be tor-
privilege that it is permitted thee to go unto ment, but not death. Bethink dice bethink 1

the cloister in which Christ is abbot of the col- thee! ... lo, if I even upon Geryon guided thee

lege, say to Him for me one paternoster, so far safe, what shall I do now that I am nearer
as is needful for us in this world, where power God? Believe for certain that if within the
to sin is no longer ours." belly of this flame thou shouldst stand full a
133. Then, perhaps to give place to one who thousand years it could not make thee bald of
was near behind him, he disappeared through a single hair. And
perchance thou beiievest

the fire, like a fish going through the water to that I am deceiving thee, draw towards it, and
make trial for thyself with thine own hands
When Hypsipyle was about to be put to death
by Lycurgus, king of Nemea, enraged with her for upon the hem of thy garments. Put aside now,
leaving his infant child, who was killed by a serpent put aside every fear, turn hitherward, and
while she was showing the river Langia to the Ar-
come on secure."
gives (see Canto xxii. 112), she was found and rescued
by her own sons.
'Arnaut Daniel, a famous Proven9al troubadour of The words
of Arnaut are in the Provencal tongue.
the end of the twelfth century. was near sunrise at Jerusalem, and consequently

*Giraut de Borneil, another famous poet, contem- near sunset in Purgatory, midnight in Spam, and mid-
porary with Arnaut Daniel. dav at the Ganges.
4 7
See Canto xxiv. 56. "Blessed are the pure in heart."
33. And I still motionless and against con- shade so long as the sun is hot, watched by the
cience !
shepherd, who on his staff is leaning and, lean-

34. Whenhe saw me still stand motionless ing, tends them; and as the herdsman, who
ind obdurate, he said, disturbed a little: "Now lodges out of doors, passes the night beside his
ee, son, between Beatrice and thee is this quiet flock, watching that the wild beast may
veil." not scatter it: such were we all three then, I
37. As at the name of Thisbe, Pyramus, at like a goat, and they like shepherds, hemmed
>oint of death, opened and looked
his eyelids in on this side and on that by the
high rock.
it her, what time the mulberry became dark 88. Little of the outside could there be seen,
'ed, so, my obduracy becoming softened, I but in that little I saw the stars both brighter
urned to my wise Leader, hearing the name and larger than their wont. Thus ruminating,
hat in my memory is ever welling up. Where- and thus gazing upon them, sleep overcame
it he nodded his head, and said: "How? do we me, sleep which oft before the deed be done
vant to stay on this side?" then he smiled as knows news thereof.
me does at a child who is conquered by an 94. At the hour, I think, when from the east

ipple. Cytherea, who with fire of love seems always

46. Then within the fire he set himself in burning, first beamed upon the mountain, I

'ront of me, praying Statius, that he would seemed in dream to see a lady, young and
:ome behind, who previously, for a long way, going through a meadow gathering
lad divided us. When I was within, I would and singing she was saying: "Let him
iave thrown myself into boiling glass to cool know, whoso asks my name, that I am Leah,
ne, so without measure was the burning there, and I go moving my fair hands around to
vfy sweet Father, to encourage me, went talk- make me a garland. To please me at the mirror
ing only of Beatrice, saying: "I seem already to I here adorn me, but my sister Rachel never
;ee her eyes." departs from her looking-glass, and sits all day.
55. A voice which was singing on the other She is as fain to look at her fair eyes as I to
side was guiding us, and we, attentive ever to adorn me with my hands. Her, seeing, and me,
it, came forth where the ascent began. "Venite, doing satisfies."
benedicti patris mei' sounded within a light 109. And now before the splendors which
that was there such that it overcame me, and I precede the sun, and rise the more grateful un-

:ould not look on it. "The sun is going," it to pilgrims as in returning they lodge less far

added, "and the evening comes; tarry not, but away, the shadows were fleeing on every side,
hasten your steps so long as the west grows not and my sleep with them; whereupon I rose,
dark." seeing the great Masters already risen. "That
64. The way mounted straight, through the sweet fruit which the care of mortals goes seek-
rock, in such direction that in front of me I cut ing upon so many branches, today shall set at
sun which was already low.
off the rays of the peace thy hungerings." These words did Vir-
And of few stairs had we made essay ere, by gil use toward me, and never were there gifts
the vanishing of my shadow, both I and my which for pleasure were equal to these. Such

Sages perceived the setting of the sun behind great wish upon wish came to me to be above,
us. And before the horizon in all its immeasur- that at every step thereafter I felt my wings
able regions had become of one aspect, and growing for the flight.

night had allher dispensations, each of us 124. When beneath us all the stairway had
made his bed of a stair; for the nature of the been run over, and we were on the topmost
mountain took from us the power, more than step, Virgil fixed his eyes on me, and said:
the delight, of ascending. "The temporal fireand the eternal thou hast
76. As goats, that have been swift and wan- seen, Son, and art come to a place where of my-
ton on the peaks ere they were fed, become
Venus, the morning star, was rising. Cf. Canto i.

tranquil while they ruminate, hushed in the 19, 20.

Leah and Rachel are the types of the active and
"Corne, yc blessed of my Father." Matthew, 25. 34. the contemplative life.
self I discern no farther. I have brought thee ow, which never lets the sun or moon shine
here with understanding and with art; thine there.

own pleasure take thou henceforward for 34. With my feet I stood still, and with my
guide: forth art thou from the steep ways, eyes I passed to the other side of the streamlet,
forth art thou from the narrow. See there the to gaze at the great variety of the fresh blos-

sun, which is shining on thy front; see the soms; and there, even as a thing appears sud-
young grass, the flowers, and the shrubs, which denly which turns aside through wonder every
here the earth of itself alone produces. Until other thought, appeared to me a solitary lady,
the beautiful eyes come rejoicing, which weep- who was going along, singing, and culling
ing made me come to thee, thou canst sit down flower from flower, wherewith all her path was
and thou canst go among them. Expect no painted. "Ah, fair Lady, who warmest thyself
more or word or sign from me. Free, upright, in the rays of love, if I may trust to looks which

and sound is thine own will, and it would be are wont to be witnesses of the heart, may the
wrong not to act according to its choice; will come to thee," said I to her, "to draw for-
wherefore thee over thyself I crown and mi- ward toward this stream, so far that I may hear
tre." what thou art singing. Thou makest me re-
member where and what was Proserpine, at
CANTO XXVIII the time when her mother lost her, and she the
I. FAIN now to search within and round about spring."
the divine forest dense and living, which was 52. As a lady who is dancing turns, with feet

tempering the new day to my eyes, without close to the ground and to each other, and
longer waiting I left the bank, taking the level hardly sets foot before foot, she turned on the
ground very slowly, over the soil which on red and the yellow flowerets toward me, not

every side breathed fragrance. sweet breeze A otherwise than a virgin who lowers her modest
that had no variation in itself smote me on the eyes, and made my
prayers content, approach-
brow, not with heavier stroke than a soft wind; ing so that the sweet sound came to me with its
at which the branches, readily trembling, one meaning. So soon as she was there where the
and all were bending toward the quarter where grasses are just bathed by the waves of the fair
the holy mountain casts its first shadow; yet stream, she gave me the boon of lifting her
not so swayed from their uprightness, that the eyes. I do not believe that so great a light shone
little birds among the tops had to leave the beneath the eyelids of Venus, when transfixed
practice of their every art; but, singing with by her son quite out of his custom. She was
full joy, they received the early breezes among smiling upon the right bank opposite, gather-
the leaves, which were keeping a burden to ing with her hands the many colors which that
their rhymes, such as gathers from bough to high land brings forth without seed. The
bough through the pine forest on the shore stream made us three paces apart; but the Hel-
of Chiassi/ when Aeolus lets forth the lespont where Xerxes passed it still a curb on
Scirocco. all human endured not more hatred
22. Now had my slow steps carried me with- from Leander for swelling between Sestos and
in the ancient wood so far that I could not see Abydos, than that from me because it did not
back to where I had entered it: and lo, a stream then open.
took from me further progress, which with its 76. "Ye are new come," she began, "and,
little waves was bending toward the left the perchance, why I smile in this place chosen for
grass that sprang up on its bank. All the human nature as its nest, some doubt holds you
waters, that are purest here on the earth, would marvelling; but the psalm Delectasti affords
seem to have some mixture in them, compared light which may uncloud your understanding.
with that which hides nothing, although it And thouwho art in front, and didst pray to
moves along dusky under the perpetual shad-
'Psalms, 92. 4, Delectasti me, Domine, in jactura
Classc, the old port of Ravenna, from which the tua t et in operibus manuum tuarum exuhabo. "For
sea long since receded.
thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work; I
The southeast wind. will triumph in the works of thy hands."
me, say, if aught else thou wouldst hear, for I much as it
pours forth open on two sides. On
came ready for every question of thine, so far this side it descends with virtue that takes from
as may suffice." one the memory of sin; on the other it restores
"The water," said I, "and the sound of that of every good deed. On this side it is called
85. 8
the forest impugn within me recent faith in Lethe, so on the other Eunoe; and it works
not be not tasted on this side then on
something which heard contrary to
I this." if first it

Whereon she: "I will tell how that which that. To all other savors this is
makes thee wonder proceeds from its own 134. "And though thy thirst may be fully

cause; and Iawaywill clear the mist which sated even if I reveal no more
will yetto thee, I

falls upon thee. give thee a corollary as a favor; nor do I think

91. "The supreme Good, which Itself alone my speech will be less dear to thee, if it extend
made man good, and for with thee beyond my promise. Those who in
is pleasing to Itself,
him this place for earnest of old time sang of the Golden Age, and of
good, and gave to
eternal peace. Through his own default he its
happy state, perchance, upon Parnassus,
dwelt here while; through his own de-
little dreamed of this place: here was the root of
fault he changed honest laughter and sweet mankind innocent; here is always spring, and
sport to tears and to toil. In order that the dis- every fruit; this is the nectar of which each one
of them tells."
turbance, which the exhalations of the water
and of the earth (that follow after the heat so 145. 1 turned me backward then wholly to
far as they can) produce down below, should my Poets, and saw that with a smile they had
not make any war on man, this mountain rose heard the last words; then to the beautiful

so high toward heaven, and is free from them, Lady I turned again my eyes.
from there where it is locked in. Now because
the whole air revolves in a circuit with the
broken i.SINGING like a lady enamored, she, at the
primal revolution, if its circling be not
by some obstacle, upon this height, which is ending of her words, continued: Beati, quo-
mo- rum tecta sunt peccata* And, like the nymphs
wholly disengaged in the living air, this

tion strikes and makes the wood, because it is who were wont to go solitary through the syl-
van shades, one desiring to see and one to
thick-set, resound; and the plant thus struck
has such power that with its virtue it impreg- avoid the sun, she then moved on counter to

nates the breeze, and this in its whirling then the stream, going the bank, and I at
up along
it around; and the rest of the earth, ac-
scatters even pace with her, following her little step
with little. Of her steps and mine there were
cording as it is fit in itself, or through its sky,
conceives and brings forth divers trees of divers not a hundred, when the banks both alike

virtues. It should not then, this being heard, gave a turn, in such wise that I faced again to-
ward the east. Nor even thus had our way
appear a marvel on earth, when some plant
takes root there without apparent seed. And been long, when the lady turned wholly
thou must know
that the holy plain where round to me, saying: "My brother, look and
thou art is
every seed, and has within it-
full of

self fruit which is never gathered yonder upon 1 6. Anda sudden lustre ran through the

earth. great forest on every side, so that it made me

"The water which thou seest does not
121. question if it were lightning. But because the
rise from a vein which vapor condensed by the lightning stays even as it comes, and this, last-
frost restores, like a stream that gains and loses ing, became more and more resplendent, in my

breath; but it issues from a constant and sure thought I said, "What thing is this?" And a
sweet melody ran through the luminous air;
fountain, which by the will of God regains as
whereupon a righteous zeal made me reproach
Cf. Canto xxi. 43-53. the hardihood of Eve, who, there, where the
With the movement given by the revolution
to it

of the crystalline heaven, the so-called Pritnum Mo- 'Sec Hell, xxxiv. 127-132.
bile, from which the other heavenly spheres derive "Blessed arc they whose transgressions are for-
their motion. given." Psalms, 32. i.
earth and the heavens were obedient, the only them painted, and they had the semblance of

woman, and but just now formed, did not en- streaming pennons, so that it remained divided
dure to stay under any evil; under which if she overhead by seven stripes, all in those colors
had stayed devout, I should have tasted those whereof the sun makes his bow, and Delia her

ineffable delights before, and for a longer time. girdle. These banners stretched to the rear be-
31. While I was going on
amid so many first yond my sight, and according to my judgment
fruits of the eternal pleasure, all enrapt, and the outermost were ten paces apart. Under so
1 6
still desirous of more in front of us the fair a sky as I describe, twenty-four elders, two
air, beneath the green branches,
became like a by two, were coming crowned with flower-de-
blazing fire, and the sweet sound was
now luce. All were singing: "Blessed art thou

heard as a song. among the daughters of Adam, and blessed

37. O for have forever be thy beauties."

Virgins sacrosanct! if you I

ever endured hunger, cold, or vigils, the oc- 88. After the flowers and the other fresh

casion spursme that I claim reward therefor. herbage, opposite to me on the other bank,
Now it behoves that Helicon pour forth for were free from those folk elect, there came be-
me, and that Urania aid me with her choir to hind them, even as light follows light in heav-

put into verse things difficult to think. en, four living creatures, each crowned with

43. A little farther on, the long tract of space green leaves. Each was feathered with six
which was still between us and them shewed wings, the feathers full of eyes; and the eyes of
falsely in their seeming seven trees of gold. Argus, if they were living, would be such. To
But when I had come so near to them that the describe their forms, Reader, I scatter rhymes
common object, which deceives the sense,
lost no more, for other spending so constrains me
not through distance any of its attributes, the that in this I cannot be But read Ezek-
iel, who depicts them as he saw them coming
power which supplies discourse to8 reason dis-
from the cold quarter with wind, with cloud,
tinguished them as candlesticks, and in the
voices of the song, Hosanna. On high the and with fire; and such as thou wilt find them
fair array was flaming, brighter by far than the in his pages such were they here, save that as

moon in the clear sky at midnight, in the mid- to the wings John is with me, and differs from

dle of her month. I turned me round full of him.

wonder to the good Virgil, and he replied to
106. The space between these four contained

me with a look charged not less with amaze- a triumphal chariot upon two wheels, which8
ment. Then I turned back my gaze to the high came drawn along by the neck of a GrifTon.
things, which were moving toward us so slow-
And he stretched up the one and the other of
his wings between the midmost stripe, and the
ly that they would have been outstripped by
new-made brides. three and three others, so that he did harm to

61. The lady chided me: "Why art thou only no one of them by cleaving it: so high they rose
thus ardent in gazing on the living lights, and that they were lost to sight. His members were

dost not look at that which comes behind of gold so far as he was bird, and the rest were

them?" Then saw folk coming behind, as if

I white mixed with crimson. Not Africanus, or
after their leaders, clothed in white,and such indeed Augustus, gladdened Rome with so
whiteness there never was on earth. The water beautiful a chariot; but even that of the Sun
was resplendent on the left flank, and reflected would be poor to it that of the Sun, which,
to me my left side, if I looked in it, even as a going astray, was consumed at the prayer of
mirror. When I had such position on my bank the devout Earth, when Jove in his secrecy was
that only the stream separated me, in order to Delia, the moon, and her girdle the halo.
"See Revelation, 4. 4.
see better, I gave halt to my steps, and I saw T
These four living creatures represent the four
the flamelets go forward leaving the air behind Evangelists. See Ezekiel, i. 6; Revelation, 4. 8.
"The griffon, half eagle and half lion, represents
Cf. Canto vi. 46-48. Christ in his double nature, divine and human. See
See Canto xviii. 22. Song of Solomon, 5. 10, u. The chariot he draws is
'See Revelation, i. 12; 4, 5; Isaiah, n. 2. the Church.
4 '
See Mark, 9. 3. When driven by Phaethon.
just. Three ladies, at the right wheel, came the lower" makes him who turns the helm to

dancing in a circle; one so ruddy that hardly come to port) stopped the truthful people

would she have been noted within the fire; the who had come first between the Griffon and it,
next was as if her flesh and bones had been turned to the chariot as to their peace, and one
made of emerald; the third seemed as snow of them, as if sent from heaven,
singing, cried
fresh fallen. And now they seemed led by the thrice: Veni, sponsa, de Libano? and all the

white, now and the others took

by the red, others after.
their step both slow and swift from the song of 13. As the blessed at the last trump will arise
her who led. On the left, four, robed in pur- swiftly,each from his tomb, singing Hallelu-

ple, made festival, following the measure of jah with reinvested voice, so, upon the divine
one of them who had three eyes in her head. wagon, ad vocem tanti senis rose up a hun-
133. Behind all the group thus described, I dred ministers and messengers of life eternal.
saw two old men, unlike in dress, but like in All were saying: Benedictus, qui venis? and,
demeanor, both dignified and staid. The one scattering flowers above and around, Manibus

showed himself one of the familiars of that su- o date lilia plenis.

preme Hippocrates whom Nature made8 for 22. 1 have seen ere now at the beginning of
the creatures that she holds most dear; the the day the eastern region all rosy, and the rest
other showed the contrary care, with a shin- of heaven beautiful with fair clear sky, and the

ing and sharp sword, such that it caused me face of the sun rising shaded, so that through
fear on the hither side of the stream. Then I the tempering of vapors the eye sustained it a
saw four of humble aspect, and behind all an long while; thus within a cloud of flowers,
old man alone, coming asleep with a keen which was ascending from the angelic hands
countenance. And these seven were robed like and falling down again within and without, a
the first band; but they made not a crown of lady, with wreath of olive over a white veil, ap-
lilies round their heads, rather of roses, and of peared to me, robed with the color of living
other red flowers. The sight at little distance flame under a green mantle. And my spirit
would have sworn that all were aflame above which now for so long a time had not been
their brows. broken down, trembling with awe at her pres-
151. And when the chariot was abreast of ence, without having more knowledge by the
me, a peal of thunder was heard, and those eyes, through occult virtue that proceeded
worthy people seemed to have their farther from her, felt the great potency of ancient love.

progress interdicted, stopping there with the 40. Soon as the lofty virtue smote sight, my
first ensigns. which already had transfixed me ere I was out
of boyhood, I turned me to the left, with the
CANTO XXX confidence with which the little child runs to
i. WHEN the Septentrion of the first heaven his mother when he is
frightened, or when he
(which never knew setting nor rising, nor veil istroubled, to say to Virgil: "Less than a
of other cloud than sin, and which was making drachm of blood remains in me that does not
every one there acquainted with his duty, as tremble; I recognize the signals of the ancient
flame." But Virgil had left us deprived of
theological virtues, Faith, Hope, and Charity.
four cardinal virtues, Prudence, Justice, Tem-
The himself; Virgil, sweetest Father; Virgil, to
perance, and Fortitude. See Aquinas, Summa Theo- whom for my salvation I
gave me. Nor did all

logica, Part III, 85, Q

3. A 8
Acts, represented under the type of its author, The lower septentrion, or the seven stars of the
St. Luke, Sec Colossians, 4. 14. Great or Little Bear.
4 9
The Pauline Epistles, typified by their writer, "Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse." The
whose sword is the symbol of war and martyrdom. Song of Solomon, 4. 8.
The four "humble in appearance" are the repre- "See Revelation, 19. i.

sentatives m their writers of the minor Epistles, and


"At the voice of bo great an elder."

they are followed by St. John, as the writer of Revela- "Blessed thou that comcst," words derived from
tion. Psalms, 1 1 8, 26; Cf. Matthew, 21. 9.
6 18
Cf. Canto xxxh. 29. "Oh, give lilies with full hands"; words from the
The seven candlesticks of the first heaven, the Aeneid, vi, 883.
Empyrean. Sec Aeneid, iv. 23.
which the ancient mother lost avail unto my words to those pious beings thus: "Ye watch in

cheeks, cleansed with dew, that they should the eternal day, so that nor night nor slumber
not turn dark again with tears. robs from you one step the world may make

"Dante, though Virgil be gone away,

55. along its ways; wherefore my reply is with

weep not yet, weep not yet, for by another greater care, that he who is
weeping yonder
sword thou needst must weep." may understand me, in order that fault and

58. Like an admiral who, on poop or on grief may be of one measure. Not only through

prow, comes to see the people that are serving the working of the great wheels, which direct
on the other ships, and encourages them to do every seed to some end according as the stars
well, upon the left-hand border of the chariot are its companions, but through largess of di-

when I turned me at the sound of my own vine graces, which have for their rain vapors

name, which of necessity is registered here, so lofty that our sight goes not near thereto
I saw the Lady, who had first appeared to me this man was virtually such in his new life,
veiled beneath the angelic festival, directing that every right disposition would have made
her eyes toward me across the stream. Al- admirable proof in him. But so much the more
though the veil, which descended from her malign and wild does the ground become with
head, circled by the leaf of Minerva, did not al- bad seed and untilled, as it has the more of
low her to appear distinctly, royally, still severe good earthly vigor.
in her mien, she went on, as one who speaks, 121. "Some time did I sustain him with my
and keeps back his warmest words. "Look at face; showing my youthful eyes to him, I led
me well: I am, indeed, I am, indeed, Beatrice. him with me turned in right direction. So soon
How hast thou deigned to approach the moun- as I was on the threshold of
my second age,
tain? Didst thou not know that here man is and had changed life, he took himself from
happy?" My eyes fell down to the clear fount; me, and gave himself to others. When I had
but seeing myself in it I drew them to the risen from flesh to spirit, and beauty and vir-
tue were increased in me, I was less dear and
grass, such great shame weighed on my brow.
As to her son the mother seems haughty, so she less pleasing to him; and he turned his steps

seemed to me; for somewhat bitter tastes the along a way not true, following false images of
savor of tart pity. good, which pay no promise in full. Nor did it
82. She was and the angels sang of a
silent, avail me to obtain inspirations with which,

sudden: InDomine, speravi; but be-

te, both in dream and otherwise, I called him
yond pcdes meos' they did not pass. Even as back; so little did he heed them. So low he fell
the snow, among the living rafters upon the that all means were already
for his salvation
back of Italy, is congealed, blown and packed short, save showing him the Forlost people.
this I visited the gate of the dead, and to him,
by Sclavonian winds, then melting, trickles
through itself, if only the land which loses who has conducted him up hither, my prayers
shadow breathe, so that it seems as fire melting were borne with weeping. The high decree of
the candle; thus was I without tears and sighs God would be broken, if Lethe should be
before the song of them who always sing fol- passed, and such viand should be tasted, with-
lowing the notes of the eternal spheres; but out some scot of repentance which may pour
when I heard in their sweet melodies their forth tears."

compassion for me, more than if they had said:

"Lady, why dost thou so confound him?"
the ice thatwas bound tight around my heart i. "O THOU, who art on the farther side of the

became breath and water, and with anguish sacred river," turning her speech to me with
issued from my breast, through my mouth and the point, which only with the edge had

through my eyes.
seemed to me keen, she began anew, going on
loo. She, without delay, "Say, say, if this is true; to so
standing motionless on the

aforesaid side of the chariot, then turned her heavy a charge thine own confession must
1 needs be conjoined." My faculties were so con-
See Canto i. 121-129.
*See Psalms, 31. 1-8. fused that the voice moved, and became extinct
before it had been released from its
organs. A either of some young girl or other vanity
little while she waited, then said: "What of so brief a use. The young bird awaits
thinkest thou? Reply to me; for the sad mem- two or three; but before the eyes of the full-
ories in thee are not yet injured by the water." fledged, the net is spread in vain, or the arrow
Confusion and fear mingled together forced shot."
such a "Yes" from out my mouth, that the 64. As children, silent in shame, with their
eyes were needed for the hearing of it. eyes upon the ground, stand listening and con-
1 6. As a cross-bow breaks its cord and its science-stricken and repentant, so was I stand-
bow when it shoots with too great tension, and ing. And she said: "Since thou art
the shaft hits the mark with less force, so did I through hearing, lift
up thy beard, and thou
burst under that heavy load, pouring forth shalt take greater grief from With less
tearsand sighs, and the voice slackened along resistance is a sturdy oak
uprooted by a native
itspassage. Whereupon she to me: "Within wind, or by one from the land of larbas,' than
those desires of mine that were leading thee to I raised my chin at her
command; and when
love the Good beyond which there is nothing by the beard she asked for my eyes, truly I rec-
to which one may aspire, what trenches run- ognized the venom of the argument.
ning traverse, or what chains didst thou find, 76. And when my face was lifted up, my
for which thou shouldst thus have despoiled sight perceived that those primal creatures

thyself of the hope of passing onward? And were resting from their strewing, and my eyes,
what satisfactions, or what advantages were still little saw Beatrice turned toward
displayed on the brow of the others, for which the animal that is one person only in two na-
thou shouldst have lingered before them?" tures. Beneath her veil, and
beyond the stream,
31. After the drawing of a bitter sigh, hardly she seemed to me more to surpass her ancient
had I the voice to make answer, and the lips self, than she seemed to surpass all others here

with difficulty gave it form. Weeping, I said: when she was here. So pricked me there the
"The present things with their false pleasure nettle of repentance that of all other
things the
turned my steps, soon as your face was hid- one which most had turned me to its love be-
den." And she: "Hadst thou been silent, or came the most my foe.
hadst thou denied that which thou dost con- 88. Such self-conviction stung
my heart that
fess, thy fault would not be less known, by I fell overcome; and what I then became she
such a Judge is it known. But when the accusa- knows who afforded me the cause.
tion of the sin bursts from one's own mouth, in 9 1. Then, when my heart restored my out-
our court the wheel turns itself back against ward faculties, I saw above me the lady whom
I had found alone, and she was
the edge. saying: "Hold
43. "Yet still, that thou mayst now bear me, hold me." She had drawn me into the
shame for thy error, and that another time, stream up to the throat, and dragging me after
hearing the Sirens, thou mayst be stronger, lay her was moving over the water, light as a shut-
aside the sowing of tears, and listen; so shalt de. When I was near the blessed shore, I heard
thou hear how my buried flesh should have "Asperges me" so sweetly that I cannot re-
moved thee in opposite direction. Never did member it, far less can write it. The beautiful
nature or art present to thee pleasure such as lady opened her arms, clasped my head, and
the fair limbs wherein I was enclosed, and immersed me where I had perforce to swallow
which are scattered in earth. And if the su- of the water. Then she took me, and
preme pleasure thus failed thee through my me, thus bathed, within the dance of the four
death, what mortal thing should afterward beautiful ones, and each of them covered me
have drawn thee into its desire? Forsooth thou with her arm. "Here we are nymphs, and in

oughtest, at the first arrow of things fallacious, heaven we are stars: before Beatrice had de-
have risen upward after me, who was no long- 8
See Proverbs, i. 17.
er such. Nor oughtest thou to have weighed From the south; the land of larbas, the son of
Jupiter Ammon, was Libya. See Aeneid, iv. 196.
thy wings downward to await more blows, 4
Cf. Psalms, 51. 7.
*Sce Psalms, 126. 5. See Canto, i. 23.
scendcd to the world we were ordained unto cient net; when perforce my sight was turned
her for her handmaids. We will lead thee to toward my left by those goddesses, because I
her eyes; but for the joyous light which is with- heard from them a "Too fixedly." And the
inthem, the three yonder who look more deep- condition which exists for seeing, in eyes but

ly shall sharpen thine own." justnow smitten by the sun, caused me to be

1 12. Thus singing, they began; and then to for a while without sight. But when my vision
the breast of the Griffon they led me with reshaped the lesser sensation (I say to
itself to

them, where Beatrice was standing turned to- the lesser, in respect to the great one where-
ward us.They said: "See that thou spare not from by force I had removed myself), I saw
thy sight: we have placed thee before the em- that the glorious army had wheeled upon its

eralds, whence Love of old drew his darts right flank, and was returning with the sun
against thee." A
thousand desires hotter than and with the seven flames in its face.
flame bound fast my eyes to the relucent eyes 19. As under its shields to protect itself a
which ever stayed fixed upon the Griffon. Not troop turns and wheels with its banner, before

otherwise than as the sun in a mirror, was the it all can change about, that soldiery of the ce-
twofold animal gleaming therewithin, now lestial realm which was in advance had
with one,now with the other mode of being. gone past us, before its front beam had bent the

124. Think, Reader, if I marvelled when I chariot round. Then to the wheels the ladies re-

saw the thing stay quiet in itself, and in its turned, and the Griffon moved his blessed bur-

image transmuting itself. den, in such wise however that no feather of

127. While, full of awe and glad, my soul him shook. The beautiful lady who had drawn
was tasting that food which, sating in itself, me and Statius and
at the ford, I were follow-
causes longing for itself, the other three, show- ing the wheel which made its orbit with the

ing themselves of the loftier order in their bear-

smaller arc. Thus passing through the lofty
ing, came forward dancing to their angelic car- wood, empty through fault of her who trusted
to the serpent, an angelic song set the time to
ol. "Turn, Beatrice, turn thy holy eyes," was
their song, "upon thy faithful one, who to see our steps.
thee has taken so many steps. Of thy grace do 34. Perhaps an arrow loosed from the string
us the grace that thou unveil to him thy mouth, had traversed in three flights as great a distance
so that he may discern the second beauty which as we had advanced, when Beatrice descended.
1 2
thou dost conceal." I heard "Adam'" murmured by all: then they

139. O splendor of living light eternal! Who encircled a plant despoiled of flowers and of

has become so pallid under the shadow of Par- other leafage on every bough. Its tresses, which

nassus, or has so drunk at its cistern, that he the wider spread the higher up they are, would
would not seem to have his mind encumbered, be wondered at for height by the Indians in
their woods.
trying to render thee as thou didst appear there
where with its harmony the heaven hangs over 43. "Blessed art thou, Griffon, that thou dost
when in the air thou didst thyself not break off with thy beak of this wood sweet
thee, open
disclose? to the taste, since the belly is ill racked there-

by." Thus around the sturdy tree the others

CANTO XXXII cried; and the animal of two natures: "Thus is
i. So fixed and intent were my eyes to relieve preserved the seed of all righteousness." And
their ten years' thirst that other senses were
my turning to the pole which he had drawn, he
all extinct: and they themselves, on one side dragged it to the foot of the widowed trunk,
and the other, had a wall of indifference, so did and that which was of it he left bound to it.

the holy smile draw them to itself with the an- 52. As when
the great light falls downward
"The eyes of Wisdom are her demonstrations by mingled with that which shines behind the ce-
which one sees the truth most surely; and her smile See IIEsdras, 17. 48.
is her persuasions in which the interior light of Wis- "See Romans, 5. 19, 21.
dom is displayed without any veil; and in these two is The pole, the mystic type of the cross of Christ,
felt that loftiest pleasure of Beatitude, which is the which was, according to an old legend, made of the
chief good in Paradise." Dante, Convito, iii. 15. wood of this tree.
lestialCarp, our plants become swollen, and mal. In a circle the seven Nymphs were mak-
then renew themselves, each in its own color, ing of themselves an enclosure for her, with
before the sun yokes his coursers under another those lights in their hands which are secure

star, so, disclosing a color less than of roses and from Aquilo and from Auster.
more than of violets, the plant renewed itself, 100. "Here shalt thou be short time a forest-

which at first had its boughs so bare. er; and thou shalt be with me without end a
6i.I did not understand, nor here is sung, citizen of that Rome whereof Christ is a Ro-
the hymn which that folk then sang, nor did I man. Therefore world which
for profit of the
bear the melody to the end. lives ill, keep now thine eyes upon the chariot;

64. If I could portray how the pitiless eyes and what thou seest, mind that thou write
sank to slumber, while hearing of Syrinx the when thou hast returned to earth." Thus Bea-
eyes to which much watching cost so dear trice; and I, who at the feet of her commands
like a painter who paints from a model I was all devout, gave my mind and my eyes
would depict how I fell asleep; but whoso where she willed.
would, let him be one who can represent slum- 109. Never with so swift a motion did fire
ber well. Therefore I pass on to when I awoke, descend from a dense cloud, when it falls from
and say that a splendor rent for me the veil
I that region which stretches most remote, as I

of sleep, and a call: "Arise, what doest thou?" saw the bird of Jove swoop down through the
73. As, to see some of the flowerets of the ap- tree, breaking the bark, as well as the flowers

ple tree which makes the Angels greedy for its and new leaves; and he struck the chariot with

fruit, and makes perpetual marriage feasts in

all his force, whereat it reeled, like a ship in a
4 8

Heaven, Peter and John and James were led, tempest beaten by the waves now to starboard,

and being overcome, came to themselves at the now to larboard. Then I saw a she fox,' which
word by which greater slumbers were broken, seemed fasting from all good food, leap into
and saw their band diminished alike by Moses the body of the triumphal vehicle; but, rebuk-
and Elias, and the raiment of their Master ing her for her ugly sins, my Lady turned her
to such flight as her fleshless bones allowed.
changed, so I came to myself, and saw that
compassionate one standing above me, who Then, from there whence he had first come, I
had before been conductress of my steps along saw the eagle descend down into the ark of the
the stream; and all in doubt I said: "Where is car and leave it feathered from himself. And a
Beatrice?" And she: "Behold her under the voice, such as issues from a heart that is afflict-
new leafage, sitting upon its root. Behold the ed, issued from Heaven, and thus spoke: "O

company which surrounds her; the rest are go- little bark of mine, how ill art thou laden!"

ing on high behind the Griffon, with sweeter 130. seemed to me that the earth
Then it

song and more profound." opened between the two wheels, and I saw a
9 1. And if her speech was further poured dragon issue from it, who fixed his tail upward
forth I know not, because already in my eyes through the chariot: and, like a wasp that re-
was she who from attending to aught else had tracts its sting, drawing to himself his malig-

closed me in. She was sitting alone upon the nant tail, he drew out part of the floor, and
bare ground, like a guard left there of the char- went wandering away. That which remained
iotwhich I had seen bound by the biform ani- covered itself again, as lively soil with grass,
In the spring, when the Sun is in the sign of the
with the plumage, offered perhaps with sane
Ram, which follows that of the Fishes, here termed and benign intention; and both one and the
the Carp.
other wheel and the pole were again covered
'The hundred eyes of Argus, who, when watch-
ing lo, fell asleep while listening to the tale of the
with it in such time that a sigh holds the
loves of Pan and Syrinx, and was then slain by Mer- mouth open Thus transformed, the
See The Song of Solomon, 2.3. holy structure put forth heads upon its parts,
See Revelation, 19. 9. three upon the pole, and one on each corner/
See Matthew, 17. 1-8. The first were horned like oxen, but the four
Christ having ascended, Beatrice, typifying Revela-
tion, is left seated by the chariot, the type of the The early heresies.
Church on earth. "Sec Revelation, 12. 3.
had a single horn upon the
forehead. A like terance I began: "My Lady, you know my

monster was never seen before. Secure, as a need, and that which is good for it." And she
fortresson a high mountain, there appeared to tome: "From fear and from shame I wish that
me a dishevelled harlot sitting upon it, with thou henceforth disentangle thyself, so that
bold brows glancing round. And, as if in or- thou mayst speak no more like one who
der that she should not be taken from him, I dreams.
saw a giant standing at her side, and now and 34. "Know thou, that the vessel which the
then they kissed each other. But because she serpent broke was, and is not; but let him who
turned her lustful and roving eye on me that has the blame thereof think that the vengeance
fierce paramour scourged her from head to of God fears not sops." The eagle that left its

foot. Then and cruel with an-

full of jealousy, feathers on the car, whereby it became a mon-
ger, he loosed the monster, and dragged it ster, and then a prey, shall not be for all time

through the wood so far, that he made of that without an heir; for I see surely, and therefore
alone a shield from me for the harlot and for I tell it, stars already close at hand, secure from

the strange beast.* every obstacle and from every hindrance, to

give to us a time in which a Five hundred,
CANTO XXXIII Ten, and Five sent by God shall slay the aban-
i.Dcus, vcnerunt gentes* the ladies began, doned woman together with that giant who is

alternating, now three now four,

a sweet sinning with her. And perchance my narra-

psalmody, and weeping; and Beatrice, sighing tion, dark like that of Themis and
the Sphinx,
and pitiful, was listening to them with such less persuades thee, because after their fashion

aspect that scarce was Mary at the

cross more it clouds the
understanding. But soon the facts

changed. But when the other virgins gave

will be the Naiades which shall solve this diffi-
place to her to speak, risen upright upon
her cult enigma, without harm of flocks or of har-
feet, she answered, colored like fire: Modi- vest. Do
thou note; and even as these words
cum, et non videbitis me, et iterum, my be- are uttered by me, so do thou teach them to

loved Sisters, modicum, et vos videbitis me? those alive with that life which is a running
Then she set all the seven in front of her; and unto death; and bear in mind when thou writ-
behind her, by a sign only, she placed me, and est them, not to conceal what thou hast seen
the Lady, and the Sage who had remained. the plant, which here has now been twice de-
Thus she moved on; and I do not think her spoiled. Whoever robs or breaks it, with blas-

tenth step had been set upon the ground, when phemy of deed offends God, who for His own
with her eyes she smote mine, and with tran- use alone created it
holy. For biting it, the first

quil aspect said to me: "Come more forward, soul, in pain and in desire, for five thousand
so that if I speak with thee, thou mayst be well yearsand more, longed for Him who punished
placed for listening to me." So soon as I was
on Himself the bite.
with her as I should be, she said to me: "Broth- 64. "Thy wit sleeps, if it deem not that for a
dost thou not venture to question me, special reason it is so lofty and so inverted at
now thou art coming with me?" 'Sec Revelation, 17. 8.

who with 'According to abelief that, if a murderer could

25. As befalls those exceeding rev-
contrive, within nine days of the murder, to eat a
erence are speaking in presence of their supe- bread
sop of dipped in wine, above the grave of his
riors, that they drag not their voice living to victim, he would escape from the vengeance of the
murdered man's family.
the teeth, it befell me that without perfect ut- 7
Beatrice sees near at hand a 515, in Roman
*Sec Revelation, 17. 3. numerals a DXV, which letters by transposition form
*Thc harlot and the giant stand respectively for DVX, "a leader," sent by God, who shall reestablish
the Pope and the king of France. The dragging of the the Divine order upon earth.
car, transformed into a monster, through the wood, According to a blunder in the manuscripts of
so far as to hide it from the poet, may be taken as Ovid's Metamorphoses, vii. 759, the Naiades solved
typifying the removal of the seat of the Papacy the riddles of the oracles, at which Themis, offended,
from Rome to Avignon, in 1305. sent forth a wild beast to ravage the flocks and fields.
Cf Psalms, 79. "O God, the heathen are come
. ." . . The correct reading is Laiades, that is, Oedipus, the
"A little while and ye shall not see me: and again, son of Laius.
a little while and ye shall sec me." John, 15. 16. *Scc Canto xxxii. 51, 158.
its top. And
thy vain thoughts had not been
if ing to the point of view, when, as he, who goes
as water of Elsa round about thy mind, and in advance of people as a guide, halts if he find
their pleasantness as mul-
Pyramus to the some strange thing on his track, the seven

berry, by so many circumstances alone

thou ladies halted at the
edge of a pale shadow,
wouldst have recognized morally the justice of such as beneath green leaves and black
God in the interdict upon the tree. But though the Alp casts over its cold streams. In front of
I see thee in thy understanding made of stone, them, it seemed to me I saw Euphrates and
and thus stony, dark, so that the light of my Tigris issue from one fountain, and, like
speech dazzles thee, I yet would have thee bear friends, depart slowly from one another.
ithence within thee, even if not written, at 115. "O light, O glory of the human race,
least depicted, for the reason that the pilgrim's what water which here pours forth from
is this

staff is carriedwreathed with palm." one source, and from itself divides itself a-
79. And I:as wax, which does not
"Even away ?" To this prayer answer was made to me:
change the figure imprinted by a seal, is my "Pray Matilda that she tell it to thee." And
brain now stamped by you. But why do your hereupon the beautiful Lady answered, as one
desired words fly so far above my sight, that who frees himself from blame: "This and
the more it strives the more it loses them ? "In other things have been told to him by me; and
order that thou mayst know," she said, "that I am sure that the water of Lethe has not hid-

school which thou hast followed, and mayst den them from him." And Beatrice: "Perhaps
see how its doctrine can follow my word; and a greater care, which oftentimes takes the
see that
your way is distant so far from memory away, has darkened the eyes of his
mayst 5
the divine, as the heaven which highest hastens mind. But behold Eunoe, which flows forth
on is remote from earth." Whereon I replied yonder, lead him to it, and, as thou art wont,
to her: "I do not remember that I ever es- revive his lifeless power." As a gentle soul
tranged myself from you, nor have I conscience which makes not excuse, but makes its own
of it that reproaches me." "And if thou canst will of another's will, soon as by a sign it is out-
not remember it," she replied smiling, "now wardly disclosed, even so, when I had been
call to mind how this very day thou hast drunk taken by her, the beautiful Lady moved on,
of Lethe; and if from the smoke fire is in- and to Statius she said, with manner of a lady,
ferred, this thy forgetfulness clearly proves "Come with him."
fault in thy will intent elsewhere. Truly my 136. If I had, Reader, longer space for writ-
words shall henceforth be naked so far as ing, would in part at least sing of the sweet

it is befitting to uncover them to thy rude draught which never would have sated me;
sight." but, because all the leaves destined for this sec-

103. And more flashing, and with slower ond canticle are full, the curb of my art lets me
steps, the sun was holding the circle of the go no farther.
meridian, which appears here or there accord- 142. 1 returned from the most holy wave, re-

animate, even as newrenewed with new

Sce Canto xxxii. 40-41. foliage, pure and disposed to mount unto the
*A Tuscan river, whose waters have a petrifying
The blood of Pyramus dyed the mulberry. "Eunoc, "the memory of good," which its water
See Isaiah, 55- 9- Canto xxviii. 129-131
restore to the purified soul. See

38. The lamp of the world rises to mortals

through -different passages, but from that
THE glory of Him
who moves everything which joins four circles with three crosses it is-
penetrates through the universe, and is sues with better course and conjoined with a

splendent in one part more and in another less. better star, and it tempers and seals the mun-
In the heaven which receives most of His light dane wax more after its own fashion. Almost
I have been, and have seen things which he such a passage had made morning there and
who descends from thereabove neither knows evening here; and there all that hemisphere
how nor has power to recount; because, draw- was white, and the other part black, when I

ing near to its own desire, our intellect enters saw Beatrice turned to her left side, and gazing
memory cannot follow after.
so deep, that the upon the sun: never did eagle so fix himself

Truly whatever of the Holy Realm I could upon it.And even as a second ray is wont to
treasure up in my mind shall now be the theme issue from the first, and mount upward again,
of my song. like a pilgrim who wishes to return; so from
13. O good Apollo, for this last labor make her action, infused through the eyes into my
me such a vessel of thy worth as thou demand- imagination, mine was made, and I fixed my
est for the gift of the beloved laurel. Thus far eyes upon the sun beyond our wont. Much is
one summit of Parnassus has been enough for permitted there which here is not permitted to
me, but now with both I need to enter the our faculties, by virtue of the place made for
remaining arena. Enter into my breast, and the human race as its proper seat. Not long did
breathe thou in such wise as when thou drew- I endure it, nor so little that I did not see it
est Marsyas from out the sheath of his limbs. sparkle round about, like iron that issues boil-
O divine Power, if thou lend thyself to me so ing from the fire. And on a sudden, day
that I may make manifest the image of the seemed to be added to day, as if He who has
Blessed Realm imprinted within my head, the power had adorned the heaven with an-
thou shalt see me come to thy chosen tree, and other sun.
crown myself then with those leaves of which 64. Beatrice was standing with her eyes
the theme and thou will make me worthy. So wholly fixed on the eternal wheels, and on her
I fixed my eyes from thereabove removed.
rarely, Father, are they gathered for triumph
or of Caesar or of poet, (fault and shame of hu- Looking8at her I inwardly became such as

man wills,) that the Peneian leaf4 should bring Glaucus became on tasting of the grass which
forth joy unto the joyous Delphic deity, when- made him consort in the sea of the other gods.
ever it makes any one to long for it. Great
flame follows a little
spark: perhaps after me foot of Parnassus, and here used as synonymous with

made with Delphi, of which it was the port.

prayer shall be better voices, where- 8
At the vernal equinox the sun rises from a point
to Cyrrha* may respond. on the horizon where the four great circles, namely,
the horizon, the zodiac, the equator, and the equinoc-
The Empyrean. tial colure, meet, and, cutting each other, form three
"See Aquinas, Sttmma Theolagica, Part MI, Q 3, crosses. The sun is in the sign of Aries "a better star,"
A 8. because the influence of this constellation was sup-
'Parnassus was supposed to have two peaks; the posed to be benignant.
Muses dwelt upon one, Apollo upon the other. The last indication of time given in the Purgatory
Daphne, changed into the laurel, was the daugh- is in Canto xxxiii. 104: "the sun was holding the
ter of Peneus. circle of the meridian."
"Cyrrha, a city sacred to Apollo, not far from the A fisherman changed to a sea-god.

Transhumanizing cannot be signified in words; the instinct given to it which bears it on. This
therefore let the example suffice him for whom bears the fire upward toward the moon; this is
the motive force in mortal hearts; this binds
grace reserves the experience. If I was only that
of me which Thou didst the last create, O

together and unites the earth. Nor does this

Love that governest the heavens, Thou know- bow shoot forth only the created things which
est, who with Thy light didst lift me. When
are without intelligence, but also those which
the revolution which Thou, being desired, have understanding and love.
makest eternal, made me attent unto itself 1 2 1. "The Providence that ordains all this

with the harmony which Thou dost attune and makes always quiet with its own light the heav-
modulate, so much of the heaven then seemed en within which that one which has the great-
to me
enkindled by the flame of the sun, that est speed revolves. And thither now, as to a site

rain or river never made so widespread a decreed, the virtue of that bowstring is bearing
lake. us on, which directs to a joyful mark whatever
The novelty of the sound and the great
82. it shoots. It is true, that as the form often does
light kindled in me a desire concerning their
not accord with the intention of the art, be-

cause, never before felt with such keenness.

cause the material is deaf to respond, so the
Whereon she, who saw me as I see myself, to creature sometimes deviates from this course;

mind opened her mouth, for has power, though thus impelled, to
quiet my perturbed
ere I mine to ask, and began: "Thou thyself bend in another direction (even as the fire of a
makest thyself dull with false imagining, so cloud may be seen to fall), if the first impetus,
that thou seest not what thou wouldst see, if diverted by false pleasure, turn it earthwards.

thou hadst shaken it off. Thou art not on earth, Thou shouldst not, if I deem aright, wonder
as thou believest; but lightning, flying from its more at thy ascent, than at a stream if it de-
never ran as thou who art return- scends from a high mountain to the base. It
proper site,
would be a marvel in thee, if, deprived of hin-
ing thereunto."
94. If I was divested of my first doubt by drance, thou hadst sat below, even as quiet in
these brief little smiled-out words, within a living fire on earth would be."
new one was I the more enmeshed. And I said: 142. Thereon she turned again her face to-
ward heaven.
"Already I rested content concerning a great
wonder; but now I wonder how I can tran-
scend these light bodies." Whereon she, after a

pitying sigh, directed her eyes toward me, with

O YE who in a little bark, desirous to listen,
that look which a mother turns on her deliri- have followed behind my craft which singing
ous child, and she began: "All things whatso- passes on, turn to see again your shores; put
ever have order among themselves; and this is not out upon the deep; for haply, losing me,

the form which makes the universe like unto ye would remain astray. The water which I
God. Herein the exalted creatures see the im- take was never crossed. Minerva breathes, and

print of the Eternal Power, which is the end Apollo guides me, and nine Muses point out
for which the aforesaid rule is made. In the or- to me the Bears.

der of which I speak, all natures are disposed, 10. other few, who have lifted up your
necks betimes for the bread of the Angels, on
by diverse lots, more or less near to their
source; wherefore they are moved to different
which one here subsists, but never becomes
sated of well put forth your vessel
ports over the great sea of being, and each with it, ye
over the deep brine, keeping my wake before
See Purgatory, 67-75; Cf. II Corinthians,
123- you on the water which turns smooth again.
"The Empyrean ... is the cause of the most Those glorious ones who passed over to Col-
swift motion of the First Moving Heaven, because of
chos wondered not when they saw Jason be-
the most ardent desire of every part of the latter to 5
be conjoined with every part of that most divine and come a ploughman, as ye shall do.
quiet heaven." Dante, Convito, ii. 4, 19-25.
3 8
See Aquinas, Stimma Theologica, Part I, Q 45, When, to obtain the golden fleece, Jason yoked the
A 35 Q5o> A i. two fire-breathing oxen, and ploughed with them,
'Ibid., Part I, Q 45, A 3; Q 49, A i. sowing the dragon's teeth in the furrows.

concrcatc and perpetual thirst for against it. The
eighth sphere displays to you
the deiform realm was bearing us on swift al- many lights, which may be noted of different
most as ye see the heavens. Beatrice was gazing aspects in quality and quantity. If rarity and

upward, and I upon her, and perhaps in such density effected all this, one single virtue, more
time as a quarrel rests, and flies, and from the or less or equally distributed, would be in all.

notch is unlocked, I saw myself arrived where Different virtues must needs be fruits of for-

a wonderful thing drew my ght to itself; and

; mal principles; and these, all but one, would, in
therefore she, from whom the working of my pursuance of thy reasoning, be destroyed. Fur-
mind could not be hid, turning toward me, were the cause of that duskiness
ther, if rarity
about which you ask, this planet would either
glad as beautiful, said to me: "Uplift thy
grateful mind to God, who has united
us with be thus deficient of its matter in part quite
the first star." through and through, or else, as a body divides

31. It seemed to me that a cloud had covered the fat and the lean, so this would interchange
us, lucid, dense, solid, and polished, as if a dia- the leaves in its volume. If the first were the
mond which the sun had struck. Within itself case, it would be manifest in the eclipses of

the eternal pearl had received us, even as water the sun, by the shining through of the light,

receives a ray of light, remaining undivided. If as when it is poured upon any other rare
I was body (and here it is not conceivable how body.
one dimension brooked another, which needs 82. "This is not so; therefore we must look
must be if body enter body), the desire ought at the other supposition, and if it happen that I

the more to kindle us to see that Essence, in quash this, thy opinion will be proved false. If

which is seen how our nature and God were it be that this rarity docs not pass through,
united. There will be seen that which we hold there must needs be a limit, beyond which its

by faith, not demonstrated, but it will be contrary allows it not to pass farther; and
known of itself like the first truth which man thence the ray from another body is thrown
believes. back, just as color returns through a glass

devoutly, to the ut-

which hides lead behind itself. Now thou wilt
46. 1 replied: "My Lady,
most that I can, do I thank Him who has re- say that the ray shows itself dimmer there than

moved me from the mortal world. But in the other parts, because it is reflected there
tell me,
what marks of from farther back. From this objection experi-
are the dusky body, which
there below on earth make people fable about ment, which is wont to be the fountain to the
Cain?" streams of your arts, may deliver thee, if ever
thou try it. Thou shalt take three mirrors, and
52. She smiled a little, and then she said to
me: "If the opinion of mortals errs where settwo of them at an equal distance from thee,
the key of sense does not unlock, surely the and let the other, more remote, meet thine eyes
shafts of wonder ought not to pierce thee between the first two. Turning toward them,
now, since thou seest that the reason follow- cause a light to be placed behind thy back,

ing the senses has short wings. But tell me which may shine upon the three mirrors, and
what thou thyself thinkest of it." And I: return to thee reflected fromall.
Although the
"That which up here appears to us diverse, more image may not reach thee so great

I believe is caused by bodies rare and in quantity, thou wilt there see how it must

dense." needs be of equal brightness with the others.

61. And she: "Surely thou shalt see that thy 1 06. "Now, as beneath the blows of the

belief is quite submerged in error, if thou lis-

warm rays that which lies under the snow re-
ten well to the argument that I shall make mains bare both of the former color and the
cold, thee, thus remaining in thy intellect, will
Cf. Paradise, i. 105.
2 I inform with light so living that it shall trem-
The bolt for a cross-bow.
See Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part III, Suppl., ble in its
aspect to thee.
Q 85,
A 2.
Fancying the dark spaces on the surface of the "The heaven of the fixed stars.
moon to represent Cain carrying a thorn-bush for the See Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I-II, Q 9,
fire of his sacrifice. A i.
"Within the heaven of the divine peace
112. not so deep that their bed be lost, the linea-
revolves a body, in whose virtue lies the being ments of our faces return so faintly, that a
of all that it contains. The following heaven, pearl on a white brow comes not less readily
which has so many sights, distributes that be- to our eyes, such I saw
many faces eager to
ing through divers essences distinct from it, speak; wherefore I ran into the contrary error
and contained by it. The other circles, by vari- to that which kindled love between the man

ous differences, dispose the distinctions which and the fountain. At once, as soon as I was
they have within themselves unto their ends aware of them, supposing them mirrored faces,
and their sowings. These organs of the world I turned round
my eyes to see of whom they
thus proceed, as thou now seest, from grade to were, and saw nothing; and I turned them for-
grade; for they receive from above, and oper- ward again, straight into the light of my sweet
ate below. guide who, with a smile, was glowing in her
124. "Observe me well, how I advance holy eyes. "Do not wonder that I smile," she
through this place to the truth which thou de- said to me, "at thy childish thought, since thy
sirest, so that hereafter thou mayst know to foot does not trust itself yet upon the truth,

keep the ford alone. The motion and the vir- but turns thee, as it is wont, to emptiness.
tue of the holy spheres must needs be inspired These which thou seest are real substances/

by blessed motors, as the work of the hammer relegated here for failure in their vows. There-
by the smith.And the heaven, which so many fore speak with them, and hear, and believe;

lightsmake beautiful, takes its image from the for the veracious light which satisfies them

deep mind which revolves it, and makes there- does not allow them to turn their feet from it-

of a seal. And
as the soul within your dust is self."

diffused through different members, and con- 34. And I directed myself to the shade that
formed to divers potencies, so does the Intelli- seemed most eager to speak, and I began, like
its goodness multiplied through a man whom an excessive desire confuses: "O
gence display
the stars, itself circling upon its own unity. well-created spirit, who in the rays of life
Divers virtue makes divers alloy with the pre- eternal art tasting the sweetness, which if not
it quickens, wherein it is bound, tasted is never understood, it will be gracious
cious body that
even as life in you. Because of the glad nature tome, if thou content me with thy name, and
whence it flows, the mingled virtue shines with your lot." Whereon she promptly, and
through the body, as gladness through the liv- with smiling eyes: "Our charity does not lock
ing pupil. From this comes what seems differ- its door to a just wish, any more than that
ent between light and light, not from density which wills that all its court be like itself. In
I was a
and rarity; this is the formal principle which the world virgin Sister, and if thy
produces, conformably with its own goodness, memory look back well, my being more beau-
the dark and the bright." tiful will not conceal me from thee; but thou
wilt recognize that I am Piccarda, who, placed
here with these other blessed ones, blessed am
CANTO III in the slowest sphere. Our affections, which
THAT sun which first had heated my breast are inflamed only in the pleasure of the Holy
with love had uncovered to me, proving and Spirit,rejoice in being formed according

disproving, the sweet aspect of fair truth; and to His order; and this lot, which appears
I, to confess myself corrected and assured, so so far down, is given to us, because our
far as was needful raised head more erect
my vows were neglected and void in some par-
to speak. But a sight appeared which held me ticular."

so fast to itself, to look on it, that I did not be- 58. Whereon I to her: "In your marvellous
think me of my confession. aspects there shines I know not what divine
10. As through transparent and
polished Narcissus.

glasses, or through clear and tranquil waters,

See Aquinas, Siimma Theologica, Part I, Q 3, A 5.
The sisterof Corso and Forese Donati; see Purga-
Angels, which are called Intelligences. tory, xxiv. 10-15. She was a nun, of the order of
Cf. xxviii. 78. St. Clare.
which transmutes you from our former con- good, dragged me forth from the sweet clois-
ceptions; therefore I was not swift in remem- ter; and God knows what then my life became.
bering; but now that which thou sayest to me

109. "And this other splendor, which shows

assists me, so that to reshape is easier to me. itself to thee at my right side, and which is en-

But tell me, ye who are happy here, do ye de- kindled with all the light of our sphere, under-
sire a more exalted place, in order to see more, stands of herself that which I say of me. She

or to make for yourselves more friends?" was a Sister; and from her head in like manner
67. With those other shades she first smiled the shadow of the sacred veil was taken. But
a little, then answered me so glad, that she after she too was returned unto the world,

seemed to burn in the first fire of love: "Broth- against her liking and against good usage, she
er, virtue of charity quiets our will, and makes was never loosed from the veil of the heart.
us wish only for that which we have, and This isthe light of the great Constance, who

quickens not our thirst for aught else. If we from the second wind of Swabia conceived the
desired to be more on high, our desires would third and the last power."
be discordant with the will of Him who as- Thus she spoke to me, and then began

signs us here, which thou wilt see is not pos- singing "Ave Maria," and singing vanished, as
sible in these circles, if to exist in charity is here through deep water some heavy thing. My
of necessity, and if thou dost well consider its sight, that followed her so far as was possible,
nature. Nay, it is the essence of this blessed after it lost her, turned to the mark of greater
existence to hold itself within the divine will, and wholly reverted to Beatrice; but she

whereby our wills themselves are made one. So so flashedupon my gaze that at first my sight
that as we are, from seat to seat throughout endured it not: and this made me more slow in
this realm, to all the realm is
pleasing, as to questioning.
the King who His will; and
inwills us with
His will is our peace; it is that sea whereunto CANTO IV
everything is moving which It creates and BLTWLEN two viands, distant and attractive
which nature makes." in equal measure, a free man would die of
88. Then was it clear to me, how everywhere hunger, before he would bring one of them to
in Heaven is Paradise, even if the grace of the his teeth. Thus a lamb would stand between

Supreme Good does not there rain down in two ravenings of fierce wolves, fearing both
one measure. alike; thus would stand a dog between two

91. But as it
happens, if one food sates, and does. Wherefore if, urged in equal measure by
for another the appetite I was silent, I do not blame
remains, that this
still my doubts, myself;
is asked for, and thanks returned for that; even nor, since it was necessary, do I commend.
thus did I, with act and with word, to learn 10. 1 was silent, but my desire was depicted

from her, what was the web wherein she had on my face, and my questioning with that far
not drawn the shuttle to the end. "Perfect life more fervent than by distinct speech. Beatrice
2 4
and high desert enheaven a lady higher up," did what Daniel did, when he lifted Nebu-
she said to me, "according to whose rule, in chadnezzar from anger, which had made him
your world below, there are who vest and veil unjustly cruel, and she said: "I see well how
themselves, in order that, even till death, they one and another desire draws thee, so that thy
may wake and sleep with that Spouse ac- Who care so binds itself that it breathes not forth.

cepts every vow which love conforms unto His Thou reasonest: 'If the good will endure, by
pleasure. A
young girl, I fled from the world what reckoning does the violence of others les-
to follow her, and in her garb I enclosed my- sen for me the measure of desert?' Further,
self,and pledged me to the pathway of her that the souls appear to return to the stars, in
Order. Afterward men, more used to ill than accordance with the opinion of Plato, gives
'Cf. Hell, vi. 43-45.
'Chiara Sciffi (St. Clare), the friend of St. Francis, Constance, daughter of Roger II of Sicily; mar-

who, in 12 1 2, established under his direction a re- ried, in 1 1 Emperor, Henry VI, the second
86, to the
ligious order for virgins, of extreme austerity. The of the three great Swabian emperors.
order bore her name. Ct. Daniel, u. 1-45.
thee occasion for doubt. These are the ques- these souls were not by reason of that excused;
tions that thrust equally upon thy wish; and for will, unless it wills, is not quenched, but
therefore I will treat first of that which has the does as nature does in fire, though violence a
most venom. thousand times may wrest it; because if it bend
28. "Of the Seraphim he who is most in much or little, it follows the force; and thus
God, Moses, Samuel, and whichever John thou did these, when they had power to return to
wilt take, I say even Mary, have not their seats the holy place. If their will had been
in another heaven than those spirits who just such as held Lawrence on the gridiron, and
now appeared to thee, nor have they more made Mucius severe to his own hand, it would
or fewer years for their existence; but all make have urged them back, so soon as they were
the first circle beautiful, yet have sweet life di- loosed, along the road on which they had been

versely, through feeling more or less the eter- dragged; but will so firm is too rare. And by
nal breath. These showed themselves here, not these words, if thou hast
gathered them up as
because this sphere is allotted to them, but to thou shouldst, is the argument quashed which
afford sign of the celestial grade which is least would have given thee annoy yet many times.
exalted. It is needful to speak thus to your wit, 91. "But now
another pass runs traverse be-
since only through objects of sense does it ap- fore thine such that by thyself thou
prehend that which it afterward makes worthy wouldst not issue from it ere thou wert weary.
of the intellect.For this the Scripture conde- I have
put it in thy mind for certain, that a
scends to your capacity, and attributes feet and soul in bliss cannot lie, since it is
always near
hands God, and means otherwise; and Holy
to to the Primal Truth; and then thou mightst
Church represents to you Gabriel and Michael hear from Piccarda that Constance retained af-
with human aspect, and the other who made fection for the veil; so that she seems in this to
Tobias whole again/ contradict me. Many a time ere now, brother,
49. "That which Timaeus argues of the has happened that, in order to escape peril,

souls is not like this which is seen here, since that which it was not meet to do has been done
it seems that he thinks as he says. He says that against one's liking; even as Alcmseon (who,
the soul returns to own star, believing it to
its thereto entreated by his father, slew his own
have been severed thence, when nature gave it mother), not to lose piety, pitiless became. On
for form. But perhaps his opinion is of other this point, I wish thee to think that the force

guise than his words sound, and may be of a mingles itself with the will, and they so act

meaning not to be derided. If he means that that the offences cannot be excused. Will ab-
the honor of their influence and the blame re- solute does not consent to the wrong; but it

turn to these wheels, perhaps his bow hits some consents in so far thereto, as it fears, if it draw
truth. This principle, ill understood, formerly back, to fall into greater trouble. Therefore
turned awry almost the whole world, so that when Piccarda says this, she means it of the
it ran
astray in naming Jove, Mercury, and absolute will; and I of the other: so that we
Mars. both speak truth together."
64. "The other dubitation which disturbs 115. Such was the rippling of the holy
thee has lessvenom, for its malice could not stream which issued from the fount whence
lead thee from me elsewhere. That our justice every truth flows forth; and such it set at rest
seems unjust in the eyes of mortals is
argu- one and the other desire.
ment of faith,
and not of heretical iniquity. 1 1 8. "O beloved of the First Lover, divine O
But because your intelligence can well pene- one," said I then, "whose
speech overflows me
trate to this truth, I will make thee content, as and warms, so that it
quickens me more and
thou desirest. If it be violence when he who more, my affection is not so deep that it can
suffers contributes nothing to what forces him, suffice to render to you grace for grace, but
Cf. Plato, Timaeus, 41, 42. may He Who sees and can, respond for this.
Sec Tobit, 3. 25; 6. 1 6.
See Aquinas, Summa Theologic*, Part I, Q 76, 'St. Lawrence, martyred thus A. D. 258.
A i.
See Dante, Convito, iv. 5, 107-118.
//., Part III, Q 7, A 3.
See Purgatory, xii. 49-51.
I clearly see that our intellect is never satisfied compensation? thou think to make good use

unless the Truth illume it, beyond which noth- of that which thou hast
offered, thou wishest
a wild to do good work with ill-gotten
ing true extends. In that it reposes, as gain.
beast in his lair, so soon as it has reached it: 34. "Thou art now assured as to the greater
and it can reach it; otherwise every desire point; but since Holy Church in
this grants

would be in vain. Because of this, doubt dispensation, which seems contrary

to the truth

up like a shoot, at the foot of the truth; that I have disclosed to thee, it behoves thee
and it is nature which urges us to the summit sail to sit a little at table, because the
from height to height. This invites me, this food which thou hast taken requires still some
gives me
assurance, Lady, with reverence to aid for thy digestion. thy mind to that
question you of another truth which is obscure
which I reveal to thee, and shut it there within;
to me. I wish to know if man can so make sat- for to have heard without
retaining does not
isfaction to you for defective vows with other make knowledge.
goods, that in your scales they may not be 43. "Two things combine in the essence of
this sacrifice; the one is that in respect to which

139. Beatrice looked at me with eyes so di- it is made, the other is the covenant. This last

vine, full of the sparks of love, that my power, is never cancelled

if not kept; and
vanquished, turned its back, and I almost lost thiswas my preceding speech so precise. There-
fore it was only imperative on the Hebrews to
myself with eyes cast down.
make offering, while the special thing offered
CANTO V might be changed, as thou shouldst know.

"!F I flame upon thee in the heat of love, be- The other, which is known to thee as the mat-
yond the measure that is seen on earth, so that ter, may indeed be such that there is no fault

I vanquish the valor of thine eyes, marvel not, if it be

exchanged for some other matter. But
for it
proceeds from perfect vision, which, ac- let not any one shift the load
upon his shoulder
cording as it apprehends, so does it move its at his own will, without the turning both of
foot to the apprehended good. I see clearly how the white And let him
and of the yellow key.
already in thy intellect is shining the eternal deem every permutation foolish, if the thing
which, only seen, always enkindles love;
light, laid down be not contained in that which is
and any other thing seduce your love, it is
if taken up, as four in Therefore, whatever

naught but some vestige of that light, ill-recog- thing weighs so much, through its own worth,
nized, which therein shines through. Thou that it can drag down every balance, cannot be
wishest to know if for an unfulfilled vow so made good with other spending.
much can be paid with other service as may se- 64. "Let not mortals take a vow as a trifle:

cure the soul from suit." be faithful, and not awry in so doing, as Jeph-
1 6. So Beatrice began this chant, and as one thah was in his first offering; to whom it
who breaks not off his speech, she thus con- rather behoved to say: 'I have done ill,' than,
tinued her holy discourse: "The greatest gift by keeping his vow, to do worse. And thou
which God in His bounty bestowed in creat- mayst find the great leader of the Greeks in
ing, and the most conformed to His own good- like manner foolish; wherefore Iphigenia wept

ness, and that which He prizes the most, was for her fair face, and made weep for her both
the freedom of the will, with which the crea- the simple and the wise, who heard tell of such
tures that have intelligence, they all and they like observance. Be ye, Christians, more grave

alone, were and are endowed. Now, if thou in moving; be not like a feather to every wind,

argue from this, the high worth of the vow and think not that every water may wash you.
will appear to thee, if it be such that God con- See Leviticus, 27, in respect to commutation al-
sent when thou consentest; for, in closing the 'See Purgatory, ix. 118-126.
compact between God and man, victim is
Cf. Leviticus, 27.
made of this treasure, such as I and made See Judges, u. 30-39.
say, fl

Cf. Shakespeare's King John, in. 1.270-73.

by its own act. What then can be rendered in T
See Lucretius, Nature of Things, i. 8jif ; Aeneid, ii.

*Scc Canto iv. 124-126. Ii6ff.

Ye have Old and the New Testament, and
the thine eyes, because they sparkle as thou smil-
the Shepherd of the Church who guides you; est; but I know not who thou art, nor why, O
let this sufficeyou for your salvation. If evil worthy soul, thou hast the grade of the sphere
covetousness cry aught else to you, be ye men, which is veiled to mortals by another's rays."
and not silly sheep, so that the Jew among you 130. This I said, addressed to the light which
may not laugh at you. Do not ye as the lamb, first had
spoken to me; whereon it became far
which leaves its mother's milk, and, simple and more lucent than it had been. Even as the sun,
wanton, at its own pleasure combats with it- which, when the heat has consumed the tem-
self." pering of the dense vapors, conceals itself by ex-
85. Thus Beatrice to me, even as I write; cess of light, so, by reason of more
joy, did the
then all desirefui turned again to that region holy shape hide itself from me within its own
where the world is most alive. Her silence and radiance, and thus close enclosed, it answered
her changed look imposed silence on my eager me in the fashion which the following canto
mind, which already had new questions in ad- sings.
vance. And as an arrow that hits the mark be-
fore the bowstring is
quiet, so we ran into the CANTO VI
second realm. Here saw my lady
so joyous as
I "AFTER Constantine turned the Eagle coun-
she entered into the light of that heaven, that ter to the course of the heavens which it had
the planet itself became the brighter for it. And followed behind the ancient* who took to wife
if the star was changed and smiled, what did Lavinia, a hundred and a hundred years and
I become, who even by my nature am trans- more the bird of God held itself on the verge
mutable in every wise! of Europe, near to the mountains from which
As in a fishpond, which is still and clear,
100. it first came forth, and there it
governed the
the fishdraw to that which comes in such man- world beneath the shadow of its sacred wings,
ner from without that they deem it their food, from hand to hand, and thus changing, de-
so I saw full more than a thousand splendors scended unto mine. Cssar I was, and am Jus-
drawing toward us, and in each was heard: tinian, who, by will of the primal Love which

"Lo, one who shall increase our loves!" And I feel, drew out from
among the laws the su-
as each one came to us, the shade was seen full perfluous and the vain. And before I was in-
of joy by the bright effulgence that issued from tent on this work, I believed one nature to be
it. in Christ, not more, and with such faith was I

109. Think, Reader, if that which is here be- content; but the blessed Agapetus, who was
gun should not proceed, how thou wouldst the supreme pastor, directed me to the pure
have a grievous craving to know more; and by faith with his words. I believed him; and that

thyself thou wilt see what my desire was to which was in his faith I now see clearly, even
hear from these of their conditions, soon as as thou seest that every contradiction is both
false and true. Soon as with the Church I
they became manifest to mine eyes.
115. "O well-born, to whom Grace concedes moved my feet, it pleased God, through grace,
to see the thrones of the eternal triumph ere to inspire me with this high task, and I
the warfare abandoned, with the light which
is myself wholly to it. And arms
I entrusted my
spreads through the whole heaven we are en- to
my Belisarius, with whom the right hand of

kindled, and therefore if thou desirest to en- Heaven was so conjoined that it was a sign
lighten thyself by means of us, sate thyself at that I should rest me.

thy pleasure." Thus was it said to me by one 28. "Now here to the first question my an-
of those pious spirits; and by Beatrice: "Speak, swer comes to the stop; but its condition con-

speak securely, and trust even as to gods."' "I strains me to add a sequel to it, in order that
see clearly, how thou dost nest thyself in thine thou mayst see with how much reason he
own light, and that thou drawest it through moves against the sacrosanct ensign, who ap-
propriates it to himself, and he too who op-
*Thc Heaven of Mercury.
"See Aquinas, Summa Thcologica, Part III, Q 16,
A i. Agapetus was Pope, 535"536.

poses himself to it. See how great virtue has Cassius howls in Hell; and it made Modena
made worthy of reverence."
it And he began and Perugia woful. Because of it the sad Cleo-
from the hour when Pallas died to give it a patra weeping, who, fleeing before it,
is still

kingdom. took from the asp sudden and black death.

37. "Thou knowest that it made

its abode in With him it ran far as the Red Sea shore; with
Alba for three hundred years and more, till at him it set the world in such peace that his
8 8
the end when the three against the three temple was locked up on Janus.
fought for it still. And thou knowest what it "But what the ensign which makes me

did, from the wrong of the Sabine women speak had done before, and after was to do,
down to the woe of Lucretia, in seven kings, through the mortal realm which is subject to
conquering the neighboring peoples round it, becomes in appearance little and obscure, if

about. Thou knowest what it did when borne it be looked on in the hand of the third Caesar"

by the illustrious Romans against Brennus, a- with clear eye and with pure affection; for the
gainst Pyrrhus, and against the other princes Living Justice which inspires me granted to it,
and confederates; whereby Torquatus, and in the hand of him of whom I speak, the glory

Quinctius who was named from his neglected of doing vengeance for Its own wrath. Now
locks, the Decii and the Fabii acquired the marvel here at that which I unfold to thee: aft-
fame which willingly I embalm. It struck to erward with Titus it
sped to do vengeance for
4 10
earth the pride of the Arabs, who, following the vengeance of the ancient sin.

Hannibal, passed the Alpine rocks from which 94. "And when the Lombard tooth bit the
thou, Po, dost glide. Under it, in their youth, Holy Church, under its
wings Charlemagne,
Scipioand Pompey triumphed, and to that hill conquering, succored her.
beneath which thou wast born, it seemed bit- 97. "Now canst thou judge of such as those
ter.' whom I accused above, and of their misdeeds,
55." Afterward, near the time when all Heav- which are the cause of all your ills. To the pub-
en willed to bring the world to its own serene lic ensign one opposes the yellow lilies, and the
mood, Caesar, by the will of Rome, took it; and other appropriates it to a party, so that it is

what it did from the Var even to the Rhine, the hard to see which is most at fault. Let the
Isere beheld, and the Saone, and the Seine be- Ghibellines practise, let them practise their art

held, and every valley whence the Rhone is under another ensign, for this one he ever fol-

filled. That which it did after it came forth lows ill who parts justice and And let
it. not
from Ravenna, and leaped the Rubicon, was this new Charles strike it down with his
of such flight that neither tongue nor pen Guelfs, but let him fear the talons, which have
could follow it. Toward Spain it wheeled its stripped the fell from a loftier lion. Many a
troop; then toward Durazzo, and smote Phar- time ere now the sons have wept for the sin
salia so that to the warm Nile the pain was of the father; and let him not believe that for

felt. It saw again Antandros and the Simois, his lilies God
change His arms.
whence it had set forth, and there where Hec- 112. star is adorned with good
"This little
tor lies; and ill for Ptolemy then it shook it- spirits who have been active in order that hon-
self. Thence it swooped flashing down on Juba; or and fame may follow them. And when the
then wheeled again unto your west, where it desires thus deviating mount thitherward, the
heard the Pompeian trumpet. Of what it did rays of the true love must needs mount upward
with its next standard-bearer, Brutus with less living. But in the equal measure of our

The Ghibelline and the Guelf, respectively.
wages with our desert is part of our joy, be-
See Aeneid, xii. 940-50. cause we see them neither less nor greater.
'The Horatii and Cunatii. Hereby the Living Justice makes our affection
In Dante's time the territory of Carthage was
held by the Arabs. 8
The doors of the temple of Janus were closed only
'According to an old tradition, Fiesole, which lies in time of peace.
on a hill overlooking Florence, had been the head- 9
quarters of Catiline's army, and was destroyed by the Cf. Purgatory, xxi. 82-84.
Romans after his defeat and death. 11
Charles II, King of Naples, son of Charles of
6 T
See Aeneid, iii. 5. Augustus. Anjou.
o sweet within us, that it can never be bent thee thinking; but I will quickly loose thy
side to any iniquity. Divers voices make sweet mind: and do thou listen, for words will
iclodies; thus in our life divers seats render make thee the gift of a great doctrine.
weet harmony among these wheels. 25. "By not enduring a curb for his own
127. "And within the present pearl shines good upon the power which wills, that man
he light of Romeo, whose beautiful and great who was not born, damning himself, damned
york was ill
requited. But the Provencals allhis offspring; wherefore the human race
yho wrought against him have not the laugh; sick down there for many centuries, in
nd forsooth he goes an ill road who makes error, until it pleased the Word of God to de-
tarm for himself of another's good deed. Four scend where He, by the sole act of His eternal
laughters, and each a queen, had Raymond love, united with Himself in person the nature

terenger, and Romeo, a humble person and a which had estranged itself from its Maker.
>ilgrim, did this for him. And then crooked 34. "Now
turn thy sight to that which now
vords moved him to demand a reckoning of I say: This nature, thus united with its Maker,

his justman, who had rendered to him seven was pure and good such as it was created; but
nd five for ten. Thereon he departed, poor by itself it had been banished from Paradise,
nd old, and if the world but knew the heart because it turned aside from the way of truth
tehad, while begging his livelihood bit by bit, and from its own life. The penalty therefore
nuch as it lauds him it would laud him more." which the cross afforded, if it be measured
the nature assumed, none ever so justly
stung; and, so, none was ever of such great
"Osanna sanctus Deus Sabaoth, superillus- wrong, if we regard the Person who suffered,
rans claritate tua jdices ignes homm mala- in whom this nature was contracted. There-
'hoth!"* thus, revolving to its own melody, fore from one act issued things diverse; for one
hat substance, upon which a double light is death was pleasing to God and to the Jews: at
winned, was seen by me to sing; and it and it the earth trembled and the heaven was

he others moved in their dance, and like swift- opened. Henceforth it

ought no longer to seem
st sparks veiled themselves to me with sudden
difficult to thee, when it is said that a just
listance. I was in doubt, and was saying: "Tell vengeance was afterward avenged by a just
icr, tell her," within myself, "tell her," I court.
vas saying, "my Lady, who slakes my thirst 52. "But I see now thy mind bound up, from
vith her sweet distillings"; but that reverence thought to thought, within a knot, the loosing
vhich is wholly mistress of me, only by BE of which is awaited with great desire. Thou
ind by ICE, bowed me again like one who sayest: 'Idiscern clearly that which I hear; but
Irowses. why God willed only this mode for our re-
1 6. Short while did Beatrice suffer me thus, demption is hidden from me/ This decree,
ind she began, irradiating me with a smile brother, lies buried to the eyes of every one
uch as would make a man in the fire happy: whose wit is not matured in the flame of love.

'According to my infallible advisement, how a Yet, inasmuch as on this mark there is much
ust vengeance could be justly avenged has set gazing, and little is discerned, I will tell why
such mode was the most worthy.
Romeo, a pilgrim to Rome, came to the court of "The Divine Goodness, which from It-
laymond Berengcr IV, Count of Provence (who died
n 1245), and winning the count's favor, served him self spurns all envy, burning in Itself so spar-
vith such wisdom and fidelity that by his means his kles that It displays the eternal beauties. That
naster's revenues were greatly increased, and his four
which distils immediately from It, thereafter
laughters married to four kings. The Provencal nobles,
ealous of Romeo, procured his dismissal, and he de- has no end, for when It seals Its imprint can
parted, with his mule and his pilgrim's staff and never be removed. That which rains down im-
crip, and was never seen again.
"Hosanna' Holy God of Sabaoth, illuminating mediately from It is wholly free, because it is
Torn above with thy brightness the blessed fires of not subject to the power of the new things. It
these realms."
is the most conformed to and therefore
"See Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I, 3, A 5. Q
Sec Canto v. pleases It the most; for the Holy Ardor which
irradiates everything is most living in what is 'I and the
see the water, I see the fire, the air,

most like Itself. earth, and all their mixtures come to corrup-

76. "With all these things the human crea- tion, and endure short while, and yet these
ture is advantaged, and if one fail, he needs things were created things'; so that, if what I
must fall from his nobility. Sin alone is that have said has been true, they ought to be se-
which disfranchises him, and makes him un- cure against corruption. The Angels, brother,
like the Supreme Good, so that he is little il- and the pure country in which thou art, may
lumined by Its light; and to his dignity he be called created, just as they are, in their en-
never returns, unless, where fault empties, he tire being; but the elements which thou hast

up with just penalties against evil delight.

fill named, and those things which are made of
Your nature, when it sinned totally in its seed, them, are informed by a created virtue. The
was removed from these dignities, even as matter of which they consist was created; the
from Paradise; nor could it recover them, if informing virtue in these which go round stars

thou considerest full subtly, by any way, with- about them was created. mo- The ray and the
out passing by one of these fords: either that tion of the holy lights draw out from its poten-

God, solely by His courtesy, should have re- tiate elements the soul of every brute and of

mitted; or that man by himself should have the plants; but the Supreme Benignity inspires
made satisfaction for his folly. your life without intermediary, and enamors it
94. "Fix now thine eye within the abyss of of Itself so that ever after it desires It. And
the eternal counsel, as closely fastened on my hence thou further canst infer your resurrec-
words as thou art able. Man within his own tion, if thou reflect how the human flesh was
limits could never make satisfaction, through made when the first parents were both made."
not being able to descend in humility, by sub-

sequent obedience, so far as in his disobedience

he had intended to ascend; and this is the rea- THE world in its peril was wont to believe
son why man was shut of? from power to make that the beautiful Cyprian revolving in the
third epicycle rayed out mad love; wherefore
satisfaction by himself. Therefore it was need-
ful for God with His own ways to restore man the ancient people in their ancient error not
to his perfect life I mean with one way, or only unto her did honor with sacrifice and
else with both. But because the deed of the with votive cry, but they honored Dione also
doer is so much prized, the more it
the more and Cupid, the one as her mother, the other as
displays of the goodness of the heart whence it
her son, and they said that he had sat in Dido's

issues, the Divine Goodness which sets its im- lap;' and from her, from whom I take my be-

press on the world was contentto proceed by ginning, they took the name of the star which
all Its ways you up again; nor between
to lift the sun woos, now behind her now before. I

the last night and the first day has there been was not aware of the ascent to it; but of being
or will there be so exalted and so magnificent init, my Lady gave me full assurance, whom I
a procedure either by the one way or by the saw become more beautiful.
other. For God was more bounteous in giving 1 6. And as a spark is seen within a flame,
Himself to make man sufficient to uplift him- and as within a voice a voice is
self, than if He only of Himself had remitted; when one is steady and the other goes and re-
and all the other modes were scanty in respect turns, I saw within that light other lamps mov-
to justice, if the Son of God had not humbled ing in a circle, speeding more or less, according
Himself to become incarnate. to the measure, I believe, of their eternal vision.
121. "Now to fulfil for thee every desire, I re- From a cold cloud winds, whether visible or
turn to a certain place to make it clear, in order not, never descended so swiftly, that they
that there thou mayst see as I do. Thou sayest:
would not seem impeded and slow to him who
had seen these divine lights coming to us, leav-
*Cf. Canto v. 19-24. See line 67, supra.
'See Ecclesiastes, 7. 25. Venus, who was born in Cyprus.
8 e
See Psalms, 25. 10. Cf. Aquinas, Summa Theo- Sce Acncid. 657^., 715!?.

logica, Part I, Q 21, A 2.

Cf . Aristotle, Mctcot ology, iii. i .
ing the circling begun first in the exalted Sera- into the sea. Already was shining on my brow
phim. And within those who appeared most the crown of that land which the Danube wa-
in front was sounding Hosanna, in such ters after it abandons German
banks; and

wise that never since have I been without de- the fair Trinacria"(which between Pachynus
sire of hearing it
again. and Pelorus, on the gulf which receives great-
3 1. Then one drew nearer to us, and alone est annoy from Eurus, is darkened, not
began: "We all are ready at thy pleasure, that Typhceus but by nascent sulphur) would be
thou mayst have joy of us. With one circle, still
awaiting its
kings sprung through me
with one circling, and with one thirst, we re- from Charles and Rudolph," if evil rule,
volve with the celestial Princes, to whom thou which always embitters the subject people, had
in the world once didst say: Ye whose intelli- not moved Palermo to shout: 'Die! Die!'

gence moves the third heaven? and we are so 76. "And if my brother had forenoted this,"
fullof love that, in order to please thee, a little he would ere now be flying from the greedy

quiet will not be less sweet to us." poverty of Catalonia, in order that it might not
my eyes had offered themselves
40. After
do him harm: for truly it is needful for him
or for some other to provide, so that on his
reverently to my Lady, and she had made them
of herself contented and assured, they turned laden bark more load be not put. His own na-

again to the light which had promised so ture, which descended niggardly from a liberal

much; and: "Say who ye are," was my utter- one, would have need of such a soldiery as
ance, imprinted with great affection. Ah! how should not care for putting into a chest."
much greater in quantity and quality did I see 85. "Because I believe that the deep joy
it become, through the new gladness which which thy speech, my lord, infuses in me, is
was added to its gladnesses when I spoke! seen by thee there where every good has end

49. Thus become, it said to me: "The world

and has beginning, even as I see it, it is the
held me below but short while; and had it been more grateful to me; and this also I hold dear,
that thou discernest it, gazing upon God. Thou
longer much evil had not been which will be-
fall. My joy, which rays around me, holds me hast made me glad; and so now do thou make
concealed from thee, and hides me like a crea- clear to me (since in speaking thou has moved
ture swathed in its own silk. Much didst thou me to doubt) how from sweet seed can issue
love me, and hadst good reason why; for had I bitterness."

stayed below I had shown thee of my love T

The mother of Charles Martel was sister of Ladis-
more than the leaves. That left bank which is laus IV, king of Hungary. He died without offspring,
bathed by the Rhone, after it has mingled with and Charles II claimed the kingdom by right of his
the Sorgue, awaited me in due time for its 8
the gulf darkened by sulphurous fumes is
4 5 Sicily;
lord; horn of Ausonia which
as well as that the Bay of Calabria, which, lying between Cape
has for suburbs Bari, and Gaeta, and Catona, Pachynus, the extreme southeastern point of the island,
and Cape Pelorus, the extreme northeastern, is ex-
from where the Tronto and the Verde disgorge posed to the full violence of Eurus, or the east wind.
Clouds of smoke from ^itna sometimes darken it. The
The first verse of the first canzone of Dante's eruptions of ^Etna were ascribed by Ovid to the strug-
Convlto, gles of Typhceus, one of the Giants who make war
lt is Charles Martel, eldest son of Charles II of upon the Gods, and who, being overthrown by Zeus,
Naples, who speaks. He died in 1295, predeceasing his was buried under Mount ^Etna.

father. From his father, Charles II, or his grandfather,

On the death of Charles II in 1309, the
kingdom of Charles of Anjou, and from the Emperor Rudolph of
Naples, to which Martel would have succeeded, was Hapsburg, his wife's father.
secured by his brother Robert, who brought many ills "By which began at Palermo in
the insurrection
upon the country. See lines 76-84, tnjra. 1282 famous Sicilian Vespers the French were
Charles of Anjou, grandfather of Charles Martel, driven from the island, and the rule over it of Charles
had received a part of Provence as dowry of his wife of Anjou was brought to an end. The sovereignty was
Beatrice, the youngest daughter of Raymond Berenger. conferred by the people on Peter III of Aragon, the
Cf. Canto vi. 133-136. husband of the daughter of Manfred, the illegitimate
Italy. son of the Emperor Frederick II.
a 11
Bari on the Adriatic, Gaeta on the Mediterranean, Robert, the third son of Charles II. He had been
and Catona at the toe of Italy, together with the two kept as a hostage in Catalonia from 1288 to 1295, and
rivers named, give roughly the boundaries of the king- when he became king of Naples in 1309 he introduced
dom of Naples. into his service many Catalonia officials.
if the world there below would fix attention
94. This I to him; and he to me: "If I can
make one truth plain to thee, thou wilt hold on the foundation which Nature lays, follow-
thy face toward that which thou askest, as ing that, it would have its people good. But ye
thou dost now hold thy back. The Good which wrest to religion one who shall have been born
revolves and contents all the realm that thou to gird on the sword, and ye make a king of
art ascending, makes its foresight to be a power one who is for preaching; so that your track is

in these great bodies. And not only are the na- outside of the road."
tures foreseen in the Mind which by itself is

but they together with their well-being.

Wherefore whatsoever this bow shoots falls
AFTER thy Charles, O beautiful Clemence,

disposed to its foreseen end, even as a thing di-

rected to its aim. Were this not so, the heaven had enlightened me, he told me of the frauds

through which thou art journeying would pro-

which his seed must experience; but he said:
duce its effects in such wise that they would "Keep silence, and let the years revolve"; so
not be works of art but ruins; and that cannot that I can say nothing, except that just lamen-
be, if which move these stars
the Intelligences tation shall follow on your wrongs.
are not defective, and defective the Prime In- 7. And now of that holy light had
the life

telligence in that it did not make them perfect.

turned again unto the Sun which fills it, as that
Dost thou wish that this truth be made still Good which suffices for every thing. Ah, souls

clearer to thee?" deceived,and creatures impious, who from

113. And I: "No, truly; because I see it to be such Good turn away your hearts, directing

impossible that Nature should weary in that your foreheads unto vanity!
which is needful." Whereupon he again: 13. And lo! another of those splendors made

"Now, say, would it be worse for man on earth towards me, and by brightening outwardly
ifhe were not a citizen?" "Yes," answered I, was signifying its will to please me. The eyes
"and here I ask not the reason." "And can he of Beatrice, which were fixed upon me, as be-

be unless he live there below diversely for

so, fore,' made me assured of dear assent to my de-
diverse duties? No; if your master writes well sire. "Pray, blessed spirit," I said, "afford

of this." Thus he came deducing far as here; speedy satisfaction to my wish, and give me
then he concluded: "Therefore the roots of proof that what I think I can reflect on thee."
your works must needs be diverse; on which Whereon the light which was still new to me,
account one is born Solon, and another Xerxes, from out its depth, wherein before it wassing-
another Melchisedech, and another he who, ing, proceeded, as one whom doing good de-

flying through the air, lost his son. The circu- lights:
lar nature, which is the seal of the mortal wax, 25. "In that part of the wicked Italian land
performs its art well, but does not distinguish which between Rialto and the founts of the
one inn from another. Hence it happens that Brenta and the Piave, rises a hill, and mounts
Esau differs in seed from Jacob, and Quirinus not very high, wherefrom a torch descended
comes from so mean a father that he is as- which made a great assault upon that district.
cribed to Mars. A begotten nature would al- From one root both I and it were born; I was
called Cunizza; and I am refulgent here be-
ways make its course like its begetters, if the
divine foresight did not overcome. cause the light of this star overcame me. But

136. "Now that which was behind thee is be- gladly do I grant myself indulgence for the oc-
fore thee, but that thou mayst know that I
have joy in thee, I will that thou cloak thyself *The daughter of Charles Martel.
'Frauds by which his son Caroberfo was deprived
with a corollary. Ever does a nature, if it find
of his rights of succession to the throne of Naples.
fortune discordant with itself, like "Sec Canto viii. 42.
every other T
See Canto viii. 28-30.
seed out of its region, come to ill result. And "The March of Treviso, lying between Venice
and the Alps.
C. Aristotle, Politics, i, 2; iii. 9; vii. 8. 'The hill on which stood the little stronghold of
* Romano, the birthplace of the tyrant Azzolino. See
Daedalus and Icarus. was
Hell, xii. 109. Cunizza his sister.
casion of and it does not trouble me;
my lot, which forever charms the heavens,
voice, then,
which perhaps would seem a hard saying to together with the song of those devout fires
your vulgar. Of this resplendent and precious which make a cowl for themselves with their
1 6
jewel of our kingdom, which is nearest to me, sixwings, why does it not satisfy my desires?
great fame has remained, and ere it die away Surely I should not wait for thy request if I in-
this hundredth year shall yet come round five theed myself, as thou thyself in-meest."
times. See man ought to make himself excel-
if 82. "The greatest valley in which the water
lent, so that the first life may leave another! spreads," began then his words, "except of
And this the present crowd, which the Taglia- that sea which garlands the earth, extends be-
mento and the Adige shut in, considers not; tween its discordant shores so far counter to
nor yet, though be scourged, does it repent.
it the sun, that it makes a meridian where first it
But it will soon come to pass that because her is wont to make the horizon. was a dweller

people are stubborn against duty, Padua at the on the shore of that valley, between the Ebro
marsh will change the water which bathes and the Macra, which, with short course, di-
Vicenza. And where the Site and the Cagnano vides the Genoese from the Tuscan. With al-
unite, one lords it, and goes with his head most the same sunset and the same sunrise sit
high, for catching whom the web is already Buggea and the city whence I was, which once
made. Feltro will yet weep the crime of its made its harbor warm with its own blood.'

impious shepherd, which will be so shameful, That people to whom my name was known
none ever entered Malta. Too
that, for a like, called meand this heaven is imprinted
large would be
the vat which should receive by me, as was by it. For the daughter of
the Ferrarese blood, and weary he who should Belus, wronging both Sichaeus and Creiisa,

weigh it ounce by ounce, which this courteous burned not more than I, so long as it befitted
priest will give to show himself of his party; my locks; nor she of Rhodope who was de- 11
and such gifts will be conformed to the living luded by Demophoon; nor Alcides when he
of the country.Above are mirrors, ye call them had enclosed Yet here we re-
lole in his heart."

Thrones, wherefrom God in judgment shines pent not, but smile; not for the fault, which
on us, so that these words seem good to us." does not return to the memory, but for the
Here she was silent, and had to me the sem- Power which ordained and foresaw. Here we
blance of being turned elsewhither by the gaze on the art which adorns so great a work,
wheel in which she set herself as she was be- and we discern the good whereby the world
fore. below turns to that above.
67. The other joy, which was already known 109. "But in order that thou mayst bear a-
to me illustrious thing, became to
as an my way all fulfilled thy wishes which have been
sight like a fine ruby whereon the sun should born in this sphere, I must needs proceed still
strike. Through joy effulgence is gained there further. Thou wouldst know who is in this
on high, even as a smile here; but below the which beside me here so sparkles, as a
shade darkens outwardly, as the mind is sad. sunbeam on clear water. Now know that there-
73. "God sees everything, and thy vision,
blessed spirit, is in Him," said I, "so that no 6
See Isaiah, 6. 2.
wish can steal itself away from thee. Thy The Mediterranean.
Between the Ebro in Spain and the Macra in Italy
Folco, or Folquet, of Marseilles, once a dissolute lies Marseilles, under almost the same meridian as
troubadour, then bishop of Toulouse. Buggea (now Bougie), on the African coast.
1 '
The Paduan Guelfs were defeated more than once, When the fleet of Cxsar defeated that of Pompcy
near Vicenza, by Can Grande, the Imperial Vicar, with its contingent from Marseilles, 49 B. c.
staining with their blood the waters of the marsh. "Dido. See Aeneid, iv. 2, 68, 101.
At Treviso, whose lord, Riccardo da Camino, was "Phyllis, daughter of the king of Thrace, hanged
assassinated in 1312. herself, believing herself deserted by Demophoon, the
An act of treachery in 1314 on the part of Alcs- son of Theseus. Rhodope was a chain of mountains
sandro Novello, Bishop and Lord of Feltre, in deliver- between Thrace and Macedonia.
u lole was the
ing up certain Ghibellme refugees from Ferrara. Some daughter of a king of Thessaly, and
of them were beheaded; others hanged. Malta was a the love of Hercules (Alcides) for her so excited the
prison. jealousy of his wife Dejancira that she brought about
'Sec Canto viii. 19-21; 34-35. his death.
within Rahab and being joined with
is at rest, point the oblique circle which bears the planets
our order it is supreme de-
sealed by her in the branches ofT, to satisfy the world which calls

gree. By shadow
this heaven, in which the that on them; and if their road were not bent, much
your world makes comes to a point, she was would be
virtue in the heavens in vain, and
taken up before any other soul of the triumph well-nigh every potency dead here below; and
of Christ. It was well befitting to leave her in if its
departure were more or less distant from
some heaven, as a palm of the high victory the straight line, much of the order of the
which was acquired with one palm and the world, both below and above, would be defec-
other, because she favored the first glory of tive.
22. Now remain, Reader, upon thy bench,
Joshua in the Holy Land, which little touches
thememory of the Pope. pursuing in thought that which is foretasted if
"Thy city, which was
127. planted by him thou wouldst be glad far sooner than weary. I
who first turned his back on Maker, and his have set before thee; henceforth feed thou thy-
whose envy has been so bewept, produces and self, for that theme whereof I have been made
scatters the accursed flower which has caused the scribe wrests all my care unto itself.

the sheep and the lambs to stray, because it has 28. The
greatest minister of nature, which
made a wolf of the shepherd. For this the Gos- imprints the world with the worth of the heav-
pel and the great Doctors are deserted,
and ens, and with his light measures the time for
there is study only of the Decretals, as is ap- us, conjoined with that region which is men-
parent by their margins. On this the Pope and tioned above, was circling through the spirals
the Cardinals are intent; their thoughts go not in which from day to day he earlier presents
to Nazareth, there where Gabriel spread his himself. And I was with him; but of the ascent
I was not aware, otherwise than is a man, be-
wings. But the Vatican, and the other chosen
fore his first thought, aware of its coming. It is
parts of Rome, which have been the burial
place for the soldiery that followed Peter, shall
Beatrice who thus conducts from good to bet-
soon be free from this adultery.'" ter, so instantaneously that her act does not
extend through time.
CANTO X 40. How lucent in itself must that have been
LOOKING upon His Son with the Love which which was apparent not by color but by light
the one and the other eternally breathe forth, within the sun where I had entered! Though I
the primal and ineffable Power made every- should call on genius, art, and use, I could not

thing which revolves through the mind or tell it so that it could ever be
imagined; but
through space with such order that he who one may believe it, and let him long to see it.
contemplates it cannot be without taste of And if our fancies are low for such loftiness, it
is no marvel, for
Him. beyond the sun there was
7. Lift then thy sight, Reader, with me to
never eye could go. Such was here the fourth
the lofty wheels, straight to that region where family of the exalted Father, who always sat-
the one motion strikes on the other; and there isfies it,
showing how He breathes forth, and
begin to gaze with delight on the art of that
how He begets. And Beatrice began: "Give
Master who within Himself so loves it that His thanks, give thanks to the Sun of the Angels,
eye never departs from it. See how from that who to this visible one has raised thee by His
See Hebrews, n. 31. Cf. Joshua, 2. 1-21; 6. 17; grace."
James, 2. 25. Heart of mortal was never so disposed to
See Joshua, 2. 6.
' devotion, and so ready, with its whole will, to
Boniface VIII, Cf. Hell, xxvii. 85-87.
See Wisdom of Solomon, 2. 24. render itself up to God, as I became at those
The lily on the florin. words; and all my love was so set on Him that
"By the removal in 1305 of the papal court to it
eclipsed Beatrice in oblivion. It did not dis-
please her; but she so smiled thereat that the
At the equinox, the sun in Aries is at the inter-
section of the ecliptic and the equator of the celestial
splendor of her smiling eyes divided upon
sphere, and his apparent movement, in his annual
revolution in the zodiac, cuts his apparent diurnal many things my mind on one.

motion, which is parallel to the equator. 64. 1 saw many living and surpassing eflful-

gences make of us a centre, and make of them- beautiful among us,* breathes from such love
selves a crown; more sweet in voice than shin- that all the world there below is
greedy to
ing in aspect. Thus girt we sometimes see the know tidings of it: within it is the lofty mind
daughter of Latona, when the air is so impreg- wherein wisdom so profound was put, that, if
nate that it holds the thread which makes her the truth be true, to see so much no second has
1 7
zone. In the court of Heaven, wherefrom I re- arisen. At
side behold the light of that

turn, are found many jewels so precious and candle which, below in the flesh, saw most in-
beautiful that they cannot be brought from the wardly the angelic nature, and ministry. In its

kingdom, and of these was the song of those the next little light smiles that advocate of the

lights. Let him who does not wing himself so Christian times, with whose discourse Augus-
that he may
up fly thither, await tidings thence tine provided himself.
from the dumb. 121. "Now
if thou leadest the
eye of the
76. After those blazing suns, thus singing, mind, following my praises, from light to
had circled three times round about us, like light,thou stayest already thirsting for the
stars near to the fixed poles, they seemed to me eighth. Therewithin, through seeing every
as ladies not released from a dance, but who good, the holy soul rejoices which makes the
stop silent, listening till they have caught the fallacious world manifest to him who hearkens
new notes. to it well. The body whence
it was chased out

82. And within one I heard begin: "Since the below

lies and from martyrdom
in Cieldauro,"

ray of grace, by which true love is kindled, and and from exile it came to this peace. Beyond,

which then in loving grows multiplied, so see flaming the glowing breath of Isidore, of

shines on thee that it conducts thee upward by Bede, and of Richard who in contemplation
that stair which, without reascending, no one was more than man. This one from whom
descends, he who should deny to thee the wine me is the light of a spirit to
thy look returns to
of his flask for thy thirst, would not be more at whom, in his grave thoughts, it seemed that

liberty than water which descends not to the death came slow. It is the eternal light of
sea. Thou wishest to know with what plants Siger, who, reading in the Street of Straw,
this garland is enflowered, which, round about syllogized invidious truths."
her, gazes with delight upon the beautiful 139. Then, as a horologe which calls us at

Lady who strengthens thee for heaven. I was of the hour when the Bride of God rises to sing
the lambs of the holy flock which Dominic
known for his compilation of extracts from the works
leads along the way where they fatten well if of the Fathers relating to the chief doctrines of the

they do not stray. This one who is nearest to

Church: the Sententiarutn libn IV. In the proem he
says that he desired, "like the poor widow" (Luke,
me on the right was my brother and master; 21. "to cast something from his penury into
8 1-4),
and he was Albert of Cologne, and I Thomas the treasury of the Lord."
of Aquino. Solomon.
Sec I Kings 3. 12.
100. "If thus of all the rest thou wouldst be
"Dionysius the Areopagite, the disciple of St. Paul
informed, come, following my speech, with (Acts, 17. 34), to whom
was ascribed a book of great
repute, written probably in the fifth or sixth century,
thy sight circling around upon the blessed On the Celestial Hierarchy.
wreath. That next flaming issues from the "Paulus Orosius, who lived in the fourth and fifth

smile of Gratian, who so aided one court and centuries, and wrote, at the request of St. Augustine,
4 his History against the Pagans.
the other that it pleases in Paradise. The next, 10
Boethius, statesman and philosopher; his work,
who at his side adorns our choir, was that Peter De Consolatione philasophiae, was held in high esteem
who, poor woman, offered his treasure
like the by Dante.
u was buried
6 Boethius, put to death in Pavia, in 525,
to Holy Church. The fifth light, which is most in the church of S. Pietro in Cielo d' Oro St. Peter';
When the air is so full of vapor that it forms a halo. of the Golden Ceiling.
Cf. Purgatory, ii. 91, 92. "Isidore, bishop of Seville, died 636; the Vener-
Albertus Magnus, styled Doctor universalts. able Bede, died 735; Richard, prior of the Monastery
Gratian, an Italian Benedictine monk of the twelfth of St. Victor, at Paris, a mystic of the twelfth century;
century, compiled the Decretttm Gratiani, composed of all eminent theologians.
texts designed to establish the agreement of the civil Siger of Brabant, who in the last half of the thir-
and canon law. teenth century, as doctor in the University of Paris,
Peter Lombard, a theologian of the twelfth century, gave instruction in the Rue du Fouarrc.
matins to her Bridegroom that he may love will speak of one, because in praising one,

her, in which the one part draws and urges the whichever be taken, both are spoken of, for to
other, sounding ting! ting! with such sweet one end were their works.
note that the well-disposed spirit swells with 43. "Between the Tupino and the water'
love, so did I see the glorious wheel move, and which descends from the hill chosen by the
render voice to voice in concord and in sweet- blessed Ubald, hangs the fertile slope of a high
ness which cannot be known save there where mountain, wherefrom Perugia at Porta Sole*
is feels cold and heat, while behind it Nocera and
joy everlasting.
Gualdo weep because of their heavy yoke.'
CANTO XI From this slope, where it most breaks its steep-
O INSENSATE care of mortals! how defective ness, a Sun rose upon the world, as this one
are those syllogisms which make thee down- sometimes does from the Ganges. Wherefore
ward beat thy wings! One was going after the let him who talks of this place not say Ascesi,

laws, and one after the aphorisms, and one fol- which were to speak short, but Orient," if he
lowing the priesthood, and one to reign by would speak properly. He was not yet very far
force or by sophisms, and one to rob, and one from his rising when he began to make the
to civic business, one, involved in pleasure of earth feel some comfort from his great virtue;
the flesh, was wearying himself, and one was for, while still a youth, he ran into strife with

giving himself to idleness, when I, loosed from his father for sake of a lady" such as to whom,
all these things, with Beatrice, up in Heaven no one unlocks the gate of pleas-
as unto death,
was thus gloriously received. ure; and before his spiritual court et coram
13. After each had returned to that point of patre* he was united to her; and thereafter
the circle at which it was at first, it
stayed still, from day to day he loved her more ardently.
as a candle in a candlestick. And within that She, deprived of her first husband, for eleven

light which first had spoken to me I heard, as hundred years and more, despised and obscure,
making itself more clear, it smiling began: even till him had remained unwooed; nor had
"Even as I am resplendent with its radiance, it availed to hear, that he, who caused fear to
so, looking into the Eternal Light, I apprehend allthe world, found her undisturbed with
whence is the occasion of thy thoughts. Thou Amyclas at the sound of his voice; nor had it
art perplexed, and hast the wish that my speech availed to have been constant and undaunted,
be explained in language so open and so full so that, where Mary remained below, she
that it may be level to thy sense, where I said mounted on the cross with Christ.

justnow: 'Where they fatten well,' and there 73. But that I may not proceed too obscurely,
where I said: 'No second has been born'; and henceforth in my diffuse speech take Francis
here is need that one distinguish well. and Poverty for these lovers. Their concord
28. "The Providence which governs the and their glad semblances made love, and won-
world with that counsel, in which every cre- der, and sweet regard to be the cause of holy
ated vision is vanquished ere it reach its depth, thoughts; so that the venerable Bernard first

in order that the Bride of Him, who with loud

cries espoused her with His blessed blood, 7
The Chiassi, which flows from the hill near Gub-
bio chosen for his hermitage by St. Ubald.
might go toward her beloved, secure in herself 8
The gate of Perugia, which fronts Monte Subasio,
and also more faithful to Him, ordained two
on which Assisi lies.
princes in her favor, who on this side and that
Little towns, southeast of Assisi, held in subjection

should be to her for guides. The one was all by Perugia.

5 So the name of Assisi was sometimes spelled, and
seraphic in ardor, the other, through wisdom, here with a play on ascesi "I rose."
6 11
was on earth a splendor of cherubic light. I As the place where this new Sun of righteousness
Of Hippocrates. u
Sec Canto x. 96. "In presence of his father."
*Cf. Canto x. 114. Christ.
4 15
Sec Matthew, 27. 46, 50. When Caesar knocked at the door of Amyclas, his
St. Francis of Assisi. voice caused no alarm, because Poverty made the
St. Dominic. fisherman secure.
1 9
bared his and ran following such great
feet, Patriarch: wherefore thou canst see that who-
peace, and, running, it seemed to him that he ever followshim as he commands loads good
was slow. O unknown riches! O fertile good! merchandise. But his flock has become so
Egidius bares his feet and Sylvester bares his greedy of strange food that it cannot but be
feet/ following the bridegroom; so pleasing is scattered over diverse meadows; and the far-
the bride. Then that father and that master ther his sheep, remote and
vagabond, go from
goes on his way with and with that
his lady, him, the more empty of milk do they return
family which the humble cord was now gird- to the fold. Some of them indeed there are who

ing. Nor did baseness of heart weigh down his fear the harm, and keep close to the
brow for being the son of Pietro Bernardone, but they are so few that little cloth furnishes
nor for appearing marvellously despised; but their cowls. Now if my words are not faint, if
royally he opened his hard intention to Inno- thy hearing has been attentive, if thou recallest

cent, and from him received the first seal for to mind that which I have said, thy wish will
his Order. be content in part, because thou wilt see the
94. "After the poor folk had increased be- plantwherefrom they are hewn, and thou wilt
hind him, whose marvellous life would be bet- see how
the wearer of the thong reasons
ter sung in the glory of the heavens, the holy 'Where they fatten well if they do not stray.' "
purpose of this archimandrite was adorned
with a second crown by the Eternal Spirit, CANTO XII

through Honorius. And after that, through SOON as the blessed flame took to speaking
thirst for martyrdom, he had preached Christ its last word the holy mill-stone began to re-
and the others who followed him, in the proud volve, and had not wholly turned in its gyra-

presence of the Sultan, and because he found tion before another enclosed it with a circle,
the people too unripe for conversion, and in or- and matched motion with motion, song with
der not to stay in vain, had returned to the song; song which in those sweet pipes as much
fruit of the Italian herbage, on the harsh rock, surpasses our Muses, our Sirens, as a primal
between the Tiber and the Arno, he received splendor that which it reflected. As two bows
from Christ the last seal, which his limbs bore parallel and like in colors are turned across a
for two years. When it pleased Him, Who had thin cloud, when Juno gives the order to her
allotted him to such great good, to draw him handmaid, the one without born of the one
up reward which he had gained in mak-
to the within (in manner of the speech of that wan-
8 11
ing himself lowly, he commended his most dering one whom love consumed, as the sun
dear lady to his brethren as to rightful heirs, does vapors), and make the people here to be
and commanded them to love her faithfully; presageful, by reason of the covenant which
and from her bosom his illustrious soul willed God established with Noah concerning the
to depart, returning to its realm, and for his world, that it shall nevermore be flooded; so
body he willed no other bier. the two garlands of those sempiternal roses
118. "Think now what he was, who was a were turning around us, and so did the outer
worthy colleague to keep the bark of Peter on correspond to the inner.
the deep sea to its right aim! And this was our 22. After the dance and the exalted great fes-

1 tivity, alike and of the flaming,

of the singing
Bernard, a wealthy citizen of Assisi, was St. Fran-
cis's first disciple. After the death of Francis he was light with light joyous and bland, had become
chosen head of the Order.
quiet together at one instant and with one will,
Egidius, the blessed Giles of Assisi, and Sylvester even as the eyes which must needs close and
were two of Francis's most devoted followers.
* lift themselves together at the pleasure that
Pope Innocent III approved the Rule of St. Francis.
In 1223, Honorius III confirmed the sanction of moves them, from the heart of one of the new
the Order.
"Francis, with some of his followers, in 1219, ac- lights there came a voice, which made me
companied the Crusaders of the Fifth Crusade to Egypt. seem as the needle to the star in turning me to
Mount Alvernia, in the Casentino.
T 9
The Stigmata. St. Dominic.
8 10
See Matthew, 18. 6, 10, 14; Mark, g. 42; Luke, 12. Iris.
32; 17- 2. The nymph Echo.
its whereabout; and it began: "The love elected to His garden to assist Him. Truly he
which makes me beautiful draws me to dis- seemed the messenger and familiar of Christ;
course of the other leader, by whom so well it for the first love that was manifest in him was

has been spoken here of mine. It is fit that for the first counsel which Christ gave. Often-

where one is the other be led in, so that as they times was he found by his nurse upon the

waged war united, so together may their glory ground silent and awake, as though he would
shine. say: 'I am come for this.' O father of him truly
"The army of Christ, which it cost so dear
Felix! O
mother of him truly Joanna, if this,
to arm afresh, was moving behind the stand- being interpreted, means as is said!
and scanty, when the 82. "Not for the world, for which men now
ard, slow, mistrustful,

Emperor who forever reigns made provision toil, following him of Ostia and Thaddeus,

for His soldiery that were in peril, of His grace but for love of the true manna, he became in
was worthy, and, as has short time a great teacher, such that he set him-
only, not because it

been His Bride with two cham-

said, succored self to go about the vineyard, which quickly

pions, by whose deeds, by whose words,

the grows white if the vinedresser be at fault; and
of the Seat, which was formerly more benign
people gone astray were brought back.
46. "In that region where the sweet Zephyr
unto the righteous poor (not by reason of itself
rises to open the new leaves wherewith Europe but by reason of him who sits there and is de-
is seen to reclothe herself, not very far from the generate), he asked not to dispense or two or
three for six, not the fortune of the vacan-
beating of the waves behind which, over their first

long course, the sun sometimes hides himself cy, non decimas, quae sunt pauperum Dei
from every man, sits the fortunate Callaroga, but leave to fight against the errant world for
under the protection of the great shield on that seed" of which four and twenty plants sur-
which the Lion is subject and subjugates. round thee. Then with doctrine and with
Therein was born the amorous lover of the will,together with the apostolic office, he went
Christian faith, the holy athlete, benignant to forth like a torrent which a lofty vein presses
his own, and harsh to his enemies; and so soon out, and on the heretical stocks his onset
as it was created, his mind was so replete with smote with most vigor there where the resist-
living virtue, that in his mother it made her a
ance was the greatest. From him proceeded

prophetess. After the espousals between him thereafter divers rills

whereby the catholic gar-
and the Faith were completed at the sacred den is watered, so that its bushes are more liv-
font, where they dowered each other with mu- ing.
tual salvation, the lady who gave the assent for was the one wheel of the char-
1 06. "If such

him saw in a dream the marvellous fruit which iot on which the Holy Church defended her-
should issue from him and from his heirs; and self and
vanquished in the field her civil strife,
in order that he might be construed as he was, surely the excellence of the other should be
a spirit went forth from here to name him very plain to thee, concerning whom Thomas
with the possessive of whose he wholly Him before my coming was so courteous. But the
was. Dominic* was he called; and I speak of track which the highest part of its circumfer-
him as of the husbandman whom Christ ence made is derelict; so that there is mould
where the crust was. His household, which
It is St. Bonaventura, the biographer of St. Francis,
set out aright with their feet upon his foot-
who speaks.
'Cf. Hell, xxvi. 117. prints, are so turned round that they set the
8 7
Callaroga, now Calahorra, a city in Old Castile. On See Matthew, 19. 21.
the shield of Castile two lions and two castles are Felix, signifying "happy," and Joanna, said to
quartered, one lion below and one above. mean, "the grace of the Lord."
St. Dominic, born in 1170. "Henry of Ostia, who wrote a
of Susa, cardinal
His mother dreamed that she gave birth to a dog, much studied commentary on the
Decretals, and Tad-
black and white in color, with a lighted torch in its dco d' Alderotto of Bologna, called "the greatest physi-
mouth, which set the world on fire; symbols of the cian in Christendom."
black and white robe of the Order, and of the flaming "Not the tithes which belong to God's poor."
zeal of its brethren. "See Luke, 8. 11.
" 12
Dominicus, the possessive of Dominus, "Belonging Good wine makes a crust; bad wine makes mould
to the Lord." in the cask.
forward foot on that behind; and soon shall ing), fifteen stars which in different regions
there be sight of the harvest of the ill culture, vivify the heaven with brightness so great that
when the tare will complain that the bin is it overcomes
every thickness of the air; let him
taken from it. Nevertheless, I say, he who imagine that Wain" for which the bosom of our
should search our volume leaf by leaf might heaven suffices both night and day, so that with
still find a page where he would read: 'I am the turning of its it does not disappear; let
that which I am wont/ But from it will not be him imagine the mouthwhich of that horn"
Casaie nor from Acquasparta, whence come begins at the point of the axle on which the
such to the writing that one evades it, and the primal wheel goes round to have made of
other contracts it. themselves two signs in the heavens, like that
127. "I am the life of Bonaventura of Bag- which the daughter of Minos made, when she
noregio, who in great offices always set the sin- felt the frost of death, and one to have its
ister care behind. Illuminato and Augustin within the other, and both to revolve in such
are here, who were among the first barefoot manner that one should go first and the other
poor that in the cord made themselves friends after; and he will have, as it were, the shadow
to God. Hugh of St. Victor* is here with them, of the true constellation, and of the double
and Peter Mangiadore, and Peter of Spain, dance, which was circling round the point
who down below shines in twelve books; Na- where I was; since it is as much beyond our
than the prophet, and the Metropolitan Chrys- wont as the motion of the heaven which out-
6 7 8
ostom, and Anselm, and that Donatus who speeds all the rest is swifter than the movement
8 14

deigned to set his hand to the first art; Raban of the Chiana. There was sung not Bacchus,
is here, and at my side shines the Calabrian ab- not Paean, but three Persons in the divine
bot Joachim, endowed with prophetic spirit. nature, and It and the human in one Person.
142. "The flaming courtesy of Brother Thom- The singing and the revolving completed each
as, and his well advised discourse, moved me its measure, and those holy lights gave heed
to envy so great a paladin; and with me moved to us, making themselves happy from care to
this company." care.
31. Then the light within which the marvel-
CANTO XIII lous of the poor man of God had been nar-

LET him imagine, who desires to understand rated to me broke the silence among those con-
well that which I now saw (and let him retain cordant divinities, and said: "Since one straw
the image like a firm rock, while I am speak- is threshed, since its seed is now garnered,

sweet love invites me to beat out the other.
See Matthew, 13. 30. Thou
2 wherefrom
believest that into the breast,
Frate Ubertino of Casaie, the leader of a party of
zealots among the Franciscans, enforced the written the rib was drawn to form the beautiful cheek
Rule of the Order with excessive strictness; Matteo of of her whose palate costs dear to all the world,
Acquasparta, general of the Franciscans in 1287, re- and into that which, pierced by the lance, both
laxed it.
Care for temporal things. Cf. Proverbs, 3. 16. after and before made such satisfaction that it
A noted theologian of the mystic school, of the overcomes the balance of all sin, whatever of
abbey of Victor at Paris.
Peter Mangiador, or Comestor, "the Eater," so light it is allowed to human nature to have was
called as being a devourer of books. He was chan- all infused by that Power which made one and
cellor of the University of Paris, and died toward the
the other; and therefore thou wonderest at that
end of the twelfth century. Peter of Spain wrote a
compendium of logic, Summae logtcales, in twelve which I said above, when I told that the good
books. He was chosen Pope in 1276, taking the name which is inclosed in the fifth light had no
of John XXI.
A Greek Father of the Church, patriarch of Con- second. Now open thine eyes to that which I
T 11
Archbishop of Canterbury, died in 1109. The Great Bear.
8 12
The compiler of a treatise on grammar in use The Lesser Bear.
throughout the Middle Ages. "Dionysus bore Ariadne, deserted by Theseus, to
Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mainz in the heaven, and changed her crown into a constellation:
ninth century; a great scholar and writer. Ariadne's Crown.
10 14
Joachim, Abbot of Flora, in Calabria. He died in The Chiana was a sluggish Tuscan stream.
1202. He wrote apocalyptic and prophetic treatises. "Of St. Thomas Aquinas.
answer to thee, and thou wilt see thy belief and ever made necesse* non si St dare primum
my speech become in the truth as the centre in motum esse* or if in the semicircle a triangle
a circle. can be made so that it should not have one
52. "That which dies not and that which can right angle. Wherefore if thou notest what I

die are naught but the splendor of that idea said and also this, a kingly prudence is that

which His love our Sire brings to birth;

in peerless seeing, on which the arrow of my inten-
for that living Light, which so streams from its tion strikes. And if thou directest clear eyes to
Lucent Source that It is not disunited from It, the 'has arisen,' thou wilt see it has respect only
nor from the Love which with them is in- to kings, who are many, and the good are rare.

trined, doth of Its own

goodness collect Its With this distinction take thou my saying, and
rays, as it were mirrored, in nine subsistences, thus it can stand with that which thou believest
Itself eternally remaining one. Thence It de- of the first father, and of our Beloved one.
scends to the ultimate potentialities, downward "And let this ever be
112. as lead to thy feet,
from act to act, becoming such that finally It to make thee move slowly as a weary man,
makes naught save brief contingencies: and both to the yea and to the nay which thou seest
these contingencies I understand to be the gen- not; for he is very low down among the fools
erated things which the moving heavens pro- who affirms or denies without distinction,
duce with seed and without it. The wax of alike in the one and in the other case; because
these, and that which moulds it, are not of one it
happens that oftentimes the hasty opinion
mode, and therefore under the signet of the bends in false direction, and then self-love binds
idea It more or less shines through; whence it the intelligence. Far more than in vain does he
comes to pass that one same plant in respect to leave the bank, since he returns not such as he

species bears better or worse fruit, and that ye

sets out, who fishes for the truth, and has not
are born with diverse dispositions. the art; and of this
Parmenides, Melissus,

73. "If the wax were exactly worked, and the Bryso, are manifest proofs to the world, and
heavens were supreme in their power, the many others who went on and knew not

whole light of the seal would be apparent. But whither. Thus did Sabellius, and Arius, and
nature always gives it defective, working like those fools who were as swords unto the Scrip-

the artist who has the practice of his art and a tures in making their straight faces crooked.

hand that trembles. Yet if the fervent Love dis- 130. "Let not the folk be yet too confident in
like him who reckons up the ears in
poses and imprints the clear Vision of the judgment,
the field ere they are ripe; for I have seen the
primal Power, complete perfection is
there. Thus of old the earth was made worthy briar first show itself stiff and rugged all win-

of the complete perfection of the living being; ter long, then bear the rose upon its top; and

thus was the Virgin made impregnate; so that once I saw a bark run straight and swift over
I commendthy opinion that human nature the sea through her course, and perish at

never was, nor will be, what it was in those last at entrance of the harbor. Let not dame

two persons. Bertha or master Martin, seeing one rob, and

88. "Now, should not proceed farther,
if I another make offering, believe to see them
'How then was that one without a peer?* within the Divine counsel; for the one may
would thy words begin. But, in order that that rise and the other may fall."

which is not apparent may clearly appear, con-

sider who he was, and the cause which moved CANTO XIV
him to make request, when it was said to him: FROM and so from the
the centre to the rim,
*Ask.* have not so spoken that thou canst not
I rim to the centre, the water in a round vessel
clearly see that he was a king, who asked for If from two premises, one necessary and one con-
tingent, a necessary conclusion is to be deduced.
wisdom, in order that he might be a worthy "If a prime motion is to be granted," that is, a
king; not to know the number of the motors motion not the effect of another.
here on high, or if necesse with a 'The Lord Jesus.
contingent 6
Heathen philosophers.
The nine orders of the Angelic Hierarchy. 7
Sabelliu? denied the Trinity, Arius denied the con-
'See I Kings, 3. 5-9. substantiality of the Father and the Son.
moves, according as it is struck from without its own aspect is defended, thus this effulgence,
or within. This which I say fell suddenly into which already encircles us, will be vanquished
my mind as the glorious life of Thomas be- in appearance by the flesh which all this while
came silent, because of the similitude which the earth covers; nor will so great a light have
was born of his speech and that of Beatrice, power to fatigue us, for the organs of the body
whom after him it pleased thus to begin: "This will be strong for which can delight
man has need, and he tells it not to you, neither us." So sudden and ready both one and the
with his voice nor as yet in thought, of going other choir seemed to me in saying "Amen,"
to the root of another truth. Tell him if the that truly they showed desire for their dead

lightwherewith your substance blossoms will bodies, perhaps not only for themselves, but
remain with you eternally even as it is now; also for their mothers, for their fathers, and for
and if it remain, tell how, after ye shall be the others who were dear before they became

again made visible, it can be that it will not sempiternal flames.

hurt your sight." 67. And
lo! round about, of a uniform

19. As, when urged and drawn on by in- brightness, arose a lustre, beyond that which
crease of delight, those who are dancing in a was there, like an horizon, which is
ring all at once lift their voice and gladden bright. And
as at rise of early evening new ap-
their motions, so, at that ready and devout pe- pearances begin in the heavens, so that the
holy circles showed new joy in their
tition, the sight seems and seems not true, it seemed to me
turning and in their marvellous melody. Who- that there I began to see new subsistences, and
so laments because we die here to live there on a circle forming outside the other two circum-
high, has not seen here the refreshment of the ferences. O
true sparkling of the
Holy Spirit!
eternal rain. how sudden and glowing it became to my eyes,
That One and Two and Three which
28. which, vanquished, endured it not! But Be-
ever and ever reigns in Three and Two
lives, atrice showed herself to me so beautiful and
and One, uncircumscribed, and circumscribing smiling that it must be left among those
all things, was thrice sung by each of those which followed not my memory.
spiritswith such a melody that for every merit 82. Therefrom my eyes regained power to
it would be adequate reward. And I heard in raise themselves again, and I saw myself, alone
the divinest light of the smaller circle a modest with my Lady, translated to more exalted sal-

voice, perhaps such as was that of the Angel vation. That I was more uplifted I perceived
to Mary, make answer: "As long as the festival clearly by the fiery smile of the star, which
of Paradise shall be, so long will our love radi- seemed to me ruddier than its wont. With all

ate around us such a garment. Its brightness my heart and with that speech which is one
will follow our ardor, the ardor our vision, in all men, I made to God a holocaust such as
and that is
great in proportion as it receives of was befitting to the new grace; and the ardor
grace above its own worth. When the flesh, of the sacrifice was not yet exhausted in
glorious and sanctified, shall be clothed on us breast before I knew that
offering had been ac-
again, our persons will be more acceptable cepted and propitious; for with such a glow
through being all complete; wherefore what- and such a ruddiness splendors appeared to me
ever of gratuitous light the Supreme Good within two rays, that I said: "O Helios, who
gives us will be increased light which enables dost so adorn them!"
us to see Him; so that our vision must needs in- 97. Even as, distinct with less and greater
crease,our ardor increase which by that is kin- lights, the
Galaxy so whitens between the poles
dled, our radiance increase which comes from of the world that it makes even the wise to
this. question, thus, constellated in the depth of
But even as a coal which gives forth
52. Mars, those rays made the venerable sign
flame, and by a vivid glow surpasses it, so that which joining of quadrants in a circle make.
Here my memory overcomes my genius, for
Probably that of Solomon, who in Canto x. 109,
that Cross was flashing forth Christ, so that I
issaid to be "the light which is the most beautiful
among us." know not to find worthy example. But he who
takes his cross and follows Christ shall yet ex- draws tight. How shall those beings be deaf

cuse me for that which I omit, when he be- to righteous prayers, who, in order to give me

holds Christ lightening in that glow. the will to pray to them, were concordant in

109. From horn to horn, and between

the silence? Well is it that he should grieve with-
out end, who, for the love of thing which
top and the base, lights were moving, brightly
met together and in their does not last, despoils himself forever of this
scintillating as they
passing by. Thus here are seen the atoms of love.

bodies, straight and athwart, swift and slow, 13. As, through the tranquil and pure eve-
skies, a shoots from time to
changing appearance, long and short, moving ning fire

through the sunbeam, wherewith sometimes time, moving which were steady, and
the eyes
the shade is striped which people with skill and seems to be a star which changes place, save
art contrive for their protection. that from the region whence it was kindled
1 1 8. And as a viol or
harp, strung in accord nothing is lost, and it lasts short while; so from
of makes a sweet tinkling to one the arm which extends on the right, ran a star
many strings,
by whom the tune is not
caught, thus from the
of the constellation which is resplendent there,

lights which there appeared to me a melody down to the foot of that Cross. Nor from its
was gathered through the Cross, which rapt ribbon did the gem depart, but through the ra-
me without my understanding the hymn. I dial strip ran along and seemed like fire be-

was indeed aware that it was of lofty praise, hind alabaster. With like affection did the
because there came to me: "Arise and con- shade of Anchises stretch forward (if our great-

quer!" as to one who understands not, and yet

est Muse merits belief), when in Elysium he
hears. I was so enamoured therewith that un- perceived his son.
til then there had not been 28. O sanguis meusl a superinjusa gratia
anything which had
fettered me
with such sweet bonds. Perchance Dei! sicut tibi, cui bis unquam coeli janua re-
word appears too daring, in setting lower clusa? Thus that light; whereat I gave heed
the pleasure from the
beautiful eyes, gazing to it; then I turned back my sight to my Lady,
into whichdesire has repose. But he who
my and on the one sideand the other I was awe-
considers that the living seals of every beauty struck; for within her eyes was glowing such a
have more effect the higher they are, and that smile, that with my own I thought to touch the
I had not there turned round to those eyes, depth of my grace and of my Paradise.
may excuse me for that whereof I accuse my- Then, joyous to hearing and to sight, the
self in order to excuse myself, and added to his beginning things which I
may see that spirit
I speak truth; for the did not understand, so deep was his speech.
holy pleasure is not ex-
cluded here, because it becomes the purer as Nor did he hide himself from me by choice, but
it mounts. by necessity, for his conception was set above
the mark of mortals. And when the bow of his
CANTO XV ardent affection was so relaxed that his speech
A BENIGN will, wherein the love which right- descended towards the mark of our under-
eously inspires always manifests itself, as cu- standing, the first thing that was understood by
pidity does in the evil will, imposed silence on
me was: "Blessed be Thou, Trine and One,
that sweet lyre, and quieted the holy strings who art so greatly courteous in my seed."
which the right hand of heaven slackens and 49. And he went on: "A
pleasing and long-
From arm to arm of the cross. felt hunger, derived from reading in the great
""The eyes of this Lady," says Dante, speaking of volume where white or dark is never changed,
philosophy in the Convito, "are her demonstrations, thou hast relieved, my son, within this light
which, directed to the eyes of the understanding,
enamour the delivered soul. O
sweetest and ineffable in speak to thee, thanks to her who
which I

looks, the sudden captors of the minds of men, clothed thee with plumes for the lofty flight.
which appear in the demonstrations in the eyes of
Philosophy when she discourses with her lovers! Truly 4
See Aeneid, vi. 684-7.
in you the salvation by which he is made blessed
is "O blood of mine! O
overflowing grace of Godl
who looks on you, and is saved from the death of
ig- To whom, as to thee, was ever the gate of Heaven
norance and sin." Convito, ii. 16, 27-37. twice opened?" It is the spirit of Cacciaguida, the
*See Purgatory, xviii. 62-75.
great-great-grandfather of Dante, who thus speaks.
Thou believest that thy thought flows to me She had not necklace nor coronal, nor dames
from Him who is First, even as from the unit, with ornamented shoes, nor girdle which was
if that be known, ray out the five and six; and more to be looked at than the person. Not yet
therefore who I am, and why I appear to thee did the daughter at her birth cause fear to the
more joyful than any other in this blithe throng, father, for the time and dowry did not outrun
thou askest me not. Thou believest the truth; due measure on this side and that. She has not
for the lesser and the great of this life gaze up- houses empty of families; nor had Sardanapa-
on the mirror in which, before thou thinkest, lus yet arrived there to show what may be done

thou dost display thy thought. But in order in a chamber. Not yet by your Uccellatoio was
that the sacred Love, in which I watch with Montemalo surpassed, which, as it has been

perpetual vision, and which makes me thirst surpassed in its rise, shall be so in its fall. I
with sweet desire, may be fulfilled the better, saw Bellincion Berti go girt with leather and
let thy voice, secure, bold, and glad, sound bone, and his dame come from her mirror
forth the will, sound forth the desire, to which without a painted face. And I saw him of the

my answer is
already decreed." Nerli, and him of the Vecchio, contented
70. 1 turned me to Beatrice, and she heard be-
with the unlined skin, and their dames with
fore I spoke, and granted me a sign which made the spindle and the thread. O fortunate

grow the wings to desire. Then I began

my women! Each one was sure of her burial place;
thus: "When the Prime Equality appeared to and as yet no one was deserted in her bed for
you, the affection and the intelligence became France. One over the cradle kept her careful
of one weight for each of you; because the Sun watch, and, comforting, she used the idiom
which illumined and warmed you with its heat which first amuses fathers and mothers. An-
and with its light is of such equality that all other, drawing the tresses from her distafT, told
similitudes are defective. But will and dis- to her household tales of the Trojans, of Fie-
course in mortals, for the reason which is man- sole, and of Rome. A Cianghella, a Lapo Sal-
ifest to you, are diversely feathered in their terello would then have been held as great a

wings. Wherefore I, who am mortal, feel my- marvel as Cincinnatus or Cornelia would be
self in this inequality, and therefore I give not
thanks, save with my heart, for thy paternal 130. "To so reposeful, to so fair a life of cit-

welcome. Truly I beseech thee, living topaz, izens, to such a trusty community, to such a
that dost this precious jewel, that thou
ingcm sweet inn, Mary, called on with loud cries,
make me content with thy name?" gave me; and in your ancient Baptistery I be-
88. "O leaf of mine, in whom, while only came at once a Christian and Cacciaguida. Mo-
awaiting, I took pleasure, I was thy root." Such ronto was my brother, and Eliseo; my dame
a beginning he, answering, made to me. came to me from the valley of the Po, and
9 1. said to me: "He from whom
Then he thence was thy surname. Afterward I followed
2 10
named, and who for a hundred
is the emperor Conrad, and he belted me of his
thy family
years and more has circled the mountain on the soldiery, so much by good deeds did I come
first ledge, was my son and was thy great- into his favor. Behind him I went against the
grandsire; truly it behoves that thou shorten 4
A symbol of luxury and effeminacy.
for him his long fatigue with thy works. 8
The view from Montemalo (Monte Mario) of
Florence, within the ancient circuit of her Rome m splendor was not yet surpassed by that

of Florence from the height of Uccellatoio.

walls wherefrom she still takes both tierce and Bellincion Berti was "an honorable citizen of Flor-
nones, was abiding in peace, sober and modest. ence" and "a noble soldier."
Two ancient and honored families.
See Canto
ix. 73-75. 'Cianghella was a contemporary of Dante: "a most
Alighiero, from whom, it would appear from his arrogant and intolerable woman, and very wanton in
station in Purgatory, Dante inherited the sin of pride, her life." Lapo Salterello was a lawyer and judge: "a
as well as his name. rash and bad citizen, a litigious and tonguey man."
"The bell of the church called the Badia, or Cf. Canto xvii. 61-63.
Abbey, measured the time for the Florentines. Tierce TheVirgin, called on in the pains of childbirth.
is the first division of the canonical hours of the day, Cf. Purgatory, xx. 19-21.
from six to nine; nones, the third, from twelve to Conrad III of Swabia. In 1147 he joined in the
three. disastrous Second Crusade.
1 T
iniquity of that law whose people usurp your times to reinflame itself beneath his paw. My

jurisdiction, through fault of the Pastors. ancestors and I were born in the place where
There by that foul folk was I released from the the last ward is first reached by him who runs
deceitful world, the love of which debases in your annual game. Let it suffice thee to hear

many souls, and I came from martyrdom to this of my elders; as to who they were, and
this peace." whence they came hither, silence is more be-

coming than speech.

CANTO XVI 46. "All those able to bear arms who at that
O OUR petty nobility of blood!
thou mak- If time were there, between Mars and the Bap-
est folk glory in thee down here, where our tist, of them who are living. But
were the fifth

affection languishes, it will nevermore be a the citizenship, which is now mixed with
marvel to me; for there, where appetite is not Campi, with Certaldo, and with Fighine, was
perverted, I mean in Heaven, I myself gloried to be seen pure in the lowest artisan. Oh, how
in thee. Truly art thou a cloak which quickly much better it would be that those folk of
shortens, so that, if naught be added from day whom I speak were neighbors, and to have
to day, Time goes round about thee with his your boundary at Galluzzo and at Trespiano,
shears. than to have them within, and to endure the
10.the You* which Rome was first to
With stench of the churl of Aguglione, and of him
tolerate, inwhich her family least perseveres, of Signa, who already has his eye sharp for bar-
my words began again. Whereat Beatrice, who ratry!
was a little withdrawn, smiling, seemed like who are the most degenerate
58. "If the folk
her, who coughed at the first fault that is writ- in the world had not been as a stepdame unto
ten of Guenever.* I began: "You are my father, Caesar, but like a mother benignant to her son,
you give me all confidence to speak; you uplift there is one who has become a Florentine, and
me so that I am more than I.
By so many is a money-changer and trader, who would
streams is
my mind filled with gladness that have been turned back to Simifonti, where
it makes of itself a joy, in that it can bear this his grandsire used to
go about begging; Mon-
and not burst. Tell me then, my beloved fore- temurlo would still belong to its Counts, the
father, who were your ancestors, and what Cerchi would be in the parish of Acone, and
were the years that were reckoned in your boy- perhaps the Buondelmonti in Valdigreve."
hood. Tell me of the sheepfold of St. John, The intermingling of persons was ever the be-
how large it was then, and who were the peo- ginning of harm to the city, as the food which
ple within it worthy of the highest seats." is loaded on is to the body. And a blind bull
28. As a coal is quickened into flame at the falls more headlong than the blind lamb; and
breathing of the winds, so glow I saw that light
at my blandishments; and as it became more Five hundred and eighty revolutions of Mars are
accomplished in a few months more than ten hundred
beautiful to my eyes, so with voice more sweet
and ninety years.
and soft, but not with this modern speech, it The races run along- the Corso on June 24, the
festival of St. John the Baptist.
said to me: "From that day on which Ave was 9
Between the Ponte Vecchio, at the head of which
said, unto the child-birth in which
mother, my stood the statue of Mars, and the Baptistery two
who now is sainted, was lightened of me with points marking the circuit of the ancient walls.
Small towns in the territory of Florence.
whom she had been burdened, this fire had 11
Galluzzo and Trespiano are villages two or three
come to its Lion five hundred, fifty, and thirty miles from Florence.
The churl of Aguglione was a lawyer named
Baldo, who became one of the priors of Florence in
The law of Mahomet. 1311. He of Signa is supposed to have been one Boni-
In the Holy Land. fazio, who "sold his favors and offices."
*Theplural pronoun, used as a mark of respect.
stronghold in the Val d'Elsa.
4 14
Beatrice is observant, like the Dame de Malehaut, The Conti
Guidi, unable to defend their strong-
who coughed at seeing the first kiss received by Queen hold of Montemurlo from the Pistoians, had been
Guenever from Sir Lancelot. compelled to sell it to the Florentines. The Cerchi
'Florence, whose patron saint was St. John the and the Buondelmonti had been forced by the Flor-
Baptist. entine Commune to surrender their fortresses and
The sign Leo in the zodiac, appropriate to Mars. to take up their abode in the city.
oftentimes one sword cuts more and better So did the fathers of those
their great deeds.
than five. who, whenever your church is vacant, become
thou regard Luni and Urbisaglia, how
73. If fat by staying in consistory. The overweening
they have gone, and how Chiusi and Siniga- race which is as a dragon behind him who
glia are going their way after them, it will not flies, andhim who shows tooth or purse is

appear to thee a strange thing or a hard, to gentle as a lamb, already was coming up, but
hear how families are undone, since even cities from small folk, so that it did not please Uber-
have their term. All things of yours have their tin Donato that this father-in-law afterward
death even as yourselves; but it is concealed in made him kinsman. Already had Ca-
some that last long, while lives are short. And ponsacco descended into the market place
as the revolution of the heaven of the Moon down from and already was Giuda a
covers and uncovers the shores without a good and Infangato. 1 will tell a thing

pause, so Fortune does with Florence. Where- incredible and true; into the little circle one
fore what I shall tell of the high Florentines, entered by a gate which was named for those
whose fame is hidden by time, should not ap- of La Pera. Everyone who bears the beautiful

pear to thee a marvellous thing. I saw the ensign of the great baron whose name and
Ughi, and I saw the Catellini, Filippi, Greci, whose worth the feast of Thomas keeps fresh,
Ormanni, and Alberichi, even in their decline, from him had knighthood and privilege; al-
illustrious citizens; and I saw, as great as they though to-day he who binds it with a border
were old, with him of La Sannella, him of unites himself with the
populace. Already
L* Area, and Soldanieri, and Ardinghi, and there were Gualterotti and Importuni; and the
Bostichi. Over the gate (which at present is Borgo" would even now be more quiet, if they
laden with new of such great weight
felony had gone fasting of new neighbors. The house
that soon there will be jettison from the bark), of which was born your weeping," by reason
were the Ravignani, from whom the Count of its just indignation which has slain
you, and
Guido is descended, and whosoever has since put an end to your glad living, was honored,
taken the name of the high Bellincionae. He both itself and its consorts. Oh Buondelmonte,
of La Pressa knew already how one should how ill didst thou flee its nuptials through the
rule, and Galigaio already had in his house the persuasions of another!" Many would be glad
gilded hilt and pummel. Great were already 'The Visdomini and the
Tosinghi, guardians of
the column of the Vair, the Sacchetti, Giuochi, the bishopric of Florence, who had the right, during
any vacancy of the see, of administering its revenues,
Fifanti, and Barucci, and Galli, and they who and thus after the death of a bishop, by securing delay
blush for the bushel. The stock from which in the appointment of his successor, grew fat on the
the Calfucci sprang was already great, and episcopal revenues.
The Adimari.
already the Sizii and Arrigucci had been 10
These three names mean "Head in bag," "Judas,"
drawn to the curule chairs. and "Bemired."
The Peruzzi, who bore the pear as a charge upon
109. "Oh, how great did I see those who their scutcheon.
have been undone by their pride!' and the "Hugh, imperial vicar of Tuscany in the time of
balls of gold made Florence flourish with all Otho II and Otho III. He died on St. Thomas's Day,
December 21, 1001.
1 13
Above the Gate of St. Peter rose the walls of the Giano della Bella, the great leader of the Flor-
abode of the Cerchi, who, making themselves the entine commonalty in the latter years of the thir-
head of the White faction, became chief promoters of teenth century. He bore the arms of Hugh with a
civil strife in Florence. border of gold.
*See Canto xv. 112, and Hell, xvi. 37. "The Borgo Santi Apostoli would have been more
*Thcfamily of the Pigli, whose scutcheon was di- tranquil the Buondelmonti had not come to take

vided longitudinally by a stripe of the heraldic repre- up their abode in it after the destruction of their
sentation of the fur called vair. stronghold of Montebuono.
4 15
One of the Chiaramontesi, being the officer in The Amidei had a long and bitter feud with the
charge of the sale of salt for the Commune, had Buondelmonti that divided the whole city.
cheated both the Commune and the people by using "The quarrel between the Amidei and the Buon-
a false measure. See Purgatory, xii. 104, 105. delmonti arose from Buondelmonte dei Buondcl-
The house of the Donati. monti's slighting a daughter of the former house, to
'The Uberti (see Hell, x).
whom he was betrothed, for a daughter of the Do-
The Lamberti, who bore golden balls on their nati, induced thereto by her mother. This was in
shields. Sec Hell, xxviii. 103-111. 1215.
who now are sorrowful, if God had conceded before, and, as Beatrice willed, was my wish
thee to the Ema the first time that thou confessed.
earnest to the city. But it behoved that Florence 31. Not with ambiguous terms in which the
in her last hour of peace should offer a victim foolish folk of old were entangled, before the
to that mutilated stone which guards the Lamb of God which taketh away sins had

bridge. been slain, but with clear words and with plain
148. "With these families, and with others speech that paternal love, enclosed and made
with them, I saw Florence in such repose that manifest by its own smile, made answer:
she had no occasion why she should weep. 37. "Contingency, which does not extend
With I saw her people so glori-
these families outside the volume of your matter, is all de-
ous and so just that the lily was never set re- picted in the Eternal Vision. Yet thence it does
versed upon the staff, nor made vermilion by not take necessity, more than does a ship which
divisions." is
going down the stream from the eye in
which it is mirrored. Therefrom, even as sweet
harmony comes to the ear from an organ,
As HE who still makes fathers chary toward comes to my sight the time that is preparing
their sons came to Clymene, to ascertain con- for thce. As Hippolytus departed from Athens,

cerning that which he had heard against him- by reason of his pitiless and perfidious step-
self; such as I, and such was I perceived to be mother, so from Florence thou must needs de-
both by Beatrice, and by the holy lamp which part. This is willed, this is already sought for,
previously for my sake had changed its station. and will soon be brought to pass, by him who
Wherefore my Lady said to me: "Send forth meditates it there where every day Christ is
the flame of thy desire in such wise that it may bought and sold. The blame will follow the
issue imprinted well by the internal stamp; not injured party, in outcry, as is wont; but the
in order that our knowledge may increase vengeance will be testimony to the truth which
through thy speech, but in order that thou ac- dispenses it. Thou shalt leave everything be-
custom thyself to tell thy thirst, so that one loved most dearly; and this is the arrow which

may give thee drink." the bow of exile shoots first. Thou shalt make
13. "O dear root of me, who so upliftest thy- proof how the bread of others savors of salt,
self that,even as earthly minds see that two and how hard a path is the descending and the
obtuse angles can not be contained in a triangle, mounting of another's stairs. And that which
so thou, gazing upon the Point to which all will weigh heaviest upon thy shoulders will be
times are present, dost see contingent things, the evil and senseless company with which
ere in themselves they are; while I was con- thou wilt fall into this valley; which all un-
joined with Virgil, up over the mountain grateful, all mad and malevolent will turn
which cures the souls, and while descending in against thee; but short while after, it, not thou,
the dead world, grave words were said to me shall have the forehead red therefor. Of its
of my future life; although I feel
myself truly bestiality, its own proceduce will afford the
four-square against the blows of chance. Where- proof; so that it will be well-becoming for thee
foremy wish would be contented by hearing to have made thee a party by thyself.
what fortune is drawing near for me; for ar- 70. "Thy first refuge and first inn shall be the
row foreseen comes more slack." Thus said I courtesy of the great Lombard who bears the
unto that same light which had spoken to me holy bird upon the ladder, who will have for
thee such benign regard that, in doing and in

asking, between you two, that will be first,

A little stream that has to be crossed in coming
from Montebuono to Florence. which between others is the slowest. With him
'That victim was Buondelmonte himself, slain by
the outraged Amidei, at the foot of the mutilated Boniface VIII.
statue of Mars. The other Florentine exiles of the party of the
Phaethon, son of Clymene by Apollo, having been Whites.
told that Apollo was not his father, went to his Bartolommeo whose
della Scala, lord of Verona,
mother to ascertain the truth with calamitous re- armorial bearings were the imperial eagle upon a
sults. See Hell, xvii. 107; Purgatory, iv. 72. ladder.
shalt thou see one, who was
so impressed, at beam; then it
replied: "A
conscience dark,
his birth, by this strong star, that his deeds either with its own or with another's shame,
will be notable. yet are the people aware
Not will indeed feel thy speech to be harsh; but

of him, because of his young age; for these nevertheless, all falsehood laid aside, make thy
wheels have revolved around him only nine whole vision manifest, and let then the scratch-

years. But ere the Gascon cheat the lofty Henry ing be where the itch is; for if at the first taste
some sparkles of his virtue shall appear, in his thy voice shall be molestful, afterwards, when
caring not for money nor for toils. His mag- it shall be
digested, it will leave vital nourish-
nificences shall hereafter be so known, that his ment. This cry of thine shall do as the wind,
enemies will not be able to keep their tongues which summits; and
strikes hardest the loftiest

mute about them. Look thou to him, and to his that is no little argument of honor. Therefore

benefits;by him shall many people be trans- only the souls which are known of fame have
formed, rich and mendicant changing condi- been shown to thee within these wheels, upon
tion. And thou shalt bear hence written of him the mountain, and in the woeful valley; for the
in thy mind, but thou shalt not tell it," and mind of him who hears rests not, nor confirms
he told things incredible to those who shall be its faith,
by an example which has its root un-
present. Then he added: "Son, these are the
known and hidden, nor by other argument
glosses on which was said to thee: behold
the which is not apparent."
snares which are hidden behind few revolu-
tions. Yet I would not that thou hate thy neigh- CANTO XVIII
bors, because thy life has a future far beyond Now was that blessed mirror enjoying only
the punishment of their perfidies." its own
thoughts, and I was tasting mine, tem-
When by its silence that holy soul showed
100. pering the bitter with the sweet, and that Lady
it had finished putting the woof into that web who was leading me to God said: "Change thy
which I had held out to it, warped, I began, as thought; think that I am near to Him who
he who, in doubt, longs for counsel from a per- lightens the burden of every wrong." I turned
son who sees, and wills uprightly, and loves: me round at the loving sound of my Comfort,
"I see well, my Father, how the time spurs on and what I then saw in the
love holy eyes, I
toward me to give me such a blow as is heavi- here leave not only because I distrust my

est to him who most deserts himself; where- own speech, but because of the memory which
fore it is good that I arm me with foresight, so
cannot return so far above itself, unless another
that if the place most dear be taken from me, guide it. Thus much of that moment can I re-

I may not lose the others by my songs. Down count, that, again beholding her, my affection

through the world of endless bitterness, and was free from every other desire.
over the mountain from whose fair summit the While the Eternal Pleasure, which was
1 6.

my Lady uplifted me, and then through

eyes of raying directly upon Beatrice, was contenting
heaven from light to light, I have learned that me with its second aspect from her fair face,
which, if I tell again, will have for many a vanquishing me with the light of a smile, she
savor of great bitterness; and if I am a timid said to me "Turn thee, and listen, for not only

friend to the truth, I fear to lose life among in my eyes is Paradise."

those who will call this time ancient." 22. As sometimes here the affection is seen in
121. The within which the countenance, be so great that the whole
if it
light, my treasure
that I had found there was smiling, first be- soul is taken up by it, so in the flaming of the

came flashing as a mirror of gold in the sun- holy effulgence to which I turned me, I recog-
nized the will in it still to discourse somewhat
Can Grande della Scala, the youngest brother of with me. began: "In this fifth seat of the
Bartolommeo, and his successor as lord of Verona. tree, which has life from its top, and always
He was made Imperial Vicar in 1311, and on him
the hopes of the Ghibcllmes rested.
bears fruit, and never loses leaf, are blessed
2 4
Mars. See Aquinas, Summa Theologtca, Part I, Q 34,
"Before the Gascon Pope Clement V, under whom A i.
the papal see was established at Avignon, shall deceive The Heaven of Mars, the fifth resting-place in
Henry VII. the ascent of Heaven.
spirits, who below, before they came to heaven, singing as they flew, and in their figures made
were of great renown, so that every Muse of themselves now D, now I, now L. At first,
would be rich with them. Therefore gaze up- as they sang, they moved to their own notes,
on the arms of the Cross; he, whom I shall then as they became one of these characters,
name, will there do the act which in a cloud its they stopped a little, and were silent.
own swift fire At the naming of Joshua,
does." 82. O
divine Pegasea/ who makest the wits
even as it was done, I saw a light drawn along of men glorious, and renderest them long-
the Cross; nor was the word noted by me be- lived, as they, through thee, the cities and the
fore the fact. And at the name of the lofty kingdoms, illumine me with thyself that I may
Maccabeus 1 saw another move revolving, and set forth their shapes, as I have conceived them;

gladness was the whip of the top. Thus for let thy power appear in these brief verses!
Charlemagne and for Roland my attentive gaze 88. They showed themselves then in five times
followed two of them, as the eye follows its seven vowels and consonants; and I noted the
falcon as he flies. Afterward William, and Re- parts as they seemed as if spoken to me. Dili-
2 8
nouard, and the duke Godfrey, and Robert gite justitiam were the first verb and noun of
Guiscard drew my sight along that Cross. all the picture; qui judicatis terrarn were the

Then, moving, and mingling among the other last.Then in the M

of the fifth word they re-
which had spoken with me
lights, the soul mained arranged, so that Jove seemed silver
showed me how great an artist it was among patterned there with gold. And I saw other
the singers of the heaven. lights descending where the top of the was, M
52. 1 turned me round to my right side to see and become quiet there, singing, I believe, the
in Beatrice my duty signified either by speech Good which moves them to Itself. Then, as on
or by act, and I saw her eyes so clear, so joyous, the striking of burning logs rise innumerable
that her semblance surpassed her other and her sparks, wherefrom the foolish are wont to
latest wont. And even as, through feeling more draw auguries, so thence there seemed to rise
delight in doing well, a man from day to day again more than a thousand lights, and mount,
becomes aware that his virtue makes advance, some much and some little, according as the
so I, seeing that miracle more adorned, be- Sun which kindles them allotted to them; and,
came aware that my circling round together each having become quiet in its place, I saw the
with the heaven had increased its arc. And head and the neck of an eagle represented by
such as is the change, in brief passage of time, that patterned fire. He who paints there, has
in a pale lady, when her countenance discharges none who may guide Him, butHe Himself
itself of the load of bashfulness, such was there
guides, and from Him is recognized that virtue
to my eyes, when I turned, because of the which is form for the nests. The rest of the
whiteness of the temperate sixth star which blessed spirits, which at first seemed content to
had received me within itself. I saw, within lily themselves on the M, with a slight motion
that torch of Jove, the sparkling of the love followed out the imprint.
which was there, shaping out our speech to my 1
15. O
sweet star, what and how many gems
eyes. made plain to me that our justice is the effect
73. And as birds, risen from the shore, as if of that heaven which thou dost ingem! Where-
rejoicing together at their pasture, make of fore I pray the Mind, in which thy motion and
themselves a troop now round, now of other thy virtue have beginning, that It look down
shape, so within the lights holy creatures were there whence issues the smoke which vitiates
See I Maccabees, 2-9. thy radiance, so that now, a second time, It
'William, Count of Orange, and Renouard his may be wroth at the buying and the selling in
companion in arms, paladins of Charlemagne. the temple, which was built up with blood and
Godfrey of Bouillon, the leader of the First Cru-
sade. "See line 91, infra.
4 7
The founder of the Norman kingdom of Naples. Anappellation of the Muses in general, whose
"The change was from the red light of Mars to fountain, Hippocrene, sprang up at the stamp of
the white light of Jupiter, a planet called by astrol- Pegasus.
ogers "temperate," as lying between the heat of '"Love righteousness, ye that be judges of the
Mars and the coldness of Saturn. earth." Wisdom of Solomon, i. i.
martyrdoms. O
soldiery of Heaven I whom 34. As a falcon which, issuing from the hood,
contemplate, pray ye for those on earth who moves its head, and claps its wings, showing its
are all gone astray after the bad example! Of will, and making itself fine; so I saw this em-
old was the wont to make war with swords,
it blem, which was woven of praise of the Divine
butnow it is made by taking away, now here Grace, become, with songs such as he knows
now there, the bread which the pitying Father who thereabove rejoices. Then it began: "He
locks up from none. who turned the compasses at the verge of the
130. But thou that writest only in order to world, and distributed within it so much occult
cancel, bethink thee that Peter and Paul, who and manifest, could not so imprint His Power
died for the vineyard which thou art laying on all the universe that His Word should not
waste, are still alive. Thou canst say indeed: remain in infinite excess. And this makes cer-
"I have my on him who willed to
desire set so tain that the first proud one, who was the top
live alone, and for a dance was dragged to mar- of every creature, through not
awaiting light,
fell immature. And hence it
tyrdom, that I know not the Fisherman nor appears, that every
Paul." lesser nature is a scant receptacle for that Good
which has no end, and measures Itself by Itself.
CANTO XIX Therefore our vision, which must needs be one
WITH outspread wings appeared before me of the rays of the Mind with which all
the beautiful image which the interwoven are replete, cannot in its own nature be so
souls, joyful in their sweet fruition, were mak- tent as not to discern its origin far beyond that

ing.Each of them appeared as a little ruby on which is

apparent to it.

which a ray of the sun should glow so enkin- 58. "Therefore the sight into the Eternal
dled as to reflect him into my eyes. And that Justice which your world receives penetrates
which it now behoves me to retrace, never did within as the eye into the sea; which, though
voice report, nor ink write, nor was it ever from the shore it can see the bottom, on the
comprised by fancy; for I saw, and also heard main it sees it not, and nevertheless it is there,
the beak speaking, and uttering with its voice but the depth conceals it. There is no
light but
both 7 and My, when in conception it was We that which comes from the serene which is
and Our. never clouded; nay, rather there is darkness,
13. And began: "Through being just and
it eithershadow of the flesh, or its poison. The
pious am I here exalted to that glory which al- hiding-place is now open enough to thee,
lows not itself to be surpassed by desire; and which concealed from thee the living Justice
on earth I left my memory such that the evil concerning which thou didst make such fre-
people there commend it, but follow not its quent question; for thou saidst: *A man is born
story." Thus one sole heat makes itself felt on the bank of the Indus, and no one is there
from many embers, even as from many loves who may tell of Christ, nor who may read, nor
one sole sound issued from that image. Where- who may write; and all his wishes and acts are
on I at once: "O perpetual flowers of the eter- good, so far as human reason sees, without sin
nal gladness, ye which make all your odors in life or in speech. He dies
unbaptized, and
seem to me only one, solve for me, by your without faith; where is this Justice which con-
which long has held me
breath, the great fast demns him? where he does not be-
is his sin if

hungering, not finding for it any food on earth. lieve?' Now who art thou, that, with the short

Well do I know that if the Divine Justice vision of a single span, wouldst sit
upon a
makes another realm in heaven its mirror,' bench to judge a thousand miles away? As-
yours does not apprehend it
through a veil. Ye suredly, for him who subtilizes with me, if the
know how intently I prepare myself to listen; Scripture were not above you, there would be
ye know what is that doubt which is so old a marvellous occasion for doubting. Oh earthly
fast to me." animals oh gross minds!

86. "The primal Will,

which of Itself is good,
*St. John the Baptist, whose image was on the
florin. Cf.
has never moved from Itself, which is the
Matthew, 14. 1-12; Mark, 6. 21-28,
*Sce Canto ix. 6if. Cf. Hell, xxxiv, 92.
Supreme Good. So much is just as is consonant avarice and the cowardice shall be seen of him
withIt; no created good draws It to itself, but who guards the island of the fire, where An-
It, raying forth, is the cause of that good." chises ended his long life; and, to give to under-

91. As
the stork circles above her nest, after stand how paltry he is, the writing for him
she has fed her brood, and as the one that has shall be in abridged letters which shall note
been fed looks up at her, such became the bless- much in space. And to every one shall

ed image, which impelled by so many coun- be apparent the foul deeds of his uncle and of
sels moved its wings, and I so raised my brows. his brother, who have dishonored so eminent

Wheeling it "As are my notes

sang, and said: a race and two crowns. And he of Portugal,
to thee who understandest them not, such is and he of Norway shall be known there; and
the Eternal Judgment to you mortals." he of Rascia, who, to his harm, has seen the
100. After those shining flames of the Holy coin of Venice. Oh happy Hungary, if she al-
Spirit became quiet, still in the sign which
low herself no longer to be maltreated! and
made Romans reverend to the world,
the it be- happy Navarre, if she arm herself with the
gan again: "To this kingdom no one ever mountains which bind her round! And all
ascended, who had not believed in Christ either should believe that, for earnest of this, Nicosia
before or after he was nailed to the tree. But and Famagosta are now lamenting and com-
behold,many cry Christ, Christ, who, at the plaining because of their beast which departs

Judgment, shall be far less near to him, than not from the side of the others."
some one who knows not Christ; and the Ethi-
op will condemn such Christians when the
two companies shall be separated, the one for- WHEN he who illumines all the world de-
ever rich, and the other poor. What may the scends from our hemisphere so that the day on
Persians say to your kings, when they shall see every side is spent, the heaven, which before is
that volume open in which was written all enkindled by him alone, suddenly makes itself
their dispraises? again conspicuous with many lights, wherein
115. "There shall be seen among the deeds of one alone is shining. And this act of heaven
Albert that which will soonset the pen in mo- came to my mind when the ensign of the

by which the kingdom of Prague shall be

tion, world and of its leaders became silent in its
made a desert. There shall be seen the woe blessed beak; because all those living lights,
which he who shall die by the blow of a wild shining far more, began songs which have
boar bringing upon the Seine by falsifying
is lapsed and fallen from my memory.
the coin. There shall be seen the pride that 13. O
sweet Love, that mantlest thyself with
quickens thirst, which makes the Scot and the a smile, how ardent didst thou appear in those
Englishman mad, so that neither can keep flutes which had the breath alone of holy
within his own bounds. The luxury shall be thoughts!
and the effeminate living of him of Spain, 16. After the precious and
seen, shining stones,
and of him of Bohemia, who never knew wherewith I saw the sixth luminary, in-
valor, The goodness of the crip-
nor wished it. gemmed, imposed silence
angelic on their

ple of Jerusalem shall be seen marked with an chime, I seemed to hear the murmur of a
I, while an M 4
shall mark the contrary. The 5
Frederick of Aragon, king of Sicily. See Purgatory,
vii. 119.
The devastation of Bohemia in 1304, by Albert of 8
James, king of Majorca and Minorca, and James,
Austria (Purgatory, vi. 97ff.). king of Aragon. See Purgatory, vii. 120.
"After his defeat at Courtrai, in 1302, Philip the Dionysius, king of Portugal, to whom a base love
Fair, to provide himself with means, debased the coin of money-getting was ascribed.
of the realm. He
died in 1314 from the effects of a 8
Hakon V, who cruelly warred with Denmark.
fall from his horse, overthrown by a wild boar in the "Rascia, so called from a Slavonic tribe, which
forest of Fontainebleau. occupied a region south of the Danube, embracing a
Respectively, Ferdinand IV of Castile and Wen- part of the modern Servia and Bosnia. King Stephen
ceslaus IV of Bohemia. Cf. Purgatory, vii. 102. Ouros, who died in 1307, imitated the coin of Venice
The virtues and vices of the lame Charles II, king with a debased coinage.
of Naples, titular king of Jerusalem, shall be marked Cities in Cyprus, which are now lamenting under
in Roman numerals. See Canto viii. 82. the rule of of the house of Lusignan.
Henry II,
stream which falls down
from rock to clear believe that Rhipeus the Trojan was the fifth
rock, showing the abundance of its mountain of the holy lights in this circle? Now he knows
source. And as the sound takes its form at the much of that which the world cannot see of the
cithern's neck, and as at the vent of the bag- divine grace, although his sight cannot discern
pipe wind which enters it, thus, without pause the bottom."
of waiting, that murmer of the Eagle rose up 73. Like a little lark that in the air expati-

through neck, as if it were hollow. There it

its ates, first singing, and then is silent, content
became voice, and thence it issued through its with the last sweetness which satisfies her, such
beak in form of words, such as the heart where- seemed to me
the image of the imprint of the
on I wrote them was waiting. Eternal Pleasure, according to whose desire
31. "The part in me which in mortal eagles everything becomes that which it is.

sees and endures the sun," it began to me, 79. And though I was
there, in respect to my
"must now be gazed at fixedly, because of the doubt, like glass to the color which it clothes,
fires whereof I make my shape, those with it endured not to bide its time in silence, but
which the eye in my head is sparkling are the with the force of own
weight urged from

chief of all their grades. He who shines in the my mouth: "What things are these?" whereat
middle, as the pupil, was the singer of the Holy I saw
great festival of flashing. Then at once,
Spirit, who bore about the ark from town to with its eye more enkindled, the blessed ensign

town; now he knows the merit of his song, so answered me, in order not to keep me in won-
far as it was the effect of his own counsel, by dering suspense:
the remuneration which is
proportioned to it. thou believest these things be-
88. "I see that
Of the five which make a circle for my brow, cause say them, but thou seest not how; so

hewho is nearest to my beak consoled the poor that, although believed in, they are hidden.
widow for her son; now he knows, by the ex- Thou dost as one who fully apprehends a thing
perience of this sweet life and of its opposite, by name, but cannot see its quiddity unless an-
how dear it costs not to follow Christ. And he other explain it. Regnum coelorum suffers vi-
who on the rising arc comes next in the cir- olence from fervent love, and from living
cumference of which I speak, by true peni- hope which vanquishes the divine will; not in
tence delayed death; now he knows that the such wise as man overcomes man, but van-
eternal judgment is not transmuted, when quishes it, because it wills to be vanquished,
worthy prayer there below makes to-morrow's and, vanquished, vanquishes with its own be-
that which was to-day's. The next who follows, nignity. The first life of the eyebrow and the
with a good intention which bore bad fruit, fifth make thee marvel, because thou seest
made himself Greek, together with the laws the region of the Angels painted with them.
and me, in order to give place to the Pastor; From their bodies they did not issue Gentiles,
now he knows how the ill deduced from his as thou believest, but Christians, with firm
good action is not hurtful to him, although faith, one in the Feet that were to suffer, one in the

thereby the world be destroyed. And he whom Feet that had suffered. For the one came back
thou seest in the down-bent arc was William, unto his bones from Hell, where there is never
whom that land deplores which weeps for return to righteous will; and that was the re-
Charles and Frederick living; now he knows ward of living hope; of living hope, which put
how heaven is enamoured of a just king, and power into the prayers made to God to raise

by the aspect of his effulgence makes it still him up, so that it might be possible for his will
seen. Who, down in the erring world, would to be moved.
David. See II Samuel, 6; Cf. Purgatory, x. 64-67.
112. "The glorious soul, of whom I speak,
"Trajan. See Purgatory, x. 73-93. returning to the flesh, in which it was but little
King Hezekiah. See II Kings, 20. 1-6; Isaiah, 38, while, believed in Him Who had power to aid
Constantine the Great ceded Rome to the Pope it; and in believing was kindled to such fire of
and transferred the seat of empire to Constantinople.
8 7
William 1 1 called "the Good," king of Sicily and See Acneid, ii. 426-427.
Apulia. See Canto xix. 103-105.
"See Canto xix. 127-135. '"The kingdom of Heaven." Matthew, n. 12.
true love, that at its second death it was worthy He who should know what was the pas-
to come unto this festivity. The other, through ture of my sight in her blessed aspect, when I
transferred me to another care, would know, by
grace which distils from a fount so deep that
creature never pushed the eye far as its primal counterpoising one side with the other, how
wave, there below set all his love on righteous- pleasing it was to me to obey my celestial es-
ness; wherefore from grace to grace God cort.

opened his eye to our future redemption, so 25. Within the crystal which, circling round
that he believed in it, and thenceforth endured the world, bears the name of its illustrious lead-
no more the stench of paganism, and reproved er, under whom all wickedness lay dead, 1 saw,

therefor the perverse folk. Those three Ladies of the color of gold on which a sunbeam is
whom thou hast seen at the right wheel were shining, a ladder rising up so high that my eye
to him for baptism, more than a thousand followed it not. I saw, moreover, so
many splen-
years before baptizing. O
predestination, how dors descending along the steps, that I thought
remote is thy root from the vision of those who every light which appears in heaven had been
see not the First Cause entire! And ye, mortals, poured down from it.

keep yourselves restrained in judging; for we 34. And as, by their natural custom,
the daws,
who see God know not yet all the elect; and to at the beginning of the day, move about togeth-
us such defect is sweet, for our good is per- er, in order to warm their cold feathers; then
fected in this good that what God wills we some go away without return, others wheel
also will." round to whence they started, and others, cir-
139. Thus, to make my short sight clear, cling, make a stay; such fashion it seemed to
sweet medicine was given to me by that divine me was here in that sparkling which came to-

image. And as a good lutanist makes the vibra- gether, so soon as it struck on a certain step;
tion of the string accompany a good singer, and that one which stopped nearest to us be-
whereby the song acquires more pleasantness, came so bright that I said in my thought: "I
so I remember that, while it spake, I saw the see well the love which thou dost signify to me.
two blessed lights moving their flamelets to But she, from whom I await the how and the
the words, just as the winking of the eyes con- when of speech and of silence, stays still; where-
cords. fore I, contrary to desire, do well not to ask."
Whereupon she, who saw my silence, in the
CANTO XXI sight of Him
who sees everything, said to me:
ALREADY were my eyes fixed again upon the "Let loose thy warm desire."
countenance of my Lady, and my mind with 52. And I began: "My own merit does not
them, and from every other intent it was with- make me worthy of thy answer; but for her
drawn; and she was not smiling, but: "If I sake who concedes to me the asking, blessed O
should smile," she began to me, "thou wouldst life, that art hidden within thine own joy,
become such as Semele was when she became make known to me the cause which has placed
ashes; for my beauty, which along the stairs of thee so near me; and tell why in this wheel the
the eternal palace is kindled the more, as thou sweet symphony of Paradise is silent, which

hast seen, the higher the ascent, is so resplen- below through the others so devoutly sounds."
dent that, were it not tempered, at its efful- 6 1. "Thou hast thy hearing mortal, as thy

gence thy mortal power would be as a bough sight," it replied to me; "therefore no song is
shattered by thunder. We are lifted to the sev- here for the same reason that Beatrice has no
enth splendor, which beneath the breast of the smile. Down over the steps of the holy stairway
burning Lion now radiates downward min- I have descended so far, only to give thee glad
gled with his strength. Fix thy mind behind welcome with my speech and with the light
thine eyes, and make of them mirrors for the that mantles me; nor has more love made me

figure which in this mirror shall be apparent to be more ready, for as much and more love
to thee." is
burning up there, even as the flaming man-
See Purgatory, xxix. 121. ifests to thee; but the high charity, which makes
Saturn, which was in the sign of the Lion. 3
Saturn, in the golden age.
us prompt servants to the Counsel that governs vealed. In that place was I Peter Damian, and
the world, allots here, even as thou observest." Peter the sinner had I been in the house of Our
73. "I see well," said I, "O sacred lamp, how Lady on the Adriatic shore. Little of mortal life
free love suffices in this Court for following was remaining for me, when I was
sought for
the eternal Providence; but this is what seems and dragged to that hat which ever is
to me hard to discern, why thou alone among
down from bad to worse. Cephas came, and
1 5
thy consorts wert predestined to this office." I the great vessel of the Holy Spirit came, lean
had not come to the last word before the light and barefoot, taking the food of whatsoever
made a centre of its middle, whirling itself like inn. Now
the modern pastors require one to
a swift millstone. prop them up on this side and that, and one to
82. Then the love that was within it an- lead them, so heavy are they, and one to hold
swered: "A divine light is on me, pen-
directed up their trains behind.
They cover their pal-
etrating through this wherein I embosom me; freys with their mantles, so that two beasts go
the virtue of which, conjoined with my vision, under one hide. O Patience, that dost endure
lifts me above myself so far that I see the Su- so much!"
preme Essence from which it emanates. Thence At these words I saw more flamelets
comes the joy wherewith I flame, because to my from step to step descending and whirling, and
vision, in proportion as it is clear, I match the every whirl made them more beautiful. Round
clearness of my flame. But that soul in Heaven about this one they came, and stopped, and ut-
which is most enlightened, that Seraph who tered a cry of such deep sound that here could
has his eye most fixed on God, could not satisfy be none like it; nor did I understand it, the
thy demand; because that which thou askest thunder so overcame me.
lies so deep within the abyss of the eternal stat-

ute, that from every created sight it is cut off. CANTO XXII
And when thou returnest to the mortal world, OPPRESSED with amazement, I turned me to
it may no longer pre-
carry this back, so that my Guide, like a little child who always runs
sume to move its feet toward such a goal. The back thither where he most confides; and she,
mind which shines here, on earth is smoky; like a mother who quickly succors her
pale and
wherefore consider how can it do there below breathless son with her voice, which is wont to
that which it cannot do though Heaven assume reassure him, said to me: "Knowst thou not
it." that thou art in Heaven? and knowst thou not
So did its words prescribe to me, that I
103. that Heaven is all
holy, and whatever is done
the question, and drew me back to ask it
left here comes from righteous zeal ? How the song
humbly who it was. "Between the two shores would have transformed thee, and I by smiling,
of Italy, and not very from thy native
distant thou canst now conceive, since the cry has so
land, rise rocks so high that the thunders sound greatly moved thee; in which, if thou hadst un-
far lower down, and they form a ridge which derstood its prayers, already would be known
is called Catria, beneath which a to thee the vengeance which thou shalt see be-
hermitage is
consecrated which was wont to be devoted to fore thou diest. The sword of here on high cuts

worship only." not in haste, nor tardily, save to the seeming

112. Thus it began again to me with its third of him who, desiring or fearing, awaits it. But

speech, and then, continuing, said: "There in turn thee round now toward the others; for
the service of God I became so steadfast, that, many illustrious spirits thou shalt see, if, as I

only with food of olive juice, lightly I used to bid, thou carry back thy look."
pass the heats and frosts, content in contem- 22. As was her pleasure I directed my eyes,

plative thoughts. That cloister was wont to ren- and saw a hundred little spheres, which togeth-
der in abundance to these heavens; and now it er were making themselves more beautiful with
is become so empty as needs must soon be re- *
A doctor of the Church in the eleventh century.
*Cf. Canto 52-87.
iii. For years abbot of Fonte Avcllana, in 1058 he, much
Catria is a high offshoot to the east from the Apen- against his will, was made cardinal bishop of Ostia.
nines, between Urbino and Gubbio. On its side was the St. Peter. See John, i. 42.
Camaldolite monastery of Fonte Avcllana. St. Paul. See Acts, 9. 15.
theirmutual rays. I was standing as one who to ascend it; and
Rule remains for waste
within himself represses the point of his desire, of pa per. The walls,
which used to be an abbey,
and attempts not to ask, he so fears the too- have become dens, and the cowls are sacks full
much. And the largest and most lustrous of of bad meal. But heavy usury is not levied so
came forward to make my wish
those pearls counter to God's pleasure, as that fruit which

concerning itself content. Then within it I makes the heart of the monks so mad; for
heard: "If thou couldst see, as I do, the charity whatsoever the Church has in keeping is all for
which burns among us, thy thoughts would be the folk that ask it in God's name, not for kin-
expressed; but that thou, by waiting, mayst not dred, or for others more vile. The flesh of mor-
retard thy high end, I will make answer to tals is so soft that on earth a
good beginning
thee, even to the thought about which thou so does not suffice from the springing of the oak
restrainest thyself. to the forming of the acorn. Peter began with-

"That mountain on whose slope Cassino

37. out gold and without silver, and I with prayers

is,was of old frequented on its summit by the and with fasting, and Francis his convent with
deluded and ill-disposed people, and I am he humility; and if thoulookestatthe beginning of
who first bore up there the name of Him Who each, and then lookcst again to where it has
brought to earth the truth which so high exalts run astray, thou wilt see the white changed to
us:and such grace shone upon me that I drew dark. Truly, Jordan turned back, and the sea

away the surrounding villages from the im- fleeing when God willed, were more marvel-
pious worship which seduced the world. All lous to behold than to see succor here."
these other fires were contemplative men, kin- 97. Thus he
said to me, and then drew back
dled by that heat which brings to birth holy to his company, and the company closed to-
flowers and fruits. Here is Macarius, here is gether; then like a whirlwind all gathered itself
Romualdus, here are my brothers, who fixed upward.
their feet within the cloisters, and held their 100. The sweet
Lady urged me behind them,
heart steadfast." with only a sign, up over that ladder; so did
52. And I to him "The afTection which thou
: her virtue overcome my nature. But never here

displayest in speaking with me, and the good below, where one mounts and descends natur-
semblance which I see and note in all your ar- ally, was there motion so rapid that it could be
dors, have expanded my confidence as the sun compared unto wing. So may I return,
does the rose, when she becomes open as wide Reader, to that devout triumph, for the sake of
as she has power to be. Therefore I
pray thee, which I often bewail my sins and beat my
and do thou, Father, assure me if I am capable breast, thou hadst not drawn out and put thy
of receiving so great grace, that I may see thee finger in the fire so quickly as I saw the sign
with uncovered shape." which follows the Bull, and was within it.
61. Whereon he: "Brother, thy high desire r 12. O glorious stars, O light impregnate with
shall be fulfilled up in the last sphere, where great virtue, from which I
acknowledge all my
are fulfilled all others and my own. There ev- genius, whatever may be; with you was born

ery desire is perfect, mature, and whole; in that and with you was hiding himself he who is
alone is every part there where it always was: father of every mortal life, when I first felt the
for it is not in space, and it has not poles; and Tuscan air; and then,when grace was bestowed
our ladder reaches up to it, so that thus from on me to enter within the lofty wheel which
thy sight itFar up as there the pa-
steals itself. turns you, your region was allotted to me. To
triarch Jacob saw
its upper
part, when
it stretch you my soul now devoutly sighs that it may
appeared to him so laden with Angels. acquire virtue for the hard pass which draws
73. "But no one now lifts his feet from earth her to itself.
124. "Thou art so near the ultimate salva-
*St. Benedict.
Macarius of Alexandria, a disciple of St. An-
St. tion," began Beatrice, "that thou oughtest to
tony, who did much to promote the monastic rule in
the East. St. Romualdus founded the Order of Ca- The sign of the Gemini, or Twins, in the Heaven
maldoli in 1012. of the Fixed Stars.
*The Empyrean. The Gemini.
have thine eyes clear and keen. And therefore was there between one and the other
short while
ere thou enter farther into it, look back down- when; of my awaiting, I mean, and of my see-
ward, and see how great a world I have already ing the heavens become more and more re-
set beneath thy feet, in order that thy heart splendent.
may present itself joyous to its utmost unto the 19. And Beatrice said: "Behold the hosts of
of Christ, and all the fruit har-
triumphant throng which comes glad through the Triumph
this round ether." vested by the revolution of these spheres." It

133. With my sight I returned through all seemed to me her face was all aflame, and her
and each of the seven spheres, and saw this eyes were so full of joy that I must needs pass
globe such that I smiled at its mean semblance; on without description.
and that counsel I approve as best which holds 25. As in the clear skies at the full moon
it and he who thinks of other
of least account; Trivia smiles among the eternal nymphs who
things may be called truly righteous. I saw the paint the heaven through all its depths, I saw,

daughter of Latona enkindled without that above thousands of lamps, a Sun that was en-
shadow which had been the cause why I once kindling each and all of them, as ours kindles
and dense. The aspect of thy
believed her rare the supernal shows; and through its living
son, Hyperion, hereI endured, and I saw how light the lucent Substance gleamed so bright
Maia and Dione move around and near him. upon my face that I sustained it not.
Then appeared to me the temperateness of Jove, 34. Oh and dear!
Beatrice, sweet guide
between his father and his son, and then was 35. She said to me: "That which overcomes
clear to me
the varying which they make in thee is a virtue against which naught defends
their position. And all the seven were displayed itself. Here is the Wisdom and the Power that

to me how great they are and how swift they opened the roads between heaven and earth,
are, and how far apart they are in their abodes. for which there erst had been such long de-
While I was revolving with the eternal Twins, sire."

the little threshing-floor which makes us so 40. As fire is unlocked from a cloud, by dila-

fierce all appeared to me, from its hills to its ting so that it has not room
there, and contrary
river-mouths. to its own nature falls down to earth, so my
154. Then I turned back my eyes to the beau- mind, becoming greater amid those feasts, is-
tiful eyes. sued from itself, and what it became it cannot
46. "Open and look on what I am;
thine eyes
As the bird, among the beloved leaves, hav- thou hast seen things such as thouart become

ing reposed on the nest of her sweet brood able to sustain my smile." I was as one who

through the night which hides things from us, comes to himself from a forgotten vision and
who, in order to see this longed-for looks and endeavors in vain to bring it back to mind,
to find the food wherewith she may feed them, when I heard this invitation, worthy of such
in which her heavy toils are pleasing to her, an- gratitude that it is never to be effaced from the
ticipates the time, upon the open twig, and book which records the past. If now all those
with ardent affection awaits the sun, fixedly tongues which Polyhymnia and her sisters made
looking till the dawn may break; so was my most rich with their sweetest milk should sound
to aid me, it would not come to a thousandth
Lady, standing erect and expectant, turned to-
ward the region beneath which the sun shows of the truth in singing the holy smile and how
least haste; so that I, seeing her rapt and eager, it lighted up the holy face. And thus, depict-
became such as he who in desire would fain ing Paradise, the consecrated poem must needs
have somethingelse and in hope is satisfied. But make a leap, even as one who finds his way cut
off. But whoso should consider the ponderous
'The Moon. Cf. Canto li. 49-148.
*Thc Titan Hyperion was the father of Helios, the theme and the mortal shoulder which is laden
Sun. therewith would not blame it if under this it
'Maia and Dione were respectively the mothers
of Mercury and Venus, and by their names these An appellation of Diana, and hence of the moon.
planets are here designated. 'Christ in His glorified body.
tremble. It isno voyage for a little barque, this ways, had its inner shore so distant above us
which my venturous prow goes cleaving, nor that sight of it, there where I was, did not yet
for a pilot who would spare himself. appear to me. Therefore my eyes had not power
70. "Why does my face so enamour thee that to follow the crowned flame, which mounted
thou turnest not to the fair garden which blos- upward after her offspring. And as an infant
soms beneath the rays of Christ? Here is the which, when it has taken the milk, stretches

Rose, in which the Divine Word became flesh: itsarms toward its mother, because of its af-
here are the lilies by whose odor the good way fection which flames up outwardly, each of

was taken." these splendors stretched upward with its flame,

so that the exalted love which they had for
76. Thus Beatrice: and I, who to her coun-
sels was wholly ready, again gave myself up to Mary was manifest to me. Then they remained
the battle of the feeble brows. there in singing Regina coeli so
my sight,

79. As my eyes, covered with a shadow, have sweetly that never has the delight departed
ere now seen a meadow of flowers under a sun- from me. Oh how great is the abundance which
beam which streams bright through a rifted is
heaped up in those most rich coffers which
cloud, so saw I many throngs of splendors were good fields for sowing here below! Here
flashed upon from above by burning rays, they live and enjoy the treasure which was ac-
though I saw not the source of the gleams. O quired while they wept in the exile of Baby-
benignant Power which dost so imprint them, lon, where the gold was left aside. Here, under
thou didst on high to bestow scope
raise thyself the exalted Son of God and of Mary, together
there for which were powerless.
my eyes,
with the ancient and with the new council, he
88. The name of the fair flower which I ev- triumphs in his victory who holds the keys of
er invoke, both morning and evening, wholly such glory.
constrained my mind to gaze upon the great-
er fire. And when and the mag-
the brightness CANTO XXIV
nitude of the living which up there con-
"O FELLOWSHIP elect to the great supper of
quers as it conquered here below, were de-
the blessed Lamb, who
feeds you so that your
desire is always full, since by grace of God this
picted in both my eyes, from within the mid
heavens a torch, formed in a circle in fashion man foretastes of that which falls from your
of a crown, descended and engirt her, and re- table, before death prescribe the time for him,
volved around her. Whatever melody sounds give heed to his immense longing, and some-
sweetest here below, and to itself most draws what bedew him; ye drink ever of the fount
the soul, would seem a cloud which, being whence comes that of which he is thinking."
rent, thunders, compared with the sound of Thus Beatrice; and those glad souls made them-
that lyre wherewith was crowned the beaute- selves spheres upon fixed poles, flaming bright-
ous sapphire by which the brightest Heaven is ly after the manner of comets. And as wheels
ensapphired. within the fittings of clocks revolve, so that to

103. "I am Angelic Love, and I circle round him who gives heed the first seems quiet, and
which breathes from out the womb
the lofty joy the last to fly,
so these carols, differently danc-
which was the hostelry of our Desire; and I ing, swift and slow, made me rate their riches.
shall circle, Lady of Heaven, until thou shalt 19. From the one which I noted of greatest
follow thy Son and make the supreme sphere beauty, I saw issue a fire so happy that it left

more divine because thou enterest it." Thus there none of greater brightness; and it re-

the circling melody sealed itself, and all the volved three times round Beatrice with a song
other lights made the name of Mary resound. so divine that my fancy repeats it not to me;
112. The royal mantle of all the revolutions wherefore my pen makes a leap, and I write
of the world, which
most fervid and most
is 4
"O Queen Heaven," the first words of an
quickened in the breath of God and in His antiphon sung in the office of the Virgin at compline
on certain days after Easter. "O Queen of Heaven, re-

Sec II Corinthians, 2. 14. joice, for He whom thou wert worthy to bear rose
Virgin. as He promised; pray to God for us. Hallelujah."
'Probably the Empyrean. St. Peter.
it not, for our imagination, much more our other sight, wherefore it receives the designa-

Speech, is of too vivid color for such folds. "O

tion of evidence." Then I heard: "If all that

holy sister mine, who dost so devoutly pray to isacquired down below for doctrine, were so
us, by thine ardent affection thou dost unloose understood, the wit of sophist would have no
me from that fair sphere": after it had stopped, place there."
the blessed fire directed to my Lady its breath, 82. These words were breathed forth from
which spoke thus as I have said: that enkindled love; then it added: "Very well

34. And she: "O light eternal of the great have the alloy and the weight of this coin been
man to whom
our Lord left the keys, which now gone over, but tell me if thou hast it in
he bore below, of this marvellous joy, test this thy purse?" Whereupon I: "Yes, I have it so
man on points light and grave, as pleases thee, shining and so round that in its stamp nothing
is doubtful to me." Then issued from the
concerning the Faith, through which thou deep
didst walk upon the sea. If he loves righdy, and light which was shining there: "This precious
hopes righdy, and believes, is not hidden from jewel, whereon every virtue is founded, whence
thee, for thou hast thy sight there where every- came it to thee?" And I: "The abundant rain
thing is seen depicted. But since this realm has of the Heavenly Spirit, which is shed over the
made citizens by the true faith, it is well to Old and over the New
parchments, is a syllo-
glorify it speech of it should fall to him." gism which has proved it tome with such acute-
46. Even as the bachelor arms himself and ness, that in comparison with this every dem-
dost not speak, until the master propounds the onstration seems to me obtuse." I heard then:
question in order to adduce the proof, not to "The Old proposition and the which are New
decide it, so, while she was speaking, I was so conclusive to thee why dost thou hold
arming me with every reason, in order to be them for Divine speech?" And I: "The proof
ready for such a questioner, and for such a pro- which discloses the truth to me are the works
fession. that followed, for which nature never heated
nor beat anvil."
52. "Speak, good Christian, declare thyself; iron,

Faith, what is it?" Whereon I raised my was replied to me: "Say, what assures
103. It
brow to that light whence was breathed
this thee that these works were ? The very thing it-

forth, then turned me to Beatrice, and she made self which requires to be proved, naught else,
prompt signals to me that I should pour the affirms it to thee." "If the world were con-
water forth from my internal fount. "May the verted to Christianity," said I, "without mir-

Grace," began, "which grants to me that I

I acles, this alone is such that the others are not

confess myself to the chief centurion cause my thehundredth part; for thou didst enter poor
conceptions to be well expressed." And I went
and fasting into the field to sow the good plant,
on: "As the veracious pen, Father, of thy dear which once was a vine and now has become a
brother (who with thee set Rome on the good bramble."
112. This ended, the high holy Court re-
track) wrote of it, Faith is the substance of
sounded through the spheres a "We praise
things hoped for, and evidence of things not
thee, O God," in the melody which up there is
seen; and this appears to me its essence."
67.Then I heard: "Rightly dost thou think, sung.
if thou understandest well why he placed it 115. And that Baron who thus from branch
the substances, and then among the ev- to branch, examining, had now drawn me on,
idences."And I thereon: "The deep things so that we were approaching the last leaves, be-
which grant unto me here the sight of them- gan again: "The Grace that holds courteous
selves, are so hidden to eyes below that there converse with thy mind has opened thy mouth
thus far as it should be opened, so that I
their existence is in belief alone,
upon which ap-
the lofty hope is founded, and therefore it takes prove that which has issued forth, but now it is
the designation of substance; and from this for this signification of substance, Aquinas,

belief we needs must syllogize, without having

Summa Theologica, Part I, 29, A 2. Q
During the Middle Ages a term not infrequently
St. Paul. applied to the most eminent among the saints, and
'Sec Hebrews, n. I. even to Christ Himself.
and Baron whose sake there below Galicia
befitting to express what
them believest, for is
whence it was offered to thy belief." visited."

holy father, spirit who seest that

124. "O 19. As when the dove alights near his mate,
which thou didst so believe that thou, toward and each, circling and cooing, displays its af-

the sepulchre, didst outdo younger feet, began fection to the other, so by the one great Prince

I, "thou wishest that I should

here declare the glorious I saw the other greeted, praising the
form of my ready belief, and also thou hast food which feeds them thereabove. But after
asked the cause of it. And I answer: I believe their gratulation was completed, silent coram
in one God, and eternal, who, unmoved,
sole me* each stopped, so blazing that it overcame
moves all the Heavens with love and with de- my sight. Then Beatrice, smiling, said: "Illus-
sire; and for such belief I have not only proofs
trious life, by whom the bounty of our basilica

physical and metaphysical, but that

truth also was written, do thou make Hope resound up-
on this height; thou knowest that thou dost
gives it to me which hence rains down through
Moses, through Prophets, and through Psalms, represent it as many times as Jesus displayed

through the Gospel, and through you who wrote most brightness to the three." "Lift up thy
after the fiery Spirit made you reverend. And head, and mind thou reassure thyself; for that
I believe in three Eternal Persons, and these I which comes up here from the mortal world
believe to be one essence, so one and so three- needs must be ripened in our rays." This com-
fold that it will admit to be conjoined with are fort came to me from the second fire; whereon

and is. Of the profound divine condition on I lifted

up my eyes unto the mountains which
which I touch, the evangelic doctrine many times had bent them down before with excess of
sets the seal upon my mind. This is the begin- weight.
ning, this is the spark which afterwards di- 40. "Since, through grace, our Emperor wills
lates into a vivid flame, and like a star in heav- that thou, before thy death, come face to face
en scintillates within me." with his Counts in His most secret hall, so
148. Even as a lord who hears what pleases that,having seen the truth of this Court, thou
him, thereon, rejoicing in the news, embraces mayest therewith confirm in thyself and others
his servant, soon as he is silent, thus, blessing the Hope which there below rightly enamours,
me as he sang, the apostolic light, at whose say is, and how thy mind blossoms
what it
command I had spoken, thrice encircled me with it, and
say whence it came to thee"; thus
when I was silent; so had I pleased him in my further did the second light proceed.

speech. 49. And that compassionate one, who guided

the feathers of my wings to such lofty flight,
CANTO XXV thus in the reply anticipated me: "The Church
IF ever happen that the sacred poem to
it militant has not any child possessed of more
which both heaven and earth have so set hand, hope, as is written in the Sun which irradiates
that it has made me lean for many years, should all our band; therefore it is conceded to him
overcome the cruelty which bars me out of the that from Egypt he should come to Jerusalem,
fair sheepfold, where a lamb I slept, foe to the to behold, before his term of warfare is com-
wolves that give it war, then with other voice, pleted.The other two points which are asked
with other fleece, a Poet will I return, and on not for sake of knowing, but that he may re-
the font of my baptism will I take the crown; port how greatly this virtue is pleasing to thee,
because there I entered into the Faith which I leave to him, for they will not be difficult to
makes the souls known to God; and afterward him, nor of vainglory, and let him answer there-
Peter, for its sake, thus encircled my brow.
13. Then a light moved toward us from that St. James, the brother of St. John, is believed to
be buried at Compostella, in Galicia.
sphere whence had issued the first-fruit which 3
"Before me."
Christ left of His vicars; and my Lady, full of
The reference is to the Epistle of James, which
me: "Look, look! behold the Dante wrongly attributes to St. James the Greater.
gladness, said to
See James, i. 5, 17.
Cf. Matthew, 17. iff.; 25. 37; Mark, 9. i; Luke, 8.
Cf. John, 20. 4-6. 51; 9- 28.

to,and may the grace of God accord this to Lady kept her gaze upon them, even as a bride
him." silent and motionless. "This is he who
lay up-
64. As a scholar who follows his teacher,
on the breast of our Pelican/ and who was
chosen from upon the cross for the great of-
prompt and glad in that wherein he is expert, 8
so that his worth may be disclosed: "Hope," fice."

said I, "is a sure expectation of future glory, 115. Thus

Lady; but no more after than
which divine grace produces, and preceding before her words did she move her look from
From many stars this light comes to me, its fixed attention. As is he who
merit. gazes and
but he first instilled it into my heart who was endeavors to see the sun a little eclipsed, and
the supreme singer of the Supreme Leader. 'Let who through seeing becomes sightless, so did
them hope in Thee, who know Thy name,' he I become in respect to that last fire, till it was

says in his theody; and who knows it not, if said: "Why dost thou dazzle thyself in order
he has my faith? Thou afterwards in thy to see a thing which has no place here? On
Epistle didst instil it into me together with his earth my body is earth; and it will be there
instilling, so that I am full, and upon others with the others until our number corresponds
shower down your rain." with the eternal purpose. With the two robes

79. While I was speaking, within the living

in the blessed cloister are only those two lights
bosom of that fire a flash was trembling, sud- which ascended; and this thou shalt carry
den and frequent, in the manner of lightning. back unto your world."
Then it breathed: "The love wherewith I still 130. At this word
the flaming gyre became

glow toward the virtue which followed me quiet, togetherwith the sweet mingling made
even to the palm, and to the issue of the field, of the sound of the trinal breath, even as, for
wills that I breathe again to thee, who dost de- avoiding of fatigue or danger, the oars, erst
pleasure, that thou tell
driven through the water, all stop at the sound
light in it; and it is my
that which Hope promises to thee." And I: of a whistle.
"The new and the old Scriptures set up the 136. Ah! how greatly was I disturbed in mind,
mark, and that points it out to me. Of the souls when I turned to see Beatrice, at not being able
whom God hath made his friends, Isaiah says to see her, although I was near her, and in
that each one should be clothed in his own land the happy world.
with a double garment, and his own land is
this sweet life; and thy brother, far more ex- CANTO XXVI
plicitly, there where
he treats of the white WHILE was apprehensive because of my

robes, makes manifest to us this revelation." quenched sight, a breath which made me atten-
At first, close on the end of these words, tive issued from the effulgent flame that had
Sperent in te was heard above us, to which quenched it, saying: "While thou art regain-
all the carols made answer; then among them ing the sense of sight which thou hast con-
a light became so bright that, if the Crab had sumed on me, it is well that thou make up for
one such crystal, winter would have a month it
by discourse. Begin then, and tell at what thy
of one sole day. And as a glad maiden rises and soul is aimed, and make thy recokoning that

goes and enters in the dance, only to do honor thy sight is confounded in thee and not dead;
to the new bride, and not for any failing, so because the Lady who conducts thee through
did I see the brightened splendor come to the 7
Christ. It was believed that the pelican killed its

two who were turning in a wheel, such as was brood, and then revived them with its blood.
*See John, 19. 27.
befitting their ardent love. It set itself there Dante seeks to see whether St. John is present in
into the song and into the measure, and my the earthly as well as the spiritual body; his desire
having its source in the words of the Gospel: "J esus
These words are taken directly from Peter Lom- saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what
bard, Liber Sententiarum , iii. 26. is that to thee? . . . Then went this saying abroad
See Psalms, 9. 10. among the brethren, that that disciple should not
See James, r. 12; 2. 5; 4. 8. die." See John, 21. 22, 23. From these words arose a
See Isaiah, 59. 7. legend that, immediately on his apparent death, St.
'See Revelation, 7. 9-17. John, still in the body, was taken up to heaven.
6 10
"They will put their trust in thee." Psalms, 9. 10. Jesus and Mary. See Canto xxiii. 86, 120.
this divine region has in her look the virtue
world, and my own existence, the death which
which the hand of Ananias had." He endured that and that which
may live,

13. 1 said: "At her pleasure, or

soon or late, all the faithful hope even with as I do, together
let the cure come to the eyes which were the the aforesaid living consciousness, have drawn

gates when she entered with the fire

wherewith me from the sea of perverted love, and have
I ever burn. The Good which makes this court set me on the shore of the right. The leaves,

content is Alpha and Omega of every scripture wherewith all the garden of the Eternal Gar-
that Love reads to me, either low or loud." dener is enleaved, I love in measure of the good
19. That same voice which had taken from borne unto them from Him."
me fear in regard to the sudden dazzling, laid 67. Soon as I was silent a most sweet song
on me the charge to speak further, and said: resounded through the heavens, and my Lady
"Surely with a finer sieve it behoves thee to said with the others: "Holy, Holy, Holy."

sift;it behoves thee to tell who directed thy 70. And as at a keen light sleep is broken by
bow to such a target." the spirit of sight, which runs to the splendor

25. And I: "By philosophic arguments and that goes from coat to coat, and he who awakes

by authority that descends from here, such love shrinks from what he sees, so ignorant is his
must needs be impressed on me; for the good, sudden wakening, until his judgment comes
inasmuch as it is good, so soon as it is under- to his aid; thus Beatrice chased away every
stood, kindles love; and so much the greater mote from my eyes with the radiance of her
as the more
of goodness it comprises in itself. own, which were refulgent more than a thou-
Therefore, to the Essence (wherein is such su- sand miles; so that I then saw better than be-

premacy that every good which is found out- fore; and, as one amazed, I asked concerning a
side of It is naught else than a beam of Its own fourth light which I saw with us. And my

radiance), more than to any other, the mind Lady: "Within those rays the first soul which
of everyone who discerns the truth on which the First Power ever created gazes with joy
this argument is founded must needs be moved upon its Maker."
in love. This truth does he make plain to 85. As the bough which bends its top at pass-

my intelligence, who demonstrates to me the ing of the wind, and then uplifts itself by its
first love of all the sempiternal substances. The own virtue which raises it, so did I, in amaze-
voice of the true Author makes it plain who, ment, while she was speaking; and then a de-
speaking of Himself, says to Moses: *I will make sire tospeak, wherewith I was burning, gave
thee see all Thou, too, makest it
goodness.' me again assurance, and I began: "O fruit,
plain tome, beginning the lofty announcement that wast alone produced mature, O ancient
which below on earth, above all other trump, Father, to whom every bride is daughter and
proclaims the secret of this place on high." daughter-in-law, devoutly as I can, I supplicate
46. And I heard: "By human understanding, thee that thou speak to me; thou seest my
and by authorities concordant with
it, thy sov- wish, and that I may hear thee speedily, I do
ran love looks unto God; but say, further, not tell it."
if thou feelest other cords draw thee towards 97. Sometimes an animal, when covered up,
Him, so that thou mayst declare with how so stirs, that its impulse must needs be appar-

many teeth this love doth bite thee." ent because of the corresponding movement
52. The holy intention of the Eagle of Christ which its
wrapping makes; and in likeman-
was not latent to me; nay, rather I perceived
ner the first soul made evident to me, through
whither he wished to lead my profession; there- its
covering, how gladly it came to do me
fore, Ibegan again: "All those bitings which pleasure.
can make the heart turn to God have been con- 103. Then it breathed forth: "Without its be-
current unto my love; for the existence of the ing uttered to me by thee, I better discern thy
^ce Acts, 9. 1 8. wish, than thou whatever thing is most certain
See Revelation, i. 8. to thee; because I see it in the truthful Mirror
See Exodus, 33. 19.
which makes of Itself a reflection of other
'See Revelation, i. 8. things, while nothing makes of itself a reflec-
tion of Thou wouldst hear how long it is
It. on the blessed choir on every side, when I

since God placed me in the lofty garden where heard: "If change color, marvel not; for, as

this Lady made thee ready for so long a stair- I

speak, thou shalt see all these change coloi.
way; and how long it was a delight to my eyes; He who on earth usurps my place, my place,
and the proper cause of the great wrath; and my place, which is vacant in the presence of
of the idiom which I used and which I made. the Son of God, has made of my cemetery a

115. "Now, my son, the tasting of the tree sewer of blood and of filth, wherewith the Per-

was not by the cause of so great an exile,

itself verse One who fell from here above, below
but only the overpassing of the bound. In that there is
place whence thy Lady moved longed Virgil, I 28. With
that color which, by reason of the
for this assembly during four thousand three opposite sun, paints the cloud at evening and
hundred and two revolutions of the sun; and at morning, I then saw the whole Heaven
while I was on earth I saw him return to all overspread. And as a modest lady who abides
the lights of his path nine hundred and thirty sure of herself, and at the fault of another, on
times. The tongue which I spoke was all ex- only hearing of it, becomes timid, thus did
tinct long before the people of Nimrod at- Beatrice change semblance; and such eclipse, I

tempted their unaccomplishable work; for nev- was in heaven

believe, there when the Supreme
er was any product of the reason durable for Power suffered.

ever, because of human liking, which alters, 37. Then his words proceeded, in a voice so

following the heavens. That man speaks is

transmuted from itself that his countenance
work of nature; but, thus or thus, nature then was not more changed: "The Bride of Christ
leaves to you to do according as it
pleases you.
was not nurtured on my bipod, and that of Li-
Before I descended to the infernal anguish, the nus and of Cletus, to be employed for acquist
of gold; but for acquist of this glad
Supreme Good, whence comes the gladness that 8
life Sixtus
swathes me, was on earth called 7; afterwards and Pius and Calixtus and Urban shed their
it was called Elf and that must needs me, for blood after much weeping. It was not our in-
the custom of mortals is as a leaf on a branch, tention that part of the Christian people should

which goes away and another comes. On the siton the right hand of our successors, and
mountain which rises highest from the wave I part on the other; nor that the keys which were
was, with pure life and sinful, from the first entrusted to me should become a device upon
hour to that which follows the sixth, when the a banner which should fight against the bap-
sun changes quadrant." tized; nor that I should be made a figure on
a seal to venal and mendacious privileges,
whereat I often redden and flash. Rapacious
CANTO XXVII wolves, in garb of shepherd, are seen from here
"To the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy on high over all the pastures: defence of O
Spirit be glory," all Paradise began, so that the God, why dost thou yet lie still! To drink our
sweet song was inebriating me. That which I blood Cahorsines and Gascons are making
ready; O good beginning, to what vile end
was seeing seemed to me a smile of the uni-

verse; for my inebriation was entering through must thou fall! But the high Providence, which
the hearing and through the sight. joy! O O with Scipio defended for Rome the glory of
ineffable gladness! O
life entire of love and of the world, will succor speedily, as I conceive.

peace! O riches secure, without longing! And thou, son, who because of thy mortal
10. Before my eyes the four torches were 1
Dante held that Boniface VIII had no right to the
standing enkindled, and that which had come papal throne, because his election had taken place
first began to make itself more vivid, and in its while Celestine V, his predecessor, was still alive, and
semblence became such as Jupiter would be- had been secured by bribery and deception.
"Early Popes.
come, if he and Mars were birds, and should 4
In Boniface VIII's war against the Colonna family.
exchange plumage. The Providence which here See Hell, xxvii. 85-111.
John XXII, Pope from 1316 to 1334, was a native
assigns turn and office, had imposed silence
of Cahors; his immediate predecessor, Clement V,
*/ is here to be pronounced jah; see Psalms, 68. 4. 1305-1314, was a Gascon.
love enclose with one even as does
weight wilt again return below, open thy mouth, it circle, it

and conceal not that which I conceal not." the others, and of that cincture He who girds
67. Even as our air snows down flakes of it is the sole Intelligence. The motion of this
frozen vapors, when the horn of the Goat of heaven is not marked out by another, but the
heaven is touched by the sun, so I saw the others are measured by this, just as ten by its
aether become adorned, and flaked upward half and by its fifth. And how time can have
with the triumphant vapors which had made its roots in such a flower-pot and in the others

sojourn there with us. My sight was following

its leaves, may now be manifest to thee.
their semblances, and followed, till the inter- 121. "O covetousness, which dost so whelm

mediate space by its vastness took from it the mortals beneath thee, that no one has power

power of passing farther onward. Whereon my to withdraw his eyes from out thy waves Well !

Lady, who saw me freed from gazing upward, does the will blossom in men, but the contin-
said to me: "Cast down thy sight, and look ual rain converts the true plums into blighted
how thou hast revolved." fruit. Faith and innocence are found only in

79. 1 saw that, since the hour when

had first I children; then each flies away before the cheeks

looked, I had moved through the whole arc are covered. One, so long as he lisps, keeps

which the first climate makes from its middle the fasts, who afterward, when his tongue is

to its end; so that beyond Cadiz I saw the mad loosed, devours whatever food under whatever
track of Ulysses, and on the other side almost moon; and one, while he lisps, loves his mother
the shore on which Europa became a sweet and listens to her, who afterward, when his

burden. And more of the site of this little speech is perfect, desires to see her buried. So
threshing-floor would have been discovered to
the skin of the fair daughter of him who brings

me, but the sun was proceeding beneath my morning and leaves evening, white in its first

feet, a sign and more removed. aspect, becomes black. Do thou, in order that
88. My enamoured mind, that ever pays thou make no marvel of it, reflect that on earth
court to myLady, was more than ever burning there is no one who governs; wherefore the
to bring back my eyes to her. And if nature human family goes thus astray. But ere Janu-
or art has made bait in human flesh or in paint- ary be allun-wintered by that hundredth part

ings of it, to catch the eyes in order to possess which is down there neglected, these supernal
the mind, all united would seem naught com- circles shall so roar that the storm which has

pared to the divine pleasure which shone upon been so long awaited turn round the

me when I turned me to her smiling face. sterns to where the prows are, so that the fleet
And the virtue which that look vouchsafed shall run straight, and true fruit shall come
to me, tore me from the fair nest of Leda, and after the flower."

impelled me to the swiftest heaven.

most living and lofty, are so
100. Its parts, CANTO XXVIII
uniform that I cannot tell which of them Be- AFTER she who imparadises my mind had
atrice chose for a place for me. But she, who disclosed the truth counter to the present life

saw my desire, began, smiling so glad that God of wretched mortals; as one who sees in a mir-

seemed to rejoice in her countenance: "The which is lighted behind

ror the flame of a torch

nature of the universe which holds the centre him, ere he has in sight or in thought, and

turns round to see if the glass tell him the

quiet, and moves all the rest around it, begins
here as from its starting-point. And this heav- truth, and sees that it accords with it as the
en has no other Where than the Divine Mind, note with its measure; so my memory recollects
wherein is kindled the love that revolves it, that did, looking into the beautiful eyes,

and the virtue which it rains down. Light and wherewith Love made the cord to capture me.
And when I turned, and mine were touched
See Canto xxii. 133-153.
" 4
The coast of Phoenicia, whence Europa was carried Sec Aristotle. Physics, ii. 2. 194*13.
off by Jupiter. By an error in the calendar, by which the year
'From Gemini, the constellation of Castor and was lengthened by about a day in each century.
Pollux, the twin sons of Leda.

Cf. lines 125, 126, supra


by what is apparent in that sphere whenever through Greater goodness must

all their
one gazes fixedly on its circling, I saw a Point work greater weal; the greater body, if it has
which was raying out light so keen that the its parts equally complete, contains the greater
sight on which it blazes must needs close be- weal. Hence this one, which sweeps along with

cause of its whatever

intense keenness. And itself all the rest of the universe, corresponds
star seems smallest from here would seem a to the circle which loves most, and knows most.
moon if placed beside it, as star with star is Therefore, if thou draw thy measure round
the virtue, not round the appearance of the
22. Perhaps as near as a halo seems to girdle beings which seem circular to thee, thou wilt
the light which paints it, when the vapor that see in each heaven a marvellous agreement

bears it is most dense, at such distance around with its

Intelligence, of greater to more and
the Point a circle of fire was whirling so rap- of smaller to less."
As the hemisphere of the air remains
idly that it would have surpassed that motion 79.
which most swiftly girds the world; and this splendid and serene when Boreas blows from
was girt around by another, and that by the that cheek wherewith he is mildest, whereby
the mist which before troubled it is cleared and
third, and the third then by the fourth, by the
fifth the fourth, and then by the sixth the fifth. dissolved, so that the heaven smiles to us with
Thereon the seventh followed, so widespread the beauties of its every region, so I became

now after my Lady had provided me with her clear

in compass that the messenger of Juno
entire would be narrow to contain it. So the answer, and, like a star in heaven, the truth
eighth and the ninth; and each was moving
was seen.

more slowly, according as it was in number And after her words had stopped, not

more distant from the unit. And that one had otherwise does molten iron throw out sparks
the clearest flame from which the Pure Spark than the circles sparkled.
Every scintillation
was least distant; I believe because it partakes followed and they were so many that
its blaze,
more of Its truth. their number was of more thousands than the

40. My Lady, who saw me deeply suspense doubling of the chess. 1 heard Hosannah sung
in heed, said: "On that Point Heaven and all from choir to choir to the fixed Point that
nature are dependent. Look on that circle holds them, and will forever hold them, at the
which is most conjoined to It, and know that Ubi in which they have ever been. And she,
its motion
is so swift because of the burning who saw the questioning thoughts within my
"The have shown to
whereby it is spurred." And I to her: "If
love mind, said: first circles

the world were disposed in the order which I thee the Seraphim and the Cherubim. Thus

see in those wheels, that which is set before swiftly they follow their own bonds, in order
me would have satisfied me; but in the world to liken themselves to the Point asmost they
of sense the revolutions be seen so much can, and they can in proportion as they are
the more divine as they are more remote from exalted to see. Those other loves, which go

the centre. Wherefore have around them, are called Thrones of the divine
my desire is to

end in this marvellous and angelic temple, aspect, because they terminated the first triad.
which has for confine only love and light, I 1
This alludes to the story that the inventor of the
need yet to hear why the example and the ex- game asked, as his reward from the King of Persia,
a grain of wheat for the first square of the board,
emplar go not in one fashion, because by my- two for the second, four for the thud, and so on
self I contemplate this in vain." "If thy fingers with successive duplication to the last or sixty-fourth
are insufficient for such a knot, no won-
it is square, the number reached by this process extending
to twenty figures.
der, so hard has it become through not being 2
The where.
tried." 8
His questioning thoughts were regard to them
6i.Thus my Lady; then she said: "Take arrangement of the Orders of the Heavenly Hierarchy,
which Beatrice now proceeds to declare to him, fol-
that which I shall tell thee, if thou wouldest
lowing the treatise Concerning the Heavenly Hier-
be satisfied and sharpen thy wit about it. The archy, generally ascribed during the Middle Ages to
Dionysius the Areopagite (see Acts, 17. 34; II Corin-
corporeal circles are wide or narrow according
thians, 12. 2-4).
to the more or less of virtue which is diffused 4
See Canto ix. 61.
And thou shouldst know that all have delight splendence say, / am; in His own eternity, out-
in proportion as their vision penetrates into side of time, outside of every other limit, as

the Truth in which every understanding is at it

pleased Him, the Eternal Love disclosed
rest. Hence may be seen how beatitude is Himself in new loves. Nor before, as if inert,
founded on the act which sees, not on that did He lie; for neither before nor after did

which loves, which follows after. And the mer- the moving of God upon these waters pro-
it, to which grace and good-will give birth,

the measure of this seeing; thus is the progress 22. "Form and matter, conjoined and sim-
from grade to grade. ple, came
into being which had no defect, as

"The next triad, that in like manner three arrows from a three-stringed bow; and
sempiternal spring which the
as in glass, in amber, or in crystal a ray shines
bourgeons in this
so that there is no interval between its
nightly Aries despoils not, perpetually sing coming
Hosannah with three melodies, which sound in and being complete, so did the triform effect

the three orders of joy wherewith it is three- ray forth from its Lord into its being all at
fold. In this hierarchy are the three divinities, once, without distinction of beginning. Order
first Dominations, and then Virtues; the third was concreate and established for the sub-
order is of Powers. Then, in the two penulti- stances; and those in which pure act was pro-
mate dances, the Principalitiesand Archangels duced were top of the world. Pure potential-
circle; the last is wholly of Angelic sports. ity held the lowest part; in the middle such a
These orders all gaze upward, and downward bond tied up potentiality with act, that it is
so prevail, that toward God all are drawn, and never unbound. Jerome wrote for you of the
all And Dionysius with such great de-
draw. Angels, as being created a long tract of centur-
himself to contemplate these orders, that
sire set ies before the rest of the world was made; but
he named and divided them, as I. But Greg- this truth is written on many pages by the

ory afterward separated from him; wherefore,

writers of the and thou wilt thy-
Holy Spirit,
so soon as he his eyes in this self discern it there, if thou watchest well for
opened Heaven,
he smiled at himself. And if a mortal declared it; and also the reason sees it somewhat, which

on earth so much of secret truth, I would not would not admit that the motors could be so
have thee wonder, for he who saw it here on long without their perfection. Now thou know-
est where and when these Loves were created,
high disclosed it to him, with much else of the
truth of these circles." and how; so that three flames of thy desire are
already quenched.
49. "One would not reach to twenty, in
CANTO XXIX counting, so quickly as a part of the Angels dis-
WHEN two children of Latona, covered
the turbed the lowest of your elements. The rest

by the Ram
and by the Scales, both at one mo- remained and began this art which thou be-
ment make a zone of the horizon, as long as holdest, with such great delight that they nev-
from the instant the zenith holds them in bal- er cease from circling. The origin of the fall

ance, till one and the other, changing their was the accursed pride of him whom thou hast
seen opprest by the weights of the world.
hemisphere, are unbalanced from that girdle, all

so long, with her countenance painted with a Those whom thou seest here were modest to
smile, was Beatrice silent, looking fixedly upon recognize themselves as from the Goodness
the Point which had overcome me. which had made them apt for intelligence so
10. Then she began: "I tell, not ask, what great; wherefore their vision was exalted by
thou wishest to hear, for I have seen it where illuminating grace and by their merit, so that
every where and every when are centred. Not they have a full and steadfast will. And I
for the gain of good unto Himself, which can- would not that thou doubt, but be certain, that
not be, but that His splendor See Genesis, i. 2.
might, in re-
1 "See Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I, O 50,
Pope St. Gregory differed slightly from Dionysius A i.; Part IMI, Q 113, A 6.
in his arrangement of the Orders of the
Heavenly 'Ibid., Parti,
961, A 3.
'See Hell, xxxiv. 122-126.
to receive grace is meritorious in proportion as preach with and with buffooneries, and
the affection is open to it. so there be only agood laugh the cowl puffs
67. "Henceforth, if words have been har-
my up, and nothing more is asked; but such a bird
vested, thou canst contemplate much in regard is
nesting in the tail of the hood, that if the
to this consistory without other assistance. But crowd should see it, they would see in what
since on earth it is taught in your schools that pardoning they are trusting; wherefore such
the angelic nature is such that it understands, great folly has grown on earth, that, without
and remembers, and wills, I will
speak further, proof of any testimony, men would flock to
in order that thou mayest see the simple truth, every promise. On this the pig of St. Antony
which there below is confused, by the equivo- fattens, and others also, who are far more pigs,
cation in such like teaching. These substances, paying with money that has no stamp of coin-
since first they were gladdened by the face of age.
God, have not turned their sight from it, from 127. "But because we have digressed enough,
which nothing is concealed; therefore they turn back thine eyes now toward the straight
have not a vision interrupted by new objects, path, so that the way be shortened with the
and therefore do not need to remember by a time. This nature so exceedingly extends in
divided conception. So that down there men number, that never was there speech or mor-
dream when not asleep, believing and not be- talconcept that can go so far. And if thou con-
more sider that which is revealed by Daniel thou
lieving to speak truth; but in the one is
fault and more shame. wilt see that in his thousands a determinate

85. "Ye below go not along one path in phi- number is concealed. The Primal Light that
losophizing; so much do the love of display
irradiates it all is received in it by as many
and the thought of it transport you; and yet modes as are the splendors with which It pairs
this is endured here on high with less indig- Itself. Wherefore, since the affection follows
nation than when the divine Scripture is set upon the act that conceives, in this nature the

aside, orwhen it is perverted. Men think not sweetness of love diversely glows and warms.
there how much blood it costs to sow it in the Behold now the height and the breadth of the
world, or how much he pleases who humbly Eternal Goodness, since it has made for itself

keeps close to it.

Every one strives for display, so many mirrors on which it is broken, One
and makes his own inventions, and those are in itself remaining as before."
treated of by the preachers, and the Gospel is
silent. One says that the moon turned back at
the passion of Christ and interposed herself, THE sixth hour is
glowing perhaps six thou-
so that the light of the sun reached not down; sand miles distant from us, and this world now

and others that the own inclines its shadow almost to a level bed, when
light hid itself of its

the mid-heaven, deep above us, begins to be-

accord, so that this eclipse answered for the
come such that some one star loses its show so
Spaniards and for the Indians as well as for the
far as to this depth; and as the brightest hand-
Jews. Florence has not so many Lapi and Bindi
as fables such as these that are shouted the year maid of the sun comes farther on, so the heav-
en is closed from
light to light, even to the
long from the pulpits, on every side; so that
the poor flocks, who know naught, return most beautiful. Not otherwise the Triumph,
from the pasture fed with wind; and not see- that plays forever round the Point which van-

ing the harm does not excuse them. quished me, seeming enclosed by that which
109. "Christ did not say to his first company: *St. Antony of Egypt, the patriarch of monks, is

*Go, and preach idle stories to the world,' but represented with a hog under his feet, as a symbol
of his mastery of sensual temptations. The monks
he gave to them the true foundation; and that of his order kept swine, fed at public charge; it was
alone sounded in their mouths, so that to fight a profanation to steal or kill them. Dante gives the
name of pigs to his degenerate followers, many of
for kindling of the faith they made shield and
whom grew fat on the sale of false indulgences.
lance of the Gospel. Now
men go forth to 'See Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I, Q 50,

1 Aj.
Common nicknames in Florence. See Daniel, 7. 10.
it was extinguished little by little to
encloses, like rubies which gold encompasses. Then, as

my wherefore my seeing nothing and

ifinebriated by the odors, they plunged again

my love constrained me to turn with my eyes into the wonderful flood, and as one was en-
to Beatrice. If what has been said of her so far tering another was issuing forth.
as here were allincluded in a single praise, it 70. "The high desire which now inflames
would be little to furnish forth this turn. The and urges thee to have knowledge concerning
beauty which I saw transcends measure not that which thou seest, pleases me the more the

only beyond our reach, but surely I believe that more it swells; but thou must needs drink of
its Maker alone can enjoy it all. this water before so great a thirst in thee be
22. By concede myself vanquished
this pass I slaked." Thus
Sun of my eyes said to me;
more than ever comic or tragic poet was over- then added: "The stream, and the topazes
come by crisis of his theme. For as the sun which enter and issue, and the smiling of the
does to the sight which trembles most, even so herbage, are shadowy prefaces of their truth;
remembrance of the sweet smile deprives my not that these things are difficult in themselves,

memory of its very self. From the first day but there is defect on thy part that thou hast
when in this life I saw her face, until this sight, not yet vision so exalted."
the following with my song has not been cut 82. There is no babe who so hastily springs
off for me, but now needs must my pursuit de- with face toward the milk, if he awake much
sist from further following her beauty in my later than his wont, as I did, to make yet better

verse, as at his utmost every artist. mirrors of my eyes, stooping to the wave which
34. Such, as I leave her for a greater herald- flows in order that we may be bettered in it.

ing than that of my trumpet, which is bringing And even as the eaves of my eyelids drank of
its arduous theme to a close, with act and voice it, so it seemed to me from its length to have

of a leader whose talk is accomplished she be- become round. Then as folk who have been
gan again: "We have issued forth from the under masks, who seem other than before, if
greatest body to the Heaven which is pure they divest themselves of the semblance not
light: light intellectual full of love, love of true their own wherein they disappeared, in such
good full which transcends every
of joy, joy wise for me the flowers and the sparks were
sweetness. Here thou shalt see the one and the changed into greater festival, so that I saw both
other soldiery of Paradise; and the one in those the Courts of Heaven made manifest.

aspects which thou shalt see at the Last Judg- 97. O splendor of God, through which I saw
ment." the high triumph of the true kingdom, give to

46. As a sudden flash which scatters the me power to tell how I saw it!
spirits of the sight so that itdeprives the eye i oo.
Light is thereabove which makes the
of the action of the strongest objects; so did a Creator visible to that creature which has its
vivid light shine round about me, leaving me peace only in seeing Him; and it spreads in
swathed with such a veil of its own effulgence circular shape so far that its circumference
that nothing was visible to me. would be too large a girdle for the sun. Its
52. "The Love which quieteth this Heaven whole appearance is made of a ray reflected
always welcomes to itself with such a saluta- from the summit of the First Moving Heaven,
tion, in order to make the candle fit for its which from it takes its life and potency. And
flame." No sooner had these brief words come as a hill mirrors itself in water at its base, as if
within me than I comprehended that I was to see itself adorned, when it is rich with ver-
surmounting above my own power; and I re- dure and with flowers, so, above the light,
kindled me with a new vision, such that no round and round about, on more than a thou-
light is so pure that my eyes could not have sand seats, I saw mirrored, as they rose, all that
withstood it. And I saw light in form of a river of us have made return on high. And if the

glowing with effulgence, between two banks lowest row gather within itself so great a light,

painted with marvellous spring. From this how vast the spread of this rose in its outer-

stream were issuing living sparks, and on ev- most leaves! My

sight lost not itself in the
ery side were setting themselves in the flowers, breadth and in the height, but took in all the
quantity and quality of that joy. There near they imparted of the peace and of the ardor
and far nor add nor take away; for where God which they acquired as they fanned their sides.

governs without intermediary the natural law Nor did the interposing of so great a flying
is of no relevancy. plenitude, between what was above and the
124. Into the yellow of the sempiternal rose, flower, impede the sight or the splendor; for
which spreads wide, and breathes
rises in tiers, the divine light penetrates through the uni-
forth odor of praise unto the Sun that makes verse, according as it is worthy, so that naught

perpetual spring. Beatrice, like one who is si- can be an obstacle to it. This secure and joyous
lent and wishes to speak, drew me and said, realm, thronged with ancient and with mod-
"Behold, how vast is the convent of the white ern folk, had its look and love all on one mark.

stoles; See our city, how wide its circuit! See 28. O Trinal Light, which in a single star,
our benches so few people are now
full that scintillating on their sight, dost so satisfy them,
wanting here. On that great seat, on which look down here upon our tempest!
thou holdest thine eye because of the crown 31. If the Barbarians, coming from
a region
which already is set above it, ere thou dost sup such that every day it is covered by Helice, re-
at this wedding-feast, shall sit the soul (which volving with her son of whom she is fond,
on earth will be imperial) of the lofty Henry when they beheld Rome and
her lofty work
who, to set Italy straight, will come ere she is what time Lateran rose above mortal things
ready. The blind cupidity which bewitches were wonder-struck, I, who to the divine from
you has made you like the little child who dies the human, to the eternal from the temporal,
of hunger, and drives away his nurse; and had come, and from Florence to a people just
such a one will then be prefect in the divine and sane, with what amazement must I have
forum that openly or covertly he will not go been full! Truly what with it and with the joy
I was well
with him along one road; but short while pleased not to hear, and to stand
thereafter shall he be endured by God in the mute. And as a pilgrim who is refreshed with-
holy office; for he shall be thrust down there in the temple of his vow as he looks around,
where Simon Magus is for his deserts, and and hopes some day to report how it was, so,
shall make him of Anagna go lower." journeying through the living light, I carried
my eyes over the ranks, now up, now down,
CANTO XXXI and now circling about. I saw faces persuasive
IN form then of a pure white rose the holy to love, beautified by the light of Another and
host was shown to me, which, in His own by their own smile, and actions graced with
blood, Christ made His bride. But the other, every dignity.
which, and sings the glory of Him
flying, sees 52. My look had now comprehended the
who enamours and the goodness which
it, general form of Paradise as a whole, and on no
made it so great, like a swarm of bees which part had my sight as yet been fixed; and I
one while inflower themselves and one while turned me with rekindled wish to ask my Lady
return to where their work acquires savor, about things as to which my mind was in sus-
were descending into the great flower which is pense. One thing I
purposed, and another an-
adorned with so many leaves, and thence ris- swered me; I was thinking to see Beatrice, and
I saw an old man, robed like the
ing up again to where their love always abides. people in
They had their faces all of living flame, and glory. His eyes and his cheeks were overspread
their wings of gold, and the rest so white that with benignant joy, his mien kindly such as be-
no snow reaches that limit. When they de- fits a tender father. And: "Where is she?" on
scended into the flower, from bench to bench, a sudden said I.

See Revelation, 3. 5. 65. Whereon he: "To terminate thy desire,
Henry VII. Beatrice urged me from my place, and if thou
"Pope Clement V for a time ostensibly supported lookest up to the third circle from the highest
Henry VII in his Italian expedition, but gradually in
underhand fashion turned against him. He died in rank, thou wilt again see her upon the throne
1314, eight months after the death of Henry.
4 6
Anagni, where Boniface VIII was born, Sec Purgatory, xxv. 130-137.
which her merits have With-
allotted to her." 118. 1 lifted up my eyes; and as at morning
out answering up my eyes, and saw her
I lifted the eastern parts of the horizon surpass that

as she had made for herself a crown reflecting where the sun declines, thus, as if going with
from herself the eternal rays. From that region my eyes from valley to mountain, I saw a part
which thunders highest up no mortal eye is so on the extreme verge vanquishing in light all
far distant, in whatsoever sea it lets itself sink the rest of the front. And even as there where
was my sight. the pole which Phaethon guided ill is awaited,
deepest, as there from Beatrice
But this was naught to me, for her image did the glow is brightest, and on this side and that
not descend to me blurred by aught between. the light diminishes, so that pacific oriflamme

79. "O Lady, in whom my hope is strong, was vivid at the middle, and on each side in
and who, for my salvation, didst endure to equal measure the flame slackened. And at that
leave thy footprints in Hell, of all those things mid-part I saw more than a thousand jubilant
which I have seen through thy power and Angels with wings outspread, each distinct
I recognize the grace
both in effulgence and in act. I saw there, smil-
through thy goodness,
and the virtue. Thou hast drawn me from ser- ing at their sports and at their songs, a Beauty
vitude to liberty by those ways, by all the
all which was joy in the eyes of all the other saints.
modes whereby thou hadst the power to do it.
And if I had such wealth in speech as in imag-
Guard thou in me thine own magnificence so ining, I should not dare attempt the least of its

that mywhich thou hast made whole,

soul, delightfulness.

may, pleasing to thee, be unloosed from the 139. Bernard, when he saw my eyes fixed
and intent upon the objectof his own burning
body." Thus I prayed; and she, so distant, as
it seemed, smiled and looked at me; then glow, turned his own with such affection to it,
turned to the eternal fountain. that he made mine more ardent to gaze anew.

94. And the holy old man said: "In order

that thou mayst complete perfectly thy journey,
for which end prayer and holy love sent me,
WITH affection set on his Delight, that con-
fly with thine eyes through
this garden; for

seeing it will prepare thy look to mount fur- templator freely assumed the office of a teach-
ther through the divine radiance. And the er, and began these holy words: "The wound

of Heaven, for whom I burn wholly which Mary closed up and anointed, that one
with love, will grant us every grace, because who is so beautiful at her feet is she who
I am her faithful Bernard."
opened and who pierced it. Beneath her, in

1 03. As is he who comes perchance from the order which the third seats make, sits Ra-
Crotia to see our Veronica, who by reason of its chel with Beatrice, as thou seest. Sara, Rebecca,

ancient fame is never sated, but says in thought, Judith, and she who was great-grandmother of
so long asit is shown: "My Lord Jesus
the singer who, through sorrow for his sin,
true God, was then your semblance like to said Miserere mei? thou mayst see thus from
this?" such was I, gazing on the living rank to rank in gradation downward, as with
of him who, in this world, in contemplation, the name of each I go downward through the

tasted of that peace. rose from leaf to leaf. And from the seventh
112. "Son of Grace, this glad existence," be- row downwards, even asdown to it, Hebrew
women follow in succession, dividing all the
gan he, "will not be known to thee holding
tresses of the flower; because these are the wall
thine eyes only down here at the base, but
look on the circles even to the most remote, un- by which the sacred stairs are separated ac-
til thou upon her seat the Queen to
seest whom
*This oriflamme isthe part of the rose of Paradise
this realm is subject and devoted." where the Virgin is seated;its mid -point is the Virgin
*St. Bernard of Clairvaux, to whom the Blessed herself. It is called "pacific" in contrast with the war-
Virgin had appeared during his life. like oriflamme, the banner given by the archangel
The likeness of the Saviour miraculously impressed Gabriel to the ancient kings of France, which bore a
upon the kerchief presented to Him by a holy woman, flame on a field of gold (aurea flam ma).
on His way to Calvary, wherewith to wipe the sweat Ruth.
and dust from His face. '"Have mercy upon me." Psalms, 51. i.
cording to the look which faith turned on grace, the highest light must needs befittingly
Christ." crown them. Without, then, merit from their
22. "On this side, where the flower is mature own ways, they are placed in different grades,
with all its leaves, are seated those who believed differing only in their primary keenness of vi-
in Christ about to come. On the other side, sion. In the early centuries, indeed, the faith of

where the broken by empty

semicircles are parents alone sufficed, together with innocence,
spaces, are those who turned their faces on to secure salvation; after the first ages were

Christ already come. And as on this side the complete, it was needful for males, through cir-
glorious seat of the Lady of Heaven, and the cumcision, to acquire power for their innocent
other seats below make
so great a division,
it, wings. But after the time of grace had come,
thus, opposite, does the seat of the great John, without perfect baptism in Christ, such inno-
who, ever holy, endured the desert and martyr- cence was held back there below.

dom, and then Hell for two years; and be- 85. "Look now upon the face which most
neath him Francis and Benedict and Augus- resembles Christ, for only its brightness can
tine and others are allotted thus to divide, far prepare thee to see Christ."
down as here from circle to circle. 88. 1 saw raining down on her such great
37. "Now behold the high divine foresight; joy, borne in the holy minds created to fly a-
for one and the other aspect of the faith will cross through that height, that whatsoever I
fill this garden equally. And know that down- had seen before held me not suspended in such
wards from the row which midway cleaves the great wonder, nor showed to me such likeness
two divisions, they are seated for no merit of unto God. And that Love which had before de-
their own, but for that of others, under certain scended to her, in front of her spread wide
conditions; for all these are spirits absolved ere his wings, singing, Ave, Maria, gratia plena.
they had true power of choice. Well canst thou The blessed Court responded to the divine

perceive it by their faces, and also by their song from all sides, so that every countenance
childish voices, if thou lookest well upon them became thereby the more serene.
and if thou listenest to them. Now thou art 100. O
holy Father, who for me endurest to
perplexed, and in perplexity art silent; but I be here below, leaving the sweet place in which
will loose for thee the strong bond in which thou sittest by eternal allotment, who is that

thy subtle thoughts fetter thee. Within the am- Angel who with such joy looks into the eyes
plitude of this realm a casual point can have of our Queen, so enamoured that he seems of
no place, any more than sadness, or thirst, or fire?" Thus did I again recur to the teaching
hunger; for whatever thou seest is established of him who was deriving beauty from Mary,
by eternal law, so that here the ring answers as the morning star from the sun. And he to
exactly to the finger. And therefore this folk, me, "Confidence and grace as much as there
hastened to true life, is not sine causa more and can be in Angel and in soul, are all in him, and
less excellent here among themselves. we would have it so, for he it is who bore the
6i."The King, through whom this realm palm down to Mary, when the Son of God
reposes in such great love and in such great willed to load Himself with our burden.

delight that no will dares for more, creating 115. "But come now with thine eyes; as I
all the minds in His own glad aspect, endows shall proceed speaking, and note the great pa-
with grace diversely according to His pleasure; tricians of this most just and pious empire.
and here let the fact suffice. And this is express- Those two who sit there above, most happy
ly and clearly noted for you in the Holy Scrip- through being nearest to the Empress, are, as it
ture in the case of those twins who, within were, two roots of this rose. He who on the left
their mother, had their anger stirred. There- is next her is the Father because of whose auda-
cious tasting the human race tastes so much bit-
fore, according to the color of the hair of such
terness. On the right see that ancient Father of
The two years from the death of John to the death
of Christ; these he passed in limbo. "See Genesis, 25. 25.
a 4
Jacob and Esau. See Genesis, 25. 22; Romans, 9. See Canto xxin. 94.
11-12. 'The angel Gabriel; see Luke, i. 26.
Holy Church, to whom Christ entrusted the man, who, from the lowest abyss of the uni-

keys of this lovely flower. And he who saw be- verse, far even as here, has seen one after one
fore his death all the grievous times of the fair the spiritual lives, supplicate thee of grace, for
bride, who was won with the spear and with power such that he may be able with his eyes to
the nails, sits at his side; and by the other rests uplift himself higher toward the Ultimate Sal-
that leader, under whom the ingrate, fickle and vation. And I, who never for my own vision
stubborn people lived on manna. Opposite burned more than I do for his, proffer to thee
Anna sitting, so content to gaze upon
Peter see all
my prayers, and pray that they be not scant,
her daughter, that she moves not her eyes as that with thy prayers thou wouldst
dispel for
she sings Hosannah; and opposite the eldest him every cloud of his mortality, so that the
father of a family sits Lucia, who moved thy Supreme Pleasure may be displayed to him.
Lady, when thou didst bend thy brow to rush Further I
pray thee, Queen, who canst whatso
downward. thou wilt, that, after so great a vision, thou
139. "But because the time flies which holds wouldst preserve his affections sound.
May thy
thee slumbering, here will we make a stop, guardianship vanquish human impulses. Be-
like a good tailor who makes the gown accord- hold Beatrice with all the Blessed for
my 5
ing as he has cloth, and we will direct our eyes prayers clasp their hands to thee."
to the First Love, so that, looking towards 40. The eyes beloved and venerated by God,
Him, thou mayst penetrate so far as is possible fixed on the speaker, showed to us how
through His effulgence. But, lest perchance, ing unto her are devout prayers. Then to the
moving thy wings, thou go backward, believ- Eternal Light were they directed, to which it
ing to advance, it is needful that grace be ob- may not be believed that eye so clear of any
tained by prayer; grace from her who has the creature enters in.

power to aid thee; and do thou follow me with 46. And I, who to the end of all desires was
thy affection so that thy heart depart not from approaching, even as I ought, ended within
my speech." myself the ardor of my longing. Bernard made
151. And he began this holy prayer. a sign to me, and smiled, that I should look
ward; but I was already, of myself, such as he
CANTO XXXIII wished; for my sight, becoming pure, was en-
"VIRGIN Mother, daughter of thine own Son, tering more and more through the radiance of
humble and exalted more than any creature, the lofty Light which in Itself is true.
fixed term of the eternal counsel, thou art she Thenceforward was greater
55. my vision
who didst so ennoble human nature that its than our speech, which yields to such a
own Maker disdained not to become its crea- and the memory yields to such excess.
ture. Within thy womb was rekindled the Love 58. As is he who dreaming sees, and after the
through whose warmth this flower has thus dream the passion remains imprinted, and the
blossomed in the eternal peace. Here thou art rest returns not to the mind, such am for
I; my
to us the noonday torch of charity, and below, vision almost wholly departs, which the sweet-
among mortals, thou art the living fount of ness that was born of it yet distils within
hope. Lady, thou art so great, and so avaiiest, heart. Thus the snow
by the sun unsealed; is

that whoso would have grace, and has not re- thus by the wind, on the light leaves, was lost
course to thee, would have his desire with- the saying of the Sibyl.
out wings. not only succors him
Thy benignity 67, O
Supreme Light, that so high upliftest
who asks, but oftentimes freely foreruns the Thyself from mortal conceptions, re-lend to
asking. In thee mercy, in thee pity, in thee my mind a little of what Thou didst appear,
magnificence, in thee whatever of goodness is and make my
tongue so powerful that it may
in any creature, are united. Now doth this be able to leave one single
spark of Thy glory
for the folk to
come; for, by returning some-
John the Evangelist.
"See Hell, li. 97-108; Purgatory, ix.
to my memory and by sounding a little in
,.. 8
Cf. Chaucer, in The Second Nun's
Tale, for a
Cf. Cantos i. 73"755 ii. 37-39- paraphrase of the larger part of this prayer.
these verses, more of Thy victory shall be con- was gazing, which is
always such as was be-it

ceived. fore; but through my sight, which was grow-

think that by the keenness of the living
76. 1 ing strong in me as I looked, one sole appear-
ray which I endured, I should have been dazed ance, as I
myself changed, was altering itself to

if my eyes had been averted from it; and I re- me.

member that on this account I was the more 115. Within the profound and clear subsist-

hardy to sustain conjoined

it till I my gaze ence of the lofty Light appeared to me three
with the Infinite Goodness. circles of three colors and of one dimension;

82. O abundant Grace, whereby I

presumed and one seemed reflected by the other, as Iris
to fix my look through the Eternal Light till by Iris, and the third seemed fire which from
that there I consummated the seeing! the one and from the other is equally breathed

85. 1 saw depth is enclosed, bound

that in its forth.

up with love in one volume, that which is dis- 121.0 how inadequate is speech, and how

persed in leaves through the universe; sub- feeble toward my conception! and this toward
stance and accidents and their modes, fused what I saw is such that it suffices not to call it
together, as it were, in such wise, that that of little.

which I speak is one simple Light. The univer- 124.0 Light Eternal, that sole abidest in

sal form of this knot I believe that I saw, be- Thyself, sole understandest Thyself, and, by
cause, in saying this, I feel that I rejoice more Thyself understood and understanding, lovest
spaciously. One single moment only is greater
and smilest on Thyself! That circle, which ap-
oblivion for me than five and twenty centuries peared in Thee generated as a reflected light,
to the emprise which made Neptune wonder being awhile surveyed by my eyes, seemed to
at the shadow of Argo/ me depicted with our effigy within itself, of its
97. Thus my mind, wholly rapt, was gazing own very color; wherefore my sight was wholly
fixed, motionless, and and ever with set upon it. As is the geometer who
intent, wholly ap-
gazing grew enkindled. In that Light one be- plies himself to measure the circle, and finds
comes such that it is impossible he should ever not by thinking that principle of which he is in
consent to turn himself from it for other sight; need, such was I at that new sight. I wished
because the Good which isthe object of the to see how the image was conformed to the
will is all collected in it, and outside of it that circle, and how it has its
place therein; but my
is defective which is
perfect there.
own wings were not for this, had it not been
1 06. Now will my speech fall more short, that my mind was smitten by a flash in which
even in respect to that which I remember, than its wish came.
that of an infant who still bathes his tongue at 142.To the high fantasy here power failed;
the breast. Not because more than one simple but now my desire and my will were revolved,
semblance was in the Living Light wherein I like awheel which is moved evenly, by the
See Aquinas, Summa Q A Love which moves the sun and the other
Theologica, Part. I, 4, 2.
Because it was the first vessel that sailed the sea. stars.


I. Limbo :

II. Carnal Sinners

III. Gluttons

IV. Avaricious & Prodigal a:

Vi Wmthful '& &

MdanMy a,

A 3

VII. 1.
^ants &* Marauders 3
Violence &= 2. SuiciaVs & SpenJthrijb

Bestiality 3.

2. Flatterers

3. Simoniacs

4. Diviners

5. Barterers


8. Evil Counselors

9. Schismatics
tKe Giants

Caina /

a- i ^ \ AnUnora I Country
YGiuiccay Lor<2s


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H THE GREA T IDEAS, Volumes 2 and 3




I THE GREAT IDEAS, Volumes 2 and 3



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