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5/16/2019 Untitled document - Google Docs

12th Grade Best Work

In the first semester of my 12th grade, we made a poster board in my plant and soil class.

My group and I chose to do hydroponics. Hydroponics is growing plants in sand, gravel and/or

peat moss by adding nutrients without using soil. We chose hydroponics because it is an

alternative way to grow plants indoor whether at home, at work or in a classroom. It is

environmental friendly and less time consuming. While doing this project, I learned more about

hydroponics. I also help my friend sometimes to take care of the plants and transfer them when

they are big enough and replace for a new one. Throughout the whole course, I learned how to

assemble the tank. The tank consists of two basins, the bottom layer (contained with fertilized

water) and the top layer (holds the plant).

I enjoy doing the project because it’s fun to see that the seed that you planted grew into a

beautiful plant. It reminds me of myself at school. A small kid from 9th grade that grew into a

young lady. I also enjoy building the tanks because it looked so complicated but when you get to

try doing it, it actually really easy. What I like the most about this project is that it is less time

consuming, I dont have to take it out for sunlight and water it. It is not much of a husel as long as

you know how to take care of it. 1/2
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