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SAMBA(file transfer from windows to linux or linux to

windows)can be done on windows only.

On the linux PC check samba is installed or not
Open terminal
Rpm –qa|grep samba
Samba should be available ,if it is not there then copy it from other site
Create a directory
Mkdir / aaa
We should give permission to read write and execute
Chmod –R 777 /aaa/
Give the password
Smbpasswd –a root
Give new password  root123
Pdbedit –L
Vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
Press the down arrow and come to the last line
Copy from [public] to write list = +staff
Then type ############################################
[ aaa]
comment= public stuff
path = /aaa
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
write list = +staff
host allow=10.x.x.x.
quit the vim editor
service smb restart
service nmb restart
chkconfig smb on
chkconfig nmb on
After doing all this we will be able to transfer the files
Now close the terminal on the linux machine.
Go to ur windows PC my computer right click 
Click on the map network drive, adialog box will appear as below
Enter the folder name => the ip address of the required linux PC and click on finish.

Now go to my computer , under the title network location all the hard idsks of the linux pc
will appear

We can open it and copy any file or folder from one location to another as we usually copy
files and folders in a windows PC.

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